
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
didrocksgood morning07:08
seb128good morning dektopers, lut didrocks07:09
pittibonjour didrocks et seb128, comment allez-vous ?07:09
didrockssalut pitti, bien voyagé ?07:09
seb128hey pitti07:09
didrockshey seb12807:09
pittididrocks: oui, et un bon premier jour07:09
seb128pitti, debout tôt, mais en afrique du sud ?07:09
seb128mais -> même07:09
pittiseb128: oui, nous sommes une heure avant Allemande et France07:10
pittij'ai me levé à 6h30 et je suis allé courier ce matin07:11
seb128pitti, c'est la première fois que tu voyages là bas ?07:13
pittiseb128: oui07:14
seb128et c'est comment donc ?07:14
pittiseb128: as-tu déjà été ici ?07:15
pittiseb128: c'est très bien à avoir l'été à nouveau ! :-)07:15
seb128mais on a pas encore eu l'hiver !07:16
seb128où est la neige ?07:16
pittibeaucoup de soleil après quelques semaines grises07:16
pittiseb128: oui, nous avons eu de la neige samedi à Augsburg07:16
seb128super :-)07:16
pittiseb128: thanks for the systemd bugs; zero time to look at it this week, maybe our new systemd master didrocks can :)07:19
seb128pitti, yw!07:20
didrockspitti: doing some emergency fix on the ubuntu developer tools right now + the renaming change, but yeah, I'll have a look07:35
didrockspitti: btw, happy with the outcome of the discussion on the ML, seems that Lennart agrees with our initial proposal in the end07:35
pittididrocks: yeah, I saw, nice07:35
didrockspitti: I'll try to summarize that a little bit later. I guess we'll only use presets for the Alias things07:36
didrocks(with the new logic that Lennart will appreciate a patch for)07:36
didrocksseb128: do you mind creating an "ubuntu-make" ppa? I think it makes sense having it under ~ubuntu-desktop namespace07:38
seb128didrocks, so you picked the name? ;-)07:41
didrocksseb128: yeah, it seems pretty clear from the votes :)07:43
seb128didrocks, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-make07:45
seb128or  http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make07:45
seb128hum, no07:46
seb128only the first one works, weird07:46
didrocksseb128: probably due to the /ubuntu/07:46
didrocks(this changed that happened some months ago)07:47
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot! :)07:47
willcookemorning all08:53
didrockshey willcooke08:54
seb128hey willcooke mlankhorst08:58
* didrocks grumbles again on unity bug not adding launcher icon when requested…09:00
willcookeseb128, I might be a bit late for the weekly again today.  Should be ok, but can you be on stand by in case I'm not back in time?09:00
seb128willcooke, sure, I can do that09:01
willcookemorning Laney09:05
willcookesailor cat eh?09:05
didrockshey Laney09:05
* Laney google imaged for "cat rum" and has now achieved meme saturation09:07
Laneyhey didrocks, what is up?09:07
didrocksLaney: quite in a rush (running tests now) as Android Studio 1.0 hit the market, with multiple impacts :)09:10
didrocksotherwise, good!09:10
seb128hey Laney09:12
seb128how are you?09:12
mptIs there a command that will tell me why package A installs package D? (e.g. because A depends on B, B recommends C, C depends on D)09:13
LaneyI only know 'why is D installed?' (aptitude why D)09:14
LaneyIf there's multiple reasons it picks one of them09:14
Laneynot bad thanks seb128!09:14
seb128I'm great, thanks09:14
willcookeqengho, FWIW - that status bubble issue has gone away today. :/09:16
mptThanks Laney, that’s awesome :-)09:16
mpt 😌 09:16:05@~> aptitude why ubuntu-desktop09:16
mptUnable to find a reason to install ubuntu-desktop.09:16
Laneythat's a top level package09:17
Laneyoh hey, it shows all the reasons now09:17
Laneymaybe it always did and I misremember. :)09:17
LaneyOH. No. I just can't read. It's showing the chain with one line for each step in it.09:19
seb128is anyone here having a systemd/debian vm/image/...?09:20
seb128working system works as well09:20
seb128I'm curious to know if "localectl" lists a VC keymap09:20
ricotzseb128, "       VC Keymap: n/a"09:21
seb128ricotz, thanks09:21
seb128I guess it's because there is no /etc/vconsole.conf on debian/ubuntu and no fallback code to read /etc/default/keyboard09:22
willcookeanyone know about BGRT?  (Boot graphics resource table)09:23
seb128willcooke, better to try on #ubuntu-devel, cjwatson for example might know about it09:24
willcookethx seb12809:25
seb128do you have a specific question?09:25
willcookeI don't know yet :_)09:25
willcookegoogle suggests Colin King knows :)09:25
seb128that wouldn't be surprising ;-)09:26
didrocksseb128: mind reviewing ubuntu-make in the NEW vivid queue? (as it's a new source)09:28
seb128didrocks, can do09:29
didrocksthanks ;)09:29
didrocksseb128: transitions are handled, including config file of course :)09:29
seb128larsu, bah, the vim icons in fedora are packaging hacks, they have custom icons in their packaging git and install them from the .spec09:32
seb128larsu, commented on the gtk bug to tell to mclasen that it would be good to upstream the icons so others can have "a better vim" as well ;-)09:33
ochosihey everyone09:35
ochosii read "gtk" and "upstream", so how're things going with 3.14?09:36
willcookedidrocks, did we decide on the name for UDTC now?09:38
didrockswillcooke: yeah, there is a clear winner if you look at the poll :)09:39
willcookejust looking at that now09:39
willcookeDo you know who came up with it?09:39
didrockswillcooke: I have him on the g+ post, I'll mention it on the blog post and ask him to contact me09:39
didrockswillcooke: at the same time, there is android studio 1.0 which just come out09:40
didrocksthey deprecated (no more available bundle eclipse ADT) and changed the download page09:40
larsuseb128: haha! cool, thanks :)09:40
didrockswillcooke: hence the 0.2 release, fixing that, removing eclipse ADT, and shipping the new name :)09:40
willcookedidrocks, need a hand with anything?09:40
didrockswillcooke: everything is uploaded, just need NEWing in vivid, new ppa changed09:41
didrockswiki page updated09:41
didrocksand redirection done09:41
seb128larsu, np ;-)09:41
didrocksjust need writing the blog post now09:41
willcookethanks didrocks09:41
seb128ochosi, larsu had most of the theme issues sorted out and is working on the icons issue, once that's done we should be mostly good for upload09:42
didrockswillcooke: I didn't change the github one yet, I've been redirected to the right guy, but he's AFK :)09:42
willcookedidrocks, oki, no worries09:42
didrockswillcooke: but ppa is the new one, which is the most important anyway09:42
ochosiseb128: wow cool, that sounds like it's progressing quickly and smoothly09:42
ochosiwhat icons-issue?09:42
seb128ochosi, see http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v09:42
ochosiah, thanks!09:44
ochosii remember having seen it before now that i've read my own comment in the chat in the pad :p09:45
* ochosi has a brain like swiss cheese obviously...09:45
seb128didrocks, ubuntu-make NEWed09:48
* didrocks hugs seb12809:48
* didrocks takes his pen now and open his blog09:49
Laneysounds like an ubuntu fork of GNU make :P09:49
* Laney runs09:49
* seb128 hugs didrocks back09:49
didrocksLaney: shhhhhhhhh ;)09:49
seb128Laney, you are trolling but that's what I though when I saw the name09:50
* didrocks hides his new git branch09:50
seb128I would have called it "make*s*" at least09:50
seb128but seems other like the idea, so let's see ;-)09:50
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willcookebah U8 still wont start on my desktop next machine10:02
seb128willcooke, what's in the logs?10:02
willcookenothing useful in unity-system-compositor.log10:02
seb128what about .cache/upstart/unity8.log ?10:03
willcookewell, there's a funny thing10:03
willcookeit doesnt exist10:03
willcookeany more10:03
seb128didrocks, what enable systemd services in packages atm? is that automatic/handled by dh_systemd doing magic?10:03
seb128willcooke, is unity8 installed?10:03
willcookethere are a load of .gz rotated logs, but no normal log10:03
seb128dpkg -l | grep unity810:04
willcooke  Installed: 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu110:04
willcooke  Candidate: 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu110:04
willcooke  Version table:10:04
willcooke *** 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1 010:04
willcooke        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/universe amd64 Packages10:04
willcooke        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status10:04
willcookeii  unity8                                               8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1                amd64        Unity 8 shell10:04
willcookeii  unity8-common                                        8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1                all          Unity 8 shell (common files)10:04
willcookeii  unity8-desktop-session-mir                           1.0.12+14.10.20141009-0ubuntu1              all          Unity8 desktop session for Mir10:04
willcookeii  unity8-private:amd64                                 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1                amd64        Unity 8 private libs10:04
seb128can you wipe out .cache/upstart10:04
seb128try to start unity8 session10:04
seb128and see if there is any log added10:04
mlankhorstwillcooke: do you still have my ppa enabled?10:05
willcookeseb128,  that worked, logs now10:05
willcookemlankhorst, yeah10:06
seb128willcooke, weird10:06
seb128oh, wait10:06
willcookeunity8: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmirplatform.so.4: symbol _ZN3mir7logging3logENS0_8SeverityERKSs, version MIR_COMMON_3 not defined in file libmircommon.so.3 with link time reference10:06
seb128"worked" means you get log10:06
seb128seems like you mir install is screwed10:06
seb128willcooke, dpkg -l | grep libmir10:06
willcookeI'll just reinstall, probably easiest10:06
seb128that's not easier10:06
seb128what's the output of that command ^?10:07
didrocksseb128: dh_systemd is pasting some magic in postinst, yeah10:07
didrocksseb128: why?10:07
willcookeseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9439632/10:07
duflualf__: Also software cursor during zoom FTW (Super+mousewheel)10:08
seb128willcooke, try to sudo apt-get install libmirclient-debug-extension1/vivid libmirclient8/vivid libmirclient8driver-mesa/vivid libmircommon3/vivid10:08
seb128willcooke, with the ppa disabled10:08
seb128didrocks, I was looking at why cgmanager status is disabled10:09
seb128didrocks, the rules has "        dh_systemd_enable -pcgmanager --name=cgmanager --no-enable", which explains it10:09
didrocksseb128: yeah10:10
willcookeseb128, no go.  Does this help:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9439681/10:13
seb128willcooke, still not starting?10:14
willcookeseb128, nope - just got the pointer on the screen10:14
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seb128willcooke, dpkg -l | grep +ppa10:15
seb128does that list other things10:15
seb128if so you might want to install <name>/vivid those10:15
seb128especially if they are unity8 or mir related10:15
willcookeseb128, oh, yeah there are still ppa things in there by the looks of things10:16
willcookeii  libmirplatform5:amd64                                0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - platform library10:16
willcookeii  libmirplatform5driver-mesa:amd64                     0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - platform library for Mesa10:16
willcookeii  libmirprotobuf0:amd64                                0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - RPC definitions10:16
willcookeii  libmirserver28:amd64                                 0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - server library10:16
willcookeii  mir-demos                                            0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - demonstration programs10:16
willcookeii  mir-test-tools:amd64                                 0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display Server for Ubuntu - stress tests and other test tools10:16
willcookeii  mir-utils                                            0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu2+ppa1          amd64        Display server for Ubuntu - utility programs10:16
willcookeii  unity-system-compositor                              0.0.5+15.04.20141204-0ubuntu1+ppa1          amd64        System compositor for Ubuntu10:16
willcookeI'll do that..10:16
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seb128willcooke, don't bother with the libmirplatform510:16
seb128that lib is newer than the vivid one/can't be downgraded/doesn't mater10:16
seb128but to it for protobug and u-s-c10:16
seb128(same for libmiserver28, newer than vivid, doesn't matter)10:17
mlankhorstthough qtmir should show up too..10:17
willcookeE: Release ‘vivid’ for ‘libmirplatform5driver-mesa’ was not found10:18
willcookeE: Release ‘vivid’ for ‘libmirserver28’ was not found10:18
seb128what I told you? :p10:18
seb128" that lib is newer than the vivid one/can't be downgraded/doesn't mater"10:18
seb128just do it for protobuf and u-s-c10:18
willcookerestarted lightdm - no change.  Rebooting it.....  same.  wont start10:20
seb128willcooke, dpkg -l | grep qtmir10:21
willcookeii  qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin:amd64                    0.4.4+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1               amd64        Qt plugin for Unity specific Mir APIs10:21
willcookeii  qtmir-desktop:amd64                                  0.4.4+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1               amd64        Qt platform abstraction (QPA) plugin for a Mir server (desktop)10:21
seb128that looks fine10:22
mlankhorstno it's not fine :P10:22
mlankhorstyou should have the one from my ppa10:22
seb128mlankhorst, he's downgrading to vivid, he disabled the ppa and downgraded mir/unity810:23
mlankhorstah k10:23
seb128with the ppa he was having10:23
seb128 unity8: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmirplatform.so.4: symbol _ZN3mir7logging3logENS0_8SeverityERKSs, version MIR_COMMON_3 not defined in file libmircommon.so.3 with link time reference10:23
seb128willcooke, sorry, I'm unsure what's the issue there, you don't have symbols error anymore but it looks like unity8 fails to render for some reason10:24
mlankhorstyeah probably, but that was because qtmir-desktop had to be rebuilt10:25
seb128willcooke, it might be easier to just reinstall fresh if you don't have too much context and don't mind the machine being busy for a while10:25
mlankhorstjust wait a bit, I'll upload a new qtmir10:25
seb128willcooke, ^10:26
mlankhorstin the meantime you should be able to do apt-get install qtmir-desktop=0.4.4+15.04.20141203-0ubuntu1+ppa1 qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin=0.4.4+15.04.20141203-0ubuntu1+ppa1 with the ppa enabled10:28
willcookethanks seb128 mlankhorst10:32
willcookestill broken mlankhorst seb128 :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9439856/10:35
willcookeI will give up now and get on with some other things, I'll reinstall, it wont take long and I won't lose anything on that machine10:36
seb128k, makes sense10:36
willcookethanks for you help seb12810:36
seb128yw, sorry we didn't figure it out10:36
seb128sometime it's a few reinstall and back10:36
seb128when it's not it's easier to put a fresh install over10:37
willcookehrm, unity8 is spinning and using 50% CPU, which probably means 100% of 1 CPU10:38
willcookeand so is appport10:39
willcookeI assume we've got a crash, restart cycle going on here10:39
mlankhorstI seem to get a crash from u8 on the phone when running Xmir10:47
didrockspitti: was it intended that you didn't merge my autopkg tests on systemd?11:30
pittididrocks: not intended, just stuck in travelling and sprint :/11:35
didrockspitti: no worry, /me adds that to the tracking list11:36
didrockspitti: and a new one for you: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/0001-Add-xdiagnose-graphical-as-a-fallback-if-display-man.patch11:42
pittididrocks: mind adding bugs for all the patches and assign them to me? IRC is too easy to get lost11:42
didrockspitti: sure, doing11:43
* didrocks feels like it's like if he didn't add upload rights in ubuntu to do this git in debian :/11:44
Laneyyou can sign up for an alioth account and then it'll be a bit easier for it to be merged11:46
Laneyand/or you could be added to pkg-systemd in time11:46
pittiyes, that's what I meant11:46
LaneyI was referring to public_git in the first one, but go straight to pkg-systemd is nicer11:47
didrocksLaney: well, nothing that will really fix it right now, I doubt I'll be added to pkg-systemd for now (due to the shared repo with debian)11:48
Laneyor just push to e.g. github and get pulled from time to time11:48
Laneypitti just hinted he could add you though :)11:49
didrocksLaney: I guess "in time" ;)11:49
pittididrocks: at least you could put your own repo there with your patches11:54
pittibut I wouldn't mind at all if you push stuff to pkg-system in a branch, or simple fixes11:54
* didrocks tries to find back his alioth account11:56
didrockswill just be a pain to sync but well11:56
didrocksLaney: where should I push to have my own alioth repo?12:09
* didrocks doesn't see a personal repo in https://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=10079712:10
didrocksLaney: it seems I have to create a project, but non DD can't12:12
Laneydidrocks: https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Using_personal_Git_repositories12:13
didrocksLaney: "You have to be a member of at least one project to be able to login via ssh"12:16
didrocks(from https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/SSH)12:17
Laneyah well12:17
Laneyguess you get to be added to pkg-systemd after all :-)12:17
didrockspitti: FYI ^12:18
* Laney has defeated make finally12:18
didrocksanyway, we'll see, I can play with patches, just a pain to track (especially for those I've upload rights, theorically)12:18
didrocksLaney: what have you done?12:18
Laneywas working on a helper for desktop file renames12:19
didrocksor I can maybe use github in between…12:20
didrockswould be easier to track12:21
didrocksdpm: hey, do you mind accepting all languages from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-make/+imports?12:51
didrocksdpm: they are coming from trunk, and was on the older name namespace (seems I can't accept them)12:51
dpmdidrocks, the languages should get imported automatically following the imported template12:55
didrocksdpm: yeah, but they need approval12:55
dpmyeah, but what I'm trying to say is that LP should take care of doing the approvals12:56
didrocksdpm: oh, it will approved them without human intervention?12:56
dpmwhen was the template imported?12:56
didrocksdpm: today12:56
dpmdidrocks, yeah, the only human intervention needed is for a human to approve the template once. After that: the .po files should be imported automatically after the template import, and subsequent template uploads won't require human approval12:57
didrocksdpm: ok, great! let's wait then :)12:57
dpmdidrocks, however... how did you do the upload?12:58
dpmdid you put everything in the same tarball? I.e. pot and po files?12:58
didrocksdpm: look at the link, it's an upstream import from trunk12:59
dpmdidrocks, ok, I see it now: in that case, I'd recommend:12:59
dpm- changing the import settings to "Import template files" (once the initial .po files import has finished)13:00
dpm- set up a translations export branch13:00
didrocksdpm: that's the setup I have with the old project name13:01
didrocksdpm: but I wanted to have the initial import of .po file13:01
dpmwith this you can get translations done in LP, committed to a branch, and then you can fetch them from there and commit them upstream13:01
dpmok, gotcha13:01
didrocksyeah :)13:01
dpmalso, it'd be good if the permissions for translations were set to Restricted (Ubuntu Translators) instead of Open13:02
didrocksdpm: the fact this the po are written to "needs review" is quite misleading13:02
didrocksdpm: well, I tried that for the first 6 months, I didn't get a lot of translations though13:02
didrocksI guess because it's not ubuntu touch, so not a lot of motivations13:03
dpmdidrocks, having translations as Open only brings bad translations in my experience. Did you send an e-mail to the ubuntu-translators list announcing the project? I think that should be more effective13:03
didrocksdpm: ok, will try that, but we need the intial import to be done first13:04
didrocksdpm: is that like taking a day? some hours ?13:04
dpmdidrocks, wait, I now see the template marked as Deleted? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-make/trunk/+imports13:04
didrocksdpm: yeah, I renamed the template in the newest commit to match expectations13:05
dpmI'll just go ahead and approve all files manually, that'll be quicker13:05
didrocksdpm: the po files don't need to change, so sounds good, thanks!13:05
dpmdidrocks, what's the name of the new template?13:05
didrocksdpm: ubuntu-make.pot13:05
dpmok, I'll change that manually in LP too13:06
didrocksthanks ;)13:06
dpmdidrocks, ok, all languages approved, template name and path fixed to reflect upstream. You can see the languages as they come in at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-make13:12
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didrocksdpm: many thanks!13:15
didrockssounds all good! :)13:15
pittididrocks: you had another patch for fixing one of the tests, right? can you attach that, too?13:28
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seb128dpm, pitti, what determine if a template should be included in the touch langpacks? or asked differently, we just got https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/ubuntu-ui-extras enabled, is there anything we need to do to have that new template in the next rtm touch langpacks?13:43
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didrockspitti: oh right, forgot about that one, looking in my logs13:58
desrtbonan matenon, ubuntanoj!13:58
seb128hey desrt14:01
dpmseb128, langpack-o-matic determines it using the template priority. I think anything under 100 does not go in, but I'd need to double-check with pitti14:01
seb128dpm, well, priorities/set for desktop and touch are different so one number can't determine in which set it goes?14:02
seb128dpm, like gedit is high priority but not in touch14:02
dpmseb128, it probably uses the seeds + priority14:03
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pittiseb128, dpm: yes, germinated touch seeds, minus the packages which have prio < 150014:04
seb128dpm, pitti, ok, so the priority should be changed to something else than 0 on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/ubuntu-ui-extras/+pots/ubuntu-ui-extras/+edit I guess14:05
pittiseb128, dpm: I treat a priority of 0 as "unset" and include it14:05
dpmseb128, done, priority now 850014:06
seb128dpm, pitti: thanks14:06
pittididrocks: I mean the 0002-Reset-display-manager-symlink-to-match-e-X-d-d-m.patch14:14
pittididrocks: ah, you just did, thakns14:15
didrockspitti: yeah ;)14:15
didrocksbregma: Trevinho: willcooke: any news on bug #1364070. I keep getting poke or having bug reports like https://github.com/didrocks/ubuntu-developer-tools-center/issues/5414:19
ubot5bug 1364070 in unity (Ubuntu) "utopic and trusty unity (7.3.1+14.10.20140811-0ubuntu1) launcher addition through gsettings isn't picked up" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136407014:19
didrocksI find the time since May a little bit long TBH :/14:19
bregmaTrevinho, isn't that a bamf issue? ^^^14:20
Trevinhobregma: no, an unity one, but I've not been able to find the problem in my old tests14:21
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didrocksbregma: Trevinho: so, what's the next step? It seems that the only way for me would be to soon replace "Installation complete" by "please add it from the dash to the unity launcher"14:30
didrocks(and eventually a bug reference to stop having people reporting this issue)14:30
didrocksI can be patient, but I feel like this bug is ignored14:31
seb128didrocks, isn't there a dbus api to add to the launcher? wasn't s-c doing that?14:31
didrocksseb128: the API is tied to s-c14:31
seb128hum, k14:31
didrocksseb128: so, you need progress, a pixmap that will be copied14:31
didrocksand so on14:31
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah, you can use dbus in case14:32
didrocksTrevinho: this is tied to s-c though14:32
seb128didrocks, but yeah, in any case the gsettings/unity bug should be fixed14:32
didrocksTrevinho: we already discussed it, and came together the conclusion that it's not applicable14:32
seb128buy some beer to Trevinho ;-)14:32
bregmawhy would a Launcher API be tied to s-c?14:32
didrocksbregma: it's using some x/y coordinates to move an icon from s-c to the launcher14:33
Trevinhobregma: because there has never been a real "launcher API" for such thing14:33
* bregma wants a virtual hit-upside-the-head button for bad developers14:33
didrockswillcooke: can you help ensure it's really on the priority list, please? ^14:34
willcookedidrocks, ack14:37
mlankhorstaw, the gles on my phone doesn't support KHR_surfaceless_context14:40
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
* willcooke -> school run15:14
seb128it's meeting time +1 min15:31
seb128sorry about that ;-)15:31
seb128is willcooke back?15:32
seb128didrocks, Laney, attente_, desrt, larsu, qengho, Sweet5hark, mlankhorst, hey, meeting?15:32
seb128#meeting start15:33
seb128or how is the bot working? ;-)15:33
Laneywith a #15:33
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Dec  9 15:33:33 2014 UTC.  The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:33
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:33
seb128Laney, thanks15:33
seb128hope everybody is doing fine15:33
seb128let's get started then15:34
seb128alphabetic order nowadays?15:34
seb128#topic attente_15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: attente_
=== qengho is now known as zengho
seb128attente_, hey, there?15:34
seb128zengho, nice try, but you are not getting away with it ;-)15:34
attente_fix for menus not working after the first opening15:34
attente_fix for the cursor not changing after activating a menu15:34
attente_hack for making top level windows appear in their own mir surface15:34
=== zengho is now known as qengho
seb128those are mir items right?15:34
attente_gdk-mir items15:35
seb128are those fixes landing on stable/lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3?15:35
seb128would be nice to get that in the archive with the new gtk15:35
attente_this is on wip/mir2 on the gnome repo15:35
seb128could that be easily backported on our current wip package?15:36
seb128I see that robert_ancell backported some mir work there already15:36
seb128k, would be nice if you could look at that15:36
seb128or work with larsu/laney to have that included in the new gtk upload15:36
seb128#topic didrocks15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: didrocks
seb128didrocks, hey :-)15:37
didrocksseb128: isn't desrt before I in alphabetical order?15:38
didrocksI can still update though ;)15:38
seb128#topic desrt15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: desrt
seb128desrt, up to you it seems15:38
* willcooke -> back. Sorry for being late.15:38
seb128hey willcooke15:39
seb128 ok, no desrt...15:39
seb128#topic didrocks15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: didrocks
seb128didrocks, really to you this time?15:39
didrocksseb128: long time no talk :)15:39
didrocksUbuntu developer desktop:15:39
didrocks* We have a new name: Ubuntu Make! Handling the transitions (config + packaging + code + projects + documentation) and blogging about it. Still ship compatible binaries under the old packaging name.15:39
didrocks* Fix for Android Studio 1.0 release15:39
didrocks* Had to drop eclipse ADT support as android developers tools team don't deliver bundles anymore with it (since Android Studio 1.0) as not under active development15:39
didrocks* Got the kde-compatible packages into the ppa15:39
didrocks* Finished transitions investigation. Missing piece is the indicator before calling for testing. Pending Robert on it.15:39
didrocks* Work on xdiagnose (completely broken for at least 2 years and half in ubuntu). Did some minimal fixes and working under systemd now!15:39
didrocks* Add autopkg tests for display managers15:39
didrocks* New fixes on the display-manager part. Dropped some more fixes (and thus reintroduces regressions) in debian as considered as too risky. We won't be impacted in vivid as we'll move all DM to systemd.15:40
didrocks* Continue upstream discussion on how to handle default jobs enablement, alias, packaging purge/removal. Seems that upstream now agrees with our original fixes! We'll sum it all up to ensure everyone is in agreement before working on this.15:40
larsuthata dude is on a roll15:40
didrockslarsu: going to s/fix/break/ systemd debian packaging! :)15:40
seb128didrocks, pointer to the summary for the systemd enablement would be welcome, once you have an online archive of the email or something15:40
didrocksseb128: yeah, you really want a summary I guess :)15:41
seb128indeed ;-)15:41
Laneysuch a manager15:41
didrocks(I guess the thread is more than 50 emails)15:41
seb128didrocks, thanks!15:41
seb128willcooke, want to take the meeting from there or should I just keep going?15:41
* Sweet5hark sneaks in and seats in the back row ...15:41
willcookeI can take it15:41
seb128it's yours then ;-à15:42
* desrt is here (sorry)15:42
willcooke#topic desrt15:42
willcookeseb128,  can you #chair me?15:42
desrtnot much to report this week.15:42
larsuwillcooke: I think seb128 has to talk to the bot, no?15:42
* happyaron is here15:42
* desrt waits15:42
* larsu hands desrt a cup of tea15:43
desrtlarsu: thx :D15:43
* Sweet5hark provides coookies15:43
desrtnow THIS is a meeting!15:43
seb128willcooke, #chair?15:43
seb128#chair willcooke15:43
meetingologyCurrent chairs: seb128 willcooke15:43
seb128sorry, new to the bot business ;-)15:43
seb128willcooke, there you go, try topic again?15:43
willcooke#topic desrt15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: desrt
desrtso it's been a kdbus week mostly15:44
desrthad a pretty good meeting about that yesterday -- we ended up changing the wire format of version 2 dbus quite a bit.... things are looking a lot better now15:44
desrtworking with the kernel guys a bit about some fixes and features we need15:44
desrtand the implementation in glib is coming along nicely now15:44
desrtunfortunately it looks like a lot of the work that samsung did is not great....15:45
desrtand with kdbus changing so much (as it is still doing) probably most of it needs redoing anyway :(15:45
larsudesrt: will we get a simpler kernel interface?15:45
desrtlarsu: yes15:45
desrtthe entire "payload" is now a properly-formed GVariant15:45
desrtso no need to unwrap another layer of header in a weird format15:45
desrtuh... also did some glib patch reviewing and mir feature chasing15:46
desrtthat's about all15:46
willcookethanks desrt15:46
willcooke#topic FJKong15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: FJKong
willcookeFJKong, is out, but I have his update:15:47
willcookecontinue pinyin search need more research on matching15:47
willcookebug tracing :switch to en and cant input punctuation15:47
willcookeafter delete skin it should turn on default skin15:47
willcooketake one day off15:47
willcooke#topic happyaron15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: happyaron
willcookehappyaron, how's it going :)15:48
willcookeI thought I saw a message from him in the backlog, but I think I was wrong15:49
Laney09/12 15:42:40  * happyaron is here15:49
larsu7 minutes is a long time on irc15:49
willcookeah, I'm not going mad15:49
happyaronin the past week, I helped to produced arm64 version of sogoupinyin15:50
happyaronbuild the RPM version (yes RPM)15:50
happyaronand re-visited all the stuff in fcitx MIR, and will talk to didrocks later this week15:51
happyaronupdated ibus solving 124019815:51
happyaronchecked compatibility problems of fcitx-qimpanel/sogou-qimpanel15:51
willcookethanks happyaron15:52
willcooke#topic Laney15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Laney
willcookeLaney, what goes?15:52
Laneythese things:15:52
Laney• v short week, on hols last week15:52
Laney• Worked on a script to provide .desktop files for those renamed in GNOME 3.14, had some fun fighting with make for that.15:52
Laney• systemd-timedated stopped supplying invalidated_properties with its PropertiesChanged signal, breaking u-s-s - fix that.15:52
Laney• Notice that it now uses systemd-timesyncd.service for managing ntp synchronisation, but the shim didn't support this new name, so filed a PR to add it.15:52
Laney• Merged vim (noticed seb128 had already handled the icon issue after starting) & just saw that it FTBFS :(15:52
larsuLaney: provide .desktop files with NoDisplay?15:53
seb128Laney, my upload ftbfs or your merge?15:53
Laneymine, dunno about yours15:54
Laneylarsu: ya, I'll share the script in a bit15:54
seb128mine built/is in vivid it seems15:54
Laneyvim has some mad testsuite15:54
Laneyseems like it's going to be fun15:54
willcookefor certain values of fun15:55
willcookethanks Laney15:55
willcooke#topic larsu15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: larsu
willcookelarsu, lay it on us15:55
larsuhey. Looked into the icon thing. Wrote a couple of patches15:55
larsulots of discussion on how to tackle this15:56
larsumatthias is still not happy with the approach (understandibly)15:56
larsuI dislike that gtk broke this without a clear way of fixing this, but meh15:56
seb128can we revert to unblock meanwhile?15:57
larsualso finally wrote a g_dbus_object_path_escape() - we use that in some indicators and ted told me he wrote a couple of copies himself15:57
seb128revert the commit I mean, or use your simple change that makes it not spec compliant but compatible?15:57
desrtlarsu: how's the dbus spec patch going? :)15:57
larsudesrt is reviewing that and will take it if we put the escaping scheme into the spec15:57
larsu(see above ;) )15:57
desrtlarsu: after bouncing back and forth a couple of times i think the patch is fine (once you fix the docs issues)15:58
desrtbut ya... please update the dbus spec :)15:58
larsulooked into g-s-m transparent bg and .titlebar/.header-bar issues but postponed because the gtk update is more important15:58
larsudesrt: docs issues are fixed15:58
larsuseb128: I think taking my patches as is would be easier15:58
larsuI think that's it. Wasn't on 100% due to having a cold15:59
larsu(feeling slightly better today)15:59
willcookethanks larsu15:59
willcookeglad you're on the mend15:59
seb128larsu, k15:59
willcooke#topic mlankhorst16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: mlankhorst
mlankhorst1. getting Xmir running on the phone, runs with -sw, 2. working on enabling egl 2d-acceleration on the phone (WIP, partially works now with some corruption because I messed up the copy proc). 3. preparing lts-utopic for trusty, 4. verifying sru's.16:00
willcookemaximum efficiency16:00
willcookethanks mlankhorst - nice job with xmir16:00
mlankhorstnp :)16:01
willcookewe'll have some cool new things to show off once I fix my U8 machine16:01
qenghoReally nice.16:01
mlankhorstglamor still only works partially16:01
willcooke#topic qengho16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: qengho
qenghoJust one item.16:01
qenghoin-progress: merging intel's chromium patches for wayland, after last week's ozone/mir breakage. Boooooring.16:01
=== jpds is now known as Guest86457
willcookeqengho, did you see my message from earlier?  Everything is working fine wrt/ status bubbles today :/16:02
qenghowillcooke: I saw. Ugh.16:02
willcookesorry about that16:02
* willcooke is making a habit of wild goose chases16:02
willcooke#topic seb12816:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: seb128
qenghoWell, this wild goose exists, so it must be chased.16:03
seb128• helped debugging a systemd regression related to firmwares loading16:03
seb128• looked a bit to shotwell/uoa segfault issues, bounced to mardy who16:03
seb128fixed it, tested/confirmed the fix and looked at SRUing it16:03
seb128• set up ubuntu-settings override for unity8 usage mode (windowed for16:03
seb128desktop), needs unity8 code changes to land to be doing something16:03
seb128visible though16:03
seb128• tested unity8/desktop-next with systemd init, ran into some issues,16:03
seb128reported those16:03
seb128• backported vim change for icon issues with the new gtk16:03
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings for touch16:03
seb128∘ reviews for others16:03
seb128• some sponsoring16:03
seb128• usual share of desktop related bugs triages and discussions16:03
seb128 16:03
seb128I've official on vac wed/thursday, then working friday and off until next year16:03
willcookehave a great break seb128, thanks for all your help this year16:04
seb128I'm probably going to be around tomorrow and thursday though16:04
Laneynice break!16:04
seb128I registered those days but sort of swapped hours out of them16:04
seb128then really off on friday16:04
seb128thanks ;-)16:04
seb128if anyone needs me please ping in the next days16:04
seb128Laney, if you want to take on landing new gtk that would be welcome16:04
seb128it's getting late, I doubt I'm going to be able to do that before holidays16:05
larsuLaney, seb128: let's take my patches as they are now. They'll solve the problem without scaling icons for out default font size16:05
larsuI'm pretty sure that the general approach of choosing the icon based on font size is correct16:06
seb128k, let's discuss that after the meeting (or tomorrow)16:06
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark16:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Sweet5hark
willcookeSweet5hark, you here?  If not I have updates...16:06
Sweet5harkslow week:16:06
Sweet5hark- build 4.2.8~rc2/trusty for PPA16:06
Sweet5hark- some SRU babysitting still16:06
Sweet5hark- desaster (work machine managed to lose its superblock on the encrypted drive)16:06
Sweet5hark- recovery & backups foo16:06
Sweet5hark- waiting for 4.3.5~rc2 for PPA this week16:06
Sweet5hark- upstream: write moar unittests, refactorings for C++1116:06
Sweet5hark- the usual leadership and direction upstream16:06
Sweet5hark- also somewhat quarantained: someone put some huge warehouse of computer junk on fire next to the harbor, its been burning for two days and the east of Hamburg is under "keep windows and doors locked"-orders because of toxic fumes. That messed up plans a bit.16:06
willcookethanks Sweet5hark16:06
willcookegotta love those backups16:07
willcookeHamburg has it's own version of the Springfield Tyre Yard now then :)16:07
willcooke#topic TheMuso16:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: TheMuso
willcooke* Further work with Debian on Pulse 5.99 packaging, pulling a few useful patches from upstream.16:08
willcooke* Uploaded some new revisions of pulse 6 RC to the transitions PPA. We now have webrtc in main, so we now build the pulseaudio module to support it.16:08
willcooke* Spent time trying to track down an issue I am experiencing in Vivid where when I switch workspaces, the keyboard focus doesn't move to the newly focused workspace/window. Haven't checked or filed a bug about this yet, will chase up later, as its not a show stopper atm.16:08
willcooke* I am on leave from Wednesday the 10th, until January 5th. Happy holidays all, and a happy new year.16:08
willcooke#topic tkamppeter16:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: tkamppeter
willcooke#topic robert_ancell16:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: robert_ancell
willcookeWorked on:16:09
willcooke- GNOME 3.14 updates16:09
willcooke- Released Unity Greeter 15.04.216:09
willcooke- LightDM SRU verification16:09
willcooke- TPM support16:09
willcooke- Reviewed merge proposals, bug fixes16:09
willcookeCurrently working on:16:09
willcooke- TPM support16:09
willcooke- Bluez 5 support16:09
willcooke#topic Any other business16:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Any other business
willcookeAnyone got anything?16:10
willcookeI see that Snappy has just been announced :)  So I'm going to read about that if we're done?16:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Dec  9 16:10:55 2014 UTC.16:10
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2014/ubuntu-desktop.2014-12-09-15.33.moin.txt16:10
willcookethanks all16:10
seb128larsu, Laney, so, what do we do with gtk? just take current bzr gtk version + icon patch & bzr theme from larsu and throw to vivid?16:14
larsuseb128: I'd say so, ya16:18
seb128larsu, Laney, are you still around next week or already off for the holidays as well?16:19
Laneywill be here16:19
seb128trying to figure out if we have budget to deal with potential issues16:20
seb128e.g people around to deal with any potential unexpected issue after landing16:20
seb128Laney, ok, good ;-)16:20
larsuI'll be here as well16:20
willcookedon't worry - I'll be here.16:22
seb128willcooke, fancying debugging gtk for us? ;-)16:22
willcookeI know how to exit vim, so should be easy16:23
willcookeWhat cant the change-boot-device key just be the same17:11
willcookein seb's absence, didrocks do you know who maintains the installer?17:12
didrockswillcooke: it's the foundation team17:22
didrockswillcooke: was ev in the past, then xnox, nobody officially since xnox moved to other companies :)17:22
didrockswillcooke: so, I would say, ask slangasek?17:22
LaneyHowever they have a channel #ubuntu-installer17:22
didrocksLaney: yeah, but very low (if not null) traffic17:23
Laneynot null17:23
xnoxwillcooke: what's the installer question that you have?17:24
xnoxwillcooke: it has no power over the change-boot-device key, however.17:24
didrocksxnox: nice to see you did some recent fix on the installer btw :)17:24
didrockseven if the traditional end of cycle fixes were achieved this time by colin :)17:25
Laneysomeone should test the installer with new gtk ;-)17:25
didrocksLaney: did I hear right that you just volonteered? :)17:26
Laneyno you saw me use the magical 'someone'17:26
didrocksoh, this guy… I guess he has a lot to do :p17:27
didrockswould be pleased to meet this Mr someone one day17:27
willcookexnox, no worries - it's this crazy idea I just had about moving it to Mir17:29
xnoxwillcooke: we've tried to setup 3 meetings over the course of 3 successive UDSs / sprints on how to move the installer to Mir17:30
xnoxwillcooke: there was noone ever there from the Mir team and multiple foundations folks.17:30
willcookexnox, ha!17:30
xnoxwillcooke: so please speak up.17:30
willcookexnox, will do - I'll see who I can make care17:30
xnoxwillcooke: the installer is nothing more but a minimalistic DE - it spawns it's own X, it's own desktop picture, it's own indicators and a single window PyGTK app to show the installer.17:31
xnoxwillcooke: now that Gtk works on Mir, it should be possible to tweak it to attempt spawning Mir instead of X on supported hardware.17:31
mlankhorsthah :P17:32
pittididrocks: with suppress() → thanks, I didn't know that one yet :)17:34
willcookemlankhorst, you think there are other issues?17:34
didrockspitti: it's been my best friend for a couple of years! (quite easy to backport/emulate with python2 as well)17:35
pittididrocks: sad thing, I can't actually push here -- port 22 (ssh) is blocked17:35
pittididrocks: (reviewing your patch during TB meeting..)17:35
pittiI can push it in the guest house, though17:36
didrockspitti: no hurry, I just don't want have to get all those in my mind, so, now that this is logged or in your local git repo, that's fine :)17:36
didrockssee, I even forgot the 0002- patch first! :)17:36
pittididrocks: it's a bug assigned to me, that counts :)17:36
didrocksyeah, that's fine now, I feel "lighter" :)17:36
didrockspitti: I still have some developer work tomorrow morning. xdiagnose is done. So, tomorrow midday, I'll summarize what/how we should move on in the /usr vs /etc topic and how to install in debian17:37
pittididrocks: to pkg-systemd?17:37
didrockspitti: first upstream, then moving to pkg-systemd once we have all details figured out17:38
didrocks(I need to summarize the extend of the changes we'll have to preset/enable-disable)17:38
pittididrocks: merci !17:38
didrocksde rien :)17:38
pittididrocks: looking forward to this; a lot less clutter and postinst stuff17:39
didrockspitti: exactly \o/ and a cleaner /var/lib/systemd/ :)17:39
pittic'est l'heure du dîner !17:40
pittià demain !17:40
didrockspitti: bonne soirée et bon appétit !17:40
didrockspas trop de bière, hein ;)17:40
pittididrocks: toi aussi !17:40
didrocksmerci :)17:40
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Laneyclimb to time18:09
* willcooke -> EOD18:09
tkamppeter- OpenPrinting web server: Several fixes in database maintenance scripts18:44
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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