
brainwashochosi: I don't think so00:09
brainwashochosi: see http://media.cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/00/17/UG1304-Install11.png for example00:09
brainwash(ubuntu gnome)00:09
ochosithat is ubuntu gnome?00:09
ochosiwell you can always check whether metacity or mutter check for other flags00:09
ochosifor showing/hiding the maximise button00:09
brainwashthere is also no.. uhm.. menu button?00:10
brainwashthe "v" on the left side00:10
brainwashmaybe we could hide that too00:10
ochosisure we could00:13
brainwashbut it's a minor issue, fixing the black background and the missing panel is more important00:13
ochosithe panel hasn't been there for ages and we haven't received a single bugreport about it, so i'd still tend to call it minor00:13
brainwashI don't know how it would work anyway00:15
brainwasha blank panel + indicator-plugin?00:15
Unit193And super simple to fix, I just did...00:15
brainwashtell us more00:16
Unit193It's not really a "fix" so much as to figure out why it's not enabled.00:17
brainwashwhat does it enable?00:18
brainwashpanel with default configuration?00:18
ochosiUnit193: the suspense...00:21
Unit193ochosi: I'm looking into the black screen bug, shush.00:21
* ochosi keeps quiet00:21
* Unit193 vomits.00:22
Unit193I just turned it into a bright green screen bug.00:22
ochosiwell done!00:22
brainwashdo you actually debug it?00:23
brainwashxfsettingsd seems to get stuck or crash00:23
brainwashso it does not load xfdesktop00:23
ochosii don't think xfdesktop gets loaded by settingsd, but rather session00:29
ochosibut that should be possible to unriddle00:30
brainwashit just feels like someone else (ubuntu guys) should solve the puzzle00:32
ochosiwow, upower0.99 is definitely slower at recognising when i plug in my ac adapter..00:33
brainwashor just use a simple method to draw a background00:33
ochosinot sure, there could always be a regression in xfdesktop00:33
ochosianyway. night all!00:34
brainwashgood night00:34
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/dm xfsettingsd normally has some more errors too, but there you go.00:36
Unit193Well it's all functioning, but does it matter how I got it? :P01:18
Unit193Right, so I suppose I should link to what I have, even if not pretty: Found this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/revision/4258 and ended up "fixing" the problem with http://paste.openstack.org/show/cOc2Q8RI2KhuWhZoWNgd/  --sm-client-disable isn't technically needed, but it's nice.  Last bit of course does the panel, but we should find out why it's disabled first.01:45
Unit193ochosi: One thing to note, if we hear back from the desktop team as to why the panel was disabled, and decide to go ahead with it we'll change it for UbuntuStudio and presumably Mythbuntu too.04:38
ochosiUnit193: nice work, the diff seems to make sense07:41
ochosii've pinged away in #u-desktop about it07:42
ochosiwe'll see what comes of it07:42
elfymorning ochosi 07:42
ochosimorning elfy 07:42
ochosigood to hear the meeting time works for you :)07:43
elfynot that there's much for me to say 07:43
ochosi@irc_savvy_folks (knome?): can we somehow quantitatively evaluate with which clients users connect to #xubuntu? i was just wondering whether we can create an empirical basis for deciding whether to keep xchat out of our seed or not07:45
meetingologyochosi: Error: "irc_savvy_folks" is not a valid command.07:45
ochosihrrm, something in vivid broke my bluetooth keyboard :'(07:47
ochosi"k" is now interpreted as "2" and "l" as "1"07:47
ochosimakes it hard to type with it07:47
elfyyou'll know how really annoyed I got with that ibus issue in trusty now then :p07:49
ochosifound the "fix" in a forum-thread from 2011: "turn your numlock switch off on laptop's keyboard" :D07:51
ochosiso for some reason, having numlock enabled makes the keyboard think it is a numpad07:52
ochosielfy: i guess in your call for testing for the panel you really need to explain what intelligent hiding is. seems i have to explain this to people time and time again to be sure...08:45
ochosiUnit193: nice work, just tested08:53
ochosithe a11y options from the panel indicator don't work, so we might be missing some things there in the seed, but other than that it's premium stuff08:53
ochosijust so that everyone knows what we're talking about: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-12-10-095440.php08:54
ochosiUnit193: my suggestion is that you file a merge-request against ubiquity with the changes that fix xfdesktop first, then we send an email to the studio and myth guys about the panel08:56
ochosithe ubiquity panel is still a bit ugly though, i'll have to see whether/how it can be themed...08:59
ochosiyuck, it's using a pixmap as background09:04
ochosiUnit193: erhhm, i guess we need to either paint the bg in ubiquity with something like feh or consider restricting xfdesktop somehow. at least if we think that creating additional workspaces or this is problematic: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-12-10-103126.php09:32
ochosiyou can't launch much, mostly xfce4-settings stuff09:32
ochosiyou could also consider it an easter egg i guess09:34
ochosior a way to test the theming of ubiquity09:34
knomeochosi, that would require doing CTCP queries for each person who joins the channel09:43
ochosiknome: hm, i thought that at least pidgin appended some "purple" somewhere in the user string and that webirc users were easy to detect based on username, so i guess i assumed the same would be true for xchat somehow09:50
knomeit can set the username, but you can most definitely override that09:53
knomeor it can even set the realname as purple...09:54
knomeand tbh, you can fake even the CTCP version reply...09:54
knomeor simply hide it09:54
ochosiyeah sure09:54
knomebut that it has to be09:54
knome11:54 CTCP VERSION reply from ochosi: irssi v0.8.15 - running on Linux x86_6409:55
ochosii guess we could ask freenode-staffers as they keep internal statistics09:55
brainwashor create a poll. interacting with the community is a good thing09:59
brainwashUnit193: finally some good news :)10:00
knomepoll represents a userbase that is willing to fill in a form, ctcp queries represent anybody who is not hiding/spoofing their ctcp version, which is likely a bette representation10:00
brainwashyeah, but will freenode share this data?10:01
brainwashnot every xubuntu user joins our channels10:01
knomeof course not.10:01
ochosibrainwash: just for the fun of the info, changing the window manager theme in ubiquity back and forth seems to remove the maximize button ;)10:02
knomei don't know if freenode will share the data (or if they even have channel-specific data), but technically it wouldn't be a problem to catch the data ourself, if it was socially ok to do that10:02
brainwashochosi: that's strange :D10:02
brainwashochosi: the menu button "v" can be only removed via a custom xfwm config (menu button layout), or?10:04
ochosiwe could also create a special wm-theme just for ubiquity10:04
brainwashwith a custom button layout we could hide the menu button + strange max button10:05
ochosiok, so freenode no longer collects this sort of data and they have scrapped all the older/existing stats10:06
ochositoo many problems with making sense of it10:06
ochosi(e.g. clients that re-connect a lot skewing the distribution)10:06
bluesabrehey guys, whats up?10:54
Unit193ochosi: No idea how it did it before, so I may be going the entirely wrong direction.10:59
Unit193Hah, and I was either about to mp or poke about that artwork thing you just pushed. :P11:01
ochosihey bluesabre 11:09
ochosiUnit193: yeah, one of the few commits to -artwork each cycle ;)11:09
ochosii guess there is little harm in loading xfdesktop, but yeah, i think it just used to be a gsettings-key and then ubiquity took care of painting the background itself11:10
Unit193bluesabre: Read any backlog on the black stuff?11:10
ochosimaybe that would still work if it wasn't for that line to paint it black11:10
Unit193ochosi: Nope.11:10
ochosiUnit193: could you try to just remove the black line ^?11:10
ochosiyou tried that then :)11:10
Unit193About the first one, also made sure it did something: < Unit193> I just turned it into a bright green screen bug.11:11
ochosioh right11:11
ochosiweird, why bright green though...11:11
Unit193Not really, not if you s/black/green/11:12
ochosii guess we could also use xsetroot to set the background to a pixmap11:12
ochosiwhich would be our wallpaper11:13
Unit193Not as-is.11:13
ochosibut might have to poke xnox about that11:13
Unit193ochosi: UbuntuStudio is a-ok with the panel, fwiw.11:13
ochosiah nice11:13
ochosiok, so only mythbuntu to contact then11:13
Unit193And xsetroot won't do it, not a bitmap.11:13
ochosido you know anyone there?11:13
ochosiehm, that suggests otherwise: http://lesstif.sourceforge.net/doc/super-ux/g1ae01e/chap1-7e.html11:14
ochosi(-bitmap flag)11:14
Unit193Tried that.11:14
ochosixpm too?11:15
Unit193png is the only one I tried.11:15
ochosisomething like  ['xsetroot', '-xpm', '/lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-logo/wallpaper.png'],11:16
Unit193xsetroot: bad bitmap format file: /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/xubuntu-wallpaper.png11:16
ochosior -pixmap11:16
Unit193I didn't try any others with that, went on to figure out what was going on.11:16
ochosiif we installed xloadimage we could use "xsetbg /path/to/file.jpg"11:19
Unit193Or we could just use feh, since the support is already there. :P11:19
ochosii don't have serious reservations against using xfdesktop, it just seems a li'l overkill11:19
ochosiright, feh11:19
ochosithat would only have to be installed, right?11:19
Unit193So basically, if we don't like xfdesktop, then we could just add that to the live seed.11:20
Unit193What does bluesabre think? :D11:20
ochosiyeah, what does he think indeed11:20
ochosii guess if we show the panel btw, i guess i'll submit a MR against ubiquity to add our own panel background. the one provided suuuucks11:21
ochosi(I'd actually prefer to just have a plain css background, but well)11:21
Unit193That's a lot of guessing.  And re: know anyone in US, zeque was the one I poked, he's the you of US.11:23
ochosibut know anyone in mythbuntu was my question :)11:25
ochosifrom their website it doesn't seem obvious who is who11:26
bluesabrehaven't caught up yet11:26
bluesabrecan I get a quick summary of where we are?11:26
ochosiUnit193 fixed our black screen installer problem11:27
ochosiand he added in a panel for the ubiquity session11:27
ochosithat shows indicators11:27
ochosia11y, network, sound11:27
ochosiusing xfdesktop is generally cool, but overpowered: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-12-10-095440.php11:28
ochosiwe could also try to disable all clicks on the desktop with xfconf switches though11:28
ochosior install feh11:28
ochosiand this ^ is where you come in :)11:28
Unit193Well, I did something that would technically work yes.11:28
Unit193Since he's the lead dev, he'll want to see http://paste.openstack.org/show/5tdMtrpbA1MNLZCPtzqQ11:29
bluesabrewell, I'm generally in favor of having the installer use less memory11:29
bluesabrewith feh11:30
bluesabreand that may balance with including the panel11:30
ochosiwell the panel is sorta independent11:30
ochosii would go for including that either way11:30
ochosiit's baked into ubiquity and just displays some indicators11:30
ochosi(although i don't get why date/time can't be there..)11:30
bluesabreI see now11:31
bluesabreso that fixes the issue with the defunct xfsettingsd ?11:31
Unit193Yes, but it was restricted from being shown for some reason...11:31
Unit193bluesabre: Not quite, no.11:31
ochosiUnit193: those reasons might be historical though, like no support for indicators in xubuntu11:32
Unit193You just end up with two. :P11:32
Unit193At least one works...11:32
bluesabreI'd be in favor of swapping with feh for rendering the desktop at install time... it worked for me at least twice11:33
Unit193I never said I was the best to figure it out, just started wondering about it. :P11:33
bluesabrethat's the only way we'll ever figure it out, so keep up the good work :)11:33
ochosiok, let's try feh next then11:34
ochosiactually the whole ubiquity session is sorta for nothing anyway...11:34
ochosiwe could just always start xubuntu's live mode and open ubiquity via autostart11:34
ochosithen you have maximum flexibility/a11y11:35
knomea weird xml namespace that has that tag.11:35
ochosithe only benefit i see is the reduced mem usage i guess11:35
knome...which might be good in some cases11:35
bluesabrecool, let me know if you need anything from me... need to head to work now11:36
ochosiknome: yeah, i think many browsers don't display that tag ;)11:36
ochosiactually i don't know how much less the ubiquity session uses11:36
ochosiespecially with the indicators loaded11:36
ochosiUnit193: ^ any clue?11:36
Unit193bluesabre: So there is actually a change that needs done in ubiquity itself or not?11:36
knomewell xhtml is just a specific xml namespace... you can technically create a namespae that allows that tag ;)11:36
Unit193ochosi: No idea about that xml namespace, nope.11:37
ochosigah :)11:37
bluesabreUnit193: yes, I have the details in that bug report (wherever it is)11:37
knomethe (visual) interpretation is up to the application that parses the namespace ;)11:37
Unit193bluesabre: Wasn't sure if the line numbers changed, but cool.11:37
ochosiUnit193: mem usage comparison!! (stop messing with me, i'm hungry for lunch!!)11:37
knomehaha. :)11:37
ochosibluesabre: will we see you @meeting tomorrow?11:38
bluesabreUnit193: if yes, not by much... ubiquity doesn't change often11:38
Unit193marco support.11:38
bluesabreochosi: no can do, will be starting my commute then11:38
ochosibluesabre: oh crap. alrighty then. we'll talk another time11:38
bluesabrewill try to update the agenda when I get home tonight11:39
bluesabreand tackle a few tasks11:39
Unit193bluesabre: OK, thanks.  Bye.11:39
bluesabreSeeya guys11:39
ochosiknome: what do you think of replacing the "current" wallpaper in vivid with a generic "devel/inprogress" wallpaper each cycle?11:41
ochosiso at the beginning of cycle, bump plymouth-text and swap wallpapers to devel so it's visually clear that it's not utopic anymore11:41
ochosi(could be the same devel wallpaper each cycle)11:41
knomeworks for me11:42
knomeas far as i'm concerned, it could even be a solid color until we land the wallpaper11:42
knomebut i don't mind it being something else either, can design one11:44
knomei mean "design"... lay out something that looks better than a solid color :)11:44
ochosisounds good to me11:44
knomeyou can add a work item for me11:45
knomegot to run soon11:45
knomenoticed, ta11:50
knomeshower, brb11:50
Unit193And I do know a bot that CTCPs version checks people, and does even remember people for a while so it doesn't hit the same people that often.11:51
ochosiright, we'd need pre-14.10 and post 14.10 stats i guess11:52
Unit193Right, give me a time machine and I'll get right on that.11:53
* ochosi hands over a time machine to Unit193 11:54
Unit193And that'd be the last time you saw me. :P11:54
AgAugo back and punch bill gates in the dick11:55
Unit193AgAu: That's entirely uncalled for.11:56
slickymasterWorkochosi, there's a discrepancy between your mail to the ML and the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings, regarding the hour of the meeting 12:04
slickymasterWorkis it to be at 18:00 or 22:00 ?12:05
ochosislickymasterWork: thanks, i'll update it (the link is correct though ;))12:06
ochosiif the wiki weren't so slow, it'd be done already...12:07
ochosicause i hit "save" like a minute ago or so12:07
slickymasterWorklol, want me to update the team calendar, or will you do it?12:07
ochosicalendar should be fine i think12:07
slickymasterWorkno it's not :P12:07
slickymasterWorkit's 10 PM = 22.00 UTC12:08
ochosiyeah, that's correct12:08
ochosi22utc is the correct time12:08
knomeok, i'm going now12:08
knomesee you later12:08
ochosiseeya knome 12:08
Unit19317:00:00 EST12:08
slickymasterWorkoh, I thought you were saying that 18:00 was the correct hour12:09
knome(hello and goodbye slickymasterWork :))12:09
slickymasterWorkhave fun knome 12:09
slickymasterWorkyou also ochosi 12:09
brainwashochosi: mark bug 1401075 as dupe of bug 1347272 ?12:11
ubottubug 1401075 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xfce4-power-manager icon not shown, settings don't open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140107512:11
ubottubug 1347272 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "Several XFCE applications appear unresponsive after communicating with a daemon" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134727212:11
brainwashaccording to the latest comments in the second report, people want fixes for trusty12:14
Unit193Because it's an "LTS"12:15
brainwashwe should care more about trusty, but it's not possible I guess12:16
brainwashsru'ing or backporting various fixes12:17
elfyochosi: not quite what I was getting at - do we assume people can take responsibility for upgrading panel only from the staging ppa? if they install it and update/grade they'll get new mousepad etc too :)12:53
ochosielfy: providing the right instructions, they won't get a mousepad upgrade. and yeah, providing simple revert-instructions will be necessary too13:08
Unit193So, add PPA, sudo apt-get install xfce4-panel, test, ppa-purge.13:09
elfyI guess that'll do 13:10
Unit193I'm running it now, but I don't use hiding, so it's a bit pointless.13:11
elfybut doing it that way people won't be testing constantly - so we'd be unlikely to see any odd bugs that might show up13:11
ochosielfy: yeah, you can mention that it'd be good to just use it for a few days13:36
ochositechnically, there shouldn't be any new bugs in that panel version13:36
ochosiUnit193: could you package the xfpm 1.4.2 release for trusty so we can copy it to the 4.12 PPA?13:38
ochosii'd just copy over the one from -staging, but since it's a snapshot13:38
Unit193ochosi: Going to update the rest for trusty/utopic too?13:39
ochosithe rest?13:40
ochosireferring to xfwm4 and all the other updates?13:45
ochosigenerally it'd be nice to get all those into the 4.12 PPA13:46
ochosibut my focus for now was to provide xfpm1.4, because it's a rather big jump there13:46
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/xP1npdsAEFyRtTWxhxJJ/ Generally.13:49
ochosiwait, xfdesktop hasn't been backported yet?13:51
ochosii was pretty sure a newer version of it was in trusty already13:51
ochosiso if you can/want, i'd update: xfwm4, xfdesktop, xfce4-settings, xfce4-session, parole, libxfce4ui, xfpm13:52
ochosiUnit193, bluesabre: just got the OK from superm1 (mythbuntu) on adding the panel to ubiquity-dm with xfwm413:57
Unit193!info xfdesktop4 trusty14:01
ubottuxfdesktop4 (source: xfdesktop4): xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.11.6-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 131 kB, installed size 525 kB14:01
ochosiright, so .614:01
ochosii guess .8 won't hurt14:01
brainwash!info xfdesktop4 trusty-proposed14:49
ubottuxfdesktop4 (source: xfdesktop4): xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.11.8-0ubuntu0.1 (trusty-proposed), package size 134 kB, installed size 545 kB14:49
brainwashstuck in -proposed, because someone tested it, noticed that there is some regression/breakage and marked it as "verification failed"14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1365965 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "[MRE] Please update xfdesktop4 to 4.11.8 in Trusty" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:53
brainwashwill it be stuck forever? no one seems to provide additional feedback14:55
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
elfyanyone using vivid and locking screen - does it work? 16:16
slickymasterWorkI can test it elfy, if you'll give a few seconds to end the install of our staging ppa16:17
slickymasterWorkok, I've set it to 10 seconds16:19
elfyslickymasterWork: no - just lock the screen from whisker please16:19
slickymasterWorkah, ok16:19
slickymasterWorkyeaps, it's working16:20
elfymust be local then - thanks slickymasterWork :)16:20
slickymasterWorknp elfy 16:20
elfyochosi: you can g+ that now https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-December/010498.html16:36
elfypleia2: could you socialise it more please :D16:36
slickymasterWorkso far the Intelligently option is working quite well16:39
elfyknew I should have read the thing again before sending it 16:56
=== GridCube is now known as GrinchCube
* drc looks around and finds Max cowering in the corner.16:58
slickymasterWorkelfy, so far the Intelligently option is working quite well17:02
elfyochosi: ok - so is this a bug with intelligent hiding, have window maximised - rollup the window - panel stays hidden 17:03
slickymasterWorkI can confirm that 17:05
elfythanks slickymasterWork 17:07
sidiochosi, i'll twitter that if that's ok with you17:09
elfyhi sidi 17:10
sidior if you have a Xfce version17:10
sidihi elfy 17:10
drcpleia2: As requested (a long time ago in 'net-time :)  http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/xubuntu-utopic.html17:10
ochosielfy: as long as the window is overlapping the panel it's fine17:14
elfyochosi: no it's not - I have panel at bottom, window was alt+6'd - vert max, panel hides, rollup title bar - panel remains hidden17:18
ochosilet me try that then17:21
ochosiso maximize a window, then roll it up?17:22
sidielfy, ochosi i think basically there are cases where you forget to update, i dont know what the code architecture looks like but it's probably good to watch too many events than not enough17:22
elfyochosi: yea - but obviously you need panle at the bottom 17:22
etwarriorHey, concerning my place in Xubuntu development team... I love you guys, but I found that Xubuntu doesn't suit my day to day productivity needs... There are some issues (though pretty minor) that have just added up, and escalated... Xubuntu unfortunately is not the most stable of Linuxes, so I am thinking of switching to a more stable, rolling release... I still will help you to improve Xubuntu though, and translate if you g17:22
etwarrioruys want to.17:22
sidior is it because the geometry you get from a rolled up window is incorrect?17:22
ochosisidi: my guess would be that wnck size isn't updated when rolling up17:23
ochosibut anyway, let me first reproduce it17:23
slickymasterWorkof course we want to etwarrior 17:23
slickymasterWorkochosi, elfy, I'm facing that issue with the panel at the top17:24
etwarriorXubuntu is good, and I thought about just switching to plain Ubuntu even, but that distro is just too mainstream... I believe in helping "smaller branches."17:24
ochosislickymasterWork: well with panel on top it's obvious, cause the window will be in the way of the panel17:24
elfyslickymasterWork: not sure how that would work tbh - rolling it up - and the title bar would still be at the top where the panel is17:24
ochosielfy: i can reproduce17:24
sididrc, that owl wallpaper is very very cool.17:24
elfyochosi: ok - I'll report it then :)17:25
slickymasterWorkof course, don't mind silly slickymasterWork guys :P17:25
elfyslickymasterWork: :)17:25
ochosinp slickymasterWork 17:26
etwarriorMy other problem guys, is the fact that I am such a newbie to Linux... it's a bit stressful to me to always have to research how to fix something in Linux, whereas I am more familiar with Mac OS for instance... but I wanted to switch to Linux for a couple reasons... my Mac had a tendency to freeze if too many system resources were used up, and the software was pricey. Linux is open-source for the most part... and it has a go17:26
etwarriorod ability to compress RAM usage, and system resources.17:26
etwarriorI guess I'll take this in off-topic, since this is strictly development talk, sorry.17:27
ochosietwarrior: np, and thanks! :)17:28
ochosielfy: we have that disabled in xubuntu by default though, right?17:28
elfyyea - but I undisable it as I use it a lot :)17:28
ochosiok cool17:29
ochosithat's exactly the kind of testing i wanted17:29
ochosieven though i hate that there is yet another bug17:29
elfywoohoo :)17:29
elfyyea - that sucks - but better to find them early than late I guess :)17:29
ochosiso thanks17:30
elfywelcome ofc :)17:30
elfyxfce 11371 17:31
ubottuxfce bug 11371 in Panel "Intelligent Hiding: Panel stays hidden with rolled up window" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1137117:31
ochosiok cool17:32
elfyok - also replied to the dev thread so others know how we'd like it done 17:33
ochosiyeah, crap, i think i see the problem17:44
ochosiguess i have to figure that out with ofourdan17:44
pleia2elfy: shared17:52
elfypleia2: thanks :)17:54
elfyochosi: well at least you can see it - all I'd be able to see is the result of what you see :D17:56
elfyochosi: quick question - do you see the 'dekstop freeze' issue when deleting things from desktop in vivid?18:02
* pleia2 adds link from drc to http://xubuntu.org/press/18:25
pleia2knome: thoughts on this one? http://mylinuxexplore.blogspot.com/2014/11/xubuntu-1410-utopic-unicorn-review.html18:27
knomepleia2, well at least it looks somewhat comprehensive, so why not19:27
brainwashbluesabre: the logind-handle-lid-switch property is set to "false" via xubuntu-default-settings. the logic behind it was inverted in xfpm 1.4 I think. so, is it still OK to set this value via default-settings in utopic/vivid?20:15
brainwashcould be the reason, why people are seeing the blackscreen issue in 14.10 again20:16
bluesabreevening folks23:37
ochosiahoy bluesabre 23:39
bluesabrehey ochosi23:39
bluesabreyou're still around! :O23:39
ochosiyeah, why not ;)23:39
bluesabrebrainwash: was thinking we flipped it... will check into that.23:39
ochosii mean even ofourdan is active again, it seems the world is coming to an end soon23:39
ochosiso why sleep?23:40
etwarriorI'm sorry to say that I don't think I am going to partake in helping with the development of Xubuntu... I was shown an article that is quite disturbing regarding Ubuntu and Canonical...23:40
ObrienDaveoh geez, is that FUD still circulating?23:41
etwarriorIt is such a nice community here, and it's a shame that Canonical is doing that...23:41
Unit193ObrienDave: Of course it is.23:41
ObrienDavelet's see, it's on the internet, therefore it must be true ROFL23:42
etwarriorThis isn't the first time I've heard about Canonical in the present state of Ubuntu...23:42
Unit193Canonical is the sponsor of Ubuntu..23:43
etwarriorThen I was shown this article by another fellow, and unfortunately it distrubs me.23:43
ochosibluesabre: any chance we can make some apps remain plugged into settings-manager? (mugshot, light-locker-settings, menulibre)23:43
ochosiinstead of popping out that is23:43
etwarriorUnit193, Canonical are the people who make Ubuntu, are they not?23:43
ObrienDaveso, no one else tracks usage, cookies don't exist, anything else i missed? ROFL23:44
ochosihumm, mind to take this to #ubuntu-fud guys?23:44
ochosithis is the devel channel...23:44
bluesabreochosi: not sure... all three of those are gtk323:45
etwarriorYeah, but I was just saying because I was interesting in helping the community... I may not be part of the team now..23:45
ochosiright, could be that that's a problem...23:45
ochosietwarrior: how is re-posting an article that is disregarding of the community helping the furthering or development of xubuntu?23:45
bluesabreetwarrior: there are no plans in the near future to remove the "ubuntu" portion of "Xubuntu" :)23:46
etwarriorBecause I was just letting you know that I think I may "step down."23:46
ochosiyeah, but you already let us know earlier today for different reasons. but thanks. case closed.23:46
bluesabreok, but if you wish to continue contributing to xfce, feel free to join development efforts in arch/fedora/suse :)23:47
bluesabre :D23:47
ochosiyup, what he said ^ :)23:47
ochosibluesabre: sorry about forgetting that those settings dialogs have to pop out23:48
bluesabreochosi: np, there probably is something that can be done for them, if you want to file feature request bugs to eventually investigate23:49
ochosiyeah, nvm23:49
ochosithere are still many other dialogs popping out23:49
bluesabremaybe we can make the settings manager smarter to absorb those in some way23:50
Unit193bluesabre: You were supposed to do all sorts of stuff!  You should be doing them now, go go go, move it!23:50
bluesabreUnit193: which things first?23:50
* ochosi likes Unit193's attitude23:50
ochositake out the elephant whip, Unit193, go go go! :D23:50
ochosiUnit193: how're the 4.12 PPA packages coming along?23:52
Unit193ochosi: Well, I've likely already done several of them in my own for utopic.23:53
ochosioh cool23:54
bluesabreUnit193: so panel in ubiquity = yes, what about feh for desktop?23:54
ochosilet me copy those over then23:54
ochosiUnit193: wait, where?23:55
ochosibluesabre: yeah, actually we contacted both mythbuntu (me) and -studio (unit) and they are fine with activating the panel23:55
Unit193bluesabre: Right, still want to confirm with the desktop people as to why it was disabled.  And for the other, would want to make sure what trusty or saucy did.  Besides, aren't you lead dev and actually someone that knows python? ;)23:55
ochosiactually superm1 said that it was deactivated because it used to crash straight away23:56
bluesabreUnit193: yes, I think the difference between trusty and utopic is a regression in xfsettingsd23:56
Unit193bluesabre: Doing the feh workaround will be interesting, I'd presume the other Xfce flavors want it too.23:56
bluesabresame code everywhere else23:56
Unit193bluesabre: Right, but was that launching something else?  Why would it paint that directly?23:56
bluesabrethe only difference is that xfsettingsd enters the <defunct> state in utopic23:57
bluesabreso its sitting there, dead, not painting (xsetroot paints the background black)23:57
bluesabreor xset-something (from what I remember)23:57
ochosibtw, superm1 (mythbuntu dev) was the one who added in the patch for xsetroot to set a black bg23:58
Unit193Right, but there's a second xfsettingsd process that at least is "painting" on ubiquity.23:58
Unit193ochosi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/revision/425823:58
ochosiyup, that one23:58
bluesabrewith the new fix you found today/yesterday?23:58
ochosiUnit193: have you found the commit that disabled the panel?23:59
Unit193ochosi: Didn't look.23:59
Unit193bluesabre: Which fix again?23:59
bluesabrewhere you ended up with two xfsettingsd's23:59

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