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jumpkickIs there a way to tune juju's mongodb instance to reduce the amount of syslog spamming?05:54
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SlaanHi !11:09
SlaanI use MAAS 1.7 and juju11:09
SlaanAll work fine, it's magic :)11:09
Slaani have one machine with maas, and one node bootstrapped by juju11:09
Slaani want to add a new node now. Maas can show it, and the commissioning is fine11:10
Slaandid u know how can i add it to juju now ?11:10
Slaanf i start "juju add-machine negligible-band.maas", i got " error: malformed container argument "negligible-band.maas"11:10
Slaanand for "juju add-machine ssh:negligible-band.maas", i got : " ERROR rc: 255 (ssh: Could not resolve hostname negligible-band.maas: Name or service not known) "11:10
schkovichslaan: juju add-machine --constraints "cpu-cores=2 mem=2048M"11:11
schkovichyou should not use maas to spin up new node11:11
Slaannot use maas ? I don't need a boot from pxe ?11:12
schkovichunless you are manually provisioning a machine with ssh11:12
schkovichin that case juju add-machine ssh:user@
Slaanmm ok. I don't understand why when i bootstrap juju for the first time, and if i have 2 node one maas, Juju choose one random node and install all only on this11:15
Slaanwhy juju don't bootstrap whithin all the node ?11:15
schkovichwhat's the output of juju status?11:17
schkovichi have two environments maas and manual (rackspace)11:20
schkovichmanual environment is working fine11:20
schkovichwhen i switch to maas environment all juju commands just hang11:21
Slaanthis : http://pastebin.com/QQ8ffxwZ11:21
schkovichany idea how to debug or force destroying manual environment11:21
schkovichsorry maas environment11:21
Slaani have to add the second node manualy ?11:22
schkovichhow did you deploy services? looks as if you deployed everything to single machine in separate containers11:24
schkovichyou could spin up new node with juju add-machine (with or without constrains)11:25
schkovichthen deploy desired service to that machine11:25
Slaani deploy service on LXC container within one machine11:25
Slaani want to deploy another service within a second node that i have added after the first juju's bootstrap11:26
schkovichas far as i can see there is only a single machine running "0"11:27
Slaanyes, so, i have to do a "juju add-machine ubuntu@ip"11:27
schkovichjuju add-machine ssh:user@ip11:28
Slaan" ERROR rc: 255 (ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host) "11:29
schkovichis your network up and running?11:29
Slaanthe node are down. When i boot it, MAAS shut down it11:29
schkovichthat is expected behaviour11:30
SlaanJuju don't wait that the node boot ? like a bootstrap ?11:30
schkovichwhy don't you try just juju add-machine?11:30
schkovichwith no arguments11:30
schkovichand see what is going to happen :)11:30
schkovichhow many nodes do you have defined in maas?11:31
Slaanokay :)11:31
schkovichis the state of all nodes ready?11:31
Slaanyes, the first node are deployed11:32
Slaanthe second, the new, are "Ready"11:32
Slaanbut shutdown11:32
schkovichwhen you run juju add-machine11:33
schkovichthat node should change state to allocated to root11:33
Slaanoh yeah11:33
Slaanyou'r right11:33
schkovichyou should be able to ssh to it with juju ssh (node number from juju status)11:33
schkovichthen you could juju deploy --to 0 mysql11:34
Slaanyeah, the new node are "deploying", and boot now11:34
schkovichsorry --to 111:34
schkovichif that is the number of the new node11:35
schkovich0 should be juju bootstrap node11:35
Slaancool, i just have to "add-machine" alone11:35
SlaanCool, now the node is "deployed" on maas, and "pending" on juju status11:41
Slaanmany thanks :)11:41
schkovichno mention slaan11:41
schkovichi hope that i will find someone to help me :)11:43
schkovichWARNING unknown config field "network-bridge"11:54
schkovichany ideas?11:54
schkovichin maas enevironment11:54
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schkovichhi guys im getting following error: WARNING juju.environs.config config.go:968 unknown config field "network-bridge"14:40
schkovichi did not change/alter environment14:40
schkovichwarning started to appear after update of kvm/maas/juju14:41
marcoceppischkovich: did youupgrade juju?14:41
marcoceppischkovich: that's the answer, juju dropped that config field14:41
arbrandesmarcoceppi, can we still configure the local network bridge, somehow?14:42
marcoceppiarbrandes: network-bridge for maas or local?14:42
arbrandesmarcoceppi, local14:43
schkovichi see14:43
schkovichdeleting that field would resolve the problem14:43
marcoceppiarbrandes: probably, let me check14:43
marcoceppischkovich: are you doing maas or lxc?14:43
arbrandesAny love for #1377262?14:44
mupBug #1377262: please expose network-bridge to manual provider also <cts> <cts-cloud-review> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by niedbalski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377262>14:44
marcoceppi(not sure if you two are working together)14:44
schkovichmaas kvm14:44
arbrandesmarcoceppi, nope, completely unrelated :)14:44
marcoceppischkovich: well you can just delete the field from ~/.juju/environments/maas.jenv14:44
marcoceppior whatever the name of your maas environment is14:44
marcoceppiarbrandes: it may have been removed from maas but not the local provider14:44
arbrandesmarcoceppi, great, thanks14:45
marcoceppiFor instance, it may have been a global option that was instead moved to a few specific providers14:45
marcoceppiarbrandes: need to validate that statement though, one sec14:45
schkovichi had yet another problem after update yesterday: vms that where marked to autostart did not start including state machine14:45
marcoceppiarbrandes: just confirmed it's in the local provider environments still14:46
schkovichis that also known problem?14:46
marcoceppischkovich: that's interesting, but sounds like a maas issue, what version of maas do you have?14:46
arbrandesthanks, marcoceppi14:48
schkovichcould be maas issue14:49
schkovichhow do i get maas version?14:49
schkovichmaas --help is not helpful ;)14:49
marcoceppischkovich: on the maas machine run `dpkg -l | grep maas`14:49
schkovichah that one14:49
schkovichgive me a moment14:50
schkovich 1.5.4+bzr2294-0ubuntu1.214:51
cory_fuCan someone tell me where the juju agent for machine 0 caches copies of the charm during deployment?15:06
schkovichmarcoceppi: everything is on the same version 1.5.415:08
marcoceppicory_fu: typically to the storage for the environment15:08
marcoceppicory_fu: so it depends on the environment15:08
cory_fulocal provider, in this case15:09
marcoceppischkovich: huh, I'm not aware of a bug in that version matching your description15:09
marcoceppicory_fu: ~/.juju/local15:09
marcoceppiwhere local is the name of your local environment15:09
Spadscory_fu: Sorry I missed the services framework call the other day.  Did you discuss how the RelationContext classes have both name and interface, but never seem to use interface?15:09
cory_fuIs there any chance that persists across destroy / bootstraps?15:09
marcoceppicory_fu: it's possible15:10
schkovichmarcoceppi: sorry, i can't provide more information. i been going through logs for a few hours but i found nothing15:10
cory_fuSpads: Not specifically.  There is at least one case where both are needed, but I can't recall it off the top of my head.  I think it has to do with provide_data15:11
schkovichanyway im going to flag vms to autostart reboot the server and see what's going to happen :)15:11
cory_fuSpads: You do need both to uniquely identify a relation15:11
SpadsI just lost a couple hours to "Oh wait, it's not actually using interface here..."15:11
cory_fuYeah, I agree that it's confusing and it's definitely something we want to clean up15:11
SpadsI had assumed that interface would be the relation interface it'd hook onto, and name would just be kind of internal15:12
Spadsbut it feels the other way around, at least for the stuff I was working on15:12
cory_fumarcoceppi: So where would that storage be, so that I can check it?15:15
cory_fuOh, you already said ~/.juju15:15
cory_fuWhere would it be from the point of view of machine 0, though?15:16
cory_fuAh, nevermind.  I can't ssh into 0 in local provider anyway15:17
marcoceppicory_fu: yeah, 0 is your machine15:43
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rsynnestjumpkick: not sure if someone answered you but this may help https://jujucharms.com/precise/mongodb#verbose16:53
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niedbalskiarbrandes, seems that the network-bridge directive has been removed19:02
arbrandesniedbalski, not from lxc, apparently.19:03
arbrandesniedbalski, still, I would like to see it in the manual environment, and it was never there to begin with. :)19:04
niedbalskiarbrandes, ack, i could help with that then.19:05
arbrandesniedbalski, #1377262 would be nice.  But if there's an alternative way to get Juju to use a certain bridge for LXC on manually provided nodes that you know about, I'd sure like to hear it. ;)19:07
mupBug #1377262: please expose network-bridge to manual provider also <cts> <cts-cloud-review> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Triaged by niedbalski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377262>19:07
arbrandesMy next step was to just re-use lxcbr0 for my manually created bridge.19:08
niedbalskiarbrandes, as far as i know, there is no a possible workaround, different to use lxcbr019:18
arbrandesOk, that's what I'll do, then! :D19:19
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marcoceppilazyPower: I think your issue #55 on amulet is actually this: https://github.com/juju/amulet/issues/5719:37
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lazyPowermarcoceppi: echo $JUJU_REPOSITORY - returns nothing though :(19:50
marcoceppilazyPower: your issue is a different one19:50
marcoceppiand I know how to fix it19:50
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jrwrenI'm getting some VERY strange behavior from amulet which I cannot explain. I looked at the python code. it makes no sense. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9480773/21:36
jrwrenline 97 is the shutil.rmtree line. shutil is python's built in shutil afaik.21:36
lazyPowerjrwren: wat21:44
lazyPowerits referencing a nil object?21:44
lazyPowertvansteenburgh: ^ this is weird, but i haven't looked @ jrwrens code either.21:44
jrwrenthe code that triggered the fail: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9480848/21:47
tvansteenburghsuch are the pitfalls of __del__. i need to refactor that code, i've seen these errors on jenkins too21:47
jrwreni'm guessing on line 37, but could have been line 3821:47
jrwren__del__ considered harmful.21:47
jrwrenat least ever since python 2.421:48
tvansteenburghit's an easy refactor just haven't gotten around to it21:49
jrwrenno worries. If it is a known thing, then I'm happy.21:49
tvansteenburghjwren: https://github.com/juju/amulet/issues/5821:51
jrwrenoh, it is on github. I was looking on lp21:53
Saviqhey all, I quickstarted a manual environment in a container, with nested containers enabled, but juju-gui says that sub-containers are not supported, can't find much info on that, what am I doing wrong?22:01
lazyPowerSaviq: containers in containers are not officially supported as far as I know22:02
lazyPowerwhile it may be possible, we're not testing that scenario, and should be considered purely experimental quality experience.22:02
SaviqlazyPower, I'm fine with that, doing experiments here in the first place22:02
SaviqlazyPower, IIUC, as long as lxc works, juju should be able to create sub-containers no problem?22:03
lazyPowerSaviq: with that being said, you might have to use the CLI to run your deployments in that scenario, i'm not 100% on what the gui is sniffing and blocking, a gui team member like  perhaps hatch or rick_h_ would have more info22:03
SaviqlazyPower, thanks, will try the CLI22:04
hatcha who what22:04
* hatch pokes head in22:04
lazyPowerhatch: containers in containers (yo dawg) - does the gui sniff for this and prevent deployment?22:04
lazyPoweri figured as much. thanks for confirmation22:04
lazyPowerSaviq: ^22:04
hatchSaviq: so we disable containers in the GUI for environments where networking is not supported between containers22:05
hatchbecause trying to relate them will silently fail22:05
hatchyou can force it to allow you though22:05
hatchby appending /:flags:/containers22:06
hatchto your url22:06
hatch^ Saviq22:06
Saviqhatch, I think my case is simpler actually, I don't want to deploy to nested containers, but my machine 0 is already a container22:06
Saviqhatch, so IIUC networking should work fine?22:06
hatchSaviq: when you say it's a container, are you running locally?22:08
Saviqhatch, it's a vps in lxc22:08
lazyPowerhatch: and to note, its manual provider22:09
Saviqhatch, but to experiment, I've nested a "juju" container and want to do everything inside there before moving to the "parent"22:09
Saviqhatch, fwiw, CLI deploy seems to be doing just fine22:09
hatchI believe you should be fine then22:09
hatchok great22:09
hatchwe do that to avoid the silent failure issues :)22:10
Saviqhatch, thanks22:10
hatchSaviq: if you hit Shift+/ or ? then a menu will pop up which shows "Custom GUI Settings"22:11
hatchyou can also use that to enable the containers22:11
Saviqhatch, hah, cheat codes!22:12
hatchhaha yup :)22:12
hatchnext up - konami code!22:12
lazyPowerhatch: would be cool to play pong with the charm icons :)22:12
hatchthat would be very cool22:12
hatchlazyPower: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1401687 :)22:18
mupBug #1401687: force enable container support from machine view <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1401687>22:18
lazyPowerhatch: +122:19
Saviqhatch, the "{Discard,Save} changes" button panel on bottom left when editing config overlays the bottom of the config pane, is that known?22:21
hatchhmm, that was fixed at one point22:26
hatchlet me check dev22:26
hatchSaviq: this is definitely a reintroduced bug22:27
Saviqhatch, want me to file one?22:27
hatchI'd love that22:27
hatchwait that's the wrong link22:28
hatchthere we go22:28
Saviqyeah it looked weird22:28
hatch(off by one character error) ;)22:28
Saviqhatch, bug #1401697, let me know if you need a screenshot22:30
mupBug #1401697: Controls panel overlays bottom of config pane <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1401697>22:30
hatchSaviq: I know what you mean but whomever gets assigned the bug may not so a screenshot would be helpful22:32
hatchthanks thanks for filing the bug!22:33
Saviqok, a piece of a screenshot added, hopefully clear22:34
hatchyup very, thanks22:34
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