
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|brb
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=== Blade is now known as Guest75473
viejotrenHi guys, is there any online workshop right now? from the video I just have the workshop from yesterday, is that right?13:50
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Mario___hi to everyone ..15:47
akiva-thinkpadMario___, heya15:47
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ngreen139:) sometimes! lol15:51
s_layanhey . Alan Pope and dholbach are online15:52
dholbachthey are!15:52
s_layanwhat is the topics15:52
dholbachwe are going to start in 8 minutes15:52
dholbachand we are going to answer alllllll the questions you might have15:53
dholbachjust make sure you prefix them with QUESTION:15:53
dholbachso we can more easily pick them up15:53
* cfhowlett prepares to demand his flying car and the ubuntu phone ...15:53
dholbachhaha :-)15:53
dholbachif you find the preorder form for the flying car, let me know15:53
dholbachI could've made use of that yesterday night... it was snowing quite a bit and traffic on the highway was soooooooooooo slow15:54
s_layanwhy ubuntu is use default desktop is unity ?15:54
Glorfindeldholbach: florida?15:54
Mario___easy http://www.terrafugia.com/reserve15:54
cfhowlett!flavors | s_layan, don't like it, don't use it.15:55
* popey ignore s_layan because they didn't prefix their valid question with "QUESTION:"15:55
dholbachGlorfindel, Germany15:55
Glorfindeldholbach: I see. I thought it must have been in southern USA where they have accidents if they get an inch XD15:56
dholbachGlorfindel, no... usually we're fine, even if there's snow15:56
dholbachit was just very slow and I was quite tired at 1am :)15:56
Glorfindelah, yeah, that would do it ;)15:57
dholbachallllll right, going to start in about 2 mins15:58
GlorfindelI want a flying car just for the fun of it :D15:58
Mario___QUESTION: exist many different ubuntu like distro (xubuntu, kubuntu, etc ...), maybe it's better a single distro where you can the main graphic interface?15:59
belkinsaMario___, it haven't started yet...15:59
Mario___can select..15:59
Mario___ah ok ... i thought that you can send question now for after ..15:59
Mario___i'm waiting ..;-)16:00
s_layan :p16:00
belkinsaGive them a minute, it takes time.16:01
mhall119Mario___: but to answer you, those are all one "Ubuntu" distro, just different defaults when you install them16:01
belkinsaI see you!16:01
dholbachkeep your questions coming!16:03
dholbachplease just make sure you prefix them with QUESTION:16:03
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Why is Debian all up in a fuss over SystemD?16:03
s_layansystemD is best16:05
belkinsaCOmmunity Team mailing list link: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-community-team16:06
mhall119pretty sure the d is lowercase16:06
* cfhowlett that the D was silent ...16:06
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mhall119you can also join #ubuntu-community-team here on Freenode16:08
belkinsaQUESTION: Will Mark Shuttleworth  come to this meeting?16:11
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Any Christmas Announcements?16:11
akiva-thinkpadbelkinsa, nopers :P He was on LAS last week though16:11
belkinsaAw, he might have ideas himself.16:11
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Are there any other Companies beyond BQ and Meizu working with Ubuntu Touch?16:12
dholbachmore questions?16:12
dholbachkeep them coming :)16:12
belkinsaYou can install a certain DE unto another DE within the Ubunti flavours.16:12
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: What scopes came in the recent contest?16:13
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Is SystemD faster than Upstart?16:13
* belkinsa had once a Kubuntu/Ubuntu hypird16:13
Mario___QUESTION: what is the future for policy of proprietary driver like for example for nvidia? I just buy an GTX 750 ti and I have to use ppa repo to install latest driver?16:14
belkinsaLubuntu is prefect for older desktops.16:15
ahayzenQUESTION: Which channel of ubuntu touch do you run on your devices? vivid/vivid-proposed/rtm/rtm-proposed? or old school trusty ;)16:15
* mhall119 runs rtm still on his Nexus 416:17
belkinsadholbach, I need to clearfly my question, this meeting is referring to the meeting about the Community Team that is on Friday, not this QA.16:17
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: What are the Advantages of Mir over X? What are the disadvantages?16:17
OliQUESTION: Is there [ever going to be] a phone-OS-style role-based permissions framework fully implemented in desktop Ubuntu? (Eg so you can say Application X can or cannot access your webcam)16:18
GlorfindelQUESTION: are there any plans for a Cortana/Siri/Google Now type of speech recognition program in ubuntu touch?16:20
akiva-thinkpadWow mystery companies?16:23
* dholbach hugs akiva-thinkpad :)16:25
dholbachbelkinsa, ahhhhh ok - well in that case we need to invite him16:25
dholbachbelkinsa, I thought this would be a regular meeting16:25
belkinsaBut either way, I think having more ask Mark sessions would be nice to me.  As for the community one, maybe we can invite him to the first one and let him choose if he wants to come to other ones.16:26
s_layanQUESTION: dholbach , do you think ubuntu touch is better than android16:26
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Why didn't you guys use Java to make ubuntu touch? Isn't it the best programming language in the world, especially for phones, or did Google lie to me?16:29
Glorfindelgoogle lies16:29
Mario___i had to use ppa driver biecause i prefer use apt than .run script from nvidia driver16:30
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Firefox is going to be using Yahoo as the default search engine... Will Ubuntu consider changing it to something like Duck Duck Go or Google instead, or is yahoo not awful anymore?16:31
GlorfindelDo DDG!!16:31
akiva-thinkpadGlorfindel, its really become quite good lately16:31
Glorfindelyes it has, I prefer it, and if I need to use bing it is only to more keypresses :)16:32
belkinsaI would rather stick to Google since they have the strongest searching power.16:32
OerHeksQUESTION: when will hybrid ssd's be supported?16:32
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: As a phone developer, will you be using a "sudo apt-get update" way of keeping your phone current, or will you stick with the stable releases?16:33
OliOerHeks: Are they not already? I thought the SSD caching was hardware-based.16:33
akiva-thinkpadbelkinsa, FireFox is no longer using Google; Google stopped paying them to be default.16:33
belkinsaI know.16:33
akiva-thinkpadYour welcome :D16:34
* akiva-thinkpad hides16:34
OerHeksOli, AFAIk hybrids are supported with a newer kernel, i am not sure, therefore i asked16:34
belkinsaI think I would rather use that Russian instead for some reason...16:34
mhall119akiva-thinkpad: one big one is security, X11's trust model is based on the user, if the user runs an app the app gets full access to everything the user owns16:35
akiva-thinkpadGood answer :)16:36
mhall119Mir's trust model is based on the app, so when a user runs an app the app can only access it's own data16:36
akiva-thinkpadmhall119, does that apply to apps ran in the terminal?16:38
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Is there a system monitor app for the ubuntu touch?16:39
mateo_QUESTION: I'm I hearing jingle bells? Is that from your room?16:41
* ahayzen has a hybrid SSD/HDD in his machine16:44
dholbachakiva-thinkpad, you can also "sudo apt update" :)16:46
SilviuQUESTION: Have you considered a feature for Ubuntu Touch that would allow users to cast their desktop (like Android) to the TV or to the Ubuntu PC, in a local Wi-fi network for example?16:47
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Is there a qml API/components for working with phone internal gyroscopes, gps, hydrocoils, flux capacitors, etc, or do these have to be done all in Qt?16:49
ahayzen$ top ?16:51
dholbachyep :)16:51
ahayzenthat sounds awesome :)16:52
SomeRandomDudeQUESTION: will emacs work on ubuntu touch?16:54
mateo_must be the mic16:54
akiva-thinkpadi still hear the bells16:54
* ahayzen imagines playing bacon2d games on the tv...16:55
OliDid I join #akiva-on-air by mistake? :D16:56
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/QtSensors/16:56
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/QtFeedback/16:57
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, ^^ those :)16:57
dholbachyou all are fantastic!16:58
dholbachany last questions?16:58
dholbachgo go go16:58
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: Why is batman and dholbach never in the same room together at the same time?16:58
ahayzennano \o/16:59
ahayzenyeah vim and nano are on there16:59
akiva-thinkpadQUESTION: dholbach where are you from, and what kind of food is good to eat from there?17:00
akiva-thinkpadLike recipes17:00
ahayzen$ vi works :)17:00
GlorfindelQUESTION: will there be a tty in ubuntu touch?17:00
akiva-thinkpadohh oh !17:00
akiva-thinkpadgood question17:01
akiva-thinkpaddholbach, Popey17:01
akiva-thinkpadanswer that!17:01
* dholbach hugs you all17:01
ahayzenthanks dholbach popey17:01
Mario___bye all!17:01
s_layan '<17:01
akiva-thinkpadGlorfindel, that is such a good question ;(17:01
popeythanks everyone!17:01
popeythat was fun17:01
Mario___tnx for all...17:01
dholbachthanks a lot everyone :-))17:01
Glorfindelakiva-thinkpad: thank you :)17:01
akiva-thinkpadseriously though popey17:02
akiva-thinkpadis there tty on ubuntu touch?17:02
s_layanwht is next time17:02
dholbachs_layan, in a week17:02
akiva-thinkpads_layan, sake bat time17:02
popeyuh, don't think so17:02
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, how would you get to it?17:02
akiva-thinkpadsame bat day17:02
* dholbach renames popey to akiva-dell17:02
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, mmmm alt ctrl f1;17:02
popeyahayzen: attach a keyboard to a USB to go cable?17:02
* akiva-thinkpad tries it in terminal17:02
ahayzenif i type $ tty .. it says /dev/pts/3317:02
ahayzenpopey, i don't have a keyboard ;)17:03
Glorfindelpopey: touching opposite corners?17:03
Glorfindelpushing a dedicated button?17:03
s_layantimes ubuntu cant ditecting usb pen .why?17:04
Clownfish_QUESTION: What's the developement status of Unity Next on desktop?17:22
GlorfindelClownfish_: you missed it :|17:22
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ProfJoaoTelesAnybody there?21:16
sotrdofthsstarwaDon't think there's anything going on on ubuntu on air though21:17

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