[03:59] سلام [07:40] in nm-applet [07:40] napadid shode [07:40] vaghti az rah shell ham run mikonam [07:40] inaro minevise: [07:40] applet now removed from the notification area [07:41] applet now removed from the notification area [07:41] using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon [07:41] network-manager, network-manger-gnome ro reinstall kardam [07:42] purge ham kardam dobare install kardam bazam nm-applet neshoun dade [07:42] nemishe [07:43] http://dpaste.com/0NASDAD [07:45] dpkg-reconfigure PKG [07:47] logout konam? [07:47] ya niyazi nist [07:49] reboot === Azitrex_ is now known as Azitrex