[00:15] > They are dependent on cars, for one thing, [00:15] I honestly think that was written unironically. [00:30] https://www.gourmet-coffee.com/Keurig-DRM-Freedom-Clip.html [00:30] I've ordered from these folks. I like their pluck [12:03] Good morning [13:02] Not good. I think I have to cancel Day of Coding because my kid has The Pink Eye [13:07] brousch_: no fun. :( [13:07] morning cmaloney [13:11] brousch_: Ouch [13:15] Oh, it's hour of Code, but I volunteered for the whole day [15:27] I swear there should be an electric shock for any idiot that doesn't mute their phone on a conference call [15:28] make it so [15:29] I'd have to retrofit all the phones [16:18] brousch_: how's the little dude doing with the pink eye? [16:19] He doesn't care now that he knows the eye drops don't hurt [16:20] awesome [16:22] Hard part is getting him to wash his hands every time he touches his eye [16:26] guess what the hashtag is for this storm that is (actually decently) drenching the bay area is? [16:26] #hellastorm [16:40] heh [16:40] greg-g: BTW: Happy Birthday Rowan. :) [16:46] cmaloney: well done, sir [16:46] ;) [16:46] bdayd [16:52] I probably will have to not make a big deal out of it with Rowan today, since his party is on Sunday and he'll want to open all of his presents now [16:52] heh [17:21] cmaloney: I submit this game as proof you should never surrender http://www.dragongoserver.net/game.php?gid=949237 [17:22] WEll, no, you're winning. ;) [17:53] cmaloney: I thought I was finished at move 29. He had good structures on top and lower right. I had 3 territory and dead stones [19:31] so, ann arbor-ish people ( jrwren, jcastro who else?): I'll be in town for ~30 hours Mon night -> Tues evening: where should I cowork with you or someone? [19:34] my basement? [19:34] Wolverine Brew co? [19:34] I have one call at.... noon michigan time, other than that I can go anywhere [19:35] s/call/google hangout/ [19:38] greg-g: where are you staying? [19:39] Chelsea on Monday night, but I have an appt in Ann Arbor Tues morning [19:40] you could probably rent for a day at Workentile Exchange if you really want a desk, inet and to work. [19:40] me, I'd probably do sweetwaters for bfast, work from tehre until ABC opens adn work from there :) [19:43] jrwren: I think you're right [19:43] :) [19:53] greg-g, I got fullblown office here for you if you want [19:53] and an entire bedroom if you need a place to stay of course [19:56] I'll probably stay at the MIL's :) [19:56] jcastro: what do you think of me showing up in the morning, doing my call at noon (to 1), then going to ABC/whatever for afternoon work/beer? [19:56] where "morning" == 10ish [19:57] let me check my calls [19:58] Dec 16th [19:59] yeah I can probably do that [19:59] sweet [20:00] jill will kill me if she can't see you [20:00] so we'll need to work something out if possible [20:00] :) [20:00] still at 258-blah-1006? [20:00] yeah [20:00] hey you got wheels or need transpo? [20:00] I'll probably rent a car [20:00] k [20:00] daily standup bbl [20:00] makes things so much easier [20:00] but yeah, count me in! [20:00] later [20:01] cool, will call ya [20:11] https://plus.google.com/+TheWeightSaint/posts [22:38] ADding events to the loco calendar [23:54] party [23:54] surgery sucks as does one handed typing :P [23:55] greg-g: dude i can't drive while you're here!