
racarr_Buffer stream is supposedly done gonna let it sit for a day then do some self review/iteration though00:12
racarr_don't want it to turn in to the 4500 line MR where everyone comes to hate me00:12
racarr_or rather It hink that may be what it is now00:12
racarr_and want to turn it in to something else00:12
racarr_deleting code is definitely the best way to spend last hour or so of work day00:52
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duflu_OK, now bzr diff is lying to me03:01
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dufluWhat the?! My whole fix got merged over without conflicts?03:03
dufluThat's a new and scary bzr bug03:04
* duflu longs for git03:12
mikododuflu, Thank you!  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/140058003:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1400580 in Mir " Color Inverse on display. Toggle Negative Image" [Wishlist,Triaged]03:33
duflumikodo: No problem03:34
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duflualf__: Could you have another look at nice-log?06:43
alf__duflu: FYI, client-api-platform-operation-* branches updated09:34
alan_galf__: got a moment to review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/publish-server-examples-and-docs/+merge/24402609:36
alf__alan_g: sure09:37
alf__duflu: oops, just a moment09:37
duflualf__: Thanks. Not sure if I'll have time to try and land them again today09:40
dufluBut anyone can do it09:40
alf__duflu: np, thanks09:41
* alan_g looks to see who has... interesting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9454116/09:42
alf__aargh, merging back the trunk which contains the revert of the client-platform-* removes files from my branch!09:44
alf__why bzr, why?09:45
duflualf__: Yeah I meant to warn you of that. Need to resubmit under a different name09:46
dufluBecause bzr is awesome09:46
dufluBut it was my mistake not testing x-compile09:46
duflualf__: I had the same thing happen (with less explanation) this morning. I had to download the diff from LP and patch it back in :S09:47
alf__duflu: no worries, I should have checked x-compile to, but I forgot (I am used to CI checking it)09:49
duflualf__: I *thought* building all platforms covered the Android code on desktop09:49
dufluMust have been in #ifdef ANDROID09:50
alan_gduflu: it builds the all production code, but the tests only for the first platform09:51
duflualan_g: Ah09:51
duflualan_g: We *could* build tests for both09:51
alan_gduflu: there's stuff with different implementations that we'd need to split out09:52
alan_gBut we *should*09:52
* alan_g can't be motivated to log a bug09:52
alan_galf__: any opinion on mir_demo_server[_basic|_example|]?10:17
alf__alan_g: +1 for "mir_demo_server"10:20
alan_gI'll roll that into the update then. :)10:21
alan_galf__: pushed10:35
greybackalf__: hey, on a displayconfiguration change, is there any chance existing DisplayBuffers are all destroyed and re-created?10:50
alf__greyback: they are10:53
greybackalf__: ok, explains things on my end10:54
alf__greyback: Do you know which channel I should use to get the latest phone image? vivid-proposed?10:55
greybackalf__: yes, that's it10:55
alf__greyback: ta10:55
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mlankhorstracarr_: how's mirevent 2.0 coming along?15:37
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kgunnseb128: did you file a bug the other day on relative screen position ?17:15
kgunni was just chatting with alf__ and it seems we already have this :)17:15
* kgunn is also curious about racarr_'s answer re mirevent2.0....as is anpok17:16
alan_gHave we defined any version macros that users can use to conditionally compile server code?17:43
racarr_mlankhorst: The new accessors landed but we hav to port everything and make a release before we can rip out hte old event and start making more detailed changes17:49
racarr_e.g. mir event-2.0 is there now but17:49
racarr_equivalent to mir event 1.0 still basically17:49
seb128kgunn, not yet17:50
seb128kgunn, I had to call it a day yesterday and was not working today, going to do that tomorrow17:50
kgunnracarr_: so anpok should start to conform to the new mirevents structures for the libinput work ?....i mean since they're in there17:58
kgunnseb128: ack...so i think tomorrow your morning, just chat with alf__17:59
kgunnbefore bugging17:59
racarr_kgunn: Not yet, he still outputs the old mir event structures and clients see the new one (or the old one)18:00
racarr_I think we talked about it yesterday and are on the same page18:00
racarr_unless this is something else...18:00
kgunncould be, just trying to help things along18:01
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racarr_no worries. I am wondering if I should speed up any bits to help18:01
seb128kgunn__, k, thank you18:20
anpokracarr_: ah ok, wasnt sure about outputting the old one..18:28
anpokthought the new ones were just around the corner18:28
mlankhorstracarr_: ok18:30
racarr_anpok: Well...I dunno...like I said the new ones are there for clients18:31
racarr_but even if something was mped to port every client now18:31
racarr_it would be what, 2 weeks at least before we could drop the old code18:31
racarr_and right now the old event is used over the wire18:31
racarr_for accessing MirEvent though you should18:31
anpokhm for input .. we still have the mapping ..18:32
racarr_use the new mir_input_event*18:32
anpokmapping to droidinput structures..18:32
kdubanpok, racarr_ any more thoughts on the namespace stuff from yesterday?19:17
kdubiirc, we were thinking about changing mir::input to mir::event because "input" is somewhat vague19:18
racarr_aha thats not what I was thinking ;)19:22
racarr_I was thinking that mir::input is fine as it is because its understood to mean input devices19:22
racarr_and that if we put everything related to events19:22
racarr_in the same namespace19:22
racarr_we lose that meaning19:22
racarr_so if you wantt o have stuff related to MirEvent, but don't want it in the mir:: namespace19:22
racarr_maybe it belongs in a mir::events:: namespace19:22
racarr_or something19:22
racarr_but certainly for example, an input device prober, or the input dispatcher, etc19:23
racarr_I think those make more sense in mir::input::19:23
kdubokay, I see the distinction, although from the graphics side of the fence... all looks like input to me :)19:26
racarr_kdub: You are right a generalization could be made I just think its more confusing than helpful19:27
racarr_e.g. mir::output::logging, mir::output::graphics19:27
racarr_wouldn't be helpful ;)19:27
kdubright, but mir::hid or mir::events might be19:28
kdubanyways, so dropping the namespace stuff... I guess we're still looking for what to do with the 3 EventSink interfaces19:29
racarr_kdub: I dunno...sorry ill think about it in a  sec...furiously debugging19:37
AlbertAdoes anyone know why we don't have a mir_surface_spec_set_output_id? we have a set_fullscreen_on_output....19:39
kdubAlbertA, just a fuzzy memory, but iirc, something having to do with helping more mesa bypass happen19:40
AlbertAok...I'm just wondering so I can migrate the examples....19:41
AlbertAto the new spec api19:41
AlbertAsince eglapp uses the output id parameter to place a non-fullscreen surface19:41
AlbertAin a specific output id19:42
AlbertAif the user sets up that option19:42
racarr_I thought output_id was equivalent19:42
racarr_to fullscreen on output19:42
racarr_and didnt know the other behavior was allowed19:42
AlbertAso perhaps we just want to deprecate that behavior?19:43
AlbertAalthough reading the windowing spec19:43
AlbertAthe system needs to support restoring the previous client context....19:44
AlbertAwhich may include being in a certain monitor and non-fullscreen19:44
AlbertAbut I guess that can just be done in the server side19:44
racarr_I think thats opaque19:44
racarr_to the client19:44
racarr_ikf there is any client involvement19:44
racarr_its through an opaque19:45
racarr_im not sure apps are even allowed to use fullscreen_on_output19:45
racarr_afaik the approved use case is: xmir19:45
racarr_and nested19:45
kduband eglspinner?19:46
kdubmaybe what that means is that USC allows clients to do that (returns true), but U8 does not (returns false)19:48
racarr_ah probably19:48
AlbertAok, I think I have my answer :) change eglapp....:)19:49
anpokkdub: no further thoughts so far20:13
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mibofrakdub, nothing I've checked and I've the same problems/errors of the last time. But I think, also wayland on the framebuffer library works well xD . Is there an option to force mir to use only the framebuffer (as /dev/graphics/fb0)?20:40
mibofra*or the rendering method of the render_to_fb demo20:40
kdub"--disable-overlays true" (argv) or "MIR_SERVER_DISABLE_OVERLAYS=true" (env) forces the render_to_fb demo rendering method20:42
mibofralet's try (again20:42
mibofraMIR_SERVER_DISABLE_OVERLAYS=true , well, It's visible that it's an env specification xD20:43
mibofrakdub as usually segfault on egl demo, and nothing displayed on the screen for others20:49
mibofrajust a thing, I launch the compositor in this way:20:49
mibofraunity-system-compositor --file '/run/mir_socket' --from-dm-fd 0 --to-dm-fd 1 --disable-overlays true20:49
kdubtry mir_demo_server_shell20:50
mibofrathe same result20:52
kdubany kernel or logcat error msgs?20:54
mibofrakdub, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467210/ from dmesg, but I think is not really useful20:57
kdubnah, so thats okay20:57
kdubhas some more suggestions... one day it'll make it to unity.ubuntu.com/mir20:59
mibofrakdub, from logcat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467244/21:01
kduband try the mir_integration_tests21:01
mibofrawell, kdub it doesn't accept the filters, anyway the integration test segfault after [ RUN      ] StaleFrames.are_dropped_when_restarting_compositor and fail at http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467332/21:07
kdubhow does this one do?: mir_integration_tests --gtest-filter="TestClientIPCRender.test_accelerated_render_double"21:09
mibofrakdub, it returns the help of mir_integration_tests21:10
kduboh, sorry, --gtest_filter21:11
mibofrakdub, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467365/21:12
kdubmibofra, so, the render_overlays one won't output anything for hwc 1.0, but the server should still work (and the render_to_fb works, so thats good)21:13
mibofrakdub, anyway on the android_new_device_bringup.md there is also --gtest-filter instead of --gtest_filter21:14
kdubright, should be updated21:14
mibofrakdub, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467658/ , line 5521:53
mibofrais normal that the compositor stops before the drawing?21:53
kdubmibofra, no, its strange21:56
kdubI guess if that integration test is working, and the render_to_fb works, the driver components are working... something else is going on21:56
mibofrakdub, does the compositor need some tty?21:58
mibofralike the tty1?21:58
kdubno, it doesnt21:58
* kdub hasnt seen StaleFrames be the failing test for a new device before21:59
mibofrakdub, I had an idea22:00
mibofrakdub, it uses /dev/ump as part of the driver (egl) no?22:01
kdubperhaps, that's abstracted to mir and different on each chipset22:02
mibofraI've fusered /dev/ump to see if there was something using it, and I've found something with lsof22:02
mibofraI've found Binder_1 , kdub22:02
miboframaybe it interferences in a way?22:02
kdubnot sure22:03
mibofrakdub, other process too are using ump22:05
RAOFAlbertA: Requests for output_id that _weren't_ fullscreen were denied.22:10
mibofrakdub, _render_to_fb access in another way, I think is not only problem of setting --disable-overlays true, because it doesn't solve the problem on the other mir servers (demo or not)22:11
RAOFAlbertA: mir_surface_spec didn't change that, it just meant that you couldn't make a request that we'd automatically deny :)22:11
AlbertARAOF: ack22:15
mibofrahi AlbertA, hi RAOF22:16
AlbertAhi there22:17
racarr_RAOF: Linux is about choice and MirSurfaceSpec is ruining it.22:23
racarr_Good morning22:23
RAOFOk. Naming problem.23:31
RAOFI've got an interface, currently called Dispatchable, which has “get pollable fd” and dispatch() operations.23:32
RAOFI need to name an interface for something that has a create_dispatchable_for_me() operation.23:33
AlbertARAOF: DispatchableFactory? :)23:41
RAOFYeah, possible, but you only ever want to produce one Dispatchable from it.23:41
RAOFThe interface is more create_a_dispatchable_that_will_dispatch_me()23:41
RAOFAnd it very rarely makes sense to have more than one of those.23:42
racarr_Sorry what is a dispatachable?23:52
racarr_or rather what does dispatch() do23:52
racarr_for whom23:53
RAOFdispatch() does whatever should be done when there's something ready.23:57

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