
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
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=== brainwas- is now known as brainwash
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
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=== Jimmothy is now known as Jimothy
=== Jimothy is now known as Jimojim
Jimojimbitlbee package in trusty has a major bug that the devs fixed 10 months ago but the ubuntu package is still behind20:59
Jimojimis there a way to have the ubuntu package updated to 3.2.2?21:00
jtaylorif someone does the work, yes21:02
jtaylorsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:02
jtaylorif 3.2.2 only contains really safe bugfixes a full release update is possible, otherwise a backport of the fix is needed21:03
Jimojimone of the devs says he submitted the required bug report but it's been ignored for months21:05
jtayloryes thats normal, unfortunately someone has to do the actual work21:07
jtaylorubuntu universe is very very short on maintainers21:07
jtaylorunless you are lucky a bug report on a universe package is often a waste of time, better are patches and subscribing ubuntu-sponsors to the bug21:08
jtaylor+ lots of patience21:08
Jimojimif you happen to see one, please let him know bitlbee is broken and needs updating21:14
brainwashplease re-open bug 117711621:38
ubot5bug 1177116 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Xfwm4's 'dialog' window has an unused maximise-button" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711621:38
brainwashI've added a comment (#21)21:38
tewardbrainwash: we don't typically 'reopen' 'fix released' bugs - the general procedure is to provide additional details in where you see it (including software package version) and report what version ou see that on21:40
brainwashteward: I guess that makes sense21:41
brainwashok, thank you :)21:41
tewardbrainwash: if it is indeed not fixed in a specific release, or rather, this 'released' fix doesn't solve the issue, a separate bug referring back to the other bug is likely necessary - reporting that the fix didn't work, or similar.  However you need to make sure you're on a version of the software which has the fix... it looks to me like Trusty has the fix in it, but if that isn't the case you need to start checking to make sure you have21:43
tewardthat version or newer.21:43
brainwashyeah, I've provided the patch for the bug and it works mostly, but there seems to be some cases which are not covered yet21:45
tewardbrainwash: then those need to be referenced and detailed, and test cases provided to make sure others can confirm that those cases aren't fixed21:46
tewardassuming of course that the bug fixes most of the cases, but not all of them, then you should open a separate bug probably detailing the individual cases in which it does not work21:48
tewardso that can be upstreamed and then fixed21:48
tewardhowever if Trusty is affected, you need to test Vivid first21:48
tewardto make sure Vivid is or isn't affected first21:48
teward(if Vivid is not impacted, then you're good, however if it is impacted, it needs fixed there AND in trusty (via SRU for Trusty))21:48
brainwashit's just a minor issue, really no need to mention SRU :P21:49
brainwashI just thought that re-opening the bug report should be fine, because no one expect me cares about this issue anyway21:50
brainwashthis way I would have all the info in one place21:51
tewardbrainwash: well, 'Fix Released' is issued when the fix lands in a release, and the changelog is attached (autoclose)21:53
tewardwe usually don't reopen a 'fix released' bug, rather post another bug (I believe) saying the issue ISN'T fixed, but your comment should be sufficient to spark checks...21:53
teward... assuming you provide test cases for those cases where it's not fixed21:53
tewardthere may be a message saying to make another bug at some point though21:53
brainwashI will do that, thanks for the detailed answers :)21:54
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr

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