
sotrdofthsstarwaI pushed a modified branch up to launchpad and submitted a merge request, only to find that I'd forgotten "sudo" at the beginning of my edit.  What's the best way to fix that, do I have to fix it, run "bzr push" again, and then submit a new merge request?03:00
sotrdofthsstarwaping pmatulis03:26
sotrdofthsstarwaGot your ears on?  I've got a question about lp:135465703:26
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pmatulissotrdofthsstarwa: i don't think you need to submit a new one14:56
pmatulissotrdofthsstarwa: a push should be all that is required14:56
sotrdofthsstarwapmatulis, Oh really, good to know.  Sorry for jacking it all up then with a new merge request14:58
pmatulissotrdofthsstarwa: not a problem at all.  it doesn't really matter.  thanks for helping14:58
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pmatulissigh... http://ubuntuserverguide.com/19:08
sotrdofthsstarwahahah what19:22
sotrdofthsstarwaCreation Date: 30-apr-201219:24
sotrdofthsstarwaHow long has the actual ubuntu server guide been around?19:24
pmatulissotrdofthsstarwa: May 201119:30
pmatulissotrdofthsstarwa: but i don't understand that date b/c we have a 10.04 guide19:31
sotrdofthsstarwaMaybe it got written post-hoc?19:31
pmatulisyeah, could be that it was not organized back then19:32
sotrdofthsstarwaI kind of assumed that it was in existence before the launchpad project was created19:32

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