
TaiChiMustDoSolved NetworkManager question from earlier on crashing upon adding to systemtray with error in ConnectionItem.qml for 'onAccepted'. Works after this edit. https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=120815#p31695400:39
TaiChiMustDoOn Add Widgets panel, "Get New Widgets" is broken. Please direct for fix. Thank you in advance.00:40
rdieterTaiChiMustDo: loads ok for me, what kde version and distro are you using?00:41
rdieterheh, silly me, thought this was #kde00:41
TaiChiMustDoKubuntu 14.10 KDE 4.14.200:42
TaiChiMustDoThere is blank popup just above the button when clicked.00:42
TaiChiMustDordieter: It is KDE01:06
shadeslayerwhy are people installing active shite01:38
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sitterRiddell: silly nicknames? :'<05:22
sitterwgrant: bug sort of kind of... retries are caused by a source.getBuilds()[n].buildstate being 'chroot problem' or 'failed to upload' raising the question why that upload failed to begin with05:26
wgrantsitter: The binaries don't have a Description field.05:26
sitterhow very rude to prevent publishing05:27
sitterwgrant: perhaps it would make sense to not retry on failed to upload at all?05:28
sitter<- no clue what could cause uploaded failures 05:28
wgrantSpurious upload failures are rare nowadays.05:28
wgrantI would not automatically retry them.05:28
sitterok, I'll kick it out and add a global limit on retries to prevent this sort of thing05:29
soeegood morning07:21
valoriesoee: you pinged me yesterday, then left right as I opened up irc07:22
valoriestill need me?07:22
soeevalorie: hey, yes i have a question if you would like to help with next portion of content on  the website im working on but this time its more :)07:39
lordievaderGood morning.08:02
valoriedid you copy/paste my stuff?08:05
valoriebecause I noticed some typos08:05
soeevalorie: i did fix them but yesterday accidently i have removed it from website and just copy paste again raw version08:21
valoriesuch things happen08:21
valorieyou could always put your site in git08:21
soeevalorie: i have code on my gitlab but the content is stored in database and i would have to export site each time i want backup but for now its not needed08:23
soeevalorie: on the current website we have this: http://www.kubuntu.org/community/contribute but on my website for each option (development, testing etc.) i need longer texts like ~ 10 lines to put them here http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/en/contribute.html08:26
soeewould you be able to modify current texts and extend them with more details/info ?08:26
valoriesure, but your .pl page is too much text IMO08:27
valoriesomewhere in between?08:27
soeewell i would like to have detailed each topic, and user should be linked to wiki page -only- if he wants more technical info, so here should liek 7-10 lines of solid explanation :)08:32
soeemin 7 - max 10 lines ?08:32
valorieok, that's a lot of text though - but I'll do it and we can bulk it up if necessary08:34
valorieyou don't want LoCo08:35
soeevalorie: what is LoCo ?08:36
valorielocal community08:36
valorieI assume that there is a Polish LoCo?08:36
valoriehmmm, old branding08:38
soeeatm there are 3 important steps: 1 create page template -  my friend is working on it, 2. create page structure - im working on it, 3. default content - en language, and on it various people will work like me, you if you have time to help and others if i find them :)08:41
soeethan when default content is ready translators will do theyr job 08:41
soeeatm. Thiago said he will do brasilian and bukai bengali08:41
valoriewould be good to link to the main loco page though, and have them link to you08:41
soeeill do polish08:41
soeeso we will have atleast 4 langs08:42
soeevalorie: linking ok but when the default content will be ready08:42
soeevalorie: ping09:02
valoriestill here09:03
valorieactually working on the text now09:04
soeevalorie: i would like to know your opinion on this : in the future i would liek to have several trusted people taht will handle localization on website, but for now im thinking about using service like this: https://crowdin.com/09:05
soeeso translate content can anybody but put it on teh website some admins only09:05
valoriethere is actually a free software version of that somewhere09:06
soeevalorie: for opensource projects its free i think09:06
soee"Unlimited projects, unlimited strings and collaborators If you want to use Crowdin for an Open Source project,"09:06
valorieby free I meant libre09:07
valoriebut perhaps my memory is wrong09:07
valorieanyway, I think it's a good idea09:07
valoriegetting translations for websites is difficult and that might make it easier09:08
valoriesoee: transifex is what I was thinking of, I think10:05
valoriequassel uses them10:06
soeeye si know it, i did some translation for qupzilla there and owncloud i think10:06
soeei would liek to use some user friendly service so it would bevery easy to use10:07
valorieI have 43 lines in my rough draft10:09
valorietoo much, I think10:09
valorietired, must sleep10:09
RiddellMirv: qt 5.4 is out, when will packages be available? :)10:48
MirvRiddell: :D I keep https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting updated. with the final packages I start to update symbols, re-enable unit tests in qtbase/qtdeclarative so it might take a while. but when past qtdeclarative, it usually is quite fast to get to usable state.11:08
Mirvmitya57 fixed a powerpc qtbase failure and I picked that up already11:08
RiddellMirv: "it might take a while" means hours or weeks?11:10
MirvRiddell: I'd estimate having enough early next week, since I already prepared with beta/rc.11:11
Mirvso hopefully getting to the state I'm in beta2 silo with RC with the final in that landing ppa by then. or roughly similar. ie rebuild also KDE packages.11:11
Mirvdepends also a bit what else I have to do as usual11:12
RiddellMirv: cool thanks, I think I'll recommend that plasma 5.2 (which we want to ship in vivid) uses qt 5.4. how does that work with ubuntu touch?11:13
MirvRiddell: we haven't yet have it running so it's a bit early to say. there are build problems too with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=qt5.411:15
RiddellSick_Rimmit: at your lug event will you have a large projector showing the hangout?11:15
Mirvso if to land it, that would take till January easily11:16
RiddellMirv: that's fine, plasma 5.2 isn't released until january :)11:17
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Yes we do11:17
Riddelland we can direct people to the rc packages until then11:17
RiddellSick_Rimmit: how about a shared ec2 server and a windows computer connects to the hangout to show it?11:18
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Yes, that sounds good11:22
Sick_RimmitTell what we could do..11:22
Sick_RimmitRun the Hangout, and have the Shell Window open with a local SSH session to the shared eC2 instance11:23
Sick_RimmitDo you have a Windows instance at your end ?11:24
Sick_Rimmit If so then you would be able to share your screen to me, even though I am running Linux11:24
Sick_Rimmitbrb got to reboot11:24
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Windows instance at your end ?11:28
RiddellSick_Rimmit: probably, just seeing if it'll still boot up11:29
Sick_RimmitOK, We can try a quick hangout if you like see if it'll share to my Kubuntu box11:29
Riddell56% windows update complete...11:30
Sick_RimmitOr we do more extensive testing on Friday, up to you11:30
Riddellseems to have booted, let me try and install chromium11:31
Riddellit's a pretty slow computer11:32
Riddelllooks like rick isn't available11:35
Sick_RimmitJust added you to my work circles11:36
Sick_RimmitI'll start a Hangout and invite you11:36
Sick_RimmitCan you see that Invite11:37
Sick_RimmitThere are funny issues with the way the work domain is setup11:37
Sick_RimmitOK 2 secs11:38
Sick_RimmitRiddell: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g5klyddhx7o45xojtxzza3egjqa11:38
Sick_RimmitTry this11:38
Sick_RimmitOr rather try that ^ link11:39
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kranzerRiddell: hello, are you here?13:01
soeehe sprobably lunching :)13:07
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:21
soeehi BluesKaj13:26
BluesKajhey soee13:29
soeeBluesKaj: after more tests i can say that 343 drivers are more smooth than 346, performance in games is better with this latets beta but its not as smooth as with 34313:37
BluesKajsoee, right, my 8400GS runs fibe with the 340, the newer drivers aren.t available 13:39
BluesKajsoee, right, my 8400GS runs fibe with the 340, the newer drivers aren.t available 13:39
BluesKajerr fine13:39
soeenot available for your card ?13:40
BluesKajsoee, or recommended ... aamof the 340 isn't either, so I'm running the proprietary version from the nvidia site13:41
soeeBluesKaj: 343 are nice. try them13:42
BluesKajsoee, I suppose I could try the newer drivers, but it's my media server so it has to work 13:43
soeeah ok :]13:43
mamarleyBluesKaj: soee: I believe that 340.xx was the last release to support the 8xxx and 9xxx series cards.13:46
soeemamarley: might be, here at work i have GeForce 9600 GSO 512 and newer didn't work13:47
soeei was wondering why13:47
BluesKajfrankly I just need a driver that works with my gpu even if it's the older 304, a working card is important and newewst isn't necessarily best13:53
Riddellhi kranzer 14:12
kranzerRiddell: could you give me some details about my task?14:21
Riddellkranzer: oh the calligra icon one?14:22
kranzerRiddell: yeah14:23
Riddellkranzer: well get the calligra source and find those files, they are not the right sizes so crop, resize and expand to make them the right size14:23
kranzerRiddell: thanks14:24
kranzerRiddell: could you assign it?14:24
Riddellkranzer: and I guess we should chat in #calligra for this one14:25
soeenext bugfix relese for plasma 5.1 next week ?14:28
Riddellyep, I'll tag it tomorrow14:30
Riddellhi billbo_ 15:14
Riddellamazon aws "Current month-to-date balance for December 2014" "$47.64" golly all these students are costing someone quite a lot15:15
Riddellubuntu touch is now "Ubuntu for devices"? http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices15:40
mamarleyThat's a silly name.  My laptop is a "device"...15:41
shadeslayerAnyone want to prepare a SRU for bug 135827115:52
ubottubug 1358271 in gtk2-engines-oxygen (Ubuntu) "Eclipse crashes with 'oxygen-gtk' theme enabled" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135827115:52
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shadeslayerRiddell: just throwing tasks out there for anyone who might be interested16:02
shadeslayerit's simple enough :P16:02
shadeslayerRiddell: did pitti send that email out wrt the MRE?16:02
Riddellnope https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2014-December/thread.html16:04
* mitya57 just pushed his first change to reviewboard.kde.org17:54
Riddellmitya57++ :)17:55
Riddellone of us one of us17:56
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mitya58look what you have done!17:56
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shadeslayermitya58: haha20:22
shadeslayerone of us20:22
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soeeRiddell: ping21:26
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