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lazyPowerany jack audio wizards in here? i've got a working audio routing setup - but the sound i'm getting on the other end is really distorted and sounds ... just... "wrong" is the only way i can describe it01:31
holsteinlazyPower: you can take a picture of your connections02:47
holsteinlazyPower: sound to me like, you have wet and dry linked in somewhere, or something introducing phase02:47
holsteini would press play, and listen, and try and mess with the route.. try and isolate what is happening02:47
holsteintry *just* a known good audio file, in audacious routed in jack, so you know if its your jack config, or your routing/one of the applications02:48
lazyPowerits the routing02:48
lazyPowerof that much I know02:49
holsteinif something sounds "wrong", that you *know* should sound right, and its only going from that player (audacious) to jack, then, its in the routing02:49
holsteini mean, its in the jack config, and not the routing ^02:49
lazyPoweri was trying to get funky and i think the issue with the sampling from a pulseaudio-sink connection02:49
lazyPowerto double the trouble - i'm attempting to run zita-a2j to capture a usb soundcard and add it as an output source - no joy whatsoever.02:49
lazyPowerit only shows up with capture devices, no output devices02:50
lazyPowerthere are days that make me wonder why i try to be smarter than the tools i'm given.02:50
lazyPowerholstein: thanks for the info though02:55
holsteinsure.. just try and get down through al the layers, and see what you are doing that is causing the "noise"02:55
holsteini mean, if you want to "capture" from a usb device, it should be class compliant.. but, i would want it to be the only device02:56
holsteinalso, try disabling the pulse to jack dbus, and removing it from the equation, at least to test02:56
holsteinits in the "misc" tab in qjackctl under setup.. the "dbus" tickbox02:56
lazyPowerholstein: i still see a pulse audio jack sink after unchecking the dbus tickbox03:12
holsteinlazyPower: did you restart jack?03:13
lazyPowersure did03:13
holsteinlazyPower: you'll have to stop jack and restart it03:13
holsteinwell, i wouldnt overthink that.. just move on to isolating something else03:13
lazyPowerholstein: http://i.imgur.com/7qOkaKx.png03:18
holsteinlazyPower: you have "audio playback" 1 2 3 4 in "bridge" hooked to the card03:19
holsteintry just 1 and 203:19
lazyPowerwell, "bridge" is a "room" i created in gladish03:20
lazyPowerthat apparently does nothing - i had zero audio03:20
lazyPowerworks when i link mixx directly into hardware playback03:20
lazyPowerunder playback_1 and _203:20
holsteinsure.. so, get rid of it, if its not in use03:20
holsteinthis is the kind of thing i suggest thinning out03:20
holsteinif you are not using them, thin that out, and see what is causing the issue03:21
lazyPowerthese all sound fine at the moment03:21
holstein*great*! enjoy! ..feel free and try #opensourcemusicians03:21
zgorbyohi all08:40
zgorbyoi have just finished installing ubuntu studio keeping my previous ubuntu installation and partitioning, but when i finished and restarted no way to access boot manager and select OS08:43
zgorbyoplease anyone can help me?08:44
zgorbyono clue'08:56
vltzgorbyo: Try holding down the shift key while booting.08:58
zgorbyook, any way to set grub appear as default?08:59
zgorbyook i try it now09:01
zgorbyoim back, holding shift hasnt worked, ubuntu booted automatically09:09
zequencezgorbyo: Check out the file /etc/default/grub09:44
zgorbyozequence: thanks for response09:56
zequencezgorbyo: Try adding a few seconds to "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0"10:14
zequencemake it say something like "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=5"10:14
zequenceto edit, you can try: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub10:15
zequencezgorbyo: This might be helpful too https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/ubuntu/grub-customizer10:16
zequenceA simple application. No extra libraries in the PPA, so you only install the application itself10:16
zgorbyohey here im10:17
zgorbyono need for grub settings editing in this last solution?10:18
zgorbyohi all13:21
zgorbyocan anybody help me to install and configure compiz and make it work properly in ubuntu studio?13:21
zgorbyoi had several tries but no success13:22
zequencezgorbyo: I've seen some people try that, and have problems. Don't think any of the devs do that. You might find more people who know about that at #xubuntu.13:25
cfhowlettzgorbyo, or #xfce13:25
zgorbyoi got into it in the past with suggestions from this channel13:25
zgorbyoit worked perfectly but i forgot13:26
zgorbyomaybe fond a good topic13:26
Unit193compiz --replace is all I can tell you.13:26
zgorbyoyes i know, but i lost winows decorations and couldn't take them back from compiz plugins13:28
zgorbyoi am reading that maybe it needs metacity in order to work properly13:29
cfhowlettzgorbyo, again:  interface issue, not ubuntustudio issue.   ask #xfce or #xubuntu13:30
zgorbyook t y13:31
Unit193Though #xubuntu doesn't support compiz.13:31
zgorbyoi alreadyy got it working perfectly in the past13:31
deltis there any way to get jack to use more than one sound card?20:27
deltand route audio signal from one to the other?20:27
deltfor example, i'd like skype to record from the microphone on my second sound card, and from pianoteq (using jack on first sound card) at the same time.20:29
deltRight now, i can choose one or the other, but is there a way to have jack mix both into a single signal and send it to jack-source?20:30
delti would also like to route the line-in on the second sound card to be able to hear it in jack's main output, without using a physical cable to patch the signal through.20:32
deltIs there a way to do that?20:32
lazyPowerdelt: you can - you'll need to use pulse audio jack21:27
lazyPoweroir use a line in input21:27
lazyPowerdelt: i just figured this out lastnight as a matter of fact, this diagram using gladish may help you, the pulse-jack-sink is how i'm piping skype/hangouts audio to my broadcast21:28
lazyPowerdelt: http://i.imgur.com/SqbevzX.png21:28
deltlazyPower: thanks very much for the info :D21:29
deltlazyPower: right now i have the whole pulseaudio system as a jack client using its "jack-sink" and "jack-source" plugins21:30
lazyPowerdelt: np, it took me a bit of jiggering to figure it out21:30
lazyPowerdelt: as the screenshot illustrates - that seems to be the trick. the dbus interface gives you enough flexibility to do it, but its an all or nothing with pulse sound source21:30
lazyPowerso dont think you can isolate specific apps, you'll want to make sure you're not running system sounds or anything while you're doing the broadcast or you'll get additional noise21:30
deltyeah, that's what i suspected21:31
lazyPowerdelt: however - multiple soundcards can be troublesome as clock drift happens and you get audio artifacting - so ymmv there, i hd teh same goal in mind21:31
lazyPoweri found that zeit-a2j and a2j apps are less than savvy in my case21:31
delti use a2j for mapping my midi devices21:32
deltso that jack-midi-only programs can use them21:32
deltlazy: anyway, thanks very much for the info21:39
lazyPowerbest of luck to ya21:44

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