
peroEriC^^, im basically trying to install amd's prop drivers but i have a conflict with wine00:00
funhi folks00:00
peroEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9448380/00:00
funif I set folder permission to 0755 any local user can write to the folder?00:00
RickXis paid support available for individuals00:01
LaireHello, after a restart today i cant connect to my ubuntu home server. ifconfig shows me p2p1 as Ethernet connection but only a inet6 adress but no inet4 adress, my router doesnt support ip600:01
tman1375hey guys...brand new to ubuntu or Linux for that matter...part of my CTS 285 course...seem to like it though but soooooo much to learn00:01
Laireconnection over ssh or amb are not possible00:01
Laireamb = smb00:02
honeyhmm.. what00:02
k1l_RickX: canonical offers that, iirc.00:03
RickXk1l_: cann you point me to some place to read/order?00:03
Bashing-omtman1375: " soooooo much to learn "; No step for a stepper . Millions are using linux, can not be that tough . Just a learning curve is all .00:04
rypervenchefun: Nope, they can read from it though.00:04
honeyno it is tough when you cant the shit you need.00:04
rypervenchefun: Only the owner of said folder can write to it.00:04
k1l_RickX: http://www.ubuntu.com/management00:04
antonietaBuenas noches. ¿Hay alguien aquí que sepa español y pueda ayudarme a instalar un programa?00:05
k1l_!es | antonieta00:05
ubottuantonieta: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:05
rypervenchetman1375: Welcome to Linux :)00:05
RickXk1l_: thanks, I have a contact form into them.00:05
honeymaybe i should join spanish ubuntu?00:06
honeythat might help,00:06
antonietaComo que sí, honey.00:07
honeyno i dont como anywhere.00:07
antonietaNo comprendo.00:08
EriC^^pero: have you solved your issue yet?00:08
k1l_honey: please stop spoiling the supportchannel.00:09
honeyspoiling? i thought this was english speaking.00:09
honeyif i could type out my issue again i would.00:09
honeybut last night no one seemed to respond.00:10
k1l_!guidelines > honey00:10
ubottuhoney, please see my private message00:10
Pinkamena_Ddoes anyone know, when I am googling, if the multi touch for the tablet screen has another name from the multi touch of the trackpad? I have both devices on my laptop and while the trackpad multitouch seems great and tablet is very difficult to deal with.00:10
Pinkamena_Dit will only scroll if I press very hard and I think that this should be adjustable somewhere00:10
honeyim sorry k1l_ did you read my issue last night?00:10
dangerranger11bI am using ubuntu on my hp pavilion G6 when I close my lid& open the computer turns on but not the screen. I have searched on-line but have yet to find a solution I have messed with the display options and power manager but no fixie. Also important to note I am new to linux and haven't quite got down the terminal00:10
k1l_honey: if you have a technical ubuntu support question ask it00:11
EriC^^dangerranger11b: type lshw -C video | grep driver00:11
honeyi did in depth last night.00:11
EriC^^honey: everybody should scroll back then, doh00:12
* EriC^^ is scrolling back00:12
* EriC^^ was lying00:12
honeyok.. good.. grab the pastebins too. jk.00:12
k1l_honey: last time now: dont spoil this channel. that is unfair for users who really seek help. either you ask your support question or you leave now. thanks00:13
honeyok.. fix my ubuntu why it wont get 5.1 digital surround sound.00:13
k1l_!attitude > honey00:13
ubottuhoney, please see my private message00:13
honeyand please calm your tone with me.. i am trying.00:13
dangerranger11bI get configuration: driver=radeon latency=0 what next00:14
lylemaybe I should try again in html00:16
lesmoAnybody know how I would go about setting up my Outlook.com/Hotmail/Live email account so I can get email, contacts and calendar in Evolution? I've tried using MAPI extension, but it asks for a Domain and won't let me leave it blank.00:17
basketballlllhey i have a samsung galaxy tab 4 10.1 how can i root using terminal00:18
k1l_basketballlll: that depends on the method working for your tablet. best is to see the android community for howtos for that specific tablet.00:19
basketballlllk1l_:  i want to use terminal00:19
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
lyleI must be typing command wrong00:21
rypervenchelyle: Type "cd /media/lyle/Sea" then press tab00:21
rypervenchelyle: Then press enter after that00:21
basketballlllk1l_:  are there generic commands to use00:22
k1l_basketballlll: no. like i said that depends on the exact hardware. so best is to see the android community like on xda-developers or the android channels on freenode.00:23
lyleThat did it dont know how will ever get this right..... "sudo apt-clone clone specify_destination_path_here"00:23
=== HaroElite is now known as haro
=== OrvilleWright is now known as orvillewright
rypervenchelyle: What are you trying to accomplish?00:25
lylemove my programs to a laptop00:25
lylewish there was a graphical way00:26
lyleI could have reinstalled them by now.   I guess I learned something though00:27
rypervenchelyle: There is an easier way to do this. You can take a list of all installed packages from your computer and then install that same list of packages to the laptop.00:27
lyleThat might be easier.   I have downloaded a ton of programs though00:28
lylegigs of stuff00:28
rypervenchelyle: If they have all been installed from the repos, it would be best to get them that way. Someone in here can get you the exact command, I don't remember it off hand. I believe it's a dpkg command with --get-selection or something.00:29
daftykinspossibly "dpkg --get-selections > file.txt"00:30
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
=== J^D_is_coming_so is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
Bashing-omlyle: From old install >>dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , From New install >> sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages , sudo apt-get -y update , sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade .00:32
DocPlatypusok... I just had to reboot because my filesystem was suddenly mounted read-only due to an error. now that I am back up and running again, my USB drives do not automatically mount00:34
DocPlatypusGnome Classic on 12.04 if it matters00:34
lylethat a lot of downloading00:35
UTLHey there again. I've worked around the SD card problem (but haven't fixed the errors). Now I have another question: I want to be able to see my SD card partitioned with the ext4 filesystem under Windows 7. I'm going to try to boot Ubuntu Touch from it.00:38
nullyUTL: That is a windows7 question. (As in be able to see ext4 in windows, which by default i am told it does not support)00:39
UTLThe question is: How do I do it? Is there another file manager I can use? The ones I've found are either too old or read-only. Believe me, this is for the benefit of Ubuntu Touch, so despite the fact that I might be asking a "Windows question", I'd still like some recommendations from anybody here.00:41
awatti have problem with my bluetooth, its a phone bluetoot and laptop bluetooth . it connects but disconnetsafte few secounds00:42
UTLRemember: I still have problems writing to my SD card under Ubuntu.00:42
OerHeksUTL, maybe this page is any help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-read-ext3ext4-linux-partition-from-windows-7.html00:43
UTLHey! Didn't run across that before! I'll take a look...00:43
awattutl , use ntfs-3g file system00:43
awattnext time lol00:44
mirak_I had to remove many package00:47
mirak_how can i put back as much package automatically as I can ?00:48
UTLWell... it's interesting, but does Ext2Fsd write to ext4?00:48
DocPlatypusthe Windows drivers all only support ext2 only00:48
mirak_like if i removed xserver-xorg-video-radeon00:48
DocPlatypuserr threw an extra only in there00:48
mirak_how is it supposed to be reinstalled automaticcaly ?00:48
DocPlatypusthey might do ext3 if fsck'd but they will not journal00:48
EriC^^mirak_: cat listofpackages | xargs sudo apt-get install00:49
mirak_EriC^^, this is not what I mean00:50
UTLAck! That won't help! Thanks anyway, though.00:50
EriC^^listofpackages is a file with the list of the packages00:50
mirak_the radeon driver is installed by default I think when you install ubuntu, even with debootstrap00:50
mirak_after installing ubuntu-desktop at least00:50
awatti have problem with my bluetooth, its a phone bluetoot and laptop bluetooth . it connects but disconnects after few seconds00:50
EriC^^mirak_: ok..00:51
mirak_I think that have something to do with package manually removed00:52
mirak_or manually installed00:52
alexwI'm trying to run "find /path/to/cache -type f -exec rm {}\; " as sudo00:52
alexwshould I create an executable script and add it into sudoers :S00:52
dangerranger11bI asked a little while ago but never really got an answerer. when I shut and open my lid the computer turns on but the screen wont. new to linux and not really very good yet at the terminal00:52
EriC^^alexw: what are you trying to achieve?00:53
dangerranger11bit is a pavilion g600:53
alexwRunning that command as root00:53
alexwNginx is a pain in the ass (I can't change the folder permissions)00:53
alexwSo I need to run the command as root so it can remove the files (which the user doesn't own)00:53
alexwSudoers doesn't allow for all for this user00:54
alexwSo my idea was - if it create a script i can add it into the sudoers00:54
EriC^^alexw: just add sudo before rm, -exec sudo rm00:54
NegativeFlare!enter | alexw00:54
rypervenchealexw: Why not just run it as the root user?00:54
alexwIt's coming from a deploy script which runs as the deploy user00:54
alexwthe folder has www-data (owner) root (group)00:55
alexwso the deploy user can't remove the files00:55
rypervencheOk, then what EriC^^ said would work.00:55
alexwMhmm but sudo won't work because sudoers is limited to specific functions for the deploy user00:55
alexwI.e. not as ALL00:56
EriC^^alexw: does cache only contain files?00:57
EriC^^alexw: nevermind, sudo find propagates to the exec00:59
MrSavagei broke my ubuntu00:59
NegativeFlareMrSavage: Explain?00:59
MrSavagewhen i login nothing loads. The taskbar doesn't show, the tray doesn't show00:59
MrSavagei think i messed up my packages00:59
EriC^^alexw: add the find function to the sudoers, as find /path/to/cache ..00:59
lyleLast question   why? PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/media/lyle/apt-clone-state-lyle00:59
MrSavagethe tray shows for the gui login, but disappears01:00
funfolks I an restarting service and I get http://pastebin.com/FQTJTuJ801:01
funworks with sudo01:01
EriC^^alexw: i guess it's still a vulnerability as somebody could add whatever path he wanted and execute whatever though01:01
MrSavageNegativeFlare: what do i do01:01
NegativeFlareMrSavage: I'm really not sure what's going on with it.01:02
NegativeFlareIt seems like you've broken the session01:02
MrSavageAnyone know how to repair your packages?'01:02
=== lucifer is now known as Guest87201
Ben64fun: well yeah, you need sudo to make changes to the system01:02
MrSavagemy ubuntu software manager froze when it was repairing and i restarted. Now my taskbar is gone, same with tray01:02
MrSavagei only see a mouse and wallpaper01:02
MrSavageI'm working through the tty terminals atm01:02
NegativeFlareMrSavage: Have you checked the logs?01:03
MrSavageNegativeFlare: what logs? where is it01:04
NegativeFlareMrSavage: the ones in /var/log?01:05
=== Guest87201 is now known as _lucifer
NegativeFlareMrSavage: for example, the Xorg.0.log file01:05
cleaner_evilaqui quien habla español nadie?01:07
dangerranger11bI asked a little while ago but never really got an answerer. when I shut and open my lid the computer turns on but the screen wont. new to linux and not really very good yet at the terminal01:11
MrSavagemy ubuntu software manager froze when it was repairing and i restarted. Now my taskbar is gone, same with tray01:19
MrSavageyeah it's still broken01:22
MrSavagenot sure what to do01:22
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claudioBoa noite01:33
claudioAlguem usa o git que poderia me tirar uma duvida?01:33
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daftykins!br | claudio01:33
ubottuclaudio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:33
joescripthas anyone ran into citrix issue b4? is it ubuntu or the browser that make it crash01:34
Deihmosinstalled ubuntu on a usb drive. so far so good01:37
Deihmossomeitmes it locks up though01:38
=== MaHaRoX14 is now known as captainfixerpc14
xdexterHello, ,It is possible to add a shortcut to a particular folder in the sidebar of ubuntu 14.10?02:11
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=== Gremlin_ is now known as k2gremlin
astropirateHello friends02:21
astropirateHow can I make a test SSH connection. I don't want an actual session... I just want to make sure that my keys work and there are no issues with known_hosts etc02:22
orlockdont type in your password?02:22
orlockwhy not just make a real connection02:22
astropiratethen its just a fail :|02:22
astropiratei want to check if the credentials are correct02:23
orlockkey erros should occur before you are prompted for a password02:23
quidnuncastropirate: Why do you want to do that?02:23
astropirateI'll explain my situation02:23
orlockastropirate: then just logout straight away?02:23
orlockyou dont want somebody to see you trying02:23
astropirateWe are doing some server deploys using Chef. Currently we have a script that makes an SSH connection and runs the chef client on the remote server02:24
astropiratevery recently i ran into an issue where the host server's keys had changed by someone else on the team so our script failed02:24
astropirateI would like to make sure things like that are all working before continuing02:25
quidnuncastropirate: So the reason you don't want a session is because you want to script the connections?02:25
orlockastropirate: then just have ssh run a remote command like "uname -a" or ls or something02:25
astropirateit failed because the known_host record of the server pub key was different02:25
astropiratequidnunc, yes02:25
quidnuncastropirate: If so, then run a command like orlock said02:25
astropirateorlock, that's not a bad idea02:25
orlockastropirate: i used to have a pile of scripts for running PS and uname and rpm -qa, etc via ssh and dumping the results centally02:26
astropirateI was just wondering if SSH client had some flag or something that did what I wanted02:26
orlockastropirate: there are those too02:26
astropirateThanks friends02:27
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=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
ChaserHello, is it possible to install teamviewer 10 on ubuntu 14.10 ? I tried i386 and the multi arch and both fail to install stating unmet dependencies. The dependencies according to apt are not installable. Eg: "teamviewer : Depends: lib32asound2 but it is not installable02:47
exarcoDoes anyone here have any experience with libssl and libcrypto disappearing?02:49
exarcoLike, not even showing up02:49
=== mike_ is now known as Guest53461
NegativeFlareChaser: You're going to have to wait on Teamviewer's packaging team to fix that03:02
kadercavdarFuck you vote for me, I swear to add this account to access my facebook http://strawpoll.me/310058403:06
NegativeFlareOk then03:06
=== sins-_m is now known as sins-
ChogyDanChaser: are you 32bit or 64?03:27
InFlamesthis might not be an ubuntu-specific question, but say i format my drive and want to setup the same development environment as i previously had (git, sublime text, etc) what is a good means to automate this process? (bash scripting, puppet, other?)03:27
linuxmintHello, is there a channel on how to setup NFS?03:28
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ChogyDanInFlames: I've been using bash scripting, but I don't know about other options like puppet03:29
InFlamesChoggy, I suppose bash isn't too bad, it's how i'd do it manually after all03:31
InFlamesChogyDan, any suggestions on a good means to TEST it? box?03:31
rhllorhey there! anybody run ubuntu on mac?03:31
InFlamesrhllor, i have before, not a big fan03:32
ChogyDanInFlames: no, I dunno.  I just add to the bash script when I find something missing.  Nothing official that I do03:32
InFlamesi figure i can test in a vm and be sure it's working correctly03:33
rhllorwell, at the moment I have a Macbook 3,1. Just a macbook, not macbook pro. The ubuntu page says I can only run upto 10.10 which really sucks. On the other hand, I'm running windows on bootcamp, so I've considered running like 12.04 or something via Wubi. What are your thoughts?03:35
rhllorI had an Asus Eee PC before that ran 12.04, and I really miss Ubuntu03:35
ChogyDanwhy can't bootcamp run ubuntu?03:35
rhllorisn't bootcamp just for windows?03:36
ChogyDanrhllor: dunno03:37
ChogyDanChaser: there is a fix for teamviewer listed in the documentation, if you are still there03:37
rhllorI'm pretty sure it is.03:37
rhlloryou know what, never mind03:37
comandho to all03:38
comandhow are you?03:39
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bencchow can I check the file descriptor limit of a user?03:41
=== ubuntu is now known as madden-s
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guinslymHow to change the language (locale) for the ubuntu terminal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27387199/how-to-change-the-language-locale-for-the-ubuntu-terminal03:44
p0rkbellyhaving trouble installing 14.10 alongside Win Boot Mgr. When I do "install alongside" it's automatically selecting sdb as a disk, I want to install it on a different partition on sda03:45
p0rkbellynot getting a choice...03:45
kadercavdarFuck you vote for me, I swear to add this account to access my facebook http://strawpoll.me/310058403:46
madden-swhats up ppl03:46
madden-swhere are you from muf03:47
madden-si use to live there03:47
madden-sfor now03:47
muf4D4rkcool winter03:47
madden-svery cod winter03:48
muf4D4rkcold :D03:48
muf4D4rku using ubuntu ?03:48
muf4D4rkim back box03:48
madden-swhat part of fl are you03:48
madden-si lived at vero beach03:49
muf4D4rkim kissimi03:49
madden-sand Merritt island03:49
madden-syou was like hr north of me03:49
madden-swhen i live there03:49
muf4D4rkpretty nice here03:49
muf4D4rki was in  MA03:49
madden-sare you using ubuntu03:50
muf4D4rkim using backbox pentesting distribution03:50
muf4D4rki finish config everything03:50
madden-sthats cool03:50
madden-si am thinking about setting up a irc server03:51
madden-snot sure03:51
muf4D4rkim thinkint to configure domain  but im not sure yet03:51
madden-show old are you03:52
muf4D4rkim 2303:52
muf4D4rku ?03:52
cfhowlettguys ... ubuntu support please.  or go to #ubuntu-offtopic or PM03:52
muf4D4rkim no fan of irq03:52
cfhowlettthank you.03:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:52
muf4D4rk im going to offtopic03:53
vastkahunaHow can I check my hard drive health in ubuntu?04:04
holsteini use gsmartcontrol, vastkahuna04:04
holsteinit actually still looks a lot like this, http://linuxhub.net/2010/09/scan-your-hard-disk-with-gsmartcontrol-on-ubuntu-10-10/ and i want to do that from a live iso, not the running installation04:05
vastkahunaSo is that a command I input in the terminal or a program I need to download?04:05
p0rkbellytrying to dual boot 14.10 with Windows. When I go to select the partition to install (not using the automatic tool). I create two partitions and mount one as root. I don't see the ability to create a swap partition though?04:05
p0rkbellywill ubuntu know that one partition is for swap automagically04:05
holsteinvastkahuna: i would boot a live iso, and install that tool, and use it04:05
vastkahunaOK thanks04:06
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holsteinp0rkbelly: if not, you can "fix" that easily later04:06
cfhowlett!swap | p0rkbelly,04:06
ubottup0rkbelly,: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:06
p0rkbellyI figured it out. Duh. Had one partition ext4 formatted not swap04:08
cfhowlettp0rkbelly, that there is some detective work, Lou!04:08
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daniel_hey there04:13
=== daniel_ is now known as pantato
pantatoI'm having an issue where I'm running a game in linux, and I am getting 400+ FPS, but it's really choppy, like I'm getting 20-30 fps. I did some searching and some people reported the same issue but they were using KDE, and I'm using Cinnamon. I installed and launched fluxbox to narrow the issue and the game runs fine if X launches into fluxbox.04:15
pantatowhoa my message got cut off04:15
pantatoOk, so, the issue is, my game is choppy when I run it using cinnamon (even though it's reporting >100 fps).04:15
pantatoWhen I run fluxbox it runs fine04:15
cfhowlettpantato, solution:  cinnamon = NO, fluxbox = YES            =  problem solved04:16
pantatoyou guys must have had a giant influx of annoying questions in recent years. I apologize, I will do some more searching...04:16
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cfhowlettpantato, thought you were after getting the game up and running.  if your focus is on why cinnamon chokes, you might want to run top, htop and/or check logs as a starting step04:18
holsteinpantato: question.. is it the *same* base version? always 14.04? or, better yet, is it the same installation?04:18
pantatoI'm sorry. I'm not following. I just downloaded/installed the latest Linux Mint with Cinnamon. It is 14.04 ubuntu. Same machine. Different window manager produces a different issue.04:19
cfhowlettpantato, sorry but you need to ask !mint for mint support.  not an ubuntu issue.04:20
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:20
pantatook. I thought freenode had everything. Everything is all spread out now :P04:20
holsteinpantato: yeah, you can try a live iso though.. stock ubuntu/xubntu/lubuntu/etc04:20
pantatothank you04:21
holsteincould be something about the "mint" sources breaking something..04:21
pantatoit's not mint, the issue is with cinnamon04:21
holsteinpantato: sure, and that is supplied by the mint sources there..04:21
holsteinpantato: i mean, im not blaming mint, for sure. just saying, thats something to try and isolate04:22
SpeedyBozarfirst i thought it was just crazy shit for fun... but when i carefully watch obama, he definitely is gay04:22
cfhowlett!ops | SpeedyBozar04:22
ubottuSpeedyBozar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:22
SpeedyBozari dont know what it means04:22
MrDragon04I love CANDY!04:29
cfhowlettMrDragon04, nothing to do with this channel = #ubuntu support discussion04:30
SachiruWait, what?04:30
SachiruSo a one-liner that is not explicitly related to Ubuntu and is easy to ignore is now a warn-able offense?04:31
SachiruSo what if his love for candy is not related to Ubuntu, it's not as if he's spamming it.04:31
linuxmintHello, can I download Ubuntu server onto a HDD and partition the HDD to maximise space. That is, just have the server on how ever many GB of space the OS needs, the allocate the rest to storage?04:46
orlocklinuxmint: there is an advanced partitioning option in the installer that will let you do what you need04:47
linuxmintJust wondering what happens for space needed for the Ubuntu server OS for the occassional update which needs space, if space runs out.04:47
orlocklinuxmint: You partition it to have the space you will need.. there may be guesswork.04:48
holsteinseperate partitions doenst make the data any "safer", or less likely to get lost04:49
cfhowlettlinuxmint, an "out of available space" may result in inability to log in ...04:50
gentry1linuxmint, you can always resize partitions later. i actually just did this when i ran out of space on my windows partition04:50
cfhowlettlinuxmint, but regular cleaning and maintenance avoids such issues: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove        come to mind.  also purging obsolete kernels ...04:50
orlockkernels and the /boot/ partition is always the biggie for me04:51
symbiosisI just updated from 14.04 LTS to 14.10 and X will not run normally any longer.  If I run it in failsafe graphics mode, things are OK.  My assumption is that there is some headache with the Nvidia drivers and the upgrade (things were fine in 14.04).  Thoughts?04:52
gentry1linuxmint, http://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=moving-space-between-partitions04:52
gentry1great idea cfhowlett , orlock . never ran out of space on my linux so far, but will keep that in mind!04:52
holsteinsymbiosis: i would try removing and reinstalling.. and i might also look and make sure im running the kernel i expect to be running04:52
=== Maser is now known as JuttyMire
cfhowlettgentry1, I actually jammed myself by backing up my HDD when I hit 50%.  since 50 % + 50 % = 100 % ...04:53
linuxmintOK, thanks. Installer sounds good for now to partition. I'll have a look how much space Ubuntu server needs. Nothing else will be downloaded except NFS.04:54
gentry1cfhowlett, you back up to the same hd? I am confused04:55
symbiosisholstein: Thanks...I tried just re-installing and the nvidia-installer application complained that it could not find cc (/usr/bin/cc) though it is right there and works just fine.  I will try to find out how to uninstall these drivers.  I can't apt-get purge blah as the Nvidia binaries do not show up in the package list.04:55
holsteinsymbiosis: i would try the one in the repos that you wont need any of that for04:55
cfhowlettgentry1, I was preparing to install a /swap after initial install and needed to create a backup ... long story short = no go.  and still no swap today.04:55
symbiosisholstein: That is the odd thing, with the 750Ti, I see no additional drivers when I run the "Additional Drivers" tool.  It claims to see no proprietary drivers and claims to have no options for me.  Do I need to install a new PPA or something maybe?04:56
gentry1cfhowlett, :)04:56
holsteinsymbiosis: it may be, the driver dont support your hardware04:57
holsteinsymbiosis: for me, when i have hardware like that, that can be "problematic", that im not promised linux support for by the manufacuter, i *always* try a live iso before installing.. this means i cant/dont upgrade04:57
symbiosisholstein: Fair enough...I may have been naive thinking that an Nvidia 750Ti would not be that "exotic" ... such is life...the adventure continues.  Thanks.04:59
holsteinsymbiosis: good luck05:00
ocsjwolfHello everybody05:06
gshmuI'm installed ubuntu 14.10, can't install openjdk 7 with software center?05:11
gshmuand can't install pidgin...  error:  openjdk-7-jdk: Depends: openjdk-7-jre (= 7u60-2.5.0-2ubuntu1) but 7u60-2.5.0-2ubuntu1 is to be installed05:13
p0rkbellyinstalled nvidia drivers two ways (through apt-get) and through a manual install. Each time, once I reboot there is no Unity in 14.10. Just a blank desktop. I'm finding articles from 3+ years ago on Google about kernel headers not set. But that is 3+ years ago....05:14
linuxmintHello, so Ubuntu 14.04 server is installing and is at Partition disks. I would like to partition so the Ubuntu server OS has a little space, and the rest can be used for backup storage. Which option do I select?05:26
linuxmintGuided - resize SCSI4 (0,0,0), partition #2 (sda0 and use freed space or?05:27
=== El is now known as Guest95662
=== Senix is now known as look
Jim__Hello. Botched perl install and now I cannot figure this out, any suggestions? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=zgmwqWC305:56
gioansJim_: hello05:58
gioansdarkSpeaker: hello05:58
gioanswhat is your name ?05:59
EuaDanyone use ufw? i have a wan facing server running various services. is it better to use ufw default reject or ufw default deny?05:59
=== iBurley_ is now known as iBurley
c107How does one give a WPA/WPA2 PSK wireless network password to iwconfig in Ubuntu?06:02
EuaDc107, man iwconfig says it would be sudo iwconfig wlan0 key passwordhere06:04
EuaDc107, obviously change your interface from wlan0 to whatever your wifi interface it06:04
c107Thanks, EuaD!06:05
rypervencheEuaD: It depends on what you want.06:08
rypervencheEuaD: If you are more worried about attacks, I'd go with default drop.06:08
=== newbie is now known as Guest42183
rypervencheEuaD: If it is not Internet-facing, then I'd go with reject.06:09
EuaDrypervenche, i don't have drop. ufw has reject or deny06:09
rypervencheEuaD: deny is it06:10
ear1new join; going offline06:12
EuaDrypervenche, although there's also limit06:14
rypervencheEuaD: You mean for rate-limiting?06:18
EuaDrypervenche, i assume so, for those pesky ssh bruteforce06:21
rypervencheEuaD: Yeah, I rate-limit my SSH port, I thought you were still talking about the default rule.06:23
cope-just use a key instead of password06:24
EuaDcope-, i am06:24
cope-i've had denyhosts so large the ksoftirqd was at 100% on my linux firewall06:24
cope-it is an older firewall mind you06:24
rypervencheI only allow keys on all of my machines, so rate-limiting isn't really a problem, but I do still rate-limit the port.06:25
EuaDrypervenche, since my ssh is a non standard port i am not sure how to use ufw to rate limit since ufw limit ssh would only rate limit port 2206:27
rypervencheEuaD: You would just specify TCP traffic to your non-standard port. "ssh" just means port 22.06:27
EuaDrypervenche, that's my point, can I just ufw limit portnumber?06:28
rypervencheEuaD: It uses /etc/services to map the port to a name (ssh in this case).06:28
rypervencheYes, you can. Let me look up the syntax.06:28
EuaDrypervenche, yeah, i'm reading the man now.06:28
rypervencheGood stuff. I'll let you take it from here then.06:32
EuaDrypervenche, well i still don't really understand. so i won't be using ufw limit ssh because i can't since i use a non-std port right?>06:33
DarknetSo i was in here the other day asking for suggestions from people here for a control panel that manages your server in an easy way, kinda like cpanel. What is your preferences here?06:33
Darkneti am not geek enough to create subdomains, emails, mailboxes.06:34
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:34
lotuspsychjeDarknet: you still searching for cnpanel alternative?06:35
Darkneti tried your link yesterday, and i would say most of the suggestions are not valid anymore. the only viable option on that page was webmin06:36
lotuspsychjeDarknet: maybe the #cpanel guys might know something else06:36
Darknetlol i will not go ask there06:36
Darknetits like asking a ford dealership stuff about chevrolets...06:36
lotuspsychje!webmin | Darknet06:37
ubottuDarknet: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:37
lotuspsychjeback from start then :p06:37
Darknetok, so you gave me another reason not  to use it06:37
lotuspsychjeDarknet: how about the #ubuntu-server guys, they might know something more easy to use?06:38
rypervencheEuaD: It's very easy to do. It's just "ufw limit 22/tcp"06:38
lotuspsychjeDarknet: is it to use on derver or desktop?06:38
rypervencheEuaD: Change 22 to your port.06:38
Darkneton server06:38
lotuspsychjetalk to them maybe06:38
lotuspsychjeDarknet: and re-ask your question here once in a while06:39
rypervencheEuaD: But I would do it a bit differently. You only want to limit inbount and only new connections.06:39
EuaDrypervenche, oh. does ufw limit 7926/tcp limit incoming and outgoing?06:41
rypervencheEuaD: Looking over the man page I think it should be fine actually.06:41
EuaDactually, i think i'm good with this. i've spent way too much time on it06:41
EuaD:)  thanks06:42
rypervencheEuaD: The real way to check would simlpy be to check the iptables rules that it creates.06:42
EuaDrypervenche, i get that but it's way over my head. here's the output of iptables --list https://clbin.com/cnmtH06:44
lotuspsychjeDarknet: a 2014 thread here: http://www.gnutomorrow.com/best-free-web-hosting-panel-cpanel-alternative/06:44
Darkneti will look it up06:44
SaleemE: Unable to locate package packagename.deb in ubunt 12.0406:45
Saleemi got this message tell me please06:45
lotuspsychjeSaleem: wich package?06:46
Saleemgoogle chrome for ubuntu 12.0406:46
Saleemi have all package in ftp link i want to it run from terminal06:46
lotuspsychjeSaleem: you can download chrome from their website06:47
EuaDlotuspsychje, are you aware of any open source cpanels for arch by any chance06:47
Saleemi did it but its showing E: Unable to locate package google-chrome06:47
lotuspsychjeEuaD: that link is for linux, so i presume it works on arch too06:47
EuaDis webmin safe to use or is that not really a cpanel equivalent06:48
lotuspsychjeEuaD: join the arch channel if you want to know more06:48
lotuspsychjeEuaD: webmin for ubuntu isnt reccomended06:48
EuaDlotuspsychje, well, the VestaCP doesn't list arch but it is just a bash script so i suppose i coiuld downlooad it and view it06:48
Saleemi have all package in ftp link i want it to run software from ftp  i made06:48
lotuspsychjeSaleem: download chrome from the official website, or enable sources to download chrome06:49
lotuspsychjeSaleem: or choose chromium from software centre06:49
Saleemas i have download deb format but i want to install using my own repository from ftp link offline06:50
lotuspsychjeSaleem: how can we support you on a non-official ftp of yours?06:50
Saleemjust give me a solution of E: Unable to locate package (anypackagename)06:52
Saleemi am stuck in that06:52
lotuspsychjeSaleem: the problem says it all for itself...it cant locate your package06:52
Saleemwhere do i get it from06:53
lotuspsychjeSaleem: you need to get your package with apt-get or chrome website06:53
Saleemi have the package in my repository done but it cannot locate from my own repository list06:54
lotuspsychje!repo | Saleem06:55
ubottuSaleem: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:55
EuaDSaleem, did you add your custom repo to your apt sources list?06:55
Saleemhow we do it my that might be mistake\06:55
Saleemlike i have all package in zip format i want it to unzip and install when installing using terminal06:56
EuaDSaleem, this may help maybe http://hyperlogos.org/page/custom-Ubuntu-repository-using-apt-move06:56
Saleemu got my poiny06:56
Saleemdo i have to unzip package06:57
lotuspsychjethis is not a reccomended way of installing packages...06:58
K`zanAnyone else loose flash on the new FF update?06:58
lotuspsychje!info firefox06:58
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 34.0+build2-0ubuntu0.14.10.2 (utopic), package size 38960 kB, installed size 91169 kB06:58
K`zanDoesn't mention flash :-(.06:59
lotuspsychjeversion 34?06:59
Saleemis there guide for ubuntu 12.0406:59
lotuspsychje!manual | Saleem06:59
ubottuSaleem: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:59
K`zanYes Version 34.06:59
lotuspsychjedid you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:00
Saleemdo we have to unzip package to install package  or no07:00
K`zanlotuspychje:  Thanks!07:00
K`zanI think so.07:00
Saleemafter unzip how to make package readable in terminal07:02
lotuspsychjeK`zan: can you check with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:02
bubbasauresSaleem, If you download the deb it will install with the software center07:03
K`zanlotuspsychje:  Wilco07:03
Saleemi dont want it to download  from internet i want to download using terminal offline07:03
bubbasauresah, that I don't know, sorry07:04
Saleemdoes anyone know this solution i input07:05
K`zanlotuspsychje: Running now.07:06
lotuspsychjeK`zan: was it installed?07:06
K`zanlotuspsychje: Installing tons of fonts at this point.  Also downloading flashplugin ATM.07:07
lotuspsychjeK`zan:good, lets hope it fixes07:07
K`zanlotuspsychje: :-) Me too, thanks for the help, MUCH appreciated!07:07
lotuspsychjeK`zan: no prob :p07:07
K`zanlotuspsychje:  Taking time to get it, we'll see, report to follow.07:08
Saleemi have all deb package in repository in ftp link i want to install software using terminal offline07:08
rypervencheSaleem: lotuspsychje already gave you the necessary information for setting up a repo correctly.07:10
Saleemits not working in ubuntu12.0407:10
Saleemits for different version07:10
Saleemi checked it but its support my os07:11
=== hades_ is now known as Guest46883
bullgard4What is a "rendition of Ubuntu"? http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/snappy: "… Ubuntu is famous for being a welcoming, productive community where people get to pursue the things they are interested in and share the fruits of that with millions of users. We would welcome your ideas and code for this new rendition of Ubuntu!" <- Is this a modified Ubuntu distribution?07:28
somsipbullgard4: synonyms:performance, rendering, interpretation, presentation, execution, delivery07:30
lotuspsychje!snappy | bullgard407:30
ubottubullgard4: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/07:30
FuuqUmiistis it true that the word linux is seldom, if ever, used on the Ubuntu website?07:31
bullgard4I take it that you throwing me out here.07:31
lotuspsychjebullgard4: dont make conclusions07:32
somsipFuuqUmiist: your answer is here http://www.ubuntu.com07:32
=== daniel is now known as Guest9939
K`zanlotuspsychje: Worked, thank you very, VERY much Sir!  Greatly appreciated!07:37
lotuspsychje!yay | K`zan07:38
ubottuK`zan: Glad you made it! :-)07:38
K`zan:-), doing happy dance to flash video :).07:38
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Saleemhow to unzip package from ftp automatically and install07:44
Saleemits for ubuntu 12.0407:45
somsipSaleem: it's unual to install from an ftp package. What are you trying to achieve?07:45
bazhangwhats the package Saleem07:46
Saleemi have all package that is zipped format in ftp link i want to install software using my own software repository i created07:46
Saleemi have many but i am doing goog chrome07:46
bazhangSaleem, get their repo07:47
bazhangit's *not* a zip07:47
Saleemits in deb format07:47
Saleemi want it to extract and run from terminal when type their require package07:48
lotuspsychjebazhang: i explained him already adding his own ftp is not a recommended way of installing07:48
bazhangSaleem, you do not extract from a deb07:49
Saleemis there script to run package  in terminal  offline that is stored on ftp link07:50
bazhangSaleem, thats not the supported method of software installation for ubuntu07:50
bazhangSaleem, if you wish to write a script of some sort, you could ask in #bash07:51
Saleemwe cant install offline  without connection07:51
lotuspsychjeSaleem: you need to be online, to get a package07:52
lotuspsychjeSaleem: or at least get the .deb from your internal ftp07:52
=== Guest2938 is now known as sUbMuNdO
vbgunzI use Yakuake, anyone here use Yakuake? I'd like to completely zero out all shortcuts to it because I'd like to use and learn Byobu from within it. unfortunately many of Byobu's shortcuts are intercepted by Yakuake which makes learning it difficult. I'm not finding how to backup my current shortcuts in Yakuake, anyone know?08:05
vbgunzI'm hoping it's in a file, a simple move will hopefully zero out the shortcuts and I can be safe08:05
vbgunzI'm just not finding the "file"08:05
lotuspsychje!info yakuake08:06
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.9-1 (utopic), package size 333 kB, installed size 2014 kB08:06
lotuspsychjevbgunz: did you check /home with hidden folders for configs maybe?08:06
somsipvbgunz: sideways solution - try tmux instead of byobu08:06
vbgunzI did a locate yakuake | grep /home and I'm not finding any shortcut files related to yakuake08:07
vbgunzsomsip: I'd like to stick with Byobu :)08:08
calrikhi all, just install ubuntu 14.10 mate I been doing the usual tweaks I have core 2 duo quad (Q8600), 8 gb ram, ATI 6870 but for some reason the os feels sluggish anything I can check to help troubleshoot why this is so?08:08
somsipvbgunz: fair enough. You said you wanted to learn byobu so I guessed you might be up for swapping. Wrong guess :)08:08
vbgunzit's cool, my understanding is it supports both tmux and screen but honestly, I don't know08:09
lotuspsychjecalrik: did you check additional drivers, if other grafix drivers show up?08:09
vbgunza server I log into starts byobu by default and I like it so far08:09
calriklotuspsy: yes im using the fglrx-update driver and seems to work fine, I can run games ok08:10
calrikits just the everyday use navigating through08:10
lotuspsychjevbgunz: there is a small #byobu channel if you like :p08:10
lotuspsychjecalrik: did you try on 14.04?08:10
calrikfyi i am also not using any composite windows like compiz or anything like that08:10
vbgunzlotuspsychje: thanks, I didn't know this, I'm currently looking for the yakuake "file" that has the shortcuts in it... I'm thinking, it's linux, everythings a file08:11
calrikno I didnt want to really downgrade so to speak, I did have issues getting wine to work with my ati graphics card initially08:11
calrikI really wanted to use the ubuntu mate 14.10 as Im liking the direction this is heading08:12
calrikand thinking mate wouldnt be as resource hungry as unity08:12
calrikfyi I have changed the swapiness to 10 as recommended on some sites to improve ui performamce08:13
lotuspsychjevbgunz: maybe in /usr/share/applications/08:13
lotuspsychjecalrik: maybe talk to the #mate guys08:13
calrikok thanks08:14
lotuspsychjecalrik: i would suggest 14.04 and work from there08:14
lotuspsychje!info preload | calrik this can help alot too08:14
ubottucalrik this can help alot too: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (utopic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB08:14
vbgunzlotuspsychje: I'm thinking you're right... I'm thinking I may have found the file already but the shortcuts are being "cascaded" from another file...08:14
vbgunzgonna try an experiment08:14
lotuspsychjevbgunz: good luck :p08:14
calrikI got preload installed also08:14
calrikalot of work already gone into setting up 14.10 going back to 14.04 would be a last resort :(08:15
lotuspsychjecalrik: maybe the #mate guys know any other performance tweaks08:15
vbgunzlotuspsychje: yup, I think I got this :)08:15
lotuspsychjecalrik: you know 14.10 is only for 9 months right08:15
lotuspsychjecalrik: you run an ssd or classical HD?08:17
calrikclassical sata 208:17
calrikneed to invest in an ssd just broke atm :(08:18
lotuspsychjecalrik: never used mate myself, so i dont know howto wteak its performance08:18
calrikall good :)08:18
calrikits basically gnome 208:18
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | calrik cleanup always work nice08:18
ubottucalrik cleanup always work nice: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (utopic), package size 249 kB, installed size 1930 kB08:18
calrikhmm firefox seems to feel the slowest, but just thought it wierd since my memory and cpu usage only at 20%, I am thinking my hard drive is the culprit, I dont think its a gui or software issue08:28
calrikrunning bleachbit as su and its securing wiping free disk space Im getting 1-2 second freezes, so suspecting its my hdd playing up :(08:31
calrikwhat is some good tools to test disk bottlenecks/ io latency etc?08:32
fidel_calrik: there is iotop - not sure if that is what you are looking for08:33
calrikit might be the droid I am looking for :P08:34
hariomHow to ensure that rsync just send the entire file every time and not the part of the file if remaining part already exist. I want to copy the file every time as I am sure every file is unique08:38
=== konrad is now known as Guest68926
gshmuUbuntu 14.10 SoftWare Center Can't install pidgin and openJDK-708:41
=== newbie is now known as Guest41622
hariomHow to transfer single small files (size < 100kb) to remote server in fastest possible way?. Every file is unique. Can not send files in bulk but single files may be in parallel08:45
=== Alessandro is now known as Guest94324
somsiphariom: rsync08:49
somsiphariom: with parallel for concurrency08:51
grekhi i try reinstall grup - here is from terminal http://pastebin.com/wwjFteGv08:56
grekhere is auto boot repair - both fail http://pastebin.com/X8HC2JNJ08:56
grekplease help08:56
grekthis is x6408:57
greki dont know why it try Installing for i386-pc platform.08:57
grekgrub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.08:57
grek 08:57
=== MeltedLux is now known as MeltedDed
maumI ran apache on the server but the web page is blank.09:02
kreydanSomeone can recommend DWG viewer for Ubuntu?09:07
SynthAxeHey guys09:13
SynthAxeCan you suggest any goo d email client i can use on lubuntu that can auto detect my company's exchange account?09:13
cynicallemonSynthAxe: evolution and/or thunderbird09:18
gshmuhate 14.10 Software Center09:19
cynicallemonSynthAxe: or a web browser09:19
SynthAxeHmm i got dropped for some reason09:22
SynthAxeI tried thunderbird but it doesnt seem to auto detect the server settings09:22
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
=== J^D_is_coming_so is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
grekanyone ? http://pastebin.com/X8HC2JNJ09:29
japroso i'm trying to create a encrypted install of 14.04 on a usb drive from a machine that already has ubuntu installed... the installer won't let me do the encrypted install though since it complains about there being a unencrypted swap partition on the (unrelated) hdd of the laptop09:30
japrobooting into trial mode and  using swapoff --all didn't let me proceede either09:30
ang#Japro , why don't you try Truecrypt instead09:31
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=== Guest55485 is now known as Alexandro
=== pryda is now known as Pryda
pseudonymousCan I easily redirect all the output normally visible through dmesg to the same console as my initial boot messages ?09:33
angCan anybody tell me about slim installation in Emacs09:34
angfor CommonLisp09:34
pseudonymousang: very much a conversation for the emacs channel09:34
angpseudonymous: thanks09:35
japrook, now i'm confused, if the "An unsafe swap space has been detected"-thing is a general bug or connected to my attempt to install from a machine that already has a swap set up09:44
japrois there a way to have the installer entirely ignore a device?09:44
n3vtelenwhen ubuntu 14.04.3 release?09:46
purveshHi, can some one help me to upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 through iso09:46
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy09:47
somsippurvesh: 13.10 is no longer supported09:47
_blkn3vtelen, 14.04.2 first.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule09:48
purveshsomsip, I want to upgrade to 14.04 but for that first i need to upgrade to 13.10 & I want to use old method via mounting iso09:48
HarminurielHello! Is anyone following the developement of Ubuntu Touch OS?09:48
n3vtelenis ubuntu 12.04.5 stable or ubuntu 14.04.1 does?09:48
fidel_Harminuriel: i think there is #ubuntu-touch09:49
somsip!touch | Harminuriel09:49
ubottuHarminuriel: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:49
HarminurielOh! Thanks! :)09:49
n3vteleni meaning security and vulnerability09:50
purveshsomsip, so do you know how to upgrade offline apart from live cd or usb stick option ?09:51
somsip!list | casa1209:51
ubottucasa12: somsip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:51
somsip!offline | purvesh09:51
ubottupurvesh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD09:51
n3vtelenubuntu 12.04.5 or 14.04.1?09:51
fidel_n3vtelen: for 14.04 - it is 14.04.109:51
somsippurvesh: no idea other than what's on the hint above09:51
purveshsomsip, I have all iso of ubuntu09:51
purveshsomsip, ok Thanks for reply!09:52
_blkn3vtelen, you should go with 14.04 if you're not sure09:52
=== basketpc is now known as jjprieto
linociscoUSB connection to android phone Galaxy Note2 sucks09:55
jacobtappIs there a way to have an encrypted drive unlock and mount on startup if it shares the phrase of the system drive?09:55
cfhowlettlinocisco, airdroid ...09:55
linociscoUSB connection to android phone Galaxy Note2 sucks. both SD card and phone are not detected well as drives09:56
cfhowlettlinocisco, AIRDROID09:56
linociscocfhowlett, airdroid using samba or wifi tethering like zapya? s09:56
cfhowlettlinocisco, android app = wifi connection09:57
pseudonymousjacobtapp: good question, do share if you find it outside this IRC channel09:59
linociscocfhowlett, i have no wifi router at home, I just have ubuntu desktop and galaxy Note2 . I want all photos from my phones to copy to ubuntu. With bluetooth, it is one directional. Ubuntu to phone only10:02
three_waveHello  everyont10:03
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
alteregoawhats comming after sdz?10:19
CatKilleralteregoa: sdaa10:23
CatKillersdab, sdac.......sdaaa, sdaab, sdaac...10:23
=== bq is now known as rrr
rrrhow do i check the system is 32 bit or 64 bit?10:25
EriC^^rrr: uname -m10:25
k1lthat is 32bit10:26
SJrI have some java windows that appear way off screen, how can I move them back to the main screen with Unity Ubuntu 14.0410:31
_blkSJr, [ALT]+click/drag them back might work.10:37
ObrienDaveSJr, there is a setting to make windows appear in the center of your screen. i don't remember where the setting is10:37
philip_for a server which raiding system is the best10:38
ObrienDavehow many drives?10:38
philip_three drives10:40
philip_each 300gb10:41
ikoniaphilip_: it's not a black and white "which is best"10:41
ikoniaphilip_: it's all about your needs and hardware10:41
philip_and is it possible to backup both OS and file on a drve10:41
ikoniayou can back up anything you want10:42
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philip_because i am having a little problem.10:45
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ikoniaphilip_: just explain the problem10:45
_blkphilip_, your questions are indeed a bit fuzzy. For the raid comparison wikipedia might help you decide what you actually want, for the backup, you can get perfect images using dd, but that will require the full (1:1) space of what you're backing up.10:46
philip_i have a hp gen8 server running on ubuntu server and a raid was not configured on it the first harddrive is almost getting full and adding another hard disk is an issue10:48
ikoniaphilip_: if you are using a raid controller on a HP DL server you will need to reinstall10:49
ikoniathe raid configuration needs to be in place before the OS is installed10:49
philip_i wasnt there when the installation was done. and afraid of losing data and software running on it10:50
ikoniathen backup the data you want to another machine - configure the raid device and re-install10:50
philip_how will i backup the data to another machine.10:51
ikoniahowever you feel best, copy it off, scp, rsync, tar files, or use backup software, but then you will need a client/server model10:51
philip_@ikonia thank you. But pls wat command can i use to check if my current system is running on raid10:53
ikoniaphilip_: it depends, you'd probably be best checking the HP system status to check the hardware raid status10:54
ikoniayou can normally interface with the ILO to do this10:54
cart_manHey...Ive downloaded the kernel source files and headers for kernel module development but I cant seem to find the basic " #include <sys/mman.h> " ? I cant find it in usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-40 either10:59
ikoniacart_man: what do you mean you can't find it ?10:59
basichashhow can i setup hipporemote for 14.04?11:00
_blkcart_man: if you're trying to compile something outside the kernel that needs this file then the headers are enough. To find the file use `locate sys/mman.h` (maybe after a `sudo updatedb`)11:01
basichashhow can i setup hipporemote for 14.04?11:02
sadwolfhi there!11:02
cart_manikanobori, I really cant litterally not find the file SYS file.11:03
basichashhow can i setup hipporemote for 14.04?11:03
k1lbasichash: you did look into their website for th ubuntu instructions?11:03
cart_man_blk, Yes youre right but I have to use mman.h for mmap(). Ive found it using your isntructions in /usr/local/i386-linux-gnu/sys/mman.h but trying to make the MAKE file use that header will be a pain11:04
cart_manwhy dont they just include mman.h in the kernel headers?11:05
ikoniacart_man: there should be nothing in /usr/local11:05
basichashyeah, although i need to open up remote desk pref, but my kboard is broken sp i cant search for it in apps11:05
basichashk1l: ^11:05
k1lbasichash: enable the onscreen keyboard in system settings11:08
basichashk1l: i hav, but i cant search apps, it closes when i try11:09
basichashk1l: using eleos gui11:09
basichashnot unity11:10
k1l basichash well, ask the elementary guys how to solve their bug then11:10
basichashk1l: is there another way 2 open it?11:10
basichasheg term11:10
ph007what is the best laptop for linux11:12
cfhowlettph007, no such thing.11:13
cfhowlettph007, completely dependent on your needs, habits, and preferences11:13
_blkcart_man, you must have installed that there. As ikonia says, debian packages don't typically install anything there. Mine is in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/mman.h (64bit, you seem to run 32) and is installed by libc6-dev NOT THE KERNEL. (`apt-file search sys/mman.h`)11:14
_blkph007, any hardware that works well... thinkpads tend to run rather well, or pretty much anything else that's widely used.11:16
cart_man_blk, Ok ill seach for that... but usually if kernel headers are installed then everything is usually there... I cant imagen them excluding mmap() from kernel space? Does anybody by the way know anything about PCI drivers and how I can use something other then MMAP to reserve a space of Memory?11:17
basichashhow i setup  vnc?11:20
philip_i check for raid on my current system.i got this Personalities :11:21
philip_unused devices: <none>11:21
basichashhow i setup  vnc?11:25
cfhowlettbasichash, dude.  don't be lazy.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC11:25
ObrienDavewhat? we have to read manuals? say it isn't so ;P11:26
cfhowlettObrienDave, I know, right?11:26
basichashcfhowlett: my kboard is broken have 2 use screen kbord 4 all very slow11:27
_blkbasichash, good thing you don't need the keyboard to read. Can't find the right permutation, MTRF or something11:27
cfhowlettbasichash, it's a wiki.  print it.  read it.11:29
ph007what is the best laptop for linux11:31
ubottuFor more information about Ubuntu Membership Certificates and how to obtain please read http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/14/certificates-for-ubuntu-members/11:32
cfhowlettph007, google = laptop + linux + make up your own mind11:32
parmiggianoph007: as stated before, choose a laptop you like... just make sure the hardware is supported. and perhaps you prefer a laptop without windows or mac os preinstalled.11:32
ubottuFor more information about Ubuntu Membership Certificates and how to obtain please read http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/14/certificates-for-ubuntu-members/11:33
k1lph007: no11:33
cfhowlettph007, there is no research that says acer ... or any other brand ... is BEST.  Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:34
linuxmintHello, I'm installing NFS on Ubuntu as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo. I typed command # mount --bind /home/users /export/users, but received error: mount: special device /home/users does not exist. Will the install still work if I continue on?11:34
basichashhow can i open remote ddeesktop from term?11:35
cfhowlettbasichash, read the wiki.  carefully.  it's there.11:35
Giggasnappy fedoracore?11:35
linuxmintbasichash: ssh11:36
_blklinuxmint, probably, but if the directory is empty because it can't be mounted it wont be useful (and you might not have permission to write there without the bind mount)11:37
ph007i want cheap reliable laptop.. that support linux .. bcoz im  student :)11:37
cfhowlettph007, ask #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux.  NOT HERE.11:37
_blklinuxmint, does your /home/users even exist?11:37
k1lph007: see for old thinkpads11:37
Giggathis channel is full of emies11:40
linuxmint_blk: I don't think /home/users exists. I'm following the walkthrough from a fresh Ubuntu server install. I find directory /home/ubuntu, but not /home/users. I would mkdir, but the instruction didn't say to, but did say to mkdir -p /export/users.11:40
ikoniaGigga: ?11:41
Giggaikonia:  ?11:41
_blklinuxmint, it's generally pretty bad to blindly follow instructions that involve sudo commands without understanding them..11:42
Giggayou my fiend?11:42
cfhowlettGigga, ask your #ubuntu support question11:42
linuxmint_blk: I'm sudo, so I must have permission? A note says it's important that /export and /export/users have 777 permissions, but I haven't read a step yet to adjust permissions.11:42
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ikoniaGigga: do you need ubuntu help ?11:42
Giggano butt can i help you?11:43
ikoniano thank you11:43
linuxmint_blk: I think I understand the commands. Just # apt-get, # mkdir and # mount so far.11:43
_blklinuxmint, ask yourself what you want on the NSF drive.. one user directory? all user directories? then read up on mount --bind (`man mount`), for permissions checkout `man chmod`11:43
basichashright so 8using vino, how do i find comp name ip to connnect 2?11:44
ikoniabasichash: try not to use text speak, it makes it easier to work with you11:44
linuxmint_blk: thanks. I just need NSF to allow easy transfer of data and backups on a few HDDs for me.11:44
_blklinuxmint, and please DO NOT read your emails really fast as root with `rm -rf /`11:44
basichashscrn kyboard11:44
linuxmint_blk: nothing enterprise level.11:44
linuxmint_blk: ?11:44
ikonia_blk: please don't make that sort of comment11:45
ikonia_blk: no-one said anything about rm -rf so please don't be silly with that command11:45
_blkdon't say I didn't warn ;)11:45
cfhowlett!behelpful | _blk,11:45
ubottu_blk,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.11:45
ikoniabasichash: you need to know the hostname/fully qualified domain name/or ip address of the machine you want to connect to11:45
Giggayou can read email with ./11:45
linuxmint_blk: oh ok, I know that command.11:45
ikoniaGigga: no you can't11:45
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Giggain the near future you cant login to any computer with out email account11:47
basichashikonia: how can i find it? ifconfig?11:47
ikoniabasichash: that's your IP address info11:48
ikonianot the target machines11:48
ikoniaGigga: this channel is for ubuntu help - not random thoughts about the future11:48
ikoniaGigga: please try to focus on helping people with their actual questions11:49
_blklinuxmint, just your user, then bind-mount your home drive (or maybe even a subfolder of that) to /export/foobar11:49
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Giggayou mean their fake time wasting questions11:49
EriC^^that was quick11:50
GiggaEriC^^: do you have a ubuntu support question?11:50
EriC^^Gigga: yes, do you think you can help?11:52
basichashikonia: ?11:52
ikoniabasichash: what ?11:52
Giggajust ask your question if im unable to answer some one eventually will answer it11:53
rzekaHello. Is it possible to allow one user write into directory regardless of chmod/chown? I'd like to allow "git" user to write into /home/{user} folders while chmod there is 75011:53
basichashright so 8using vino, how do i find comp name ip to connnect 2?11:53
ikoniarzeka: if they have the right group membership they can but not if you lock them out like that11:53
ikoniabasichash: PLEASE stop using text speak11:54
EriC^^rzeka: set it to 755, or add him as a acl11:54
linuxmint_blk: thank you, that worked and cleared up the issue too.11:54
rzekaEriC^^: that acl thing :) I was thinking about sudo - allow only one command without a password. I hope it's possible11:54
ikoniabasichash: you have to know the name/ip/fully qualified name of the host you want to connect to11:55
ikoniarzeka: very possible11:55
basichashhow do i find the computer name and address to connect to11:55
EriC^^rzeka: what for? just add him as a acl11:55
linuxmint_blk: yes, the walkthrough says to bind to /export/users, so users will be your subfolder /foobar suggestion.11:55
ikoniabasichash: you have to know it11:55
ikoniabasichash: ask the person who owns the machine you want to connect to for their info11:56
MrSavageI just installed the new AMD omega drivers for 14.04 and my 2d environment is lagging11:56
basichashits my laptop11:56
hojgaardHello folks.. At our company we have a load balancer (nginx) that works flawlessly untill it hits 200Mb throughput. Then it starts to get slow and the latency is bad. Can anyone give a hint on how we troubleshoot. None of us are real networking experts.11:56
ikoniabasichash: then you know your own hostname/ip address11:56
EriC^^rzeka: setfacl -m u:<user>:rwx /path/to/dir11:56
MrSavageapparently wine got rid of my drivers...11:57
rzekaThanks EriC^^ :) I'm reading manual right now too11:57
ikoniahojgaard: look where the latency is, on the card/ip stack or on the hosts services11:57
ikoniahojgaard: find out where the bottleneck is11:57
basichashikonia: i dont know11:58
hojgaardikonia, yes, but how is the best way to do that?11:58
ikoniahojgaard: investigate, look at what resources are in use, work backwards11:58
linuxmintI don't think the command # /home/ubuntu /export/users none bind 0 0 is working? Output is bash: /home/ubuntu: Is a directory12:02
ikoniathats not a command12:02
ikoniathats a directory and looks like an attempt to mount12:02
ikoniain which case mount is the command with those agruments12:03
EriC^^linuxmint: looks more like a fstab entry12:03
linuxmintikonia: sorry, you made me realise that's a line to ad to fstab.12:03
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linuxmintok, so I'm adding some code to /etc/idmapd.conf, but there's no code in /etc/idmapd.conf. Makes me a bit nervous, but might keep continuing.12:06
basichashikonia: hmm connection fails12:06
vbgunzlinuxmint: not sure what you're even talking about but have no fear editing empty files. find out how to comment the file you're working on and the first line in it should be # This file was blank or non-existent.12:07
vbgunzthat comment helps you out later12:07
vbgunzcould be years later12:07
linuxmintvbgunz: oh, that's interesting. I might try that, adding the comment to the top line that the file was empty.12:08
vbgunzlinuxmint: whenever I edit system files I backup the original with a .origin extension. this way finding edited system files is as easy as "locate .origin" .. then, when I find all the system files I've edited, they either have edits or start off with this file didn't even exist, etc12:09
vbgunzit just makes backtracking over system edits very easy. stupid easy12:10
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parmiggianovbgunz: thx.  i'll try that in my next install.12:11
linuxmintvbgunz: nice, sounds like a plan :-)12:11
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vbgunzyou're welcome fellas, if I've learned anything, it's track what you do to the system. everything's a file so as they say ;)12:12
basichashcan someone help me connect to my laptop via vnc?12:13
dosmanakbacichash: what is your problem?12:14
basichashdosmanak: tring to connect my iphone to laptop. it needs the name and ip of my laptop12:16
dosmanakbasichash, Do you have some basic knowledge about networks? Anyway a think the name may be anything. But you must be connected in the same network as laptop to make it work. Then you need to know your IP address, you should be able to find it in your network setting12:19
basichashright i have my wlan ip, but not networked assigned name12:20
basichashit returns domain name pointer kg-10-126-31-60.eduroam-kg.privat.12:23
linuxmintvbgunz: so, I just created a file /etc/exports. The walkthrough said to add some files to the /etc/export file, but there was no /etc/export file. So would you put a comment in and/or call the file /etc/exports or /etc/exports.origin?12:23
basichashdosmanak: ^12:23
MytWho can create me here a yahoo account ?12:23
Mytbecause I do not have the cell phone12:24
basichashdosmanak: when i 'host' my nw ip12:24
dosmanakbasichash, So do you want to connect from outside of your home network?12:24
Ben64Myt: this channel is ubuntu support only12:24
vbgunzthe .origin extension helps me find the file later... create the explicit file the walkthrough is going over... in 2 months good luck remembering the name of that file. but in 2 months when you run the command "locate .origin" you'll get a list of files back. that will certainly refresh your memory12:24
dosmanakbasichash, You should try it in yout home environment first i.e. your home wireless network.12:25
vbgunzthe .origin thing is a trick I use to go back in time and refresh my memory with the edits I make12:25
basichashdosmanak: unfortunately cant12:26
vbgunzlinuxmint: it works like this, create a file called whatever.origin ... then run this "sudo updatedb" ... then find that file later with "locate .origin"12:26
linuxmintvbgunz: so, I created /etc/exports and add some code. As per your system, should I create /etc/exports and /etc/exports.origin?12:26
vbgunzlinuxmint: it's up to you to call the extension whatever you want that will help you find it later... think of it as a "tag"12:26
linuxmintvbgunz: because I cannot call the file /etc/exports.origin. The walkthrough says the file should be named /etc/exports.12:27
vbgunzlinuxmint: call it exactly what the walkthrough is saying to name it12:27
dosmanakbasichash, the IP you pasted here looks like some academical network, I am not sure you can put VNC through. Are you able to e.g ping your laptop? Or access ssh?12:27
linuxmintvbgunz: yes, it's like a "tag". I think I'll add a 2nd file /etc/exports.origin, so it can be found.12:27
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vbgunzif it says /etc/exports, name it exactly that... I'm talking about a trick I use to "remember" the system files I edit12:28
Ben64linuxmint: are you on linux mint by chance12:28
linuxmintvbgunz: yes, I like your system, but just had the problem of no /etc/exports file existing when the walkthrough says add code to the file /etc/exports. I thought I'd try to tag the new file somehow.12:29
vbgunzusually when a file already exists I cp it /original /original.origin ... you can call it whatever you want. one thing I swear I learned early with linux is, you better make backups of system files you edit. you're a horrible person that deserves the worse if you don't :(12:29
linuxmintBen64: Is the pope Catholic?12:29
Ben64linuxmint: ok, then stop using this channel for support. go to #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:29
linuxmintBen64: harsh...well, I'm on Linux Mint 17.1, but I'm installing Ubuntu server 14.04, which is why I'm on this Ubuntu channel.12:30
linuxmintBen64: actually, I downgrade my 'harsh' to 'fair call'.12:30
Ben64linuxmint: you should have led with that then, instead of a silly line12:31
linuxmintBen64: silly line? sorry, I'm a bit silly sometimes.12:31
chris__Hi guys. Got a minor issue: I have second cursor rotated counter clockwise about 2 cursors lengths below the real one which appears until I logout or reboot. Any idea what could be the source ?12:32
basichashbasically my keyboard is broken and am wondering if i can usse my iphone as a keyboard12:33
cfhowlettbasichash, via bluetooth maybe.  *maybe*12:33
linuxmintBen64: as long as this is anonymous, then the white suits won't come and collect me for my silliness. Ok, back to Ubuntu install now after that short break.12:33
cfhowlettbasichash, if it was android, yes12:33
Ben64linuxmint: a lot of people use this channel to get help with mint. it isn't supported here and is unfair to all involved. i was just making sure12:34
basichashcfhowlett: yeah tryng to find one12:35
linuxmintBen64: yes, I agree.12:35
EriC^^basichash: you could, you can even use it as a mouse with remotemouse12:36
Ben64basichash: isn't it easier to buy a keyboard though?12:36
EriC^^basichash: not sure about the keyboard though, i guess so12:36
linuxmintWell, I'm a bit disappointed. Just came to the end of the Ubuntu nfs server install. Ran # service nfs-kernel-server restart. Error: nfs-kernel-server: unrecognized service.12:36
basichashBen64: while i wait for new kb12:37
cfhowlettlinuxmint, server?  #ubuntu-server12:37
linuxmintcfhowlett: ok, thanks, will try.12:37
Ben64basichash: uh, some vnc client then?12:37
basichashEriC^^: like this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/280924/how-to-make-iphone-as-a-mouse-via-bluetooth12:37
vbgunzI've double checked permissions all over for ssh and everything seems to be in tiptop shape. I can't use a no password private key to log onto a remote system. the remote system added my public key to its authorized_keys file. what could be causing this, what kind of trap can I be falling into here?12:37
vbgunzI'm in a pitfall and I can't figure it out12:38
basichashBen64: academic network, not sure if i can12:39
wild_oscarwhat's kmix equivalent in unity? i.e, how do you restart the audio mixer?12:41
wild_oscarmotivation: this is happening - http://askubuntu.com/questions/490813/audio-flicking-at-back-port12:41
wild_oscarand someone here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/874535 suggested a change in pulseaudio settings , which leaves the mixer without the ability to control volume12:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 874535 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Volume Slider Jumps, due to rapidly changing hardware jack sense state" [Low,Triaged]12:41
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Guest2707TLP or laptop-mode-tools? ubuntu 14.0412:45
kevindfHello I installed Gnome Fallback recently and want my username to be shown in the top panel, Wich is not this case at the moment12:49
kevindfanyone know why my username does not show up? It did in the regular unity GUI12:49
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mesaboogie1can someone pls explain all this de/wm/compositor stuff?13:02
cfhowlettmesaboogie1, computer code make screen look purdy ...13:03
mesaboogie1I want lightweight because I've only got a netbook, but I'd love to have some transparent windows13:03
cfhowlettmesaboogie1, that really is the purpose and essence of it all13:03
mesaboogie1cfhowlett: ah! I get it13:03
cfhowlettmesaboogie1, you may have to choose ... try (1) lubuntu (2) xubuntu13:03
mesaboogie1but there's just so many choices, and I don't know/can't find the info for the best to choose13:04
cfhowlett!lubuntu | mesaboogie113:04
ubottumesaboogie1: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:04
mesaboogie1I'm on xubuntu13:04
mesaboogie1but lxde is still gtk isn't it?13:05
cfhowlettmesaboogie1, perfect!  you can test it: sudo apt-get install lxde           logout/choose lxde session/login13:05
mesaboogie1gtk2 or such right?13:05
cfhowlettmesaboogie1, honestly IDK13:05
mesaboogie1oh ok13:05
EriC^^mesaboogie1: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/desktop_environment#Comparison_of_desktop_environments13:06
mesaboogie1thanks I'll read that13:07
EriC^^mesaboogie1: it's a chart13:08
cfhowlett!test | raven13:09
ubotturaven: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )13:09
c0mrad3how to know weather codeblocks is using 64 bit gcc or 32 bit gcc compiler13:09
ravenmy internet connection is working but no websites are loading....   :/13:09
c0mrad3how to know weather codeblocks is using 64 bit gcc or 32 bit gcc compiler13:11
cfhowlett!patience | c0mrad313:11
ubottuc0mrad3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:11
=== Garmageddon is now known as Nubville
rrrany can help this ? "apt-get update" error http://paste.ubuntu.com/9456202/13:13
xangua!gpgkey | rrr13:13
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »13:13
rrrxangua: where to find the GPG keyword for the repository?13:15
xanguarrr: read your 'error'13:16
Shaafanyone works with dcm4che?13:19
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:21
vangoghhello guys, I have a question about tomcat13:22
vangoghsince I have asked elsewhere I will post the link13:22
ikoniavangogh: is this the version from the ubuntu repos ?13:23
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vangoghshould I post my server.xml and tomcat-users.xml ?13:24
c0mrad3how to find out the weather our compiler is 32 bit or 64 bit in codeblocks13:28
ikoniait will be the version your OS is running as it calls the OS installed compile13:28
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ikoniavangogh: have you deployed the managment app ?13:30
purveshhow to update Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 offline ?13:30
ikoniapurvesh: you need an offline copy of the repo13:31
ikoniayou used to be able to do it with the alternative CD - but as thats gone I don't know if the standard CD supports it13:31
purveshikonia, I have all the iso13:31
cfhowlettpurvesh, you mean update from one end-of-life release to the next end-of-life release?13:31
ikoniawell thats a better point13:31
ikoniathe fact that it's EOL13:31
vangoghikonia:assuming this is an additional step not automatically executed, no13:31
purveshcfhowlett, I have to do it till 14.0413:31
vangoghhow should I deploy it13:31
ikoniavangogh: I'm working from memory, but I thought you had to deploy the admin app sepereratly13:32
cfhowlettpurvesh, actually, you don't.  you can clean install 14.0413:32
ikoniait's a package called tomcat7-admin or something like that13:32
purveshcfhowlett, but for that first I need to upgrade from 13.04 to 13.1013:32
ikoniaI'm working from memory so you'll need to check that in more detail13:32
vangoghikonia: I have installed tomcat7-admin13:32
ikoniaok, so that should install it13:32
cfhowlettpurvesh, ???? no you don't need to do that.  clean install13:32
purveshcfhowlett, My home folder is 1.5TB can't take backup of it13:32
ikoniavangogh: what does the tomcat logs show when you hit the admin url ?13:32
vangoghfrom /var/lib/tomcat7/logs ,13:33
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | purvesh,  follow the wiki.  best of luck13:33
ubottupurvesh,  follow the wiki.  best of luck: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:33
purveshcfhowlett, I have all the iso13:33
cfhowlettpurvesh, nope.  alternate install method = no more so no upgrade from .iso13:34
vangoghikonia: http://pastebin.com/esUCTdqk13:34
ShaafWho works with dcm4chee ?13:34
vangoghthis is the most recent (today's ) log13:34
cfhowlett!alternate | purvesh13:35
ubottupurvesh: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD13:35
ikoniavangogh: thats the access log, what does the security/error log say13:35
cfhowlettpurvesh, as Morpheus would say: Good!  You have the .iso's!  But your problem is not upgrading; it's having 1 TB of important data and NO BACKUP!  Suggest you solve that and then worry about upgrading.13:36
vangoghikonia: here is the right one, http://pastebin.com/LFjmXPF813:37
purveshcfhowlett, If I update online then there is any issue of removing settings or any other files ?13:38
cfhowlettpurvesh, is it to much to hope that you have all that critical, non-backup data in a separate /home?13:38
cfhowlettpurvesh, assume settings need to be re-done.  worry about the data.  If it's in a /home partition, life is SO much easier.13:39
ikoniavangogh: looks like many problems missing directories, and your config files does not have closing tags13:39
cfhowlett!home | purvesh13:40
ubottupurvesh: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving13:40
purveshcfhowlett, Yeah it is separate home partition but wanted to know which one is best I mean If offline is best then I'll create live USB and upgrade from that and if online is best and has less risk then i'll do it from software updater13:41
ikoniayou are updating from EOL - to EOL, there is no "little risk"13:42
ikoniaback up your data13:42
ikoniado not do anything before you have backed up your data13:42
cfhowlettpurvesh, install LTS 14.04 for long term support AFTER you backup that 1.5 T of terribly important stuff13:42
purveshikonia, I do not have any portable hard disk ready13:42
ikoniathen buy one13:42
ikoniado not try to upgrade until you have backed up your data13:42
purveshikonia, updating ubuntu will not affect my home partition right ?13:43
vangoghikonia: I reviewed my tomcat-users.xml and found 4 errors13:43
vangoghnow it works13:43
cfhowlettpurvesh, here's a promise; you ignore good advice.  you lose your data.  you come back here crying, ranting and demanding that ubuntu fix your problem.  the promise is I WILL LAUGH at you.13:43
vangoghthanks you and have a nice day13:43
ikoniapurvesh: it should not touch your data - but if the upgrade fails it could leave your disk worthless13:43
ikoniavangogh: great work13:43
OliverUKI have a Ubuntu Server virtual machine in Hyper-V, if I add another virtual processor to it, do I have to change anything in the Ubuntu Server config for it to use it or will it just start using it all by itself?  Thanks in advance13:43
vangogh*thanks to you13:43
cfhowlettOliverUK, GREAT question!  #ubuntu-server would know if this channel doesn't answer13:44
OliverUKcfhowlett: Ah thanks, I will check that out13:44
OliverUKI suspect it is the same behaviour for the desktop verison too though13:45
ikoniaOliverUK: it's smp kernel13:45
ikoniaOliverUK: reboot so it is aware of the hardware and thats it13:45
OliverUKikonia: Brilliant, thanks for the prompt answer13:45
inerkickI'm trying to setup Aptana IDE as guided through this http://pategon.blogspot.in/2012/09/bitnami-djangostack-eclipse-pydev-aptana-en.html and I get this error . Kindly help to resolve this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9456581/13:46
purveshcfhowlett, I do agree with your advices and suggestions, I am really thankful for that but the thing is I have very less time remain and one propitiatory application is not running on this machine due to 13.04 so In this less time I need to upgrade any how without wasting time13:46
ikoniapurvesh: then buy a disk really quick13:46
cfhowlettpurvesh, if you lose the data, but get a new install, you'll be happy, right?13:47
purveshikonia, Yeah I feel now that is the only option13:47
purveshcfhowlett, obviously not !13:47
gsinghhow to save screenbrightness on reboot (laptop) . Any easy way than usign rc.local13:47
cfhowlettpurvesh, get thee to an electronics emporium and purchase thee backup solution then13:48
purveshcfhowlett, Ok let me try to get some portable ! Thanks both of you :)13:48
cfhowlettpurvesh, best of luck and don't forget: LTS is supported for 3 years13:49
c0mrad3how to find out the weather our compiler is 32 bit or 64 bit in code-blocks13:49
ikoniac0mrad3: I told you earlier13:49
c0mrad3sorry ikonia I have missed what you have told13:49
c0mrad3can you repeat it again13:49
purveshcfhowlett, Yeah Last time I forgot that and installed 13.04 instead 12.0413:49
inerkickThere is opensource book available with Ubuntu 14.04 in india. check it and buy and back up purvesh13:50
ikoniac0mrad3: codeblocks should call the compiler installed by your OS13:50
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c0mrad3what if I have more than one compiler other that gcc13:51
c0mrad3then ikonia13:51
ikoniac0mrad3: which one have you pointed it about13:51
ikoniapointed it at sorry13:52
c0mrad3what is the default one for codeblocks in windows13:52
c0mrad3It doesn't have gcc installed right13:52
c0mrad3what I mean is that how to find the http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27402658/how-to-find-the-weather-code-blocks-is-using-gcc-32-bit-or-64-bit-compiler13:53
ravigehlotI am getting "Hash Sum Mismatch" when running "apt-get". Is there a known bug for this if so where can I find it?13:53
mitjoin ubuntu-touch13:53
PCatineanHey guys, how do I kill the edges of my touchpad in ubuntu 14.10?13:58
PCatineanI touch it accidentaly every time and it's annoying as hell13:58
parmiggianoc0mrad3: your question is off-topic (linked to windows, not to ubuntu).  asking the same at different places is not good style btw.  (as a personal suggestion: work without an IDE if you don't even know which compiler you're using)13:59
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ravigehlotIn order to report a bug on Launchpad, is apport-bug the only way to do it?14:05
ravigehlotand ubuntu-bug/14:05
ceed^Hi, over the last couple of days I have gotten this error message when updating http://hastebin.com/ojisepatoy.avrasm   I do have Chrome installed but wonder if I simply have to wait until they fix their stuff?14:09
xangua!gpgerr | ceed^14:10
ubottuceed^: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »14:10
borw3Hello, can anyone help me, my school seemed to have blocked some ubuntu repositories, whenever I do apt-get update I get errors in he last Ubuntu repositories when connected to the school wifi. But if I use my own data connection everything works, so how can I use apt-get or apt-update with blocked repositories?14:10
BluesKajceed^, I've been getting a similar error, and running the add key with apt didn't work here...sum mismatch results14:11
ceed^xangua: Thanks, I have tried that but the result is the same when updating.14:11
anomie21Am I using grep correctly here? : grep -r “Keywords" /var/www/html/lunarrecruitment.co.uk - To look for the phrase 'Keywords' in all text in files in that dir?14:11
xanguaceed^: ok, sorry14:11
ceed^BluesKaj: Good thing it's not only me then :)14:12
BluesKajxangua, it's seems to be a common error for the chrome browser deb14:12
borw3What are you guys talking about?14:13
ceed^borw3: There are errors when updating related to Google Chrome14:13
OliverUKborw3: Could you not remove the repos that are blocked from your sources files?14:13
borw3Maybe you guys are blocked from using that particular repository. They are ubuntu repositories that came with ubuntu, why would I remove them?14:14
hdonhi all :) how do i edit items in the unity launcher icon bar thing? i need to set the CWD before running one of my programs, but right-click yields no options for me!14:14
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BluesKajborw3, why, are you responsible for the the chrome deb in the repos?14:15
OliverUKborw3: Sorry I thought you said your school blocked them?14:16
ceed^borw3, Google provides their own repo when you install their deb.14:16
necrogamiI've got xubuntu installed on my laptop, last night it was locked up nothing would respond and i hard shut it off. after that it no longer will boot. It keeps telling me14:16
necrogami"An error occurred while mounting /"14:17
necrogamiI go into the manual recovery terminal and try and run mount -o remount,rw / it mount keeps telling me bad option or not mounted but / is currently mounted14:17
borw3OliverUK: Yes, it's the very critical repositories that are blocked, th ones I can get Kernel updates from and other important repositories.14:17
necrogamii have also tried mount -t ext4 -o remount,rw /dev/sda7 /14:18
necrogamisame response14:18
ceed^borw3, how do they block the repos?14:19
afflictoI'm following the guide at AMD.com for installing amd drivers on linux and it tells me to type "sudosh ./amd-driver-installer-x86.x86_64.run" is it a typo? Shouldn't it be "sudo sh..." ?14:20
borw3ceed^: I normally only have access to the internet via a proxy school gives. I think the proxy servere blocks request for some particular ubuntu repos14:21
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ObrienDaveafflicto, looks like a typo14:21
BluesKajafflicto, yes14:21
afflictok thanks :P14:21
necrogamiI've got xubuntu installed on my laptop, last night it was locked up nothing would respond and i hard shut it off. after that it no longer will boot. It keeps telling me "An error occurred while mounting /" I go into the manual recovery terminal and try and run mount -o remount,rw / it mount keeps telling me bad option or not mounted but / is currently mounted i have also tried "mount -t ext4 -o remount,rw /dev/sda7 /"14:22
ceed^borw3: Probably to prevent users from borking Ubuntu installs with kernel updates and such?14:23
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borw3ceed^: What do you mean by borking?14:24
cableanyone know where I can find the setting to add time when you transition on a kanban board?14:24
ceed^necrogami: Have you booted from USB and checked if the partition can be accessed at all?14:25
necrogamigot it booting... ran fsck /dev/sda7 without cd or disk14:25
necrogamiand it got through whatever was holding it up14:25
ceed^borw3: borked=break. There are some updates that are more likely to break a system than others. Kernel updates is one of those. Distros like Linux Mint doesn't do kernel and libc updates at all by default.14:26
borw3creed^: I don't see why the school would want m not to update my computer, after all its mine no theirs, school computers don't even run linux14:27
borw3ceed^: I don't see why the school would want m not to update my computer, after all its mine no theirs, school computers don't even run linux14:27
ceed^borw3: I have no idea what your school is up to, but if they block certain repos including those with kernel updates they probably have a reason :)14:28
borw3ceed^::-(, but is there a way to tor apt-get?14:29
ceed^borw3: Have you tried other mirrors for your updates?14:29
borw3ceed^:It seems anything archive.ubuntu**** is blocked14:30
tewardborw3: did you tell apt to use the proxy or is it trying to go out directly?14:31
ceed^borw3, well maybe your school IT people hate Ubuntu/Linux? :)14:32
borw3apt set itself automaticually once I put the whole system to go through that proxy from network settings14:32
borw3ceed^:apt set itself automaticually once I put the whole system to go through that proxy from network settings14:33
* haro is back, autoaway, gone 14h8m33s 14:33
* haro is away, dodo [l/on][p/off] 14:33
tewardharo: turn that off14:33
EriC^^how old are you? 3?14:33
ceed^borw3, have you tried other mirrors?14:33
ceed^seems like they block more that apt-get at borw3's place :)14:35
tewardceed^: sounds like a restrictive web proxy designed to block specific non-academic traffic, my high school had such a proxy set up14:35
ceed^teward: you are probably right. Never been exposed to that kind of restrictions. Sounds nasty.14:36
* teward shrugs, then returns to poking old Wireshark with a stick14:36
* ceed^ finally got Unity to look with Numix! :)14:37
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MarezzI know this is an old article, but are those things true? https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks .14:40
EriC^^Marezz: press settings > details > legal notice14:41
EriC^^Marezz: you have the right to remain silent :P14:42
aaynHello :) . This is my first time on IRC14:44
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Shaafaayn: in the whole life?14:45
MarezzEriC^^ could you please be more speciffic? I am not at my computer ;)14:45
aaynTechnically, first time using an IRC client. Yeah, first time14:46
ahmad_schlegeldid a software update this morning14:47
ahmad_schlegeland now X is not starting14:47
ahmad_schlegelboots right into console14:47
ahmad_schlegelandyone else have this issue14:48
MrSavageahmad_schlegel, are you on your console right now?14:48
MrSavageahmad_schlegel, did you check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?14:48
ahmad_schlegelwhat should i look for14:49
ahmad_schlegelcan i just manually try "xinit"14:49
EdwardIIIhey, i've got a machine here running oneric: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule14:50
EdwardIIIthat's past EOL now right?14:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on May 9th 2013, see http://ubottu.com/y/oneiric for more details.14:50
MrSavageahmad_schlegel, you could also try fixing broken package dependencies using the recovery menu14:51
MrSavageAhnberg, You know how to access the recovery menu?14:51
EdwardIIIah, helpful bot14:51
EdwardIIIwhat's the best thing to do? apt-get dist-upgrade?14:51
* EriC^^ gives ubottu a pet14:51
EriC^^!eolupgrades | this explains the process14:52
ubottuthis explains the process: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:52
ObrienDaveEdwardIII, safest is probably a full install of 14.04.1 LTS14:53
EriC^^EdwardIII: the best would be to fresh install 14.04, otherwise you have to do-release-upgrade your way release by release to 14.0414:53
EdwardIIIlooks easy heh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Oneiric14:53
wernerherzogHello everyone14:53
AlexPortableHow can I solve ubuntu freeze on my laptop?14:53
thomas1anyone know how i can decrease the default font-size in gnome-terminal?14:53
EriC^^EdwardIII: backup and fresh install, if possible ;)14:54
MrSavageAlexPortable, what does it do that causes it to freeze?14:54
EdwardIIIit's so old, maybe i should create a new machine, then migrate everything14:54
MatteusBlancAlexPortable, just hold down the power button14:54
AlexPortableMrSavage: no idea, it's random. When I open the dash on a live cd for example it freezes14:54
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - then restart14:54
EriC^^EdwardIII: yeah, that sounds pretty airtight14:54
wernerherzogyou can do a right click and go to "profiles"14:54
AlexPortableMatteusBlanc: and then it freezes again when I use it again14:54
EdwardIIIEriC^^: bit of a PITA heh but not as big as a PITA as having a server go down mid-upgrade and never come back up again14:55
AlexPortableMatteusBlanc: I don't want a way to bypass the freeze, I want a way to solve it14:55
wernerherzogand then profile settings14:55
EriC^^EdwardIII: true14:55
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - boot it up, check the logs (syslog and dmsg). Maybe faulty hardware (most likely hdd). Rebuild may be required14:55
ahmad_schlegelchecked my Xorg and just saw much fxglr stuff no errors14:56
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - wrt bypassing. Once it has frozen, I mean really frozen so CTRL ALT F2 etc doesn't yeild a terminal14:56
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - then power is the best bet14:56
ahmad_schlegelwhat was in that update this morning?14:56
AlexPortablectrl alt f1 doesn't works, alt+printscreen+reisubo doesn't works either14:56
AlexPortableMatteusBlanc: I can't check syslogs, it's a live cd14:56
AlexPortableI replaced the harddisk14:56
wernerherzogthe rest in German for me, so idk know the setting name. but the option at the bottom of the general settings is what you're looking for, thomas114:56
MrSavageAlexPortable, Are you using multiple monitors?14:56
AlexPortableI have an internal one, which broke off. Using external monitor14:56
MrSavageAlexPortable, and you're on your laptop?14:57
AlexPortableWhat do you mean?14:57
MrSavageAlexPortable, are you having this issue on a laptop?14:57
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AlexPortableMatteusBlanc: harddisk can also gives problems on a liveusb?14:58
MrSavageAlexPortable, did you plug your monitor to a graphics card or your onboard mobo's socket?14:58
AlexPortableMrSavage: onboard, it's a laptop14:58
wernerherzoghere it goes: I'm trying to excess the power settings in gnome 3.14. I want to my laptop NOT to go into stand-by after an hour14:58
MrSavageAlexPortable, Did you start having the problems when you started using this monitor?14:58
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - hdd with live usb should not be an issue14:59
AlexPortableMatteusBlanc: then what is wrong?14:59
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - if you are using a live set up then you are running from ram/usb14:59
wernerherzogI only have the option to change the screen brightness settings14:59
MrSavageAlexPortable, I want to guess that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf got messed up. But I don't know14:59
wernerherzoganyone know what's were to find the other settings?14:59
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - it sounds like a hardware issue, perhaps the ram. you can run a ram check via the bios14:59
AlexPortableram check from livecd (memtest86) didn't gave any issues15:00
MatteusBlancAlexPortable - from your description the machine does sound like it's seen better days e.g. broken screen15:00
AlexPortableI also put the old ram back into it (while using it I had 2x2GB), now the default 2 GB in it15:00
AlexPortableMrSavage: every live usb session /etc/X11/xorg.conf gets messed up?15:00
ahmad_schlegelis "startx" the command to restart X from bash?15:00
MatteusBlanccould be the graphics driver. do you get the issues if you boot to the cli15:00
MrSavageAlexPortable, no15:00
MatteusBlancinit 3 perhaps?15:00
AlexPortablehow can i imediatly boot to cli?15:01
ribiselI ran dmesg to find my usb drive. among others I got this message: sdb: sdb1. Now is it /dev/sdb or /dev sdb1?15:01
MatteusBlancit's a boot option - google15:01
MrSavageAlexPortable, ctrl+alt+f<1-6>15:01
eXistenZNLribisel, sdb1 is the first partition on your disk sdb15:01
eXistenZNLso mount sdb115:01
MatteusBlancribisel sdb is the disk, sdb1 is the partition15:01
MrSavageAlexPortable, to go into recovery mode, press escape while grub loads15:01
MatteusBlancribisel - $df -h what does that give you15:01
AlexPortableMrSavage: live usb has grub?15:02
MatteusBlancribisel, 1. open a terminal, 2. type "df -h" 3. paste the output here15:02
MrSavageAlexPortable, No, i'm talkign about your ubuntu boot15:02
ribiselMatteusBlanc, df -h does not list the usb drive15:03
AlexPortableWell I prefer to use the live usb now since my current install is broken15:03
MatteusBlancbecause it is not mounted. So "sudo mount /mnt /dev/sdb1"15:03
ribiselMatteusBlanc, eXistenZNL, ok, so if I want to create a bootable usb drive should I use /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb?15:03
MatteusBlancno problema15:04
ahmad_schlegelwell still can't get X to work after this mornings software update15:06
ahmad_schlegeltried "sudo startx" and get black screen with unblinking cursor15:07
ahmad_schlegelany way to roll back most recent software updates15:07
MrSavageahmad_schlegel, any red flags from /var/log/Xorg.0.log?15:07
MrSavageahmad_schlegel, also you might wan to try #xorg15:07
ahmad_schlegelnope no errors just a lot of fxglr stuff15:10
xrealIsn't there any newer kernel than 3.2 for "precise"?15:10
ahmad_schlegelbut can i roll back the most recent updates?15:11
BluesKajahmad_schlegel, after booting into the black screen do ctl+alt+F1-F6 to drop to a VT/TTY, log in then do sudo service lightdm start, if that gives no response, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, then start lightdm again15:11
ahmad_schlegelthnx will try15:11
xanguaxreal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:12
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ahmad_schlegeljust to note it goes right from the ubuntu load screen to the terminal console15:12
xrealxangua: thx15:12
BluesKajahmad_schlegel, ok then try the lightdm start command first15:12
AlexPortableMrSavage: Ubuntu 10.04 works fine, 12.04 has problems, 14.04 has problems too15:15
luciestou com problema para abrir o terminal no ubuntu studio15:15
luciFalha ao executar o emulador de terminal padrão.15:16
BluesKaj!pt | luci15:16
ubottuluci: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:16
ubottuluci: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:16
lucialguem pode me ajudar ,instalei hoje o ubuntu15:16
AlexPortableYes I would like some mozzarella with that15:17
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gnorfGtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"15:23
gnorfbut the module is installed.15:23
gnorfIs this normal?15:24
ahmad_schlegelhi still having display manager problems after this mrnings update15:30
ahmad_schlegeltried "sudo service lightdm start"15:30
ahmad_schlegelafter apt-get update / upgrade15:30
ahmad_schlegeland get lightdm display manager [fail]15:30
ahmad_schlegeland then the screen freezes and i have to manually power cycle15:31
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=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
mreggHi all, I really need some help configuring Squid (Ubuntu 14.04) to allow users to authenticate against an AD server. From the proxy, I can wbinfo -a username%password successfully, however when Windows users send their credentials through their browsers, it just doesn't work. Please help or guide me to the proper log file... I don't really know what to do. Thanks15:35
ahmad_schlegelchecking /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log15:36
ahmad_schlegeland i get a warning15:38
ahmad_schlegel(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCU:0@0:1:1) found15:38
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ahmad_schlegelfollowed by the error:15:39
ahmad_schlegel/usr/bin/X : symbol lookup error in path to fglrx_drv.so15:40
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ahmad_schlegelthe symbol is GlxInitVisuals2D15:41
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jkoudys_I just ran a SMART self-test on my harddisk, which failed - general assessment was 'old age'. It's only a 1.5y/o disk, but can I be reasonably confident that it's just the disk, and not the hddisk controller or something else causing it?15:45
jkoudys_ie buy a new little hd and everything will be  good?15:45
SchrodingersScatjkoudys_: I try to think of hdd as disposable, who knows when they could fail.15:48
obiwanubuntu people, can someone help me disable the login password? i cannot seem to find how to disable it15:48
jkoudys_SchrodingersScat, hehe your name is very appropriate to that discussion15:49
jkoudys_my disk is both degraded and functioning, until I run SMART on it15:49
NikPIs there any Screencast software wich can handle OpenGL Captures and the microphone? Kazam doesn't works very good with OpenGL.15:51
monkeynuttshello, can anyone please take a look at http://pastebin.com/hiCaWTYQ and give advice/opinion please15:52
monkeynuttsits for making a vm with 2 nics into a transparent proxy15:52
monkeynuttswith the ability to bypass squid should it be needed15:52
monkeynuttsthe machine is a vm on esxi host.15:52
ahmad_schlegelcan i update fglrx from the command line?15:53
monkeynuttsubuntu 14.04 lts15:53
ahmad_schlegelit looks like i may need to update my ati drivers15:55
obiwanubuntu people, can someone show me how to disable the login password? i cannot seem to find how to disable it?15:56
eXistenZNLobiwan what version and what password? (boot / login)15:56
Serythobi12341, check this if you're using 14.04. If it doesn't work, let me know http://askubuntu.com/questions/452793/how-to-disable-password-after-login-to-14-0415:56
obiwaneXistenZNL: version 14.10 and just my login password, so when i boot, i boot immidiatly to the desktop15:57
eXistenZNLobiwan see the link of Seryth or maybe this might help http://webistrano.enrise.com/projects/48/stages/242/deployments/1544415:57
eXistenZNLWRONG URL15:57
ahmad_schlegelbut i don't have a display15:57
eXistenZNLobiwan http://askubuntu.com/questions/29958/how-do-i-make-ubuntu-not-ask-me-for-my-password15:57
eXistenZNLthats what I meant ^15:57
ahmad_schlegeli'm using elinks and get get the link from the ati website15:57
Kira9204obiwan: there is an "automatic login" uder user accounts in settings15:58
SerytheXistenZNL, that was my next link ready to send :P15:58
ahmad_schlegelcan someone provide a direct link url15:58
ahmad_schlegelamd apu a815:58
obiwanKira9204: not in 14.1015:58
eXistenZNLSeryth, :)15:58
Serythahmad_schlegel, what do you want?15:58
Kira9204Cannonical, staph15:58
Kira9204messigt with the location of things all the time15:59
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
obiwaneXistenZNL: this might be useful, but i am new to ubuntu, where is system>preferences? i only know how to get system settings and it does not have preferences15:59
Serythobi12341, from the dash start typing "user"16:00
Serythobiwan, ^ sorry obi1234116:00
Kira9204obiwan: then i cant help uou, last time i used u ubtu (14?) there was an option under users16:00
SerythIt's in "User Accounts"16:00
eXistenZNLobiwan, im running xubuntu so not really sure bout that :)16:00
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obiwaneXistenZNL: oh ok, in 14.10 there is system settings and there is no option for disabling login user accnout password, and even a screen saver, i am not sure if it was never there or they removed it, so i though i would ask here :-)16:01
ahmad_schlegela direct link to the latest ati catalyst driver please, for an amd a8 apu16:01
ahmad_schlegelcant get it via elinks without javascript enabled ;(16:02
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ahmad_schlegelfglrxinfo gives me an error16:03
Serythahmad_schlegel, amd a-8 7600 apu?16:03
ahmad_schlegel3500-m amd a8 apu16:03
ahmad_schlegelfirst gen16:03
SerythRight. Hold on ahmad_schlegel, I'll see what I can do16:04
ahmad_schlegelthnx so much16:04
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Serythahmad_schlegel, if you have the URL of the page with the drivers on I will get you a direct link16:07
ahmad_schlegelSeryth, sorry to trouble you, but you nedd not bother16:09
Serythahmad_schlegel, no problem, you got it?16:09
ahmad_schlegelI think I will have to manually purge and reinstal fglrx16:09
ahmad_schlegelwhatever it is16:09
ahmad_schlegelthis mornings updates blew away my display16:10
ahmad_schlegelbe warned!16:10
Serythahmad_schlegel, okay, good luck!16:10
ahmad_schlegelto be honest, its not so bad being without a GUI16:11
ahmad_schlegelreminds me of the good ole days ;)16:11
rob__609#join haskell16:11
rob__609join Haskell16:11
ahmad_schlegel"/join #haskell"16:12
Serythahmad_schlegel, without the quotes buddy ;)16:12
ahmad_schlegeli was telling rob16:12
somsip!who | ahmad_schlegel16:12
ubottuahmad_schlegel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:12
jimckyhi guys, is there a proper way for me to activate the turbo boost for my Intel i5 Laptop? It feels like I am always underclocked now16:13
AlexPortableHow can I install i386 on amd64 system?16:13
ahmad_schlegelwow thats one wise bot16:13
somsipAlexPortable: download the i386 iso and install it16:13
Kira9204AlexPortable: you just do?16:13
AlexPortablei just installed amd6416:13
AlexPortableI mean install i386 software16:14
AlexPortableI want to install printer drives, but it says I have wrong architecture16:14
Kira9204both works equally fine16:14
bynariehow do i PROPERLY upgrade kernel, and still have functioning nvidia driver. i know how to install the new kernel, but when i do, it breaks the drivers. ive tried reinstalling, doesnt work16:15
AlexPortableKira9204: tell that to my printer drivers16:16
Cheaterman_laptowtfbuntu has smartmontools hard-depending on postfix? O__O16:17
Cheaterman_laptoI mean Ubuntu*16:17
Cheaterman_laptoI'm on a live cd and i need smartmontools, I install it, and I get greeted by the dpkg-configure of postfix O__O16:17
=== Beamboom is now known as BeamAway
AlexPortableHow can I install i386 .deb on amd64 system?16:18
bynarieAlexPortable, sudo apt-get install package-i38616:19
bynarieor package:i38616:19
Kira9204AlexPortable: thowever, x32 cannot address more than 3.75GB of RAM, if thats a large problem for you16:20
Kira9204(and it cannot run x64 obviously)16:20
ahmad_schlegelbye all and thnx again for your help16:20
AlexPortablebynarie: it's a .deb16:21
AlexPortableKira9204: yes that's a problem16:21
AlexPortableI don't like to waste ram16:21
bynarieoh ok16:21
bynariedpkg doesnt work?16:21
Cheaterman_laptoKira9204: That's wrong and you know it16:21
Cheaterman_laptoHow can you DARE saying that on a ##linux channel16:22
Cheaterman_laptoThere's PAE, 36 bits of addressing16:22
welovfreehello can I still install ubuntu inside windows using wubi?16:22
Cheaterman_laptoKira9204: I know it looks like it, but you have to realize #ubuntu isn't #windows16:22
bynarieAlexPortable, have you tried sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i your-package.deb16:22
Cheaterman_laptoIt runs on a much cleaner kernel, even if the userspace is similar.16:23
AlexPortablebynarie: that worked. thanks16:23
bynarieno prob16:23
turd_birdtoo lazy to config muh weechat. Anyone have sexified config files they're willing to share?16:23
Wtf_!connect irc.europnet.org16:25
Kira9204Cheaterman_lapto: as far as i know thats a hardware limitation i thougt all OSes adhered to, but if there is a workaroind then great16:26
Kira9204Cheaterman_lapto: would that have a performace inpact tjo?16:26
Cheaterman_laptoKira9204: It's not a "workaround", it's a technology16:26
Cheaterman_laptoIt's hardware :)16:26
Cheaterman_laptoLemme find you a wikipedia page since you don't wanna search16:27
Cheaterman_laptoKira9204: ^16:27
Cheaterman_lapto« PAE was first implemented in the Intel Pentium Pro in 1995 »16:27
Cheaterman_laptoStupid NT kernel having a stupid memory addressing scheme has nothing to do with that :)16:28
Cheaterman_laptoAnd Linux properly supports PAE16:28
Cheaterman_laptoYou can get up to... 64T of RAM on a 32 bits machine or something16:28
Cheaterman_laptoAh no 64G16:28
Kira9204so its down to swindows sucking as usual16:28
Cheaterman_laptoNot bad still16:28
Cheaterman_laptoKira9204: Precisely buddy :)16:28
Cheaterman_laptoSo please don't « insult » Linux by saying it has the same drawbacks ^^16:28
Cheaterman_laptoThat makes me feel baaad :(16:29
Cheaterman_laptoA properly configured 32 bits kernel can address 64G of RAM :)16:29
Cheaterman_laptoUbuntu's liveUSB system is really fast16:32
Cheaterman_laptoI mean I had to struggle with a WinRT tablet these days... optimized ARM my ***, it's slow slow slow16:32
Cheaterman_laptoCertainly my desktop has much more processing power but still...16:33
Cheaterman_laptoBeing I/O limited, my browser doesn't load in 15 secs16:33
Cheaterman_laptoIt loads in 3 max16:33
_war10ck_Ubuntu is very fast, and I am Batman. Period16:33
Cheaterman_lapto_war10ck_: :DDD16:33
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overkillnick/ gooral16:44
solarsquick question, I want to set up a VPN and know it's possible through the network manager icon easily. Can I somehow do this via ssh (-X)?16:48
eXistenZNLssh is no vpn16:48
eXistenZNLbut you can tunnel traffic over ssh16:48
bynariedoes this fstab entry look OK for an NTFS partition? The UUID is correct, im just concerned about the options sw and 00 (UUID=0A0628E36960F105 /home/heath/backup ntfs sw 0 0 )16:49
ankkwhat's difference between normal ubuntu and lts version?16:49
eXistenZNLsolars, look on google for 'ssh local port forwarding'16:49
solarseXistenZNL, no, I want to setup my ubuntu box as a vpn server via ssh -X16:49
solarsno port forwarding16:49
solarsI need to open this network manager somehow16:49
solarsvia ssh -X16:49
bynarieankk, lts just means long term support.. all other editions are only supported for 9 months... LTS are supported for 4 years16:50
bynariesame os though16:50
eXistenZNLssh -X gives you the option to see X via SSH but that's still no VPN, vpn is simply another technique16:50
Kira9204solars: ssh can tunnel ports, just add what you need16:50
solarsKira9204, eXistenZNL you understand me wrong. I want to open the network manager on a remote box, as it allows to easily set up a VPN server16:51
solarsthis has nothing to do with the actual vpn connection16:51
eXistenZNLah now i get it16:51
eXistenZNLsorry :D16:51
eXistenZNLwhy dont u use vnc to view the desktop on the other side? Tunnel that port over SSH and presto16:51
eXistenZNLjust set up a vnc server / client16:52
solarsah right16:52
solarsthats a good idea16:52
eXistenZNLalso, servers running guis :( thats not cool bro :P16:52
solarsits a media server :)16:52
eXistenZNLok that makes sense :)16:52
solarsand I'm too lazy for the manual setup16:52
solars:) thanks16:52
bynarieAlexPortable, you can also add i386 to your architecture by doing "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" so you dont have to use the --force-architecture flag16:55
OerHeksbynarie, no need for that, ubuntu is multiarch for a long time now, just add <package>:i38616:56
bynariehm ok cool.. didnt know that. thanks16:57
LabrusDoes anybody knows to use good the program protel?16:59
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OerHeksLabrus, what is protel ?17:01
OerHeksLabrus, if it is the PCB software, see wineHQ https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=334017:02
Labrusit's related with degisn circuit in this program in order to print after in the board.17:03
Labrusυεσ ιτ πψβ.17:03
Labrusyes it;s pcb.17:03
=== tcpman is now known as Guest42112
steve_fihey, does anyone know how to probe for SDIO devices?17:18
=== NotANick[BDC] is now known as NotANick
s0r1nhow to set remote desktop on ubuntu 10.04 to alow view anothe computer with linux mint 17?17:20
cfhowletts0r1n, 10.04 is LONG past end-of-life = no longer supported = no security upgrades/updates ... 14.04 is current LTS17:20
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s0r1ni know,but is functional ,update from server edition until april 201517:22
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daftykinss0r1n: yeah only server is supported... not desktop.17:23
s0r1nyes,but whay receive update ?17:24
s0r1ni use 10.04.417:24
cfhowletts0r1n, do you understand: you have NO SECURITY if take 10.04.4 on the internet.  you are vulnerable.  upgrade17:25
k1ls0r1n: 10.04 desktop is EOL17:25
OerHekss0r1n, to view a remote desktop, you need a desktop on your server, and that part is EOL, not your server17:25
cfhowlett!details | anonymous,17:25
ubottuanonymous,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:25
k1lanonymous: stop that please17:28
cfhowlettanonymous, please ask your ubuntu support question or play in some other channel17:32
MatteusBlancanonymous what are you trying to do?17:32
anonymousok bye bye17:33
daftykinsat last.17:34
balazsanyone got a recommendation on a graphics card supporting dual monitors ? I'm not a gamer, just programmer17:34
daftykinsbalazs: what's your current hardware? even intel on-die graphics does dual-head now.17:35
daftykinsyou'd be hard pushed to find anything that doesn't17:35
bynariebalazs, nvidia cards do mostly... i got nvidia geforce gtx 770m(laptop model)17:35
bynarieany nvidia geforce gtx card prolly does.. and like daftykins said, itd be hard to find one that doesnt17:35
Sagitthallo, how i can do a comamand that automatically send "enter"? there is a specific charter or string'17:36
balazsI've got some Dell stuff from Costco, and have 2 monitors, but only one of them is DVI17:36
daftykinsbalazs: so the other is VGA? plenty of cards can be bought with 1 x DVI and 1 x VGA, or 2 x DVI with an adapter used to convert one to VGA17:37
bynarieSagitt, http://www.asciitable.com/17:37
bynariethat will give you all the codes for each CHAR17:38
bynarieSagitt, what programming language are you refering too?17:38
balazsWould a VGA -> DVI change improve pic quality ?17:38
bynariemost languages you can use \n or \r\n17:38
Sagittbynarie sorry, i solved it17:39
Sagittis not for a programming language17:39
BluesKajbalazs, no17:39
bynarieok no problem17:39
daftykinsbalazs: yes.17:39
Sagittis for Prompt client on iOS17:39
Sagittthat have clips17:39
Sagitt(ssh client)17:39
daftykinsbalazs: likely it'll make functionality with Linux OSs in general far simpler, too17:39
daftykinsdigital interfaces (DV) are far better than the nasty ol' analog (VGA)17:40
tgm4883balazs: you don't magically get better quality using a VGA -> DVI adapter. Your source is still bad17:40
BluesKajvga to dvi is still a vga source quality, balazs17:40
balazstgm4883: I asked if I get a new graphics card with 2 DVI outs17:40
balazsinstead of 1 VGA 1 DVI17:40
BluesKajbalazs,  then yes, if your gpu is capable of igher resolution17:41
tgm4883balazs: That isn't how I read that, but you would be moving from analog to digital, so yea17:41
daftykinsbalazs: oh, i thought you meant changing to a natively DVI screen.17:41
daftykinsbalazs: i already answered your question in my earlier reply, perhaps you can read it again?17:42
balazsdaftykins: appreciated. I just responded to other peeps who misunderstood my question17:42
daftykinsbalazs: so, what do you have at the moment?17:43
balazsI have a graphics card with one DVi and one VGA out. And 2 monitors that take either VGA or DVI17:44
daftykinsbalazs: but you want to upgrade?17:44
balazsI'll buy a graphics card with 2 DVI outs. Any recommendation for that ? Just for video and coding, not gaming17:44
balazsdaftykins: yes, logical is to upgrade the card, right ?17:44
daftykinsbalazs: it's just that originally it sounded like you couldn't do dual-screen right now, but you say you have a card with both outputs so it should be fine?17:45
balazsdaftykins: sorry if I wasn't clear. I want to avoid using VGA to save my eyes :)17:46
holsteinbalazs: vga/dvi wont effect your eyes at all..17:46
balazsholstein: VGA pic is noticable blurrier17:46
daftykinsbalazs: ah-ha, yes natively digital connections are always better. just anything nvidia i would look at17:46
Ste91ciao ragazzi non riesco a cancellare e spostare delle cartelle17:47
EriC^^!it | Ste9117:47
ubottuSte91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:47
mynameisdeletedhow well does ubuntu run on a surface pro 3?17:47
holsteintry it live, mynameisdeleted17:47
Ste91ubottu,  grazie non lo trovavo17:47
ubottuSte91: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:47
holsteinnothing about ubuntu is preventing microsoft from supporting linux on the surface..17:48
mynameisdeletedI want to know before I buy.. but I guess I can try from usb stick in the microsoft or staples store17:48
cfhowlettmynameisdeleted, that's the way to do it ...17:48
holsteinmynameisdeleted: you cant, though.. its not an ubuntu device17:48
holsteinmynameisdeleted: either buy with linux preloaded, test before you buy, or make certain you can return the device17:48
mynameisdeletedit can boot off usb.. I'll tell them thats a sale requirement that I can boot another os17:48
daftykinsmynameisdeleted: buy things that are *supposed* to run Ubuntu, not things that you *hope* will run it17:49
mynameisdeletedwhats a good i7 tablet that runs ubuntu?17:49
mynameisdeletedwith touchscreen?17:49
mynameisdeletedlike surface pro with support for 16GB or 32GB ram on a tablet17:49
holsteinmynameisdeleted: i would ask the vendors for linux support..17:49
cfhowlett!touch | mynameisdeleted nexus 1017:49
ubottumynameisdeleted nexus 10: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:49
OerHeksare there any i7 tablets yet?17:50
mynameisdeletedI think darktable and lightworks both require intel cpu17:50
mynameisdeletedsurface pro 3 is an i7 tablet with up to 32GB ram17:50
mynameisdeletedand 3d video card17:50
mynameisdeletedvery desktop like17:50
mynameisdeletedfaster than most desktops17:50
daftykinsmynameisdeleted: that wouldn't be a tablet anymore.17:50
holsteinmynameisdeleted: try it and see.. i would prefer an intel chip.. the acer c720 i have is touch screen, not a tablet, and an intel chip, and very reasonable..17:50
mynameisdeletedthe part I'd want to know about is bios and touchscreen support17:50
k1lmynameisdeleted: read that thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223120717:50
=== plambwk- is now known as plambwk
mynameisdeletedanyways tablet is nice for convenience of bringing on location17:51
mynameisdeletedI use an ipad for tethered shooting right now17:51
holsteinmynameisdeleted: you cant really know about support til you try it. ubuntu is open and all of linux is open. any table creator can choose to support it17:51
cfhowlettmynameisdeleted, http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices/devices/17:51
mynameisdeletedI'd just like to fidn someone whos tried it .. but maybe I'll be a first to try it17:51
holsteinmynameisdeleted: if they dont say they officially support it, then, i try it first hand, and see.. and make sure i can either try it live before i buy, or return it17:52
k1lmynameisdeleted: did you see my link?17:52
holsteinmynameisdeleted: for me, it doesnt matter who else says things work. i need to see it work for myself, and how hard it is to make it work for me.. i prefer the firt-hand data17:52
mynameisdeletednexus is arm based17:52
DzAirmaXhi all17:52
mynameisdeletedI bet darktable and blender can work fine on arm17:53
k1lmynameisdeleted: see the forums post. no need to guess in here when all the info is in that forums post already.17:53
DzAirmaXcan someone explain me how to install a systemd service ?17:54
holsteinDzAirmaX: what service?17:54
k1land there is no reason it should not work on arm. only difference there is, that the drivers are not that easy to get like on the pc side.17:54
DzAirmaXI tried the one with upstart but its dosnt work i am losing it xD17:55
bynarieanyone know how to fix the bug with buntu and bluetooth audio sink?? (pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover17:55
bynarieFailure: Module initialization failed17:55
holsteinbynarie: whats the bug #?17:56
bynarieholstein, sorry i dont know... hold on17:56
DzAirmaXholstein, I installed rrdcached successfully, then I try to create a process for munin : https://munin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/master/rrdcached.html17:57
holsteinDzAirmaX: all i would do is look for an in repo alternative..17:58
DzAirmaXits upstart or systemd, but i dont know how to install a systemd service17:59
balazssorry for another noob question, but is there a minimum memory that a graphics card must have to support 1920x1080 dual monitors ? A 1000MB one should be more than enough, right ?18:00
holsteinDzAirmaX: i would ask the creators if they have any specific setup for ubuntu. or even debian18:00
balazssomething like: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-1024MB-Graphics-01G-P3-2616-KR/dp/B0083YIGVU18:00
holsteinbalazs: in my experience, its more about how the device and its drivers support linux..18:00
daftykinsbalazs: that'll be fine, just do a quick search for your ubuntu version and a given card to see if there aren't too many scare stories. i'm sure a GT 610 will be plenty.18:01
daftykinsbalazs: we're typically talking needing <64MB RAM for two 1920x1080 screens ;)18:01
balazsdaftykins: right, I calculated 12megs assuming 3 bytes per pixel18:02
balazsfor one frame...18:02
bynarieheres my real question : how do i properly get nvidia drivers to work after kernel update? ive read quite a few online tutorials and most of them dont work in my situation.. (http://askubuntu.com/questions/492217/nvidia-driver-reset-after-each-kernel-update)18:03
bynarieand ive read this one (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual#Kernel_and_Mesa_Updates)18:03
DJonesbynarie: Are you using the ubuntu supplied nvidia drivers or have you manually installed them? With the official repo releases, I've not had an issue even with intel/nvidia graphics18:04
bynarieim using the ones in the "additional drivers" .. the nvidia binary driver prop tested 331.8918:05
=== mem_ is now known as Guest44957
DJonesbynarie: That sounds odd, what issues do you get and have you reported it as a bug18:07
bynarieDJones, ok so i basically upgrade kernel... i get a bunch of errors about a bad return status... i reboot and when i goto nvidia-settings all of the options arent their or its stuck in intel mode18:08
bynarieno i havent filed a bug18:08
bynarieDJones, because i assume I was doing something wrong18:09
DJonesbynarie: Seems off for a 14.10 install18:09
bynariewell, when i do a fresh 14.10 install i cant get my card to work at all.. i had to install 14.04.1 and upgrade to 14.10 to get it working18:10
DJonesbynarie: I think it would be worth you filing a bug about this18:10
bynariethe only way i can get 14.10 to boot is if i set the "nomodeset" flag.. but then the card doesnt run and i cant install drivers18:10
bynarieDJones, on launchpad or where? ive never filed bug18:11
DJonesI'm using 14.10 with  dual nvidia/intel cards and I haven't had any issues18:11
OerHeksbynarie, can you disable intel in your bios?18:11
bynarieOerHeks, not an option in bios18:11
daftykinsbynarie: out of interest, "uname -r" ?18:13
bynarie3.16.0-25 generic18:13
bynariethe kernel im trying to install is 3.1818:14
daftykinsbynarie: i had a feeling you were talking about unsupported kernels.18:15
bynarieoh i didnt know it was unspported18:15
bynarie3.18 is unsupported for nvidia?18:15
OerHeksbynarie, 3.18 is only available for vivid 15.04 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/18:16
daftykinsbynarie: basically, i'm not surprised you're getting issues when trying to put anything other than a given ubuntu releases official kernel on18:16
DJonesbynarie: The latest kernel provided by Ubuntu is 3.16.0-2518:16
daftykinsbynarie: so the question is, why are you updating the kernel unofficially?18:17
bynarieah.. yea i seen where it said vivid but i guess i didnt know that it was specifically for vivid18:17
bynariedaftykins, speed... my system boots twice as fast with 3.18 than with 3.1618:17
bynariedunno why but it does18:17
DJonesbynarie: Thats the problem, don't go any further, its not supported18:17
daftykinsbynarie: alright well if you choose to keep with that, you can't be supported here.18:17
xcyclistSay, I was trying to find examples for specifying options with the mount command from GNU.18:17
daftykinsxcyclist: can you format that as a question? what are you trying to do?18:18
bynariedaftykins, no its already uninstalled.. im back on 3.1618:18
xcyclistSome places you see options wrapped in parentheses, but from what I gather, that is never used with the actual mount command.18:18
bynariethanks for the advice DJones and daftykins18:18
xcyclistSo, I would still really like to see more examples of mount command options usages.  Anyone have a lit?18:19
sotrdofthsstarwaIf I'm using an SSD, are there any special things I need to do in order to cnfigure it?18:19
DJonesbynarie: If you really want to test it, you should consider joining #ubuntu+1 (which is the support channel for vivid)  but be aware it'll probably break before release18:19
xcyclistFrom what I can gather, you can/should never use parentheses like -o (op1,op2,op3)18:19
daftykinsxcyclist: err, i would rather you actually had an example *situation* of something you're trying to do.18:19
bubbasauressotrdofthsstarwa, Ubuntu has built in trim, but you could look at that.18:19
bubbasauresat least in 14.04 and 14.1018:20
daftykinsxcyclist: i've used -o for CIFS mounts when wanting to specify iocharset=utf8 and credentials=/root/.smbpass18:20
sotrdofthsstarwabubbasaures, are you saying TRIM is automatically configured on 14.10?18:20
xcyclistOkay:  mount nfsnetworksource /mnt/mynode -o clientaddr=,vers=4,readonly18:20
bubbasauressotrdofthsstarwa, In a some form yes, I'm not exactly sure the form, I have SSD's as well.18:21
xcyclistBut really any options will do.18:21
daftykinsxcyclist: that looks pretty self explanatory to me, otherwise i'm sure the man page for 'mount' would show more.18:21
sotrdofthsstarwabubbasaures, alright, thank you18:21
xcyclistThe main thing is you don't ever do -o (clientaddr=,vers=4,readonly)18:22
xcyclistOr is that in fact also acceptable?18:22
daftykinsxcyclist: why don't you just try it?18:22
xcyclistBecause I don't want to just get away with something.  I want do to things that are supported, and considered good.18:23
daftykinsxcyclist: sooo read the docs :)18:23
xcyclistI did.  However, I see the paren stuff around in fstab files, so I was wondering.18:23
bubbasauresxcyclist, gnu is a belief not really associated with commands, it seems you're trying to be gnu all the way.18:26
XarloGNU is a religion.18:27
bubbasaurestrinity stallman torvald and shuttleworth here18:27
daftykinsbalazs: by the way, when i'm putting systems together i try to select 'passive' graphics cards (which just use a large heatsink and no fan) - as if your case has adequate air flow, you'll prevent yourself from maintenance somewhere down the line with having to deal with a failed fan18:28
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
xcyclistWell, perhaps there is some use with conceiving what standards should be, even if they are poorly elaborated.18:28
daftykinsi prefer results over getting bogged down in the details, over the years things change anyway so you can't rely on being 100% correct for long18:29
bubbasauresyeah, computer hard ware and software we're just guessing18:32
acovrigI'm trying to connect to a WPA2-enterprise network (whichever kind uses a username/pass without a cert).  I have a wpa_supplicant.conf to the effect of (https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/howto-wireless-wpa2-enterprise-connection.39557/); when I run wpa_supplicant I just get "wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED" and I can't connect.18:32
DF3D2Hi im having a hard time using DTS/dolby digital passthrough with a 750TI. I believe the TI supports this18:33
DF3D2seems to show 750TI supporting this setup18:33
daftykinsacovrig: well, there's a slight quirk in using a FreeBSD guide with ubuntu of course18:33
daftykinsDF3D2: what's your source media you're trying to play DTS from? and what are you plugging into expecting to play this?18:34
acovrigdaftykins, I've used wpa_supplicant before in ubuntu and didn't remember the paramters for the conf file, it should be the same though, it's not like I'm trying to run BSD software on a deb system.18:34
DF3D2daftykins, source media is a video file w/ DTS true-HD audio stream (same file shows DTS on the reciever when played on windows via 290x) My reviever is a DENON AVR-S700W and I'm using HDMI from the 750TI18:35
daftykinsacovrig: indeed, maybe the parameters you've chosen are wrong for the network. why don't you contact whoever runs the infrastructure? perhaps an IT department if it's an educational establishment or some such?18:35
DF3D2pavucontrol shows 5.1 options for the 750ti but they say (Unplugged) not sure why18:35
daftykinsDF3D2: what's your player?18:35
DF3D2XBMC and it has pass through enabled18:36
balazsdaftykins: next time. already pulled the trigger...18:36
DF3D2i've also checked "DTS" in the pavucontrol control panel18:36
daftykinsDF3D2: ok, well come and ask in #kodi then. this is likely irrelevant here.18:36
daftykinsbalazs: oops :) sorry i wasn't quicker18:36
pait looks like bash_completion broke on my system for apt-get install <tab>. what can it be?18:36
daftykinsDF3D2: expecting to see audio formats in the OS beneath kodi, is your mistake18:36
DF3D2daftykins, well im not sure it is irrelevant here18:36
daftykinsDF3D2: it is.18:36
acovrigdaftykins, it is, but the IT dept can't figure out how to connect via wpa_supplicant themselves (they're using a pi).  I've done it before so I know it's possible on the network, just not sure how.  I have a windows and mac machine that can connect, any ideas on extracting parameters for wpa_supplicant from one of those?18:37
DF3D2daftykins, not sure what this means <daftykins> DF3D2: expecting to see audio formats in the OS beneath kodi, is your mistake18:37
daftykinsDF3D2: yeah, further convo in #kodi please18:37
DF3D2daftykins, it may very well be a pulseaudio/ubuntu setup issue18:38
DF3D2but okay...18:38
daftykinsno, because bitstreaming has nothing to do with that18:38
irgendwer4711hi, does Thunar report its events to zeitgeist?18:38
DF3D2Well pulseaudio is what passes the stream I would think?18:38
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: alsamixer18:42
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DF3D2Chuck_Norris, I checked alsamixer18:44
DF3D2all it has for 750ti is 4 SPDIF settings, all enabled18:44
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: it's doesn't have "Stereo Upmix"?18:45
daftykinssorry guys but you're chasing down the wrong rabbit hole here18:45
daftykinswrong channel18:46
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: no no, open a terminal en write: alsamixer   then press <enter>18:47
daftykinsChuck_Norris: this is not an ubuntu query.18:48
=== lostcat is now known as foundcat
unopasteXarlo you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:48
Chuck_Norrisdaftykins: are you a moderator?18:48
daftykinsChuck_Norris: is that relevant to knowing an issue is to do with the player software and not the OS? :)18:49
Chuck_Norrisif am admin write Chuck_Norris stop trying to help him then i'll stop, but, AFAIC he is using ubuntu and it could be related to some miss set up in Alsa, or it could not, but... i least i am trying to help -.-18:50
Chuck_Norrisif an*18:51
daftykinsChuck_Norris: i understand that but i'm trying to help you from wasting your time since this is a #kodi issue and we are now in that channel speaking about it :)18:51
Chuck_Norrisok ok18:51
daftykinsChuck_Norris: do you know of XBMC/Kodi? if not, it's best to leave it as it's not an OS thing18:51
gargsmsMy ~/Downloads folder contents just disappeared. The hard disk is filled to the same capacity but I cannot find the files anywhere.18:52
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EriC^^gargsms: do you remember the name of a file?18:52
rogoHow can I launch and/or uninstall a converted tgz package?   http://roelaro21.twentyone.axc.nl/press/5.png18:53
gargsmsEriC^^, all the files in Downloads folder vanished18:53
Chuck_Norrisdaftykins: i used XBMC, but, i wasn't going to help him setting up Kodi, i just wanted to know if in alsamixer he has "Stereo Upmix" as i do18:53
holsteingargsms: maybe, you asked something to clear it, like a browser18:53
DF3D2Chuck_Norris, I also believe it could be related to pulseaudio or something but he seems sure it isn't....18:53
DF3D2who knows :\18:53
EriC^^gargsms: do you remember the name of a file?18:53
epyxis using Pidgin for Facebook safe?18:54
EriC^^( or part of it )18:54
gargsmsEriC^^, holstein Yes I do remember the names of all files and I used 'sudo find / -name "<filenames>"'18:54
gargsmsIt returned no results18:54
holsteingargsms: when things "vanish" from my hard drive, i immediatey shutdown, and backup with a live iso and start running tests.. though, i usually find they didnt actually vanish18:54
holsteingargsms: why are you using sudo? to find files in your users /home?18:54
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: yeah, who knows, at least there is #alsa #pulse #kodi, and all that, think xD18:55
gargsmsI thought maybe they have gone to places, so I searched everywhere18:55
EriC^^gargsms: try it with -iname "*partofit*18:55
gargsmsholstein, to my misfortune, I am using ecryptfs, so fsck does not help either18:55
gargsmsEriC^^, find -iname 'filename' ?18:56
EriC^^gargsms: "*partofit*" , also check the history for mishaps18:56
holsteingargsms: and, thats only assuming a filesystem issue..18:56
EriC^^gargsms: sudo find -iname "*filename*"18:56
EriC^^gargsms: sudo find / -iname "*filename*"18:57
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: http://i.imgur.com/lwg2D5w.png18:58
DF3D2Chuck_Norris, yes, I know how to use alsamixer18:58
rogoHow can I uninstall a converted tgz package?    http://roelaro21.twentyone.axc.nl/press/5.png18:58
DF3D2the 750ti only has 4 spdif channels under alsamixer, and all are enabled18:59
holsteinrogo: what was it "converted" to?18:59
Chuck_NorrisDF3D2: ok ok. back to my things :P18:59
rogo@holstein: I converted it to a deb file.18:59
Chuck_Norrisrogo: what is the name of that .tgz?19:00
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Gay-champion§ anyone can create me a yahoo account? §19:00
holsteinGay-champion: not here.. ask at yahoo..19:01
rogo@chuck_Norris: 5_144-2_all.tgz19:01
Gay-championbecause I do not have the mobile phone19:02
k1l!ot | Gay-champion19:02
ubottuGay-champion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
Chuck_Norrisrogo: or better, the name of the .deb once converted19:02
holsteinGay-champion: sure.. ask yahoo for support.. https://help.yahoo.com/kb/support-free-charge-yahoo-sln6349.html19:02
rogo@Chuck_Norris: 5_144-2_all.deb19:02
Chuck_Norrisrogo: try: sudo dpkg -r 519:02
holsteinrogo: if i wanted a gui, i would search in synaptic.. otherwise, you should be able to use the commandline... did you install the .deb? if so, how?19:03
gargsmsEriC^^, all it shows are the dc++ filelist cache that I have shared19:03
rogoI installed the .deb with Ubuntu Software Center19:03
EriC^^gargsms: check the history maybe19:04
Chuck_Norrisrogo: or: sudo dpkg -r 5_14419:04
holsteinrogo: there is a gui for gdebi as well..19:04
EriC^^( type history in the terminal )19:04
gargsmsEriC^^, in case I accidentally deleted all the contents, the hard disk space usage should have gone low, but it stays the same.19:05
gargsmsHow to check history?19:05
EriC^^gargsms: type history19:05
holsteingargsms: you can type "history" in the terminal19:05
Chuck_NorrisGranis: press Ctrl+R19:05
Chuck_Norrisgargsms: press Ctrl+R19:06
rogothanks all: that command made it disappear:  (Reading database ... 629694 files and directories currently installed.) Removing 5 (144-2) ...19:06
* Chuck_Norris thinks the command history is better than Ctrl+R -.-19:07
EriC^^gargsms: have you used a root shell recently?19:07
Chuck_Norrisrogo: np19:07
holsteingargsms was using root to search for the files..19:07
gargsmsNot before they disappeared.19:07
joel__I'm trying to like Ubuntu. Seems to have LOADS of problems19:07
EriC^^ok, nevermind then19:07
gargsmsholstein, sudo is not root IMO :p19:07
holstein!ask | joel__19:08
ubottujoel__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:08
holsteingargsms: cool.. i think its best to not assume, and test from the beginning. have you tested the hardware?19:08
joel__I'm trying to add a VPN configuation with no success19:08
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN19:08
holsteinjoel__: feel fre and share errors.. i have used ubuntu as the VPN server and client in the past.. many volunteers will be glad to assist.. use #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for discussion vs support.. thanks!19:09
Gay-championanyone here is a programmer unity 3d?19:09
Tobias[L]joel__: if you use openvpn try it with the commandline : 'openvpn --config /path/to/configfile19:10
holsteinGay-champion: this is just, as stated before, and in the topic, the ubuntu support channel.. http://unity3d.com/ is where i would go for unity3d questions19:10
gargsmsEriC^^, holstein as per my history, I used webhttrack before I lost everything. I remember a power failure caused my PC to turn off that night.19:11
joel__I right click on the wifi icon, select VPN Connections, Configure VPN and nothing happens19:11
holsteingargsms: you lost "everything"? or just ~/Downloads?19:11
gargsmsThen I panicked, so I chmod'ed all the Download/* to 77719:11
holsteingargsms: a poweroff like that can cause data loss..19:11
gargsmsholstein, just Downloads19:11
holsteingargsms: so, you did *not* lose "everything". i would start by testing my hardware.. the ram and the hard drive.. if you had a power off force like that, you *can* lose things..19:11
gargsmsOne of my friends said he had similar issue earlier and could not recover anything19:12
gargsmsholstein, where to start?19:12
holsteingargsms: you should have backups, as *all* hard drives *will* fail19:12
gargsmsholstein, I did not. -_-19:12
holsteinhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec is the tool i use to try and recover deleted or "lost" data19:12
EriC^^gargsms: it's probably best to do as holstein is saying and test the hardware first, as you could lose more data potentially, after that maybe use testdisk or other recovery methods, etc. to get the data back.19:13
holsteingargsms: sure. you can do that going forward, now.. power failures happen, and hard drives *all* fail19:13
gargsmsAnyway, there wasn't too important data in there. I need a list of all files so that I can redownload them19:13
holsteingargsms: i use the memtest in a live iso, the one i installed ubuntu from.. and i use gsmartcontrol19:13
holsteingargsms: friend, *all* your data on that drive *will* get lost.. its just a matter of time19:13
EriC^^gargsms: testdisk can most likely get you that list,19:13
holsteingargsms: if you had something writing to the disk and the power was cut, you can break the hard drive.. if all i had was a lost ~/Download directory, i would be happy about that..19:14
gargsmsI will try memtest.19:15
holsteingargsms: memtest *only* tests the memory, and doenst "fix" anything here19:15
holsteingargsms: you have nothing broken to fix.. if you had a power off, then, that was likely the entire cuase of your loss of data.. these test mentioned dont recover the data.. it just allows you to assure the hard drive is still ok, and not damaged19:16
gargsmsI tried testdisk from another Ubuntu installation that I have. Turns out because I have been using ecryptfs, the data in ~ will not be seen at all.19:16
holsteingargsms: sure.. thats *another* issue you have to work around.. mounting your drive from a live environement. but, testdisk or photorec *can* be used there19:16
holsteingargsms: regardless of *any* of that, you need to have a backup of *any* data you want to keep..19:17
gargsmsholstein, maybe you are correct, but my hard disk seems to be filled to the same capacity as before.19:17
gargsmsI WILL KEEP A BACKUP, ALWAYS. :)19:17
holsteingargsms: no, friend. that is a fact.. its not a maybe. its a matter of time til *all* drives fail.. period19:17
gargsmsholstein, does an external disk suffice for backup?19:17
ubuntu100does  anyone get this when starting firefox from the terminal19:18
ubuntu100GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed19:18
holsteingargsms: what will "suffice" is up to you.. if your house or where both drives are stored were to catch fire, then, you can lose *all* that data, and your backup19:18
holsteingargsms: http://lifehacker.com/5961216/why-you-should-have-more-than-one-backup for example.. but, its up to you what is important and how you want to deal with it..19:19
Tobias[L]Anyone familiar with battery saving? i have An lenovo ideapad y500 in max config (i7, 16g ram, sli 650m). i've gotten to 2:30 of battery life with as less usage as possible and a brand new battery. that still is far from ideal and yes since it is dual sli lenovo locked the optimus feature out, even a modded bios doesnt bring it back, aswell as both cards always powered (while one is switchable19:20
gargsmsholstein, haha19:20
Tobias[L]it gives me only a few watts... so any idea appreciated19:20
gargsmsAll hard drives *will* eventually fail. Truth of life.19:20
EriC^^gargsms: life will eventually fail. truth of life.19:21
gargsmsTurns out when I ran the Disk Space Analyzer, I found that all of my ~/Downloads got moved to .dc++ folder19:21
gargsmsEriC^^, holstein ^19:21
gargsmsThat is freaking weird19:21
* gargsms goes to buy a new life19:22
Tobias[L]gargsms: but in the heavy duty test SSD'd ran all over 750 TB of writing and the two best are currently at 2PByte19:22
holsteinTobias[L]: this is not related to your battery live question19:23
ponyofdeathhi, how can i prevent dnsmasq from overwriting resolv.conf i have port=0 in my dnsmasq.conf19:23
Tobias[L]holstein: i know but in reaction to gargsms19:23
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holsteinTobias[L]: what i find is, trying different GPU drivers, and using specific laptop modes can have a little effect on the perfomance, but, in linux, you typically take a hit in battery life, since, the hardware manufacturer didnt address linux support for you19:24
* gargsms goes to buy a new life *and* an SSD19:24
holsteingargsms: *all* drives fail.. SSD's.. etc. buying an ssd doesnt mean you dont need a backup19:24
Tobias[L]holstein: that is the problem, the laptop runs a full hour longer than under windows19:24
holsteinTobias[L]: sure, and that is to be expected. the windows support was specifically addressed by the creator of the hardware19:25
gargsmsholstein, for backup obviously. I *will* use cloud backup now. Is that fine?19:25
holsteinTobias[L]: i have an old netbook that went from 9+ hours in XP to 5 hours in linux.. but, i *want* linux on the hardware, so, i accepted the compromise19:25
Tobias[L]holstein: you read it wrong19:25
EriC^^gargsms: you still have the problem of your house catching on fire19:25
holsteingargsms: again, friend "fine" is up to you.. its your data19:25
* EriC^^ suggests gargsms invest in fire extinguishers19:26
gargsmsholstein, I understand that I am going to lose my data *eventually*19:26
Tobias[L]holstein: it runs 2:30 in linux and 1:30 in windows... idle19:26
holsteinTobias[L]: great!.. so whats the problem?19:26
Tobias[L]holstein: it should reach 5!19:26
holsteinTobias[L]: you can ask "windows" for better driver support19:26
* gargsms is thinking of going to Antarctica19:26
hilbillyHe is too cheap to purchase a 9 cell battery for it.19:26
holsteinTobias[L]: batteries fail.. if its an older unit, i would be expecting that from it19:27
Tobias[L]im adressing that by evading this pc altogether for long battery dependency and get myself another 9 hour pc buuut it is a brand new battery and the pc should reach 4-5 hours on average usage19:27
Tobias[L]hilbilly: it is a 9 cell battery19:27
holsteinTobias[L]: i would ask the manufacturer.. could be the battery is bad, and may be covered..19:28
Tobias[L]the other battery held up the same and that was also from manufacturer and i got the model checked already19:30
holsteinTobias[L]: so, you asked the manufacturer about the expected specs? or just the model #'s?19:31
gargsmsEriC^^, holstein Should I file a bug with LinuxDC++?19:32
Tobias[L]holstein: i sent the model to them with bad battery life (got a cable fixed aswell) and it came back with "checked trough, cable repaired, not a single problem else*19:32
holsteingargsms: where did you get the package? a ppa?19:32
gargsmsNo, apt-get19:33
holstein!info linuxdcpp19:33
ubottulinuxdcpp (source: linuxdcpp): Port of the Windows file-sharing program, DC++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 1186 kB, installed size 4424 kB19:33
Gay-championWho is a transexual gay here ?19:33
holsteinGay-champion: please stop that...19:33
ubuntu100your mom19:33
holstein!bug | gargsms19:34
ubottugargsms: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:34
holsteingargsms: though, its not a "Bug" if you had the power shutdown, and that cuased the issue19:34
gargsmsThat's why I asked. I cannot give any STRs19:34
gargsmsHeck, even I am not very sure if that happened because of the power failure or something else.19:35
gargsmsI found my data, somehow.19:35
gargsmsholstein, and I will keep backup now. Promise.19:35
holsteingargsms: literally doenst make a difference to me.. its not my data ;)19:35
EriC^^gargsms: do you cross your heart and hope to die?19:35
gargsmsEriC^^, I don't know. Maybe my house is getting burnt tonight19:36
EriC^^all this talk is making me ache for bbq or something19:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:37
=== liquid is now known as VoidMainFunction
Uqbarhi. ubuntu 14.04 i386. occasionally the "multimedia" keys and my custom shortcuts stop working. unity's standard keyboard shortcuts keep working. restarting the session "fixes" the problem. what should I kill/restart to restore the shortcuts functionality without restarting the whole session?19:44
Uqbarsorry, that's ubuntu 14.10.19:44
holsteinUqbar: not sure.. have you looked for a bug about it? maybe there is a "fix" addressing that..19:46
kleoi am new her19:46
holsteinkleo: just check the /topic, and use the #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat.. thanks!19:47
k1lkleo: please dont produce that much lines. if you got a ubuntu support issue just ask the question :)19:47
Uqbarholstein: what I've found STFW is only generic stuff about shortcuts never working or upgrades killing shortcuts: not my case.19:48
holsteinUqbar: sure, i would think it would be specific to your hardware.. you can start a bug, and try and find someone with that hardware to confirm it19:49
holsteinandy114: yes.. welcome.. we *all* see you .. please use the #ubuntu-offtopic for chat.. thanks19:49
Uqbarholstein: well if _could_ be hardware-specific, but my custom shortcuts only involve "normal" keys, so I think it would be unlikely.19:51
andy114Okay, when I go to sign into the root login, I put my username in and when I go to put my password in, nothing types/comes up on screen. How can I fix this?19:51
EriC^^andy114: your root login?19:52
bubbasauresandy114, root login?19:52
k1landy114: you dont login to root on ubuntu19:52
EriC^^andy114: you mean lightdm?19:52
trijntjeandy114: just put in your password and press enter, thats how you use sudo19:52
Uqbarhmm this might be useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting19:53
k1landy114: or do you mean the terminal login on a tty?19:53
naftilos76Hi, i want to make an image file out of a directory and its' contents and later be able to restore the dir tree from the image file. Does anybody know of any app in linux that can do that other than compressing apps like zip, tar etc?19:53
andy114When it asks for Username and password on startup, when I type in the password nothing shows up19:53
andy114Just saying i'm new to Ubuntu... :p19:54
k1landy114: on the login screen?19:54
EriC^^andy114: nothing shows up as in you type the password but you dont see any "*" ?19:55
k1landy114: did it run before? what did you do before that didnt work anymore? does the guest-accoun work?19:55
mikemiketorinoHi .. someone can help on this link:    http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Server/Dlna/Serviio19:57
mikemiketorinofor installation of Serviio?19:57
andy114This is a fresh install so this is first time boot, it says login: andy114 then under it Password: _ I cant type into the password field.19:57
k1lmikemiketorino: #ubuntu-it can19:57
andy114I could type the Username but not the password.19:57
EriC^^andy114: the password should already be there19:58
k1landy114: you can type the password. its just not shown due to security19:58
mikemiketorinonobody there ... let's search english one .. sorry19:58
andy114Nonon theres no "*" or anything, nothing shows up in the field, no characters at all.19:58
trijntjeandy114: what does the screen look like when you try to put in your password?19:59
EriC^^andy114: try the accessibility icon on the top right corner19:59
EriC^^andy114: login through it and see if the keyboard needs to be set or something19:59
andy114Its a black screen which has Ubuntu 14.10 in the top left corner19:59
trijntjeany color?20:00
trijntjeso its a terminal login, so probably something went wrong with the installation20:00
k1landy114: so its a server install?20:00
k1lso, server install?20:00
trijntjeandy114: try to mention stuf like that ;)20:01
andy114Yep lol20:01
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trijntjeso, for the server login you dont see your password20:01
k1lis it a remote login or are you sitting in front?20:01
trijntjejust type it in and hit enter, and you're good to go20:01
andy114When I type on my keyboard nothing comes up, but I can still type my username in.20:02
EriC^^andy114: that's normal20:02
andy114Sitting infront20:02
EriC^^it's so that nobody can tell how long the password is20:02
k1landy114: the password is not shown!!!20:02
k1landy114: it doesnt show ****** it is just blank. just type your password blind and hit enter20:03
andy114I just did, still says Login incorrect.20:03
Bashing-omandy114: Not shown is a security measure.20:03
k1landy114: so its working but you use the wrong username or password20:03
andy114Theres nothing, just a blinking "_"20:03
EriC^^andy114: does your user contain any uppercase characters?20:03
k1landy114: what? you said you see the login? now its just "_" ?20:04
andy114No it dosent20:04
k1landy114: please get your facts right. you are telling a different story every time now.20:04
EriC^^andy114: boot into the recovery mode and reset your password with passwd <username>20:05
Bashing-omandy114: " just a blinking "_" " maybe something other is awaiting input. What results with key combo ctl+c to terminate and return to prompt ?20:05
andy114Okay okay, I boot my laptop up, it loads onto a black screen, it tells me to type my login I type it then hit enter, it then says Password, I cant type anything theres just a blinking _20:06
k1landy114: it is a server install?on a laptop?20:06
anonymous_prism_okey try reinstall your windows os systeem have an nice day20:07
luc4Anyone who knows how to add a new xsession to lightdm? I added the .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions but I have no new item…20:07
Uqbarandy114: that's NORMAL. type the password and then return, and you should login.20:07
anonymous_prism_reinstal your os systeem and your all fine20:07
andy114The problem is is that when I type NOTHING shows up in the Password area!20:08
Uqbarandy114: you might check that the keyboard be set up correctly, by typing non-alphabetic characters at the login prompt (if you have non-alpha characters in the password, which might be interpreted incorrectly in case of setup issues)20:09
Bashing-omandy114: Zar 10; that is normal, security reasons .20:09
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EriC^^Bashing-om: i think we're being trolled here20:09
Uqbarandy114: NOTHING must appear when you type the password, it's the normal, intended behaviour.20:09
anonymous_projecwarring kicking anoymous will cost your pc i will strike you down and you all just stupid fools have an nice day20:09
OerHeksthat should be oke, no output20:09
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yeah, let no good deed go unpunished .20:10
andy114Okay so if its intended behaviour then why dosent it sign in???20:11
Uqbarbecause you're typing the wrong password.20:11
Uqbaror your keyboard isn't set up correctly, see what I said a few lines ago.20:11
ekahi... after editing /etc/exports do I need to restart the NFS service?20:12
andy114Okay then, if my keyboard isnt setup correctly, how do I do it?20:12
Uqbarfirst you have to check whether it is set up correctly or not. to do that, type something into the login prompt to see.20:13
Bashing-omandy114: I once did a clean install, and caps lock was engaged - unnoticed, Like to have never figuered out that my password was uppercase rather then the intended lower case. I did change the password back to lower case.20:13
andy114OKay I have typed my Username in, now what?20:13
Uqbarnow delete it and type some non-alpha characters, like / - ?, to see if they match your keyboard.20:14
bubbasaureserr see if the password shows20:14
EriC^^andy114: type your password as a login to see if all the chars come up20:14
Uqbaror just type it here for us to check ;-) . (hunter2 in 3... 2... 1...)20:15
andy114Okay done that it works20:16
EriC^^andy114: try Bashing-om 's suggestion, if it doesn't work boot into the recovery mode and change your password.20:16
andy114Everything works20:16
Uqbarandy114: then you're simply entering the password wrong.20:16
Uqbarandy114: ah sorry, I didn't see you said it works.20:17
andy114Jesus christ how many times do I have to say, when I press a key it dosent show up in the field theres no * or anything it stays as a blinking _20:17
andy114Oh lol :p20:17
Uqbarandy114: it. is. NORMAL.20:18
Uqbardid you manage to log in or not?20:18
k1landy114: and how often do we have to say that there is _no sign_ in the password field when you type20:18
andy114If its NORMAL then why does it keep saying "Login incorrect"?????20:18
Uqbar21:11 < Uqbar> because you're typing the wrong password.20:19
k1landy114: because it is incorrect20:19
k1landy114: you need to change from "the login doesnt work because i dont see *****" to "login doesnt work because i use wrong username or wrong password"20:19
* EriC^^ wonders how would one safely reboot in such a situation20:20
EriC^^alt+prntscrn reisub ?20:20
EriC^^maybe reisssub20:20
EriC^^hehe :D20:20
Uqbaris ctrl-alt-delete disabled on the console?20:21
k1lUqbar: its disabled at all on ubuntu20:22
Uqbark1l: it doesn't seem disabled at all, at least in the console. I've just rebooted my laptop with ctrl-alt-delete at the console, and I haven't configured anything special to do it.20:24
Uqbarunder X, yes, it's disabled.20:24
k1lwell, i thought dontzap was everywhere20:25
EriC^^Uqbar: to answer your question, no it's not disabled.20:25
Uqbardontzap is X specific20:25
Balacan someone explain to me what is the best start for someone who wants to learn different programming language ?20:25
UqbarEriC^^: as I wrote, I just verified myself :)20:26
rberg_in the console its controlled by /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf20:26
EriC^^Uqbar: same here :)20:27
zumba_addictwhat's going to happen if you clear up arp every 10 mins?20:27
EriC^^we're like dumb and dumber tree20:27
andy114Look at that20:27
ikoniawhy ?20:27
andy114This is my problem20:27
Uqbarzumba_addict: nothing much. you'll see some more ARP traffic to re-populate the ARP table.20:27
k1landy114: video is private20:28
zumba_addictwill it slow down the connections?20:28
zumba_addictwhat about existing connections? will it be broken?20:28
Uqbarnothing will be broken, you won't notice any slowdown.20:28
andy114Try now?20:28
k1landy114: ok video works20:29
Uqbarandy114: youtube says the video is private20:29
k1landy114: so your password is 2000000 times w?20:29
mikemiketorinoHi .. I am following this link: http://wiki.serviio.org/doku.php?id=howto:linux:install:ubuntu20:29
andy114No its just an example20:29
k1landy114: use your real password.20:29
andy114To show that nothing shows up!20:29
mikemiketorinosomeone can help me? I have done all .. Serviio is running but I can't open the console20:29
zumba_addictthis is what amazon is suggesting to clear it up from cache - ip neigh | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -IX arp -v -i eth0 -d X20:30
k1landy114: and there will be no * or _ or letters in the "password" line.20:30
Piciandy114: nothing is supposed to show up.20:30
ikoniaandy114: this is getting tedious now20:30
ikoniaandy114: there is no vissable signs in the password field20:30
ikoniaaccept that20:30
Uqbarandy114: ah sorry, maybe noboty told you that NOTHING should show up in the password field?20:30
k1landy114: the problem you show in the video is not a problem at all. it is so nobody can show the number of letters of your password.20:30
andy114Okay is NOTHING shows up then WHY CANT I SIGN IN?20:30
EriC^^this is getting hilarious20:30
ikoniaandy114: your password is wrong20:30
ikoniaor your username is wrong20:30
k1landy114: because your password is wrong20:30
andy114It isnt ffs20:31
ikoniaandy114: can you login to the gui ?20:31
k1landy114: wrong like in typo.20:31
EriC^^i cant believe you made a youtube video of that20:31
rberg_or you set false as your shell ?20:31
andy114Ive reinstalled twice now using the same username and fricken password20:31
k1lor in wrong keyboard layout. like german keyboard got qwertz and not qwery in first row20:31
ikoniaandy114: can you login to the gui20:31
EriC^^andy114: did you create a /etc/nologin file?20:31
EriC^^andy114: touch /etc/nologin ? or messed with chsh ?20:31
ikoniahe can't login....how would he create those20:32
andy114This is a First time boot!20:32
EriC^^i dont know what makes sense anymore20:32
k1landy114: reboot to recovery and reset the password20:32
ikoniaandy114: reinstall and set the password to 12345620:32
EriC^^andy114: please try writing your password with the CAPS lock on as Bashing-om suggested20:32
ikoniasomething that is not dependent on a keyboard mapping20:32
EriC^^andy114: if it doesn't work boot into the recovery mode and set your password20:33
Uqbarandy114: to reboot, hit ctrl-alt-delete20:33
EriC^^andy114: hold shift while the pc boots, advanced > recovery > enable networking > drop to root shell > type passwd your_username20:34
EriC^^andy114: does your password contain any special characters?20:35
EriC^^i'm just curious cause you said you reinstalled twice using the same password20:35
=== kish is now known as kish^
=== kish^ is now known as kish
zumba_addictis there a tool to verify that the arp address is the right one for that ip address/machine?20:43
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: have you tried arpwatch or just a manual comparrison of MAC to IP?20:44
Uqbarzumba_addict: on _one_ machine, no. it will tell you the MAC address it *thinks* matches the IP address. if for some reason (bug, ARP poisoning), then the machine might be insufficient in establishing it.20:45
ankkfatal error: tk.h: No such file or directory20:45
Uqbar*if for some reason (bug, ARP poisoning) it has the wrong MAC address,20:45
ankkwhat can i do about this error?20:45
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zumba_addictThanks Uqbar. What are other solutions?20:50
zumba_addictthank you techsuperfreak. How does arpwatch work? Is it running on a separate machine?20:51
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Guest87495LONG LIVE PIRATE BAY!20:51
zumba_addicti heard it got shut down20:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:52
Guest87495It's back up20:52
daftykinsGuest87495 zumba_addict - no thank you.20:52
zumba_addictyup, daftykins is right20:52
zumba_addictit's off topic20:52
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: Check this out - http://bit.ly/1wegAgJ20:53
Guest87495sorrry bout that20:53
azi`I have a shell to an ubuntu server20:53
azi`i've noticed that I can go to /home/ cd into other's users directories20:54
axelddddoes ubuntu have transmission embedded?20:54
azi`and even open some files there20:54
zumba_addicttechsuperfreak: so if arpwatch saw a change in mac address, can it tell other machines on the network about that change?20:54
azi`isnt this a bit weird?20:54
daftykinsazi`: this would be something to discuss with who provides you with this shell, not us20:55
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: no, the only reason a arp mapping changes is due to arp poisoning or something else foul20:55
zumba_addictit's because it happens in AWS too20:55
rberg_azi`: no thats not really weird, you can set the file permissions to prevent over users from reading your files.20:56
rberg_ie: I think your private ssh key is set to 600 to prevent that.20:57
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: AWS?20:57
zumba_addictamazon web services20:58
zumba_addicttechsuperfreak:  http://engineering.clever.com/2014/12/10/when-your-ip-traffic-in-aws-disappears-into-a-black-hole/20:58
zumba_addictis arpwatch really fast to know a change?20:58
techsuperfreakzumba_addict:  That would be a whole different ball of wax...clusters, cahcing, HA20:59
zumba_addictcan we tell arpwatch to log to a specific file?20:59
zumba_addicti remember using a perl script before that watches a logfile then executes a command21:00
zumba_addictcouldn't recall it anymore since that was around 199621:00
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: Yes, you can have it speciies a savefile.  You can also have arpwatch email changes it catches21:00
cpinedI have ubuntu 14.04 gnome and the applications don't show up in the title bar.  I need to see them to control activity.  The show up when I use gnome-fallback-session.21:01
zumba_addicttechsuperfreak: not just email, I want it to ssh to different boxes to execute arp -d ip address21:01
zumba_addicti know it's bad since what if the arp is the attacker :)21:01
zumba_addictdo you agree with me that I don't agree somewhat with the link I posted since what if arp was being poisoned21:02
techsuperfreakIf you are worried about arp poisoning you should look at something a bit better21:02
zumba_addictthat article clears the cache21:02
PessimistIs there something like for ubuntu that I can install the system from a command line? I have luks on lvm on one partition and inside wubi when I choose everything it fails to install21:03
PessimistLike mount everything somewhere, install base packages, chroot, install bootloader, ...21:03
daftykinsWUBI is the devil.21:03
zumba_addictdo you know if arpwatch is fast to notice changes?21:03
daftykinsPessimist: are you saying you're trying to use WUBI to install ubuntu... inside ubuntu?21:03
PessimistOr wait, I don't have Wubi in mind. I meant the Ubuntu installer... I thought it's called wubi21:03
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: Should be21:04
ikoniaas fast as arp changes21:04
Pessimistdaftykins, no ^, I thought wubi is how the ubuntu is called21:04
daftykinsPessimist: no, that's the windows ubuntu installer (which should be fired out of a cannon into the sun)21:04
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: If you are worried about intrustion detection, check out Snort21:04
zumba_addictikonia: i was thinking how an interface like eth0 is caching arp entries and not clearing it21:04
rberg_Pessimist: you can do that with debootstrap21:04
zumba_addicttechsuperfreak: i'm familiar with snort21:04
ikoniazumba_addict: it will cache them, but it will change as arp changes21:04
ikoniazumba_addict: thats what arp cache is21:04
zumba_addictikonia: did you see the article I posted above? http://engineering.clever.com/2014/12/10/when-your-ip-traffic-in-aws-disappears-into-a-black-hole/21:05
ikoniazumba_addict: no21:05
zumba_addictthe engineer was sharing they couldn't connect until they found the culprit, cached arp21:05
zumba_addictsharing/saying (on that article)21:06
ikoniazumba_addict: arp cache is a common issue in that respect, but it depends how your network is setup21:06
zumba_addictthat is AWS which we are also using21:07
zumba_addictthough we havent't encountered that issue yet21:07
Tom84Anyone have a good IRC bot API for C++?21:08
ikonianot an ubuntu issue21:08
Tom84oh sorry21:08
daftykinsTom84: you PM'd me the other day with some abuse or something, please make sure you don't do it again.21:09
techsuperfreakzumba_addict:  Have you looked at the cron script that was in the article, it appears to be an easy fix21:09
zumba_addicttechsuperfreak: yup, I saw it. It's really easy though it's dependent on time21:09
cpinedany idea why gnome does not display running applications in the menu bar but when I switch to gnome-session-fallback it does?21:10
zumba_addictthat's why I was trying to check if arpwatch is fast, then the logwatcher script I mentioned, then it will ssh to each unix boxes and run arp -d ipaddress21:10
techsuperfreakzumba_addict: I'm not sure if that will be any quicker than just clearing the stale entries every few mins21:10
zumba_addictarpwatch could be realtime vs cron is every minute21:11
daftykinsyou're never going to have a MAC change in less than a minute :P21:11
zumba_addicti don't remember being able to configure cron to do every second21:11
daftykinszumba_addict: i think if you have an issue with that posts solution, you should pay for some AWS support and talk with their techs about your ideas.21:12
zumba_addictdaftykins: that's not ours. We just found it21:12
daftykinszumba_addict: i know21:12
zumba_addictoh, I didn't see the word "if" :)21:12
mikemiketorinoHi. I installed serviio .. and I made serviio.conf as :  o driver per il wi fa del mac?21:18
mikemiketorino<mikemiketorino> krabador: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9467243/  ... but service will not start. Some one can help me?21:18
ikoniamartinklepsch: what's the actual problem21:19
somanI installed (offline) some packages (about 30) with dpkg -i and they won't be installed due to dependencies. Now when I do apt-get install -f it wanrs me about deleting about 1k packages including libreoffice and much ore apps. How can I fix the situation?21:20
goa-gilbut ubuntu upstart and init scripts are not good quality21:23
EriC^^soman: which packages did you install?21:25
andy114Okay Im back :p I reinstalled Ubuntu, yet I still cant type the password :p21:27
k1l_andy114: stop21:27
k1l_andy114: are you aware that there will never ever ever ever any sign when you type a password on there?21:28
goa-gilplease type your pass21:28
andy114Yes but, why will it not let me sign in?21:28
k1l_goa-gil: go somewhere else to troll21:28
goa-giloh, dont make me cry21:28
goa-gilask me an honest question and i will answer21:28
techsuperfreakandy114: Trying using a different terminal - press CTRL-ALT-F2 and try there21:29
ikoniaandy114: how did you set your password21:29
somanEriC^^: openjdk-7 nethogs21:29
k1l_andy114: that is another question. please reboot to revovery and set a easy password that cant be triggered by different keboard settings or capslock21:29
somanEriC^^: i downloaded from debian.packages.org and installed to the deb based distro21:30
andy114Okay im in recovery mode21:30
andy114Now what do I do?21:30
EriC^^andy114: type passwd <your username>21:30
EriC^^press enable networking, then press drop to root shell21:31
ikoniaandy114: how did you set your password21:31
andy114Through the install21:31
ikoniaandy114: I told you to set the password to 123456 through the install21:31
ikoniaandy114: did you do that ?21:31
andy114Nope :p21:32
ikoniaandy114: why did you not do that ?21:32
andy114Because I did not see your message21:32
ikoniaandy114: ok - please do that21:32
ponyofdeathhi, is there a way to prevent dnsmasq override resolv.conf with even after I have port=-21:33
ikoniaandy114: 123456 is a sequence that is not impacted by different keymaps, or caps lock21:33
ikoniaponyofdeath: you can disable dnsmasq within network manager config21:33
ponyofdeathikonia: i am using dns masq21:33
ponyofdeathjust for tftp / dhcp21:33
ponyofdeathnot dns21:33
andy114Fine then, this will be the fourth time in Reinstalling21:33
ikoniaponyofdeath: errr dnsmasq is for dns21:33
ikoniait's nothing to do with tftp21:34
ponyofdeathikonia: it has tfptp and dhcp21:34
EriC^^andy114: if you're already in the recovery reset it there21:34
ponyofdeathikonia: i use ubuntu-server which does not seem to be running network manager either21:34
ikoniaandy114: tone down the language, there is no need for it21:34
ikoniaponyofdeath: thats interesting21:35
andy114Okay im in Recovery mode21:35
andy114I enabled networking21:35
k1l_!password | andy11421:35
ubottuandy114: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:35
EriC^^andy114: ok, press drop to root shell21:35
ponyofdeathport=0 disables dns and i dont see dnsmasq listening on port 53 but it still overwrites my resolv.conf21:35
andy114Yep I have21:35
ponyofdeathwhich is annoying since i dont use it for dns21:35
andy114I typed passwd andy21:35
andy114It says change password21:36
ikoniaponyofdeath: to be honest, I didn't know it could do tftp/dhcp services,21:36
k1l_andy114: it was andy114 last time you showed the video21:36
andy114I reinstalled21:36
EriC^^andy114: ok, and did you change it?21:36
k1l_andy114: make sure to use the real nick and pws then. that is a sure way to get incorrect login21:36
EriC^^what do you mean?21:36
andy114Well you know how nothing comes up when I type for putting in my pass21:37
k1l_andy114: stop21:37
k1l_andy114: that is 100% right.21:37
k1l_andy114: there is nothing to show up while you enter your pw. that is a security feature.21:38
ikoniaandy114: please check your private messages, you can no longer talk in this channel21:38
k1l_andy114: i really think you are just trolling since we explained that 100 times now since 2 hours.21:38
=== Consuela is now known as ballsac
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Guido2hello, i have some trouble with http://www.2daygeek.com/installing-android-emulator-in-linux/ and http://www.2daygeek.com/whatsapp-installation-in-linux/ because of the 'libvirtd' group I think21:44
petr__ #gaygeeks :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services21:48
petr__* #gayg21:48
streulmahi, is Virtualbox DKMS a problem with installing on 14.10 Utopic or is it solved ?21:48
k1l_!register | petr__ for more help please see #freenode21:48
ubottupetr__ for more help please see #freenode: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:48
petr__ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER petr__ qpjwrskvlioa21:49
Picipetr__: try without the space in front.21:49
mirak_can we use ntrfs ?21:50
bekksWhy wouldnt we?21:50
k1l_mirak_: you can use it. ubuntu standard is still ext421:50
andy114Hi, I am sorry to bother you all but I am unable to sign into my Ubuntu server, this is a new install.21:54
IdleOneand change the password you are using21:54
k1l_andy114: are you sure you enter the right pw?21:55
ikoniaset the password to 12345621:55
EriC^^andy114: when you changed the password using the recovery console, what happened?21:55
k1l_andy114: make sure to test a pw that is easy and doesnt depent on keyboard layouts.21:55
ikonia123456 is a safe test21:55
ikoniait does not differ with languages21:56
ikoniaor have a depend on caps lock21:56
andy114It said that the passwords do not match21:56
ikoniayou did not type them the same21:56
ikoniause 12345621:56
andy114Yes I did21:56
ikoniait is very hard to type that wrong21:56
andy114Okay I did it, it now says Authentication token manipulation error21:58
EriC^^andy114: press enable networking21:58
mark76Hey.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine.  How big is wbritish?21:58
EriC^^ctrl+d, then enable networking then drop to root shell21:58
andy114How do I get out of the console thing?21:58
ikoniaandy114: what is the EXACT command you typed21:58
ikoniaandy114: and I do mean exact21:58
andy114passwd andy21:58
k1l_(/ is still ro)21:59
ikoniaandy114: type this21:59
ikoniamount -rw -o remount /21:59
EriC^^ikonia: he can't type 12345621:59
EriC^^press enable networking for the love of god21:59
ikoniayes, I see the risk21:59
ikoniathis is why I wanted a clean install with a simple password22:00
andy114How do I get out of the black console thing, in order to select Networking?22:00
EriC^^andy114: type exit22:00
andy114I pressed enter on Networking and It took me to where it says do you wish to continue. Now im in another console22:02
EriC^^type id22:02
andy114And I cant get out of it, in order to press yes22:02
andy114Okay I have22:02
daftykinsEriC^^: we only love Tux, here ;)22:02
andy114Nothings happened22:03
jcbjoe_hello .. just installed ubuntu without setting a root password .. anyway to fix this ? i installed ubuntu in a virtualbox22:03
ikoniajcbjoe_: ubuntu doesn't have a root password22:03
ikoniajcbjoe_: it uses your user password with sudo22:03
andy114EriC^^ ??22:05
ahmad_schlegelhi all22:07
MDTech-us_MANis there a gui app that shows how much internet you are currently using?22:07
_guest_hello, i need to know how to change the resolution for grub. will anyone help me?22:07
EriC^^andy114: press ctrl+d22:07
MDTech-us_MANlike as a notification or something22:07
EriC^^andy114: what console are you in right now?22:07
andy114Its a black rectangle at the bottom of the screen22:08
EriC^^ok, does it say anything?22:08
andy114No, only what ive typed22:08
streulmaI'm new to Ubuntu 14.10 :(22:08
EriC^^andy114: is there any prompt?22:09
EriC^^# ?22:09
ikoniajust do a clean install22:09
ikoniaset the password to 12345622:09
ikoniayou're doing things that are outside your skill range22:09
ikoniamake it simple - install, password 12345622:09
andy114Okay brb22:10
streulmahas Ubuntu 14.04 problems with Intel 5000 ?22:10
streulmawhy has 14.10 better graphics ?22:10
mark76Good grief, this unpacking is taking forever22:10
streulmaand HP is a problem with Ubuntu ! Thermal error22:12
ikoniaI use multiple HP servers without any problem22:13
streulmamy latest HP Pavilion 17 :(22:13
EriC^^daftykins: ;)22:15
daftykinsstreulma: all these issues, why don't you just return this machine and get one that's supported properly?22:17
EleanorEllisI'm having problems with xsane. It was working until today and I haven't changed anything. I have a Mustek 1200 UB Plus. Previously I had downloaded the sbfw.usb driver file into /usr/share/sane/gt68xx using sudo wget http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/gt68xx-backend/firmware/sbfw.usb and removed the # from the line #override "mustek-scanexpress-1200-ub-plus" in the /etc/sane.d/gt68xx.conf file. I had also added my user to 22:17
streulmadaftykins I have a Macbook Air now :)22:17
daftykinsstreulma: ugh so you went from unsupported to experimental :(22:17
Guido2sudo aptitude install kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder bridge-utils22:18
Guido2sudo: aptitude: command not found - what is the problem / how to solve?22:18
daftykinssudo apt-get install....22:18
k1l_Guido2: dont use aptitude. apt-get is the ubuntu standard22:18
Guido2k1l_: okee, that works, but than https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation night have to be updated22:20
mark76I thought that would never end22:20
k1l_Guido2: read carefully! there is listed: lucid or later with apt-get, karmic or earlier with aptitude22:21
daftykinsmark76: with my respect, we don't need moment-by-moment updates of your personal ubuntu experience. keep it to support only please22:21
Guido2k1l_: okee22:21
oniongirlHello everyone, Can someone please help me? I have an external hard disk that I used with my Macbook which i've now sold, Before I got rid of it I disabled journalizing on the disk but I still can't write to it. I can read it just fine but I have tried everything to make it writeable but nothing works. Would someone please help me?22:21
ikoniaoniongirl: HFS write support on linux is not good22:21
mark76I didn't come here to abused by the likes of you daftykins22:21
Guido2daftykins: how do i do the next step (Add Users to Groups) resp. how do i know the corrrect user name?22:21
daftykinsoniongirl: you've come in here months ago asking the same, HFS+ writing still isn't supported.22:21
andy114Okay its asking me for a Username what do i Put?22:22
ikoniaandy114: your username22:22
andy114Which will be "andy"22:22
andy114And now a password22:22
ikoniaandy114: whatever you want your username to be22:22
andy114so 123456?22:22
ikoniayour password should be 12345622:23
andy114Okay, it is22:23
oniongirldaftykins,  it is possible if you Disable Journaling, which I did. but I cant figure out how to get it to write.22:24
Guido2k1l_: how do i do the next step (Add Users to Groups) resp. how do i know the corrrect user name? (it seams that I'm already a member of the group)22:24
andy114My keyboard was auto-detected btw22:24
daftykinsoniongirl: no, write support is *not* available. for months we've told you this :) please accept it22:24
Finetundrahow do i boot into a gui after installing it from a terminal only view22:25
oniongirlim sorry but your wrong. I've seen many different people who have done it online there are different tutorials but I just can't get them to work for me. daftykins22:25
daftykinsoniongirl: no, you've seen experiments documented :) it's not supported as in not recommended.22:25
k1l_Guido2: "groups" shows "libvirtd" ?22:26
EriC^^Finetundra: which de did you install>22:26
Bashing-omFinetundra: What GUI did you install ? Depends on the command to start that session .22:26
Guido2k1l_: guido adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare libvirtd22:26
ikoniaoniongirl: please read this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9468082/22:27
k1l_Guido2: that its done22:27
Finetundrabetter yet, how do you edit and save a text file while in a terminal view22:27
daftykinsFinetundra: use the text editor 'nano'22:28
daftykinsor any number of others22:28
quickfm_ni, anyone know how to install ubuntu on a BQ phone. It's a spanish brand22:28
EriC^^Finetundra: whatever you do don't type "ed"22:28
daftykins!touch | quickfm_22:28
ubottuquickfm_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch22:28
Finetundradaftykins, got that far , how do i save it22:28
daftykinsFinetundra: read the instructions at the bottom, 'ctrl+x' quit, etc etc22:29
daftykinsyou want 'write-out'22:29
oniongirlikonia, hi, thanks. Yea, I know there are problems with journaling enabled but I disabled it before I sold my mac, before it was disabled it would not even mount. It is also under 2tb22:29
quickfm_nothing there that's why I ask here. It's not listed on the device compatibility ist22:29
ikoniaoniongirl: read it22:29
ikoniaoniongirl: it does not ssay "there are no problems if you disable journal"22:29
Guido2k1l_: so now i have to log in again and http://www.2daygeek.com/installing-android-emulator-in-linux// should work?22:30
k1l_Guido2: dont know. try it22:30
oniongirlikonia, even still, I should be able to mount it as writeable.22:30
ikoniaoniongirl: no22:30
ikoniaoniongirl: you can force mount it as writeable but this will cause damage and is "not recommended"22:30
oniongirlikonia, yes, that is if journaling is enabled which it's not/... it says " journaling must be disabled in order to write data safely to an HFS+ partition;"22:31
ikoniaoniongirl: no it is not22:31
ikoniaoniongirl: it is the same with journal disabled22:31
daftykinsoniongirl: again, you're not even reading the full thing.22:31
ikoniaoniongirl: you are welcome to force mount it22:32
daftykinsoniongirl: anyway to save us from getting this request in another month or two, at least write up a pastebin of what you have tried and what errors you've encountered.22:32
ikoniayou are welcome to disagree, and force mount it22:32
=== mfisch is now known as Guest76485
oniongirlif it were not possible why would they tell you its SAFE to mount if journaling is disabled?22:32
daftykinsit doesn't say that!22:32
oniongirldaftykins,  journaling must be disabled in order to write data safely to an HFS+ partition:"22:33
daftykinsoniongirl: stop saying the same thing over and over again22:33
k1l_oniongirl: it says: its worst to mount with journaling and not-so-worse to mount wihtout22:33
Guido2k1l_: I still get the message: Starting emulator for AVD 'Android'22:33
Guido2emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!22:33
Guido2Please ensure KVM is properly installed and usable.22:33
Guido2CPU acceleration status: KVM is not installed on this machine (/dev/kvm is missing). by trying to run the android22:33
oniongirldaftykins,  looks like thats what it says to me...22:33
=== Guest76485 is now known as mfisch
ikoniaoniongirl: ok - how are you trying to mount it22:33
ikoniaoniongirl: what is the exact command22:33
k1l_Guido2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/552064/how-can-kvm-be-located-by-android-studio-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts22:34
oniongirlikonia,  it mounts on login. I've tried changing permissions, I tried different tutorials, I've tried  sudo mount -o force /dev/sdX /your/mount/point22:34
ikoniaoniongirl: show me the exact command you have used22:35
oniongirlikonia, http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write22:35
ikoniaoniongirl: show me the exact command you have used22:35
oniongirlikonia,  sudo mount -o force /dev/sdX /your/mount/point22:35
ikoniaoniongirl: that is not the exact command22:36
ikoniaoniongirl: if you want help - please give the informaiton you have been asked for22:36
oniongirlThats the command I used22:36
ikoniaoniongirl: please show me the exact command you have used to mount it read / write22:36
Guido2k1l_: 1) nothing changed (nothing added etc.) 2) already member 3) already added22:36
Guido2k1l_: 4)  Id    Naam                           Toestand22:37
k1l_Guido2: dont know. what hardware is that?22:38
Guido2k1l_: but: kvm-ok22:38
Guido2INFO: /dev/kvm does not exist22:38
k1l_Guido2: is VT enabled in bios?22:39
=== MeltedLux is now known as MeltedDed
Guido2k1l_: 64 bit, have not checked that, but should be, can i check it without booting?22:39
daftykinsoniongirl: "mount | pastebinit"22:39
bekksGuido2: That Ubuntu you are talking about - is it a virtualbox vm or is it a physical installation?22:40
daftykins(the clue was KVM)22:40
Guido2bekks: physical instalation22:40
lasdamhey all. I need help with booting my ubuntu partition: after trying to grow my ubuntu partition with a gparted liveusb, I encountered some error that messed up the file systems on all the partitions apparently. my windows partition repaired its own file system, but the ubuntu partition just says something like "resuming libcrypt v someversion" and gets stuck there.22:40
lasdamI think maybe I had my ubuntu hibernated on accident. what I've done after is resize the partition successfully, deleted and re-created a swap partition, and commented out everything in the files /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and /etc/uswsusp.conf, but I still get the same message on boot and no progress, and I'm running out of solutions from Google.22:40
oniongirldaftykins, i found this... but not sure how to install it.22:40
ikoniaoniongirl: please show me the exact command you have used to mount it read / write22:40
bekksdaftykins: The questionaire happened in #vbox before ;)22:40
daftykinsbekks: heh ah ok, sorry22:40
daftykinsoniongirl: 12 year old software? no22:41
Finetundrahow do i figure out my network card via terminal22:41
daftykinsFinetundra: define 'figure out'22:41
daftykinsthe make and model? lspci22:41
Jordan_UFinetundra: What do you want to determine about it?22:42
Guido2k1l_:  sudo kvm-ok22:42
Guido2INFO: /dev/kvm does not exist22:42
Guido2HINT:   sudo modprobe kvm_intel22:42
Guido2INFO: Your CPU supports KVM extensions22:42
Guido2INFO: KVM (vmx) is disabled by your BIOS22:42
Guido2HINT: Enter your BIOS setup and enable Virtualization Technology (VT),22:42
Guido2      and then hard poweroff/poweron your system22:42
unopasteGuido2 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted22:42
k1l_Guido2: use pastebin for several lines. and like is said before: enable it in bios22:42
oniongirlikonia,  sudo usermod --uid 501 username22:42
oniongirlsudo chown -R 501:username /home/username22:42
Finetundrai installed using a wireless usb network card. however now it does not want to use that card. i want to know if its being detected22:43
daftykinsoniongirl: so, "mount | pastebinit" ? :)22:43
ikoniathat is nothing to do with mounting the disk22:43
ikoniaoniongirl: please show me the exact command you used to mount the disk22:43
Guido2k1l_: okee, so that is the problem. will do that22:43
daftykinsikonia: there was mention of fstab earlier, i think it'd be handy to see what it looks like atm22:43
ikoniaI don't disagree22:43
andy114Ikonia its allmost done22:44
oniongirlikonia,  i tried this and it killed my entire install. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus22:44
ikoniaoniongirl: stop22:44
ikoniaoniongirl: I'm not asking for any of that22:44
ikoniaoniongirl: I am asking you for the exact command you used to mount the disk22:44
ikoniaoniongirl: stop giving me other random stuff and give me the command you used to mount the disk22:45
oniongirlikonia,  it auto mounts22:45
ikoniaoniongirl: you said that, and you also said you had manually mounted22:45
ikoniaoniongirl: pastebin your /etc/fstab  please.22:45
Jordan_UFinetundra: "lsusb" to see if the kernel is able to access the card at all. "iwconfig" to see if in addition to accessing the device, the kernel has also loaded an appropriate driver for it and is treating it as a wireless card.22:45
oniongirlikonia, http://pastebin.com/g7FvPHLK22:47
ikoniaoniongirl: there is nothing in there about a hfs disk - so it must be auto mounting through dbus22:47
daftykinsoniongirl: "mount | pastebinit"22:47
ikoniaoniongirl: please pastebin the output of the command "mount"22:47
ikoniaor as daftykins has just stated22:48
Jordan_Uikonia: s/dbus/udev :)22:48
daftykinsperhaps the third time will be the charm22:48
ikoniaJordan_U: still dbus doing the desktop mount in 12.04 isn't it22:48
Finetundraand we're back to square one22:48
oniongirldaftykins,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9468248/ hey that's a cool command I never knew about :)22:48
ikoniaudev is just th device trigger22:49
Guido2k1l_ : it is better, but now i get: Starting emulator for AVD 'Android'; NAND: could not write file /tmp/android-guido/emulator-0c6FDk, Connection refused22:49
Jordan_Uikonia: dbus is just an IPC system, but maybe we're just aguing semantics.22:49
ikoniaJordan_U: probably22:49
ikoniaorlock: it's mounted read only22:49
daftykinsoniongirl: "sudo mount -o remount,force,rw /dev/sdc2"22:49
daftykinsoniongirl: then "mount | pastebinit" again if no errors from the above22:50
oniongirldaftykins,  mount: warning: /media/abuayyoub/Untitled seems to be mounted read-only.22:50
daftykinsis that all it says?22:51
daftykinsoniongirl: and the second command again?22:51
Jordan_Udaftykins: Often mount detailed mount errors are sent to dmesg rather than stdout from mount.22:51
daftykinsJordan_U: i know22:52
k1l_/media/user sounds like gvfs is "automounting"22:52
daftykinsoniongirl: "sudo umount /dev/sdc2 && sudo mkdir /mnt/untitled && sudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /dev/sdc2 /mnt/untitled"22:52
k1l_which means "i am clicking on it in a filebrowser"22:53
daftykinsheh, or just booting22:53
oniongirldaftykins,  mount: /mnt/untitled not mounted or bad option22:54
ikoniadaftykins: dump remount22:54
ikoniayou've already unmounted it22:54
daftykinsoops i brain failed22:54
daftykinsoniongirl: "sudo umount /dev/sdc2 && sudo mkdir /mnt/untitled && sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc2 /mnt/untitled"22:54
daftykinsactually it's too late for that one22:54
daftykinsoniongirl: ignore that a sec22:54
oniongirlThank you BTW!22:55
daftykinsoniongirl: i still don't appreciate your stubborn intro22:55
daftykinsoniongirl: does /mnt/untitled exist?22:55
oniongirlsorry ;)22:55
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daftykinsoniongirl: next time, fighting the official advice being "thing is unsupported" - take it as truth22:55
oniongirldaftykins,  no.22:55
oniongirlit dosent exsist.22:56
daftykinsoniongirl: alright "sudo mkdir /mnt/untitled"22:56
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daftykinsoniongirl: now "sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc2 /mnt/untitled"22:56
ikoniano need to swear22:57
ikoniait's not something we want in the channel please.22:58
oniongirlabuayyoub@Abuayyoub:~$ sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc2 /mnt/untitled22:58
oniongirlmount: /dev/sdc2 already mounted or /mnt/untitled busy22:58
oniongirlmount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc2 is already mounted on /mnt/untitled22:58
daftykinsoniongirl: and another "mount | pastebinit" ?22:58
stanislawertuoswhat is this?22:58
k1l_!topic | stanislawertuos22:59
ubottustanislawertuos: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:59
oniongirldaftykins,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9468333/22:59
kevindfHello, I am using GNOME-fallback but I would like my real name to be shown on the panel. The problem is that it's not there. When I go to dconf-editor I can clearly see it's enabled in apps -> indicator-session and then "show real name on panel" is checked22:59
kevindfanyone know what might be the problem here22:59
daftykinsoniongirl: ok "dmesg | tail" in a pastebin please22:59
kevindfi've tried looking for a fix but nothing helped me23:00
oniongirlhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9468339/ daftykins23:00
daftykinsoniongirl: can you see what i see? :)23:01
ikoniaahhh the file system checks fail23:01
daftykinshad a feeling we'd see that23:01
ikoniaI didn't expect it to be honest23:01
oniongirldaftykins,  im not sure.23:01
daftykinsoniongirl: sudo umount /dev/sdc2 && sudo fsck.hfsplus -f /dev/sdc2 (but know that you are doing this at your own risk.23:01
ikoniathis will be a problem....23:02
ikoniaI hope not though23:02
oniongirldaftykins,  what can happen?23:02
ObrienDavepreps popcorn ;p23:02
daftykinsoniongirl: you could lose everything.23:02
daftykinsObrienDave: gimme some!23:02
oniongirlon the disk or my ubuntu install?23:02
ikoniajust the data disk23:03
k1l_on the hfs disk23:03
daftykinsTux, save me.23:03
oniongirlits checking things :P23:03
* ObrienDave passes daftykins fresh, hot popcorn ;P23:04
daftykinsyou know the best part? i'm reading the google #1 result on how to do this23:04
oniongirldaftykins,  ** The volume Untitled was repaired successfully.23:04
daftykinsoniongirl: ok back to: sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdc2 /mnt/untitled23:05
daftykinsoniongirl: and another "mount | pastebinit" after that23:05
ikoniaand now the danger begins23:06
ikoniagood luck23:06
ikonianice work daftykins23:06
oniongirlHA~! looks like it worked!23:06
daftykinsikonia: ty23:06
oniongirldaftykins,  thank you!23:06
ObrienDave!cookie | daftykins23:06
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:06
oniongirland i didnt lose anything23:06
daftykinsoniongirl: however this will not still work on reboot. your system will go back to mounting it read only, if this disk is permanently attached you MUST create a manual /etc/fstab entry23:06
oniongirlit's attached by USB23:07
daftykinsoniongirl: no, you're still at risk of losing things. that's the whole problem with using this disk.23:07
daftykinsoniongirl: ok save this link and read the second reply (which has a #2 beside it) http://askubuntu.com/questions/332315/how-to-read-and-write-hfs-journaled-external-hdd-in-ubuntu-without-access-to-os23:07
lasdamhow can I remove a package (uswsusp) from an ubuntu partition through mount without booting it?23:08
oniongirlok, what should I add to /etc/fstab to make it mount r/w on reboot?23:08
daftykinsoniongirl: it's possible that every time you plug it in, xubuntu will mount it read only. do you understand how to confirm that it's read-only and not read-write with the "mount" command?23:08
daftykinsoniongirl: well as it's external, it doesn't matter because /etc/fstab is for permanent mounts. we can't do that23:09
k1l_(ans maybe it will need to get fscked)23:09
oniongirldaftykins,  ok. So, next time I want to make it r/w I run that same command again?23:09
Jordan_Ulasdam: "sudo chroot /path/to/mountpoint" will get you a shell where you can run commands (mostly) as if you were booted into that system. For some low level operations you'll sometimes to to "prepare the chroot" before hand, for instance by bind mounting /dev/, /proc/, and /sys/ into the chroot.23:10
oniongirlthis command: sudo umount /dev/sdc2 && sudo fsck.hfsplus -f /dev/sdc223:10
daftykinsoniongirl: well not necessarily, you can only run the mount command when it's unmounted. so you'd need to read "mount" and be sure /dev/sdc2 isn't already mounted23:10
quidnuncHow do I reconfigure snapper after changing the location of a subvolume?23:10
ObrienDaveummm, i have several external USB drives listed in fstab23:10
daftykinsoniongirl: you might want to play around with a few files and then test it23:11
daftykinsObrienDave: do you always boot with one or more disconnected?23:11
daftykinsthere you go then :P23:11
lasdamJordan_U: chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: Exec format error23:11
daftykinsObrienDave: pretty sure a system is gonna be upset with having a disk in fstab which isn't present at boot?23:11
oniongirldaftykins,  ok. im going to try and write something. it let me delete some files im gonna see if it will let me write to it.23:12
EriC^^lasdam: are both arch's the same?23:12
ObrienDaveif so, i just skip mounting. no problems so far23:12
Jordan_Ulasdam: You're probably running this from a 32 bit Ubuntu installation, while the installation you're trying to run commands in is 64 bit. That can't (easily) be done.23:12
daftykinsoniongirl: ok just be aware that i'm not responsible for the universe exploding :P23:12
oniongirlLOL thank you23:12
sistemпо русски кто базарит!?23:12
EriC^^!ru | sistem23:12
ubottusistem: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:12
lasdamJordan_U: ah, I see. yeah. I'll try to reinstall/see if ubuntu has a 64bit liveusb iso and come back again if chrooting -> removing the uswsusp package wasn't enough to fix my problem23:13
Jordan_Ulasdam: There is definitely a 64 bit live iso, the normal installer image is a live image (and there is a 64 bit install iso).23:14
lasdamJordan_U: but is it usb-compatible?23:15
lasdamJordan_U: I'm just gonna go and try. thanks for the help, might bbl.23:16
kristofersI've got a problem :)23:23
kristofersnot a fun one23:23
kristoferstrying to boot in recovery mode23:24
kristofersand i'm getting permission denied after selecting recovery in the GRUB23:24
kristofersis there any way i can mount another linux boot on that one so i can recover my files23:24
theadminkristofers: If all you want is to recover files, why not just use a live medium?23:25
kristofersnot sure what that is23:25
k1l_its the thingy you installed ubuntu with23:25
kristoferswell it's a cloud machine23:25
k1l_well, informations and details matter23:26
kristofersonly thing i can do is reboot the machine, mount a new volume on it23:26
kristofersand that's about it23:26
k1l_kristofers: best is to talk to the support.23:26
k1l_*the hosters support23:26
kristoferswell i was wondering if there was a way i could avoid doing so23:26
kristofersif i would mount a disk with linux wouldnt the grub pick up on that ?23:27
kristofersand allow me to boot that linux23:27
bijadHow can i remove chrome ? its not visible in the software manager under INTERNET23:28
k1l_kristofers: you got a cloud install. in most cases you cant just boot stuff or a disk like you could on a real desktop. so best is to talk to their support to get to know what choices you have on their setup23:28
kristofersi have the console23:28
kristofersand see everything from reboot23:28
theadminbijad: sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-*23:28
kristofershow do you think i can get to the GRUB and select recovery23:28
k1l_bijad: "sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable23:29
Funany ideas how to login to ubuntu via winscp via sftp as root23:29
Funwith sudo23:29
bekksFun: you cant login using sftp using sudo23:30
Funbekss some old howto said i can23:32
Funof then what can I use?23:32
Funok sudo-s worked23:35
ObrienDavegotta love self-helpers lol23:36
bekksObrienDave: I'm just curious on how he/she issues sudo -s using SFTP ;)23:37
ObrienDavemagic ;P23:37
ObrienDavemust be in the "old how-to" lol23:39
jazzedwhat is the purpose of apt-key? Is it a way where I say I trust this repo and accept downloads from it?23:42
Fleetflamejazzed: Well, "I trust this key" specifically23:43
Fleetflameor "these keys"23:43
iLogichey guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu and need to remove a previous fedora LVM install, but can't delete the /dev/mapper/* entries in gparted.. already tried dmsetup remove to no avail23:43
jazzedthanks for clarifying Fleetflame.23:43
Fleetflamejazzed: try "man apt-key" at  command line23:43
Jordan_UiLogic: You need to delete the partitions containing the physical volumes.23:44
jazzedty again23:44
FleetflameNo problem :-]23:44
iLogicJordan_U: can't delete them either23:44
Jordan_UiLogic: What happens when you try to?23:45
iLogicJordan_U: it's marked as unknown and the minus button greyed out23:45
Jordan_U!screenshot | iLogic23:45
ubottuiLogic: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.23:45
Jordan_UiLogic: You may need to "sudo vgremove volume_group_name" from a terminal before gparted will allow you to delete the partition.23:49
=== theadmin|ghost is now known as theadmin
Mega1how do i check hd space23:52
bekksMega1: Just issue "df -h" in a terminal.23:53
Mega1sda1 seems to be full23:54
Mega198% use23:54
Demon_JesterHey guys I am working on a script to delete a line in a while loop but I am having trouble, would I ask in here or what channel would be more appropriate23:55
Mega1how do i free up some space23:55
Jordan_UDemon_Jester: What language are you writing the script in?23:55
iLogicJordan_U: I uploaded the screenshots here: http://imgur.com/xHiCbKj,pZxzC4m23:55
Demon_Jesterbash, but im using sed to delete the lines, the people in bash channel will cry if it isn't true bash23:55
Jordan_UDemon_Jester: I still think that #bash would be a good choice, and if not then for the sed portion #sed.23:56
iLogicJordan_U: vgremove did the trick, thanks a lot bro!23:58

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