
ochosisuperm1: heya, you're one of the mythbuntu admins? xubuntu project lead here, i wanted to ask you folks about a change in ubiquity that we were considering that would also affect you since you're using xfce/xfwm411:29
ochositgm4883: ^11:31
superm1ochosi: sure shoot13:53
ochosihey superm113:53
ochosiwe recently noticed (actually it was brought to our attention through the u-mate dev) that ubiquity has a built-in panel that is explicitely disabled with xfwm413:54
ochosithis panel shows indicators that are actually quite useful13:54
superm1It never worked properly back then13:54
ochosinetwork, a11y and sound13:54
ochosiah, interesting13:54
ochosiany idea why?13:54
superm1If you can get it working no opposition to it13:54
superm1It crashed when launched13:54
superm1Never investigated further13:55
ochosiit actually "just works"(TM) when activated now13:55
superm1Maybe it was some missing indicator package13:55
superm1That happens to be there now13:55
ochosiprobably, i guess that that works now13:55
superm1Like library that it needed13:55
ochosijust have to add some stuff to the seed, then it works ok13:56
superm1Ah yeah that makes sense then13:56
ochosifor some reason, the hicontrast theme didn't work yet, but i guess we'll figure that out13:56
ochosi(from the a11y indicator)13:56
superm1Go ahead and add same stuff to seed for us or even as depends on ubiquity if appropriate13:56
superm1Or point us at what needs adding to our seed13:57
ochosiok, will do13:57
ochosii guess the first step is a MR against ubiquity to get the panel to show up13:57
ochosibtw, did you also have the black background in the ubiquity standalone session? (i.e. "install" vs. "try and install")13:58
ochosijust wondering, i'm not really up to speed with mythbuntu's setup14:01
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