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dangerranger11bhey guys I cant find any help on this I am new to linux and am using the latest version of ubuntu. When I shut my lid and open it the lights on my keyboard light up but the screen wont turn on. It is a pavilion g6. I have read the forums but no real solutions can be found01:02
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pstolowskimzanetti, hey, do you plan to land https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/bottom_list_no_favorites/+merge/244169 this with your existing silo?09:34
pstolowskitsdgeos, ^09:34
tsdgeosSaviq: how's the sickness today?09:41
Saviqpstolowski, yes, that's what we were waiting for09:41
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm around, not 100%, but am ok09:41
tsdgeosSaviq: was thinking on https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity8/set-inline-reply-hint/+merge/240766, do we want the pot regeneration to be included in it?09:42
pstolowskiSaviq, k, thanks. get well!09:42
Saviqpstolowski, we still don't have a clear solution on bug #1400762 though09:43
ubot5bug 1400762 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Manage Dash allows to unfavourite all scopes and leave you with a blank page" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140076209:43
Saviqpstolowski, I'd like to wait for design guidance on it09:44
Saviqtsdgeos, makes sense, yeah09:44
tsdgeoswhat's up with the wizard now09:49
tsdgeoswe won all it's messages, but will it work?09:50
Saviqtsdgeos, ?09:50
Saviqtsdgeos, ah09:51
tsdgeosSaviq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9454259/09:51
Saviqtsdgeos, that'd be mterry's importing the wizard into our codebase (since we want to have it run as part of unity8 on first launch)09:52
Saviqbut it's not used yet09:52
Saviqmaybe we should make all the tr()s for the wizard use the settings' domain for now09:53
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't think it makes sense, the messages will disappear from settings once they go away from the codebase09:54
Saviqtsdgeos, right09:54
tsdgeosSaviq: question is if i should propose a MR with the .po changes or tell seb to merge trunk in his and re-use it for that too?09:54
Saviqtsdgeos, separate MP please09:54
tsdgeosthen it will conflict :D09:55
Saviqlet's put it in the silo we have now already09:55
Saviqtsdgeos, we'll release that sooner09:55
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I know, we really need the train to do it, but apparently I don't have enough push to get that implemented :/09:55
* Saviq needs food09:56
tsdgeosSaviq: there it goes https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/make_pot_file/+merge/24426709:57
tsdgeosdednick: ping on https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qmenumodel/lp1385331.led/+merge/241422 ?09:59
Saviqtsdgeos, re: power on lock, this was the initial approach https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/cache-greeter-bg/+merge/23914410:02
Saviqtsdgeos, but it's contested because of the increased mem usage10:03
dednicktsdgeos: the ActionStateParser created in the constructor is qobject parented to the QDBusActionGroup.10:03
dednickso it will be deleted10:04
Saviqdednick, can you explain on bug #1372061 what needs to happen?10:04
ubot5bug 1372061 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "SMS notification: time format not translatable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137206110:04
tsdgeosdednick: right, but wouldn't be my suggestion simpler?10:11
dednicktsdgeos: urrg. not really. QStateAction uses the actionState method. Wont be able to override the actionStateParser unless i put a actionStateParser property in there...10:18
dednicktsdgeos: i could give it a go...10:19
dednicktsdgeos: it would be a bit neater though10:20
tsdgeosdednick: who calls actionState ?10:20
dednicktsdgeos: QStateAction in qmennumodel, ActionRootState & ModelActionRootState in unity810:21
tsdgeosdednick: i see, ok, maybe then just add a comment to setActionStateParser saying that the class does not take ownership of actionStateParser?10:38
dednicktsdgeos: ok10:39
tsdgeosqt5.4 is out \o/10:39
tsdgeosdednick: you're probably the best to review https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/lp1378469_MessageMenu/+merge/244164 right?10:44
dednicktsdgeos: ok10:51
Saviqdednick, thanks10:59
mzanettiWellark: ping11:11
Wellarkmzanetti: pong11:11
mzanettiWellark: so, what's the issue?11:12
mzanettiand what's the status?11:12
Wellarkmzanetti: I have an MP that clears the errorAction status when the first pin unlock dialog is closed11:13
Wellarkbut still11:13
Wellarkthe second dialog picks up the error message from the first dialog (this might be because of the async nature of all of this communication)11:14
Wellarkand displayes the error message from the first dialog on the second one as well11:14
mzanettiWellark: what's the branch?11:15
Wellarkmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/indicator-network/lp1382033-14.09/+merge/24412811:15
SaviqWellark, bug #1400502 is getting annoying, think you could make something happen?11:16
ubot5bug 1400502 in connectivity-api (Ubuntu) "Can't install libconnectivity-qt1-dev on multiarch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140050211:16
WellarkSaviq: for some reason that has escaped my filters11:18
Wellarkpython3-xdg:armhf not being installable11:18
Wellarkany idea what's behind that?11:18
Wellarksounds like a root cause11:19
SaviqWellark, it's Arch :all11:25
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SaviqWellark, so it would have to be python3-xdg:any maybe, but I'm not sure that's good to have in runtime depends11:26
WellarkSaviq: I don't know where that dependency is coming11:40
Wellarkoh, right11:41
Wellarkfrom i-network11:41
SaviqWellark, yeah11:41
Wellarkbut I don't know how that is not working11:42
Wellarkpython3-xdg is a main package11:42
Wellarkanyway, I need to grab a quick lunch11:43
SaviqWellark, but it's :all, and :armhf is being requested11:43
SaviqWellark, so well, I agree this might be an apt dep resolution bug11:44
WellarkSaviq: how would you suggest to fix this?11:44
Wellarki-network only lists plain "python3-xdg" dep11:44
SaviqWellark, I think we talked about making i-networj a Recommends11:44
Saviqif possible11:44
Saviqotherwise this pulls in unity8 itself, even11:44
Wellarkyes, but the real issue seems to be python3-xdg not being installable11:45
Wellarkwhich is weiard11:45
SaviqWellark, you can emulate by trying to do "sudo apt-get build-dep -ai386 unity8"11:45
Wellarkso, having connectivity-api Recommends i-network would leave it uninstalled?11:46
SaviqWellark, yeah, I agree, you might wanna raise this with core devs11:46
SaviqWellark, yes11:46
Wellarkme? :)11:46
WellarkI have not seen this issue :P11:46
SaviqWellark, fine, I will11:46
WellarkSaviq: if the above line provides an easy repro, please add it to the bug report11:47
Wellarkso I can get back to this11:47
WellarkSaviq: will change i-network as recommends then11:48
SaviqWellark, just added to bug11:48
Wellarkbut now.. some lunch11:48
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tsdgeosmzanetti: i can randomly reproduce the fact that dash doesn't come up with no scopes12:27
tsdgeoshaving a look12:27
mzanettitsdgeos: ah good. yeah, didn't happen 100% here either.12:27
mzanettitsdgeos: so the splash goes away when the app paints its first frame12:27
mzanettiI think that's not happening in that case. the fact that you added the pull up thingie decreased chances of it happening, as that one comes in and causes the app to paint12:28
tsdgeosbut we should still have the gray background no?12:29
tsdgeosotherwise it seems there's a race somewhere12:29
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Saviqtsdgeos, I think we know that issue12:57
Saviqbug #139420812:58
ubot5bug 1394208 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "Unity8 unable to find the dash, which is also running in the background" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139420812:58
Saviqmzanetti, ↑12:58
Saviqthis happens sometimes when dash starts too early and AppMan misses its startup12:58
SaviqCimi, mzanetti, why the "autohideEnabled: false" prop?13:02
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Saviqin https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1368778-2/+merge/242942 that is13:02
Saviqtsdgeos, is it by design that Manage header text and icon is lighter than the default for scopes?13:04
Saviqtsdgeos, also, what's happening with the header icons in the dash when opening Manage ¿?13:05
SaviqCimi, tsdgeos, what's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/moreAsyncDash/+merge/241524 btw?13:06
* Saviq logs in to unity8@desktop13:07
mzanettiWellark: ok... so seems that error text is coming in again when the second notification is created13:22
mzanettiWellark: UnityMenuAction triggers a stateChanged event with an error text13:23
Saviqseb128, seems your override says lowercase "unity8", the setting is under title-cased "Unity8" though13:24
CimiSaviq, to disable autohide13:29
CimiSaviq, we will need autohide on desktop13:29
CimiSaviq, he asked me to keep the code and just disable it with a property13:29
Wellarkmzanetti: hmpf..13:29
SaviqCimi, we could hook it up to the unity7 setting already...13:30
Wellarkmzanetti: I'm trying to make sense of the dbus logs I got13:30
Wellarkto see if i-network is actually doing with the states13:30
CimiSaviq, well we want always off for now...13:30
CimiSaviq, let's hook it up later13:30
SaviqCimi, meh, ok13:30
CimiSaviq, and have this bug fixed13:30
Wellarkor is this just that the actiongroups are cached on unity8 side and something weird happens with the loader13:31
CimiSaviq, not sure which are defaults...13:31
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, I'm gonna work on this as soon as I have mouse input available13:31
SaviqCimi, default is no hiding13:31
Wellarkmzanetti: would it still be possible to clear the error text immediately if unity8 gets errorAction.stateChanged signal that contains "" ?13:32
Saviqbut yeah, fine13:32
mzanettiWellark: yeah, but once you set some error it'll shake13:32
Saviqmzanetti, is power indicator b0rked for you on unity8 desktop?13:32
mzanettiSaviq: with the silo? or in general?13:32
mzanettineed to test13:32
Saviqmzanetti, in general13:32
mzanettiSaviq: seems ok13:33
mzanettiwhat's wrong?13:33
Saviqmzanetti, has a 2GU correct background and black for the rest, here13:34
mzanettilet me start the vm with the real session13:34
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it has to be the actual desktop session13:34
mzanettistill good here13:35
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tsdgeosSaviq: i'm waiting on Cimi on that one, no idea what's going on13:50
tsdgeosSaviq: is it different color? it's using the same component13:51
tsdgeosSaviq: not sure what you mean with the header icons13:51
tsdgeosyou're right is a different color13:54
CimiSaviq, tsdgeos did we get a silo for that?14:00
tsdgeosCimi: i don't know, yuo can still compile the code, no?14:01
Cimitsdgeos, sure but I have been told many times we were building a silo :)14:02
tsdgeosCimi: well then ask who told you, not me :)14:03
Cimitsdgeos, I did :P14:05
tsdgeosSaviq: regarding the color, i can bind the root scope style to  the header, but it's still not coming down, so it'll still be a differnet color than applicaions that specifies a color14:05
tsdgeosbut i'll write a MR with it14:05
tsdgeosso it can be changed if needed14:05
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seb128Saviq, sorry, I copied from the bug description14:43
seb128Saviq, no bonus point to mzanetti if he wrote it wrong in the summary14:43
mzanettiseb128: yep, true, my bad14:46
seb128mzanetti, Saviq, so do I need to change it to Unity8?14:47
mzanettiseb128: yes," gsettings set com.canonical.Unity8 usage-mode Windowed" would be the call14:47
mzanettilet me verify :D14:47
seb128mzanetti, k, need to redo an upload I guess14:47
seb128when is the unity side going to land?14:47
mzanettiseb128: Saviq is currently testing the silo14:48
greyback libconnectivity-qt1-dev:armhf : Depends: libconnectivity-qt1:armhf (= 0.0.1+14.10.20140826-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed14:53
greybackanyone see that when trying to sbuild unity8?14:53
pstolowskiSaviq, mzanetti what's your eta for landing of silo 3?14:56
tsdgeosgreyback: merge ?14:56
greybacktsdgeos: I have14:56
tsdgeosgreyback: ok, i could build not much ago14:57
* greyback checks if he did a bad merge14:57
tsdgeosgreyback: any idea what logs UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceResize  ?14:57
greybacktsdgeos: qtubuntu14:57
tsdgeosgreyback: any quick guess on why sometimes unity8-dash would not get there? if not it's ok, i'm debugging it14:58
greybacktsdgeos: so that is printed when shell resizes the surface on the app. Shell only resizes surface when it has been added to the qml scene, which happens only when the app  has drawn its first frame14:59
tsdgeosgreyback: can it happen that the app renders its first frame before the shell "is looking"?15:00
greybackI don't understand "is looking" ?15:00
greybackyou mean, is it possible for app to render a frame and shell to not know about it?15:01
tsdgeosbecause it'd seem it's what i'm having15:01
greybackthat isn't possible, unless I screwed up somewhere15:01
greybackto show you the relevant parts of the code, look at lp:qtmir in modules/Unity/Application/mirsurfaceitem.cpp15:02
greybackthere's a MirSurfaceObserver::frame_posted method in there - that is registered as a callback with Mir, and is called when the app has drawn its frame & swapped15:03
tsdgeosi'll dig a bit more around there15:04
greybackMirSurfaceManager::onSessionCreatedSurface creates the MirSurfaceItem, which should be called in a blocking manner by Mir also15:04
dandradertsdgeos, mind if I claim that review? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/power-button-on-lock/+merge/23907615:06
tsdgeosdandrader: all yours15:06
Saviqgreyback, bug #140050215:14
ubot5bug 1400502 in connectivity-api (Ubuntu) "Can't install libconnectivity-qt1-dev on multiarch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140050215:14
Saviqgreyback_, bug #140050215:16
ubot5bug 1400502 in connectivity-api (Ubuntu) "Can't install libconnectivity-qt1-dev on multiarch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140050215:16
Saviqgreyback_, looks like i-network is missing Multi-Arch: foreign is the actual issue15:17
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dandraderSaviq, that build failure might be related to it I guess?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/192260397/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-armhf.unity8_8.02.4%2Bbzr1487~ubuntu15.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:17
Saviqdandrader, yes, same issue15:18
greyback_Saviq: cool, thanks for finding it15:18
mterrydandrader, removed tags  :-/15:36
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Saviqmterry, dude, where are you taking them from :D15:51
mterrySaviq, I DON'T KNOW15:51
mterrySaviq, they showed up in a remote branch that I only ever worked on locally in a checkout that didn't have any tags15:52
* mterry is paranoid now15:52
MirvI think people in general are paranoid on "where do those tags come from!? ghost tags, I say, ghost tags!"16:04
tsdgeosgreyback_: how do i build qtmir on the device? cmake && make don't seem to work16:04
Mirvthey just keep on coming back no matter how many times they're killed16:04
greyback_tsdgeos: don't work - how?16:04
greyback_is it crashing?16:04
tsdgeosgreyback_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9460651/16:05
tsdgeosi'm guessing i need some cmake option/Define/somethig16:05
tsdgeosth README is old btw, mentions qmkae16:05
greyback_tsdgeos: as if it's missing -lgl in the linker flags. Odd. I'll be honest, I've not built on device since we switched to cmake, it might be a bug16:06
greyback_lemme try it here16:06
greyback_also, might need  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.9 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.916:06
greyback_to ensure it uses g++4.9 - not sure if that's relevant on vivid16:06
greyback_tsdgeos: need to add " -DUSE_OPENGLES=1" to cmake command16:18
tsdgeosgreyback_: tx16:18
greyback_that's annoying, need to autodetect that somehow16:19
tsdgeosa compile check should not be that hard, no?16:23
* tsdgeos runs16:23
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dandradermterry, what do the qml/Greeter/Infographics.qml changes have to do with making loading async?16:57
mterrydandrader, there was a race between the animation and objects being constructed async by qml16:59
mterryGot some console warnings16:59
mterrydandrader, the actual "make it asyn" change was relatively simple.  Most of those code changes are cleanup to handle objects being loaded async17:01
dandradermterry, speaking about console warnings17:04
dandradermterry, I'm getting thousands of warnings in "make testMultiGreeter" like this one: file:///home/dandrader/unity8/power-button-on-lock/qml/Greeter/Infographics.qml:188: TypeError: Cannot read property of null17:05
dandradermterry, could you also fix this one in this MP? hopefully it's a one liner17:05
dandradermterry, although it's not strictly related to subject of this MP17:06
mterrydandrader, will look17:21
mterrydandrader, done17:28
dandradermterry, thanks!17:29
mterrydandrader, huh!17:29
mterrydandrader, doing that brought the tags back17:29
mterryOh!  I wonder if it's because I have a local repo, not just a branh17:29
dandradermterry, the tags must be in your local rope. did you run strip_tags on it?17:30
mterrydandrader, not in my local branch, but I'm guessing they're hiding in the repo itself17:31
mterrybut the strip script doesn't handle repos17:31
dandradermterry, works for me17:31
dandradermterry, I do "~/unity8$ ./strip-tags.py power-button-on-lock"17:32
mterrydandrader, are we talking about the same thing?  You created a shared repository using "bzr init-repo" that you store all your u8 branches in?17:32
dandradermterry, I've a unity8 dir from where I do "bzr branch lp:oo"17:33
dandradermterry, so I have a trunk subdir  there with lp:unity8, a  power-button-on-lock with your branch, and so on17:33
mterrydandrader, right, that's a branch not a repo.  A repo is a directory which can share commit history between many branches that share history, to reduce storage space and run time17:33
dandradermterry, oh, don't know about that stuff17:34
mterrydandrader, nor does the strip script  :)17:34
mterrydandrader, well, while I figure that out, I also stripped the remote branch again17:34
mterrydandrader, removed that id: too17:41
dandradermterry, and not tags in tow this time :)17:43
mterrydandrader, I stripped again17:43
mterrydandrader, I don't know what's going on, I think I may just nuke all my checkouts and start fresh17:43
dandradermterry, check the video in the comment I just added17:47
mterrydandrader, oh boy ok17:48
mterrydandrader, so I'm not convinced that's the regression17:55
mterrydandrader, on vivid normal, I can also interact with the background before the greeter appears17:55
mterrydandrader, I could buy that there is a timing difference17:56
mterrydandrader, like maybe it takes longer for greeter to come up with async mode?  (but I would naively expected the opposite)17:56
dandradermterry, I did "ubuntu-device-flash touch  --channel devel-proposed" on both devices17:56
mterrydandrader, I just did that myself17:56
dandradermterry, before buidling and installing your branch on the N417:56
mterrydandrader, and I can interact with background if I quickly turn on screen again17:56
dandradermterry, but ok, will try out the N4 without your branch17:57
dandradermterry, that would be quite odd. why such a big difference between devices? there should be none...17:59
mterrydandrader, it's a performance thing, how quickly the greeter appears17:59
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mterrykgunn__, btw, I filed bug 1401213 to track the issue18:33
ubot5bug 1401213 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Can't enter passphrase in unity8 wizard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140121318:33
mterryDo we have a good way to test the OSK in qmluitests?  Or do we need to do autopilot for that?18:34
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