
cmaloneyI find your lack of letters disturbing14:24
brousch_Hm, apparently my son got his hands on the good camera and took a series of 350+ selfies. They are hilarious14:25
cmaloneyNice. :)14:26
cmaloneyif that had been film my parents would have used them for my funeral.14:26
cmaloney"These are the last photos he took of himself just before we killed him"14:27
brousch_I found a site for very fast Go games http://wars.fm/go918:39
cmaloneyThat's awesome. :)18:47
brousch_ I opened the wrong delivery at home and found my wife's xmas present for me18:58
cmaloneyhttp://allblackrecordingcompany.bigcartel.com/ <- You can purchase the deafheaven font or blanket19:01
cmaloneybrousch_: Ugh. That sucls.19:02
cmaloneysucks as well19:02
greg-ghide it, make her think it got lost in the mail, she'll order another one (or get amazon to), get two of what you got!19:02
jcastrorick_h_, ^19:12
brousch_greg-g: Devious. I was just going to try to retape it19:12
greg-gbrousch_: that was my second thought19:12
akellingAny of you guys work on this http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/12/ubuntu-says-it-will-make-cloud-server-updates-as-simple-as-phone-updates/20:32
rick_h_jcastro: translate that to english for me? who are techstars and why do we care?21:10
jcastrorick_h_, they're a tech incubator, like Y!21:17
jcastrothey fund tech startups21:17
rick_h_jcastro: so what's our startup going to be ?21:20
jcastronothing I was just saying it would be cool to have a tech scene around21:21
cmaloneyIf we can have the tech scene without the douchebags I'm all for it21:44
cmaloneybut it seems money attacts douchebags like flies to a pile of shit.21:44
greg-gcmaloney: you should come to SF sometime, you'd love it here :P21:55
cmaloneygreg-g: No thanks. :)22:02
jrwrenjcastro: if you think there isn't a tech scene in ann arbor, you haven't been paying attn. :p22:43
jcastrojrwren, I know there is, I just think it's cool to have it in the D also22:47
jcastroso someday we can take the magical train between the two22:47
cmaloneymagical train to the D?22:50
cmaloneySounds like the worst pick-up line ever.22:50
jrwrenyeah, it shall be sweet.22:58
jrwrenjcastro: did you see the NYT piece about detroit ariel photography?22:59
jrwrenThat was awesome.22:59
jrwrencmaloney: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/12/07/opinion/sunday/exposures-detroit-by-air-alex-maclean.html?smid=tw-share&_r=023:03
cmaloneyThat's both awesome and depressing at the same time23:56

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