
xubuntu302Hi All, I need a little advise on sharing HDD using 14.04, A tiny bit of background, I have for many years had a W2K machine with 2 x 1 TiB drives, which I shared to the rest of the local network, I now have a HDD stacker that has 4 x 3TiB drives, which W2K can not see or deal with, I have been running Xubuntu 12.04 (And now X14.04) on my laptop (Which is just the best thing ever), so I have tried to shift me "sever" from W2K to 07:06
xubuntu302So sorry the question...07:07
xubuntu302I can not work out how to share the USB HDD's from 14.04 to other machines, folders with Samba OK.07:07
xubuntu302But entire HDD's (USB) , no idea... Have I gone down the wrong path ?07:08
xubuntu302Should I be using Ubuntu server ?07:08
AgAudid you add them to your fstab?07:08
xubuntu302Or have I missed something ?07:08
xubuntu302Fstab ?07:08
xubuntu302In conjunction with Samba ?07:09
AgAui had permission problems with samba shares until i added the hard drives to the fstab file07:09
AgAuwhat is your exact problem?07:09
xubuntu302Yes, sort of, I can share folders OK, But HDD, when 'right_clicked' do not allow me to set the sharing they are greyed out..07:10
AgAudid you check the permissions on them?07:12
xubuntu302OK, I'll try that, Should Xubuntu 14.04 allow me to share entire  HDDs to other network users ? or am I on the wrong platform ?07:12
xubuntu302Have you had this working ?07:13
xubuntu302Sharing HDD's that is ?07:13
AgAuim sharing my two storage drives with my windows network now07:13
xubuntu302With Xubuntu /07:13
AgAuas long as you have the folder permissions setup correctly and shared07:13
AgAuit should work07:13
xubuntu302OK, Great, I'm doing something wrong...  I have tied to follow the guides on_line, but they always fail me, I will try Fstab....07:14
AgAuthe hard drives need to be mounted07:14
xubuntu302Yes, They all mount OK, premissions set, I can see the shares in Windows, but no access.07:15
AgAuyeh but where are they mounted07:15
AgAuif you can't access them then the permissions aren't correct07:15
xubuntu302Sorry, I'm still new this, In Xubunu I they come up on the left, with an eject button, I can access them locally.07:16
AgAugo to your media folder07:16
AgAu /media07:16
xubuntu302I have my Xubuntu user name as a folder07:17
AgAuopen that07:17
AgAuare your hard drives in that folder07:17
xubuntu302Yes when they are plugged in.07:18
AgAuyeh that's why you have the permission problem07:18
xubuntu302OK, They should not show here ?07:18
AgAuwell they aren't auto mounting on startup are they?07:19
AgAuthe fstab folder is used to automount hard drives on boot07:20
AgAuyou should ideally create new folders for each drive under /media07:20
AgAufstab file*07:20
xubuntu302I think I did that, but the folder did not seem to relate to the actual HDD, will Fstab sort that ?07:21
AgAuokay for example07:21
AgAui have my Storage drive setup to mount /media/Storage07:22
AgAuthat /media/Storage folder needs to your user as the owner07:22
AgAufor windows to access it07:22
xubuntu302Local Xubuntu user name or Windows ?07:23
xubuntu302 And Fstab allows me to set the mount path ?07:23
AgAuthat is a good article on setting up your hard drives in fstab07:24
xubuntu302I will try that, Hey, Thanks for the help mate, very good. I was hoping to stay with Xubuntu it is great, Cheers and thanks scott.07:24
AgAuwell good luck07:24
zmiscI used to use Debian and followed testing or unstable but that's become too tedious so I found Xubuntu was the perfect fit.07:34
AgAuyeh its pretty sxc07:35
zmiscexcept I enjoyed doing a base install and installing xfce and only what I wanted installed. someone recommended arch but I wouldn't recommend that for anything production wise07:37
AgAui tried arch before xubuntu07:40
AgAuI went with xubuntu because i was looking for a good solid/stable distro to replace windows07:44
zmiscI use Debian/FreeBSD on servers.07:46
AgAui think i tried debian once many many years ago07:50
zmiscits quite similar to xubuntu. just not as polished.07:54
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xubuntu226Hi all, OK, thanks for the great work on xubuntu 14.04... Nice... Very good.., But I have to pass as, I have for three weeks tried to share USB HDDs from X14.04 onto win networks... Impossible... Maybe I am stupid, but I give up, shame...14:07
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xubuntu58ijoin #mauritius16:58
xubuntu58ijoin mauritius16:59
drctry "/join #mauritus"17:00
etwarriorIs there a way to get Xubuntu to detect my default microphone?17:23
cfhowlettetwarrior, it should do so automagically17:23
cfhowlett!sound | etwarrior17:24
ubottuetwarrior: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:24
etwarriorMy sound applet appears to be missing in the bar...17:25
holsteinetwarrior: try running it, manually, or re-adding the sound applet, or see if its "missing" in the guest user.. i like to add "pavucontrol" and use that to control my audio17:26
holsteini will run "aplay -l" and "arecord -l" in a terminal, to make sure my audio device is loading in linux17:26
holsteinif you dont see it there, you *wont* get audio..17:26
holsteinits helpful to know if sound *ever* worked in any linux, or in that xubuntu installation, or if it recently broke, or stopped working after an update17:27
etwarriorIs there a way to reset the system UI?17:37
cfhowlettetwarrior, clarify; you mean the desktop environment?17:38
holsteinetwarrior: i'll rename ~/.config and let the system UI configs be reset17:41
drcrename ~/.config, log out and back in...The desktop should be reset to the default.17:42
drcoh, holstein beat me too it :)17:43
cfhowlettthe ui and all apps will reset to factory fresh ...17:43
rayqwhy not just rename ~.config/xfce4/ ... that way apps aren't affected17:46
holsteinrayq: it wasnt specified what precisely needs reset..17:47
rayqcould also:  ps -A | grep indicator to see if indicator-sound is even running17:52
schreibmaschinehello guys i have a problem with the whisker menu is it possible to rest it?18:08
schreibmaschinecan someone tell my why i am still affected by this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/131026418:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310264 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "Can't search/find items in the Settings Manager" [Low,Fix released]18:09
etwarriorGuys I've figured out one of my problems...18:48
etwarriorconcerning Thunar... apparently the "default" file browsing system is LIKE Thunar, but it's not actually thunar... I only get Thunar when I insert my USB drive.18:48
ET_Warriorsomebody is using my name apparently...20:52
ET_WarriorWAIT A MINUTE20:52
ET_WarriorThat's me!20:52
detrehi, problem with my xubuntu 14.10 64 bits and xserver. Im no longer using propietary drivers for my nvidia card21:06
detreI log in, resolution is 640x400 for a 1400x468 screen21:07
detrethats the message21:09
baizonhello detre21:16
detrebaizon: are you good at solving xserver probems?21:17
baizondetre: it depends21:17
baizonhow big the problem is21:17
detrehi, problem with my xubuntu 14.10 64 bits and xserver. Im no longer using propietary drivers for my nvidia card21:17
baizondetre: Review your "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" file to find out what outputs is21:22
baizon detecting Xorg. You can also run "xrandr -q" to discover what dis21:22
detrewhaat dis <<?21:22
baizondetre: it seems your xorg configuration is a little bit broken21:22
detrebaizon: heh, 400 lines, cannot copy that21:24
baizondetre: you have paste.ubuntu.com for that21:24
detrebaizon: the laptop doesnt have a working internet connection21:24
baizondetre: yes your xorg config is broken21:27
baizonor does your display only support 640x480?21:27
baizondetre: else reconfigure your xorg with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:29
detrebaizon: if by display you mean screen, yes, its a big screen21:30
detre1024 86021:30
baizondetre: yes then your configuration is broken, try to restore running the above command21:31
detrei run the command21:36
detrenow what?21:36
baizondetre: restart and check if the xrandr -q output has changed21:37
detrebaizon: xrand -q output is the same21:47
baizondetre: try then this http://askubuntu.com/questions/449951/how-to-fix-ubuntu-load-screen-after-install-nvidia-driver-331-38/527743#52774321:49
detreok baizon , how do I exit ctrl+alt+f1?21:58
baizondetre: reboot would be the best21:58
detrebaizon: rebooting21:59
detreno changes22:02
detreas fucked as always, ill try the second option now22:02
detrerebooting now22:06
ninjazachYou want to go from a virtual console back to an X session?22:09
detrebaizon: screen resolution is now normal, it fits the screen22:09
detrebut i still get the message22:09
detrethis message: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/oL7t412TBm22:10
Jenko_If someone could help me, that would be great. I have installed TrueCrypt 7.1a on Xubuntu 14.04. And im having permission issues with accessing my Encrypted volume. VERR ACCESS DENIED. And the volume is read only. How do i change the volume to Read & Write please?22:18
detrei though truecript is no longer reliable, no longer maintained22:19
detredoed the x server have a gui? how do I configure it with the terminal? (if there is no such gui)22:20
Jenko_this is the one i use.22:23
brainwash!xorgconf | detre22:24
ubottudetre: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia22:24
detrebrainwash: what do I have to write in the terminal? !xorgconf | <<?22:25
brainwashdetre: well, you run "man xorg.conf" and start reading22:26
brainwashwhat are you trying to solve? and which graphics card + driver do you use?22:27
detrebrainwash: trying to get rid of that annoying messeage I get every time I log in22:27
detrethis one https://etherpad.mozilla.org/oL7t412TBm22:27
baizondetre: you have to do some sweeping22:28
brainwashwhy does /home/dexter/.xprofile exist?22:28
detrebaizon: because I manually created it, as I was trying another solutoin22:29
detregetting rid of it as of now22:29
baizondetre: dont forget to make a backup of .xprofile22:30
detrebaizon: crap22:30
detrealways forget to backup22:30
detreok solved22:33
detreare you in the mood to try to solve my wireless problem? somebody in this room told me to create a live usb stick with a fresh installation of an OS, thing is, I dont find my usb stick anywhere22:35
detreethernet connections work fine, no wireless connections are displayed as recognized22:35
detrewhat command do I use to know my xorgserver version?22:35
baizondetre: X --version22:37
baizondetre: or apt-cache showpkg xserver-xorg-video-all22:38
detrebaizon: unrecognized option: --version22:39
baizondetre: try to activate additional drivers http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers_years/2013_1/xubuntu-ringtail-additional-drivers-installing.jpg22:39
baizondetre: sorry X -version22:39
detrebaizon: I got rid of all nvidia drivers22:39
detrethat fixed the problem22:39
baizondetre: i mean for the wifi problem22:40
detregraphic drivers are related to my wireless problem?22:40
baizonbut check which wifi driver is activated22:41
detrebaizon: only drivers for the graphic cards are displayed22:44
detreand none of them are in use22:44
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:45
baizonsorry, but I'm out. Sleeping time for me. Bye and good luck22:45
Unit193baizon: G'night.22:45
brainwashplease read this wiki article ^22:45
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