
Gary_HostYAY! I think it finally worked00:01
linuxdhow to get satellite card driver?00:01
Gary_Hostis this the correct place for Ubuntu 14.04 help?00:01
Gary_Hostfor some reason00:02
Gary_HostI cant turn on my bluetooth00:02
daftykinsit is, though it'd be nice if you'd type on one line00:02
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)00:02
Gary_Hostokay sorry bout' that. I try to acess it through system settings, and i am unable to click the on/off button. i tried an rfkill command but that hast worked00:03
=== J^D_is_coming_so is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
ahmadsuxangua: the problem only appeared on unity, I also have cinnamon installed.. No problem at all on cinnamon00:08
catacostI'm trying to access my gnome-keyring via an ssh session. I can't seem to, has anyone here done so before?00:09
sgen_is there  a naming convention for environment variables?00:09
Gary_HostI was wondering if anyone was able to assist me in getting my bluetooth working. I cannot click the on/off button in system settings hence i am unable to "seach for devices." logging in to SU doesn't work and an rfkill enable bluetooth command line doesnt work00:09
Rapturemy logrotate rotates apache logs about 10 - 20 minutes late everyday. Any suggestions on getting it to rotate closer to the time it's scheduled? (midnight)00:21
Rapturecould it be because of the log size? ~120M after they are compressed00:21
Demon_JesterHey guys is there a way I can assign wifi card to wlan2 instead of wlan1? or does there have to be wifi card hooked in taking wlan1 spot?00:22
ActionParsnipDemon_Jester: you can use udev rules00:29
Demon_Jesteryep found it on askubuntu thanks!00:29
drasica22I'm tryint to install the development version oflibprotobuf-dev and protobuf-c-dev00:36
drasica22I added the vivid sources to my apt sources list like so: deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main restricted universe multiverse00:36
drasica22but when I try to run 'sudo apt-get -b source -t vivid protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-dev', I get this error: E: The value 'vivid' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources00:37
soomro786how can i create a new SDA after SDA5? - when i try using fdisk to, it says value out of range00:41
soomro786trying to expand LUKS00:41
soomro786so im following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72672400:41
daftykinssoomro786: likely you already have one logical drive in an extended partition, so you need to delete the contents and recreate or some such. show some partition layout info for more help00:43
redbanhow to rejar file (make it .jar)00:43
daftykinssoomro786: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"00:43
daftykinsredban: ask in a java channel00:43
daftykinsthis is not a development channel.00:43
redbansomeone must know the command00:43
daftykinsyes, java developers! go there!00:43
redbani don't remember it : jar cvfm file or something?00:44
redbanit says #java is invite only00:44
redbanwhat a useless channel!00:46
daftykinsredban: yeah, that's because it'll be ##java00:47
daftykinsredban: "man jar" ?00:47
EuaDis it critical to be running iptables rules on a remote linode server?00:48
daftykinsEuaD: they're your provider, ask them for their advice :)00:48
EuaDdoubt they provide support like that for free accounts.00:49
EuaDin fact i'm just asking if i have a WAN facing server, is it critical to be running iptables rules in general00:49
daftykinsdidn't know they offered anything for free. ho-hum00:49
EuaD14 days yes00:49
daftykinsyes, i know you are00:50
EuaDIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz, 250GB, 1GB RAM, 2000GB/month bandwidth00:50
soomro786daftykins: heres my fdisk output http://paste.ubuntu.com/9434366/00:52
EuaDso the verdict is stil out?  iptables rules or no on a WAN facing server running apache, nginx, teamspeak, mumble, minecraft00:52
daftykinssoomro786: so you need to resize sda5 to make an sda600:52
daftykinsEuaD: it'd be more relevant in #ubuntu-server00:52
soomro786daftykins: i have data on it will that get tampered?00:53
daftykinssoomro786: that's alright, your backups will take care of any concerns there00:53
EuaDdaftykins, thanks00:56
catacostI'm trying to query my email password via gnome-keyring over ssh but I can't seem to access it. It works fine when logged into the desktop on the host. Any tips?00:57
devilspgdEuaD: The answer is "it depends", if the iptables rules you're going to write just allow all traffic from anywhere to the same ports you're already opened, well, they're not doing much.00:57
tewardEuaD: i'd set up rules on that, yes - locked down as much as you can by source IPs, but I"m a little paranoid00:57
devilspgdEuaD: BUT, you are protecting yourself against configuration errors where you open up something to the world that wasn't intentional.00:57
devilspgdEuaD: So I'd use iptables just to limit exposure.00:58
EuaDmakes sense, thanks guys01:00
goursome times when i switch on the computer it shows unable to munt the other volume in hdd01:01
gourand restart require01:02
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
gourwhat  to do01:04
EuaDdevilspgd, not intentional? all those services to the best of my knoweldge are meant to be run open to the world unless i'm not understanding your statement01:06
devilspgdEuaD: Right. I guess my point is that if the iptables rules you're going to write just say "Allow all traffic to a list of ports, reject everything else" and if you only have those ports open, and everything else is closed, the results are the same whether you remember to load your iptables rules or not.01:07
EuaDdevilspgd, oh that i understand. i'll lock it down with ufw or iptables to only allow traffic on specific ports.01:08
devilspgdSure, but if those are the only ports that happen to be open, the end results are the same.01:09
devilspgdBut say you didn't intend to open MySQL to the world, and in a week you accidentally bind it to instead of, well, having iptables already set up might save you some hurt.01:09
devilspgdSo it's good form to have it enabled, definitely.01:09
EuaDdevilspgd, i think you just confused me more. lol   im going to lock down my server completely by reject/drop all traffic to ports besides the specific ports that my services are running on. is that correct?01:10
dts|pokeballhey guys... ive installed libbluray and vlc, but i cant play my bluray. any help? http://i.imgur.com/sMOsl3W.png01:10
devilspgdYup, that's correct.01:11
OerHeksdts|pokeball, not all blueray discs will play01:11
devilspgdBut even without iptables, traffic sent to ports that aren't opened by something will just get rejected anyway.01:11
dts|pokeballOerHeks, how can i tell if it will play or not/01:11
daftykinsdts|pokeball: luck01:11
dts|pokeballif it doesnt work on linux can it work better on windows?01:12
OerHeksdts|pokeball, there is no list01:12
daftykinsdts|pokeball: err, well given as you can get proper players for BD on Windows... obviously yes.01:12
dts|pokeballi didnt know that01:13
OerHeksdts|pokeball, official doc https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD you might want to check this page too, for new keys01:15
marcelinowow! Forst time using tmux, I never use screen, I'm a beginer in linux, this terminal multiplexer is awesome!!!01:20
daftykinsmarcelino: great! now take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:20
marcelinosorry, irc is new for me :D01:21
LinuxGoldhi marcelino01:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:21
LinuxGoldwelcome to Linux World01:21
Chuck_NorrisxD hello LinuxGold01:24
VoidMainFunctionsomeone help me out please, I'm trying to edit my connections, specificly my VPN connection, the tab where I normally have all my data the "save" button is grayed out01:26
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freeroute!14.04 weechat01:34
freeroute!package 14.04 weechat01:35
ubottufreeroute: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
freeroutedamnit bot can't you even understand my context?01:35
OerHeks!info weechat utopic01:35
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 71 kB01:35
freeroutety OerHeks01:36
princedastainbro bro, i have install ubuntu 14.10 after that install KDE, how to completely remove unity inside it?01:36
princedastainiam googling before, but have not found yet a solution01:37
OerHeksthere is a !purekde factoid, but out of date01:37
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »01:37
princedastaini will read it first01:38
freerouteso suppose I want to compile tmux on 12.04, do I first have to remove tmux which was installed using apt?01:38
princedastainThx mr OerHeks and ubottu01:38
OerHeksfreeroute, yes, and use purge to remove config files01:39
freerouteOerHeks: you mean config files present in my ~/ ?01:39
OerHeks* if any01:39
freeroutehmm, k. I'll make backups then in that case01:40
princedastainMr. ubottu, i have read and run the command like the tutorial01:41
princedastainbut it seems now have different package name01:42
princedastainthis is i show the result here01:43
EuaDdevilspgd, teward daftykins thanks for all your help guts01:43
princedastainso i ask again, maybe another have solution to completely remove unity gnome to be just KDE desktop01:43
EuaDdevilspgd, teward daftykins *guys01:44
daftykinsprincedastain: if you were a little clever with "dpkg -l | grep <thing to search for>" you can find the new names.01:44
EuaDprincedastain, google psychocats pure kubuntu. i think that's what you want01:44
OerHeksprincedastain, looks like you have no gnome/unity at all?01:45
princedastainoke, daftykins, EuaD and OerHeks i found the solution here http://askubuntu.com/questions/509478/remove-ubuntu-desktop01:53
princedastainthx aniway01:53
Loshkiprincedastain: unless you're very short on disk space, why does it matter?01:53
=== J^D_is_coming_so is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
princedastainLoshki, i just want KDE on my ubuntu right now even not much change looks for years... its about taste :)02:02
freerouteso I have a question about apt build-dep flag. It supposedly satisfies dependencies for source based installs, but don't binary packages also require those dependencies? Or are those dependencies already compiled into the binary when you're just installing from the package manager?02:05
=== codell is now known as colinodell
cos5000I'm using 14.04 LTS and I'd like to prevent deluge from running at boot. It doesn't show up in the startup applications, even if I do this: sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop  Deluge doesn't appear to have an option to change this behavior in its preferences, either. Does anybody have any other suggestions?02:07
trismfreeroute: grab a package with: apt-get source packagename; and look at the debian/control file, you'll see the difference (compare with say, apt-cache depends packagename;)02:08
freeroutedidn't even know I could get only the source package haha02:08
freerouteoh crap it installed without asking me02:09
freeroutebad apt-get!02:10
trismfreeroute: it doesn't install, it downloads and unpacks the package to the current directory02:10
trismfreeroute: hence the lack of sudo02:10
freerouteah I see02:11
Tom84What is the point of IRC?02:14
freeroutewhat is the point of life?02:15
Tom84I'm not really sure02:15
explodesHey. You know youtube-dl? Is there a way to download tracks that a soundcloud user "likes"02:18
freeroutetrism: so what's this debian/control file you're referring to? I did 'apt-get source tmux' inside a dir I made and it downloaded and extracted a subdir with a bunch of .c files02:19
freerouteexplodes: not sure, but if you know the link and that link is a list you can usually youtube-dl that. Just as say I go to a user's soundcloud link and that user has a bunch of tracks he made, I can simple do 'youtube-dl "www.soundcloud.com/userprofile"' and then it downloads all tracks from that user.02:20
freeroutebut be sure to upgrade your youtube-dl to support feature02:21
freeroute*more features02:21
trismfreeroute: the apt-get source tmux will download and unpack a directory tmux-version-something, in that directory there will be a debian directory, and a file name control in there. that's where the build-deps are specified02:21
explodesfreeroute: that is tracks that the user published, not the one's they liked02:22
freeroutetrism: ah... so that's the info I see when I do 'aptitude show tmux'. Cool :)02:23
freerouteexplodes: true, but if soundcloud has a link to the tracks that the user liked, you could potentially use that02:24
trismfreeroute: don't see any build-deps there, just deps02:24
explodesfreeroute: if i parse the webpage myself; i'm just hoping there was a way to have youtube-dl do it.02:24
trismfreeroute: it deps on libevent-2.0-5, libtinfo5, those are required to run the binary, it build deps on libncurses5-dev, libevent-dev which have the headers and such to build the binary02:27
=== Metacity is now known as Goat
trismfreeroute: plus some other build tools like pkg-config02:27
=== Goat is now known as Metacity
freeroutetrism: this is what I get - http://ubuntu.kpaste.net/c8602:27
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:28
Darknethello, so here is the thing, i love cPanel, but its too expensive for me to use on my 5$ a month vps from digitalocean. and i think webmin is too complicated to use (i can't manage to setup emails on the vps with wembin) I was wondering, is there any other free panels for managing your VPS? that are good?02:29
Darknetf.y.i. i am not a real pro at command-line without specific guides.02:29
freeroutetrism: so are those deps then compiled into the binary I install when I choose to 'sudo aptitude install tmux' ?02:29
trismfreeroute: sometimes they might be, in this case the lib packages are added as deps of the binary package02:30
soomro786im trying to resize my LUKs and when i do cryptsetup resize sda5_crypt it says device not active02:31
soomro786what am i doing wrong02:31
freeroutetrism: hmm, that's interesting, so if those lib packages are already added as deps... then why does 'sudo aptitude build-dep tmux' still asks me if I want to download those libs?02:32
trismfreeroute: because the -dev packages dep on them02:33
XypherI need help02:33
lotuspsychje!ask | Xypher02:33
ubottuXypher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:33
trismfreeroute: since the lib packages actually contain the shared libs, the -dev packages usually just have header files and sym links to the libs02:33
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
lotuspsychjeDarknet: this might be interesting: http://askubuntu.com/questions/333529/what-server-control-panels-are-available-for-ubuntu-server02:34
Darknetthank you lotuspsychje02:34
Darkneti will go read on that right now. :)02:35
trismfreeroute: sometimes static libs too02:35
XypherWhat is the program to conver rpm to deb format?02:35
holsteinXypher: alien?02:36
durtXypher, alien I believe.02:36
lotuspsychjeXypher: wich program can't you find as deb?02:36
XypherAlien? I will check that out. Thanks02:36
lotuspsychje!info alien | Xypher tnx to holstein and durt02:37
ubottuXypher tnx to holstein and durt: alien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.91 (utopic), package size 52 kB, installed size 212 kB02:37
holsteinXypher: why? what are you looking for? i would never use alien but as a last resort02:37
freeroutetrism: ah ok, so the binary then just contains links to those libs (which are then placed somewhere in the system), and build-dep command just downloads those libs just like apt-get source downloads the source into the current dir.02:37
explodesfreeroute: you can if your URL is soundcloud.com/user/freeroute/likes :302:38
trismfreeroute: indeed02:38
freerouteexplodes: ah nice, just as I predicted :p02:38
freeroutetrism: cool, ty :)02:40
gem_catI am trying to recover the pw on a system I havent used for a while - how do I mount the fs using a passphrase so I can reset the password or am i all wrong about that approach02:40
holsteingem_cat: encryption passphrase is lost? or password?02:40
lotuspsychje!password | gem_cat02:40
ubottugem_cat: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords02:40
gem_cathave the encryption passphrase only02:41
explodestrism: actually, it isn't working, do you know what i'm missing here?02:41
explodestrism: I get a 40402:41
=== jasonjang is now known as jason_kr
gem_catholstein, I tried this but was unsuccessful because my hd was mounted read only02:45
holsteingem_cat: i would read it, then, and copy it..02:45
holsteingem_cat: i would be backing that data up, from there, and reinstalling.. personally02:45
holsteina backup would be made, regardless, and that point, if i had none02:46
=== ev_ is now known as shushanxiaoyao
gem_catyes it is just  backing up the data I need to do - awkward to forget a password but i got the crs02:47
explodesI know my URL matches against the regex of the soundcloud user extractor :I02:48
gem_catso is it possible to copy the encryped data and then decrypt it later when I have  reinstalled linux02:48
freerouteexplodes: are you using the latest youtube-dl?02:48
explodesthe latest for ubuntu at least02:49
explodesi installed it through apt02:49
somsip!info youtube-dl02:49
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2014.08.05-1 (utopic), package size 306 kB, installed size 1469 kB02:49
explodesoh shit, the latest on github is WAY newer02:50
freerouteexplodes: youtube-dl maintains its own update mechanism02:50
somsipexplodes: http://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html shows a current version of 2014.12.06.1 Although using apt is the recommended way to install, this script does develop quite quickly02:50
gem_catthanks holstein, i will figure it out eventually02:51
freerouteexplodes: do 'youtube-dl -U' in order to upgrade it02:52
deathstashdamn, nobody in here02:53
lotuspsychjedeathstash: 1700 users are02:54
LinuxGoldmaybe not02:54
explodesword up, freeroute somsip trism: the latest and greatest works wonderfully02:54
deathstashnvm my irc client was messing up02:54
Tom84if you type CTRL+L in a terminal it will clear it02:55
Tom84most people here probably know that though02:55
SunstreamAll of a sudden in lubuntu my icons shrank in size after the font reader crashed how do I restore them to their origonal sizes?02:56
holsteinSunstream: i just reset my configs to do that02:56
lotuspsychjeSunstream: maybe the #lubuntu guys might also know this02:56
freerouteTom84: you'd be surprised how many don't. I've heard admins with 12+ years of experience who didn't, but that's the beauty of the commandline. Even after many years of use you still come across nifty little features :)02:57
lotuspsychjefreeroute: very true, so many ways to flavor a terminal :p02:58
freeroutetrism: strange, 'sudo aptitude build-dep tmux' didn't download those libs to my working dir.02:58
trismfreeroute: nope, only apt-get source, build-dep installs the packages02:59
=== deathstash is now known as DeathstasH
freeroutetrism: but I thought those libs were already installed when the binary was installed :S02:59
trismfreeroute: the libs sure, not the -dev packages03:01
freerouteah, ok so -dev packages are required for compiling and are not installed by default when installing from apt?03:02
lotuspsychjecan't apt-get download help in any way?03:02
freeroutedoes that download the package only?03:03
trismfreeroute: oh I see your point, the build-dep is also getting -core -extra etc for libevent but they aren't deps of tmux, maybe those are extra stuff tmux doesn't use03:03
lotuspsychjefreeroute: well ive used it to get the .deb, not sure if it has other features03:03
wbillis there an easy way to get a virtual terminal window to have more than 1 tab open when i start it in ubuntu? comman line or other?03:05
noslen_hi guys03:05
=== ilk is now known as ilken
lotuspsychjenoslen_: welcome03:06
trismfreeroute: ahh, apt-cache show libevent-2.0-5 explains it: For backward compatibility and to transition to "libevent_core only" or "libevent_core + libevent_extra", the libevent source package builds the libevent library that includes everything03:06
* UTL waves to other Ubuntu lovers.03:06
holsteinwbill: http://askubuntu.com/questions/277543/opening-multiple-tabs-with-gnome-terminal03:06
lotuspsychjewbill: you want a terminal to jump open with multiple tabs on desktop start?03:06
trismfreeroute: so yeah, tmux just uses both, so that's why you get those extra libs03:07
trismfreeroute: and yes you are right, -dev packages are separate because most people won't need them03:07
SunstreamThe answer my friends, was in the "View" menu I clicked on normal size and back03:08
lotuspsychje!yay | Sunstream03:09
ubottuSunstream: Glad you made it! :-)03:09
Sunstreamsome how it got clicked to smaller even though I didnt touch it.... stupid bugs lol03:09
freeroutetrism: ah, hopefully my tmux will compile now without my laptop exploding into tiny bits03:10
Funhow I can install php zlib?03:10
Funwhats the pack name?>03:10
freerouteFun: apt-cache search php03:10
noslen_php or java ee?03:11
Baubehey guys, I'm trying to install dual boot linux on my Windows HD. I've got a 750Go HD and I have 3 NTFS partitions which I see when I boot "Live Ubuntu" but when I'm trying to install I only see sda1 750Go. Don't want to wipe my Windows :/ Is there something I can do from Live Linux to make my 3rd partition visibile during the install ?03:13
Funfreeroute:  missing03:13
CrellEvein', folks.  I am trying to install apache2 in a 14.04 vagrant box.  Every time I run apt, though, I get an error.  Specifically: apt-get install apache2 [gives output]: error setting ownership of `/var/www/html.dpkg-new': Operation not permitted03:13
WyZeGuYopinions? running windows on this drive, so truecrypt, freeotfe, or something else?03:13
CrellI am running the command with sudo, so that's not the problem.03:13
CrellThis vagrant box has setup properly for me before on another system, so I'm assuming there's some local config issue.03:14
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Baube03:14
ubottuBaube: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:14
lotuspsychjeCrell: did you sudo apt-get?03:15
CrellYes, I just said I am using sudo.03:15
lotuspsychjeCrell: you logged in the main user?03:16
CrellI am logged in as "vagrant" and using sudo from there.03:16
CrellFull output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9435739/03:17
lotuspsychjeCrell: maybe the #httpd guys might also know this issue?03:19
CrellBased on past experience they'll send me here as soon as they hear the word "deb".03:19
lotuspsychje!info apache203:23
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.10-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 86 kB, installed size 463 kB03:23
lotuspsychje!info apache2 trusty03:24
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 462 kB03:24
lotuspsychjeCrell: im reading a bug, that this problem was fixxed in 2.4.1003:25
CrellAnd this same vagrant setup has been working for months on my Mac at work.03:25
Crell(The provisioning is just a make file, nothing fancy.)03:26
lotuspsychjeCrell: also on trusty?03:26
CrellYes, same 14.04 base image.  (I don't know what the names are these days.)03:27
lotuspsychjethats weird indeed03:27
CrellI agree. :-)03:27
lotuspsychjeCrell: was this a clean 14.04 or upgrade from other version?03:28
lotuspsychjeCrell: i mean no leftovers from previous apache installs?03:28
CrellClean I believe; the base image is a publicly available one intended for use with Chef (which we're not using) so I assume it's clean.03:28
CrellNope.  I started a fresh vagrant up an hour ago.  Twice.03:29
lotuspsychjeCrell: well you could try that apache 2.4.10 maybe, see what it does03:29
Funhow many lines of code ubuntu got?03:30
FunI want to know if one person were to write linux ubuntu from 0 how many years it would take03:30
Funmaybe 10?03:30
CrellYou're missing a few 0s.03:30
=== kerosene is now known as O_O
freeroutebrb, compiling tmux03:32
lotuspsychjeCrell: try this one: http://www.ctheroux.com/2014/05/preinst-line-118-a2query-command-not-found/03:32
tyrred5 seems does not update since 2013?03:32
Crelllotuspsychje: Hm.  "This does not look like a tar archive."03:33
CrellA clue, Sherlock?03:33
tyrsince 201203:33
lotuspsychjeCrell: this the bug i found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/131253303:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1312533 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "Installing apache2 fails in apache2.preinst when a previous version was in removed state" [Medium,Fix released]03:33
* Crell scratches his head.03:33
* WyZeGuY scratches Crell's head, too.03:35
CrellI'd rather you scratched my back.  I've an itch right behind the shoulder blade.03:35
lotuspsychjeCrell: you sure permissions arent messed up somehow?03:35
CrellI don't think so... and I'm now trying as root directly.03:35
CrellWait... wha?03:35
WyZeGuYUse the corner of a wall.03:36
CrellThe /var/www dir is owned by "1000".03:36
lotuspsychjeCrell: cause im readin snort similar errors on permissions03:36
CrellHm.  OK, now this is interesting...03:37
CrellThe /vagrant dir is owned by vagrant:vagrant, as are its children.03:38
CrellBut /var/www is 1000:100003:38
lotuspsychjeCrell: i think if you install apache2 from a livecd, would install without errors03:38
CrellHad I a live CD...03:39
lotuspsychjeCrell: talk to the #httpd guys, they might know what it is03:39
CrellThis is in a Vagrant box.  And Ihave no CD drive. :-)03:39
WyZeGuYCrell: Easy2Boot on USB?03:40
=== infamy is now known as Guest15504
EuaDtrying to install 15.04 in virtualbox and the screen is all garbled colors horizontal lines.03:43
=== badon_ is now known as badon
EuaDerr, i meant vertical lines. like this http://gyazo.com/93b2f8f142a613e555c4b138ff514d0c03:44
daftykinsEuaD: #ubuntu+103:44
daftykinsonly released editions are on topic in here i'm afraid03:44
WyZeGuYEuaD: i know what that is03:44
daftykinsWyZeGuY: don't leave us all in suspense then!03:45
WyZeGuYEuaD: interference by tha NSAs :-P03:45
daftykinsWyZeGuY: cut the crap or leave, please.03:45
WyZeGuYwouldn't that be a bad graphics driver?03:45
WyZeGuYbad screen resolution?03:46
daftykinsWyZeGuY: we can all guess.03:48
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WyZeGuYthat happened on my windows drive once. i changed put it in a different laptop, changed the screen resolution to the "Recommended" setting, switched it back and it was fine03:49
EuaDis there a way to send ctrl-alt-f1 to the virtualbox guest?03:51
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:51
=== infamy_ is now known as infamy
daftykinsEuaD: i think their channel is #vbox / ##vbox03:52
daftykins!ot | WyZeGuY03:52
ubottuWyZeGuY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:52
EuaDdaftykins, yeap i'm in it now. thanks03:52
EuaDWyZeGuY, this is a VM, but thanks anyway03:53
WyZeGuYi can't see what you guys are saying, my firefox windows go black every once in a while, which it has done right now. i don't know if this message has gone through. i will be waiting for it to clear, or restart firefox03:55
WyZeGuYdid you guys get my message about firefox? anyone heard of firefox screens just going black?03:57
Tom84I haven't03:58
WyZeGuYdaftykins i don't know if you were the last person to message me, but i assumed so. i heard the ping a couple times, but my browser went black so i didn't know who was messaging me03:58
daftykinsWyZeGuY: leave.03:59
WyZeGuYdaftykins ok... sure... but may i ask why?03:59
WyZeGuYdaftykins pm?03:59
daftykinsyou keep ranting off topic and guessing at problems. do that stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic - the legitimate *support* questions you can keep here.04:00
FunI made dir but mv dont recongise i04:00
Funas such04:01
holstein!paste | Fun04:01
ubottuFun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:01
holsteinFun: i sugggest just including the entire path04:01
Funholstein: i did04:01
EuaDFun, mv -f?04:01
holsteinFun: you can share the entire output in a pastebin04:02
Funmissed /04:02
Funnow its working since I added / before dir04:03
akurilinDo you guys know how to test jobs under /etc/cron.d?04:05
jmaderoevening all - I have a MoGo bluetooth mouse that works flawlessly in Ubuntu other than the battery %, it always shows 0% in Ubuntu, any suggestions?04:06
somsipakurilin: make sure the script works on it's own, set the cronjob for every minute (disable any destructive actions it takes) to make sure it's being called, set the timing correctly and reenable all aspects of the script, monitor /var/log/syslog to make sure it runs with no errors04:08
=== antimist|away is now known as antimist
freerouteyay! compiling successful!04:15
freeroutety everyone :)04:15
akurilinsomsip: so there's no "please run this once now" kind of thing for it huh?04:17
akurilinrun-parts looks like it was made for the shell scripts04:17
freerouteEvarist__: hi!04:18
Evarist__how may I make a unique ball of all hot fix , without download ever they ?04:19
somsipakurilin: run the script manually04:20
holsteinEvarist__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware may answer your question.. if not, maybe a volunteer can help you find a native speaking channel04:20
daftykins!it | Evarist__04:21
ubottuEvarist__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)04:21
somsip!offline | Evarist__ (may also be helpful)04:21
ubottuEvarist__ (may also be helpful): If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD04:21
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD04:22
akurilinsomsip: the only reason why I was being paranoid about it was the environment/permissions but I suppose there's no reason it should fail to work if I impersonate the right user04:29
MichaelHabibI've installed Grub2 on a USB and plan to use it to run ISO's. The problem is, I cant find the correct way to add custom menu-entries for grub204:29
=== Fudster is now known as xpy
MichaelHabibthey all say edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom  .. but where is this file ? as I have a boot partition/usb there is no  /etc/grub.d/40_custom   , only  USB/boot/grub/*04:30
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Bashing-omMichaelHabib: To boot an .iso : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot . On an install that file " /etc/grub.d/40_custom " does exist >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 214 Oct 23  2013 /etc/grub.d/40_custom .04:33
jasolIs it possible to expand an encrypted LUKS without deleting it?04:35
MichaelHabibBashing-om: so /etc/grub.d/40_custom is available after installing the OS ?04:35
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Bashing-omMichaelHabib: That is a fact . do in terminal -> ls -al /etc/grub.d/40_custom <- to see that is true.04:37
somsipakurilin: ignoring environmental needs is a common reason for the cronjob to fail, so you're right to focus on it.04:38
MichaelHabibBashing-om: the thing is, I need to create the custom menus without any OS is installed . The idea is to have the USB to boot ISO's and maybe other OS's when needed  .. but I need all these Grub2 Menu changes to be in one location, not depenent on installing an os04:39
Bashing-omMichaelHabib: In your proposal, I see no way . You see grub's 2nd stage boot code is located in the installed system .04:40
MichaelHabibthe idea is  Grub2 + Custom Menus + ISOs all on one partition04:41
MichaelHabibSO looking at Stage1 , how do I create Custom Menu entries to point GRUB2 to the OS(s) I want to boot?04:42
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Bashing-omMichaelHabib: BUT, from an 'buntu install from grub it is possible to boot up an 'buntu .iso .04:42
jasolWhen expanding a LUKS partition, is it required to remove it and replace it with a new expanded one?04:44
Bashing-omMichaelHabib: I know of no way to embedd the pointers in stage 1 boot code to point to the location of the stage 2 code.04:44
Bashing-omMichaelHabib: IF one is conversant with a hex editor, and know their stuff, I am sure it can be done, but way above my skill set .04:46
MICxphi guys04:48
Bashing-omMichaelHabib:  This is the manual : http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html . All you wnat to know about grub and more.04:49
nomadistI am trying to pass some requests via a proxy server on my localhost04:50
nomadistand I am getting this error:04:50
nomadistConnection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused04:50
nomadiston askubuntu, the only thing I could find was this answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/403512/connection-was-refused-by-other-side-111-connection-refused04:50
nomadistcan anyone explain how I can get my requests through this ?04:50
holsteinnomadist: you are proxy on localhost?04:51
nomadistholstein, yes, I am using https://github.com/scrapinghub/splash04:52
nomadistit is a service that renders javascript for scraping..04:52
holsteinnomadist: maybe the creators will provide support04:52
nomadistbut isn't this an OS problem?04:53
holsteinnomadist: you can always try it with another OS via a live CD.. i would want to isolate the OS and the application for sure04:54
MichaelHabibBashing-om: ty ty, while non of the 10s of sites I have been on mention ist, I can create  /boot/grub/custom.cfg  .. this will keep my custom menu entries on the boot partition while other os specific changes can be done on  /etc/grub.d/40_custom05:03
s0nyI installed Ultimate Edition 4.2 (Ubuntu 14.04 based) dual booted with windows 8. I added the swap partition but did not add the bios manager option. I can only boot into linux through the CD > Boot from harddisk. How can I get a grub menu that lets me choose between win8.1 and linux without having to wipe my linux partition?05:05
Bashing-omMichaelHabib: Yes, and NO, be aware that grub.cfg is a dynamic file .. it is created from a number of other files. Each time there is a change in the kernel that file will be re-created.05:06
jesse___I can only reboot if I first boot into live USB05:17
Bashing-omMichaelHabib: Is this an exercise in learing ? The obvious thing is to install a bare bones ubuntu ( @ 5 Gigs) and then boot any .iso file from the installed grub . ( grub's boot process is a particular interest of mine)05:18
=== dave is now known as Guest53439
Smaughey all.  I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04, and now whenever I log in the background image shows up but nothing else of the desktop.  Just hangs.   In /var/log/syslog I find this error:     *ERROR* No supported display adapters were found05:22
Smaugso it seems like it may be some driver issue, but I am not sure how to proceed.  The ubuntu wiki did not help me05:22
stiv2ki just installed lubuntu 14.04.1 i386 and i noticed the lubuntu software center is not showing up programs like vlc, lubuntu-restricted-extras, but they do appear if i use the console, i.e. sudo apt-get install vlc05:23
DreamPCsHey guys, quick question (hopefully), I added a second hard drive (sdb) that I want to mount as /home/jason/05:25
DreamPCsSo can I use this second hard drive in addition to my first hard drive to supplement the space of my home/jason dir? If so, how can I do it via the cli05:25
Bashing-omSmaug: A proprietary drive in use prior to the release upgrade ? such that the driver is now broken .05:26
SmaugBashing-om: perhaps.  how would i determine that?05:27
Smaugif I run "lspci | grep VGA" it shows I have san AMD RS880M [Mobility Radeon 4225/4250]05:28
Smaugi looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver but i don't see instructions on it for installing anything05:28
Bashing-omSmaug: For a looksee; what returns -> sudo lshw -C display <- ? look on the "configuration" line annd see if/what driver is installed .05:28
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Bashing-omSmaug: " [Mobility Radeon 4225/4250 " that card no longer has support from ATI .05:30
Smaugthe configuration line just says "latency=0"05:30
SmaugBashing-om: alright, so I need to switch to open source support?  (Hopefully?  <:/)05:31
Smaugaccording to the RadeonDriver wiki page it has community support05:33
Bashing-omSmaug: That is a fact. IF you want 14.04 . Purge FGLRX and install the open source driver. ( I run an old ATI card/open source driver and have no problem, but, I am not a gamer )05:33
SmaugI am not a gamer either05:33
dts|pokeballi dont believe you05:34
Smaughow can I install open source driver?  on the wiki page the only install it has is "sudo apt-get install mesa-utils"  is that the driver?05:35
Bashing-omSmaug: -> dpkg -l | grep fglrx <- and take it from there to purge the proprietary driver that no longer does you any good .05:35
Smaugok to purse using apt-get as described https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/VideoDriverDetection#Problem:_Need_to_purge_-fglrx ?05:36
Smaugor is dpkg better05:36
Bashing-omSmaug: A LOT depends on how you installed a driver ( if you did) as to what it will take to remove it .05:36
Smaugwell IF i installed anything, i would have preferred ap-get (but it would have been a few years ago, honeslty don't remember)05:37
Smaugi may not have installed anything non default also05:37
Smaugcertainly the computer has the same hardware as when i got it05:37
stiv2ki just installed lubuntu 14.04.1 i386 and i noticed the lubuntu software center is not showing up programs like vlc, lubuntu-restricted-extras, but they do appear if i use the console, i.e. sudo apt-get install vlc05:40
LordFoobarhi, I'm trying to run flashplayer (standalone) to run a swf and it complains about not being able to load canberra-gtk-module. Now, all points to the fact that I have a 64-bit installation and flash was compiled for a 32-bit env, so there's some conflict.... is there any way to run a swf file in Ubuntu with a player that works? :)05:42
Smaugdoing it now...looks like there was no fglrx to uninstall..05:42
Bashing-omSmaug: Run ->  dpkg -l | grep fglrx <- and we see what components are installed .05:42
_root_I am looking for another source for http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Yosemix?content=16769205:43
_root_do any of you know another source for this theme?05:43
=== luckybun| is now known as luckybunny
SmaugBashing-om: ahhh.  messed up something bad.  tried to follow the instructions to purge fglrx.   restarted.   issue remains05:47
SmaugBashing-om: at the terminal log in prompt, however, when i type an "a," instead of "a" appearing, either nothing appears or "^[a" appears05:48
Smaugso i can't log in on terminal now either05:48
Jordoes anybody know how to install Ubuntu on hp Omen?05:49
Bashing-omSmaug: I fail to see how those instructions from the wiki could have this result. From grub boot menu, do you know how to boot to terminal ?05:49
SmaugBashing-om: i do not...is there a keyboard shortcut?05:51
Smaughold dodwn shift05:53
Smaugi'm there05:53
Smaugin grub05:53
SmaugBashing-om: i have grub command line, don't know if that counts as terminal05:54
Bashing-omSmaug: I bet there is still an Xorg.conf file in effect from a maybe FGLRX driver (??) . // At the grub boot menu with the latest kernel with a asterisk to the left, press the e key for edit mode, arrow down to the kernel boot line ( similar: linux    /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=217ed9a7-e11a-4e32-8c05-992e8c8932b6 ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff ) replace the terms "quiet splash" with the term "text" with out the quotes, key combo ct05:55
stiv2ki just installed lubuntu 14.04.1 i386 and i noticed the lubuntu software center is not showing up programs like vlc, lubuntu-restricted-extras, but they do appear if i use the console, i.e. sudo apt-get install vlc05:55
LordFoobarthis page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FlashPlayerStandalone is NOT helpful. It does not work.05:55
SmaugBashing-om: i am replacing the words "quiet splash" with "text"05:56
Smauganything else?05:56
Smaugwhat do you mean key combo ct?05:57
Smaugit says press ctrl - x to boot, should I do so?05:57
Bashing-omSmaug: Small steps, when in terminal, does the keyboard work ? key combo is a combination holding the control key and press the x key at the same time.05:58
Smaugk.  so should i boot now or not?05:58
Smaugi was able to type and make the changes as you requested05:58
Smaugit works in the grub editor05:58
Bashing-omSmaug: You should now be booted to a terminal ( Command Line Interface) .05:59
Smaugafter pressing CTRL X?05:59
Bashing-omSmaug: Yes, if you made the edit to the boot parameter line.05:59
Smaugboots to terminal now, keyboard working correctly, able to sign in06:01
koderokHi, I have a basic question about http proxy - is a scenario possible when there is a username without password? Like http_proxy=http://username@ ?06:03
=== Kryxo is now known as Kryptron
SmaugBashing-om: should i investigate something now?06:03
Bashing-omSmaug: small steps ( I am tired 12 hours now on this keyboard ) .. does this file exist -> ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf <- .06:04
SmaugBashing-om: i appreciate you helping me!   yes, the file exists06:05
Bashing-omSmaug: There be the problem why the keyboard was messed up earlier,  delete it -> sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf <- there will be no future need of it .06:07
unopastesist you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted06:07
SmaugBashing-om: done06:09
Bashing-omSmaug: Good, now what remains. What returns -> dpkg -l | grep fglrx <- .06:09
Smaugfglrx,  fglrx-amdcccle06:10
Bashing-omSmaug: -> sudo apt-get purge fglrx  fglrx-amdcccle <- .06:12
SmaugBashing-om: done06:14
jackhallif my file system is full and i want to continue to add files to my system, can i add a new partition with free memory and continue to add files to /home/userA06:15
Bashing-omSmaug: -> ls -al /usr/share/ati/ <- ; just to make sure a OEM install has not been attempted .06:15
SmaugBashing-om: yup, there is no /usr/share/ati06:16
Bashing-omjackhall: The better thisng is to find out why/where the fullness exist ( many times it is old kernels in /boot that need to be removed) . in direct answer to your question, yes there are ways .06:17
jackhallBashing-om: its because i made it full with software im developing and using06:18
jackhalland i need to continue my development06:18
jackhalland need more storage06:18
jackhalli have an encrypted ubuntu running by the way. what ways are there? is it recommended? what do other large corporations do?06:18
Bashing-omjackhall: Then you want to investigate a) symlinks to other partitions, b) making up a new partition and mounting it .06:19
Bashing-omSmaug: OK, next in the install ladder -> sudo apt-get install dkms <- .06:20
jackhallBashing-om: what do other companies do? Do you store their development files on an NAS server?06:20
jackhallBashing-om: just want to know the most recommended way of doing things06:20
SmaugBashing-om: already the newest version06:21
Bashing-omjackhall: NAS is one solution, I store my stuff on a separate partition on my local hard drive.06:21
Bashing-omSmaug: Good ! next -> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon <- .06:22
jackhallBashing-om: would you say NAS is preferred? i can buy a NAS server no problem06:22
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=== illuminaughty is now known as dts|pokeball
jackhallim gonna do that. how would i integrate an NAS server i buy with Ubuntu?06:22
Smaugalready newest version06:23
Bashing-omjackhall: No I would not say it is preferred, your use case and what you do is the determinning factor. I like things in house and under my own control .06:23
Bashing-omSmaug: Great ! -> sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core <- .06:24
jackhallBashing-om: i can buy a NAS server in house, but what would i do to integrate it to my /home06:24
=== dts|pokeball is now known as marketbot
Bashing-omjackhall: Mount the NAS in fstab. But been too long since I have done that, Others can better advise .06:25
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SmaugBashing-om: done06:27
Bashing-omSmaug: Lastly, again -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <- just cheap insurance . then reboot to the GUI, let's see what we have now .06:28
Smaugshould i modify grub to revert back to what it was before when i restart?06:29
Bashing-omSmaug: Nope, that edit was a one-time thing, will not persist.06:30
SpeedyBozarhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkTt9k4Y-a8 how can this shit have so many views? where does it come from?06:31
jackhallby doing what you do06:31
jackhallpromoting it everywhere06:31
SpeedyBozarhaha, good answer06:32
SpeedyBozarbut srsly... those people commenting saying its a great song06:32
SpeedyBozarits screwing with my mind06:33
SmaugBashing-om: Nice!  Seems to be working now!06:34
Bashing-omSmaug: Outstanding ! You do good work .06:35
SmaugYou have been such an amazing help, I appreciate it.  I would send you a cake if I could.06:35
jackhallSmaug: ediblearrangements.com06:37
jackhalljust messin' haha - real site though06:37
Bashing-omSmaug: It's open source at it's best here. 1 for all and all for one .06:39
SmaugBashing-om: ++06:39
Smaugi'll pass it on where I can06:39
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drb_wie geht es?07:04
rejd_pretty good actually :)07:04
Bashing-omdrb_: Ubuntu support channel. English.07:04
drb_how are you07:05
Bashing-omdrb_: I am Tired, thinking of shutting down for this session. You have a support question ?07:06
drb_no, i'm looking for functions07:08
drb_but i have some experience with ubuntu-applications07:11
=== lucifer is now known as Guest98357
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seventyninefourtAnyone here have info on how gparted/ubuntu supports HFS+?07:19
seventyninefourtI've noticed that it can shrink it, but not expand HFS+, as far as I can tell07:19
seventyninefourtanyone? HFS+ support?07:22
rypervencheseventyninefourt: Give it time for a response.07:22
rypervencheseventyninefourt: As far as I know it needs to be done in OSX.07:23
seventyninefourtrypervenche: last I checked Disk Utility nukes the soul out of partitions it doesn't recognize, I don't know if that's changed since 10.6.807:24
seventyninefourtI'd gladly use DU, but I don't want to nuke my partitions in the process07:24
rypervencheseventyninefourt: If no one answers you might want to try in ##mac. From what I know Linux's support of HFS+ is limited.07:25
lewis1711if the media keys for changing the brightness used to function, and after a restart no longer function, what's likely to be the cause? scratching my head07:25
seventyninefourtlewis1711: drivers?07:26
seventyninefourtrypervenche: i'll hop over there, not positive07:26
=== seventyninefourt is now known as henesy
lewis1711henesy, I did change from the open source driver to fglrx, but I changed back and it still doesn't work.  it's very strange07:27
henesylewis1711: I've had problems in the past with swapping drivers, nvidia ones always needed some fix in /etc/X11 somewhere, I don't know about your card07:28
lewis1711changing the screen brightness in the energy saving dialog doesn't do anything either. weird. will try everything I read on google even if it makes no sense, and if it fails I'll reinstall I guess07:31
henesylewis1711: can you use xsetbacklight07:32
lewis1711henesy, what package is it in?07:34
henesylewis1711: should just be xsetbacklight07:34
lewis1711nope, packaage manager has never heard of it (:07:35
lewis1711changed the grub entry, time to reboot and hope for the best07:36
n3vtelennm-applet vanished07:38
henesyn3vtelen: sudo service NetworkManager restart07:38
n3vtelenwhen i type nm-applet show this error:07:39
n3vtelenapplet now removed from the notification area07:39
n3vtelenusing fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon07:39
floatingpointhow can i make two partitions appear as a single diretory?07:41
princedastain_Hi bro... any application (without addons) who capable using Corporate Mail (microsoft Exchange 2010), i have used thunderbird + Davmail gateway at beginning its success but failed when try to send an email and show error (like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9438176/)07:43
ahmadsuHello, anyone can guide me to find the problem on graphics issues like this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/1a5ibjpu0aap3xe/Screenshot%20from%202014-12-09%2006%3A35%3A57.png?dl=007:45
ahmadsuThe problem only happen on unity,. No problem at all on cinnamon.07:46
bubbasauresahmadsu, What release is this?07:47
ahmadsuUbuntu 14.0407:48
lewis1711ok, this is very strange. "xbacklight -set" does nothing. tried with lots of different numbers07:49
=== Guest91406 is now known as krs
bubbasauresahmadsu, Did unity run fine before adding cinnamon? Not sure what you added with a ppa and if the issue.07:49
henesyhrm, disabled journaling, still not liking the hfs+ at all07:52
princedastain_!help Hi bro... any application (without addons) who capable using Corporate Mail (microsoft Exchange 2010), i have used thunderbird + Davmail gateway at beginning its success but failed when try to send an email and show error (like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9438176/)07:53
ubottuprincedastain_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:53
ahmadsububbasaures: yes, unity run fine before and after adding cinnamon.07:53
ubuntuhello everyone07:53
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santhoshhai how to write username and password in command line it is possible in ubuntu07:54
henesysanthosh, echo $USER07:54
henesypassword is not possible " "07:54
ahmadsububbasaures: i also have reinstall unity and intel graphic driver.. But no success07:54
Kartagiswhy would a user be not able to upload to a directory which is owned by them?07:55
maddenshow is everyone??07:55
henesyKartagis, check folder permissions07:55
bubbasauresahmadsu, Not really my best area, give a leading to, if you can, oninfo, this graphic issue and the graphic hardware info to the channel.07:55
bubbasauresinfo on*07:55
Kartagishenesy: 755 didn't cut, 775 didn't cut, I had to do 77707:56
henesyKartagis, should just be able to do chmod u+rwx /path/to/folder07:56
henesyto use folders you have to have them set as executable07:56
santhosh<henesy>sudo mount.cifs //"Ind Results"/ /home/lubtest3/Desktop/india1/ -o username=edl,domain=transdyne.co.in when press enter it will asking password ,if any case we can write sudo password on that command07:56
Kartagishenesy: is that 777?07:57
santhoshno it is 77507:57
Kartagis775 didn't cut :S07:57
henesyKartagis, 0770 actually07:57
henesyassuming you give group access07:58
henesyif not07:58
henesyexcuse me07:58
Kartagishenesy: both user and group are the same07:58
henesyu+rwx then g+r g-wx o-rwx07:58
henesyKartagis, if execute is on for the DIRECTORY in question and you have R/W on then there is something else very wrong07:59
henesycan you touch something into it?07:59
henesyor can root?07:59
Kartagishenesy: I am root07:59
henesyyou done goofed07:59
henesychown it?07:59
henesychown -R root:root07:59
floatingpointI ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION!07:59
ObrienDavecool, we like that08:00
Kartagishenesy: would it matter if the directory is in /var/www/ ?08:00
henesyKartagis, are you running an apache/nginx server?08:00
floatingpointmhddfs /dev/sdb,/dev/sdc /data08:01
Kartagishenesy: apache, yeah08:01
floatingpointMERGE THEM DRIVES08:01
* Kartagis floats floatingpoint's point08:01
Kartagissorry, had to do it08:02
lewis1711on the odd chance this is familiar to anyone... the brightness changes every time I reboot. hard to google for. any ideas?08:03
henesyKartagis, chown -R www-data:www-data; chmod -R u+rw; chmod -R g+rw; chmod -R o+r; chmod u+x /var/www/folder08:03
henesylewis1711, is this a mac by any chance?08:03
lewis1711henesy, nope thinkpad. also I tright your xbacklight thing, doesn't do it either. really weird, was working perfectly earlier today, then I restarted08:04
lewis1711at this stage I am thinking I migh just re-install ubuntu08:04
henesyIf you've fucked up your X11 then yeah, re-install might be worth it08:05
henesyX11 is a pain to restore08:05
henesywhat's your graphics card?08:05
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lewis1711I have no clue how though. I changed drivers yesterday and restarted and all was fine08:06
lewis1711henesy, Radeon HD 8330]08:07
lewis1711something I should look for on the wiki actually08:07
henesyprobably, I have to go, best of luck08:07
henesycheck the arch wiki too08:07
lewis1711cheers, thanks for your help08:07
Kartagishenesy: that gives me fail to upload08:08
ahmadsububbasaures: do you know which process that draw the desktop background? The issue disappeared if i put application on top of it.08:08
henesyKartagis, before I go, wait, wait, are you trying to upload TO the web server from somewhere else?08:08
ahmadsuOn anyone can help me?08:08
Kartagishenesy: that's what upload means, right?08:08
henesyIf so, what's your framework, what's the process of uploading? SCP? Wordpress interface? FTP?08:09
bubbasauresahmadsu, compiz is the manager lots of ways to tweak and break there, can be reset though.08:09
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henesyif you are uploading from FTP, you have to make sure whatever "user" is being written as by the FTP daemon has permissions, if you're scp'ing you have to make sure the local user is part of the www-data group or w/e, alternatively do the same wtih the FTP daemon (change group/append group), and if it's through wordpress, see ftp08:10
henesyand i'm off to sleep, night all08:10
henesygl with your web server08:10
ahmadsububbasaures: trying to reset compiz now. Thanks08:14
hey_babywhat is this?08:15
hey_babywhat is this program?08:16
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ObrienDavewhat is what program?08:26
bubbasauresyou know that one with the thingy08:27
ObrienDaveoh, the thing-a-ma-bob, forgot about that do-hickey08:27
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
delthow do i change the hostname permanently?08:34
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.08:34
deltwhy both the old and new hostname in /etc/hosts?08:35
PiciFor transitions sake. You can remove the old one after everything is working.08:36
deltie. after a reboot?08:36
deltok, thanks very much!08:37
michaelr525accidently renamed /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 to /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2_ on a ubuntu LTS server.08:51
michaelr525Still have an ssh session open but can't run anything, it seems.08:52
michaelr525can anyone advice on what can be done please?08:52
iptablemichaelr525: can you rename it back? no? In that case, shutdown, boot into recovery using a USB/CD boot and rename back.08:54
iptablemichaelr525: another way would be to boot into busybox from grub and hope you can rename from there.08:54
michaelr525iptable: it's a server which I access with ssh08:55
michaelr525not sure I can do the above..08:55
iptablemichaelr525: that's not really relevant though, no? if you cannot run any commands from the box itself, then it will not get fixed and services will begin to fail. you will have to go to recovery/busybox.08:56
iptablemichaelr525: you *could* try forking busybox from your bash session if you have it installed08:56
iptablemichaelr525: why'd you do that, anyways?08:57
michaelr525hmm.. it wasn't me..08:58
michaelr525he had some stupid reasons08:59
iptableshoot whoever done that. there is no reason to rename it.08:59
iptableit's like having some reason to throw a server out of the window to reboot it ;)08:59
EriC^^michaelr525: just type /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2_ <program>08:59
EriC^^michaelr525: just type /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2_ sudo mv/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2_ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.209:00
EriC^^put a space after mv09:00
EriC^^i think it should work09:00
iptableEriC^^: out of couriosity, what will that do if he cannot run any commands?09:01
EriC^^iptable: do you know why he can;t run any commands?09:01
iptableunless he was lying and CAN run commands09:01
iptableEriC^^: I'm guessing more than just the ld library got renamed, but who knows09:01
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BlackDexHello there, Is there some way to extend the max search-domains without recompiling libc?09:03
Consfearacyis ubuntu still cool?09:03
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iptableConsfearacy: no, it's red hot !09:03
EriC^^iptable: if you chmod -x an executable, you can run it by typing /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 <program>09:04
cfhowlettConsfearacy, do you have a TECHNICAL support question?09:04
iptableEriC^^: good call. how will bash fork+exec the library without the library needed to fork it though...? *might* just work. worth a try09:04
nichlasI know it's not strictly ubuntu, but can anyone recommend a good font for putty?09:05
michaelr525Eric^^: interesting.. thanks09:06
michaelr525iptable: god bless busybox09:06
cfhowlettnichlas, "good"??? unable to process your subjective parameter09:06
michaelr525it worked09:06
iptablenichlas: if you stop using putty, you will get very nice fonts actually. Loads of good terminal emulators out there. even with semi-transparency09:06
michaelr525i was actually puzzled why there is not mv/ls/cp in /sbin09:07
nichlascfhowlett: i don't ask to get the subjective truth here :)09:07
michaelr525now i understand that ubuntu just replaced these with busybox09:07
iptablemichaelr525: yes, no problem at all :) busybox is a lot of commands compiled in to one binary.09:07
nichlasiptable: objective*09:07
iptableit's a "recovery application" more or less. also used in embedded systems to avoid having so many binaries around09:07
bqhow to delete the 5th line for a lot of files?09:08
bqquickly in one batch09:08
iptablenichlas: no, there are, really. comping from windows background, it took me 2 years to switch over form putty as I was used to it. Now I don't know how I could have ever used it.09:08
veto_guo21hello world?09:08
iptablebq: so in all files in a single directory you want to delete line 5?09:09
iptablebq: text files?09:09
nichlasiptable: what do you suggest? I've always used putty, so I've never looked around.09:09
veto_guo21anyone in there?09:09
bqiptable: yes text files. several folders09:09
iptablenichlas: on linux mint I use the provided cinnamon-terminal and mate-terminal, which are very nice.09:09
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iptablebq: directories09:09
bqiptable: but if you can do it in one directory.09:10
linuxdwhat is the full path_to_kernel_sources?09:10
nichlasiptable: ah, but i use different terminals when actually in linux. but unfortunately I'm displaying ubuntu from other systems most of the time.09:10
iptablebq: find /path/to/dir -type f |while read fn; do sed -i '5d' "${fn}"; done09:10
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iptablenichlas: why not use the ubuntu terminal then? nice fonts, configurable, semi-transparency, tab support. what more you want?09:11
iptablenichlas: of course, changing the text/background colours and font size is a must ;)09:12
iptablenichlas: sorry, I'm assuming you are using ubuntu ON your machine on which you were running putty itself? or is the host windows?09:13
ubottumarck: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:13
nichlasiptable: the host is multiple systems. I don't always get to choose. When i'm on Ubuntu i use the terminal.09:14
nichlasI'm usualy ssh'ing to ubuntu. Was just interrested in if anyone had a favorite terminal font.09:14
iptablenichlas: ah. so you do end up on windows hosts too... I normally reboot them and boot to my liveUSB as I refuse to use windows for any employer ;) But I see your point.09:15
bqiptable: great. thanks09:15
iptablenichlas: favourite terminal font is different for everyone, although most stick with default09:15
iptablebq: no probs09:15
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nichlasiptable: I'd prefer ubuntu, but booting in my own system is usually not possible for network reasons. When on windows I use Putty-portable.09:16
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iptablenichlas: makes sense09:16
bqiptable: are you linux system admin?09:16
iptablenichlas: although on windows, putty will use windows fonts, so your question is kind of irrelevant for #ubuntu09:17
iptablebq: solutions architect09:17
nichlassome times i even have to run it through TOR because they thing opening outgoing ports are dangeours.09:17
bqwow, sounds great.09:17
iptablenot bad. less stress more money.09:17
iptableneed to be a damn good engineer beofrehand though09:17
bqbig consulting companies offer that09:18
nichlasiptable: i knew it was kinda irellevant. but i thought many commandline folks would not mind sharing their preferences for fonts.09:18
iptablenichlas: I know the pain ;) I have an ubuntu box at home running at all times with a GUI allowing me to connect to it (ssh) on port 443. And then I VNC (or equivalent) once I have my ssh connection. from there I feel more "at home" ;). I also carry cygwin with me as a backup09:19
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bqiptable: how much should I pay to hire you?09:23
iptablebq: onsite?09:25
iptableblackstone_: ?09:25
blackstone_first use09:26
iptableuhm, ok09:26
blackstone_just a little understand09:26
iptableblackstone_: type if you have technical question. people will answer. just about that's it.09:27
nichlasand then you wait :)09:27
k1l_!cn | blackstone_09:27
ubottublackstone_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:27
bqiptable: what ever, you are in top notch:) you prefer onsite?09:28
blackstone_Im learing ,its funning09:29
iptablebq: no, I do most contracts from home/customer sites if required.09:30
iptablebq: PM09:32
critoHi guys, I have a problem. I'm unable to connect to my dedicated server from my current IP address. Can access it through ip out of office. Any help would be great09:33
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nichlascrito: are you using standard port 22?09:35
DJonescrito: If I understand you, you can connect to your server (at the office) using your internal office network, but can't connect outside the office via the internet09:35
critonot a problem with ssh. Yes that is right DJones.09:36
nichlascrito: might be an issue with blocked ports on your office network. Especially if you are not using standard ports.09:37
DJonescrito: So inside your office your connect to the servers internal ip address (Guessing at 192.168.0.x) but outside the office you connect using the external ip of your network, have you set your router to forward ssh requests from the outside world on a specific ssh port to your server?09:38
critomy server isn't even letting me access the hosted websites through my browser09:38
critorouter is set to forward traffic, worked fine until yesterday morning.09:39
critoCan the hosting site blacklist my ip address?09:39
DJonescrito: DO you have a fixed ip address? Is there any chance that it could have changed?09:39
iptablecrito: so when on the network you cannot access the server using the EXTERNAL IP of that network?09:40
critowe have a static ip09:40
iptablecrito: but you can access it using it's internal IP?09:41
critoyes the office ip is unable to access the server, but offsite ip can09:42
iptablecrito: if you use the internal IP of the server from the office, can you access it? or also no?09:42
critoits hosted offsite iptable09:42
iptablecrito: so you have a server in location A. You can access it from location B but not location C. All locations have their own external IP and there is no VPN involved. Correct?09:43
iptablecrito: can you ping the server from the office? can you ssh to it? can you connect on port 443 (https) and/or port 80 (http)?09:43
iptablecrito: answer yes/no to ALL questions09:44
critono ping, traceroute, ssh, port 80 or 44309:44
critoall connections just hang09:44
iptablecrito: ok, so you cannot access the server AT ALL from the office.09:45
critono iptable09:45
iptablecrito: on the server: iptables-save. provide output in pastebin09:45
iptablecrito: also, check if your office router has got any outgoing port/ip blocking or rate-limiting enabled09:45
critowill do iptable, thanks, just be a min09:46
iptablecrito: also provide traceroute to server IP from office and from remote location. both tcp-syn and icmp traceroutes.09:46
iptablecrito: once you have all the details, pastebin them to us, stating which one is which.09:47
linociscocan we talk about ubuntuphone here?09:53
cfhowlett!touch | linocisco09:53
ubottulinocisco: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:53
cuppa_coffeeI cant remember what kind of amd graphic card i have in my machine... rather than booting to windows or opening up the case, what program can help me here?09:53
explosivecuppa_coffee: lspci | grep VGA09:54
cuppa_coffeeand its a radeon HD 6850. Thank you very much! Now, lets search for the correct driver :)09:55
critocheers iptable, I've just noticed that my ip address is for some reason in -A DENYIN -s . . . . ! -i lo -J DROP09:56
cuppa_coffeehttp://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu%20x86%2064 <-- ok, can anybody tell me which one i should choose now? top one?09:56
critoif I allow this with iptables will that allow me in?09:56
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chowndungoofhelp help help help09:58
chowndungoofu just chown -R www-data:www-data /09:59
explosivechowndungoof: ? did you just chown something?09:59
chowndungoofinstead of chown -R www-data:www-data ./09:59
chowndungoofi just made my whole PC owned by www-data09:59
chowndungoofso I paniced and did chown -R user:user09:59
explosiveyou used sudo?09:59
chowndungoofIm 90% sure I fucked up10:00
chowndungoofit was sudo10:00
Generator_http://fpaste.org/157896/41811916/ so it seems somehow udev is broken, now I can I reinstall udev and get rid of this problem ? apt-get or dpkg is not helping at all.10:00
chowndungoofcan I undo it10:00
explosivemore like 99.9%10:00
chowndungoofexplosive: theres got to be a way to fix it10:00
chowndungoofI hit ctrl + c10:00
chowndungoofso i mean it must have only hit part of my server10:00
explosivechowndungoof: you could reinstall every single package on the installation10:00
chowndungoofusing synaptic?10:01
chowndungoofthat will work10:01
explosiveit would still be ugly10:01
chowndungoofwill i lose my files10:01
chowndungoofwill it break things?10:01
explosiveas some files would get missed i guess10:01
chowndungoofbut the system files will work10:01
chowndungoofif I open synaptic10:02
chowndungoofmark all the currently installed files10:03
chowndungoofand hit mark for reinstallation10:03
iptablecrito: yes10:03
chowndungoofwill it save my PC10:03
explosivechowndungoof: get the list of packages and use apt-get install --reinstall10:03
iptablejust remove the deny rule (same rule, with -D instead of -I or -A10:03
explosivechowndungoof: you will still have config files and other files you created that need fixing manually10:03
explosivechowndungoof: you can use find / -user <user> to get them and fix the ownership10:04
iptablechowndungoof: you should chown -R user:user . , not ./, to avoid that. you pretty much screwed it up. you could try apt-get reinstall all packages. not sure how well that will work.10:04
explosivechowndungoof: dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print$2}'10:05
explosivechowndungoof: that will give you a list of all installed packages10:05
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chowndungoofexplosive: I opened file browser10:06
chowndungoofand I can see that only the top 3 folders have been recently modified10:06
explosivechowndungoof: you have to do it from the terminal10:06
chowndungoof /tmp/ /sys/ and /run10:06
explosivechowndungoof: hmm, type sudo find / -user wwwdata10:06
chowndungoofso i dont think my whole PC got hit10:06
explosivesee what it returns10:06
iptablechowndungoof: execute the last command explosive gave you. you will see how much you nuked.10:07
chowndungoofits loading very slowly10:08
chowndungoofI think I did chown root:root after10:09
chowndungoofthen hit it with a user user10:09
chowndungoofthen paniced10:09
chowndungoofand ctrl c10:09
chowndungoofi noticed i ducked up the wwwdata when I had my pidgin get a permission error10:09
geirhaSo you have some painstakingly long days ahead of you, figuring out what ownerships each file should've had.10:10
linuxdhow to unload driver  mb86a16 and load driver CX23880 instead?10:10
chowndungoofshould I reinstall all my installed apps?10:10
geirhaUnless you have a backup at hand, then it's easy10:10
chowndungoofor should I rechown to the correct level10:10
iptablechowndungoof: might be easier to reinstall10:10
chowndungoofNo its not easier to reinstall10:11
chowndungoofthis is a live webserver10:11
chowndungoofi was in the process of making a backup10:11
chowndungoofand I fucked it up10:11
linuxdConexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder.is this device supported?10:12
chowndungoofim panicing10:12
chowndungoofwhat do i do10:12
=== sharperguy is now known as jpentland
MaxFramesI am trying to recover data from an osx hard disk with file system problems10:12
MaxFramesI booted the mac from an ubuntu live cd, and I am trying to copy the user directory to a usb hdd10:13
chowndungoofwho does the /sys/ folder normally belong to?10:13
Ben64chowndungoof: you broke it10:13
MaxFramesI get access denied, and I am not sure what I need to do in order to gain read access to this folder and copy it over10:13
explosivechowndungoof: dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print$2}' | xargs sudo apt-get install --reinstall10:13
MaxFramesthe osx hdd has been automatically mounted read only, and I can see that the permissions are set to "owner only"10:13
explosivechowndungoof: that will reinstall all the packages10:13
MaxFramesover the user home folder, I mean10:13
MaxFramesI've tried to change the permissions to allow anyone to read, but I get an error because the file system is read only10:14
MaxFramescan you help me?10:14
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chowndungoofexplosive I will run that over night10:16
Ben64MaxFrames: maybe try an osx help channel10:16
chowndungoofthere is no chance it will damage my system more10:16
MaxFramesthey will not help with ubuntu10:16
Ben64MaxFrames: its not "with ubuntu" its an osx filesystem10:16
MaxFramesthe question is about how to change permissions on the directory from within ubuntu10:17
MaxFramesubuntu recognizes the permissions on the folder, and enforces them10:18
Ben64its not a filesystem that is supported fully in linux10:18
MaxFramessuppose the dir is /Users/myuser, suppose I have no access to the dir and its contents. what would be the command to gain permissions, chmod...?10:19
Ben64but its read only...10:19
MaxFrameswhat if I use the same user credentials on ubuntu?10:19
Ben64just go to an osx help channel dude10:20
MaxFramescan I create a user account in a live session?10:20
Ben64MaxFrames: if you can't view it using sudo, nothing will work10:20
explosiveMaxFrames: can't you remount as rw?10:20
Ben64explosive: not hfsplus10:20
explosiveBen64: oh, ok10:20
chowndungoofexplosive: thank you for your help just one quick question what is the /sys/ folder suppose to be at10:21
chowndungoofroot or user?10:21
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Ben64chowndungoof: root, but its not a real directory and gets reset on boot10:22
chowndungoofSo if I was to reboot my system now10:22
chowndungoofin its party owned user state it would be fine10:22
chowndungoofi sudo chown most of my server to user10:23
chowndungoofand if I reboot10:23
Ben64i'm saying /sys gets made every boot, not every file on the computer10:23
chowndungoofwill all the tmp files and stuff  like /sys/ fix them selfs10:23
chowndungoofwill my system boot tho10:23
chowndungoofif most files are owned by user10:23
Ben64who knows10:24
Ben64time to reinstall10:24
MaxFramesapparently, bindfs "will take an already mounted file system and provide a view of it with whichever uid you'd like"10:24
MaxFramesso if I know the osx user id I could use bindfs to access the files as that user10:24
Ben64MaxFrames: again, if you can't view it using sudo, nothing will work10:25
MaxFramesso far I have just tried to view it from the gui10:25
Ben64sudo ls /path/to/it10:25
chowndungoofsudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 0 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin10:27
Ben64watch the language here10:27
chowndungoofI cant sudo stuff anymore10:27
chowndungoofshould my /etc/ folder be owned by root?10:28
chowndungoofor by user?10:28
explosiveevery dir is owned by root10:29
iptablechowndungoof: on your computer, deploy a virtual machine or LXC container and configure a fresh system. Migrate your live website to it. test, make sure it works. then reinstall hosted server and copy stuff (config etc) over10:29
Ben64not necessarily true, but nothing outside of the user's home should be owned by the user10:29
chowndungoofso if I sudo chown -R root:root /10:29
explosivechowndungoof: yeah, i mean every dir in "/"10:29
explosivechowndungoof: no, read above10:30
iptablechowndungoof: so you cannot sudo or su to root (I'm guessing you didn't set root password). In this case, 2 options: 1. reinstall the OS, 2. boot from liveCD/liveUSB recovery and try to fix permissions. not sure which one is easier. I would opt for reinstall for safety10:30
Ben64learn from this about safety using sudo, chown, and recursive10:31
Ben64then reinstall10:31
iptablechowndungoof: some stuff needs to be owned by not root. like /var/www stuff and /var/spool/ etc stuff. all in all, this is *almost* unrecoverable for you. It's a big challange for an experienced sysadmin10:31
chowndungoof /var/spool and /var/logs are still owned by root10:32
chowndungoof /var seems untouched10:32
explosivechowndungoof: what about /etc ?10:32
brit1230does ubuntu have tcl ? or do i have to install it?10:33
iptablechowndungoof: those were just examples. there is a lot more. all /bin needs to be root. 99.9% of /etc is root, so should be kind of ok.10:33
iptablechowndungoof: which dirs did you nuke so far?10:34
explosivechowndungoof: i'd say get a template of your distro from a fresh install, and run a script that checks every file and sets the permissions as such10:35
iptablechowndungoof: on my server everything in /etc is root owned, so try to make /bin/ /sbin/ /etc/ root owner (from recovery if you cannot sudo anymore)10:35
iptableexplosive: except that his one is a server so will have more configs than a virgin distro. lots more.10:36
explosiveiptable: yeah but apparently everything in /etc is owned by root, except for a few files who have a differen group10:36
explosiveiptable: i thought way more files weren't owned by root10:36
explosiveiptable: it seems feasible at least, i dont know, what do you think?10:37
chowndungoofI cant sudo anymore10:37
chowndungoofhow do I fix that to start10:37
iptableexplosive: same here, but apparently on a server only a few would be. only on my asterisk box. not on my webserver though.10:37
iptableexplosive: looks like on desktop it's a different story10:37
iptablechowndungoof: /bin, /sbin/ /etc/ /boot/ /lib /lib64/ /mnt/ /root/ /sys/ are ROOT OWNED.10:37
iptablechowndungoof: so these are easily fixed10:37
chowndungoofI cannot sudo chown right now10:38
chowndungoofhow do I get Sudo powers back first?10:38
Ben64recovery mode10:38
iptablechowndungoof: IF you nuked dirs other than the ones I just mentioned, you ARE screwed as they have a mix of ownerships10:38
chowndungoofWill I be able to boot?10:39
iptablechowndungoof: I already told you 3 times. recovery mode. or boot liveCD/liveUSB10:39
Ben64iptable: it was a chown -R /10:39
iptablechowndungoof: boot lto liveCD for recovery10:39
chowndungoofwhat LiveCD should I use10:39
explosivechowndungoof: there's also the issue of suid, once you chown it, if you set it to root it wont have the suid set anymore10:39
iptableBen64: but he cancelled it half way and chown would be more or less alphabetical, just like rm -rf / (DO NOT EXECUTE)10:39
iptablechowndungoof: ubuntu live CD?10:39
Ben64iptable: then he did another chown -R /10:39
Ben64i say reinstall10:39
iptableBen64: same here. said that 3 times to him too10:40
Ben64not so good at listening then i guess10:40
iptablechowndungoof: ^^ ^^ reinstall. only true way to fix it.10:40
chowndungoofkk going to power off and liveCD and will be back in a bit10:40
chowndungoofMy hard drive is encrypted10:40
iptableBen64: yup, in panic10:40
brit1230does ubuntu have TCL on it?10:40
chowndungoofso If I cannot boot back in what do I do to reinstall savely10:40
iptablechowndungoof: you know the password? then you can do it.10:40
chowndungoofI know the password10:41
chowndungoofI just don tknow how to mount it or anything10:41
iptablechowndungoof: so you can mount encrypted drives10:41
chowndungoofand im terrified of locking away all my stuff10:41
iptablechowndungoof: that you already did10:41
chowndungoofokay I will be back shortly10:41
chowndungoofwish me luck guys10:41
* iptable goes to do some work10:42
|MaxFrames|I have made progress, in the terminal I *can* enumerate the directory contents with sudo ls10:43
|MaxFrames|and I *can* copy single files to the usb hdd10:43
|MaxFrames|but I cannot seem to copy *all* files10:43
Ben64cp -R10:43
|MaxFrames|-R also didn't work10:43
|MaxFrames|the command I tried is this:10:44
Ben64how did it "not work"10:44
|MaxFrames|cannot find the file(s) specified10:44
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|MaxFrames|sudo cp [-R] [user directory path on the osx drive]/*.* [path to the usb drive]10:45
|MaxFrames|with or without -R, same result10:45
Ben64*.* ?? just use *10:45
|MaxFrames|without -R it didn't work, let me try that with -R10:45
Ben64or use rsync10:45
explosive|MaxFrames|: that won't actually copy all files, the *.*10:46
auscompgeekthat only copies files with a . in the filename10:46
auscompgeekand even then, that will probably also skip hidden files (those where the first character in the filename is '.')10:47
chowndungoofI am on a liveCD now10:47
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chowndungoofHello explosive10:49
chowndungoofI managed to boot into recovery mode10:49
|MaxFrames|"no such file or directory"10:49
chowndungooffrom a liveCD10:49
|MaxFrames|that's with both rsync and cp10:49
|MaxFrames|if I use a wild card instead of the actual single file name, I get that error10:50
ashtreeDose anyone know how to crate a none hybrid .img  - for installing on a laptop, where the bios dosent read hybrid10:50
explosive|MaxFrames|: try without a wildcard10:50
explosive|MaxFrames|: cp -r /source /dest10:50
|MaxFrames|in that case, it says "directory Desktop skipped" and doesn't copy any file10:51
|MaxFrames|if I can copy a single file, I must be able to copy all of them10:51
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|MaxFrames|or else how do I open the GUI file explorer in sudo mode?10:51
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Ben64you need to use -R to copy directories10:52
chowndungoofNow that I am in recovery can I mirror the permissions of the liveCD over to my server?10:52
Ben64or use "rsync -avP /source /destination/"10:52
ashtreeDose anyone know how to crate a none hybrid .img  - for installing on a laptop, where the bios dosent read hybrid10:53
razvanola people, do you know why latest lts on macbook air is not remembering any brightness settings and keyboard light settings? thanks10:57
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MaxFramesit worked, it seems to be copying11:04
lotuspsychjeablest: welcome11:08
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ashhDose anyone know about hybrid imigers11:09
wowhow to learn terminal command11:09
ablestno sry11:09
chowndungoofwhat are the defualt owner of lost+found?11:10
lotuspsychje!bash | wow11:10
ubottuwow: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:10
ablestash http://linuxcommand.org/11:11
lotuspsychje!lost | chowndungoof11:11
ubottuchowndungoof: lost+found is where !fsck places any files it gleans from a corrupt filesystem.  These are files which had become unlinked from their parent directories.11:11
chowndungoofcan I safely delete it?11:12
cfhowlettwow, less IRC.  more reading/study.  "the linux command line"  http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090405061458383/20oftheBestFreeLinuxBooks-Part1.html11:12
lotuspsychjechowndungoof: its reccomended to not delete11:12
chowndungoofIf its empty11:12
chowndungoofcan I delete it11:12
ashhDose anyone know at what verion of ubuntu hybrid .img came in, need none hybrid11:12
Ben64chowndungoof: you should really stop doing stuff that you don't know what the effects will be11:13
chowndungoofI miseed up my whole server by reseting the permisions to user11:13
lotuspsychjechowndungoof: its there for a reason11:13
chowndungoofBen64: I'm copying the permissions from my liveCD to my server one by one11:13
chowndungoofI think It will end up okay11:13
cfhowlettashh, "hybrid" ???? never seen any such release ...11:13
ablesti got ubuntu 14.04 lts11:14
ashhto install on a hdd, where bios dosent reconise hybrid11:14
ablestdid the hd come with drivers?11:15
ashhdebin has some old versions that worked but dont konw how to use(comand line)11:15
lotuspsychjeashh: what are you trying to do exactly?11:15
cfhowlettashh to my knowledge there is no ubuntu "hybrid" release so... your source link?11:16
ableststart up sys with hd?11:16
ashhthank u. install on a old laptop11:16
lotuspsychjeashh: install ubuntu on an old laptop?11:16
wowany channel for backbox11:17
DJonesashh: Ubntu switched to the hybrid disc image from 11.1011:17
ikoniawow: read the backbox website11:17
ashhyes. an old debina worked11:17
cfhowlettwow, don't know.  not ubuntu.  not supported here.11:17
ashhis there any way of finding out how to make the new versions none hybrid11:18
cfhowlettDJones, I'm confused.  "hybrid" meaning ... what?11:18
deltwhat does network manager use as host name to identify itself to the network?11:18
DJonescfhowlett: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/06/ubuntu-switched-to-hybrid-disc-images.html11:18
ikoniadelt: the machines hostname11:18
ashhis it the file system thets the problem?11:18
cfhowlettDJones, thank you.  reading11:18
deltikonia: as set by the command 'hostname'?11:18
deltthat doesn't work :/11:18
ikoniadelt: whatever your machines hostname is11:19
ikoniadelt: it's actually calling dhclient, and dhclients default is to use the machines hostname11:19
deltikonia: i disconnedted, set the hostname to something else with 'hostname', then reconnected, it still used the old name11:19
ikoniadelt: hostname will not work like that11:19
ikoniadelt: you need to set the hostname properly, not just use the hostname command11:20
deltso, from a livecd for instance... without rebooting?11:20
ikoniayou can't set the livecd hostname realistically11:20
ikoniatechnically you can - but realistically not practical11:20
deltah ok... :/11:21
deltjust out of curiosity, how would one go about doing that?11:21
deltedit /etc/dhclient.conf or something like that?11:22
ikoniadelt: yeah, thats a good option11:23
explosivechowndungoof: still there?11:24
gansteedit seems that ubuntu does not contain a 64-bit mit-scheme ?11:25
deltikonia: i want to understand how this works. any tutorial / webpage on this? (immediate hostname, no confg files / reboot) ?11:25
MarezzHello everyone11:26
vetohello :>11:26
Marezzfew questions, is there anyone with AMD R9 2xx graphic card & proprietary drivers using Ubuntu with Unity? How are they working together?11:26
Picigansteed: seems that way. Ubuntu is multiarch these days though, so you can just install and run it in your 64-bit install if thats all you need.11:27
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MacroManWow, mounting an LVM drive is a right pain in the wotsit11:28
ikoniaMaxFrames: it's straightforward11:29
gansteedPici: yeah, I should compile it myself.11:30
lotuspsychjeMarezz: install 14.04 and see for yourself11:30
OpenTokixMacroMan: what? lvm is the win11:30
MacroManOpenTokix, Just find it odd that Ubuntu can boot and use an LVM drive, but to mount a secondary lvm drive I have to install lvm211:31
OpenTokixMacroMan: yes, ofc.11:32
ikoniaMacroMan: if you can boot from an lvm disk - you don't have to install anything11:33
OpenTokixikonia: no, he is correct - to handle the lv's and vg's you need to install lvm211:35
ikoniaOpenTokix: right, but if he can boot and mount an lvm disk - it's already there11:35
OpenTokixikonia: Actually no - i have had the problem he is talking about. - you can mount it, but dont do anything like activate it - it is kinda weird actually. - Did not inspect it further.11:36
OpenTokixikonia: I think for th boot, it is included in the initrd11:36
ikoniaOpenTokix: you can't mount a non-active volume11:36
OpenTokixBut no userspace tools11:36
g105bI clicked the "power off drive" button in Disks utility for a USB drive, and now when I plug the drive back in there is nothing mounted... how can I undo that action?11:36
OpenTokixNot sure how it is done11:36
MichaelHabibhi again, is there a way to  include a file in  grub.cfg  ?11:40
xrealWhat was the security website to download the LTS kernels as deb?11:44
ikoniait's the repo in your sources.list11:45
ikoniaso it depends which repo mirror your using11:45
floatmastaflexwhy is my system telling me I can't access /data as the ubuntu user when I've chown'd the dir to ubuntu and opened up all permissions to the world?11:47
ikoniafloatmastaflex: show us the permissions in a pastebin11:47
GeorgeJHello folks!11:48
geirhafloatmastaflex: And if it's really /some/longer/path/to/data   then you must make sure the ubuntu user also has execute access to each directory component11:48
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floatmastaflexikonia drwxrwxrwx 4 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Dec 9 09:09 data11:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409611:49
floatmastaflexliterally 777 on /data11:49
GeorgeJI'm trying to configure my network for IPv6. I've setup my router for stateful DHCPv6. However, Ubuntu seems to change the DUID, can I do something to prevent this?11:49
ikoniafloatmastaflex: and what is the command you are running11:49
floatmastaflexcd /data11:50
ikoniafloatmastaflex: and what is the error ?11:50
floatmastaflex-bash: cd: /data: Permission denied11:50
floatmastaflexactually, when i do ls -la I get this:11:51
bugtraqHello , I have a problem with my wifi adapter Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter ( rev 01) , someone can give me a hand?11:51
ikoniafloatmastaflex: how did you mount this11:51
floatmastaflexls: cannot access /data: Permission denied11:51
floatmastaflexd????????? ? ? ? ? ? data11:51
digitsmI have a problem in my Ubuntu11:52
digitsmThe max cpu frequency in my ubuntu get limited to 800MHz after some time of working11:53
ikoniafloatmastaflex: how did you mount this11:53
floatmastaflexikonia mhddfs /dev/sdb,/dev/sdc /data11:53
OpenTokixdigitsm: it is the speedstep power saving mechanic, it will scale up when you need it11:53
digitsmAnd I can't increase the max CPU freq afterward11:53
digitsmOpenTokix, No it won't11:53
ikoniafloatmastaflex: mhddfs ??11:53
OpenTokixdigitsm: How did you try it?11:53
ikoniafloatmastaflex: why are you trying to mount 2 device files to 1 mount point11:53
ikoniafloatmastaflex: why are you mounting devices files rather than partitions ?11:54
digitsmOpenTokix, I have CPU Freq monitor plugin on my XFCE panel11:54
bugtraqayuda mi wifi no anda alguien que me pueda dar una mano11:54
digitsmAnd I can see what freq the cpu is using now11:54
OpenTokixdigitsm: yes, but did you do something that requeired lots of cpu work?11:55
bugtraqHelp my wifi does not walk someone who can give me a hand11:55
OpenTokixdigitsm: a chatclient is not using much cpu11:55
xrealIsn't there any newer kernel than 3.2 for "precise"?11:55
floatmastaflexikonia it shouldn't matter, but I needed a quick way to use all the space provided by both epheremeral disks as if they were a single dir (AWS)11:55
OpenTokixdigitsm: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ <-- you can adjust values for the cpufreq here.11:55
ikoniafloatmastaflex: it does matter11:55
iptablebugtraq: wifi doesn't walk, it flies :D Sorry, I just had to.11:55
floatmastaflexikonia tell me how it matters11:55
iptablebugtraq: what is the wifi chipset? lsusb to find out.11:55
digitsmOpenTokix, After some work (many open firefox tabs, etc) cpu temperature goes up, until some point when the max cpu freq gets limited11:56
ikoniafloatmastaflex: because you don't mount multiple disks to one mount point11:56
ikoniathe file system will not be aware of spanning the two disks11:56
OpenTokixdigitsm: ok, maybe you have cooling problems?11:56
floatmastaflexikonia this does not matter to me in this case11:56
iptableunless using btrfs, which can be aware or spanning across 2 disks.11:56
floatmastaflexi literally have no reason to care about this11:56
ikoniafloatmastaflex: it does matter11:56
floatmastaflexit doesn't matter for my application11:57
ikoniafloatmastaflex: I'm not fully aware of mhddfs so can't give you specifics11:57
digitsmOpenTokix, Hmmm, in that case after my laptop getting cool for some time, max cpu freq must go up again11:57
digitsmOpenTokix, But it doesn't11:57
ikoniafloatmastaflex: mhddfs seems to suggest you mount directories, NOT device files11:57
digitsmOpenTokix, I feel after max freq getting limited, it stuck in that situation for ever11:58
ikoniafloatmastaflex: you are mounting devices, not partitions, and looking at the docs you don't mount disks/devices with it, you mount already mounted directories11:58
ikoniafloatmastaflex: so I think it does matter11:58
rfxchlxdoes anybody know a good documentation webpage for creating a debian package from a tarball file?11:58
[Arab]Any geeky teen boys here who are interested? lol11:58
Picirfxchlx: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ is a good place to start11:58
ikonia[Arab]: not in this channel please11:58
[Arab]ikonia: lol11:59
floatmastaflexikonia i am glad you told me that. it definitely solved my issue11:59
ikonia[Arab]: not laughing11:59
OpenTokixdigitsm: I would start by adjusting settings for the governor, and if its emergency scaling due to heat, you have problems with your hardware and its not a software problem11:59
ikoniafloatmastaflex: really ?11:59
cfhowlett[Arab], take that mess elsewhere11:59
[Arab]cfhowlett: ok fine11:59
ikoniafloatmastaflex: try it with directories rather than device files11:59
ikoniafloatmastaflex: see if iactually works11:59
iptablebugtraq: answered in PM. In short, that chip does not work.11:59
digitsmOpenTokix, How could I change my default governor from "ondemand" to "performance"?12:00
OpenTokixdigitsm: yes12:00
digitsmOpenTokix, yes what?12:00
OpenTokixdigitsm: yes performance12:01
digitsmOpenTokix, but how?12:01
digitsmwith what command?12:01
MichaelHabibQ: can i use  UUID instead of (hdx,y)  in this Grub2 Menu Entry  loopback loop (hd0,1)$isofile12:01
MichaelHabibAlso, can I use UUID instead of the (hdx,y) format ? I will be moving alot of my harddrives around now and want a way to make booting OS's and iso's easier12:01
digitsmor setting?12:01
OpenTokixecho foo > /path/to/bar12:01
OpenTokixas root12:01
PiciOpenTokix: Thats not very helpful... if you don't know, you can just say that.12:02
digitsmOpenTokix, OK thanks. I will do remaining things with Google's help12:02
OpenTokixPici: I know perfectly well how to, but if he cant navigate the proc filesystem by himself, he should not change values there. - Some sanitation in the recommendations.12:03
OpenTokixPici: But I guess you want me to give some sudo paste-item here12:03
iptableMichaelHabib: yes. inux/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=71f08932-5b0d-41b6-9738-1278769b9619 ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff12:04
digitsmOpenTokix, If I could disable intel speed-step and set cpu freq to max for all time it would be great12:04
digitsmBut I think it's not possbile12:04
orlockDoes Unsupported mean releases are wiped from mirrors?12:04
iptableMichaelHabib: you need a search first. search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 71f08932-5b0d-41b6-9738-1278769b961912:04
OpenTokixdigitsm: yes, you change it to performance, or just disable speedsteop in bio s12:05
iptabledigitsm: it would not be great. it would shorten the lifespan of your CPU and if using a laptop, reduce battery life12:05
iptabledigitsm: but if you want it, as OpenTokix said, it's a BIOS option12:06
digitsmOpenTokix, I tried disabling speed-step in bios, but then it said if I disable speed-step, the bios will set cpu-freq to min!!!12:06
digitsmNo way to set it to max!12:06
MichaelHabibiptable:  is this the correct format ?      search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 0000000000    or should it be   set=root=uuid=0000000  at the end ?12:07
floatmastaflexikonia it's because I mounted the super dir as root12:07
floatmastaflexso magical12:08
digitsmP.S. I have an old Dell Latitude D-830 laptop12:08
ph007can i ask?12:11
lotuspsychje!ask | ph00712:12
ubottuph007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:12
iptableMichaelHabib: the format I gave you12:13
ph007what is LTS?12:13
ph007im noob12:14
iptableLong Term Support ph00712:14
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)12:14
iptableph007: it means you won't have to reinstall your OS for 5 years from release date as all security patches will be provided. as opposed to non-lts, which is short-lived12:14
johnnyreb__Latest is 11.1012:15
cfhowlettjohnnyreb__, FALSE.  latest is 14.04.112:15
ph007what if LTS is end?12:15
iptableph007: you upgrade to the latest LTS12:16
iptableph007: or reinstall to it if you prefer.12:16
iptableph007: if your windows 98 support ends, you install xp and so forth12:16
cfhowlettph007, 12.04 is LTS, still supported.  14.04 is the latest LTS, also supported12:16
cfhowlettjohnnyreb__, lastest LTS = 14.04.112:17
johnnyreb__LTS --- Opps12:17
ikoniafloatmastaflex: did it actually work with device files then ?12:17
ph007ah ok thx12:17
santhoshhai how to add domain users in sudoers file on ubuntu12:19
MichaelHabibiptable: any idea how can I make grub2 stop on error so I can see the message ? right now if there is an error in my menu entry it just flashes and reboot .12:19
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Chuck_Norrissanthosh: admin users?12:20
santhoshjust normal users12:20
iptableMichaelHabib: sounds like kernel error, not grub. grub would failback to initramfs12:21
santhosh%domain name\username this is correct way12:21
santhoshor not12:21
iptablenormal users to sudoers? hmmmm12:21
iptableMichaelHabib: not sure atm, and it's past my lunch time, so I'm gonna split. someone can pick that up. ask without highlight.12:22
PiciPersonally, I prefer to add groups to the sudoers file, so I don't need to muck around in there any more than necessary,12:22
MichaelHabibiptable: np, and ty for your help this far, enjoy ;)12:23
iptablecheers, no worries :)12:23
Chuck_Norrissanthosh: srt idk about that, but if you want to add users to your sistem you may want to use command: adduser ro so12:23
Chuck_Norrisor* so12:24
crazydiamondHi. Can anyone suggest how to convert single flac file to mp3 (not flac+cue)?12:26
fidel_crazydiamond: soundconverter is a small converter coming with an ui12:27
cfhowlettcrazydiamond, avconv12:28
cfhowlettcrazydiamond, or audacity ...12:28
MarezzDoes Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 hav ads in any way and does it gather data about its user?12:30
tmofeeive never seen ads12:30
crazydiamondfidel_, cfhowlett thanks!12:31
ikoniaMarezz: it does not have adverts12:31
tmofeeapart from the web, of course ;)12:31
cfhowlettcrazydiamond, happy2help12:31
johnnyreb__can anyone recommend a good anominizer12:31
MarezzIt wont show any ads in that search thingy/menu/lense or what its called?12:32
cfhowlettMarezz, "lens"12:32
vetoWhy can't I use the /admin command? I see it in the ubuntu club... Forgive my ignorance12:32
MarezzSorry, lens :)12:32
Piciveto: What would you expect that command to do?12:33
cfhowlettMarezz, only the unity interface uses lenses.  you could use any number of alternates: xfce4, lxde, kde, gnome       being the most readily available12:33
vetoJust test?12:33
ikoniathats not adverts though either12:33
ikoniathats search recommendations based on your search12:33
vetoPici:I thick it would show some message, but actually it shows nothing12:34
Marezzcfhowlett, thanks. So you recommend gnome flavor?12:35
Piciveto: I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with this command. Is it something that you've used on Ubuntu before? What information did you get previously?12:35
cfhowlettMarezz, I don't but only because ubuntustudio uses xfce4 instead.  they are easy to test and have full-blown official ubuntu releases.  sudo apt-get install kde-plasma xfde4 lxde       (not sure how to get gnome)12:36
cfhowlettMarezz, if you have a preference for any of them, consider installing the full distro12:37
cfhowlett*xfce4* not xfde412:37
Chuck_NorrisMarezz: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell12:38
vetoPici:No... I see that command in the ubuntu bbs for new hand and I just want to test what I'll get12:38
vetoPici:Anyway, thank you~12:39
* cfhowlett wishes there were standardization of package names ...12:39
Marezzcfhowlett, once again thanks, I will have that in mind, I am currently searching a distro and a DE that agrees well with games and my AMD R9 270X graphic card12:39
chrisss123456hey guys, silly boot questoin: i have a windows 8 partition that i kept while installing ubuntu. it came up initially on grub but now its gone... (there is still the windows security boot option, but then it says "image not found"12:40
chrisss123456any ideas?12:40
Chuck_NorrisMarezz: well, try not to use DE that use compiz -.-12:40
cfhowlettMarezz, amd ... you'll find that of the big 3 = intel, nvidia, amd = AMD is still, sadly, the least linux-friendly.12:41
tmofeeive heard windows 8 especially doesnt play well with machines with other OSes installed... i cant remember the trick but you need to convince it that its the primary partition12:41
MarezzChuck_Norris; hehehe, speaking from experience? :)12:41
Chuck_NorrisMarezz: xD yep12:41
chrisss123456tmofee: mmh, ok. how would i go about doing that? i still want to use ubuntu mainly though...12:41
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tmofeedo you have a spare hard disc you could install??? personally find it easier to install an OS on each disc and when booting just select via BIOS12:42
chrisss123456tmofee: thats not ideal for a laptop though :/12:42
tmofeeahh laptop, sorry.. yeah... hmmmm give me a few seconds i see if i can find anything online12:43
Chuck_NorrisMarezz: and... last thougt try SteamOS :p they got some good overall improvements12:44
tmofeehttp://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-8-ubuntu.html im not too sure how well this is.. personally i HATE all the partition stuff .. especially when you introduce ubuntu into the mix... so headachey ;)12:45
tmofeei used to run mac os/win7/ and lubuntu on my macbook air.. i ended up wiping it recently and just sharing between 7 and mac lol12:45
Lunariohi guys. i want to start a vnc connection over the internet. if I want to access the vnc server from my local network I just need to connect to local.ip.address:displaynumber (e.g. What do I need to do in order to connect to it over my online ip address? i tried with both [ipaddress]:1 and with [ipaddress]:5900 but neither worked12:52
orlockset up a port forward?12:53
Lunariowould it be port 5900?12:53
orlocki think12:53
Lunariowill try that, thanks12:53
littlebithi people, I have installed in the additional drivers section my nvidia driver, and now after rebooting I do not have that xubuntu logo with that animated circle anymore. Is there a way how to restore that?12:57
Langri-Shais there a page which lists mirrors for http://archive.ubuntu.com?13:03
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digitsmOpenTokix, Hello again. I disable speed-step and now freq of cpu of my laptop is always on 2.19GHz13:06
Okitainlittlebit: unfortunately Nvidia doesn't support KMS, which means no fancy stuff while booting13:07
littlebitOkitain: ah ok13:07
digitsmAnd it got even cooler! Which is weird. I am running mprime CPU stress test now the cpu temp doesn't go upper than 55 degree Celsius.13:08
digitsmBut when speedstep technology was enabled, temp could go up to 70 degree under load13:09
digitsmI don't understand why intel even implemented speedstep in my cpu!13:09
Ben64it is likely the temperatures are not correctly being reported13:09
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digitsmBen64, I get the temp using "Sensors" command13:10
Ben64digitsm: ok?13:10
digitsmBen64, I think so13:11
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Ben64digitsm: i don't see how that contradicts what i said13:11
digitsmBen64, I am not sure speedstep is only for reducing heat, but more for reducing power consumption by lowering voltage13:12
Ben64digitsm: its both13:12
digitsmHowever it can be done by using "nop" assembly codes too, which OS does automatically when idel13:13
MichaelKI have never seen so many people leaving the windows OS, and installing linux in these times.. WOW13:13
Ben64digitsm: not the same at all13:13
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digitsmBen64, I have a Dell Latitude D830, with Intel T7500, with 2.2GHz at max. Now it's at 2.19GHz, speedstep is off, and it is cool and running very smooth13:14
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MichaelKdigitsm: cool..13:15
digitsmBen64, There is something else about my laptop too. My fan always turns at highest speed. Because my fan is now connected to 5v DC after my motherboard got repaired after a failure13:15
tmofeei need win os for my games, but my two older machines run lubuntu... i knew they couldnt handle win 7 and they shouldnt stop being used anymore just because theyre old13:16
MichaelKI'm running NetRunner 14 on a Dell Optiplex 7010, and it's running great...  I did have PC-BSD 10.1 installed on it.13:16
tmofeejust for shits and giggles, as part of my work we have these ancient pentiums for a contract with 128 MB of ram that still run a basic software with nt 4.0 ... i managed to get damn small linux running on it,13:17
digitsmSo fan speed chipset (which increases fan speed in case of increased heat/load) is useless. So even at highest frequencies, my fan turns at highest speed and so cpu keeps cool13:17
digitsmBut it got noisy!13:17
Ben64digitsm: cool? try to keep on topic here though. if you'd like to chat, please use #ubuntu-offtopic13:18
littlebitOkitain: but how come do I have better performance when playing an mkv file with vlc with the nvidia drivers than the nouveau?13:19
digitsmBen64, I was talking about cpu freq of my laptop. First I thought it's ubuntu's fault. Now I turned speedstep and found that it's more about my cpu/bios/heat-exhausting13:20
Ben64littlebit: because of vdpau and hardware acceleration13:20
digitsmIt was not offtopic13:20
digitsmBut anyway thanks13:20
tmofeei think he was talking about me being off topic :P13:21
Ben64digitsm: 4 lines about how you think its better to have a basic cpu functionality disabled and how you have your fan macgyver'd is not really related to ubuntu at all13:22
digitsmBen64, OK13:22
digitsmBen64, The only strange thing was how turning off speedstep could make things cooler. It's weird for me13:23
digitsmBen64, But sorry for being too chatty13:24
digitsmAnyway thanks all for your helps13:24
Ben64digitsm: back to my original point -- it is likely the temperatures are not correctly being reported13:25
digitsmBen64, How could I know the correct temps?13:25
Ben64by physically measuring the cpu13:25
digitsmBen64, It's impossible13:26
Ben64pretty much, yep. don't trust what software says13:26
digitsmBen64: Hmm, Thanks13:27
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critoHi guys, just flushed the iptables and my ssh connection died. now can't connect. Any ideas?13:38
LabrusIs anyone who knows good the program protel?13:40
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pbxhow can i trigger a script to run when i connect/disconnect hardware, like my AC adaper or my monitor?13:51
kopfrom dmesg13:52
kopfirmware: agent aborted loading tiacx100c11 (not found?)13:52
kopso where does "it " look for firmware ?13:52
viejotrenhey guys, does anybody knows if Ubuntu Year End Hack Days are running?? at the irc channels there is not any activity,  anyone knows something?13:56
chrisss123456hey all, ive dual boot installed ubuntu alongside win 8 and i have all the partitions, but win8 doesnt come up on grub14:05
chrisss123456what do?14:05
jess44yea, u might have problems with that14:06
explosivechrisss123456: are you in the ubuntu installation right now?14:06
jess44win 8 is a bit different to 714:06
chrisss123456explosive: yes. when i reboot and grub shows up, i see the windows recovery option, but that also bugs out and says "disk image not found"14:07
explosivechrisss123456: ok type sudo parted -l and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com14:07
chrisss123456explosive: partition 4 contains the win8 os14:09
baizonhi, does firefox html5 + vdpau work (amd open source drivers)?14:09
explosivechrisss123456: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt14:09
m1dnight_can scp send multiple files at once?14:09
m1dnight_i.e, 2 uploads simultaneously14:09
m1dnight_or 3 or 4..14:10
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chrisss123456explosive: ooh it says: "mount: can't find /dev/sda6/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"14:10
explosivechrisss123456: mind the space between sda6 and /mnt14:10
chrisss123456explosive: ah.14:10
chrisss123456explosive: done.14:10
explosivem1dnight_: yes14:10
explosivechrisss123456: type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi14:11
chrisss123456explosive: done.14:11
explosivechrisss123456: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done14:11
explosivetype away :)14:11
chrisss123456explosive: done :)14:12
explosivechrisss123456: sudo chroot /mnt14:12
chrisss123456explosive: done :)14:12
explosivechrisss123456: update-grub14:13
explosivewindows 8 should have a .efi file that loads it up called bootmgfw.efi14:13
chrisss123456explosive: ok :) working...14:13
chrisss123456is it done?14:13
m1dnight_iirc you should disable quickboot too, on windows 8, correct me if i'm wrong14:14
explosivechrisss123456: did it say anything about the windows 8 loader?14:14
chrisss123456explosive: nope. m1dnight_: thanks :) how do i do that?14:15
chrisss123456explosive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9442193/14:15
xyzwhateverwhen I type mount blablabla and restart computer drive is no longer mounted why the f....???14:15
xyzwhateverhow do i make it permanent?14:16
m1dnight_also, explosive what about the boot-repair tool? it always solved my issues..14:16
m1dnight_not sure though, havent been following the entire conversation14:16
explosivechrisss123456: if you type ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot do you see a bootmgfw.efi file?14:16
chrisss123456explosive: still while under root?14:17
chrisss123456i see nothing14:17
explosivechrisss123456: sorry, ls /boot/efi/EFI...14:17
chrisss123456explosive: yes i see one :)14:18
ackwoodhi everyone14:19
explosivechrisss123456: ok, out of curiosity, what's the output of efibootmgr -v ?14:19
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chrisss123456explosive: ha. gotta paste that. what does it do?14:19
ackwoodare all /etc/default files generated after installation, or are they included in the package?14:19
explosivechrisss123456: it shows the entries in the boot manager14:21
explosivechrisss123456: grub isn't picking up the windows .efi file for some reason14:22
explosivechrisss123456: and i think you're missing some files, i'd try to reinstall grub, if you want14:22
chrisss123456explosive: mmh :( i tried to reinstall grub. should i do it from root though? i hadnt before14:23
explosivechrisss123456: is it a 64bit machine?14:23
chrisss123456explosive: yes14:23
genericumi forgot my root password .. how do i change it ? for some reason /etc/passwd is unchanged after i passwd ...14:24
explosivechrisss123456: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed14:24
genericumand su doesn't work as well ..14:24
explosivegenericum: your root password? or your username's password?14:24
genericumexplosive: root password14:24
chrisss123456explosive: from the root?14:25
explosivechrisss123456: yes :)14:25
explosivegenericum: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/password_recovery14:25
chrisss123456explosive: ok its showing me a config menu14:26
chrisss123456which option shoul di do14:27
explosivechrisss123456: what are the options?14:27
chrisss123456explosive: install the package maintainers version / keep the local version installed / show difference  / show side by side / show 3 way diff / 3 way merge / start new shell to examine14:28
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:28
pbxwhy doesn't Thunderbird show up as an option under Settings > Details > Default Applications > Calendar?14:30
pbx(14.04 and latest tbird)14:30
explosivechrisss123456: try show differences14:30
chrisss123456explosive: done :http://paste.ubuntu.com/9442342/14:30
chrisss123456explosive: ill be honest, i have no idea whats going on in it...14:31
explosivechrisss123456: press keep the locally installed version14:32
sidiHi there, have you released the results of your 2014 user survey yet?14:32
chrisss123456explosive: ok14:32
explosivechrisss123456: it's asking whether to change /etc/default/grub or not14:33
chrisss123456explosive: ok thanks :) its finished instaling x86_6414:33
cfhowlett!ot | sidi,14:34
ubottusidi,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:34
explosivechrisss123456: did it mention the windows 8 loader by any chance?14:34
chrisss123456explosive: yes! it had a line "Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sda2@@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi"14:35
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explosivechrisss123456: type exit14:37
explosivethen reboot14:37
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chrisss123456explosive: thank you so so so so much :)14:37
explosivechrisss123456: you're welcome :)14:37
ag4ve_is there a sendmail type thing that will logger everything run in sendmail?14:38
xyzwhateverlol you cant??14:39
xyzwhateveroops wrong chat14:39
Mathiscan anyone of you give me a hint what to disable so that no service or anything in Ubuntu 14.04 does any communication to the outside world while having just the desktop and firefox running?14:40
GlorfindelMathis: unplug the internet14:41
Mathisgood. next point?14:41
Glorfindelor do you want firefox to connect?14:41
MathisI wanted to create some kind of kiosk client14:41
Mathisjust firefox showing one website, nothing else14:41
cfhowlettMathis, configure your router: one url allowed14:42
GeekDudeHow long does it take to mount a floppy O_o14:42
Mathiscannot configure outgoing traffic14:42
Mathisonly incoming14:42
GlorfindelGeekDude: five seconds?14:42
GeekDudewell then I must've done something wrong14:42
Mathiswait, also cannot configure incoming traffic14:43
tewardMathis: if you can't control the in/out traffic at all, then you can't achieve your goal14:43
MathisI am using a UMTS stick for connecting to the internet14:43
Mathisteward: I want to control it by shutting down the services which are responsible for that unwanted traffic14:44
tewardMathis: you'd have to hunt and peck at the services, some of which are auto-updates, and some which will likely require hacking away at the core software set to remove the functionality.  Have you even identified the services which are causing the unwanted traffic?14:45
Mathisno, not yet14:45
tewardMathis: that's your first step14:45
Mathisthought there is an official list14:45
cfhowlettMathis, WAY too many variables to make a standard list.  check your services14:46
Mathisits a default installation, so there are nearly no variables14:46
tewardMathis: there's an infinite number of variables, and it's impossible to make a standard list, that's why i said you have to hunt and peck to find the services generating the traffic14:46
MathisI didnt install anything beside the default image14:47
tewardMathis: you might also want to look at this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/create-ubuntu-kiosk14:47
Mathiscool, thanks :-)14:47
tewardneither of the guides on that link though are for the faint hearted14:47
tewardhttp://thepcspy.com/read/converting-ubuntu-desktop-to-kiosk/ is probably what you want, going from Desktop to Kiosk14:48
tewardMathis: back up critical data first, though - these things might explode14:48
MathisI have no critical data on my client14:48
tewardMathis: note though the same page says it's probably better to start with Server and build up14:49
tewardrather than Desktop and cut away at it14:49
tewardMathis:http://thepcspy.com/read/building-a-kiosk-computer-ubuntu-1404-chrome/is a from-scratch method though14:49
tewardMathis: either method is not for the faint of heart and will take some time and configuration14:50
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Mathisteward: I think, I am fine with my current kiosk mode, but thanks :-)14:52
DemHydrazi've just recently installed Ubuntu GNOME 3.14 in my laptop, and after installing Numix Project's elegance-colors theme, my X server just.. broke14:53
DemHydrazThere are no logs, anywhere. Sometimes it boots to low-graphics mode, sometimes it hangs on the splash screen. Re-installing gdm didn't help. Removing the package did not help too14:54
Tondinahki tried ubuntu gnome 3.14 myself. everything works fine, but the notification system is quite uncomfortable.14:54
TondinahkDemHydraz, i think you have a hardware specific problems14:54
DemHydrazdammit, it's 14.10, I got confused with something else. When I first installed, it was working fine.14:55
Tondinahk3.14 is still beta u know.14:55
Tondinahkno official way to install it :)14:55
DemHydrazdammit, it's 14.10, I got confused with something else. When I first installed, it was working fine.14:55
DemHydrazTondinahk, ^14:56
TondinahkDemHydraz, gnome 3.14 is beta, Ubuntu 14.10 is just using latest and not always greatest. My main system is xubuntu 14.04.1 LTS14:57
TondinahkWorking fine as a workstation and temp. server.14:57
cfhowlettDemHydraz, bleeding edge = bloody edge14:57
DemHydrazWhat do you mean with that? I'm not using a beta version.. ffs people14:59
chrisss123456hey guys, does anyone know how to implement a patch? (silly question)14:59
tewardchrisss123456: download the software, patch it, recompile, install?14:59
DemHydrazWhen I said Ubuntu GNOME 3.14 i was reading a comment about that so I got confused. I meant Ubuntu GNOME 14.1014:59
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chrisss123456teward: how do i patch it though :/ its really basic i know but i just dont know how15:00
somsipchrisss123456: http://jungels.net/articles/diff-patch-ten-minutes.html15:00
DemHydrazgah, I'll reinstall this thing15:02
fx11hi, how to change dpi?15:03
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cfhowlettfx11, settings > appearance15:09
AndedamHey, I have a bit of a funny problem. I am using a Logitech Ultrathin Mouse (T630) on Bluetooth and from time to time sequences of numbers 6 7 or 3 gets spammed like a key was stuck. When I turn the mouse off the spamming stops. Im running Ubuntu 14.10 and Gnome Shell. I wondered if anyone ever have had a similar problem?15:14
james_woodsI have an ubunut 14.04.1 LTS server machine that does not respond to pings on a specific interface, ufw firewall is disabled.15:16
james_woodsI can see the pings coming in via tcpdump15:16
ikoniahow are you connecting to it ?15:16
ikoniaover the public internet ? local network ?15:16
james_woodsand I can see no response going out again15:16
james_woodslocal network15:16
james_woodsI am ON the machine, running tcpdump on the machine15:16
ikoniais there a route out on that interface on the server ?15:16
james_woodsikonia: yes two routes, let me check with our network administrator15:18
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james_woodsikonia: because both take the standard gateway which should be fine15:18
james_woodsikonia: but I will make sure15:18
james_woodsikonia: nevertheless should'nt I see the outgoing response on the standard gateway?15:19
DemHydrazi've just recently installed Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 in my laptop, and after installing Numix Project's elegance-colors theme, my X server just.. broke. There are no logs, anywhere. Sometimes it boots to low-graphics mode, sometimes it hangs on the splash screen. Re-installing gdm didn't help. Removing the package did not help too. GDM was working fine before installing said broken theme package. Said theme package can be found in15:19
DemHydrazppa:satyajit-happy/themes, gnome-shell-theme-elegance-colors is the name.15:19
ikoniajames_woods: no15:20
ikoniajames_woods: check the specific route back to the network the ping is coming from15:20
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Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: paste dmesg -k --level=err,warn15:22
james_woodsikonia: thank you, will do15:22
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SansayHey guys, when i try to run apt-get update or apt-get install i get this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the probm. I believe it was caused by me accidently closing an install incorrectly, i think it tried to open some gui and i used ctr z to kill it, what happens if i run that command?15:23
DemHydrazhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9442936/ Chuck_Norris15:24
Sansay_sorry about that i got disconnected15:25
TigerkenYou haven't missed an answer15:25
Sansay_thanks :)15:25
TigerkenBut I can't help either, I'm a linux newbie myself15:25
DemHydrazSansay_, from man dpkg:15:25
DemHydraz--configure package ... |-a|15:26
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DemHydrazConfigure a package which has been unpacked but not yet configured. If -a is given instead of package, all unpacked but unconfigured packages are configured.15:27
Sansay_oh its basicalyl saying i need to finish configuring that package?15:27
Sansay_well thats pretty awesome lol15:27
Sansay_thought ibroke everything15:27
DemHydrazIf you Ctrl+C in the middle of installation or closed the software center, aptitude, etc, etc, chances are it'll leave loads of packages unconfigured15:28
Sansay_it was saying type `exit'15:28
Sansay_to exit when done and it wouldnt work lol15:28
Sansay_i tried exit too15:28
ToTheInternet0 5 * * * /var/www/svs/protected/yiic vulnerabilityscanner run15:29
Sansay_everything works now thanks guys!15:29
DemHydrazNo problem'o.15:29
ToTheInternetwill this entry ^ work in crontab?15:29
DemHydrazremember: man is your help15:29
ToTheInterneteven though it has arguments?15:29
DemHydrazChuck_Norris, progress?15:29
DemHydrazYes, ToTheInternet15:29
ToTheInternetAt first i put the whole "/var/www...... run" thing in double quotes, i guess that's why it didn't work15:30
DemHydrazno quotes, no15:31
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: no no, mmm... i had a bug in gnome-shell too, it was something like that but, it is not your case, althoug your case may be related to graphic drivers i don't think a theme could do that, but...15:31
DemHydrazI don't know what drivers are installed in this machine. Would the dpkg -l description of a driver package say driver?15:32
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Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: it could greping it, but, better do a: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -a3 | grep 'in use'15:33
DemHydrazIt said "Kernel driver in use: i915".15:34
DF3D2so I went from an amd card to an nvidia, installed the drivers okay... Xrandr claims i'm at 1920x1080 but all the test is MASSIVE15:34
rprakash /join #openstack-meeting-alt15:34
DemHydrazGreping dpkg -l to filter out the intel video drivers returned xserver-xorg-video-intel. Should I reinstall that? also, if it was a driver issue, wouldn't it break lightdm too?15:35
TigerkenIs it normal to have 20 running pids of Viber?15:35
DemHydrazTigerken, no.15:36
TigerkenThat's what I thought... :D15:37
DemHydrazKillall the vibers.15:37
DemHydraz(quite literally)15:37
DemHydrazChuck_Norris, that command said "Kernel driver in use: i915", greping dpkg -l returned the package xserver-xorg-video-intel15:38
DemHydrazalso, if it was a driver issue, wouldn't it break lightdm too?15:38
TigerkenBut that's when I look at htop.. when I do "ps aux | grep viber" there's only 1 pid15:39
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Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: edit "/etc/default/grub" and remove "quiet splash"  from:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=   so it will be:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""   and reboot to and see where it's hang or if there is any problems15:39
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: then you could try some graphic PPA to see if solve the problem, or upgrading the kernel 3.18 just came out -.-15:40
Chuck_Norrisif that is the problem15:40
TimeVIrusHow do I know of my wifi driver is installed while I'm connected through eth0? unplug the cable? boohiss15:40
DemHydrazAlright. Will do.15:40
DemHydrazDon't I need to update grub or something?15:41
cfhowlett!caps | xyzwhatever,15:41
TimeVIrusI'm running from live usb at the moment15:41
Tigerkenxyzwhatever, you can just do control + alt + t?15:41
xyzwhateveroh ok thx Tigerken15:41
xyzwhatevernot thats not it, Tigerken  i want the terminal to open the folder where i click it like in lubuntu15:42
DemHydrazChuck_Norris, it hangs on "*Stoping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up     [ OK ]15:43
DemHydrazAnd before that * Starting GNOME Display Manager [ ok ]15:44
cfhowlettxyzwhatever, edit your keybindings to enable that command15:44
xyzwhateverok :/15:44
DemHydraztty7 is completely stuck at that, no iput no anything15:44
Tigerkenxyzwhatever, I have a solution15:45
Tigerkendo "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal"15:46
epyxI run Firefox and Ubuntu Mate 14.04 on a pretty decent laptop15:46
Tigerkenthen logout and log back in15:46
epyxbrowswing the internet, especially Facebook, can be really slow15:46
epyxthe scroll lags basically15:46
xyzwhateveroh nautilus15:46
epyxwhat could I do to fix this?15:46
Tigerkenepyx, is your system up to date?15:46
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: idk, can you reach gdm?15:48
DemHydrazwatcha mean with that?15:48
akiva-thinkpadUbuntu Q and A going on soon: come join #ubuntu-on-air, and tune into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rODyNKhMqZ815:48
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: the place where you enter your password15:48
xyzwhateverdo i have to use sudo for stuff i put in crontab?15:49
DemHydrazah, ok.15:49
DemHydraznope, it hangs before it.15:49
xyzwhateveror does it have super user rights automatically?15:49
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: whait a minute15:49
Justiceis there anything like glasnot for ubuntu?15:50
DemHydrazwhat is glasnot?15:50
TimeVIrusis there some way to find out if my wifi driver (b43 firmware) is installed while I'm using eth0? Other than disco cat 6?15:50
Justicetraffic shaping test15:50
xyzwhateverglasnost and perestroika15:50
Justicewant to see if my vps is traffic shaping15:50
Justiceoh glasnost not not15:51
Justicemy bad15:51
epyxFirefox is also claiming 700 mb RAM for Facebook and one PDF file (4 pages)15:51
Justicei still don't know what to run to test it though15:51
DemHydraztry russia.15:51
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: paste:  aptitude search systemd | grep ^i15:51
DemHydrazit's tcpsomething, forgot the name15:51
xyzwhateverask putin15:51
DemHydrazgotta install aptitude..15:52
cfhowlettJustice, do you have a link?15:52
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DemHydrazpaste.ubuntu.com/9443242/ Chuck_Norris15:53
DF3D2My gtk app fonts are INSANE after installing an nvidia card, and I can't seem to make them smaller. Even size "4" is MASSIVE15:53
TigerkenWhat should I do when I get bad header lines when I do apt-get update?15:53
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: can you access to a tty? and log in15:54
Tigerkenor 404 not found15:54
DemHydrazYep, I'm logged in a tty right now15:54
Justicecfhowlett: you get it?15:54
DemHydrazonly way I can access the thing atm15:55
cfhowlettJustice, I did ... looking for similar functionality15:55
Chuck_Norristhen install aptitude, and then: aptitude search systemd | grep ^i15:55
DemHydrazpaste.ubuntu.com/9443242/ Chuck_Norris15:55
pbxhow do i use the apt command to *preview* what would be upgraded if i ran `sudo apt upgrade`?15:56
epyxokay, blocking Flash solved a lot15:56
SchrodingersScatpbx: probably a flag to not do anything, check man apt-get15:56
epyxhowever pages that actively extends page (Soundcloud, Facebook) lags a lot compared to other browsers15:56
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: try this:  sudo apt-get install systemd-sysv    (it will remove some stuff don't worry about that)15:56
SchrodingersScatpbx: -s15:57
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: then, reboot15:57
DemHydrazAnd rebooting.15:57
DemHydrazand splash screen15:58
DemHydrazand hang.15:58
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: then, sry, idk what else to do -.-15:59
imbezolyou need to figure out why it's hanging15:59
DemHydrazI'll reinstall.15:59
JusticeDemHydraz: what you trying to do? ##networking might be able to help you15:59
DemHydrazWhat does ##networking have to do with a hanging GDM?15:59
DF3D2My gtk app fonts are INSANE after installing an nvidia card, and I can't seem to make them smaller. Even size "4" is MASSIVE15:59
JusticeDemHydraz: i dunno, they helped me with my ubuntu problems15:59
pbxSchrodingersScat, ok, thanks.  not an option for apt, only apt-get15:59
DF3D2my ~/.Xresources seems to be ignored15:59
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: do you see something in color red, while rebootin?16:00
DemHydrazI'll reinstall.16:00
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: ok16:00
DemHydrazThanks for all the help, gais.16:00
Chuck_NorrisDemHydraz: np16:01
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Chuck_Norrisin the mainwhile Chuck_Norris:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9443149/   lol16:01
pbxah, no, -s is an option for apt it's just not in the manpage :\16:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:06
Justicecfhowlett: find anything?16:07
cfhowlettJustice, sorry, no.  might want to ask #ubuntu-server or ##linux16:08
Justiceok thanks16:08
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chroI have 2 partitions in my disk, 1 ntfs, and 1 ext4 for ubuntu. Now, I realized that I don't need the ntfs partition, so I would like to merge it to my ext4 partition, without having to reinstall my ubuntu system. Is that possible?16:10
cfhowlettchro, yes.  boot an ubuntu USB.  start gparted.  delete ntfs partition.  join to ext4 partition.  but first ... BACKUP16:11
chrocfhowlett, but ntfs is the first partition, and I want to merge it to the end of ext416:12
chrothe first sectors of the disk16:12
chrois that a problem?16:13
cfhowlettchro, first sectors?  reserved for bootloaders as I recall16:13
DF3D2My dpi settings seem to be ignored, GTK fonts are huge despite telling them not to be. ~/.Xresources seems to be ignored even when I merge it16:14
cfhowlettchro, WAY easier and fast to merge partitions and reinstall16:14
DF3D2assitance por favor16:14
chrocfhowlett, reinstall the whole system?16:15
_root_does anyone have second source for http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Yosemix?content=16769216:15
_root_it is dead16:15
_root_the link16:15
cfhowlettchro, yes16:15
chroI don't believe so16:15
chrohow would I do that in a fast way16:15
chroreinstalling everything16:15
cfhowlettchro, installation takes what?  20 minutes?16:16
chrocfhowlett, and installing all the programs that I have16:16
chroand my data16:16
chroand everything else16:16
cfhowlett!home / chro,16:16
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
cfhowlett!home | chro,16:16
ubottuchro,: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving16:16
hariomI am upgrading 12.04 to 14.04 but in the mid way of fetching packages, I am getting error: Err http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main linux-headers-3.13.0-40 all 3.13.0-40.69               Connection failed [IP: 80] [21:46] <hariom> What should I do?16:17
cfhowletthariom, complete the upgrade, then do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade16:18
hariomcfhowlett: It asked once to cancle or resurrect this window. I chose resurrect but the same thing happend. If I cancel then it will reset to previous version I think16:21
cfhowletthariom, download 14.04.1 and clean install16:21
hariomcfhowlett: It is remote server16:23
cfhowletthariom, ow.  wow.  sorry.16:24
hariomcfhowlett: how to change the repository mirror. I think that will solve the issue.16:25
LinuxGoldhi all16:25
cfhowletthariom, sudo edit your /etc/apt/sources.list       then sudo apt-get update and proceed as "normal"16:25
Chuck_Norrisaloha LinuxGold16:27
LinuxGoldsup in Ubuntu community? any new tidings?16:28
earnThisif i have two NICs on one physical server and my /etc/network/interfaces file looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9443673/ why can I do anything with eth1 i.e. ping the internet?16:29
daftykinsearnThis: "why can i do anything" ?16:29
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earnThisdaftykins: cant**16:29
daftykinsearnThis: no need to specify a gateway and DNS twice.16:29
earnThisdaftykins: ok but shouldn't it still work though16:30
LinuxGoldI updated my son's UbuntuStudio for his piano recording.. trying to figure out more ways to make it better and better -- sad to learn that audacity disabled the skin :(16:30
daftykinsearnThis: well, 192.168.3.x can't talk to 192.168.1.x16:30
earnThisdaftykins: the sever cant talk to the gateway?16:31
daftykinsearnThis: ##networking might be a better match for you. i'll be back shortly16:34
xristos_i have a problem, after my screen goes off, laptop doesnt boot again it only turns off...16:34
TimeVIrusguys surely you know that to communicate between two different networks, ie 192.168.3.x and .1.x that you need a router, yes?16:35
TimeVIrusdepends on your mask16:35
TimeVIrusdefault mask for 192 network is /2416:36
hariomcfhowlett: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php16:37
kedarany place where I can find a working howto for implementing Puppet open source and foreman16:37
cfhowletthariom, great tool for rebuilding the list16:37
kedarany place where I can find a working howto for implementing Puppet open source and foreman16:38
nomadistI am running a spider using scrapy recently it hangs after a few requests and just waits for network.. I get the 111 connection error16:39
nomadistim pretty sure something's wrong on the os side.. requests are being blocked.. because I can see in conky that download activity stops, whereas if I fire up xchat it shoots up again16:40
nomadistre: shoots up again, the downloaded bytes, not the scraper.. the scraper still hangs16:40
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nomadistfrom the debug log I can verify that its caught in a retry loop and cannot get any more data from the web16:41
nomadistanyone have any clues?16:41
ASHER1Hola i want please ask something how i install this C compiler16:44
LinuxGoldASHER1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingCompilers16:46
cfhowlett!info gcc | ASHER1,16:46
ubottuASHER1,: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.133ubuntu2)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.9.1-4ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 5 kB, installed size 42 kB16:46
thomas1Hey, could someone tell me how to install these as a gnome terminal theme? https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-gnome-terminal16:48
thomas1I tried sh <themename.sh> and nothing happens, same with source <themename.sh>16:49
axsuulAnyone know how I can access packages for saucy? I don't see it in packages.ubuntu.com16:52
cfhowlett!saucy | axsuul16:52
ubottuaxsuul: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy16:52
pbxwith 14.04, why wouldn't Thunderbird show up as an option under Settings > Details > Default Applications > Calendar?16:53
axsuulthanks cfhowlett16:53
axsuulIf I wanted to get libgeocode32 for Ubuntu 13.10, where could I find that?16:54
daftykinsaxsuul: 13.10 is EOL, you shouldn't be using it16:54
axsuulI need to use a package from that distribution however16:54
axsuulThe specific package is libgecode-dev16:55
axsuulit's buggy in 14.0416:55
xanguayou need to upgrade to a maintained ubuntu release16:55
cfhowlettaxsuul, 12.04 is still supported16:55
ravenousjis there any cell phone rooms?17:00
ravenousjim new at this17:00
SchrodingersScat!touch | ravenousj17:00
ubotturavenousj: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:00
ravenousjhave a question, how would someone completely destroy a cell phone?17:02
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SchrodingersScatravenousj: that's outside the scope of this channel, this is specifically ubuntu support.  maybe you want ##hardware ?17:02
cfhowlettravenousj, off-topic17:02
ravenousjok then17:03
BluesKajravenousj, we help ppl fix their issues, not destroy17:03
compdocjust remove teh sim card and recycle the phone17:03
JusticeHey guys, I think I may have a problem on my box with ports being closed. Not sure how to open them/perform port forwarding17:03
zerickHi folks, how could force devices to be mounted after network start, It seems to be done with upstart but no idea how to do it.17:03
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SansayHey guys is there a standard or most accepted way of installing mail so it works for php and shell script? do people just normally install mailutils?17:08
brainacidim little lost with sed17:12
brainacidbeen reading the manual and did some searching on duckduckgo but still cant get what i want17:13
brainacidi would simply like to extract, print to stdout or pipe, an email addr... i dont want the names in front of the emails, just print the string that matches @17:14
daftykinsbrainacid: ask in #bash17:14
brainaciddaftykins, nice thanks17:15
gomariGuys has the ntsf intergration to Ubuntu been improved or it's as slow as before?17:15
daftykinsgomari: i'm gonna guess you mean the Linux kernel's support for NTFS - the Windows file system?17:16
daftykinsgomari: never had any speed issues before.17:16
gomariNo it was too slow17:16
daftykinsstandard logic applies though, if you're using NTFS with Linux - maybe you're doing it wrong.17:17
daftykinsgomari: well unless you have any metric to quantify this claim, all we'll have is your word against mine :)17:17
Zerock|WorkHow does one set the Java library path globally without having to launch each application from the command line? I'm trying to use the svn plugin for Eclipse, but the native libraries are not in the expected location.17:17
trisshey all. I've recently purchased a nice new shiny hp envy laptop17:17
trissthe fans seem to be on a lot more on ubuntu than on windows17:18
daftykinsZerock|Work: pretty sure establishing environment variables is a step 1 of installing a java setup, perhaps find some java channels and ask some java devs for advice17:18
trissand the box isn't working very hard17:18
gomariSure there is a metric it's the windows speed vs Ubuntu speed17:18
trissare there any nice apps that can help me figure wich fan is running and have it turned down?17:18
daftykinsgomari: i'm talking about tangible proof, not your say-so :)17:18
trijntje!fan maybe | triss17:19
Zerock|Workdaftykins: Well if the path is not set by default, then the software is incorrectly packaged. There should not be software that installs to an arbitrary location that does not comply with the software it intends to work with.17:19
gomariAnd asuming u r right and has no issues why would be wrong to install Ubuntu to a ntfs partion?17:19
daftykinsZerock|Work: maybe you've yet to log out and in? :) who knows. you've not mentioned what you've installed in much detail, still say a developer would be better to ask than a general OS channel17:20
daftykinsgomari: you actually can't install Ubuntu on an NTFS partition.17:20
gomariI think i just did17:20
daftykinsgomari: nope.17:21
daftykinsnot possible17:21
SchrodingersScatcan't execute files on ntfs, afaik17:21
daftykinsunless you're talking WUBI, then i shall commence laughter immediately17:21
gomariHow can i confirm my root partion type from ubuntu then?17:22
daftykinsgomari: explain how you installed first, if it was WUBI (the installer from within Windows) then all bets are off17:22
gomariIt was Ubuntu 12 from and i intalled it from windows not from live cd17:23
k1l_gomari: show the output of "mount" and "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) in a pastebin17:23
AndedamHey, I have a quite annoying problem. I am using a Logitech Ultrathin Mouse (T630) on Bluetooth and from time to time sequences of numbers 6 7 or 3 gets spammed like a key was stuck. When I turn the mouse off the spamming stops. Im running Ubuntu 14.10 and Gnome Shell. I wondered if anyone in here have had a similar problem and might direct me how to solve it ?17:23
k1l_gomari: so its a wubi install inside windows?17:23
daftykinsgomari: yeah so that's WUBI, an absolutely horrific idea17:23
k1l_gomari: you are lucky it got that old and should not blame slow speeds at all with wubi. if you want better ubuntu performance make a real install.17:24
daftykinsgomari: so truthfully, the original question should've been "how is performance with WUBI?" not performance with NTFS. the answer to that would've been "oh dear Tux don't ever use WUBI! it's an abomination!"17:24
BlitzHereI have a strange issue with font corruption. Happened a few times with no trigger I'm aware of17:25
BlitzHerelook at the e17:25
BlitzHereA reboot fixes it17:25
BlitzHereBut it keeps happening17:25
diphtherialhello; so apparently kernel 3.18 adds support for focaltec touchpads, and indeed /proc/bus/input/devices reports that it's now being recognized as a focaltec touchpad17:36
diphtherialunfortunately it mentions that it's in ps/2 mouse emulation mode; i'd like for it not to be, so that i can toggle it on and off and use multitouch gestures with it17:36
diphtherialhow do i go about configuring it?17:36
trismdiphtherial: there is a really long thread at bug 1372609 might find something there17:43
ubottubug 1372609 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad detected as mouse on Asus ux303ln laptop" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137260917:44
UTLHi, all! Remember my problems with the SD card not working right? I've just tried to research the problem, and I'm not getting anywhere, so I thought you might help.17:45
daftykinsUTL: the one we pronounced dead?17:45
diphtherialtrism: ah, yes, that thread's been my bible lately17:45
diphtherialthe gist of it is that someone made a kernel patch, but 3.18 includes the change they made afaik17:46
diphtherial(i actually have a ux303ln, currently trying to overcome a host of issues)17:46
UTLdaftykins, I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm talking about the problems with the SD card writing. I've got errors like "end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector #" and "mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt." and "mmcblk0: error -110 transferring data, sector 61057, nr 1024, cmd response 0x900, card status 0xc00"17:48
daftykinsUTL: ah, just confusing a different user, don't worry.17:48
DF3D2so im using xrandr to set my dpi to 96, but the text isn't getting any smaller17:49
bubbasauresdiphtherial, You want to be aware that except for small exceptions packages outside the repos or releases are not really supported here17:49
diphtherialbubbasaures: i'm confused; is the main kernel release of 3.18 not supported?17:50
diphtherialthat's what i installed this morning, as it includes the support that that patch added17:50
daftykinsdiphtherial: no that's not a kernel version in any stable release.17:50
bubbasauresdiphtherial, Not in any release is all, just making sure you know the channel norm, people do help if that is the only option or just care.17:51
diphtherialdaftykins, bubbasaures: ah, thanks for letting me know. i am new here, obviously :)17:51
ASHER1i try doing this and this install but17:52
UTLLike I've said before, it doesn't happen to Windows. I've found out that one reason might be an old laptop, but I have a fairly new laptop I got from Walmart this year, running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, with a built-in SDXC card slot17:52
diphtherialgenerally speaking, if you want to configure a peripheral, is there a central place to do it or does it vary by driver?17:52
ASHER1i have this gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)17:52
diphtherial(let's constrain the discussion to input devices, specifically mice/touchpads, if possible)17:52
bubbasauresdiphtherial, No problem, it is all good. ;)17:52
ASHER1and i try to configure something and i see error something like this libpq++.h17:52
DF3D2so Im having a problem where my dpi shows as 96 but is clearly much larger17:53
LinuxGoldasher1: can you put in pastebin?17:54
ASHER1yes i can17:54
LinuxGoldto make it easier  <command> | pastebinit (make sure you install pastebinit)17:54
LinuxGoldand give me the url17:54
UTL3/4 of my terminal are covered with these errors about mmc0. What do I do?!?17:54
bubbasauresDF3D2, How about a screen shot.17:54
daftykinsUTL: take the card out? 0o17:54
DF3D2bubbasaures, all my text is clearly around 300 DPI17:55
DF3D2yet all the command line commands show it as 9617:55
UTLI tried to kill the transferring process, but it wouldn't kill, so I just ejected.17:55
UTLDo I wait?17:56
LinuxGoldapt-get install libpq517:56
bubbasauresDF3D2, You're description just needs way more to be helped by the channel. Like release, desktop, any possible cause and effect, was it ever normal....etc17:57
LinuxGoldapt-get install libpq-dev17:57
UTLI put the card back in. It hasn't shown me the SD card icon on the Unity panel, yet.17:58
DF3D2bubbasaures, it was caused by switching from AMD binary driver to Linux binary driver.17:58
UTLIt's like the process is running in the background.17:58
LinuxGoldUTL: dmesg, and put SD card in and make sure it is recognized.17:58
DF3D2It was fixed by running xrandr --dpi 96 , but then on reboot that command no longer works17:59
bubbasauresDF3D2, Good info for the channel, I was just trying to get you to post enough for help.17:59
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UTLGot a timeout error and this: "mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card"17:59
DF3D2You know what it seems to be some issue with Lightdm17:59
DF3D2I found this:17:59
UTLWhat's "error -110"?18:00
ASHER1linuxgold this for me what you write now?18:00
LinuxGoldASHER1: apt-get libpq-dev  try it18:00
DF3D2Run gksudo gedit, open /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add a parameter under [SeatDefaults] section:18:00
DF3D2xserver-command=X -dpi 9018:00
ASHER1ok i try18:00
DF3D2and that actually sticks on reboot18:00
DF3D2it's very odd that xrandr --dpi 96 worked once, and then never again18:01
ASHER1ok it done18:01
ASHER1but i see error18:01
LinuxGoldok, try recompile again18:01
LinuxGoldwhat error? from apt-get?18:01
ASHER1not from configure18:01
DF3D2So basically Lightdm was overriding everything else?18:03
* UTL sighs. Time to reboot...18:03
DF3D2OR nothing else would set the DPI even though it claimed to ?18:03
bubbasauresDF3D2, Post this all in your blog, it is not really helpful here as a comment stream.18:04
DF3D2I really should keep a blog for all the hardware/software bullshit I encounter18:05
bubbasauresyeah and you can swear there, not like here.18:05
LinuxGoldI need to go18:08
LinuxGoldcya later.18:08
ASHER1LinuxGold i get again error18:09
AmpelbeinASHER1: You need to install the -dev package for the library. The -dev package contains the header files.18:12
ASHER1how i install this?18:12
ASHER1you can give to me please the command?18:13
AmpelbeinASHER1: like any other package, with "sudo apt-get install ..."18:13
ASHER1sudo apt-get18:13
marcel_Just installed ubuntu-unity (on my Acer c720 via crouton). I'm trying to add my printer, but printer>server>new>printer is shaded in gray. Does anyone know how to fix this (I guess so ;)) Would be really great thx :)18:13
ASHER1i make this from Terminal18:13
AmpelbeinASHER1: yes.18:14
f0urh1r3hello, i am trying to install some fonts into ubuntu but it doesn't work, i'm using fonty python. the folder .fonts doesn't even exist. how do i solve this? thanks in advance18:15
ASHER1ok then you can please give to me the command?18:15
ASHER1for install this18:15
squintyASHER1:  any reason why you just don't search in Software Center (or Synaptic package manager) to install libpq-dev?   then you don't need to use terminal commands...18:17
=== Guest9784 is now known as Sleepnbum
ASHER1but what i need search from pack18:18
hariomI am getting error while upgrading to ubuntu 14.04: Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main linux-headers-3.13.0-40 all 3.13.0-40.69             Connection failed [IP: 80]18:19
ASHER1i dont know how i can fix it error18:19
ASHER1and this my error libpq++.h18:19
hariomHow to fix this. I have tried with another mirror as well but same result.18:19
k1l_ASHER1: what are you doing at all there?18:19
k1l_ASHER1: like the last time: its easier to take the programs that are already made working with ubuntu.18:19
ASHER1it services18:19
k1l_ah, the irc stuff again?18:20
ASHER1no this something other18:20
MrSavagehey all i'm trying to install the new amd omega driver18:20
MrSavagebut i'm getting dependency is not satisfiable fglrx-core18:20
genericumi have a problem with startx, as user it says: Cannot open virutal console 8 (Permission denied) any ideas ?18:20
f0urh1r3can anybody read what i write at all, sorry... i'm using this the first time...18:20
k1l_ASHER1: so you want to build mod.chanfix?18:21
ASHER1i want configure18:21
k1l_are you sure you need that at all? that is very very very old18:21
ASHER1and this my error one sec18:21
Ampelbeinf0urh1r3: yes, we can read it.18:21
squintyf0urh1r3: yes18:21
marcel_would any1 mind to have a quick look on my question? ;)18:22
k1l_ASHER1: what command brings this error?18:22
squintymarcel_:  just type in your problem  if someone can help they will reply18:22
ASHER1configure file18:22
ASHER1i send to you error18:22
marcel_ok: Just installed ubuntu-unity (on my Acer c720 via crouton). I'm trying to add my printer, but printer>server>new>printer is shaded in gray. Does anyone know how to fix this (I guess so ;)) Would be really great thx :)18:22
k1l_ASHER1: so you are compiling18:22
ASHER1it come with this18:22
ASHER1i only run18:22
ASHER1and this command for run18:23
ASHER1./configure CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix18:23
f0urh1r3Ampelbein: thanks for your feedback... at least it's visible... does anybody know why i am not seeing any .fonts folder? have the standards changed for fonts since 14.04?18:23
k1l_ASHER1: this is not "run the program" that is "compiling the program"18:23
k1l_ASHER1: and you need to get to know what that program needs to be installed on the system. and then you need to get all that stuff. and like i told you last time that program is very very very old and its very difficult to get all the old stuff18:24
ASHER1:\ ok18:25
Ampelbeinf0urh1r3: What error message do you get? (Use paste.ubuntu.com for long output)18:25
k1l_ASHER1: it is for running irc servers. are you sure you want to run a irc server on your own?18:26
ASHER1this mod services18:26
ASHER1i think it possible fix this18:27
k1l_ASHER1: no, its a module for a  irc server18:27
ASHER1ok module18:27
ASHER1it run with pgsql18:27
ASHER1i know18:27
squintymarcel_:  might want to try using the CUPS setup.....   enter the following in your web browser  https://localhost:631/  >  CUPS for Administrators > Adding Printers and Classes18:27
ASHER1but my question why i get error18:27
f0urh1r3Ampelbein: fonty python will just hang forever and not install anything, besides there is no .fonts folder at all. i used to run this without problems y nd i could see how the .fonts folder would be filled with the fonts. now nothing happens18:27
k1l_ASHER1: yes, you need the libpq++.h from that pgsql18:28
k1l_ASHER1: that was the same issue last time18:28
k1l_is postgresql installed? installed from ubuntu? ...18:28
k1l_ASHER1: http://gnuworld.undernet.org/gnuworld-setup/?s=4#faq318:29
ASHER1i no install this18:29
Ampelbeinf0urh1r3: Does it work when you create the folder by hand? See bug 132214418:29
ubottubug 1322144 in fontypython (Ubuntu) "Doesn't install pog, it hangs." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132214418:29
k1l_ASHER1: so you know you need postgresql but you dont install it?18:29
marcel_@squinty: this doesnt work. the printer is not connected via usb to my computer. its connected via usb to my router and configured to work with my windows laptop so far. now i want to be able to print via my ubuntu computer.18:30
squintyf0urh1r3:  fwiw, there doesn't appear to be a .fonts directory on my 14.04.1.   however the following is displayed   whereis fonts18:30
squintyfonts: /etc/fonts /usr/share/fonts    maybe you need to add  ~/.fonts to your home directory?18:30
ASHER1i want install this my i think if this possible install something like this without postsql18:31
k1l_ASHER1: do you really need mod.chanfix? are you really sure?18:31
k1l_ASHER1: i think you dont have a clue what you are doing. do you run your own irc servers?18:32
ASHER1why not i happy take from you reason18:32
f0urh1r3Ampelbein: that did the tic18:32
Ampelbeinf0urh1r3: cool.18:32
f0urh1r3Ampelbein: thanks, now it's working18:33
mikubuntuso, i just had to switch from chrome to firefox again, because something keeps gumming up my keystrokes on chrome (i'm typing along, all of a sudden, i tap keys, nothing happens). running lubuntu 14.04. anybody have this issue?18:34
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f0urh1r3squinty: indeed. thanks, that solved it. thank you guys. i would like to contribute more to the community but i am quite a newbie. thank you very much18:35
squintyf0urh1r3:  good to hear you are up and running again. :-)18:36
hariomI am getting error while upgrading to ubuntu 14.04: Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main linux-headers-3.13.0-40 all 3.13.0-40.69   Connection failed [IP: 80]18:48
Darknetk1l_: why would you put a gnuworld link here? gnuworld is crap in a box...18:48
bubbasauresmikubuntu, You sure it's the browser and not just using up the computers resources, I notice you're running lubuntu.18:49
DarknetASHER1: why would you want to use chanfix on a small network?18:49
k1l_Darknet: its the user who tries to run that stuff. not me.18:49
Darknetset your services to be freely registered, and expire after a few days of idle.18:49
DarknetASHER1: i strongly suggest you unrealircd+Anope since you have no idea what you are doing.18:50
ASHER1i run18:50
=== isantop-pc is now known as isantop
ASHER1very much ircd18:50
Darknetlooks like you can't18:50
Darknetsince you are here18:50
ASHER1Nefarious inspircd and more but i dont know why i get error18:50
ASHER1i try to find the problem18:50
k1l_ASHER1: chanfix is deprecated18:51
k1l_ASHER1: dont try to run that. that is what i already told you the last time you were asking here18:51
ASHER1my friend i get this18:51
marcel_How do I safely disconnect my external HDD?18:51
DarknetASHER1: don't use chanfix, its old, unsupported, and completely useless.18:52
Darknetuse something else.18:52
isantopmarcel_: You'll want to open the File Browser/Home Folder, then click on the Eject Icon next to it on the list on the left.18:52
DarknetASHER1: if you really want to use it, go see on undernet, talk to Spike, Empus or Rufus. They know.18:53
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hariomCan anybody assit in resolving this error: (while upgrading to ubuntu 14.04): Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security/main linux-headers-3.13.0-40 all 3.13.0-40.69   Connection failed [IP: 80]18:53
isantopmarcel_: See here: http://i.imgur.com/nPpanSh.png18:53
ASHER1i dont know if there answer to me18:54
ASHER1but i take the word what k1l_ say18:54
DarknetASHER1: just ask your question and wait.18:54
squintyhariom:  tried switching mirrors (Software and Updates)  click on that address you pasted results in "This is the default web page for this server.18:54
squintyThe web server software is running but no content has been added, yet." being displayed in my browser18:54
Darknetundernet "invented" chanfix.18:54
marcel_isantop: Unable to unmount Data - not authorized to perform operation18:54
ASHER1i run from ubuntu18:54
ASHER1with X3 services18:55
isantopmarcel_: did you manually mount the drive form the command line?18:55
ASHER1and i try to install from there install mod.chanfix18:55
marcel_isantop: no18:55
hariomsquinty: I have tried 3 different mirrors but same result18:55
ASHER1this what i see there18:55
Darkneti dont care.18:55
Darknetjust saying18:55
isantopmarcel_: Can you post a pastebin with the output of: sudo fdisk -l ?18:55
Darknetim saying, you are using stuff that is not under development anymore, nobody is working on it, you can't get support.18:56
Darknetgood luck18:56
marcel_isantop: how do I make a pastebin:D ?18:56
isantopmarcel_: You can paste the output here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/18:57
isantopThen, send the link to the paste here.18:57
marcel_isantop: it doesnt copy the output in the terminal18:58
isantopmarcel_: You'll need to press Ctrl+Alt+C to copy from the terminal.18:58
marcel_isantop: same result18:59
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spupuserIs there a way to make a ubuntu usb using a comand line on other linux such as puppy?19:00
isantopmarcel_: Hrm... What are you seeing when you try to copy?19:00
marcel_isantop: "^C" in a new command line19:00
isantopspupuser: You can dd the image to the USB drive. eg: sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdx19:00
isantopmarcel_: Okay, after you select the text, just use the Edit menu and click Copy19:01
spupuserThanx ill give it a shot. my hdd crashed n i only have slacko to work with19:01
isantopspupuser: Good luck! :-)19:01
marcel_isantop: http://pastebin.com/4cMWtvzq19:01
isantopmarcel_: Is the external drive the 1 TB drive?19:02
marcel_isantop: yes19:03
isantopOkay, then try running this in the terminal: sudo umount /dev/sdb119:04
johnfgHi folks19:05
mikubuntububbasaures: i don't think so -- when i switch to firefox, don't have the problem (as i'm typing right here) -- it's only on chrome, and only as of late (at least couple weeks been doing this -- i have to reboot if i want to go back to chrome)19:05
johnfgjust installed the latest server in a vm.19:05
johnfgWhat's the pkg name for installing mate?19:05
marcel_isantop: it says sudo: unmount: command not found19:05
mikubuntububbasaures: this isn't a particularly old computer either19:05
isantopmarcel_: make there's no "n" in there. Just umount19:05
marcel_isantop: it says not mounted now19:06
isantopYou should be fine to remove it, then. If it's not mounted, then there shouldn't be any more write operations pending to the drive.19:07
bubbasauresmikubuntu, I would use a conky or htop to tell. My concern is that all you answers and questions are rather empty of info for the channel to help you is all.19:07
isantopmarcel_: You might reboot, too. It shouldn't be necessary to run any of the mount commands manually.19:07
marcel_isantop: ok. but im still a bit confused. why does it show up in the explorer when its not mounted? is this usual?19:08
mikubuntububbasaures: whats a conky or htop ?19:08
spupuserIts saying it copied to my usb but when I look in that usb nothing is there19:08
isantopYeah, If the drive is connected, it will show up in that list on the right so that you can click it and open it.19:08
bubbasauresmikubuntu, Easily found on the web, you have to be careful you rely on the channel for any info. Both will show processes.19:09
bubbasaures!htop | mikubuntu19:10
bubbasauresmikubuntu, here is a htop link, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/using-htop-to-monitor-system-processes-on-linux/?PageSpeed=noscript19:11
upsell5how can I create an alias on the fly?  like:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade19:11
mikubuntububbasaures: k i'll check it out19:11
upsell5can I add it to my bash with an alias in a single line?19:11
bubbasauresmikubuntu, Cool, hope we can get you working as you want. ;)19:12
marcel_isantop: ok that makes sense. another question: under devices it show a lot of things which im unsure about why it is displayed there or what it means: "OEM" "ROOT-A" "ROOT-A" "EFI-SYSTEM" "EFI" "34 GB VOLUME". Is this supposed to look like this?19:12
johnfgI see that there's a ubuntu-mate.org, but they only have isos.  Is there a way to install mate on this server?19:13
bubbasauresjohnfg, What release is this?19:13
holsteinjohnfg: yes.. its in the repos, or at the mate site, you can read about adding the ppa's to get *exactly* what is in the mate 14.04 version19:14
OerHeks!info mate-desktop19:14
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1+dfsg1-1 (utopic), package size 17 kB, installed size 81 kB19:14
bubbasauresjohnfg, in the 14.10 repos, install19:14
holsteinjohnfg: 14.10 has the packages in the repo.. you can use *any* package manager, and search "mate" for example19:14
johnfgthanks guys.19:15
* bubbasaures welcomes holstein back with a 14736251 salute19:16
spupuserthanx man the dd to usb worked awesome.19:16
lucid_intervalupsell5: if you want to add an alias to your currently running shell instance: alias l='ls'    (to alias l to ls)19:16
johnfgWhat's the preference for a dm.  I'm using both gdm and lxdm on other machines, at present.19:16
upsell5lucid_interval: cool, and what file does it append to?19:17
bubbasauresjohnfg, lightdm is used19:17
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lucid_intervalif you want to have this alias available when you log in next time (also): add a line with the same text to ~/.bash_aliases19:17
johnfgSo, with make-desktop installed, will startx start with mate?  Or how do I call it?19:18
bubbasauresjohnfg, You will end up with a gui to login with.19:18
lucid_intervalIf you add to ~/.bash_aliases and you want the alias immediately available in the currently running shell, after adding the line, in your current shell do: . ~/.bashrc    - remember the '.' (DOT) at the start and the space between the dot and the .bashrc19:18
johnfgbubbasaures: after a reboot, right?19:19
bubbasauresjohnfg, Yeah,19:19
isantopmarcel_: Is that on your main drive?19:19
johnfgbubbasaures: Or just logoff?19:19
holsteinjohnfg: did you install "ubuntu-mate-desktop" ?19:20
bubbasauresjohnfg, Might work with a log off with the correct start, my gnome shell would be sudo service lightdm start19:20
holsteinjohnfg: did you get a login manager? lightdm? when you added your mate packages?19:20
johnfgholstein: I installed make-desktop.  Is that the same thing?19:20
marcel_isantop: im not sure what you mean.19:20
holsteinjohnfg: no.. but, that doesnt mean you want/prefer the ubuntu-mate-desktop metapackage19:21
lucid_intervalupsell5: also see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178104719:21
marcel_isantop: im running ubuntu on the internal ssd of my chromebook (installed via crouton).19:21
isantopmarcel_: Ah, it's likely that ChromeOS is booting via UEFI, and the rest of those partitions are set up as a part of ChromeOS. You'll want to keep those partitions, since they contain the bootloader for your Ubuntu partition as well as for ChromeOS.19:22
johnfgholstein: with the console that came up on the first boot of the vm, I can't scroll back, so I'm not sure if it installed a dm or not.19:22
johnfgWhat's the diff between ubuntu-mate-desktop and mate-desktop?19:23
holsteinjohnfg: sure. the "easy" way, is literally reboot.. see if you have a login manager or not.. then, you can try "startx" or whatever..19:23
bubbasauresjohnfg, make or mate desktop was that a typo?19:23
holsteinjohnfg: the "similarity" there is mate.. its like xubuntu vs xfce.. xubuntu cusomizes xfce to some degree19:24
johnfgOk, I'll just reboot and see if I like it.  Thanks for the help guys!19:24
marcel_isantop: ok so the mess has to stay :D. im also struggling with installing my printer. since "ADD" in Printers is shaded gray. any idea on this?19:24
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holsteinmarcel_: it depends.. and who knows what you have insatlled, since you are not using ubuntu.. but, you have access to the repos, i assume19:25
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu19:25
isantopmarcel_: That's about the one thing I no experience on. The only printers I've ever set up are HP, which are all plung-and-play19:25
johnfginteresting.  I get a regular login after a reboot, and mate-desktop didn't even install X!19:26
holsteinmarcel_: one thing i might do is load up an ubuntu live cd on other hardware, and see if anything "magically" happens with the printer support19:26
johnfgI wonder if ubuntu-mate-desktop would do the same?19:27
holsteinjohnfg: i wouldnt jump to any conclusions like that.. i would just try insatlling that meta package.. and *look* and see what is being installed19:27
holstein"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop"19:27
TehStighey all, any one have a minute to help configure upstart to set oom_adj when a process starts?19:27
johnfgbtw...when I do an apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop, it returns: E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-mate-desktop.19:29
holstein!tab | johnfg19:29
ubottujohnfg: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:29
OerHeksmate-desktop, not ubuntu-mate-desktop19:29
OerHeks!info mate-desktop19:30
ubottumate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1+dfsg1-1 (utopic), package size 17 kB, installed size 81 kB19:30
john_doe_jrI got the pid of a process but i need to know the signal name…how do I find the signal name?19:31
johnfgOerHeks: But holstein is recommending the pkg by the name ubuntu-mate-desktop, and it doesn't seem to exist.19:31
holstein!info mate-desktop-environment-core19:31
ubottumate-desktop-environment-core (source: mate-desktop-environment): MATE Desktop Environment (essential components, meta package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0+7 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 34 kB19:31
holsteinjohnfg: ideally, im recomending *whatever* package ubuntu-mate uses19:31
holsteinjohnfg: i have only added the ppa for that in 14.04, and not used 14.10 to install mate, personally..19:32
OerHeksjohnfg, you said "mate-desktop didn't even install X!" , did you change Desktop at login or just went back in?19:32
marcel_holstein & isantop: but however it should be possible to hit the "ADD" button in the printers application or not?19:32
holsteinOerHeks: i think the "base" here is server.. no change, really19:32
Jason_hello all, having a really hard time getting wifi working on the latest ubuntu server... iv set it up as per this tut but not working? http://askubuntu.com/questions/464507/ubuntu-14-04-server-wifi-wpa2-personal19:32
Jason_ifconfig shows the ip but i cant ping anything19:33
holsteinmarcel_: i dont know anything about crouton.. if they dont include printing support, then, you wont be able to do that19:33
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johnfgOerHeks: I said previously, it didn't, after a reboot, bring up a dm, so no choices as to what Desktop.19:34
holsteinstartx did what? johnfg ?19:34
isantopmarcel_: It should be possible. My guess is that you're missing a package or two. Printing is not my forte.19:34
OerHeksjohnfg, oke. autologin, then just logout, change desktop to mate and voila19:34
holsteinOerHeks: i think the issue is, there is no login manager.. no lightdm, etc..19:35
johnfgOerHeks: Nothing, not installed :-19:35
bubbasauresI wonder if their repos are all open or all there19:35
WyZeGuYwould it be a bad idea to employ TrueCrypt for whole disk encryption, then use freeOTFE?19:36
WyZeGuYfor partition encryption?19:36
OerHekssure you are on 14.10? mate-desktop is not availabe for 14.0419:36
trijntjeWyZeGuY: its a bad idea to use truecrypt period, the developers say its should not be used anymore19:36
holsteinWyZeGuY: that will be a matter of opinion, for you to decide. i would try a security channel.. there are included full-disk options19:36
holsteini would use what is stock, and supported.. not truecrypt19:36
WyZeGuYtrijntje: i'm aware that they say it's broken, but the fact that they tell people to switch to bitlocker leads be not to believe it19:37
johnfgOerHeks: yup19:37
johnfguname -a19:37
holsteinWyZeGuY: sure.. so, research it, and use it if you want.. *no* one will say its  "good" idea..19:37
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FullDiskEncryptionHowto is what i would refer to, WyZeGuY19:38
WyZeGuYholstein: i guess what i was wondering is whether or not it would break my computer?19:38
bubbasauresmate is in 14.04 cinnamon was not in 14.0419:38
holsteinWyZeGuY: sure.. try it and see.. i would have backups regardless.. since, *all* drives fail19:39
elichai2i have a problem:19:39
isantopelichai2: try running this: sudo apt-get install -f19:40
WyZeGuYholstein: that's why i decided to ask first. i have paid software on here that i'd rather not lose to an experiment19:40
elichai2isantop, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.19:40
holsteinWyZeGuY: using truecrypt is not supported by truecrypt.. so, if you use it, its at your own risk..19:40
isantopsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:40
isantop@ elichai219:40
holsteinWyZeGuY: you *will* lose *everything* not backed up.. on *all* drives19:40
elichai2isantop, already did, but i'll run it again19:41
elichai2BTW, i'm running utopic19:41
WyZeGuYholstein: using TrueCrypt has not been a problem. i've already had it on this drive. however, it's the duo programs that i'm wondering would be bad19:41
elichai2The following packages have been kept back:19:41
elichai2  libc6 libc6:i386 libc6-dbg libc6-i38619:41
johnfgOerHeks: That's what I thought I'd be able to do.  But instead, I get a usual console login, and startx says x is not installed.19:41
marcel_is "sudo apt-get install cups" sufficient in order to set up cups for installing a printer?19:41
EriC^^elichai2: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
elichai2EriC^^, still: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.19:42
holsteinmarcel_: depends on what you need to add to crouton.. ask the creators, or just try following the printing wiki for ubuntu19:42
johnfgIs there a more full pkg/suite available for mate than mate-desktop?19:42
EriC^^elichai2: sudo apt-get install libc619:42
OerHeksnot startx, sudo service lightdm start # or hit ctrl alt F719:42
holsteinjohnfg: you *have* mate.. try adding lightdm19:43
OerHeksstartx is old19:43
johnfgOerHeks: Right (but so am I) :=)19:44
elichai2EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9445902/19:44
johnfginstalling lightdm would install everything concerning x for sure.19:44
EriC^^elichai2: just kidding?19:44
EriC^^elichai2: cancel19:44
elichai2of course LOL19:44
holsteinjohnfg: you can look while its installing and confirm that19:44
elichai2i wouldn't remove all these...19:45
elichai2(although i think most of it i don't need.)19:45
EriC^^elichai2: yeah, i mean i'm sorry to suggest that :D19:45
Okitainjohnfg: imagine the world where people would only use software that was almost as old as they were19:45
elichai2EriC^^, lol, it's ok :) i'm not stupid...19:45
EriC^^i know i'm kidding that's all19:46
EriC^^elichai2: i've no idea how to fix the problem though im afraid19:46
Okitainjohnfg: like, I would be lucky to use slackware 2.019:46
johnfgOkitain: I don't think there is any sw as old as I am!19:46
johnfgONly punch cards.19:46
elichai2anyone else? :\19:46
Okitainjohnfg: Huh, Grace Hopper's compiler is how old exactly?19:47
elichai2EriC^^, I actually think about answering `yes`19:47
frexiousis any Ruby on Rails or Python developers here?19:47
johnfgMaybe they used sw to build the pyramids, but I'm not sure what it was.19:47
EriC^^elichai2: but it's saying so many will be removed, even wine not only libs19:47
Okitainfrexious: lots, but you should stop asking leading questions and get to the meat.19:47
EriC^^elichai2: maybe somebody will figure it out hold on..19:47
holsteinelichai2: do you have ppa's added? if so, you may purge them and address what is going on..19:47
elichai2yeah, but i can reinstall wine19:48
frexiousi am working on py project for open source cloud hosting19:48
bazhangfrexious, ask in the rails and python channel19:48
holsteinif it were my system, i would hit yes, and then, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see that that completes without issue, and move on from there19:48
bazhang!alis | frexious19:48
ubottufrexious: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:48
frexiousi have 8gb ram 8 cpu and 1tb ubuntu server19:48
elichai2holstein, amm i have some PPA's. and i compiled some libraries myself19:48
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:48
holsteinelichai2: if you feel the mixed sources can be breaking things for you.. which is very possible..19:49
elichai2holstein, the weird thing, is that i'm pretty sure i already had g++ and build-essential and openssl etc.19:50
holsteinelichai2: sure, could have been removed, or, you are misinterpreting a prompt somewhere19:50
elichai2holstein, yeah, but how can i check that?19:51
holsteinelichai2: i would, as i said, either purge my unsupported sources, and get back to stock, and go from there, or, just have that list of pacakges removed, and get the apt-get update and dist-upgrade to complete without error, and go from ther19:52
elichai2holstein, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9445985/19:52
holsteinelichai2: sure. no doubt, you have packaging problems..19:53
elichai2i can now update&upgrade without an error19:53
elichai2the weird thing, is that i think all these libraries are programming related19:53
holsteinelichai2: great! and if thats all you need to do, you are fine.. but, its not19:53
elichai2ok, i'll say `yes` to that19:53
holsteinelichai2: i *know* they are.. and it can be due to the PPA's19:53
elichai2i think it's because i compiled some of them by myself19:54
elichai2(the wine for example i got from PlayOnLinux)19:54
chaospsychexcould someone help me to get my touchscreen monitor working on 14.0419:54
elichai2i'll answer yes for the install of libc6 and then try installing g++ again19:55
holsteinchaospsychex: maybe.. have you tried it with a live iso? do you have 14.04 installed on the hardware?19:55
chaospsychexim in the live ISO now19:55
Jason_cant someone help me with wifi on ubuntu server 14. its driving me insane19:56
holsteinchaospsychex: does anything work? do you have chromium installed? if so, try chromium-browser --touch-events=enabled19:56
holstein!wifi | Jason_19:56
ubottuJason_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:56
rypervencheJason_: What's wrong?19:57
holsteinJason_: though, on server, it may be a little more challenging.. there is a wicd-curses ..or, there was..19:57
chaospsychexholstein, I downloaded the 'calibration' tool and it says 'no configurable device present' or something like that19:57
linuxuz3rdoes mir support compiz?19:57
Jason_I've been through it all, I'm trying to get ubuntu server to use my wifi dongle on a static IP i've setup /etc/network/interfaces but its not working19:57
jhjhjhjFor built in ubuntu firefox, wouldn't it be better to have some other default search engine than google?19:58
Jason_tried wpa_supplicant too but no luck either, ifconfig shows the wlan0 device and its ip but i can't ping anything in or out19:58
holsteinJason_: take it instages.. try, a live iso and see if the device works well in linux by default.. then, get the server install connecting in *any* way.. *then*, move to the static IP19:58
chaospsychexso will i run into problems if I install this ? I booted the live image from a usb and the usb was under UEFI ??19:58
Jason_holstein, Wifi worked fine on live CD as well as the actual install19:59
holstein!uefi | chaospsychex19:59
ubottuchaospsychex: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:59
holsteinJason_: so, its literaly just the static IP that you are having the issue with?19:59
rypervencheJason_: Does "sudo iwlist scanning" show any output?20:00
Jason_holstein, not exactly as even dhcp isn't working inside the actual install of ubuntu server20:00
tennisanyone know how to automatically download updated keys when /etc/apt/sources.list is changed?20:00
holsteintennis: you shouldnt need to.. you added a ppa and are getting a key error?20:00
chaospsychexi don't have windows 8.20:01
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Jason_under wpa-psk in /etc/network/interfaces should this be the hex code of the password i use for wifi or just the actual password20:01
tennisholstein: I'm getting this error when I update my sources.list: W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119220:02
tennisholstein: Thanks for answering, btw. :)20:02
Okitainlinuxuz3r: i would pose the question another way: does compiz support Mir?20:03
tennisholstein: so, is there any way to auto-update the key or otherwise avoid the error?20:03
holsteintennis: i would try http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/fix-nopubkey-error-for-extras-ubuntu.html20:03
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Okitainlinuxuz3r: and the answer to that is...nope. They aren't gonna port it to Wayland or whatever Ubuntu puts out.20:04
tennisholstein: Thanks!20:09
tennisholstein: btw, what is the long hex value and how do you figure out if you're using the correct one?20:10
holsteintennis: im actually not sure, first hand, but, i'll run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal, and just address any errors.. i have used that keyserv command i linked for other sources20:12
johnfgAll went well with the install of lightdm, reboot brought up what was expected, but when I try to login I get a `Failed to start session`20:13
tennisholstein: ah, ok.20:14
bubbasauresjohnfg, THis vbox?20:14
johnfgI get the same if I select Guest session.20:14
holsteinjohnfg: ill just try the guest session, and check my users configs.. otherwise, just look at the session list, and see what you are trying to start, and try another one, if listed20:14
johnfgbubbasaures: yes.20:14
johnfgWell, actually it's virt-manager.20:15
johnfgholstein: only one.20:15
johnfgholstein: i.e., I assume since there's only one, that it's mate.20:15
holsteinjohnfg: does it say, mate?20:15
Jason_holstein, solved it, thanks for you're help though :)20:17
johnfgholstein: Just has got the hostname in upper left, below and kinda towards the middle my user name, and icons in top right for various things: assist, network, sound, turn off.20:18
holsteinjohnfg: im saying, in the session selector, see what is available20:18
johnfgholstein: Told ya, no session selector.20:18
holsteinjohnfg: there are pre-built iso's *just* for this purpose.. to make this easier20:19
holsteinjohnfg: can you not use one? why are you starting with a server iso? do you have a stock 14.04 ubuntu install?20:19
johnfghttp://imgur.com/2lYtXQ1 this is what I've got.20:20
johnfgholstein: No 14.04.  This is 14.10 in a vm.20:21
holsteinjohnfg: sure.. *where* did you get the 14.10 vm? a stock 14.10 ubuntuserver iso?20:21
johnfgholstein: yes.20:22
holsteinjohnfg: one of the icons in the upper right is the session selector20:22
holsteinjohnfg: ^ that reference installing sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment and sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-core20:23
johnfgNope, none of them are the session selector, unfortunately.20:23
holsteinas well as sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment-extras20:23
holsteinjohnfg: did you do that?20:23
johnfgholstein: I'll read it and get back to ya.  Running out of time for my own session at 2nd job.20:23
johnfgholstein: Thanks for helping!20:23
holstein"sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment mate-desktop-environment-core mate-desktop-environment-extras"20:24
holsteinjohnfg: if time is important, just download the pre-built iso that gives you *exactly* what you are building from the ubuntu-mate site20:24
No_FeaRnoluyor amk burda20:26
alteregoadarmok and jalad at tanagra20:28
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alteregoa14.10 is the best ubuntu ever i used20:29
akurilinIs there an official guide for rsyslog anywhere?20:35
akurilinSeems like the docs for regular syslogd aren't super relevant with it20:35
Curiosity4techhello everybody20:36
EriC^^hello Curiosity4tech !20:36
Curiosity4techI installed kubuntu and I have numerous issues with it, the nvidia drivers give me some errors, the system blocks sometimes, can I install Xfce on it and remove the kde plasma X ?20:37
alteregoai use macbuntu20:37
parmiggianoCuriosity4tech: sure, you can install the xubuntu-desktop package that will give you xfce. but I doubt that will resolve your driver issues.20:38
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: sure, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:38
Curiosity4tech<EriC^^> my question is can I remove afterwards everything related to KDE?20:39
Curiosity4techthe desktop I mean20:39
Curiosity4techregarding the nvidia driver20:40
Curiosity4techI am not able to remove the drivers installed20:40
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: which ubuntu are you using?20:40
MichaelKI tried Ubuntu, and it's not for me. I have used jsut about ever destro that's out there. And the one thaT Works for me is NetRunner 14 :)20:42
apesAnyone know how I can troubleshoot sysstat? debian-sa1 doesn't seem to be doing anything.20:43
MichaelKI wished I knew20:43
parmiggianoglad you found the right distro for you, MichaelK. although it seems a bit off-topic in #ubuntu.20:44
MichaelKyes me to.. The windows things was gertting to me.. It was like every other day I was formatting,.20:44
Curiosity4tech<EriC^^> 14.10 I think the last one20:47
k1lCuriosity4tech: "lsb_release -a" tells you20:48
Curiosity4techthanks kll it is14.10 utopic20:49
Curiosity4techthanks <k1l> it is14.10 utopic20:50
apesIt looks like a corrupt /var/log/sysstat/sadd file causes sysstat to fail on Ubuntu. Anyone know more about this?20:51
apesI removed the old files and sysstat started working again.20:51
parmiggianoCuriosity4tech: not being an expert, I guess there's no other way than manually removing a bunch of packages... perhaps you find a list of these packages online in some forum.20:51
Curiosity4tech<parmiggiano> so no kde desktop  remove or something20:52
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: sudo apt-get --auto-remove purge kubuntu-desktop20:52
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: you will still have many kde related packages which you will have to manually remove though20:52
EriC^^search forums and such as parmiggiano suggested20:53
par7133I dedicate my life to give software and technology to the right-wingers, Bill20:53
par7133a right-winger here in Shanghai, please share thanks http://snag.gy/NgHAO.jpg20:53
par7133another right-winger, thanksgiving http://snag.gy/7bVgD.jpg20:53
Curiosity4tech<EriC^^> ok I belive I can leave with some leftovers :) I am thinking thou to boot and install an xubuntu from scratch20:54
bubbasauresmust have lost the left wing in an accident20:54
Curiosity4techI still have the problems with the video driver20:55
notrinanyone know of an mrtg like software that i could click onthe graph at a specific time, and make a note  to correspond with that point?20:55
Curiosity4techand I am not able to remove the current driver, by hand or by software center20:55
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: i'm not an expert, but.. what kind of problems?20:55
MichaelKAre there a program that I can use to download MP3's from youtube?20:56
k1lCuriosity4tech: how did you install it?20:56
EriC^^MichaelK: youtube-dl , the best :D20:56
MichaelKok thanks20:56
k1lMichaelK: just some minutes ago you said you dont use ubuntu. so please ask the distro support you actually use20:56
parmiggianoMichaelK: and once you have an mp4 downloaded by youtube-dl, you can use a tool to convert it to a sound file...20:56
Curiosity4tech<EriC^^> I nstalled cairo dock and compiz, and cairo dock looks very strange.... it mixes collores of the background pages open and is liquified... wierd20:57
Curiosity4tech<k1l> after the installation I choose the Nvidia proprietary driver20:57
parmiggianoMichaelK: however, downloading a video might be against the copyright laws of your country or the terms of use of youtube20:57
guntbertCuriosity4tech: you don't need < ... >  around the nicks20:57
Curiosity4techsorry guntbert due to the speed :(20:58
EriC^^parmiggiano: fwiw you can do it in youtube-dl straight away20:58
parmiggianothx EriC^^20:59
bazhang!tab | Curiosity4tech20:59
ubottuCuriosity4tech: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:59
Curiosity4techthanks ubottu21:00
Curiosity4techthanks bazhang21:00
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ablest1980anyone cs?21:01
k1l!ot | ablest198021:01
ubottuablest1980: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:01
squintyCuriosity4tech:  fwiw, you can also double click on a persons nick and then paste it....then press the tab key to add the separator (eg :) in hexchat (not sure about xchat)21:02
MichaelKhat's a good program I can use for NetRunner 14 to download mp3's from youtube?21:03
k1lMichaelK: see netrunners support. thanks21:03
MichaelKI tried searching for a NetRunner chan and there's isn't any21:04
owen1a few keys on my new laptop stopped working: five, six, left ctrl, plus, minus and page-up. it's a new laptop. is it something with ubuntu? i don't have the windows anymore to test it. 'xev' doesn't show anything when i type those keys.21:04
k1lMichaelK: see their website if there is one irc support channel. but that is not ubuntu support specific :/21:04
DJonesMichaelK: That doesn't mean its supported here, this channel only supports official releases of ubuntu21:04
bazhang!alis | MichaelK21:04
ubottuMichaelK: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:04
MichaelKok. Sorry I didn't know.. I'm new to all of this21:05
EriC^^Curiosity4tech: did you try starting cairo with/without the opengl support to see if it works right?21:05
Frank_LeachHi...I wanted to chat to someone about becoming a sysadmin21:06
Frank_Leachcan anyone share some experience?21:06
parmiggianoowen1: I've never heard of a keyboard issue in linux. if you want to be sure, try the live CD with which you installed ubuntu and see if the keys work again there21:06
owen1parmiggiano: good idea. thanks21:07
EriC^^owen1: as parmiggiano suggested, or you could try to enter the bios and see if one of they work21:07
guntbert!ot | Frank_Leach21:07
ubottuFrank_Leach: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:07
parmiggianogood night everyone!21:07
Frank_LeachSorry guys...thanks, I will go there to ot21:07
owen1EriC^^: he didn't say bios. he said live cd21:08
EriC^^owen1: i know, i said or you could try ..21:08
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owen1EriC^^: (: thanks. i'll try both21:09
Frank_Leachhow do i jump to #ubuntu offtopic?21:11
genii/join #channelname21:11
mosez_what is the easiest way to install ubuntu server through libvirt on kvm? i can find only graphical guides -.-21:12
samiamlibvirt using virt-manager21:13
samiambut I tend to only use qemu-kvm cmd21:14
mosez_hum... currently running a macbook locally, so no virt-manager -.-21:15
OnkelTemHow to disable KDE affecting my samba server? I see shares I didn't create, my shares created via smb.conf are not in effect. Total crap21:16
samiammosez_, guess you could compile it if there is no binary for mac http://virt-manager.org/21:17
bekksOnkelTem: Disable KDE shares then, they arent enabled by default.21:17
samiammosez_, yup here it is https://gist.github.com/holms/832497321:19
anonymous_hello by cool :p21:24
mosez_samiam: thx, i will look into that21:24
samiammosez_, using cmd just to start a server is really easy too. Not like you are passing though graphics cards with IOMMU vt-d etc.21:26
disappearednewb question, when create a new from cmd line, how come i don’t have access to binaries that root has.  is that cause i need to change the path file manually21:26
awolfhey guys21:27
awolfi need some help my ubuntu software center wont allow me to install anything the install button is disabled anyone can help out21:27
guntbertdisappeared: sorry, your question doesn't make any sense to me21:28
samiamawolf, find your warez like "aptitude search gimp" and then sudo apt-get install -your program-21:28
disappearedi didn’t mean path file i meant path env variable21:28
disappearedyup that worked21:29
guntbertdisappeared: can you try and make a complete sentence?21:30
awolf#samiam yes I know that method but this is pissing me off i need to fix it21:30
disappearedguntbert: Sorry, i basically created a new user and i simply needed to update my $PATH env var to access some binaries.  got it now thanks21:30
samiamdisappeared, everybody should be able to use binaries that are in /usr/local/bin/21:31
samiamat least in Debian you will find that stuff in there is for group "staff" I put my scripts and stuff in there.21:31
disappearedsamiam: It was a prebuilt image from digital ocean so it had other stuff installed…ruby in particular21:31
disappearednot in that path21:32
guntbertdisappeared: ah - the word "user" was missing :)21:32
samiamis it under /opt  ?21:32
disappearedi just copied over the path from root onto my new user that did the trick21:32
ChaserW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/utopic-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch21:35
ChaserSorry hasty paste. I was planning on asking what should I be doing ? A bit of googling suggests I remove /var/lib/apt/lists/*21:36
EriC^^Chaser: try sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com*i18n*21:39
EriC^^Chaser: and sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com*i18n*21:39
lyleIf I copy all my files in the "home" directory to another computer with same version of Ubuntu will that move all my programs and such ?  Hopefully not drivers.21:39
EriC^^lyle: nope only anything that's in the home dir, and your configs21:39
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lyleHey Eric I want to move all my programs and stuff to a laptop I installed Ubuntu on.  How should I go about it?21:41
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate21:41
ChaserEriC^^: Thanks, worked !21:43
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== jan is now known as Guest38656
lixGood day. I have a weird issue with dm-crypt using GN/Linux kernel 3.16.0-25: I think my SSD disk ran full and as I use full disc encryption, when entering the passphrase the encrypted partition doesnt mount, I just get the error "FIFO underrun" (the disk has 3 partitions, swap, the grub partition and the full disk). Also trying to mount the disk on another system fails. The only thing which works is booting the system using the "ubuntu rescue" opti21:46
sl1rpywhy is gedit so unstable on 14.10 when it worked fine under 14.04?21:47
lyleis "apt-clone" a program or a terminal command?21:47
bazhang!info apt-clone | lyle21:48
ubottulyle: apt-clone (source: apt-clone): Script to create state bundles. In component main, is extra. Version 0.3.1~ubuntu12 (utopic), package size 12 kB, installed size 90 kB21:48
awolflyle: apt-clone allows you to maintain a uniform library on multiple workstations its a terminal command and a program21:48
EriC^^awolf: does it keep the dependencies sane?21:49
lyle"sudo apt-get install apt-clone" will install the script?21:50
EriC^^lyle: you should check if the dependencies remain in tact21:51
onlahow to check outgoing traffic for connections to news-bbc.podzone[.]org or http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/12/powerful-highly-stealthy-linux-trojan-may-have-infected-victims-for-years/21:51
awolfEriC^^: you must be careful regarding dependency issues21:52
EriC^^awolf: exactly, if it only installs all the packages in the system then the dependencies won't be right21:52
awolfI dont know if it would work out but if you install synaptic and try fixing the packages would work. although i wouldnt recommend it21:52
EriC^^awolf: i don't know, come to think of it, when you apt-get remove doesn't apt-get just check which dependencies are in the info and remove accordingly? or does it make a list of which packages depend on what when they are installed?21:53
EriC^^if you install zenmap and it install nmap, and you use apt-clone which installs nmap and zenmap seperately, if you remove nmap will it also remove zenmap?21:54
VoidMainFunctionanybody help me out plz? I'm trying to edit my VPN connections on my network tab for ubuntu21:55
EriC^^nevermind i think it does21:55
FlyOnTheWallI'm using Cinnamon (just reinstalled) and suddenly maximizing uses both screens, any ideas on how to change that?21:55
VoidMainFunctionnow the "save" button is grayed out21:55
awolfEriC^^: I think apt-get -f install should fix any problem21:56
VoidMainFunctionanybody have a answer for my question plz??? All of sudden my "save" box is all grayed out when editing or trying to add a VPN connection21:57
fergarach@search name21:57
unopastefergarach: supybot.networks.freenode.sasl.username, supybot.commands.renames, supybot.databases.users.filename, supybot.databases.ignores.filename, and supybot.databases.channels.filename21:57
lylesudo apt-clone clone specify_destination_path_here21:59
lyleYou guys I hate to admit this.  I don't know how to tell it the destination path.   Can you guys send me a link where I can read about these commands and the "directory tree"?21:59
EriC^^awolf: yeah i just tried it and it does remove dependencies, even if they were seperately installed :)21:59
lyleEric is that good or bad?21:59
awolflyle: this defines where you want to save the output of apt-clone21:59
EriC^^lyle: that's great21:59
EriC^^apt-clone away..22:00
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=== J^D_is_coming_so is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
lyleI need to learn how to tell it the path.  Sometimes the websites assume you know certain things.22:00
lylethe drives are different than the old DOS letters22:01
jortdenhi, I installed Bumblebee on my T410 and now my res is stuck at 1024x768 . I dont have a xorg.conf apparently so most help topics from Google are pointless.22:01
EriC^^lyle: is the usb mounted?22:01
lyleI can read it.  from my side panel22:02
lyleMade a  backup.... yeah me22:02
awolfok Can anyone help me out again regarding the software center issue i cant install anything from software center the install button is disabled i tried re-installing22:02
_guest_awolf, have you tried running sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade. those two commands helped me when i last had software center issues22:04
awolf_guest_, that has not worked for me22:04
_guest_at least i tried22:05
awolfi notice the progress tab appearing up there i dont remember it appeared when i was not installing anything22:05
=== alberto is now known as Guest7319
VoidMainFunction anybody have a answer for my question plz??? All of sudden my "save" box is all grayed out when editing or trying to add/edit a VPN connection22:07
awolfVoidmainfunction you are running ubuntu 14.04?22:08
Jeremy3Dis there a way to use my laptop as a second monitor with ubuntu ?22:09
notrinanyone know of an mrtg like software that i could click onthe graph at a specific time, and make a note  to correspond with that point?22:12
gpAnyone have any tips to create an ec2 instance using 14.04 with 1000hz timer?22:14
bekksgp: am vm cant guarantuee your 1000Hz timer, so thats pretty much pointless.22:15
gptrying to setup instance with best possibility of success to run asterisk22:16
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bekksgp: a vm cant guarantuee realtime services.22:17
joel__Has anyone installed Ubuntu to a USB drive to work off of?22:17
gpguarantuee and best possibility of success are different though22:17
bubbasauresmany joel__22:18
yorwoshey guyz , does any1 know of any tools for making a ddp image ?22:18
gphave seen a few reports of usable results from ec2. just nothing with much of a guide...22:18
bubbasauresjoel__, full installs and just the iso's both have their limitations.22:19
samiamjoel__, guess you could just dd a live image to a usb.22:19
joel__GREAT!!! I'm trying to do just that without any success. I keep getting GRUB on startup and either have to wait 8 seconds or select the in first choice. Is there a problem with my GRUB install?22:19
jortdenhi, I installed Bumblebee on my T410 and now my res is stuck at 1024x768 . I dont have a xorg.conf apparently so most help topics from Google are pointless.22:19
bekksjortden: So just create a xorg.conf then?22:19
bubbasauresjoel__, grub has a timed wait at boot, can you tell us what you have actually done from the start?22:20
jortdenthen put what in it? i dont know what to write to use my res22:20
VoidMainFunction anybody have a answer for my question plz??? All of sudden my "save" box is all grayed out when editing or trying to add a VPN connection22:21
awolfNight y'all22:21
sybaritenhi, does (x)ubuntu have  /var/log/messages ?22:24
sybariteni need to determine if a micro SD card is visible for the computer, at all... when inserted22:25
bekkssybariten: Take a look at "dmesg"22:25
joinhola mellamo carls22:25
joel__bubba: I have a laptop with Ubuntu 14.04, I created a USB "startup disk" that I boot to, then I selected the 2nd USB drive to install to.22:26
sybaritenbekks: via tail -f ?22:26
bekkssybariten: No, just type it in, after inserting your sd card.22:27
sybaritenok, after22:27
sybaritenas root?22:27
bekkssybariten: works as user, too.22:27
sybaritena-ha!  "[ 3227.509840] mmc0: card b2ed removed22:28
sybariten[ 3260.298287] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card"22:28
sybaritenthat 110 one is repeated a couple of times22:29
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niranjanOn ubuntu 14.04, my laptop just shuts off automatically sometimes. It did few minutes back as I was working on it. Tried checking the logs, is there anything particular I should look for22:38
Bashing-omniranjan: Overheating ? Cleaned and blown the air ducts out lately ?22:39
niranjanTried that few days back. That might be problem as it seems to be warm.22:40
niranjanIt turns on the fan for no apparent reason. I'll try cleaning it again22:40
Bashing-om!lm-sensors | niranjan Maybe:22:42
ubottuniranjan Maybe:: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:42
niranjanBashing-om: Thank you. Installing it now.22:44
neuiwrghnbQuestion: Does anyone have a source for running a more recent OpenLDAP than 2.4.28 on 12.04 LTS ?22:45
niranjanBashing-om: No service module-init-tools on 14.0422:47
niranjanDo you know alternative?22:48
niranjanStep 4 in the guide22:48
Bashing-omniranjan: Gimme a bit to read the guide, be back soonest .22:49
Bashing-omniranjan: What returns from terminal command -> ls -al /etc/modules <- ; see if that file exists .22:52
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mirak_how to flysh dns cache ?22:57
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mirak_what is the correct way to add dns ?22:57
I-am-GrootMy PC running ubuntu 14.04 has started having this problem23:03
I-am-Grootwhen playing music through headset, the right speaker/channel doesnt play well23:04
VoidMainFunctionNolan Heating & Cooling23:04
Bashing-ommirak_: In a manually contolled network, one can edit the file " /etc/network/interfaces " and add the 'nameservers' .23:04
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I-am-Grootits more like its lower than the right speaker/channel23:04
VoidMainFunction  anybody have a answer for my question plz??? All of sudden my "save" box is all grayed out when editing or trying to add/edit a VPN connection23:04
I-am-Grootthis doesnt happen with my onboard speaker23:04
VoidMainFunctionI also can't connect to any saved vpns23:04
TigerkenHave you checked the balance of that audio output?23:04
mirak_Bashing-om, but can i have a automatic network and just manual dns ?23:05
samiamusing Debian GNU/Linux wheezy with xfce. Thought I would try Unity on Debian. Where is the Ubuntu source code located?23:07
Bashing-ommirak_: I think ( I do not run Network Manager ) one can add the nameservers in the GUI for Network Manager . - IF you have Network Manager installed .23:07
I-am-GrootYea i have Tigerken23:07
mirak_they blocked the dns of some site in my country23:07
I-am-Grooti even tried moving the slide to favor the right speaker/channel but then the sound becomes lower23:07
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mirak_I have to use other dns servers23:07
samiammirak just install tor and then pipe port 53 into it.23:08
Bashing-ommirak_: IF you have Network Managr instlled , change the nameserver in the application ( right click on NM in the task bar ) .23:09
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samiammirak_ can find DNSPort in /etc/tor/torrc and change to port 53.  Have your nameserver listen to
mirak_samiam, ?23:10
samiammirak_, all your DNS stuff will go though tor and cant be encored. I do it since I dont want my isp snooping my dns stuff though.23:11
mirak_samiam, but you installed tor23:12
samiamyeah just apt-get install tor23:12
mirak_samiam, i will look into this later23:12
mirak_samiam, i just need for one site23:12
Hilikussince i updated to 14.10 whenver ubuntu starts the network manager doesn't connect to the network. I see the "auto ethernet" connection and just clicking on it connects and everything is fine, but how can i change it so that it connects to it automatically?23:13
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erryany command i can use on ubuntu to retrieve the ssl certificate from an imap server that uses starttls?23:17
ubottumartino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:18
lickalottHilikus, if no one else answers (smarter than me) i would make a script and throw it in /etc/rc2.d or /etc/init.d and make a softlink to rc2.d23:18
squintyHilikus:  only have 14.04 here but there is a tick box for "Automatically connect to this network when available" in the Edit Connections > Ethernet > Wired Connection 1 (highlight applicable name at your end of things) > Edit > General23:19
erryah nvm23:19
erryi managed to make my email client do it ^^23:19
Hilikussquinty: it's already checked23:20
Hilikusthis was working fine just before the upgrade23:20
* lickalott doesn't like upgrades. Full install for me23:20
lickalottlast time I tried it my entire system got locked down (LVM fucked up)23:21
squintylickalott:  family channel23:21
* lickalott washes his own mouth out with soap23:21
lickalottare there any bots in here?23:22
daftykinslickalott: plenty.23:22
lickalottI have a tcl script that ****'s out cuss words23:22
daftykinslickalott: would you like to ask an on-topic question now?23:22
Fuchslickalott: they don't work terribly well for that (and not in general, in my opinion). If you look for a place to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic would be better :)23:23
* HaroElite is back, work, gone 1m23s 23:23
lickalotti just came to help.23:23
daftykinslickalott: then keep quiet until a question is asked23:24
lickalottwhats your deal?  I answered a question and was just responding to someone else's complaint.23:25
rypervenchelickalott: Don't take it personally. It just helps keep unneeded spam from the channel. We get a lot of people text in the channel.23:29
lickalottok.  I didn't mean to cause any rift.  I just came in to see if i could assist.  Thanks rypervenche.  and I'll watch my mouth from here on out.23:30
ablest1980anyone know good linux sites?23:32
k1l_ablest1980: is this ubuntu support related? we have #ubuntu-offtopic for general chitchat23:32
perocan i install latest amd catalyst drivers on 14.04? i am getting conflict errors23:35
=== ilk is now known as ilken
OerHekspero, depends what ATI card you have, or hybrid ati23:38
peroradeon hd8750m23:38
peroOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9448380/23:39
lyleI can't change directories23:39
lylelyle@lyle-Z97X-UD3H:/media/lyle$ ls23:40
lyleSeagate Backup Plus Drive23:40
lylelyle@lyle-Z97X-UD3H:/media/lyle$ ls -b23:40
lyleSeagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive23:40
lyleI cant get down another lever23:40
huttanlyle: cd .. ?23:40
lylelyle@lyle-Z97X-UD3H:/media$ cd..23:41
lylecd..: command not found23:41
huttanlyle: cd ..23:41
k1l_either do "cd .." or start with a fullpath"cd /from/root/to/that/folder"23:41
VoidMainFunction  anybody have a answer for my question plz??? All of sudden my "save" box is all grayed out when editing or trying to add/edit a VPN connection23:42
=== k2gremlin is now known as k2gremlin|Away
k1l_lyle: details matter. linux watches for case sensitivity  and spaces. so be very aware to not be to fast on that23:42
lylelyle@lyle-Z97X-UD3H:/media$ tree -d23:43
lyle├── guest-cJhFFg [error opening dir]23:43
lyle└── lyle23:43
lyle    └── Seagate Backup Plus Drive23:43
daftykins!paste | lyle23:43
ubottulyle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:43
lylesorry  will do23:44
=== C_ is now known as Guest94955
rypervenchelyle: Either you're not typing it correctly or there may be a problem with the file system. Try using tab auto-complete. "cd Seag" and then it tab to let it auto complete. Then press enter.23:44
huttanlyle: why do u try to add these fancy flags when u dont even know what cd does ?? Get back to the basics bro :)23:49
peroi am trying to run an apt-get remove operation but keep getting asked to solve an unrelated unmet dependency issue - how can i move on with my life?23:51
EriC^^!paste | pero23:53
ubottupero: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:53
peroeric___, are you asking me to paste my issue?23:54
peroEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9448556/23:55
EriC^^pero: did you try sudo apt-get -f install?23:55
peroEriC^^, yes, but i need to get rid of wine to install those packages in the first place23:56
perothey are not installed23:56
EriC^^pero: what does sudo apt-get install fglrx output?23:57
peroEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9448612/23:58
fopenBoa noite :323:59

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