
shadeslayerout of curiousity, is there a smarter way to deal with problems like apt-get update failing on jenkins because of a hash mismatch error? or do I just keep retrying the command00:26
shadeslayer*jenkins job00:26
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peacememorieshm, i'm not really sure how frameworks are supposed to work on snappy01:22
hallynpitti: i wasn't planning o nmerging samba - i hate to take zul's fun away from him :)  but i'm finally back tomorrow so can take a look soon if needed04:26
hallynbdmurray: smb has fixed the kvm-spice bug in qemu04:27
hallynseb128: cgmanager is disabled by default in systemd bc systemd prefers to own all the cgroup management04:28
pittibrainwash: I'll most certainly package 21806:50
pittiGood morning06:50
pittihallyn: welcome back! did you enjoy your holidays?06:51
dholbachgood morning07:52
doko_Riddell, ScottK: please could you build opengtl with the default llvm/clang? This one prevents removal of llvm-3.309:18
cjwatsonshadeslayer: launchpad-buildd has a thing where if apt-get update fails then it waits a short period of time and immediately tries again (only once); this seems enough to dispose of the vast majority of problems09:53
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shadeslayercjwatson: I see13:23
cjwatsoninfinity: You synced libpoe-component-client-dns-perl from unstable, but apparently it still fails with the same test failure that caused there previously to be a delta (see 1:1.051-1ubuntu1).  Fancy reintroducing that delta?13:35
mitya57sil2100, nevermind the previous question, I have (re-)written that myself.13:53
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hallynpitti: had its upsides, had huge downsides sadly.15:03
hallynbut now back to work :)15:04
cjwatsondoko_: missing build-dep on expect for gcc-*-cross, maybe?15:05
doko_cjwatson, no, dpkg introducing DEB_TARGET architectures15:06
cjwatsonah ...15:07
doko_these should build after the current gcc-4.9 upload15:08
doko_dpkg-archoitecture introducing DEB_TARGET_* variables even15:09
smbhallyn, while I see you... I wanted to do a small update to qemu in U and T for allow it to be used by Xen dom0 (bug 1394327). For U there still seems an upload in proposed, which I am not sure about getting verified as the reporter verified Trusty.15:15
ubottubug 1394327 in qemu (Ubuntu Trusty) "unmapping of persistent grants in qemu" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139432715:15
smbIs there anything else we can do?15:16
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hallynsmb: i'm confused15:30
hallynsmb: noone has verified that near as i can tell15:31
hallynoh i see.15:31
smbcomment #1715:31
hallynthere are 2 comments15:31
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hallynsmb: which bug needs verification15:32
smbbug 136881515:32
ubottubug 1368815 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "qemu-img convert intermittently corrupts output images" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136881515:32
hallynsmb: sorry for hte delay, for some reason launcpad isn't loading for me.  (weird internet issues)15:40
smbhallyn, Heh yeah, some days are just painful15:40
hallynbut seriously, i've tried two different connections and two browsers, and the bug just won't load all the way15:41
hallynsmbok, so issmbdid you try reproducing on utopic?15:43
hallynsmb: unless you get to it in the next few hours, i'll complete the verification this afternoon for that bug15:44
smbhallyn, No, well that bug was nothing I was observing. Its something that someone else had, you uploaded the fixes and it only got verified for T15:44
smbhallyn, Ok, wfm. Then I can base on that version for what I prepare for upload15:45
hallynunderstood, but someone needs to reproduce wit hthe testcase, or else at least run the qa-regression-testing qemu testcase on it :)15:45
hallynok - i'll do it this afternoon then - ttyl15:45
smbhallyn, ack. thanks15:45
FunnyLookinHatAnyone know what IRC channel would be appropriate for snappy related stuff?16:02
* FunnyLookinHat should have figured....16:02
infinitycjwatson: I did?  Pretty sure that was bhavi, according to LP.16:14
cjwatsoninfinity: Oh, right, you moved it to vivid-proposed from utopic-proposed, that explains my confusion16:17
cjwatson(and indeed from trusty-proposed)16:17
cjwatsonOK, I'll reintroduce that delta16:17
infinitycjwatson: I could do it anyway, was just correcting your blame. :P16:18
cjwatsoninfinity: Might be more sensible for you to end up with the future merge than me, if you don't mind16:23
infinitycjwatson: Fine by me, it's 2 lines.  Will do.16:24
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bdmurraypitti: py3cairo ddebs are missing for the latest version only arm64 has appeared16:50
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bdmurraytseliot: are you working on bug 1376966?17:32
ubottubug 1376966 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "gpu-manager treats all files in /etc/modprobe.d as config files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137696617:32
tseliotbdmurray: the fix is in utopic (in 1: but apparently I forgot to backport it17:39
bdmurraytseliot: I'd be happy to review it when you get it in the proposed queue - just let me know.17:44
tseliotbdmurray: I've just uploaded ubuntu-drivers-common in trusty-proposed. Thanks for your help, and for reminding me17:53
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hallynarges: would you mind looking at the last comment in bug 1368815 and ack/nacking?18:33
ubottubug 1368815 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "qemu-img convert intermittently corrupts output images" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136881518:33
argeshallyn: looking18:33
hallynarges: thanks.  (smb needs that cleared one way or the other, so if nacked that's fine - i'll just request thta we drop the package so smb cna proceed)18:34
argeshallyn: seems like an important fix; and interestingly enough they have to reproduce on ext3 or ext4 without extent filesystems18:36
argeshallyn: which is what i'm seeing on the other corruption bug...18:36
argeshallyn: i think we should ACK it if someone is reporting it as fixing issues in trusty at least18:38
argesfor utopoic18:38
smbIt also would feel a little silly to reject something when it did verify on Trusty. But ok. I probably should have had a deeper look and tried to reproduce/verify it18:39
smbBut somehow there is many loose ends and seemingly so few days in this year left18:39
argessmb: hmm... maybe i'm hitting the same corruption bug because i createdd my qcow2 image _before_ applying this patch. I'll try it out18:40
argesthen maybe I can verify this bug too. I tested with latest mainline, but created the qcow2 image with the unpatched version18:41
smbah ok. at least something worth trying18:41
argessmb: so i'll try verifying it for now if that's alright18:42
smbyeah sure... I am rather close to "go away" for today anyway18:42
argessmb: yea, i still need to review your other package18:42
smbarges, you can take your time with that. if we can get qemu released thats probably worth a bit more to me right now18:43
argessmb: ok18:43
argessmb: where is the new qemu fix? in unapproved?18:44
smbarges, right now as in get me proceeding tomorrow18:44
smbarges, no not uploaded yet18:44
smbI am preparing them but wanted the path clear before I upload and be sure I base on the right thing18:45
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argeshallyn: do you have a decent reproduce for bug 1368815 ? I tried using the other reproduce i had for bug 1292234 and I still get issues with non-extents filesystems. I'm not sure what SRC_PATH is supposed to point at20:06
ubottubug 1368815 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "qemu-img convert intermittently corrupts output images" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136881520:06
ubottubug 1292234 in qemu (Ubuntu) "qcow2 image corruption in trusty (qemu 1.7 and 2.0 candidate)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129223420:06
hallynarges: i don't,20:23
argeshallyn: also there is this patch http://git.qemu.org/?p=qemu.git;a=commit;h=c4875e5b2216cf5427459e619b10f75083565792 where they remove FIEMAP20:24
argesand d1f06fe665acdd7aa7a46a5ef88172c3d7d3028e, but not sure if that side steps the original issues (in case we hit this again)20:26
hallynarges: so yes i did consider that those two bugs might be related :)  but i'm kina lost in it20:26
hallynmy position would be the fix was verified o ntrusty, it still passes qrt, so ship it an dmov eon20:27
argeshallyn: i'll keep digging, i'm inclined to still ack that fix for the time being while ic ontinue to dig at the other one20:27
argeshallyn: agree20:27
hallynarges: agreed, and if someone runs into it again, we could try the other two commits.  do you mind noting those in that bug just for posterity?20:28
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argeshallyn: sure20:29
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mdeslaurarges, hallyn: so, I want to release security updates for qemu20:49
mdeslaurarges, hallyn: do I supersede the one in utopic, or will one of you mark it as verification-done, so I can use it20:49
argesmdeslaur: i'll mark it verification done20:49
mdeslaurarges: ok, I'll base my update on -proposed then, thanks20:49
argesmdeslaur: ok done : ) thanks for letting us know20:50
hallynsmb: ^ you may as well wait a few days :)20:50
bdmurraystgraber: should bug 924511 still be assigned to you?21:13
ubottubug 924511 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity tells me my computer name already exists on the network - hostname lookup can be slow" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92451121:13
stgraberbdmurray: probably not, installer bugs are very very far down my list at the moment21:14
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sil2100pitti: hey! Are you around by any chance?22:55
Unit193sil2100: You could poke him about the new cryptsetup in Debian too, has much better support for systemd. :P23:10

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