
=== mitya58 is now known as mitya57
JockeTFJust wanted to say thank you for your awesome work! :D10:10
JockeTFBeen using Ubuntu GNOME for about a year now.10:10
prashantErr, off topic. But anybody has problems installing Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu Gnome?10:17
fleetfoxwho doesn't10:20
mgedminheh, yeah10:25
mgedminanyway, prashant, what seems to be the problem?  also, are you using ubuntu's packaged drivers or trying to get them from nvidia directly?10:25
prashantUbuntu's packaged drivers. When I reboot, the screen gets stuck at the GNOME loading logo.10:27
prashant331.113. As that is the only one it shows in Additional  Drivers.10:28
mgedminthis is on 14.10?10:28
mgedminI know darkxst has nvidia hardware and it works fine for him10:28
mgedmin(Australian timezone, IIRC, so you may need to wait a bit)10:29
prashantAlright. :)10:29
mgedminI don't have nvidia hardware myself (to avoid problems like yours actually; not that I don't get sufficient problems with intel...)10:29
prashantAnd this has been my problem since the start. Finally thought of shooting it here. :P10:30
mgedmingnome loading logo, hmm..  can you press alt-f1 and get a text console?10:30
prashantI can.10:31
prashantThat's how I  uninstalled the drivers10:31
mgedmincan you log in and run 'service gdm status'?10:31
mgedmincheck the log files?10:31
mgedmina gnome logo is not a black screen10:32
prashantI can check the status. Not sure about log files.10:32
prashantNot a black screen. Just gets stuck there.10:32
prashantI, as of now, trying to install the xorg-edgers driver10:33
prashantLet's see how it works.10:33
mgedminthere's /var/log/upstart/gdm.log (that has some pam messagees only here)10:33
mgedminthere's /var/log/gdm/*.log10:34
mgedminthere's /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:34
mgedminI think that's it10:35
octoquadSo, I assume this is never going to happen right? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+question/24811516:17
octoquadI don't have access to change this, but on this page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome it still says "The current stable release is 13.10 , http://ubuntugnome.org/download/"16:20
JockeTFoctoquad: You can enable the old Nautilus behavior in Ubuntu GNOME.16:21
JockeTFoctoquad: Open dconf-editor, go to org.gnome.nautilus.preferences and check enable-interactive-search.16:22
octoquadJockeTF, Thanks, i'm not the one who asked the question. It looks like no one replied to this question. Would you like to do the of honours of replying? If not, I don't mind :)16:31
JockeTFoctoquad: Feel free to reply, I want to go home now. :P16:33
octoquadhaha ok16:52
octoquadCreated this FAQ: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+faq/261417:16
octoquadmgedmin, do you still have this problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/130941920:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309419 in Ubuntu GNOME "gnome-control-center segfaults on startup on 14.04 (due to a ppa 3.10 library version)" [High,Confirmed]20:31
=== mgedmin_ is now known as mg-phone
mg-phoneoctoquad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1309419/comments/520:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1309419 in Ubuntu GNOME "gnome-control-center segfaults on startup on 14.04 (due to a ppa 3.10 library version)" [High,Confirmed]20:36
mg-phoneNo gnome-control-center segfaults since then20:36
ubot5Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.20:37
mg-phoneOh wow the irclogs use my script!20:39
octoquadNot sure what status to put for it...21:18
darkxstoctoquad, invalid, though really its caused by ppa-purge being buggy21:33
darkxsteven dupe it to bug bug 1392954 if you like21:33
ubot5bug 1392954 in ppa-purge (Ubuntu) "Handle soname bumps in package names" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139295421:33
octoquaddarkxst, do you get these testcases automatically?22:11
darkxstoctoquad, you mean emails? if you subscribe to the test case you get emailed when new builds are available (but not for daily images, only milestone builds)23:02

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