
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
hatchhey Makyo you around?02:20
rick_h_hatch: no, not looked at that03:34
hatchI'm tracking down a failure who's traceback is in yui and mocha lol03:39
hatchyep a test failure...getting caught by a promise :/03:44
rick_h_hatch: you shouldn't be looking at that :P03:44
hatchhaha I want to try and start tomorrow with a clean slate 03:44
hatchok down to 14 failing tests04:32
hatchclean enough slate04:32
hatchunfortunately some metadata files needed to be changed - and even more will need to be changed to do the charm page 04:33
hatchShowing  20 changed files  with 739 additions and 357 deletions.04:33
hatchheh more tomorrow :)04:38
hatchI might be done with debugging promises though04:38
hatchso that's nice04:38
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hatchhmm looks like I have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/969860 which has either been fixed or invalid :/14:34
mupBug #969860: fglrx uses 100% CPU when screen turns off (spinning in glXWaitVideoSyncSGI or glXSwapBuffers) <amd64> <apport-bug> <battery-power-consumption> <compiz-0.9> <precise> <qa-manual-testing> <quantal> <reproducible> <rls-mgr-p-tracking> <ubuntu> <Compiz:Invalid> <Compiz 0.9.8:Invalid>14:34
mup<Compiz Core:Invalid> <fglrx:Confirmed> <The Ubuntu Power Consumption Project:Fix Released> <compiz (Ubuntu):Invalid by canonical-dx-team> <fglrx-installer (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gnome-shell (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/969860>14:34
urulamahatch: on mac?14:54
hatchurulama: mac hardware15:09
hatchurulama: I'm running ubuntu on metal on the mini15:09
urulamahatch: i know, that's why i'm asking. is it intel or radeon graphics card?15:10
hatchthe only other problem i've found is the bluetooth finds things but won't connect to them (the internal bluetooth) 15:10
hatchurulama: it's the intel one15:10
hatchI don't think you can get a mini with a discrete gpu15:10
hatchat least you couldn't back when this was made15:11
urulamahah, right, mixed it up with old macbooks 15:12
hatchoh these test failures are here because they require a 'basket'15:34
hatchmaybe I should have just started with charms lol15:34
hatchsomehow I had 14 failing tests, fixed 3 and now I have 1315:51
hatchwhat kind of black magic is this15:52
frankbanuiteam call in 7 kanban now15:53
hatchnow up to 19 failures15:59
Makyouiteam network problems again, trying to get in the call - if I can't make it in: nothing to note on my cards, nothing to note for the day16:06
frankbanMakyo: ok thanks16:06
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hatchgoogle play does a pretty good job picking songs that I like16:37
hatchneed to save a large data structure for tests? JSON.stringify(results).replace(/\"/g, "'");16:40
hatchsave so much time :)16:40
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hatchNirvana - Smells like teen spirit :)16:58
hatchwhat a blast from the past16:58
urulamahatch: followed by Enter Sandman? :)17:05
hatchhaha no another Nirvana song17:05
hatchbut I'm sure that's in the queue17:05
urulamai had the same LOL moment yesterday with itunes "genious" ... during the "nothing works" part of release, it picked up jay-z's 99 problems :)17:07
urulamasometimes i wish i had google glasses just to record those ...17:07
hatchaww yeah 0 test failures18:09
hatchnow the question is...does the app still work :P18:10
urulamahatch: the tests never lie! :D18:59
hatchno - but they might not have all the correct information :D19:00
hatchso this branch introduces some more regressions when not using search results because more things are converted to apiv4 from v3 19:27
hatchwhich will mean that until this conversion is done we likely can't push another gui release19:27
urulamaso the search works, but the tests need to adapt fully, if i understand correctly?19:28
hatchwell tbh I'm not sure what's going on - the GUI is now getting featured results in the 'interesting' query which don't even exist19:29
hatchso I have no idea if this is something broken from the conversion or broken because apiv3 is broken19:29
urulamacan you paste me the qeuries you're using?19:30
hatchI've also had to modify the tokens so that they work with apiv4 so that's likely causing some issiues with apiv3 data19:30
hatchok one sec19:30
hatchis one of the charms returned by the list19:30
hatchreturned by the v3 query19:30
* urulama starts listening Zelda music, feels like being on a quest :)19:31
hatchI'd be ok with just saying we can't make a release but would like at least one more +1 :)19:31
urulamaelasticsearch bundle does not exist in new CS due to clash in name19:33
hatchok sounds like we just can't get around this19:34
urulamawhich i now think might be an error, as we can call it elasticsearch-cluster (looking at the name and bucket)19:34
hatchoh ok19:34
urulamabut it is currently rejected by ingestion19:35
hatchyeah and there are others - I don't htink that there is going to be any way around this19:36
hatchthe bundles detail pages use apiv4 but the non-search results are from apiv319:36
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hatchso the id's are different, content is different19:36
hatchnext step is either to fix those results or do the charm details page - either one will have the cart/horse issue19:37
urulamawhy not use details from v4 all the time?19:38
hatchit took me 5 days to convert the bundle details page from apiv3 to 419:39
hatchthat's why19:39
urulamabut you're an expert now, surely you can do it in 2 days now :D19:39
hatchhaha maybe19:39
hatchactually I think I'm going to do the landing-page results first19:40
urulamayeah, until you mix v3 and v4 there will be problems19:40
hatchurulama: is there an api endpoint for 'most popular' or something like that?19:40
urulamai believe that you'll spend more time patching the difference in bundle syntax then doing full v4 switch19:40
urulamalemme check19:40
hatchurulama: right - that's what I was doing the past 5 days19:41
hatchbut the default landing results are from v3 which is totally different than what the bundle details page expects19:41
hatchso I'll do that next19:41
urulamahatch: we order things by download (trusty & bundles first)19:41
hatchthe charms at least keep the id's the same19:41
urulamaso you can do https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/search?text=&owner=&limit=10 and get 10 most popular19:41
hatchworks for me thanks19:42
urulamaor https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/search?series=bundle&text=&owner=&limit=3 and get 3 top bundles19:42
hatchhonestly - atm I just want something to put there, we can tweak it later :)19:42
urulamahatch: note that this is for latest series, if you want precise then  https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/search?series=precise&text=&owner=&limit=319:42
hatchwe'll probably want some kind of a 'consolidated most popular' endpoint for this19:43
urulamaadding &include=stats would give you the numbers as well19:43
hatchcan eco feature things in apiv4?19:43
urulamaand that means ... ? :)19:43
hatchhttps://demo.jujucharms.com/ the top section :)19:44
hatch5 featured19:44
urulamaok, lemme try19:44
hatchin last discussed we were going to only list the most popular or something along those lines but I figure that we should probably also maintain the ability to feature things19:45
urulamathere you go19:45
urulamaomit include=stats if numbers are not needed19:46
urulamaah, sorry, wrong19:46
urulamathis one19:46
urulamasorts by downloads19:46
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hatchok so no more 'featured' ?19:46
urulamanot for now19:47
hatchok no problem19:47
hatchthanks for the help19:47
urulamait's planned for v519:47
urulamanp, just ask, i was just starting to get into "bring it on" zone :D19:47
hatchhaha nah I just want this conversion done then we can revisit stuff to add features back19:50
hatchuiteam I need two reviews and qa's on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/676 plz and thx19:52
Makyohatch, looking.19:52
hatchyes it's massive19:52
hatchI've got to step away for a big19:53
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hatchMakyo: how goes? Any issues so far?20:24
Makyohatch, just trying to pick what's just a name change and what's a functionality change.  Haven't QAd yet20:24
hatchok np - it did take me forever to do it so don't worry if it take some time to go through20:25
hatchlemme know if you have any questions20:25
Makyodamnit, running into CORS problems again.20:36
MakyoChrome seems to remember if there was EVER a CORS issue in the past, then NEVER fixes it.20:37
MakyoEr,  never allows from that domain.20:37
MakyoHuh. Guess that means the GUI will never work for me outside an incognito window.20:42
hatchthat's very odd20:43
hatchcan't clear the cache or anything?20:43
MakyoI have, no luck.20:44
MakyoHaven't tried clearing all browser data, though.20:44
MakyoWill do that in a bit.20:44
Makyohatch, QA looks okay, but I'm going to have to go back over the code at least once more.20:57
hatchsure thanks20:58
hatchuiteam, anyone else around for another review?21:04
rick_h_hatch might look tomorrow we'll see 23:55

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