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dkesselgood evening quality!20:36
Letozaf_dkessel, o/20:37
dkesselhey Letozaf_ :)20:37
elfyevening dkessel Letozaf_ :)20:37
Letozaf_elfy, good evening to you :-)20:38
elfyand to you :)20:38
dkesselballoons: there are no manual test cases for unity8 on the desktop on iso.qa.ubuntu.com - is any work in progress for that?20:42
dkesseli cannot really do much in unity8-in-lxc though... bug 1391815 also happens there...20:42
ubot5bug 1391815 in unity8-lxc (Ubuntu) "unity8 processes uses 100% cpu, desktop frozen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139181520:42
dkesselis there a better channel to complain about that? ;)20:45
dkesselthat = unity8 bugs ;)20:45
elfydkessel: afaik there aren't any written specifically for unity 820:45
dkesselelfy: good evening. it looks like it may have been planned though: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/326/builds/85326/testcases20:45
elfyconfusing me :(20:46
elfymanual testcases tend to be packages :D20:46
dkesseloh yeah... there is that live iso image for unity8... i guess that's why it's there20:47
elfyand that's right - nothing there20:47
elfyI asked a couple of weeks ago20:47
balloonsevening all20:48
* balloons is editing css20:48
elfyhi balloons :)20:48
* balloons shudders20:48
* elfy isn't 20:48
elfywho'd have guessed :D20:48
balloonsdkessel, #ubuntu-unity20:48
balloonssend'em love!20:49
Letozaf_balloons, hi20:49
balloonsdkessel, as far as manual tests, umm the "plan" is we'll get there. At the moment it is still a bit alpha, although today's image (if it would boot for me) should have windowing!20:49
dkesselballoons: nice! too bad i won't see any of that :/20:51
dkesseli also read that the plan is to have a "traditional desktop" experience, which is nice too. i was really afraid it was going to stay as phone-like as it is currently. but i understand there are probably very limited resources on this atm20:52
elfyI think that the best thing to do with unity8 on a desktop is wait a bit :)20:55
elfyI'd have a look but afaik - it doesn't like vbox at all20:56
balloonsit doesn't like vbox, so I run it via the lxc-container20:56
balloonsif you are on vivid you don't even need that, just install it and straight login20:57
elfyballoons: yea - but on hardware I assume?20:57
balloonsdkessel, yes it should be a full desktop experience. The core apps prepped for this a little while back by adding things like keyboard shortcuts to the apps20:57
elfyor not in xubuntu at least20:57
balloonselfy, yes real hardware. Works on my laptop and desktop20:58
balloonsthe laptop is kind of cool due to touchscreen. I threw a video up of me booting it on my laptop20:58
elfytouchscreen for elfy is somewhere over there with the flying pigs :D20:59
balloonsyea, I'm not a fan of it, but I had no choice with this one20:59
balloonsI'd prefer a nicer screen20:59
elfyget Canonical to send me one and I'll test anything for them :p21:00
balloonslol, I did buy this one. It was just a touchscreen only model. Runs ubuntu great though21:00
elfyalways good :)21:01
balloonsif it weren't for the cost of postage, I'd send it along21:01
balloonsthen I'd have an excuse to get one without a touchscreen21:01
elfyI can find that :p21:01
nikjovballoons: Are you there? :)21:12
elfywb nikjov :)21:13
nikjovthanks :)21:13
nikjovthanks elfy :)21:13
balloonsnikjov, howdy21:16
balloonsLetozaf_, hello btw :-)21:16
balloonsdid you see my comments about pep8?21:17
Letozaf_balloons, yes, but I did not find any pep8 errors launching pep8 on my PC21:17
Letozaf_balloons, I fixed some other errors21:17
balloonsLetozaf_, ok21:17
Letozaf_balloons, hope it's ok21:18
nikjovhi balloons... I have setup everything and tried even to run some of the tests but they don't go through seems like ubuntuuitoolkit is making some issues even though I have it installed21:18
Letozaf_balloons, otherwise let me know  I will fix21:18
balloonsnikjov, awesome. Did you install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot?21:20
balloonsmight just want to install the metapackage, ubuntu-sdk if you haven't21:21
nikjovlet me see about ubuntu-sdk I think I might missed that one hold on21:22
nikjovnope didn't get that one...I am a newbie obviously :-)21:23
balloonsnikjov, no worries, that should help things21:24
balloonsnikjov, just fyi each of the core apps might require a new package a two. It's a good idea to check the debian/control file to make sure you have everything21:24
balloonsI think you should be set for calculator21:24
balloonsLetozaf_, fingers crossed :-)21:25
balloonsLetozaf_, so are you itching to write any more tests? :-)21:25
* Letozaf_ crosses fingers21:25
nikjovballons: ok great. I will ping when installation is finished and will check control file :) Guys YOU ARE AWESOME! :-) I am so sorry to bother you like this I do really want to get independed ASAP21:25
Letozaf_balloons, yes sure :-P21:25
balloonsLetozaf_, docviewer could use some additional testing love ;-)21:26
nikjovLetozaf I will do this one for calculator first just to get myself around and as time passes of course I would love to do more :-P21:26
elfynikjov: don't worry - I don't know anyone who'd not do what they can to help people - even that elfy guy21:26
Letozaf_balloons, ok, are there some bugs for the tests to be written ?21:27
nikjovhaha I heard about elfy that is some cool dude man21:27
elfylol :D21:27
balloonsLetozaf_, I have a merge that fixes the layout, but I believe there's some features you could look to see if tests could be added for. The test suite is really basic atm. https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-docviewer-app/update-ap-layout/+merge/24431421:27
* Letozaf_ is looking21:27
balloonsLetozaf_, for instance, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1400877 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/140085221:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1400877 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: PDF "Go to page" dialog" [Undecided,Triaged]21:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1400852 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot: open_pdf_file test requires refactoring" [Undecided,Triaged]21:28
balloons"even that elfy guy".. yep, I think that's correct21:29
nikjovballoons be right back need to restart21:35
Letozaf_balloons, ok I will work on Docviewer app as you indicated21:36
Letozaf_balloons, I suppose your mp will be merged soon right?21:36
balloonsLetozaf_, yea it should land soon21:41
balloonsLetozaf_, heh, it's merged actually21:41
Letozaf_balloons, I saw it was just merged21:41
Letozaf_nikjov, o/21:42
nikjovhave issues still with modules21:42
balloonsnikjov, hehe, still here21:42
balloonsok, so have you been able to run the tests yet?21:42
balloonsthat's the first step of course :-)21:43
nikjovballoons nope it pops out AtributeError21:43
nikjovof course but I got stuck pretty bad :/21:43
nikjovit says that class CalculatorException (ubuntuuitoolkit.ToolkitException): has no atribute 'ToolkitException'21:46
nikjoveven tho I have ubuntuuitoolkit several times checked21:46
balloonsnikjov, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot?21:47
nikjovchecked I have the latest version ballons :)21:48
nikjovReading state information... Done ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot is already the newest version.21:48
balloonsnikjov, can you paste the full log on paste.ubuntu.com?21:49
nikjovof course balloons sorry to bother you so much :-)21:50
nikjovballoons http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480885/21:52
nikjovI also tried just importing them so I check if the issue persist21:54
nikjovbut nothing it came through just have issues when I go here21:55
balloonsnikjov, what version of ubuntu are you running?21:55
nikjovUbuntu 14.0421:55
balloonsnikjov, ahh you need a ppa for autopilot then, and the version of the toolkit is old also21:56
nikjovoh and I planned to go for 14.1021:57
nikjovfew days ago and now it seems like pretty good idea21:57
balloonsnikjov, yea running an LTS is useful so I don't want to put you off from it, but for testing stuff we generally run the development version of ubuntu even :-) However, 14.10 should work fine for this21:58
balloonsnikjov, that said, I think we can update you via ppa. Let's try21:58
balloonsnikjov, try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk21:59
nikjovlet's try hold on :-)21:59
balloonsfor autopilot, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:autopilot/1.521:59
nikjovyes I did that just a few seconds ago21:59
nikjovjust that let me try now just with autopilot ppa22:00
balloonscool, try dist-upgrading and installing everying again to make sure it's all up to date22:00
balloonsthen it should work :-)22:00
nikjovnope, distro upgradin it is :-)22:00
dkesselballoons: so today's unity8 live image won't boot for you? I can confirm that. Real hardware here.22:04
balloonsdkessel, I haven't tried real hw22:04
dkesselballoons: but you also get that nothing happens at all? Only a blinking cursor I a test terminal and nothing else?22:05
balloonsdkessel, no I can't get through the login22:09
balloonsbut that's normal in a vm ;-)22:09
balloonson real hw, not the live image, I get stuck on the setup22:09
balloonsI've mostly been haggling CSS, so I've not played too much22:11
balloonsnikjov, any closer?22:12
nikjovstill updating :-) if you are there I will ping you w/e the outcome is :-) but if it doesn't work I will install 14.1022:13
nikjovhopefully it does the trick but man I'm so sorry about all this, still in the learning proccess :/22:13
nikjovBINGO!!! We got it to work, balloons thank you :-) now let me try to run some tests22:20
balloonsnikjov, awesome!22:23
nikjovjust one minor question... probably this is stupid one but when it says that all tests (33 of them as it listed) failed it is bad right? Proccess was killed with return code of 255 if you can clarify that code please? :-) Thank you a lot... :-)22:26
balloonsnikjov, paste?22:34
balloonsnikjov, yes they should all pass22:35
nikjovhold on22:35
nikjovballoons? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481354/22:39
balloonsnikjov, interesting22:41
balloonsnikjov, if you cd /home/jovanovic/Projects/ubuntu_calculator_app/22:41
balloonsqmlscene ubuntu-calculator-app.qml22:41
balloonsdoes the app appear?22:41
balloonshow did you run this btw?22:42
nikjovI run this as regular user not as superuser seemed logic am I doing it wrong?22:42
balloonsyes regular user. I meant, what command did you run?22:43
nikjovautopilot3 run -v ubuntu_calculator_app22:43
nikjovfrom the tests/autopilot22:44
balloonsyep, that's correct22:44
balloonsso does qmlscene /home/jovanovic/Projects/ubuntu_calculator_app/ubuntu-calculator-app.qml work?22:44
balloonshe app is failing to launch22:44
balloonsahh yep, you need to fix the reason it won't launch22:44
nikjovI will try this on my own I wont bother you anymore today if that's ok with you?22:44
balloonsnikjov, do you have all depends.. let's see?22:45
balloonssudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-localstorage-plugin qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin22:45
nikjovgive me a sec :)22:45
balloonsI got that from the debian/control file22:46
balloonsnikjov, :-( looks correct22:46
balloonsrunning the app via qmlscene should just work22:47
balloonsyou could try with utopic or higher if you wish22:47
nikjovok I have a propositon for you :-)22:47
balloonsor try another app..22:47
balloonslol, sure. I think you know everything you need to know to get it running now22:47
nikjovthat was the proposition to have clean install of development version or utopic22:47
balloonsyep, whichever suits your fancy22:48
balloonsI'm always running the devel version22:48
balloonsalrighty, gl then and let me know. Once this is all sorted, the test writing will be easy, hah!22:48
balloonsgood night nikjov !22:48
nikjovwell since I'm new... hehe :-)22:48
nikjovgood night balloons btw ubuntu was my first distro EVER! :-)22:49
nikjovand I will try this and I will let you know :-)22:49
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