
adoniscikcan someone walk me through packaging python modules with stdeb for launchpad? I get a "fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit" after some import fails.06:31
adoniscikIt might be related to this "debian/rules" https://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging06:33
shadeslayeradoniscik: well, can you provide a link to the debian/rules file?08:11
adoniscikshadeslayer, I might not have one; at least I did not create it myself. Do I need it?08:12
shadeslayerhah yes08:16
adoniscikI'm trying to create my first python submission with difficulty08:17
shadeslayeryou at the very least need control, changelog, source/format, copyright, and some other files that I can't remember08:18
shadeslayerwell, rules as well08:18
adoniscikI'm trying to use stdeb; is that the easiest way?08:18
shadeslayerI don't know what that is08:18
shadeslayerI usually run dh_make08:18
shadeslayerin the source tree, and I get a debian dir populated with files, out of which I remove stuff I don't need08:19
adoniscikit's like they tried to make packaging as arcane as possible08:20
shadeslayernot really08:21
shadeslayerEverything is very much standardized08:22
adoniscikif only I could decipher the standard hehehe08:23
adoniscikhave you ever ported a python package to launchpad?08:23
shadeslayerwhats there to port 0.o08:23
adoniscikwhat do you mean?08:23
shadeslayerI don't get the concept of 'porting' a python package to launchpad, I mean, launchpad just builds stuff from standardized debian packaging and sources08:24
adonisciktake it from pypi or github and upload it to launchpad08:24
adoniscikthat is what I meant08:24
shadeslayerhaven't done that, but I doub't its very difficult, dh_make in the source, follow the questions, then rm debian/*.ex debian/*.EX and edit the remaining files ?08:25
shadeslayerplus read man debhelper08:25
shadeslayeradoniscik: oh, theres even more documentation in file:///usr/share/doc/python/python-policy.html/index.html08:29
adoniscikwrong source08:29
adoniscikoh i see08:30
adoniscikdos and donts08:31
adoniscikhardly the problem08:31
cjwatsonwgrant: Can you see what's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/partman-basicfilesystems/master ?  I can't seem to get it to finish processing and include the latest commit (see http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/partman-basicfilesystems.git)11:24
wgrantcjwatson: Hm, that looks like it could be a pull failure.12:02
* wgrant investigates.12:02
wgrantAlas, a complication with the escudero replacement.12:06
wgrantFixed now, but I'll need to retrigger pulls of the affected branches.12:07
cjwatsonwgrant: Ah, great.  Thanks.12:09
cjwatsonwgrant: Where would I have found the evidence?12:09
wgrantcjwatson: taotie's puller.log12:09
wgrantWell, puller.log.3.gz, but same thing12:10
cjwatsonGot it, thanks12:10
cjwatson2014-12-08 06:30:05 INFO    Recorded failure: AssertionError: Bogus URL for imported branch: 'sftp://hoover@escudero.canonical.com/srv/importd/www/00077347'12:10
wgrantIt looks at its local configs to check whether the URL makes sense.12:12
wgrantBut gets the URL from xmlrpc-private.12:12
wgrantcjwatson: That branch seems happy now.12:13
cjwatsonwgrant: Indeed so, thanks.12:14
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_Groo_is any lp dev around?19:03
dobeyjust ask your question19:04
_Groo_basically this ppa is used to test the entire open source graphics stack with always the latest git (including llvm).19:06
_Groo_phoronix, end users and developers use it nowadays (oibafs is used for more stable users), and as this projects get bigger i just hit the 2GB limit19:07
_Groo_i just need some more room19:07
_Groo_the ppa is https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa/19:08
dobeyoh, ok. i don't have enough permissions to tweak ppa settings. you'll just have to be patient until an admin sees the question and can respond to it19:08
_Groo_dobey: k, tks19:10
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wgrant_Groo_: Done.20:47
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_Groo_wgrant: tks sir :)21:47
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