
Unit193Heh, yeah.  And ceni in there at that.00:00
Unit193ochosi: So, xfwm4 will just be a huge patch atop 4.11.2 or head?00:02
ochosii guess head00:02
Unit193Heh, so that'd be a "yes, just a huge patch atop"00:03
ochosimaybe i'll also try to push something to github or a user-repo on git.xfce if that makes things easier for you00:04
ochosiUnit193: thanks for the panel, i'll test and then copy tomorrow00:24
Unit193Sounds fun, g'night.00:25
=== GridNet is now known as GridCube
ochosihey elfy 09:30
ochosiUnit193 was kind enough to package the latest panel with intelligent hiding and i've just installed it locally and tested it out and so far it works as it should09:31
ochosiso, next i'll copy it over to xubuntu-staging now09:31
ochosiwhat versions do you think would be best for testers? generally we have 14.04->15.0409:32
ochosiso i can also copy all three09:32
knomejust do that :)09:40
ochosiok, done09:45
* Unit193 likes to forget about trusty.09:46
knomehey, many people are still using that!09:46
knomeincluding me09:46
ochosiyeah, but even some of our team members are still using trusty09:46
ochosihah, there ya go :)09:46
knomei'll switch at latest when there's only a few months of support for 14.10 left.09:47
Unit193I have a server, and a non-desktop/desktop system using it, that's it.09:47
knomeUnit193, so two machines.. just as many as i do :P09:47
Unit193knome: But any system I use with a desktop, or for that matter Xfce, is on utopic. :D09:48
knomewell congrats09:48
Unit193(And in some aspects, trusty is far better.)09:49
ochosiUnit193: nice, the panel build really works well with intelligent hiding. thanks for packaging that up!10:14
flexiondotorgali1234, elfy, ochosi and bluesabre I chatted to some of you during UOS and Ubuntu MATE.10:59
flexiondotorgAre any of you available, I have some questions about patching some packages you're maintaing.11:00
flexiondotorgali1234, Hi11:00
flexiondotorgGot a few mins?11:00
flexiondotorgFirstly, we chatted about adding indicators to Ubiquity in Xubuntu. Would like like the package list that would need adding to the 'live' seed to achieve this?11:02
flexiondotorgThis should cover it:11:03
flexiondotorg * indicator-application11:03
flexiondotorg * indicator-keyboard11:03
flexiondotorg * indicator-power11:03
flexiondotorg * indicator-session11:03
flexiondotorg * indicator-sound11:03
ali1234is that all you have to do, just add them to the seed?11:03
flexiondotorgProviding you are using ubiquity-frontend-gtk, Yes.11:04
flexiondotorgUbiquity DM basically implements the indicator handler.11:04
ali1234yes, so does lightdm11:04
flexiondotorgNow, one of those segfaults on Ubuntu MATE.11:05
ali1234or lightdm-gtk-greeter11:05
flexiondotorgI'll just find the bug report so if you have the same issue in Xubuntu you can add to it.11:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369958 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "indicator-keyboard crashes in Ubuntu MATE live installer" [Undecided,New]11:07
Unit193We seed -application and -sound.11:07
flexiondotorgUnit193, If you let the Xubuntu iso boot to Ubiquity, there are no indicators. Meaning that configuring network, and a11y is not possible.11:08
flexiondotorgThe packages I listed above, should be included in the 'live' seed to expose this functionality in the installer.11:09
flexiondotorgali1234, Do have any questions about that? Can I move on to the next topic?11:09
ali1234i don't know anything about making livecds anyway11:09
flexiondotorgali1234, Well all that is required is to add those packages to the live seed. The build tools will take care of the rest.11:10
Unit193I wouldn't add all of those though, and as I said, -sound and -application are in 'desktop', so when you boot into the live session they are installed (and running).  Not sure how ubiquity interacts with them at all though.11:12
Unit193live == stuff only installed in the live session.11:13
flexiondotorgUnit193, In which case you'd only require:11:13
flexiondotorg * indicator-keyboard11:13
flexiondotorg * indicator-power11:13
flexiondotorg * indicator-session11:13
flexiondotorgAdding to 'live'11:13
flexiondotorgYou might also require indicator-network if that is not already in desktop or core.11:14
flexiondotorgUbiquity fully supports indicators, see the stock Ubuntu installer for reference.11:14
ali1234what does the ubuntu desktop seed do?11:15
flexiondotorgali1234, I have some patches for indicator-sound-gtk2 and indicator-application-gtk211:16
flexiondotorgali1234, Would you be able to merge them and release new packages vivid? I think you said you were a maintainer of those packages?11:17
ali1234no, i said those packages have no maintainer11:17
ali1234nobody else is using them11:17
flexiondotorgali1234, OK. Can you suggest how I might get those packages patched?11:18
ali1234open a merge request on launchpad and then annoy the people in #ubuntu-desktop until they merge it11:18
ali1234this doesn't seem to include any indicator stuff?11:19
flexiondotorgali1234, I can't open a merge request. It says I don't have permission.11:19
flexiondotorgI created this bug and attached the patch11:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1337241 in indicator-sound-gtk2 (Ubuntu) "Sound Settings menu item in indicator-sound-gtk2 does nothing in MATE" [Undecided,New]11:20
ali1234i can turn that into a MR if you want11:20
ali1234you do have permission though, anyone does11:20
ali1234according to launchpad you need to annoy micahg11:21
ali1234and gilir11:21
ali1234and maybe mr_pouit11:24
ali1234i'm actually not sure if you want to make a MR against the upstream or the ubuntu package11:26
flexiondotorgali1234, What do you suggest?11:27
ali1234find the last person who changed either and ask them11:27
flexiondotorgAsk them what? 11:27
ali1234how best to apply your patches11:28
ali1234unfortunately it looks like the last person was me11:29
knomeaaaand we have a winner!11:29
flexiondotorgali1234, I though so 😉11:30
flexiondotorgali1234, Can you help then 😁11:30
ali1234sponsored by bdmurray but that doesn't mean much11:30
flexiondotorgI'll see if I can create a MR for both.11:31
davmor2ali1234: wompwompwomp.com11:31
ali1234well the thing is the MR would be very different for the package vs upstream11:31
ali1234but it looks like upstream is not getting synced any more into the distro11:32
ali1234so looks like you'll need to do it against each package11:32
ali1234for that you'll want to make a debdiff and... i forget11:33
ali1234have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound-gtk2/+bug/120820411:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208204 in Ubuntu Studio "[SRU]Update indicator-sound-gtk2 with patch" [Undecided,New]11:34
ali1234that was done as a debdiff11:35
ali1234but mainly because it had to be SRU'd11:35
ali1234doing it this way will probably be best since upstreaming the patch would mean re-syncing all the patches in the package11:36
ali1234and that sounds like a lot of work that nobody wants to do11:36
ali1234if you post a debdiff on your bug it will auto subscribe the right people i think11:40
slickymasterWorkjjfrv8, thanks for the fabulous work on http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/1.4/start11:54
ochosiflexiondotorg: actually we don't have a panel in the ubiquity live session, so no i've no idea where they should show up if we add them to the seed12:12
flexiondotorgochosi, There is a panel, it is just empty.12:12
ochosii guess the first step would be to add the xfce4-panel to the ubiquity session somehow and then make the indicators show up there...12:12
ochosiif there is, i've never seen it though12:13
ochosior is it something ubiquity specific?12:13
flexiondotorgochosi, Yes, it is part of Ubiquity12:16
flexiondotorgI'll post a screenshot...12:16
flexiondotorgochosi, OK, appologies.12:17
flexiondotorgThere is not panel in Xubuntu 14.04 Ubiquity.12:17
flexiondotorgOdd, because while I was making Ubuntu MATE I had an empty panel displayed in Ubiquity.12:18
ochosii mean in general it sounds like a good idea to show a panel there with the indicators12:18
flexiondotorgTheme related?12:18
ochosinah, that has nothing to do with themes at all12:18
flexiondotorgochosi, The reason I added the indicators was to expose the a11y features.12:18
flexiondotorgAnd configure the network.12:18
ochosibut there are e.g. notifications about available wifis but there's no way to connect to them, so that blows a bit :)12:18
ochosiyeah, makes sense to me12:19
ochosii just have no idea how to show our panel there yet12:20
ochosijust adding the indicators alone will not suffice i suppose12:20
ochosibut frankly, i don't know enough about the ubiquity session12:23
elfyochosi: ack re panle13:01
elfywhich is like panel :p13:01
Unit193Only more le.13:01
ochosielfy: thanks.13:03
ochosias soon as you've sent out the announcement i'll forward it to g+13:04
elfyochosi: cool - just saw it in ppa - as soon as I've successfully upgraded to it then I'll post 13:06
elfyochosi: just so I am completely sure - the plan is to test this and then get it in properly to default xubuntu?13:08
ochosielfy: the idea is to test it and if it works ok, i'll ask andrzejr to do a panel development release, which will in turn end up in xubuntu13:09
ochosiso yeah, what you said, but with one or two corners more13:09
elfyone more question - how do we want people to report bugs? because apport obviously throws a fit with ppa's13:09
elfyochosi: okey doke 13:09
ochosiideally, they would report bugs upstream13:09
ochosii hope there won't be bugs though :]13:09
ochosi(but usually there always are)13:09
elfyok - I guessed as much - just making sure 13:09
elfyha ha yea :)13:10
ochosiadding "intelligent hiding" to the bug title will help13:10
elfyok 13:10
ochosiand even replying to the thread on our ml with a link to the bugreport/s would be fair13:10
ochosijust to make sure, the reports are visible enough13:10
jjfrv8slickymasterWork, I didn't mean to hog the whole thing, but there just didn't seem to be enough there to split up :)13:25
jjfrv8ochosi, elfy, I got the panel update and will test. OK so far.13:26
ochosijjfrv8: i guess you've set the panel to intelligent hiding already?13:27
Unit193ochosi: Full testcase, regression tests, and possible bug triggering?13:27
ochosinot sure a testcase makes sense, i guess it'll be more exploratory testing in everyday situations13:28
ochosiin terms of testcase, i've pretty much gone through it with andrzejr13:28
ochosibut yeah, if there are bugs or things that don't work (e.g. plugins that make the panel hide, like datetime used to before i fixed it), that'd be good to know13:29
ochosifor now i hope that it'll be the plugins' fault13:29
jjfrv8ochosi, I notice that switching to an open terminal window, even if it's not maximized, brings the panel back. Is that normal?13:33
ochosithe concept of intelligent hiding means that the panel shows up when the focused window doesn't overlap (i.e. in terms of position or in terms of being maximized)13:33
jjfrv8ah yes, I see now. (and you had already explained that before. my bad :(13:35
ochosino worries13:38
ochosicould be that we also have to clarify that in the call for testing, in order not to get invalid bugreports13:38
Unit193I thought "intelligent hiding" was it only pops up when you don't want it, and can't find it when you do. :(13:39
ochosithat sounds more like silly hiding13:41
Unit193Had a program that made the Windows start button do that once...13:41
sidiochosi, i feel you have a burning need to not talk about xfpm versioning :-P14:29
ochosisidi: well it's simply grown historically to what it is today and we've just continued with the existing direction/tradition is all14:30
sidioops i wrote on #xub14:30
ochosithat not being consistent with -core is simply a pointless discussion, was all i was trying to point out14:30
ochosiyeah, that too :)14:30
sidiochosi, :-)14:31
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
slickymasterWorknp jjfrv8 15:10
Unit193Well if there's nothing else on the agenda, could see if the ppas are working correctly, or see if $foo is working correctly.15:19
ochosiUnit193: yeah, feel free to add that to the agenda though15:19
etwarriorelfy, or anybody for that matter... I know I've briefly mentioned I'm interested in helping with developing, not only to translate for French, but I'd like to even perhaps help in testing of Xubuntu on my old Windows XP machine?16:25
etwarriorPerhaps... we'll see.16:25
etwarriorI was sent by GridCube .16:26
etwarriorI know I'd love to translate.16:26
etwarriorBut my French isn't spot-on.16:26
etwarriorBut I can try.16:26
GridCubei think slickymasterWork was the one coordinating translation efforts16:26
ochositbh i'm not sure translating to a language that you have the feeling is not "spot on" is a good idea16:27
ochosimight end up in misleading translations, which might be worse than no translation at all in some cases16:27
ochosi(as a word of caution ^ )16:27
etwarriorOkay, but I do understand how the grammar works of the language, and stuff like that.16:28
GridCubeetwarrior: mister ochosi here is the xubuntu's  development team leader :D16:28
etwarriorThe adjective always comes after the noun.16:28
etwarriorOh yes, we've met before... :~)16:28
ochosiGridCube: actually i'm only the XPL, bluesabre is the development lead ;)16:28
slickymasterWorketwarrior, even though our goal is to have all the idioms translated, but not at any price 16:28
GridCubeP: oh right16:28
slickymasterWorkhey ochosi, GridCube 16:28
etwarriorslickymasterWork, understandable.16:32
slickymasterWorketwarrior, with that aim in mind and with the goal of providing a perfect Xubuntu experience in other native languages, we do ask that any translation effort should only be addressed by someone that holds a full dominion of the language in question 16:32
etwarriorI need to wait a few days before I sign up on your ubuntuone page, I'm switching Email providers... I should be all good to go this upcoming Sunday.16:32
etwarriorMy current email provider (hushmail) only allows 25MB for the free version... and though it's supposedly private, I've heard that hushmail leaked it's user's data in the past... I'm switching to another more on the private side email firm, with a bit more free-space included for the free version, supposedly I'm supposed to get 5GB of space, which should really help.16:33
slickymasterWorkin any case etwarrior, every help is welcome16:34
etwarriorThank you.16:34
slickymasterWorkand regarding Xubuntu documentation at large, you can also branch it for proof-reading spelling and grammar, checking consistency of formatting, checking consistency of language and style or writing glossary entries and adding entries to the index16:35
slickymasterWorkI mean branch the xubuntu documentation package 16:35
slickymasterWorkif you think you'll need some help with, please fell free to ping at any time16:36
etwarriorProof-read in English, or French, or bot?16:37
slickymasterWorkin we feel comfortable with both idioms, of course 16:38
slickymasterWorkeven though if you'll think that something should/ought be corrected in the French translation, the only way will be able to corrected will be by proposing a new translations to the string(s)16:40
slickymasterWorks/ in we/if you16:40
etwarriorI see.16:42
slickymasterWorkI'm not sure whether you check it or not, but you could have a read at http://xubuntu.org/contribute/support_documentation/16:43
elfyimage testing is easy enough - test dailies in a vm if you can't do hardware, test milestones when we call for them http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker16:44
elfyochosi: I guess there's no way for someone to only test panel for intellihide without testing all the other packages, without enabling the staging ppa to upgrade panel on it's own then disabling it16:55
elfyI can't think of another simple method16:55
brainwashdownload the packages manually from the launchpad site17:02
elfythat isn't going to require a whole bunch of instructions for people testing17:04
elfyI've never bothered trying to download single packages from a PPA tbh 17:06
elfyochosi: alternatively we assume that people testing have enough knowledge to deal with a ppa with different packages and decide for themselves what to use17:09
=== brainwas- is now known as brainwash
flexiondotorgali1234, ochosi I am making some change to Ubiquity.18:31
flexiondotorgubiquity-dm expressly disables it's panel when xfwm4 is detected.18:31
flexiondotorgif (os.path.exists('/usr/lib/ubiquity/panel') and18:32
flexiondotorg                    "xfwm4" not in wm_cmd):18:32
flexiondotorgThat is why no Ubiquity panel in Xubuntu I think.18:32
ali1234isn't that for when you install from the live desktop?18:33
flexiondotorgYes, the Ubiquity panel is displayed if you don't interrupt the boot process. You get to the "Install Xubuntu" "Try Xubuntu" graphical menu.18:34
flexiondotorgThe Ubiquity panel is displayed on the top, similar to LightDM.18:34
ali1234and if you select "install xubuntu"?18:34
flexiondotorgIf you do that ^^^^^ Ubquity remains and so does the panel.18:35
ali1234and if you select "try xubuntu" you get the xubuntu desktop, which has indicators18:35
flexiondotorgAlso, I see xfwm4 disables compositing in the Ubiquity display manager. Compositing is required for the indicators to render correctly.18:36
ali1234i don't understand18:36
ali1234if xfwm is running you are on the desktop18:36
ali1234then you get indicators via xfce4-panel18:37
flexiondotorgUbiquity has a display manager, ubiquity-dm.18:37
flexiondotorgIt launches a window manager.18:37
flexiondotorgIt search the file system for compatible window managers.18:37
ali1234why aren't the indicators in the seed for ubuntu?18:40
flexiondotorgali1234, I think they are pulled in by other packages.18:40
flexiondotorgI have to disable recommended packages in the Ubuntu MATE seeds otherwise I end up with most of GNOME3 and Unity.18:41
flexiondotorgOff, for a run. I'll be back later if you have questions.18:41
brainwashelfy: your screenshot confuses me now http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-081214-170915.php20:20
brainwashit shows the minimize and maximize button20:21
brainwashhere the "try and install" window started from desktop does show minimize and close20:21
elfyI'd hope so too - I'd really hate for my vbox to not have those :p20:21
brainwash"try or install"20:22
brainwashis the "where are you?" window different?20:22
elfyno idea - I don't often look at the install window - we don't test that20:22
elfy[17:25] <elfy> actually - only where are you/kbd layout and who are you have max button20:23
elfyin try 20:24
brainwasha max button instead of a close button20:24
brainwashnow we need to know if one can actually maximize that window :)20:25
elfyyou can't 20:25
elfyas the bug says - it's pretty much useless20:25
elfyand I really don't have much interest in this rather minor thing either tbh :)20:25
brainwashI know, and it should not be there, but the fix seems to be incomplete20:26
brainwashI am curious about this, because I thought that my patch works in general20:27
brainwashbut ubiquity is doing something special20:27
elfyI guess so - I understand you've got an interest :D20:28
brainwash15.04 seems somewhat strange, now I also see the scramble background picture on second login20:29
brainwashthe first login is smooth20:29
brainwashno..... radeon20:30
elfyrestart or shutdown? 20:30
brainwashlogin -> desktop20:30
elfyno idea about radeon - but open source driver rather than ati?20:30
brainwashyes, the open source radeon driver20:30
brainwashthat's the odd thing20:31
elfybrainwash: you'll possibly see the same corruption on restart too 20:31
brainwash15.04 has some weird bugs and regressions20:31
brainwashmainly hardware/driver20:32
elfyall works much the same for me as 14.10 20:32
brainwashI'll keep on testing20:35
brainwashI've triggered apport few times already, but it does not seem send any reports (or at least open the web browser and let me file the report)20:37
brainwashcan you confirm this?20:37
elfynot sure it's turned on properly tbh 20:37
elfyI edited /etc/apport/crashdb.conf 20:38
elfy        'problem_types': ['Bug', 'Package', 'Crash'],20:38
elfyadded Crash there20:38
brainwashI'll try that, thanks20:38
ochosiflexiondotorg: no idea why the panel is disabled, maybe there were/are reasons, best way would to try i guess...20:59
flexiondotorgochosi, Well I've passed on what I know. You can test stuff out and refine your setup from here 😃21:05
ochosisure thanks21:12
elfyochosi: thanks for meeting at a time I can make it :)21:12
brainwashflexiondotorg: why is the panel needed?21:18
flexiondotorgbrainwash, The Ubiquity panel will auto load a number of indicators.21:20
flexiondotorgSo, the reason for the Ubiquity panel is to expose indicators that enable a11y, network configuration etc.21:20
brainwashubiquity is strange.. are you maintaining it?21:21
brainwashcurrently the panel is missing, the background is black and some windows have an unneeded maximize button.. oh boy21:23
brainwashxubuntu related issues ^21:23
flexiondotorgbrainwash, No, I'm the Ubuntu MATE maintainer.21:24
flexiondotorgNot an Ubuntu/Canonical staffer.21:24
flexiondotorgSo, I've been patching Ubiquity to support MATE and marco (MATE window manager).21:24
brainwashah, I've installed MATE today for the first time21:25
flexiondotorgI'm also on the upstream MATE team.21:25
brainwashon top of my xubuntu test installation21:25
brainwashthat's awesome21:25
flexiondotorgbrainwash, It works 😃21:25
flexiondotorgI'm also an Arch Linux dev.21:25
flexiondotorgNot sure, how I got talked into making an Ubuntu distro exactly.21:25
brainwashchanging the theme in MATE required a relog, is this expected?21:25
flexiondotorgMATE theme change should be dynamic. Except for some system tray icons.21:26
flexiondotorgThat bug is being worked on currently.21:26
ali1234xfce4-panel had that problem too21:26
flexiondotorgali1234, If you have any tips, much welcome 😃21:26
ali1234i dunno, i didn't fix it21:26
brainwashwell, nothing changed until I relog, so something is missing here21:26
ali1234don't know if it is even fixed21:27
ali1234i think we made the icons have a transparent background always21:27
ali1234so even though they don't update, it doesn't matter21:27
ali1234i've been helping people report bugs against mate too21:27
ali1234seen some theme issues with chrome, and that's when i saw the panel thing21:28
brainwashdoes MATE load indicators?21:28
ali1234yes but only gtk2 ones21:28
brainwashlike xubuntu does21:28
brainwashah, that's why I did not see any21:28
ali1234are you using the ppa?21:29
ali1234because mate in the repos is broken21:29
brainwashno, 15.0521:29
ali1234i don't know the status of that21:29
brainwashI'll add the PPA then21:29
ali1234not sure about the status of the ppa with +1 either21:29
flexiondotorgbrainwash, Ubuntu MATE will load indicators using the old indicator-application-gtk2 package.21:34
flexiondotorgI pushed some MRs today that add the required patches.21:34
flexiondotorgWithin Ubiquity, I make sure the various indicators are installed so that ubiquity-dm can load them.21:35
ali1234indicator-application is just one indicator21:35
ali1234sound is the only other one that has gtk221:36
flexiondotorgindication-sound-gtk2 is the other and indicator-application-gtk2 in combination with mate-indicator-applet can wrap other indicators.21:36
ali1234no, it can't21:36
ali1234indicator-application isn't lower in the stack21:37
ali1234it's a simplified api for systray style icons21:37
ali1234so for example indicator-application-gtk2 will not help you to display indicator-messages21:38
brainwashflexiondotorg: how do you test ubiquity? can you start it inside a desktop environment?21:40
flexiondotorgI've never done that. I have my own iso building scripts that (largely) mimic the official Canonical infrastructure.21:41
flexiondotorgI use those to test stuff, since I can bind PPAs to the build.21:41
brainwashI see21:42
brainwashit seems like I cannot start it stand alone here21:42
flexiondotorghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity <--- See the bottom on of the page21:42
brainwashso I'll use live iso + live mode to test code changes21:43
brainwashthat's helpful also21:44
flexiondotorgubiquity-dm is just a python script so you could edit it in the live session.21:46
Unit193Hey, so how does one start up maybe-ubiquity after booting with the  text  option?23:06
Unit193brainwash: THere?23:31
ochosibrainwash: i wonder whether that is actually a ubiquity bug (the maximise button)23:42

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