
RAOFrobert_ancell: Hey, would you kindly re-upload lightdm 1.10.4-0ubuntu2 to trusty-proposed with all the changes in the _source.changes file?01:50
robert_ancellRAOF, huh?01:52
RAOFrobert_ancell: There was a lightdm upload in Trusty's unapproved queue; lightdm 1.10.4-0ubuntu2. It didn't have all the changelog entries in the _source.changes file, so it didn't claim to be fixing all the SRU bugs that it was in fact fixing, so it wouldn't be tracked correctly.01:53
RAOF(Incidentally, this probably caused the _previous_ SRU to sit around for longer than necessary; I'm not sure why it was approved)01:53
robert_ancellRAOF, I was hoping the 1.10.3-0ubuntu2 SRU would now be promoted so the 1.10.4 SRU can be done next01:54
robert_ancellRAOF, If we move 1.10.4 into -proposed wont that require all the bugs to be checked again?01:55
robert_ancellRAOF, ok, now I'm more confused. I've got notifications that 1.10.3-0ubuntu2 and 1.10.4-0ubuntu2 have been rejected. But 1.10.3-0ubuntu2 is in -proposed currently01:59
RAOFrobert_ancell: No, you've got a notification that 1.10.3-0ubuntu2 has been _accepted_ and that 1.10.4-0ubuntu2 has been rejected.02:03
robert_ancelloh, ok02:03
robert_ancellRAOF, so I don't need to re-upload it?02:03
RAOFNot 1.10.3, no.02:04
RAOF1.10.4, yes.02:04
robert_ancellwhat's the magic flag to say "changes since x"?02:04
robert_ancellok, uploaded. I *think* I got it right this time02:07
RAOFI'll be sure to shout at you if you didn't :)02:07
robert_ancellplease do :)02:07
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didrocksgood morning07:07
ochosimorning desktopers07:41
ochosixnox: this may have been decided for historical reasons, and unfortunately nobody in the xubuntu team is around long enough or was involved with it, but is there any reason why the ubiquity panel is disabled with xfwm4?07:42
larsugood morning!07:54
didrockshey larsu07:57
larsuhi didrocks, ça va?08:03
didrockslarsu: ça va, et toi ?08:04
larsudidrocks: ça va aussi, merci08:05
larsumy french doesn't allow for more words :(08:05
darkxsthey didrocks, larsu08:23
didrocksevening darkxst :)08:25
darkxstlasru so I can fix the g-sm background in the GtkBox, but there is still a transparent border around it ;(08:30
darkxstI assume that is coming from GtkStack, but that doesnt seem to take any css I apply to it08:31
larsuI'll look into that after I've finished the icon stuff08:32
darkxstlarsu, ok thanks08:32
willcookemorning all08:50
tkamppeterI have a problem with SRUs for system-config-printer. Some weeks ago I have proposed a package fixing 4 bugs, 2 fixes got verified by the reporters of the bugs, 2 not (bug 1380514 and bug 1366756) keeping the update from getting made generally available. Now I have prepared another SRU for fixing driver download. How should I proceed? Removing the unverified patches of the current SRU and repost? Do the verified patches ne08:50
tkamppetered to get verified again? Or make a new SRU package combining the 2 verified fixed and the new download fix?08:50
ubot5bug 1380514 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Utopic) "system-config-printer.py crashed with KeyError in display_auth_info_dialog(): 'auth-info-required'" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138051408:50
ubot5bug 1366756 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Utopic) "system-config-printer.py crashed with FileNotFoundError in _execute_child(): [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: 'gpk-install-package-name'" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136675608:50
seb128tkamppeter, can't you verify the 2 unverified bugs on the first SRU so it can go to -updates? if you can't reproduce the bug at least confirm that there are no regression08:52
seb128but don't remove fixes only because you don't get confirmations, just validate for no regression and do the new SRU on top of the current one08:53
tkamppeterseb128, will do, thanks.08:53
willcookeoh, hey seb12808:54
willcookeseb128, I think the desktop next image is b0rked.08:54
willcookeI downloaded yesterday and it wont start U808:54
willcookere-trying now08:54
seb128tkamppeter, yw!08:57
seb128willcooke, hey08:57
seb128willcooke, weird, what is in the logs?08:57
willcookeseb128, in the middle of re-install #2 will report back later08:57
willcookeseb128, worked that time09:02
Laneyhey hey09:04
seb128hey Laney09:08
larsuhi Laney!09:12
Laneyhey larsu & seb128, what's happening09:16
didrocksgoing to see the doctor, bbl09:17
tkamppeterseb128, done, and even one of the reporters answered in addition.09:17
seb128tkamppeter, great09:23
seb128Laney, enjoying blue sky today!09:23
seb128Laney, what about you?09:23
Laneyyeah true, it is clear!09:23
Laneyseems a bit warmer than the previous days09:24
mlankhorstdamned security fixes, breaking my xorg-server :o09:46
Laneylarsu: have you seen the buttons in virt-manager?10:26
* larsu looks10:28
larsuoh, much better to see!10:28
Laneyborders, man10:28
larsu :)10:28
czajkowskiSalut from Paris :)10:49
czajkowskico working spaces here are very nice!10:50
willcookehey czajkowski10:59
willcookedidrocks, T shirt is on its way to our winner10:59
didrockswillcooke: \o/ that was quick!11:00
willcookemsm is a hero11:01
czajkowskishe rocks11:12
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mlankhorstI must admit defeat, I ran out of diskspace on my phone so I'm reflashing because I don't know what is safe to remove :P12:49
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davmor2czajkowski: that's not hard she is wonderwoman after all :)13:56
czajkowskidavmor2: true!14:04
davmor2czajkowski: unless msm tshirts lie and I can't see that being the case :)14:05
mlankhorstdesktop seems to be a lot more forgiving about screwing up14:12
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mardydesrt: hi! Can I bother you with a GVariant parsing issue?15:24
desrtyou mean text-format parsing, i guess?15:24
mardydesrt: yes, let's hope that IRC does retain the formatting:15:24
mardyError parsing parameter 5 of type 'a(ssua{sv}as)': expected ',' after first tuple element:15:24
mardy  [('service' 'type' 3 {} [])]15:24
mardy              ^15:24
mardydesrt: this is an argument I'm giving to gdbus15:24
mardydesrt: I can't understand what's wrong in it15:25
desrtit's expecting a ',' after the first tuple element15:25
desrtat the place where the ^ is15:25
desrtlike ('service', 'type', 3, {}, [])15:26
mardydesrt: oops, indeed, and the error message was even quite clear; I got confused because gdbus doesn't require commas between arguments, so I assumed that that's how tuple worked15:28
mardydesrt: thanks a lot!15:28
desrtmardy: no problem :)15:28
desrthttps://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/gvariant-text.html might make some interesting reading15:28
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* willcooke -> EOD -> Sick17:38
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Laneysee you!18:00
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didrockssee you Laney :)18:01
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