
pleia2bkerensa: your message only went to me01:50
mhall119jcastro: you should get Reddit using the new reddit charm, their site has barely loaded all day02:16
josemhall119: reddit charm?! where?!03:29
mhall119jose: sabdfl mentioned it during his UOS session last month03:38
czajkowskijust when I thought I had caught up on mail mre threds start with the same topics just a different subject :(09:13
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
balloonsI agree, so many mailing list threads. They just continue to build in my inbox :-)13:54
dholbachI think we need a weekly meeting (at least for now) where people who have ideas and actionable proposals discuss them and people can congregate around ideas13:56
dholbachmaybe Friday? 15/16 UTC, usual meeting time?13:59
czajkowskilovely idea14:09
belkinsadholbach, +1 for your idea14:14
dholbachmhall119, dpm, popey, balloons: ^ your thoughts?14:15
dholbachlet me check the #u-meeting cal14:15
dholbachfriday is free14:16
dpmdholbach, sounds good14:17
dholbachis 15 utc fine for you? 16 might be better right now for the us west coast14:17
balloonswill it have an agenda? I fear more of the same unless you have an agenda of ideas and people coming to commit to them14:17
dholbachwe could make it so that people who feel strongly about a topic or have a specific idea could add it to the agenda14:18
dholbachor bring a proposal from the list to the meeting, so we can invite lots of random people and see if they want to help out14:19
dholbachwe could try to make it a hangout too14:19
dholbachif we feel we reach more people this way14:19
mhall119dholbach: I share balloons' concerns, we should make the meeting topic about solutions and work items to avoid endless discussion of the problems14:38
dholbachmhall119, yes, that's what I meant14:38
balloonsdholbach, my point is before you plan the date and time, you need to have a solid agenda. I think you could put one together so I don't think it's a barrier persay, but I would do it first14:43
dholbachI was planning to make this a permanent institution14:43
dholbachat least for the time being14:43
balloonsok.. I see it as temporary and as needed14:44
dholbachthe list can stay around for discussion and generating ideas14:44
dholbachif the agenda is empty, no need to have a meeting14:44
dholbachif you want, we can have a chat in the Q&A later on :)14:44
* balloons erases his response14:45
balloonsheh, I suppose this warrants discussion14:45
* balloons rolls his eyes smiling14:45
* dholbach hugs balloons14:46
sotrdofthsstarwaIs there a term for the group of Canonical + non-Canonical that together comprises the greater Ubuntu project?14:46
dholbach"Ubuntu community"?14:47
mhall119^^ that14:47
sotrdofthsstarwaNo one really seems to be using that in the ML inclusively of Canonical14:47
mhall119yeah, the problem is there is no single term for "Those in the Ubuntu community who are not employed by Canonical"14:48
sotrdofthsstarwae.g. ben's phrase "This is something Ubuntu Community or Canonical"14:48
balloonssotrdofthsstarwa, interesting.. Do you differentiate?14:49
mhall119so "community" is often used as shorthand for that14:49
sotrdofthsstarwaballoons, what do you mean by differentiate?14:49
sotrdofthsstarwaOh, like do *I* personally see a difference?14:49
balloonssotrdofthsstarwa, yes.. when you say the ubuntu community, do you not mean include canonical in it?14:50
mhall119so as dholbach said, "Ubuntu Community" properly defined everybody who participates in and contributes to the Ubuntu project, regardless of their employer14:50
sotrdofthsstarwaBefore 10 minutes ago I would say no, but now I say yes14:50
sotrdofthsstarwaI suppose I might as well clarify wth I'm actually thinking about:14:50
marcoceppijcastro: it's that time again, nest energy report is out14:50
jcastromarcoceppi, 10 leafs/ :(14:50
marcoceppi28, stay warm jcastro14:51
balloonsjcastro still not wearing enough hats @ home :-)14:51
mhall119my A/C was on yesterday, my heater today, I couldn't compete with you guys14:51
jcastrowe also were sick over the weekend so I _cranked_ it14:51
sotrdofthsstarwaA lot of people use phrases that isolate Canonical from the Ubuntu Community as a whole, Ben K being just one example.14:51
balloonsI've seen him in gloves now, he's hardcore marcoceppi14:51
marcoceppiballoons: I know, he's trying to shard14:51
mhall119sotrdofthsstarwa: I wouldn't use ben as a role model on that14:51
sotrdofthsstarwamhall119, agreed, but he's just the example freshest in my mind14:52
marcoceppijcastro: I've had the AC on all month, still haven't switched to heat14:52
sotrdofthsstarwaAnd really I just want to be able to use a phrase that's inclusive14:52
sotrdofthsstarwaBecause it doesn't matter whether  I'm fixing a documentation typo or Jorge C is hacking on juju or whatever, it's all Ubuntu14:53
marcoceppijcastro: you also have like a million times the sqft that I do14:53
mhall119sotrdofthsstarwa: "Ubuntu Community" is inclusive14:53
jcastrosotrdofthsstarwa, I just say "all contributors"14:53
sotrdofthsstarwaAnyway yeah, I like "Ubuntu Community"14:54
sotrdofthsstarwaThanks all14:54
mhall119speaking as a Canonical employee, I don't like being segregated when people use the term "community" as ben does14:54
marcoceppime neither :(14:54
sotrdofthsstarwaFWIW, I think you all are doing great work and without it I wouldn't be able to buy a phone with Ubuntu on it so... you know... that's awesome14:55
mhall119sotrdofthsstarwa: :)14:56
balloonsI echo mhall119 here in that I mean everyone when I say community.14:56
nigelbbkerensa: man, I'm jealous you didn't have to take a long flight back :P15:02
sotrdofthsstarwaAnyway, bottom line, words are powerful and help set framing for conversation participants.15:03
jcastropopey, my new hardware gets here today15:03
jcastropopey, but man, the design of the node304 has blown me away.15:04
jcastrorubber grommets built in for the drives for vibration/noise, channels to tuck in wires for neatness, an external fan switch to control all three fans' speeds.15:04
dholbachpopey, balloons: shall I set up the hangout and ubuntuonair in a bit?=15:23
balloonsdholbach, sure, thanks!15:25
popeydholbach: are we doing it again?15:29
dholbachpopey, dpm pinged us about it?15:29
dholbachhe said that Mike would be busy working on developer.u.c15:30
popeysorry, catching up with irc after being afk for 1 hour is surprisingly hard it seems15:30
dpmdholbach, I think it should be enough if there is two of us15:30
dholbachI replied that I was somewhat knackered after a long drive last night, but that I'd be up for it15:30
dholbachshall we play rock paper scissors to figure it out? :-)15:31
popeyno, it's fine, I'll join ☻15:31
popeynow my PC spontaneously rebooted while I was afk, my webcam works again!15:31
popey\o/ Year of the Linux desktop!15:31
balloonsit's self-correcting!15:31
* balloons notes he is now redundant. Pc's fix themselves15:32
dholbachballoons, enjoy your holidays15:32
popeyugh, just checked my webcam and I look like death15:36
popeyflu \o/15:36
* dholbach hugs popey15:37
dholbachall right... posted on Twitter15:44
dholbachFB is next15:44
dholbachcan somebody do G+?15:44
* popey does15:48
popey184K members on the Ubuntu community on G+!?!?!15:49
dholbachI guess all your friends joined the Ubuntu community then?15:49
popeyboth of them did, yes.15:49
dholbachI thought that was the 184k :)15:50
dholbacheveryone's popey's friend15:50
popey"They're not my friends, they're just people who owe me money"15:50
balloonselfy, I was awaiting your reply :-)17:22
balloonsI know someone here, perhaps popey or elfy knows the answer to this. How can I get a nice email alias @ ubuntu.com? I'd like balloons naturally!17:25
popey!membership > balloons17:26
ubot2balloons, please see my private message17:26
popeywhat's your launchpad nick?17:26
popeythe default is that17:26
popeyyou can file an RT and ask for it maybe17:26
balloonspopey, so by default though I should have one.. hmm.. afaik, I don't have any17:29
popeyyou do17:30
popeythats the default for all ubuntu members17:30
balloonspopey, mind emailing me there and seeing if it shows? self-mailing doesn't bring anything to me17:31
popeyalready done17:32
elfyI did :)17:32
elfyha ha17:32
balloonslol.. boom, I see it17:32
balloonsthanks guys!17:32
elfyballoons: if you send from gmail I think it goes bang somewhere out over the Atlantic17:32
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:51
* belkinsa hugs dholbach17:51
* dholbach hugs belkinsa back :)17:51
elfycya dholbach17:52
elfyand hi belkinsa :)17:52
dholbachbye elfy :)17:52
belkinsao/ elfy17:52
belkinsapopey, did you e-mail UW Mailing-list on how to get invoulved in Ubuntu Phone Project?18:55
popeynot yet.19:01
popeythanks for the reminder19:01
joseballoons: ping, to confirm who'll be hosting the session tomorrow19:03
balloonsjose, unless popey wants to join me, it'll be me as the one man show19:23
popeyI can't. it's podcast night.19:24
balloonspopey, heh, you'd be bored anyway :-)20:38
popeyno no no!20:38
popeyeveryone loves autopilot20:38
popeyeven me........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz20:38
popeysorry, whuh?20:38
balloonsyou love it.. But listening to me drone one about it while screencasting; probably not so much20:38
balloonsnow salem could always use the screentime. Might make it more palatable :-)20:39
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk

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