
inetprogood mornings02:56
inetprogood sign to see that I'm still online02:56
ThatGraemeGuymorning all05:48
theblazehenhi ThatGraemeGuy06:04
theblazehenhi gremble06:35
grembleHey theblazehen. How are you this morning?06:44
theblazehengood, and you?06:44
grembleI am doing well thank you06:58
superflymorning all07:15
grembleGood morning superfly 07:15
superflyThatGraemeGuy: is there a particular way I should talk to someone on VanessaE's server to get interact priv?07:15
superflyThatGraemeGuy: no worries, sorted07:24
theblazehenhi superfly07:26
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly: glad I could help :-)08:09
ThatGraemeGuymorning Kilos 08:22
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy and everyone else08:22
grembleHey Kilos 08:37
Kiloshi gremble 08:37
Kiloshi bduk superfly 08:56
Kilosinetpro: fix it08:56
ThatGraemeGuyno time for questions just fix it08:58
inetpronot sure what you are referring to08:59
Kiloseverything man08:59
ThatGraemeGuyno me neither, i'm just rolling with it08:59
ThatGraemeGuylet us know when its done08:59
Kilosgood man09:03
Kiloshave some coffee09:03
KilosMaaz: coffee on09:03
* Maaz washes some mugs09:03
bdukMorning everyone09:04
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:07
KilosMaaz: ty09:22
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:22
SquirmHey all09:55
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: Heard you had some issues last night?09:55
SquirmGuys, I'm wondering if any of you have come across a USB Charging solution. We have about 25-30 devices that need to be charged. We have USB hubs but the only output about 500ma, we need 1.5A/2A per usb port09:56
Squirmit just needs to charge, no data09:57
ThatGraemeGuyI had some issues last night?10:02
Kiloshmm... yum yum10:18
Kilosian brought me some tong10:18
SquirmReceived an email about something up with Hetzner CHS10:23
* Squirm shrugs10:23
Squirmnot sure on the details :P10:23
Squirmso don't mind me10:25
KilosSquirm: the usb hub, has the cable got 2 plugs on the pc side?10:45
Kilosthose cables put out more power than the single one10:45
ThatGraemeGuymmm not sure, CHS don't typically send out general emails10:47
KilosThatGraemeGuy: how can one stop spam emails on that site ian has there by you guys11:09
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: I'l looking to make up 30 ports, with 2A per port11:25
Squirmsorry, Kilos*11:25
Kilosand you basically want to plug in to mains then charge usb goodies from it11:28
Kilosthats 60 amps you want it to be capable of delivering11:29
Kilosyoull need to buy a strong transformer to start with11:30
Kilosthen build a rectifier circuit11:30
Kilosthen feed 30 usb sockets11:30
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: there is spam filtering as far as I'm aware, but I don't really work with the email & shared hosting plans to be frank11:33
ThatGraemeGuyhe can always contact support@hetzner.co.za, they'll be happy to help where they can11:33
grembleBut you're not frank, you're ThatGraemeGuy guy11:33
Kiloscool ty ill get him to look deeper11:33
ThatGraemeGuyor call 0861-0861-0811:33
ThatGraemeGuyI'm schitzophrenic :)11:34
Kilosi asked hasnt it got a filter and he said that can only help after he has told it the the pile of spam mails there are spam haha11:34
Kiloshes crying about having to mark each one individually as spam11:35
Kilostime consumingf11:35
Kiloshe has left now to go home ill catch him later and give the info ty11:35
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: also, see http://www.hetzner.co.za/helpcentre/index.php/articles/search/eyJyZXN1bHRfcGFnZSI6ImFydGljbGVzXC9zZWFyY2giLCJrZXl3b3JkcyI6InNwYW0ifQ11:37
Kilosty sir11:37
theblazehenKilos: USB is only 5V11:42
theblazehen5V 60A = 300W11:43
theblazehen300W = 1.36 A at 220V11:43
theblazehenput it at 1.5A at the wall, due to inefficiency11:43
Kilosright so you need a step down transformer from 220 to 5v11:44
Kilosthen a rectifier circuit and a regulator circuit11:47
Kilosyou want to make something like this but for 30 usb ports11:49
theblazehenKilos: yeah. What about those things that you sometimes see in shopping centers?11:50
theblazehenhttp://www.ioiusb.com/Hub/DU3-32U3BC01.htm this maybe?11:50
Kilosi havent been to a shopping centre for years11:51
Kilosis this for charging peeps cell phones?11:52
theblazehenYeah, this will charge with USB11:52
Kilosdont they have cell chrging points at shops or airports or something11:53
theblazehenSquirm: ^, could this work??11:53
theblazehenKilos: ya, what I was talking about11:53
Kilosi saw that theblazehen  looks like you then plug usb chargers into that11:54
theblazehenKilos: ya11:55
Kiloslets hear what he want to charge11:55
Squirmtheblazehen: looks like it11:56
Squirmtheblazehen: where can i get one ?11:56
theblazehenHmm.. Does it not say on the site?11:56
KilosSquirm: you didnt say what you want to charge11:56
theblazehenSquirm: sales@ioi.com.tw11:57
Squirmanything that needs to be usb charged11:57
Squirm@ Kilos11:57
Kilosthat box looks to me like you plug usb chargers into it first then cells into chargers11:58
theblazehenKilos: it said that it takes power from AC11:58
Kilosyou can check on that11:58
theblazehen> Built-in 350W AC (100-240V, 50-60Hz) to DC Switching Power Adapter. (PS-00044) 11:58
Kilosthats the mixup part to me , why then plug a usb charger into that11:59
Kilosit should do the job i thing11:59
theblazehenYou plug your phone into it?11:59
Kilosya thats what i would think12:00
theblazehenSquirm: assuming 100% efficiency this can provide 4.3A per port12:00
Squirmtheblazehen: yeah... much better than 500ma :/12:00
Kilosso peeps just need to have their own usb to cell cable12:00
SquirmKilos: yes12:00
Kilosor you can market them too12:00
Squirmthat's what I want12:00
ThatGraemeGuythat's a 1U rackmount thingy12:01
ThatGraemeGuygood luck with the rat's nest of cables ;-)12:01
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: oh, yeah...12:01
Squirmwhich means we can put it in a cabinet12:01
Squirmit's already a nest of cables12:01
Squirmit'll help neaten things up actually12:01
theblazehenWhat you use now Squirm?12:02
Squirma few chargers + normal usb hubs.12:02
Squirmwe have tablets, we've made a box for each tablet with a usb cable per box12:02
Squirm(box being big enough to fit a tablet)12:02
Squirmbut the hubs provide 500ma per port12:03
Squirmso to charge a tablet, it's not great12:03
* Kilos keeps forgetting you can buy everything nowadays12:35
charlgood afternoon13:02
charlMaaz: coffee on13:02
theblazehenh ich13:02
* Maaz starts grinding coffee13:02
charlhi theblazehen 13:02
theblazehenhi charl13:02
charlyesterday got kubernetes installed, today trying the new openshift 313:02
charlopenshift 3 is based around kubernetes and docker13:02
theblazehenah, nice :)13:02
charli want to try fabric8 with hawtio now13:03
charlrunning a small openshift 3 cluster with a master and two minions is easy with vagrant13:04
* theblazehen is downloading a vagrant image for the 3rd time in the last 24 hours... 13:04
theblazehenah, kk13:04
charlbut it seems like the environment variables are not being set correctly13:04
theblazeheninside the guest? Or where?13:04
charlon the master and minions13:05
charlwhen i use vagrant ssh13:05
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!13:06
charli need things like KUBERNETES_MASTER, D, DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_REGISTRY etc13:06
charlseems like they are not being set correctly in this vagrant openshift cluster13:06
theblazehennot being set at all, or what?13:07
charlnot being set at all13:07
charljust need to figure out how to get all of that working and to the correct values13:07
charlotherwise i can do nothing13:07
charlthis stuff is so new it's bleeding edge and i am bleeding13:08
charlthis looks very interesting http://vimeo.com/11245083813:08
charlDeployment Pipeline for Java EE 7 with WildFly, Arquillian, Jenkins, and OpenShift 13:09
theblazehencan't be played.. 13:09
theblazehenhi SDCDev13:09
charlweird, plays fine here (without flash)13:09
theblazehenBrowser? 13:09
gremblehtml5 baby13:09
theblazehenah, firefox here13:09
SDCDevhi hi :)13:11
charltheblazehen: ah it's an mp4, firefox only supports webm13:31
charlchromium-browser comes with mp4 support out of the box13:31
charli should say, VP8/Vorbis inside webm as the container13:32
theblazehencharl: ah..13:34
Kilostheblazehen: you know what13:45
theblazehenKilos: no?13:52
Kilosyou quite handy to have around. 13:52
theblazehenheh, ty :)13:52
Kilosseems that guy hononon whatever won13:52
theblazehenah, nice13:53
Kiloswell he hasnt come back13:53
Kilosmaybe he installed windows server hehe13:53
grembleWindows NT is the way to go13:59
* gremble shrugs13:59
Kiloswhat you smoking13:59
theblazehennah, Gentoo/NT 14:00
grembleIs that a new version? :P14:00
Kilosdoes windows server come with a gui?14:03
charlyes Kilos 14:03
Kilosah thats why he was lost14:04
charlfull gui but with 2012 you can run individual nodes headless14:04
theblazehenunless you install core :) hehe14:04
theblazehencharl: I thought that was also with 2008?14:04
charland then manage them centrally using that whatever version14:04
charltheblazehen: ah that might be possible indeed14:04
charlwhat was it called again... management center or something14:05
charlciao theblazehen 14:05
Kiloshehe seems like govt servers fixed charl 14:08
Kilosbeen good all day14:08
Kilosgo goosie14:08
charlvery good14:09
Kilosgustav man14:10
Kilosthe pro14:10
Kiloshe knows much more than he lets on at times i think14:10
Kilosthe skelm14:11
charlah sorry14:13
charlhe is the pro after all14:13
charlliek a boss !14:13
charlhe's like they see me rollin... they hating....14:14
SquirmCheers all, have a good evening14:19
Kilosyou too ty Squirm 14:29
theblazehenKilos: indeed16:33
Kiloswe missed him16:33
Kilosif think if he hasnt come right just help him mount it from the cd and install ubuntu-desktop16:33
Kiloshe didnt notice any bloat16:34
Kilosor you can go the i3 route but then you might need to help lots more16:34
Kilosoh im sure the is a server guide he can download16:36
theblazehenya, but I think it's not setting mode right. Might be better with i3 or something, as he just needs terminal16:38
Kilosi dont think he is comfortable with the cli yet16:40
Kilosi dont know how they work windows servers, he spoke about remote16:41
Kilosthe switch from windows to ubuntu destop isnt easy so to switch to cli must be frightening16:43
Kilosi remember how the guys battled with me16:46
Kiloslike giving apt-get commands and them not working because of no sudo16:46
Kiloshi hannolom 16:46
theblazehenhi hannolom16:47
Kilosdid you win?16:47
hannolomNo luck whatsoever16:47
theblazehenhannolom: Saw your last messages, did you put the nomodeset on the rescue command line right?16:47
Kilosok let theblazehen lead you16:47
hannolomno - were not able to get there16:48
theblazehenso no rescue mode?16:48
hannolomLet me boot using resque mode and get to it step by step16:49
theblazehenWait.. Does the server have a serial port?16:51
theblazehenCan you connect to it with another PC?16:53
hannolomdont have a serial cable16:53
hannolomok booted with ubumntu DVD - I have a "Rescue a Broken System" option16:54
hannolomok - I have a purple screen with Rescue mode in the top left cornet and a shell at the bottom16:57
hannolomnow that?16:58
hannolomsorry now what?16:58
Kilosyou need to be patient hannolom he does lots of other things at the same time16:59
Kilosin the meantime, where are you?16:59
hannolomif I go ls I get the following folders : bin  dev  lib  media  opt  root  sbin  srv  tmp  var  16:59
Kilostheblazehen: ?17:00
hannolomboot  etc  proc  mnt  run  selinux  sys  usr and vmlinuz17:00
Kiloshi Joe_knock 17:00
Joe_knockhi oom17:01
Kilosthose are the folders in your root directory17:01
hannolomlooks like it - yes17:02
Joe_knockhannolom: New guy?17:02
Kiloshe is trying to install ubuntu server Joe_knock 17:02
hannolomstrugling new guy17:02
Kilosbut after booting there is no cli17:03
Joe_knockaah I have exp there.17:03
Joe_knockubuntu server at home?17:03
Joe_knockdesktop or laptop?17:03
Joe_knock12.04 or 14.04?17:03
hannolomjip - on a HP proliant DL380 generation 3 & 12.04 or 14.04 17:04
Kilosi gotta go eat17:04
Joe_knockhannolom: which version of ubuntu server are you installing?17:05
hannolomeither 12.04 or 14.04, currently trying 12.0417:06
Joe_knockokay, hannolom are you familiar with architectures? If your system only supports 32-bit, a 64-bit won't work.17:06
hannolomjip - it is a 32bit - so is my image that I am installing from17:07
Joe_knockokay, and have you gone through the installation process? You will need a screen, keyboard attached to the HP to install 17:08
hannolomJip - let me fill you in on my journy (long story)17:09
Joe_knockcopy/paste all the text you've already written here: pastee.org . I will read up17:09
Kilosall the storywas last night Joe_knock 17:10
Joe_knockLet me try finding the chat log then.17:10
theblazehenhannolom: gotta go, sorry17:11
KilosJoe_knock: in short its installed but boots to a black csreen. the usb install offered the option of installing ubuntu-desktop and that one is working, but this server has no usb boot option so cd only17:14
Kilosi think maybe the easiest way to get it going now is just to mount it from the live dvd and install ubuntu-desktop17:15
Kilosthe desktop didnt seem to bloat the other one17:15
Joe_knocka black screen is right. It should basically only have space to enter username17:15
Joe_knockor rather, only specify the user enters username17:16
Kilosya thats what is missing17:16
Kilosblack is black not nothing else17:16
hannolomEven on the gen 4 with working desktop17:17
Joe_knockhmmm, try adjusting the screen resolution. Maybe the text is being hidden 17:17
hannolomafter post screen goes "out of range"17:17
hannolomAs soon as desktop loads image comes back17:17
Joe_knockhannolom: send some screenshots using imgur or [image-upload-tool]17:17
hannolomJust the Samsung or LG screen's own message saying "out of range"17:19
Joe_knockhannolom: I'm not exactly sure where you're stuck right now. Are you on ubuntu-desktop or -server?17:20
hannolomI'm trying to install ubuntu server with a GUI17:21
hannolomso on gen4 using Unetbootin I have a option to add ubuntu-desktop with initial install17:22
hannolombut on gen3 (cant boot with USB) have to first install basic server and then add ubuntu desktop after17:23
hannolomporblem is I cant get a shel or anything to do so17:24
hannolomso I guess that i'm stuck on ubuntu-server right after booting17:26
Kiloshannolom: cant you remote to it?17:27
Kilosdoes your windows pc not see it till you have a gui there17:28
hannolomNo SSH installed - same problem can't install as no display17:28
hannolomI can ping it17:29
Kilosthen its connected17:29
Kilosdo you have the ip address17:29
hannolomthere is HHD activity as well as network activity17:29
Kiloshave you got a spare lappy to install ubuntu on17:30
Kilosthen you can run the ssh command and control if 17:30
Kiloswb Joe_knock 17:31
Kiloscatch up17:31
Kilosi dont know if you can ssh ip from windows17:31
hannolomI have a gen4 with desktop installed17:31
hannolomHang on while I start that on up17:31
Kilosnormally linux servers run with no desktop17:31
Joe_knockYou can SSH into ubuntu-server from win. You need that CLI tool17:32
Kiloshelp him do that then Joe_knock 17:32
Joe_knockand SSH should be installed on the server17:32
Kilosoh my17:32
Kilosas default?17:32
Joe_knockI dislike installing a server with a GUI. You don't need one for it.17:32
Kilosthis is his first attempt at ubuntu17:33
Kilosso total noob17:33
Joe_knockoom, it's not that difficult to work from the commandline. and it looks like that HP machine is a bit old, so the GUI will hurt performance17:34
hannolomDid manage to get a CNC machine running on ubuntu 12.04 workstation a while back17:34
Kilosactually his other ubuntu server with the desktop might be ideal to ssh to this one17:34
hannolombut novice sounds righrt\17:34
Joe_knockhannolom: Do you have the IP address of the HP? If not, access your router and find it from there.17:34
Joe_knockThen we can try to SSH into the HP17:35
hannolomcool - got an IP17:40
hannolomSo how does the SSh command go?17:41
Joe_knockSSH [ip-address] 17:41
Kilosin brackets?17:42
Joe_knockno, eg. ssh
Kilosthats better then i understand too17:44
hannolomDoes not seem to work - permision deneid - is the correct passwod though17:44
hannolomI also tries ssh username@ipaddress17:45
hannolomok - took a bit of fidling but i'm in17:50
Kiloswell done17:51
hannolomSo now what?17:51
Kilosremember what you did17:51
Kiloswrite it down17:51
Kiloswhile you wait for joe download this17:52
Kiloslol i could never figure out what servers have to do, so you need help from guys like joe that use them17:54
hannolomnow - how to fix the graphics17:56
Kilosdo you really want the desktop?17:56
Kilosor just the command line17:56
Kiloscli servers are much faster17:57
Kilosnow you have control of it everything should be easy17:58
Kilosrun this command17:58
Kilossudo apt-get update17:58
hannolomI do get some Failed to fetch messages on some files18:00
Kilosthey are most likely language files18:00
Kilosnext command18:01
Kilossudo apt-get upgrade18:01
Kiloswatch what it does18:01
Kilosyou need to run these commands on the other one as well18:02
Kilosunless you use the update manager on the one with gui that is18:03
Kilosthe gui one will install lots of stuff18:04
hannolomSince i'm going to use blender and grapics applications i'll need the GUI18:05
Kilosso you want the gui on this one as well?18:06
hannolomon all - need to install blender on all of them to get the render farm working18:07
Kilosok tell me when upgrade is done18:07
hannolomplus the GUI helps with us "newbies" :) 18:07
Kilosya but unity is a bit heavy and slow18:08
hannolomstill running\18:08
hannolomseems to run ok on the gen4's18:08
hannolomok done18:08
Kilosok so speed not a prob18:08
Kiloshow much ram has this one got18:09
hannolom3 GB - most have 4GB18:09
Kilos3 should be ok18:09
Kiloshi mage18:09
hannolomSo upgrade done18:10
Kilosok now we need to decide on a desktop18:10
Kilosare you comfortable with unity?18:11
Kiloswe have a guide somewhere as well18:11
hannolomI have tried ubuntu-desktop - Xubuntu and Kubuntu - The latter is misrable but seem to run smooth18:12
hannolomBut i'll tru ubuntu for now18:12
Kiloslol i am using kubuntu here. it takes getting used to but seems to be more efficient and stronger18:12
Kilosok then here is the command18:12
Kilosjust want to see if you have aptitude installed but default18:13
Kilossudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop18:13
Kilostell me what that says18:13
hannolomcrapload of errors: ends with unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages18:15
Kilostry sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:17
Kilosnow where would the broken packages have come from on a new install18:18
hannolomsorry my bad - did not try aptitude first time18:19
Kilossudo apt-get install -f18:19
Kilosshould fix brokens18:19
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 18:20
hannolomso now? rebboot?18:20
Kilosis it done?18:20
hannolomlooks so - did not confirm sucsessfull - but no errors either 18:21
Kiloshere is a package manager for newbies hannolom 18:21
Kilossudo apt-get install synaptic aptitude18:21
Kilosill teach you to use it\18:22
hannolomsame error - <kilos> im going to start a fresh reinstall - I think in my tinkering I might have messed it up!18:23
Kilosno man18:24
inetprogood evening18:24
Kiloswell fix it18:24
Kiloswhat errors18:24
Kiloshi inetpro 18:24
inetprohello Kilos18:24
hannolomYou have held broken packages\18:24
Kiloswhats the apt-get command that ends with --fix-broken inetpro 18:25
Kiloswait hannolom 18:25
inetproman apt-get18:25
Kilosthat is dont reboot or reinstall yet18:25
Kilosoh its the -f18:26
inetprovery well explained in the man page18:27
inetpromuch better than I could18:27
Kilosnee man you give me the exact command man makes me try work one out18:28
Kilosat least you were online all day inetpro so you fixed it18:31
inetproof course18:32
Kilosgood man18:32
inetprocan't keep postponing a proper fix forever18:32
Kilosnow dontr say ai! when i say inetpro fix it18:32
Kilosok hannolom 18:33
Kiloslets find those broken things18:34
hannolomwhat do i do?18:34
Kilosdid you try sudo apt-get install aptitude18:34
Kilosoh i just remembered another command18:35
hannolomlooks ok18:35
Kilossudo dpkg --configure -a18:35
Kilosi thinks thats it18:36
Kilosinetpro: keep an eye please18:36
Joe_knockwait, why exactly are you installing ubuntu-server for a desktop-like app Blender?18:36
hannolomjust gave me a net line18:36
Joe_knockSuggestion: Avoid Unity for a 3GB machine. Go with Xu or Lu18:37
Kilostell Joe_knock hannolom 18:37
superflyEven KDE/Kubuntu is lighter than Unity (or Gnome, in fact)18:37
superflyand KDE can do non-3D mode18:38
superflyLXQt is looking VERY promising18:38
hannolomtried it on the gen4's with both ku, xu and ubuntu - and all run about the same18:38
hannolomno real diference - ku seem the smoothest18:38
Joe_knockhannolom: They would for light work, but when using tools like Blender, you don't want Unity bloat.18:38
Kilosok lets fix them broken first18:39
hannolomwell I have 5 gen3 dl380 to install - I can try and test them all - sulution to my proplen sould havever be similar 18:40
Kilossudo aptitude install synaptic18:40
hannolomObject for now is to get one of them working18:40
Kiloslets get this one going properly then you can change gui's later18:41
Kilosok in the dash type in synaptic18:42
Kilosand open it18:42
Kilosdash is the top button on the left18:42
hannolomdid not look like synaptic installed18:43
Kilosok 18:43
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall synaptic18:44
hannolomend with need to get 0 B of archives. after unpacking 0 B will be used18:44
Kilosthat means its installed18:44
Kilossudo synaptic18:44
hannolomcommand not found18:45
hannolomif I enter Synaptic - "the program "synaptic" is currently not installed\18:46
Joe_knockAnybody know this guy: https://fredreh.wordpress.com/about-2/ ??18:46
Kilossudo apt-get install synaptic18:47
hannolomBroken packages again18:48
Kilosit doesnt say which ones18:49
Joe_knockTry a different server for DL. 18:49
hannolombet that reinstall option is becomming attractive?18:49
hannolomhow do I set that?18:49
Joe_knockGo to your package manager18:49
Kilosno man i used to always reinstall and everyone bombed me and said fix it18:49
Joe_knock(update manager)18:50
hannolomSo we learn18:50
Kilossoftware centre18:50
Joe_knockBottom-left, Settings...18:50
hannolomfrom a shell - I'n ssh into the server shell only18:50
Kilosoh maybe the packages in archives are broken18:50
Joe_knockUbuntu Software tab, Download from:18:50
Kiloshe hasnt rebooted yet Joe_knock 18:51
Kilosmaybe reboot for atarters and see if the desktop is there18:51
Joe_knockoh you're still in the CLI? I thought desktop was already installed18:51
Kilosif not ssh into it again18:52
Joe_knockThere should be a way to change it from CLI also.18:52
hannolomlets try - rebooting now18:52
Kilosthe pro knows how to change repos from cli18:52
Kilosim too doff18:52
Joe_knockA simple check on ddg.co should give an answer.18:53
Kilossmoke already coming out my ears from all the thinking18:55
hannolommmm - still no display18:55
hannolomlet me ssh in again18:55
Kilosso its in the broken packages18:55
superflyif you reinstall every time you never learn how to fix it. and on Linux, you can *always* fix it18:56
Kiloshahaha you see hannolom 18:57
hannolomI think it if broken further - cant ping it after reboot?19:00
Kilosstill no cli on it either?19:02
hannolomnope - goes dark right after post19:03
Kiloslook in router if it gave another ip19:03
Kilosi dunno 19:03
Kiloshow did you find the last one19:03
Kilosi dont use a router it hurts my head19:04
hannolomthe gen4 is on - so I started from upwards untill I got ping responce19:05
hannolomnow I get nothing19:05
Kilosnow  we need the clever guys help again19:06
hannolomwait rebooted again and I have a pulse19:06
KilosJoe_knock: jump in19:06
Kiloswhats a pulse19:06
Kilosim a born noob19:06
hannolomgood - im in19:06
Joe_knockthe ip address will keep changing each time you reset it.19:06
Kilosyay well done19:07
Kilosnow to change repos19:07
Kilostell him how please guys19:07
Kilosthat other one has broken packages19:08
Kiloshannolom: run sudo apt-get clean19:08
hannolomjust jumped to a new line19:09
Kilosja it removed the packages from the cache19:09
Kilosthe archives19:10
Kilosim looking for a fix-broken command19:11
Kilostry this again, it should fetch some19:12
Kilosor first run sudo apt-get update19:12
Kilosthen sudo apt-get install -f19:12
hannolomlooks like its going to us.archive.com19:14
Kilosah didnt you tell it you in za19:14
hannolomthis is prob my  20th install - keep on tryning new things to get it working19:15
hannolomso - how do I change19:16
Kilosbeen there done that19:16
Kilosi use synaptic19:16
Kilossudo apt-get install synaptic19:16
hannolommmm - broken packages19:17
Kilosoh you dont have a desktop there so you wont see it via ssh i think19:17
Kilosthat mirror must have broken packages 19:17
hannolomguess so19:18
Kilossjoe can you use nano19:20
Kilossudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:20
Kilosthen step back19:20
hannolomI fear my time for toningt have run out. I'll do the evil thing and reinstall a crean server then tie up with you gents and ladies again tomorrow!19:21
Kilosok cool . good luck19:21
hannolomThanks for the assist - let the good fight continue tomorrow!19:21
Kilosmake sure you sa you in za19:22
Kilosthen youll get a good mirror19:22
hannolomcool - will do19:22
Kilossjoe hy baie slimmer as ek was19:25
KilosJoe_knock: ty19:28
Joe_knockjulle slaap too early19:28
Kilossuperfly: is lxqt stable?19:30
Kilosor still in developement19:30
superflystable, yes. got everything it needs? no.19:31
superflylike it doesn't have a network widget, it seems.19:31
Kiloseish that the most important thing19:31
Joe_knockxfce is still the most fluid/beautiful19:32
Kilosya but the x things arent lekker19:34
Kiloseven unity is better to use19:34
Joe_knockgnome works okay with xfce so there's an advantage there19:35
Kilosim getting too used to kde to easily change19:36
Kilosi didnt enjoy xubuntu at all19:36
Kilosi even have kde 32 bit running on a dual core 3g with 2g ram19:37
Kilosslow but stable19:38
Joe_knockI've grown to dislike slow. Even on my outdated machines19:40
Kilosya but you guys do everything fast and multitask as well so it aggravates it19:44
Joe_knockoom Kilos gaan jy vir vakansie?19:49
Kilosnee man ek gaan nerens nie19:50
Kilosvir 10 jaar nou19:50
Kilosits fine i spent years at the coast and been to ct and pe and some places in northern tvl  and i dont need to see more places atm20:00
Kilosthen id have to get a laptop to be able to stay online20:00
Joe_knockoom daar is teveel free wifi all over SA, so you're good for internet activity :P20:04
Kiloslol then id need to get a lappy or cart my desktop and get a wifi card for it too20:05
Kilosand i dont like laptops20:05
Joe_knockget a chromebook.20:07
Kilos nono 20:07
Joe_knockdaai klein 11 inch laptop20:08
Kilosnee man kleiner is erger20:08
Kilosek het groot goed nodig om te kan sien wat is wat20:08
Kilosim older man and got one blind eye and the other one also cant see20:11
Kilosive had a good run20:11
Kilosso no complaints apart from the headache20:11
Kilosive lived on crayfish and mussels for years and big meats for more years so nothing missing in my life20:13
Joe_knocklol, so wag jy vir die lamp te switch off?20:21
Kiloslol been there done that too20:22
Kilosbeen rebooted20:23
Kilosgood idea to go sleep methinks20:27
Kilosnight all. sleep tight'20:27

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