
nhainespleia2: in the ubuntu-community-team list: lots of people saying that everyone's suggestions are wrong and discussion is waisting time and they have totally different viewpoints and everyone should just stop talking and act.06:55
nhainesNot in the ubuntu-community-team list: anyone offering any reasoning on why they disagree, hints as to what they think the problems are, or what they think anyone should be doing.06:56
nhainesAt least among the people who are saying "stop talking."06:56
pleia2nhaines: heh, yeah, trying to collate the ideas and so we can have a clear, coherent list and people can sign up for what they wish07:11
pleia2where the volunteers flow is what we'll work on07:11
nhainesAs it should be anyway.  But I wish people would quit saying we're obviously thinking about thinigs wrong and that we should just stop talking and start doing.07:12
pleia2I brain filter them out, we'll have a list of projects that can build action items soon enough :)07:13
pleia2chillax pills for sleepies kicking in, time to wander to bed07:15
nhainesYeah, was just annoying having to read the emails just in case.  :)07:16
pleia2agreed :)07:16
nhainesYup, back to my book.    Good night!07:16
pleia2happy writing07:16
nhainesThanks!  It's tedious but I'm really happy with the language support section even if I did basically have to learnJapanese.07:17
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