
laksdjhi, i need help00:00
laksdjim trying to make a bootable usb, how ever it seems that ubuntu will only let me do that with a ubuntu iso00:00
laksdjany way around that?00:00
ObrienDavewhat OS are you trying to boot?00:01
laksdjvector linux00:01
laksdjbut regardless of what distro i am trying to use, i have always had that problem00:02
qjqqyy1rip laksdj00:02
Mega1my ubuntu server sda1 is full how do i free up some space00:02
bekkslaksdj: so ask the vector linux support on how to make a bootable usb of vector linux.00:03
daftykinsMega1: can you pastebin a "df -h" and an "ls -l /boot" ?00:04
=== qjqqyy1 is now known as Qjqy
daftykinsMega1: are you there? :)00:07
Mega1when i did df -h sda1 is 98% use00:08
Mega1and its the boot00:08
daftykinsMega1: i want to see "ls -l /boot"  !00:08
daftykinsMega1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ <-- put it here00:09
johncarperHello, this might be abit off topic but I have a HDD case with a weird connect i don't know. Does anyone know wich one this is: http://i58.tinypic.com/jkdge8.jpg ?00:09
daftykinsMega1: also what is "cat /etc/issue"00:09
daftykinsjohncarper: that would be a caddy for an internal enclosure type unit00:09
Mega1i get a few lines that look like "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1162712 Aug 13 17:23 abi-3.13.0-34-generic"00:10
bekksjohncarper: Thats called "50-pin SCSI connector".00:10
johncarperdaftykins: Thanks alot :) will look that up now00:10
daftykinsi.e. that's the external part which slides into a 5.25" bay caddy00:10
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
bekksjohncarper: Havent seen it for about a decade now.00:10
daftykinsMega1: i want to see the PASTE, share it!00:11
johncarperWe use it at our school, we slide it in the slot and then lock it with a key00:11
daftykinsMega1: PM me with it if you're afraid of others seeing it, but there's nothing personal there00:11
johncarperwanted to know what it was so i could order one to place into my pc :)00:11
daftykinsjohncarper: yep, no idea if internally it's PATA or SATA disks though, you'd have to check00:11
bekksjohncarper: You dont want ancient technology nowadays :)00:11
daftykinsjohncarper: check what your machine supports before you buy one00:11
Mega1ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l00:12
johncarperdaftykins: will do, thanks00:12
daftykinsMega1: good stuff. can you pastebin "ls -al /boot" now please? :)00:12
daftykinswe could've been done by now ;)00:12
johncarperalso one more question, is the .72 the newest kernel for ubuntu? Cause i tried updating today and ive got the .4000:13
bekksjohncarper: .40 is the current one.00:13
Mega1daftykins did you get that00:13
johncarperok, thanks :)00:13
bekksMega1: No, you got disconnected for flooding because you did not use the URL daftykins proposed to you.00:14
daftykinsMega1: no, you're meant to paste to paste.ubuntu.com for us :)00:14
daftykinsif someone else can take over though, i have to go attend to food now \o00:14
daftykins(i was going to just say to remove some old kernels of course)00:14
EriC^^Mega1: what's up?00:17
Mega1ok i pasted in there now00:17
Mega1sda1 is 98% use00:18
bekksMega1: so just run the following command now:00:18
bekksMega1: uname -a00:19
bekksMega1: Whats the output?00:19
Mega1bekks what commands00:24
biclyOn ubuntu server, with apache2 how do I turn of TLSv100:24
johncarperbekks: found the rack to place the case in :) http://www.startech.com/HDD/Mobile-Racks/Black-525in-SATA-Hard-Drive-Mobile-Rack-Drawer~DRW110SATBK00:25
EriC^^Mega1: type uname -a and paste here00:25
bekksjohncarper: \o/ :)00:25
Mega1uname -a00:26
johncarperwill check if it will fit into my pc now, hopefully it does :)00:26
Mega1Linux getout 3.13.0-39-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 29 09:56:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:27
EriC^^Mega1: ok type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.*00:28
biclyif I type in the conf SSLPROTOCOL all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 it turns off everything, if i do SSLPROTOCOL +TLS1.1 +TLS1.2 I get errors00:29
EriC^^Mega1: then type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{34..36}-generic00:30
biclyhow do I set in the config to only negotiate TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 ?00:30
laksdji dont mean to flood the room, but im wondering if there is any way to make a usb boot disk that doesnt have a ubunto distro while in ubntu00:30
Mega1how did it get so full00:31
OerHekslaksdj, unetbootin has some presets for other *nix iso's00:31
bekksMega1: Because of all the kernel updates.00:32
Mega1it now says 83% use00:33
Mega1is that normal00:33
EriC^^did you type both commands?00:33
bekksMega1: you deleted things, free space increased - thats normal, yes.00:33
Mega1is 83% normal use for sda100:34
EriC^^Mega1: that really depends on the size00:34
=== MartynKeigher is now known as MartynKeigher-AW
bekksMega1: you are usig kernel ..39.. - and you can delete all those "lower number kernels".00:35
Mega1when i do update i get a error w: GPG error00:38
somsip!gpgerr | Mega100:39
ubottuMega1: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »00:39
bekksMega1: "w:" means "warning", not "error".00:39
Mega1W: GPG error: http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B500:40
LinellHey there everyone. I need a little help. I installed xubuntu a while back and then installed i3. How can I switch out of i3 and back into the default window manager?00:42
LinellI just need a dang gui back for a bit.00:42
daftykinsLinell: do you get a login screen? can't you pick the session there?00:43
squintyLinell:  if you didn't uninstall the xfce desktop you should be able to select it from the logon screen00:43
LinellI don't get the login screen, it just jumps straight into i300:43
LinellI don't *think* I uninstalled it. the xfwm4 command is still valid. It just gives me a 'could not find a screen to manage' error00:44
squintyLinell:  just log off  (should take you to logon screen)00:44
LinellPardon the newbness, but `logout` gives me 'not login shell' ?00:45
squintyLinell:  should have a choice in main menu to log out or shut down   select log off (out or whatever)00:47
banjokid2000anyone here runs an online store?00:48
daftykins!ot | banjokid200000:48
ubottubanjokid2000: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:48
banjokid2000ok. sorry00:48
zykotick9Linell: try mod+shift+e00:49
UndeadLeechI am awake00:50
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
cpinedhello, I installed gnome and the open vpn manager.  When I select on a connection, nothing happens, I don't get the prompt to enter a password.01:01
=== pistdov is now known as pistdov`afk
=== Osenpai is now known as BinSlashBash
biclyHello on ubuntu server how do I set the config to only TLSv1.1 and TLS1.2, if i use SSLProtocol to all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 it turns off everything, if i do +TLS1.1 +TLS1.2 I get error soon as I type the period ?01:07
BinSlashBashhi guys, what time to install openstack on ubuntu using canonical repo?01:07
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:08
SachiruAh crud01:08
SachiruMy bad, wrong channel.01:08
SachiruSo sorry.01:09
BinSlashBashInitializing Environment: 9331.86 sec elapsed !01:12
rellumi have a problem, i can access mysql by command line but no access by webpage,01:13
rellumthis msg01:14
rellum/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed01:14
rellumerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'01:14
rellumCheck that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!01:14
rellumanyone can help me01:14
somsiprellum: your connection is not properly setup in the config for the webpage01:14
rellumsomsip, is correct. Was correct but my hard disk fully when i emptied this error appear01:17
rellumand nothing was modify01:17
rypervencherellum: Your config file may have gotten messed up. Have you rebooted the server since having fixed the disk space issue? Or restarted MySQL.01:18
somsiprellum: so you deleted something you shouldn't have?01:18
rellumrypervenche, i restarted the server e after anytimes the mysql service01:21
somsiprellum: so mysqld is running, you can connect on the command line, but some webapp is not working. What code from the webapp can you paste for us to look at?01:22
rellumsomsip, i have many pagewebs, nothin was modified01:23
_omega_sudo apt-get install fortune-mod fortunes-off festival ;01:23
_omega_z=$(fortune -o -s | sed 's/[![]]//g' | sed 's/[()"-]//g') ; a="\"$z\"" ; echo "(SayText $a)" | festival &01:23
rellumthe error initied when my hard drive was full01:24
rellumsomsip, i can view the databases and table when i access by the command line01:25
somsiprellum: yeah, I read that before. Something has broken. Are you connecting on command line using same user details in the webapp configs? Eg: you might mysql -u root -p, but the config might use a different user?01:27
rellumsomsip, but have a msg in log error: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed01:27
rellumerror: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'01:27
rellumCheck that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!01:27
rellummysqld is alive01:27
rellumChecking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were01:27
rellumnot closed cleanly.01:27
unopasterellum you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:27
somsiprellum: you're just saying what you've said already. what log is this error in?01:29
rellumsomsip, this   /var/log/upstart/mysql.log01:30
somsiprellum: what command line do you use to connect to mysql?01:32
=== BinSlashBash is now known as Osenpai
rellumsomsip, mysql -u root -p01:34
somsiprellum: then I don't understand why the error log is reporting the problem with "/usr/bin/mysqladmin". Are you calling this from your webapp somehow?01:36
rellumsomsip, this error is very crazy. No, i'm not calling mysqladmin from my webapp!01:40
somsiprellum: does that error appear when you access the webapp?01:41
rellumsomsip, Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: The MySQL adapter mysqli is not available01:42
somsiprellum: so install the correct one - php5-mysqli possibly01:42
Jeeves_Mosswhen I'm connecting to my WiFi, I can ping the default gate, but I can't get past that.  when I try pinging, I'm getting Destination Port Unreachable.  what step am I missing here?01:48
OerHeksJeeves_Moss, maybe that dns service does not respond to icmp packages, try ping www.ubuntu.com01:50
Jeeves_Mossok, one sec01:51
Jeeves_Mosssame thing01:51
Jeeves_Mossand I know the AP works (tested from laptop)01:51
OerHeksoh, here it does, ping
Jeeves_Mossnope.,  same thing01:52
OerHeksMaybe the router has een ACL acceslist/mac filter ?01:52
Jeeves_MossFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Port Unreachable01:52
daftykinsOerHeks: yeah it doeS :>01:52
Jeeves_Mossit works from my laptop though.  :-(01:52
daftykinsJeeves_Moss: i take it your default gateway is 192.168.x.x ?01:53
OerHeksJeeves_Moss, is that machine wired & wireless?01:53
Jeeves_Moss101.166.232.1 I'm guessing, but my route won't show that01:53
Jeeves_Mossnm, it shows is
daftykinsJeeves_Moss: err, so this isn't a residental wifi setup?01:54
Jeeves_MossI'm going to repair the GRUB on my laptop, and kick into Ubuntu in a min so I can just do USB passthrough01:56
mlodyhi guys, How can i install on ubuntu12.04 a package from ubuntu 14.04? its like yum --enablerepo in centos01:58
OerHeksmlody, best way is to upgrade to 14.04 LTS.01:59
mlodyoh cant01:59
mlodyits openstack compute node01:59
mlodywe have quite a lot of them01:59
mlodywould have 2 update each02:00
OerHeksthat would landscape do for you, afaik02:00
daftykinsmlody: yip landscape is great for management of many02:02
daftykinsbut trying to use newer packages = bad idea, find a repo maybe02:02
OerHeksmlody, if it is a single package, download the deb from launchpad, then sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb # and hope it does not give dependencie errors02:04
mlodyits collectd so it will actually02:04
mlodyit installs freaky amount of02:04
unknown64any good antivirus tools for linux or just grsecurity hardening should stop or alert to most issues02:06
OerHekshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/collectd <> http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/collectd02:06
mlodyi need collectd 5 not 402:07
mlodythats the problem :-)02:07
Squidward!ops | help channel emergency drunk doing this02:08
ubottuhelp channel emergency drunk doing this: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang02:08
tewardthe VM software i'm using is saying it can't get hardware graphics support - is there any way to figure out why that's the case and fix it?02:11
tewarddaftykins: alas, VMware >.>02:11
tewardwish VBox but it segfaults02:11
tewardno idea why02:11
tewardteward: the Ubuntu host has opengl support (confirmed!) but the guests cant see it02:12
daftykins"wish vbox" ?02:12
Jeeves_Mosswhat would cause iflist not to show all of the APs that my laptop sees?02:16
unknown64is accelerated 3d graphics checked in vm settings under display02:16
=== MaHaRoX14 is now known as captainfixerpc14
s0nyI have installed windows 8.1 and then Ultimate Edition 4.2 (Ubuntu 14.04) dual boot. I made a swap partition although it boots straight to windows instead of giving me a grub menu. I can only boot into ubuntu through the installation DVD (boot from disk). How can i get the grub option for ubuntu/windows without having to wipe data?02:31
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daftykinss0ny: if you installed both EFI, you need to set your system to boot from the hard disk instead of 'Windows Boot Manager'02:32
zykotick9!ultimate | s0ny02:33
ubottus0ny: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:33
fkdkms0ny: install grub into mbr of your hd, it should create both entries02:33
Ben64s0ny: sorry, ultimate edition isn't supported02:33
zykotick9that !ultimate factoid alias is of minimal benefit... no ultimate channel listed :(02:34
Ben64well it does say to check the website02:34
s0nyfkdkm: could I use grub customizer?02:35
Ben64s0ny: you'd have to ask ultimate edition support for that02:35
fkdkmi have no idea whatthat is02:35
Ben64we only support ubuntu here02:35
s0nyok...but it is based on ubuntu02:35
s0nythanks anyways02:36
fkdkmBen64: i can bet their grub is taken straight from ubuntu02:36
Ben64fkdkm: maybe, but the fact remains that anything other than ubuntu isn't supported in this channel02:36
s0nyI cannot find their support02:37
Ben64go to their website02:37
daftykinss0ny: already told you the answer anyway :)02:38
OerHeksthere is a channel here on #Freenode, #UltimateEdition .. but 2 people in it02:38
daftykinsmust be their worldwide user base ;)02:39
fkdkmhow can I install security updates in 14.10?02:39
Ben64sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:41
fkdkmvery funny, Ben6402:42
Ben64not a joke, that is the answer02:42
fkdkmit will install trash updates too, which is not needed02:43
Ben64how do you differentiate that? just about every update is a security one02:44
daftykinsfkdkm: disable all but the security repos, then Ben64 is correct - why you would do that though is a matter for a sanity check02:44
7YUAALVIXmy audio no longer works after updating how can I fix this?02:45
daftykinss0ny: psst, did you actually see my message or not understand it?02:51
linociscoubuntu is nothing without Internet02:51
Tweaker_Good evening; trying to install 14.04 Trusty, have tried twice from different dvd's with different copies of the iso as well as from usb, When i boot up it goes fine until it gets to the partitioning part where it should ask me what partition i want to use but instead it is totally blank (i have 4 partitions). any ideas?02:52
daftykinsTweaker_: what computer type? are you typing from a booted live session on this computer right now?02:54
zykotick9Tweaker_: fyi, if you're using an msdos partition table, then 4 primary partitions is the maximum... if that's the case, then ubuntu has no where to install to...02:54
Tweaker_daftykins: Yes liveCD. All partitions are NTFS.02:55
daftykinsTweaker_: can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" in a terminal please02:55
s0nydaftykins: I understand what you are saying to do, just trying to figure out how to do it. Still not too good with linux02:56
daftykinss0ny: it's not actually Linux at all, it's the boot device choice inside your system's BIOS/EFI setup screens02:57
Tweaker_ok i ran that command02:57
casimirwho's captain gallagher02:57
casimirI'm Captain Gallagher!02:57
casimirI'm Captain Gallagher!02:57
daftykinsTweaker_: both?02:58
daftykinsTweaker_: the second would give a URL to paste here02:58
s0nydaftykins: how exactly would i set that up manually?02:58
Tweaker_oh wait...  sorry, user error02:58
eriscowhen I try to use sudo, I get the error 'unable to resolve host'. this is apparently because /etc/hostname does not agree with /etc/hosts but since I cannot use sudo I do not know how I can edit these files02:58
daftykinss0ny: usually you press a key to enter your setup screen, e.g. delete, F2, F10... depends on your system02:58
deckard__hello. sudo apt-get install ia32-libs isnt working. it says it has no installation candidate. what can i do?02:59
zykotick9erisco: livecd/usb perhaps?02:59
casimirIt's a 5 1/4" disk drive that allows you to put your penis in it or vagina on it and have sex over the internet using UDP02:59
daftykinserisco: you're going to have to boot in recovery mode to edit the file, or edit it from a live session02:59
daftykins!rescue | erisco02:59
ubottuerisco: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode02:59
Tweaker_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9470543/02:59
casimirDoes FU-FME.COM's FU-FME device available for sale and where are the Ubuntu drivers for it02:59
casimiri have windows drivers but not ubuntu02:59
s0nydaftykins: yes, after that what option should I be looking for?03:00
casimirHELP ME, run dun dun dun dunna nun nun nun "HELP ME!"03:00
daftykinsrww: ^03:00
casimirspeeder  immutable .stumbled  mushier  instructs  Lebanese  savored at  Latasha  Creoles then  backstop .preferred then  chessman  pitchforked of  lingos  Palmyra by  meditations  swooned  baldness  vibration .Netherlander those  sociable  sauna  Marlon at .Mon  Larsen  nervousness  counteroffers  consecutive03:00
daftykinss0ny: the boot menu, find where the primary device is set to "Windows Boot Manager" and change it to your hard disk/SSD device instead.03:00
casimirphonemes  philosopher  distemper  retook .flimsier  Kobe  gaol  wholehearted  mermen these  Reuben  Kristine  diffusing of  upwardly  foresaw .Suleiman  interoffice  mistaking if  permeates  urgent  warble  suntan  doctored  blocks  cotyledon .liaison03:00
casimirembraced .statuesque  mishapping  bobsled  dancer  abhorrence  verbalized  overtake  northernmost  acquittal  flatten  Earhart .fallacy  panelist  Vickie  archeology the .Menominee .replacements  affliction .volunteered  upheld  rewired  dampened  averse .indulgently  Eduardo  employes03:00
casimirlogarithms  actualizes  pickiest by  cannon .chilblain .feeler  crevasse  helplessness  Urban  Liebfraumilch .forenames  bleeping  cud  wanderlust  Atacama  describes .displace .touts the  Schwarzenegger  Wilkes at  zombies .Moon then  hiccupping  agronomy  subtitled  hallucinations  endowments03:00
casimirI'm Captain Gallagher!03:00
somsip!ops | casimir03:01
casimirengagingly  sorrowed  scampies  restrained  lipsticking if  gargle those .inability .prostituted  mantissa .transmuting  Katherine .emasculating .blabbed  scrapes  dinning this  connived  Goldberg  diva  Martian this  sunbeam  teammate  yelling  sunfishes  narcosis  foundation  disconnected  Zimbabwean .prosecute  Dawn  Galois those03:01
ubottucasimir: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:01
casimirplated .hirsute  formed if  capability  last  exacerbating  organists  opus  magnifiers .lambasting  sluggard  feds  radiotelephones  horsing  teased  parabolic by  extraneous .embarkation .bustled  lemony  clothing  exceptionally  carnelian  sportswear  coated  huffier  eigenvalue  Plataea .disorients03:01
casimirsloppiness  obsessives .packaged  hind  précis  hindrances  formlessness of  translators at  bossy  totalling  contradistinction .venial .rescuer  kingpin  carped  jackals the .fetish  narcs  spreed .ravishingly  thirty  pettifog  ecstasy  municipal  technique03:01
casimirkibitzed  patronize by  text  kernel  explanations  Jacobite  noseys  imposture these  propellants  arcane  swing  troweling these  metabolizes these  upsurged  smooch  paltriest this  harmful .shrivels  gunner at  world this  ballpoints  scuppering .gymnasiums  Golda  tush  Estella  Nigerians this  objections  Palestrina03:01
holsteincasimir: please stop filling the channel. thanks!03:01
deckard__does anyone know why sudo apt-get install is32-libs wont work?03:01
casimirregrets  figged those .acculturation  identify  Bridgeport  pandered  spreading  exampling of  Acadia  lea  woulds  pleases  Kasai was .procreative .obscurity  mango this  psychedelic  crotches  ligature  hazes this  convoluted was  bask  evacuating  channel  nourishing if  exotics  lightened  windfall .afflictions03:01
somsip!ignore | holstein03:01
ubottuholstein: If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname03:01
casimirMafias  endorsers  reupholsters  demoing  vined  radiation  stalemated  poising the  intimate  munificent  laboratories  hallows was  attitudes of  brocading  amount  coercive if  herding at .Zeno  puckered  biodiversity .lather those  boatswain  attached .coop  inedible03:01
casimirWhat type of planet is 7 feet tall and is a farter?03:02
casimiraback  devoured  smelly this  codeine  plentifully  burglarizing  broncos  Transvaal  parallax  meaner at  garrisoning  overawed  Newton .pealed  kayaks this .epileptics the  greyed  Dvorák those  saturates  soluble  youngster  heaven  obligatory .inbounding .sailboat of  sol  dialling  dewberry  apples03:02
s0nydaftykins: thanks, i will try03:02
holsteindeckard__: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install is32-libs" and share errors03:02
zykotick9deckard__: ia32-libs has been deprecated/removed...03:02
casimirAnswer: A gas giant.   haha, ha ha ha ha ha ha03:02
casimirheartbroken this  settings  Colombo  cantors  impregnably .proofreading  spiteful .lusty .alacrity .bib  nineteenth  shawling  Surat  superficiality  complete  confiscation  sleetier then  Xochipilli  Farrakhan  spinoff .privateer  sledgehammering  popcorn  cheekier  acids then  decoyed .03:02
casimirumpired  demilitarizes of .reset the  wears  candelabrums  disbanded  rescinds  Angola  undisturbed .acquited  muskrats  waked was  sootier  patiently  simplifies  barometers  cerebrum  subscript  obliterating  pedestrian  freewheels  vulva  emulating  dormancy  Stacey  miters  gloated  unbolt .03:02
casimirslowdown  novella  tonnes was  husbanding  coinciding  bypassing .pubic .blowups  skulduggery  Hardy  perilous these  robins  supplies  emotional  cavalcades  flail  handicapper  watermarks  tight the .fits  turbines .outranking  quirky by  specialized  nothings  gurgles  anthologized  disclaims03:02
casimirurinary  perquisites  fleet  sawhorses .gunfought  incubator  tarred these  tittles at  formulation  reawakened  abbreviates was  Carrie .baritones  journal  oversell  veterans  Laundromat  flatteringly  balloon  squishier  braille the  reluctant  horrify  Heywood  relying .skinning  appendage by .hoists03:02
deckard__okay so it cant ever come back?03:02
casimirYo momma's so fat that when Columbus sailed for the new world, he mistook her for America03:02
casimirfairies  vapor  envelopment  vacationed  unholiest  deafening  shibboleths  Wilhelm  sough at  mischiefed  demonstrates  catastrophically  preconditioned  Palikir these  briefer  pessimists  undulation  kookier  transponders  interpolates .sully  vagabond .annoy .explosions  coif  plantation .narwhal .razz  banish .movie03:02
deckard__why all this spam?03:03
casimirTaichung  separation  vassalage  voltages then .imprecation was  whirling  poplar was  delude  amnesia .Cannes was .discoloring  adrenaline  obits  vacillations  surety  devised .tampering then  assertive  demobilizes  atoned  supremacists  recommend these  inures  recondite  oligarch  turrets  wirier .roundworms03:03
casimirI'm Captain Gallagher!03:03
daftykinsdeckard__: you use package:i386 for 32-bit now.03:03
casimirrepublishes  ennobled at  camomile .frenzies  parodied of  infrequent  sunrise  Cooperstown .demoralize  mys  packers  began  Isabel  blithest  beatitudes  bobbled  perniciously .excellently  misnomer  typeface this  handcrafted if  episodic  buy of  visualizing at  seducer  motionless  twines .trudge  Englisher .Lucius03:03
deckard__how i install?03:03
daftykinsdeckard__: trolls happen. just deal with it.03:03
casimirhoaxed the  prostitution  hews  circumvention  habituation at .Victorians  bars  socialites  hearsing .spitfires  trickster .college  Navajoes  indent  bluebell  Bissau  Americanism  strongboxes  productive  quaffed  decanted  placentals  deformed  nautically this  Laverne  acupuncturist03:03
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
holstein!ops | casimir03:03
ubottucasimir: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:03
casimirrepealing these  coups  desensitize  illusion  starring  enticing  boomerang  caricaturing  domesticating  renters .dietetic  counterclaiming  gremlins .hemisphere  especial  philharmonics  coffees then  reeducation  congruities  contouring the  latency  lace  fixating of .succors of  brief  pumices03:03
fkdkmdeckard__: it is multiarch now03:03
casimirinterviewer  Jamaican  natures  Robbin  dodoes of  disembarkation  Mozart  jinxed at  regimented .mortuary .hydrogenate  thigh  skittering  discovers .treachery  whirligigs  sailcloth  horniest  enslaves  sandlot  ingenuously if  fainthearted  jawed  states was  banal  weediest  harmonically03:03
deckard__does that mean i can install it?03:03
jonnesmall question about drush modules03:03
casimirwhat makes the best lewd jokes03:03
casimirBarbara  howdied  fasten  subsidizes of .authorized  interlocutory of  whiles  reconciled was  rooms  bailing .miscreant  multiplier  thickets  hollies  capers  incloses  celluloid .intemperate  depreciation  lucidity .menial  westernize .evergreens  espy  parasites  Palestine this03:03
jonnehow do you install a drush module03:03
holsteindeckard__: please run the commands i gave, and share the errors.. in a pastebin03:04
fkdkmit does no longer exist03:04
jonnei can't find any documentation o nthat03:04
holstein!paste | deckard__03:04
ubottudeckard__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:04
Tweaker_daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9470543/03:04
jonnewhoops, wrong channel, sorry03:04
holsteindeckard__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install "packagename"03:04
daftykinsTweaker_: yeah you have way too many partitions and nowhere to put a new one!03:05
deckard__thansk so much03:05
daftykinsTweaker_: did you try and make #7 there ready for ubuntu?03:05
holsteindeckard__: you seem to be mistyping ia32-libs03:06
holstein!tab | deckard__03:06
ubottudeckard__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:06
holsteindeckard__: you should be able to use tab to complete the proper name of the package..03:07
Tweaker_daftykins: actually i have WUBI on a seperate partition and the uninstaller for wubi would not work; so i was just going to install natively over top of that partition i believe is #603:07
deckard__fixing, ty03:07
daftykinsTweaker_: WUBI installs to a file on an NTFS volume... you could just delete the disk image then repair the windows bootloader to get rid of traces of it03:08
Tom84geordi: int exp (int b  , int e ){int r = 1;for (int i = 0; i < e; i++){r *= b;}return r;}int quadint  (int a , int b , int aq , int bq , int cq ){int r  = 0;r = (aq * (exp (b, 3)))/3 + (bq * (exp (b, 2)))/2 + (cq * (exp (b, 1)))/1 - (aq * (exp (a, 3)))/3 - (bq * (exp (a, 2)))/2 - (cq * (exp (a, 1)))/1;return r;}int main (){cout << "quadint(0,3,1,0,1) = " << quadint (0,3,1,0,1) << "\n";return 0;}03:08
holsteinwubi dosnt give you a partition03:08
Tweaker_no it doesnt give a partition but i made one for it seperately about three years ago. would this affect installing over that partition?03:08
holsteindeckard__: "However the following packages replace it:" so, just use them03:08
deckard__i tried but can you show me th command?03:09
holsteindeckard__: what are you trying to do?03:09
daftykinsTweaker_: well, which one is it? :)03:09
deckard__a game onl runs with ia32-libs03:09
holsteindeckard__: you can try the alternatives listed there03:09
daftykinsTweaker_: oh 6 you said, can you boot back into Windows and jump online here?03:09
Tweaker_i can yes03:09
holsteinsudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 ..for example03:09
Tweaker_no idea if WUBI is interfering with my native install but i would assume no, its just an NTFS partition which i was going to install native 14.04 on03:10
daftykinswell you'll likely already have GRUB on there03:11
holsteinTweaker_: wubi installs like an application03:11
holsteinTweaker_: you dont do any partitioning, or changing of the "host" os.. windows03:11
holstein"host" is not even a good term for it..03:11
daftykinsTweaker_: i'd like to see two partitions deleted before trying the installer again03:11
daftykinsholstein: i'd prefer you don't jump in on an active query if you don't mind.03:11
holsteindaftykins: sure03:12
daftykinswell that was abrupt.03:12
Tweaker_i do have gparted live around here someplace, and a partition program in windows... i know one partition is a recovery partition which is rather small, one is windows7, one is wubi, and one is storage. was going to install over the partition that contains nothing but wubi03:14
bonhoefferhey -- i have 7 packages can be updated. 7 updates are security updates. -- what is the best way to update?03:14
Tweaker_which is the fifty gig partition03:14
daftykinsbonhoeffer: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:14
daftykinsTweaker_: really this'll take 2 seconds from Windows03:14
bonhoefferdaftykins: how is dist-upgrade different than upgrade03:14
somsipbonhoeffer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade03:15
daftykinssomsip: ty :)03:15
somsipdaftykins: np :)03:15
bonhoeffersomsip: awesome03:15
daftykinsi never do a normal upgrade if i'm honest, but then i use servers03:16
Tweaker_alright i will jump over to windows no problem and be back.. might be a few min cause 'windoze' is slower than molassas in the arctic03:16
MDTech-us_MANhow do I disable the wireless on/off button on my keyboard?03:16
MDTech-us_MANI have a HP Pavilion dm403:16
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: they tend to work below the OS layer so i doubt you can03:16
MDTech-us_MANunfourtunatly, when I accidentally press the button, I cannot turn the wifi on at all anymore!03:17
MDTech-us_MANuntill I reboot03:17
MDTech-us_MANwhich, as you can guess, is a pita03:18
MDTech-us_MANon the wifi notification menu, it says "WiFi is disabled by hardware switch"03:18
MDTech-us_MANand even if I press the button again, I can't turn it back on03:19
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: run "sudo service network-manager restart" after you flick it back on03:19
MDTech-us_MANmow the wifi notification completely disappeared03:21
daftykinsshould come back03:21
rollypoliopoint me to a voip channel? freenode #voip is deserted03:21
daftykins!alis | rollypolio say please in future03:21
ubotturollypolio say please in future: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:21
kostkonMDTech-us_MAN, you could also try   rfkill unblock all   next time03:22
MDTech-us_MANits back, but still same thing03:22
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: "rfkill list all" in a terminal03:22
MDTech-us_MANoh wait a sec03:22
* daftykins drumrolls03:22
MDTech-us_MANnot completely the same03:22
daftykinsdon't leave me in suspense man!03:22
MDTech-us_MANnow I do not see anything related to WiFi in the menu03:23
daftykinsright click and check a tick is beside management of wifi03:23
MDTech-us_MANnot even the disabled by hardware switch thing03:23
daftykinsand run the above command as mentioned03:23
MDTech-us_MANI have phy0 and hp-wifi03:24
MDTech-us_MANon both soft and hard block are "no"03:24
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: is there a chance you can consolidate this information into a single message rather than spamming us?03:24
MDTech-us_MANwell, that is all03:25
[1]Tweakeralright im in03:25
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: logout and in03:25
daftykins[1]Tweaker: identify the partitions, run diskmgmt.msc, delete the two that aren't used03:25
MDTech-us_MANI just pressed the wifi button again and rebooted the service and now I get the disabled by hardware switch again03:25
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: press to turn on, or press to turn off...?03:26
MDTech-us_MANthe is a single button which in windows work to toggle on/off03:26
daftykinsyes and i'm asking which way the button press just *now* would've set it03:27
bonhoeffermy mysql server keeps crashing -- i want to install a process monitor -- and rebooter -- is monit the only game in town03:27
MDTech-us_MANI dont have the slightest idea03:27
MDTech-us_MANI dont count the number of presses I did since installing ubuntu03:27
daftykinsargh i'm talking about since it was on and working03:28
MDTech-us_MAN3 times03:28
bonhoefferdoes anyone here use monit03:29
daftykinsso press it one more time, which will presumably mean on again... then right click the tray icon for network manager and untick enable wifi and retick it after03:29
daftykinsbonhoeffer: they will reply if they do03:29
daftykinsbonhoeffer: best advice... #ubuntu-server or find a mysql channel03:29
MDTech-us_MANnow I just have WiFi is disabled03:30
daftykins!cz | cabowitz03:30
ubottucabowitz: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.03:30
MDTech-us_MANeven though Enable WiFi is checked03:30
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: ok, i give up.03:31
daftykinsavoid pressing that button :P03:31
daftykinsor you can try your BIOS for an option that tells it to ignore the button03:31
MDTech-us_MANis there a way to disable the keyboard shortcuts entirely?03:31
daftykinsdo you not think i would've started with that?03:31
daftykins[1]Tweaker: how's it looking?03:32
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: one is an extended partition from windows 7, but i erased the two partitions in question. can i.. unextend that partition? bout 60gb free03:32
MDTech-us_MANdam this laptop. to fress any of the "F" keys I need to hold a "Fn" key down which is a pain03:32
daftykins[1]Tweaker: what do you mean by unextend?03:33
dinesh_guys having issue with pptx means odp03:33
fkdkmMDTech-us_MAN: the answer requires an order more Linux knowledge than can be found here03:33
daftykinsdinesh_: powerpoint presentations in... what? there might be a channel for your office suite.03:33
fkdkm[1]Tweaker: ubuntu can be installed within the extended partition just fine03:33
daftykinsfkdkm: nice attitude there03:34
dinesh_hi, inserting an image and graph having issue03:34
bonhoefferhey -- i notice a lot of deamons start up with ubuntu -- where should i look to see everything starting?03:34
daftykins[1]Tweaker: are you saying the free space isn't enough for the install you want to do?03:35
fkdkm[1]Tweaker: if you have a free space both in the end of extended partition and after it, the ubuntu installer can deal with it03:35
daftykinsfkdkm: i was dealing with this query from earlier, don't interrupt please.03:35
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: no it is enough, i wasnt sure if it could be installed within an exteded partition.03:37
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: this is what it looks like http://picpaste.com/screenie-3C3ZGY9L.jpg03:37
dinesh_Thanks buddy looking some solution in pptx, which will not support in open office format03:37
MDTech-us_MANi found the option in bios03:38
daftykinswinner \o/03:39
daftykins[1]Tweaker: oh dear is that Vista?03:39
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: 703:39
daftykinshmm odd text03:40
daftykins[1]Tweaker: if you don't have a disc, you could burn off recovery discs then delete that HP Recovery partition too03:40
XCVB_I have a problem were unity keep crashings03:40
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: i do have recovery disks but i'm paranoid >.>03:41
daftykins[1]Tweaker: hehe ok. i'd give booting the live session and running install another go now03:41
dinesh_update the ubuntu for unity crashing-xcvb03:41
[1]Tweakerdaftykins: wonderful thank you. I willcome back and let you know.03:41
daftykins!alis | dinesh_ try and find a channel for your office suite03:42
ubottudinesh_ try and find a channel for your office suite: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:42
biclyno answer on tls1.1 and tls1.2?03:42
daftykinsbicly: never saw you ask a question.03:42
biclyHello on ubuntu server how do I set the config to only TLSv1.1 and TLS1.2, if i use SSLProtocol to all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 it turns off everything, if i do +TLS1.1 +TLS1.2 I get error soon as I type the period ?03:42
XCVB_dinesh_: so there was bug about03:42
daftykinsXCVB_: no, it's just that user guessing.03:43
daftykinsafter all they don't even know what version you're using03:43
XCVB_ubuntu 14.0403:43
XCVB_IDK I have a bunch of updates03:45
daftykinslol, yeah you're going to want to keep an up to date system03:45
madumlaohullo! just watched mark shuttleworth's youtube vid on snappy core.03:48
somsip!snappy | madumlao03:48
ubottumadumlao: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/03:48
madumlaoanyone used it?03:49
somsipmadumlao: see above - for discussion go to #snappy03:49
madumlao aight aight03:49
somsipjobs: do you have a support question?03:51
jobsHow to create ubuntu wifi03:53
jobsHow to create ubuntu wifi?03:53
jobsthere is anybody how to create wifi for phone?03:54
jobsthere is anybody how to create wifi for phone?03:54
tewardjobs: you should ask and then wait patiently for a response03:55
daftykinsjobs: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/09/3-ways-create-wifi-hotspot-ubuntu/03:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest56498
leremitathat feeling when your running rm -r * on your /tmp and you realize your still in home :/04:02
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:03
daftykinslotuspsychje: morning o/04:04
lotuspsychjedaftykins: hi mate04:04
daftykinslereand that you're using the wrong 'your' ;)04:04
daftykinslotuspsychje: you're like my shift change volunteer pal! :D04:04
lotuspsychjedaftykins: timezones support are the best :p04:04
Tweaker_no luck04:06
daftykinsTweaker_: still blank huh?04:07
lotuspsychjedo we have a trigger for this new linux trojan yet?04:09
Tweaker_daftykins: completely lol. http://picpaste.com/pics/Workspace_1_002-5UH8cuQf.1418270943.png04:09
daftykinsTweaker_: is it possible you're booting a modern EFI capable system?04:10
Tweaker_daftykins its that /dev/sda3 partition x.x its extended and has 60 gigs unallocated. (thats where i wanted to put it, anyhow)04:10
Tweaker_hmmmm got this PC back in like 201204:10
Tweaker_maybe 201104:11
daftykinstell you what there are two pics here04:11
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:11
daftykinsone is of a black background and white text menu, the other is the purple backed with logo04:11
Tweaker_i definately have a bios.04:12
daftykinswell, some that are EFI still have the old style BIOS looking utility so it can be a surprise04:13
daftykinsis it possible you have a machine with a funky disk setup - like RAID?04:13
lotuspsychjeTweaker_: you want dualboot or full hd ubuntu?04:14
Tweaker_definately have raid. dual boot04:14
linuxmintHmm, Ubuntu doesn't find 1 HDD. HDD is connected in via SATA data cable and powered. Woud ubuntu see the HDD if it was faulty with command $ fdisk -l04:14
lotuspsychjeglitch1: welcome04:14
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: if gparted cant see the drive, might be dead04:15
daftykinsTweaker_: sooo, two disks mirrored (RAID 1) or?04:15
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, possible. Would be good to have a command to diagnose HDDs, as some faults I fix with a new format.04:15
Tweaker_its one single 1GB sata drive04:15
glitch1I have a qeustion about wget. How do I tell it to download all links from a website including links to resources on another domain, but only do it 1 link deep04:15
glitch1"wget --recursive --html-extension --span-hosts -e robots=off --convert-links --timeout=8 -t 4 web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/" is what I have so far04:16
daftykinsman wget04:16
glitch1man page ahs been of no help04:16
lotuspsychjeglitch1: or join the #wget guys04:16
somsipglitch1: --level=depth04:16
linuxmintglitch1: yes, the man pages need better real life examples.04:16
linuxmintglitch1: from a - z step by step process, for noobs to learn their programs.04:17
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: did your drive work on another Os?04:17
glitch1It's not they they need examples, it's just that they need to explain how and why a certain command or option works the way it does04:17
glitch1Just giving it and adding a vague summary of what it does doesn't help at all04:17
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, the HDD didn't have 'Faulty' written on the HDD as per other faulty HDDs.04:17
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: whats the hd brand?04:18
glitch1anwyays as far as --level=1 that also makes it go only 1 level deep on the website that I want it to completely crawl04:18
linuxmintlotuspsychje: I guess I would like to thoroughly text the HDD before calling it faulty.04:18
daftykinswell when a man page fails, i google.04:18
Tweaker_daftykins, i guess i could check that out, but i know i had ubuntu on here before. i will go check the bios to see if i can find out04:19
linuxmintdaftykins: yes, but some nerd snobs laugh if you have to google.04:19
somsipglitch1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20030148/wget-doesnt-download-recursively-after-following-a-redirect04:19
daftykinsif you don't google before you come here, you need to be tortured with just me and a penguin.04:19
glitch1daftykins Unless you're on OpenBSD the man pages fail as a rule rather an exception, at least in my experience04:19
somsipglitch1: with --span-links showing on the man page "Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieving"04:20
glitch1somsip That gives me an idea, thanks04:20
somsipglitch1: and I'm fine with admitting, man page and second search result in google did it for m04:21
glitch1somsip Nope, doesn't work04:22
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: even a pro support user will google, we are never too old for learning right04:22
aotianlonghi all04:22
lotuspsychjeaotianlong: welcome04:22
glitch1The reason I want to use wget is so I don't have to download a bunch of accessory files with different extensions manually, but restricting it to those domains means I might as well go and download each and every file manually in the first place04:22
aotianlongsome one can help me ? all my domains on godaddy are stolen by some one .04:23
SchrodingersScatlotuspsychje: we are all teachers and students04:23
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, but I was laughed at a lot for using google. The wannabe pros thought they were too cool for school.04:23
aotianlongany one have expierence to get them back04:23
lotuspsychjeaotianlong: are you on ubuntu?04:23
linuxmintlotuspsychje: well, not sure what to do with this not found HDD. Might research how to check HDDs, as I have a lot of faulty ones, but work months or years later.04:24
SchrodingersScat!ask | UndeadLeech04:24
ubottuUndeadLeech: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:24
aotianlongjust need some one can help04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
UndeadLeech2I am awake04:24
unopasteUndeadLeech2 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted04:24
lotuspsychjeaotianlong: we can only support you on ubuntu mate04:24
lotuspsychjeaotianlong: plz detail your problem, so we can redirect you to the right support channel04:25
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: your bios still see the HD?04:27
lotuspsychjehmm jp or cn?04:28
jeffrey_fI know it is off topic...just need a quick and dirty mysql.  PM please04:28
lotuspsychje!cn | aotianlong04:28
ubottuaotianlong: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:28
lotuspsychjejeffrey_f: join the #mysql guys04:29
linuxmintlotuspsychje: hmm, can't check that, as I use SSH. Would need to hook up a monitor and keyboard.04:29
aotianlonglotuspsychje: thanks04:29
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: what hd brand is this?04:29
hellyeahhave a questopn04:29
jeffrey_flotuspsychje: waiting for a reply for a while04:29
lotuspsychjehellyeah: ask away04:30
hellyeahi have 13.10 in my usb is there a program that updates the content of usb to current ubuntu version04:30
lotuspsychje!13.10 | hellyeah04:30
ubottuhellyeah: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy04:30
linuxmintlotuspsychje: on the 2nd Ubuntu computer, # fdisk -l finds the HDDs, but they're in the wrong order. E.g., computer has SATA 1,2,3 and 4, but # fdisk -l has /dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc and /dev/sdd with the wrong HDD?04:30
linuxmintlotuspsychje: I would need to open the case to check. Was hoping for a non-physical fix.04:31
SchrodingersScat!info unetbootin | hellyeah04:31
ubottuhellyeah: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 603-1 (utopic), package size 216 kB, installed size 839 kB04:31
OerHekshelyeah download the latest iso and make a fresh usb04:31
hellyeahubottu:  i just searched for a sotware that updates 13.10 to something current04:31
ubottuhellyeah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: bios hd check would be important to see if hd is alive04:31
hellyeahOerHeks:  okey that what i search04:31
daftykinsnn fellow helpers \o04:31
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, guess I need a tiny VGA monitor to move around...not so lucky right now.04:32
hellyeahubottu:  okey ?D04:32
rigel_is there some way to allow a specific user to forward privileged ports without using sudo? a line i can put in sudoers or something?04:32
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: gparted and testdisk might be usefull to check also04:32
linuxmintlotuspsychje: ok, I'll try BIOS another time.04:33
hellyeahubuntu kylin is the last version04:33
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: good luck04:33
linuxmintlotuspsychje: is there a way to rename /dev/sda to say /dev/sdb, to match up with my physical SATA 1,2,3,4 port connections?04:34
ubottuUbuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin04:34
hellyeahwhat do you say04:34
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: i think there is auto layout /sdX by ubuntu, based on your physical hd connection04:34
linuxmintNot renaming partitions, but renaming real HDDs.04:34
linuxmintlotuspsychje: hmm, the autolayout does not coincide with the MOBO's SATA port number 1,2,3 and 4.04:35
hellyeahwow it is 1.1 gb04:35
hellyeahit was generally 800mb04:35
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: bios helps arrange layout, and see where the Os installed04:35
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linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, I'm in the BIOS now and finds the 4 HDDs as SATA 1, 2, 3 and 4, but Ubuntu seems to # fdisk -l the HDDs in the wrong order. I would expect SATA 1 to be /dev/sda and SATA 2 to be /dev/sdb etc...04:38
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, BIOS looks in order with HDD sizes and Vendor names.04:39
linuxmintlotuspsychje: so it seems Unix has messed up the /dev/sda naming.04:39
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: depends maybe if one HD is dead or not, you dont get a warning on bootup?04:39
hellyeahwhat was the ntfs checking software on ubuntu?04:39
linuxmintlotuspsychje: this Ubuntu computer with 4 HDDs seems to be working nicely, except for the /dev/sda naming.04:40
lotuspsychje!ntfs | hellyeah04:40
ubottuhellyeah: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:40
hellyeahactually my question is different04:40
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: you said 1 drive cant be seen on ubuntu?04:40
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hellyeahas far as i know there s a software for checking and repairing ntfs partition.04:40
lotuspsychjehellyeah: data recovery?04:41
hellyeahlike chkdsk04:41
hellyeahit is like maintenance04:41
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, sorry, that was computer2, to be the NFS client with 2 HDDs. I can't check the BIOS on computer 2, so now I'm trying to finish computer1.04:42
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: not sure about how ubuntu chooses the sdX order, but i guess its all based on how the machine boots04:43
lotuspsychjelinuxmint: another sata layout, you would have to switch sata cables to sata1 sata2 etc04:44
zykotick9linuxmint: lotuspsychje: the sdX order can change!  it can't be relied on... udev rules might help04:44
zykotick9^ why UUIDs or LABELs should be used instead04:44
lotuspsychjezykotick9: ok tnx, but why would someone choose to change different instead or the auto recognition?04:45
linuxmintlotuspsychje: yes, I thought about switching the cables, but the cables are in correct order, which I'd like to keep.04:45
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linuxmintzykotick9: ok, I'll let the /dev order go.04:45
zykotick9lotuspsychje: sorry, i'm not clear on what you're asking04:46
lotuspsychjezykotick9: well in his scenario, ubuntu chooses the sdX automaticly, why would a user change this order exactly?04:46
zykotick9lotuspsychje: short answer - they shouldn't.  reboot number 101 and suddenly sda become sdb :(..04:47
lotuspsychjezykotick9: well thats what i mean, ubuntu has a logic to name sdX right?04:47
zykotick9lotuspsychje: the kernel has a quasi-logic but it's fungable...  again, you can't rely on sdX naming, period.04:48
lotuspsychje!uuid | linuxmint thanks to zykotick904:49
ubottulinuxmint thanks to zykotick9: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:49
* zykotick9 would recommend using LABELs over UUIDs... but YMMV04:49
lotuspsychje!label | zykotick9 like this?04:50
ubottuzykotick9 like this?: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.04:50
zykotick9lotuspsychje: yup.  e2lable for extX partitions.  LABELs can be used with "mount" commands or fstab04:52
lotuspsychjezykotick9: ok tnx for info04:52
glitch1I have a problem with Xubuntu 14.04, my settings app has dissappeared from my whisker menu. It might be related to this change: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/14.04.604:54
glitch1How do I put it back?04:54
linuxmintI just move the 1st HDD out of it's bay slighty to check the top label and the monitor went snowy and black. Now the tower LED power light won't show and monitor is black. CPU fans runs, but can't access BIOS?05:01
glitch1nevermind I figured out the command for the settings manager and launched it from terminal and fixed it05:01
linuxmintShould I reboot the CMOS or something. MOBO seems to run the CPU fan?05:04
UTLOerHeks: Thanks for the Windows 7 link! It helped me see the Ubuntu partitions. Still having trouble writing to ext3 and ext4 partitions, though; however, the change log says that this will be fixed in the next upgrade. I look forward to it. I'm still new to it, so I don't know what all I can do, but I've tackled the problem before to no avail.05:08
UTLThe problem with getting Windows to see Linux partitions, that is. Again, thanks!05:08
eriscoI have tried to restart ubuntu in recovery mode by pressing the shift key during boot but this does not appear to be working05:10
eriscothe most I have been able to do is reach the grub shell by hitting esc, but I do not know how to start recovery mode from that point05:11
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lotuspsychjeerisco: to enter grub, its holding shift at boot, then select the ubuntu(recoverymode) from your list05:14
eriscoas I said, I am holding the shift key but nothing is happening05:14
eriscomy system just boots normally05:14
lotuspsychjeerisco: you have dualboot with windows?05:15
lotuspsychje!recovery | erisco05:16
ubottuerisco: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:16
erisco... never mind05:16
Ruler2112Hello.  I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 and am having a problem with choppy audio in DOSBox 0.74.  Is anyone available & able to help?05:19
jgcampbell300what would one use to manage multiple linux servers and desktops that has a gui05:20
Ruler2112If the machines all have X installed, vnc works well.05:21
jgcampbell300Ruler2112:  I am kina looking for something that would broadcast commands and do some monitoring05:22
Tweaker_hi daftykins05:22
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jgcampbell300I have been using ssh to manage them ... but its a pain to have to do all the time .. theres got to be something out there that i can setup to watch them all and remind me to do things05:23
Ruler2112jgcampbell400: Ahhhh.... gotcha.  Sorry - I don't know of anything that would do what you ask, though I'm certain there are tools for such a task.05:23
jgcampbell300anyone had any exp with clusterssh05:24
Tweaker_Having issues installing 14.04... When i get to installation type no partitions are listed, i even have a ext3 partition blank and ready to be installed upon..any ideas?05:24
Ruler2112I wrote a series of scripts that monitors for my employer, but it's little more than a heartbeat program with status of the machine (disk space, process status, etc) and the server it reports to then notifies me.05:25
somsipjgcampbell300: no gui, but I find ansible an easy way to admin large numbers of servers05:25
SunStarTweaker_:  is there any RAID?05:25
Tweaker_SunStar: My PC does say something about RAID at startup05:25
orlockRuler2112: Nagios.05:25
jgcampbell300thanks gona go look those two up05:26
Ruler2112Anyone here familiar with DOSBox?  Specifically, I'm having issues with choppy sound when the speech/sound effects play in the original Lands of Lore.05:26
SunStarTweaker_  look at the motherboard and make sure you have the drives plugged into the corect ports (might want to check the manual) also consult the BIOS to disable any onboard RAID05:26
Tweaker_Sunstar: Only 1 physical internal 1GB Sata Drive05:27
Tweaker_SunStar, also i am able to access and mount said partitions via livecd while "trying ubuntu"05:28
SunStari don't know your motherboard, but it mentions RAID and some have dedicated ports for that and using them tends to be an issue05:28
Ruler2112orlock: LOL - that's funny... I basically spent 3 weeks rewriting that project because I didn't know it existed.05:28
SunStarcan you write data to the partition?05:29
Tweaker_sunstar: yes05:29
SunStari had this exact issue on a computer a couple of weeks ago. drive was plugged into a port that was dedicated to raid. i could mount the partition but i couldnt install to it.  couldnt write data through either. had to change physical ports05:30
SunStaris there data on this partition?05:30
SunStartry using gparted to destroy and rebuilt the tables05:30
Tweaker_sunstar: ok i will try that.05:31
rypervenchejgcampbell300: Terminator also works very well.05:32
MDTech-us_MANis there/what is a good Git GUI for ubuntu?05:32
rypervenchejgcampbell300: I find Terminator to be a bit more user-friendly than clusterssh, but both work. If you need help with it I can find you a tutorial on the net.05:32
MDTech-us_MANI know I can use the good ol' terminal, but a gui would make my life just that much easier05:33
jgcampbell300rypervenche: i have used Terminator before ... think i may give clusterssh a try ... thanks05:34
Tweaker_sunstar: the partition i have set aside for ubuntu is inside an extended partition. does that matter?05:34
SunStarit should work, but a primary logical would be better05:36
Ruler2112Tweaker: I've had issues installing operating systems in extended partitions before.  Some machines BIOS requires the OS bootstrap loader in the first 1024 cylinders.  (Don't know if this is what you're running into though.)05:38
SunStari havent run into that issue on sata, becides thats where grub shloud be going anyway05:39
Ruler2112I'm having issues with choppy sound when the speech/sound effects play in the original Lands of Lore in DOSBox 0.74.  Is anyone here familiar with DOSBox?05:39
SunStarif i remember correctly, there is a room here on freenode for dosbox05:39
rypervencheRuler2112: I use ScummVM for DOS games personally. I would recommend giving that a shot.05:40
SunStar#dosbox is the room05:40
Ruler2112rypervenche: I've not heard of that - I'll give it a shot.  Thanks.05:40
Ruler2112sunstar: Thanks - I'll join that channel.05:41
bbryanthey, does anyone understand why I can't hibernate in 14.04 (/home and full disk encryption enabled, nothing else unique) ?05:41
bbryantis it a limitation due to the encryption selected, or just for my laptop?05:42
SunStarhibernation is disabled by default.05:42
bbryantso how do I turn it back on05:42
bbryantthat's like, my favorite feature05:42
MDTech-us_MANbbryant ^^05:44
bbryantthank you05:44
MDTech-us_MANlol SunStar, I was 5 seconds before you05:44
SunStarbut mine is encrypted05:45
SunStarand official n stuff05:45
MDTech-us_MANaskubuntu is also pretty much official05:47
SunStaryup. but this is better brought to #ubuntu-offtopic05:47
bbryantok, so I followed those instructions05:49
bbryantand nothing05:49
bbryantno change05:49
MDTech-us_MANyou know that to hibernate you need to type "sudo pm-hibernate"05:50
SunStaris your swap partition at least as big as your RAM? does whats in your SWAP now + whats in RAM now exceed SWAP?05:50
bbryantMDTech-us_MAN: I can't set that up in power options05:51
bbryantor anything?05:51
MDTech-us_MANI don't remember05:51
linuxmintlotuspsychje: I pulled out the HDD that wasn't found. It's a Seagate Barracuda. Am testing on another computer now.05:51
MDTech-us_MANahh! thats the one ^^^05:51
MDTech-us_MANthats for 13.10, but is *should* work for 14 + too05:52
MDTech-us_MANseems like he went into hibernate successfully05:55
Tweaker_grrr... gparted recognizes everything just fine why not the ubuntu installer >..05:56
SunStari would go into BIOS setting and see what there is to look at for RAID and if it can be disabled05:58
SunStarit might be setting it up as a single drive raid005:58
jgcampbell300hmm i wonder if puppet would do it05:59
Tweaker_SunStar, if i remember correctly the drive is set to RAID, i can try changing that. i'm going to try updating first and see if that helps any.. if not i will do that06:03
Tweaker_Sunstar: I DID at one time have i think 10.04 installed, not sure what the issue is.. if its a bug i am hoping update helps06:04
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jgcampbell300hmm is there something wrong with the repos ?06:09
Tweaker_don't think so, mine is updating now06:09
jgcampbell300hmm i must be having some issues ... thanks06:09
jgcampbell300think ill just get some sleep ... thanks06:11
BUSYhey guys! am i going to have any trouble installing ubuntu over windows 8? like with safeboot etc?06:13
MichaelHabibI'm unable to boot ubuntu after I removed/moved some og\f my HDD's around. I get to the initramfs command line and that's it06:14
linuxmintok, HDD works in another computer. Other computer won't download gparted, stopping me reformatting the HDD. I suspect the MOBO is blown, but no clear way to tell. CPU fan does run.06:15
MichaelHabibNote that I corrected the Grub2 menuentry so get this far as the Ubuntu Parirtion name/number has changed from /sdd7 to /sdc6   but ubuntu seems to still try to load /sdd7 as the root partition06:15
DarknetAnyone here uses Ajenti? I am trying to setup an email server to create emails, and i can't manage to figure out how to do that.06:17
bubbasauresMichaelHabib, Have you looked in fstab of the OS controlling grub?06:18
bubbasauresMichaelHabib, resizing partitions and moving generate new UUID's as seen in sudo blkid06:21
inerkickhow can i set emacs short cuts to firefox. So that I can learn Emacs while I use Firefox. Is it possible?06:22
cp1Something wrong with the network connectivity to security.ubuntu.com, I am having issues downloading the recent kernel updates and mtr is showing very high latency on the last hop.06:22
somsipinerkick: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/firemacs/06:22
MichaelHabibbubbasaures: the move was just moving the hdd from one SATA slot to another, no changes to parition size,name or UUID . I already checked the UUID it It's still the same06:23
inerkickis that helps to learn emacs through same shortcuts while i use firefox somsip06:23
MichaelHabibbubbasaures: , I can "boot" to ubuntu but get stuck at final stages while it still tries to find the partition by it's old name (was /sdd7 now its /sdc6 )06:23
bubbasauresMichaelHabib, you updated grub right, have to ask?06:24
MichaelHabibbubbasaures: yeh , and I will tripple check it now06:24
bubbasauresMichaelHabib, More that one linux OS here?06:25
bubbasauressorry 'than' or raid?06:26
MichaelHabibbubbasaures: I have nother min install but it hasnt been used for over a month , this ubutnu OS is the only os used on this PC (doing HDD cleanup and backup now )06:27
BUSYfor example, do i want uefi or csm os mode?06:29
BUSYor do i even need to touch it06:29
bubbasaures!uefi | BUSY06:29
ubottuBUSY: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:29
marty1list of commands?06:30
sacarlson1marty1: list of commands maybe for bash?  if so try google for bash06:31
marty1ok thanks06:32
alteregoais there a kernel patch for Tux on ice for 3.18?06:35
somsipinerkick: read it and find out for yourself06:40
inerkickyeah going through somsip06:40
BUSYhmm ok in the install pages i get a very unhelpful error. "??? ??? (as superuser) - ??? ???"06:41
MichaelHabibwhen checking the Grun2 menu entry , I see ... root=/dev/sdxy   .. is there a way to set root with UUID instead ?06:42
inerkickwhat is the copy command in that somsip i can't find06:45
inerkickcopy past commands06:45
MichaelHabibalteregoa: ty :) I dont see this format much in blogs/docs  , I think this is more dynamic if I move HHD's connections .. is there a downside to using it  ?06:45
BUSYwould it be better for me to format the disk windows is on from the livedisk?06:46
alteregoain menu.lst?06:46
MichaelHabibalteregoa: yeh06:46
goodleBUSY: convert to GPT 1st06:47
BUSYgoodle: it's already partitioned with gpt according to "disks"06:47
alteregoaafaik its the root= entry instead of /dev/sda UUID=UUID06:47
goodlewindows cant boot from GPT without EUFI bios but linux can06:48
goodleyay for linux06:49
BUSYin the end i just want to boot to ubuntu, can i format the fresh windows install off the disk?06:49
BUSYor shoudl i just let the installer take care of it06:49
goodlefresh windows install?06:50
BUSYi mean i'm booting the machine for the first time06:50
BUSYit wants me to make a microsoft account to login to windows 806:51
BUSYi just want to install ubuntu over it instead, but the install is hitting some bogus error06:51
goodleyou shouldnt have clicked the agreeament06:51
goodlenow MS> owns you06:51
BUSYhaha typical06:51
goodleubuntu owns you too they have root06:53
goodleyou also have need email account in google to use android and same for apples06:55
goodlemaybe they should all work toghether on ubuntu instead06:56
BUSYthat's my error. -.-06:56
alteregoawhy unity looks so ugly?06:57
goodleso y6ou dont fall in love with the OS06:57
thoriecan someone help me with my wireless connection? i installed the drivers and i have a wlan0 but when i use wicd-client it doesn't show any networks06:57
goodle14.10 isnt stable06:59
goodleits testing branch07:00
somsipgoodle: no it's not. You're advice here is of a low standard. If you can't help, just don't.07:00
goodle15 is unstable branch07:00
dts|pokeballhey guys... i installed a command to ~/.nimble/bin, and added it to $PATH, but when i ran the command (nimble) it said nimble: command not found. and now $PATH says this: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/dts/.mini-bin:/home/.nimble/bin any help?07:01
goodlejust like debian07:01
BUSYi guess i'll try 14.04 anyway07:01
BUSYworth a shot07:01
BUSYi can update from INSIDE THE COMPUTER07:01
goodlethats the stable branch07:01
somsipdts|pokeball: you've added the path wrong. It should be (at the end) /home/{user}/.nimble/bin You just have /home/.nimble/bin07:03
dts|pokeballoh duh... thanks somsip07:03
goodlesomsip : >07:04
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goodlei could get too nicks in here one asking questions i already know the answer too07:05
goodlemake 2 bots one asking the question other ansering using the forum solved questions07:07
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goodleI'm trying to install UT99 under Linux - WINE or native - And neither seem to work.07:09
goodleTake a look at this wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ga...realTournament07:10
goodleI've problably downloaded that file ten times... Says I need libgtk-1.207:10
thorienevermind i fixed it, i just needed to add wlan0 to my preferences in wicd-client07:13
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BUSYgoodle: thanks for your advice Kappa07:19
BUSY14.04 is at least further than the last one07:19
goodleadvice Kappa?07:19
goodlewtf you talking about?07:20
BUSYif i want to partition the filesystem away from the home directory/data, how much space should i leave about?07:22
BUSYah nevermind i'll just do it all together07:23
MichaelHabibtrying to create a "user partition". The os boots and gets tuck stuck at "initialize and finalize resolvconf"07:23
MichaelHabibfollowing these instruction  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving07:23
goodlelinux really needs an installer with embedded IRC client07:24
goodlemaybe you can blame systemd07:26
dawsonanyone know how to install curse client?07:26
somsip!info ncurses | dawson07:27
ubottudawson: Package ncurses does not exist in utopic07:27
somsip!find ncurses07:27
ubottuFound: libcunit1-ncurses, libcunit1-ncurses-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5, libncursesw5-dbg, libncursesw5-dev, libx32ncurses5, libx32ncurses5-dev (and 24 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ncurses&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all07:27
goodleyou just need to install linux the curse shall follow07:27
somsipdawson: you might have to go with that link and see what you can find to fit your needs07:27
dawsonno i mean like the windows app curseclient07:28
dawsonadd on manager?07:28
somsipdawson: I don't know about windows apps. Can you explain what you want?07:28
dawsonone second07:28
dawsonim wanting to install THAT application07:29
goodle10 seconds already07:29
somsipdawson: other than installing that version under wine, I have no idea07:29
goodleim not clicking that07:29
somsip!wine | dawson07:29
ubottudawson: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:29
goodleits a cheat engine07:31
frendaHow do use the latest dropbox? the repo includes a very old one!07:34
frendado you*07:34
somsip!info dropbox07:34
ubottuPackage dropbox does not exist in utopic07:34
goodledo you think mint people are cheating distrowatch ratings to get mint as 1st linux distro=07:34
somsipfrenda: looks like there is a packaged deb. Not the recommended way to do it (repos are the only recommended way) but if you want this, download it and 'sudo dpkg -i {file}' to install it. https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx07:35
frendasomsip: it's old: 1.6, the latest version is 3.0.3!07:36
frendautopic = Ubuntu Topic?!07:37
somsipfrenda: where did you find a link to the latest version?07:38
xanguasomsip: in the windows download :P07:38
* somsip sighs and goes back to work07:39
frendasomsip: at news07:39
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nmz787anyone know how to adjust the min brightness and the adjust interval for keyboard brightness hotkeys?07:58
nmz787I determined the min brightness is much lower than the hotkeys give, and ended up writing this GUI in Python to adjust my display for the night time https://gist.github.com/nmz787/ff7ae7b64d59070390ea07:58
MostOfAllcan't even adjust the brightness on mine08:00
MostOfAllshould have researched compatibility before i purchased this  asus x55008:00
MostOfAllhybrid graphics and all08:00
thorieanyone know why is it when i try to install icepref or iceme or iceconf, apt-get says there is no package found?08:09
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MostOfAlldid you  sudo apt-get update  first?08:10
MostOfAlland add the proper repositories..08:10
thorieit should be in the default repositoriy08:10
ikonia!info icepref08:10
ubottuPackage icepref does not exist in utopic08:10
ikoniathere is no package called icepref08:10
cfhowlettthorie, what's the output of cat /etc/issue08:10
thorieUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \108:11
ikoniathorie: have you actaully searched the package manager for the correct package name ?08:11
thoriehmm... i'm not sure08:12
ikoniayou're not sure if you've searched ?08:12
ikoniathen I suggest you search to find out the correct package name rather than just assuming the name of a package08:12
thorieis the package manager the same as apt-cache search?08:12
ikoniayes, that works08:13
thorieyes i did that, but there is no package named iceconf08:13
ikoniaok, so you have your answer08:13
thoriebut i'm following the instructions on this website that says how to install icewm on ubuntu08:13
MostOfAlllink to site?08:13
thoriehow do i copy-and-paste in Ubuntu?08:13
ikoniahighlight and middle click08:13
thoriei don't have a middle click, i have a Macbook touchpad08:14
MostOfAllhighlight, ctrl+c   ctrl+v08:14
thoriehmm no dice there08:15
MostOfAll....where are you copy pasting from08:15
thoriefrom Iceweasel08:15
thoriei did right-click and copy, but now i don't know how to paste08:15
MostOfAllright click and paste or ...ctrl v08:16
thoriewhen I press ctrl-V, i just get some symbol08:17
thoriemaybe copy-and-paste isn't supported in ubuntu for mac08:19
ikoniashould be08:19
ikoniabasic X11 function08:19
MostOfAllwhat are you copy-pasting?08:20
thoriethe URL from my web browser to irc here08:20
thoriei tried both Cmd-C,Cmd-V and Ctrl-C,Ctrl-V08:20
thorienope that didn't work either08:22
goodletry ctrl+shift+f408:22
goodleprobably you need to use both hands08:23
thorienope that didn't work08:23
goodleor just ask sirii08:23
somsip!behelpful | goodle08:23
ubottugoodle: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.08:23
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ash`thorie: I take it you have installed ubuntu on your mac?08:24
thorieif i highlight and then right click and choose "Copy" and open a new tab, and right click and choose "Paste" it works08:24
thoriebut i don't have a paste option when i try to right click my terminal window08:25
thorieash`: yea08:25
goodlewhy i cant use the midle mouse button on linux firefox as oposed to windows firefox?08:25
ikoniamiddle mouse button to do what ?08:25
goodleto scrool08:25
ash`linux has two paste buffers; the temporary - i.e. when you highlight something you can middle-click to paste08:26
goodlei call it fast scrool08:26
fkdkmgoodle: for autoscroll?08:26
ash`and the secondary paste buffer where you can physically copy & paste08:26
ikoniayou cn scroll with the middle mouse button08:26
ash`although you seem to be having problems with both.08:26
ash`that's just an FYI08:26
goodleno i cant08:26
ikoniagoodle: can you use the middle mouse button to scroll in any app ?08:27
goodleim talking clicking the mid mouse button08:27
thoriemaybe the problem is my terminal?08:27
goodlenot rolling the wheel08:27
ikoniaclicking the middle mouse button ? what do you expect it to do ?08:27
goodleyou get the round cursor08:27
ikoniaah you mean holding it down08:27
goodlethat lets you keep the page scrooling08:27
thorieis there a better terminal than xterm?08:27
goodlei mean click08:28
ikoniaI think that's going to be a problem as the middle mouse button is setup as an input (for cut and paste for example) you'd have to re-map your mouse buttons08:28
thoriei think the problem is i don't have a Ctrl button on my keyboard08:29
goodlecut and paste is in the left mouse button options08:29
ikoniathorie: macs have a ctrl button08:29
thorieoh yeah it does have one08:29
thoriewhy isn't this working :(08:29
ikoniagoodle: it's also the middle as a legacy08:29
goodlethats why i cant use linux08:30
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goodlenothing works as expected08:31
goodlewell the same goes for windows now days08:31
MostOfAllthorie did you try  shift+insert?      http://askubuntu.com/a/26320708:32
thoriei don't have a Insert key in my keyboard08:32
goodleshift+insert sound about right since you really need to use both hands08:32
ikoniagoodle: drop the sarcasm,08:33
thoriei have fn, control, alt, option, command, and this weird twisted pretzel symbol08:33
goodleits working fine on my windows08:33
goodleits working fine on my windows its working fine on my windows its working fine on my windows its working fine on my windows08:33
thoriei posted my question for help on a ubuntu forum for how to copy-and-paste08:35
thoriehopefully somebody will respond08:35
MostOfAllyou seriously have no insert key?  i didn't know that...happened08:37
MostOfAllwhat kind of laptop do you have08:37
ash`yup macs dont have insert keys08:37
thorieApple Macbook Pro08:37
ash`or page up/down keys08:37
MostOfAllthere must be an alternative?08:37
ash`hense why i have a ubuntu vm on it because i couldn't use vim :/08:37
ash`you can remap keys - buyt you need an app for that >.>08:37
ash`i would happily put a sledgehammer through my mbp :D08:38
MostOfAllguess my hybrid graphics asus isn't so bad after all08:39
MostOfAllit's probably for the best that i can't even try to game on the productive side of my laptop....hooray dual booting i guess08:39
linuxmintIs there a reason Ubuntu and/or BIOS doesn't find a HDD, but HDD is fine on Linux Mint?08:40
MostOfAllthough i suppose having my insert as the alternate function of my numpad 0 is weird too08:40
thorieis there a way to copy-and-paste without using the mouse?08:41
thorieor any keyboard short-cuts?08:41
xanguaget a clipboard manager thorie, set it to use primary selection, paste with middle mouse button08:45
xanguaif you use kde or xfce they should already come with one08:45
ikoniaxangua: he's on a mac08:45
xanguaooh...I'm confused08:45
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
b00g3rany one have xrdp and xfce4 working...getting a grey screen08:50
b00g3rwent through almost every site on the interwebs08:51
cart_manHey how can I set my Lubuntu/Ubuntu to NEVER go to sleep or shutdown my screen? X and GUI seems to break into pieces and just never recoveres when I resuem09:00
thoriei wonder if there is a tool to let me emulate Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V09:02
MostOfAllcart_man.... system settings, power options and brightness+lock options09:02
MostOfAllbut...why not fix the graphics problem instead?09:02
PCatineanHey guys, how does one disable touchpad edges in ubuntu 14.10? Also it would be nice if the edges are available then dragging from the undisabled part?09:05
PCatineanDoes anyone have an idea?09:05
MostOfAllhttp://askubuntu.com/a/387592  <--trackpad stuff09:07
MostOfAllfor me...all i can do is disable or enable the whole touchpad from the terminal because....asus laptop? haven't sorted it all yet09:08
motaka2hello after an update i restarted ubuntu and it alway return back to os selection page. what should I do ?09:08
fidel_what do you mean by os-selection page? bootloader/grub?09:09
motaka2fidel_: yes, the page where it suggest me whether I want ubuntu or windows , I select ubuntu and then it again returns back to this page09:10
fidel_thats not a page - its grub (most likely) ;)09:11
MostOfAllhere's one solution: http://askubuntu.com/a/14350309:11
motaka2fidel_: Yes it's grub09:11
Zennhello guys09:11
fidel_motaka2: do you see any errors after choosing ubuntu in grub?09:11
Zennmy printer is unable to be detected by ubuntu I have already install hplip09:12
PCatineanI have a asus laptop09:13
motaka2fidel_: no09:13
MostOfAllzenn, i have no experience with it, have you checked out this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222663109:17
hilbillyzenn ... what does cups show?09:17
Zennno hp nothing09:19
nmz787Zenn: my current fix is to boot into windows when I need to print :P09:19
hilbillylinux has always detected my hp printers.  Never needed to install extra packages.09:20
nmz787Zenn: have you gone here http://www.openprinting.org/drivers09:20
hilbillyYou triple checked the power and the usb cables?09:20
ZennHP Deskjet f2120 All-in-one PrinterHP Deskjet f2100 Series hpijs,
Zennthat's my printer09:21
PCatineanhow do I enter commands from synclient on boot?09:21
Zennthe power is on09:21
hilbillyIs it connected to usb2 or usb3?09:21
motaka2hello after an update i restarted ubuntu and it alway return back to os selection page. what should I do ?09:22
Zennpretty much it isnt detected at all09:23
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
Zennhonestly how do I fix this09:26
CarogaZenn, sup ?09:26
fkdkmmotaka2: press e and try to boot manually09:27
Zennmy printer is undetected by ubuntu 14.1009:27
motaka2how to do that ?09:27
CarogaZenn, how's the printer connected to the machine09:28
Caroga2 or 3 ?09:28
eats_crayonIs using using itunes through wine realiable to sync with ipod nano 7th generation?09:29
Zennusb 3 I think09:29
motaka2fkdkm: I have pressed e what should I do now?09:29
thorieso the ubuntu.com docs say i can use iceconf (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IceWM) but when I type apt-cache search iceconf i get package not found... any ideas why?09:29
CarogaZenn, disable and disconnect your printer, reboot the pc, after reboot run the following in terminal "sudo tail -f /var/log/dmesg"09:29
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Carogawhen it's tailing, press a few enters, and connect your printer on a different USB port, and start your printer.09:30
fkdkmmotaka2: try to modify the lines around and see to the effect09:30
TheTrainee_hi@ll; i like to know if there is any similar program like "hwinfo" for linux .... a tool that collect all information rich in detail about the system?? (e.g.-pic: http://www.hwinfo.com/img/HWiNFO64_2.png)09:30
motaka2fkdkm: modify what ?09:30
TheTrainee_(btw -- love this channel, love you all. :))09:31
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Zennwould reboot really fix it?09:31
CarogaZenn, it's to clear any previous messages, tailing dmesg is just to see what happens when the machine is connected to your printer09:31
Guest931410 009:31
CarogaIt could contain an error message which would be helpful09:31
CarogaOtherwise, if not, then running the printers program and install it would be the way to go.09:32
marcelinoEvery time that I start the Ubuntu system, I receive the message with system error, how to fix this?09:32
Zennoh it works now09:32
CarogaZenn, glad to hear that09:32
fidel_motaka2: pressing E in grub lets you define grubs boot setting for your ubuntu session09:32
ZennBus 003 Device 095: ID 03f0:7d04 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet F2100 Printer series09:32
Zennmy laptop is faulty man09:33
=== HoloIRCUser is now known as HoloIRCUsercjkvv
Zenn HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-25-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "utopic" 14.10 ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P7350  @ 2.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 800MHz ** RAM: Physical: 3.8GiB, 37.2% free ** Disk: Total: 289.4GiB, 78.0% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI ** Ethernet: Marvell09:33
ZennTechnology Group Ltd. 88E8040T PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller ** Uptime: 7h 25m 9s **09:33
motaka2fidel_: I have pressed e I dont know what to do with text.09:33
Zennit is quite a old laptop to be honest09:33
Carogacore 2 duo, i sees09:33
Carogabut as long as it works09:34
Zennnow I have a unresponding program09:34
CarogaZenn, glad it works now :P09:34
Zennhow do I end it?09:34
Carogadoes it have a GUI ?09:34
Zennit is the hp device manager that got stuck09:34
White_CatI currently forward port 80 like this09:34
Carogaopen a terminal, type "xkill", and then click on the program09:34
White_Catsudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069 | sudo iptables-save09:34
Carogaon its window09:35
White_Catis there an alternative way to do this09:35
White_Catthis setting isnt saved on reboot09:35
CarogaZenn, did this help?09:35
Zennit ended my android compling as well09:36
Carogasounds like that would have been in the same process tree then.09:36
CarogaJAVA ?09:36
Zennnvm man09:37
ZennI will reboot the laptop now09:37
motaka2helps here are funny09:37
scalpohi, is it possible to find PC/notepad (transformer) running Ubuntu?09:40
motaka2so whhat should I do ?09:46
iLogicmotaka2: learn vim09:47
motaka2I know vim I dont know what to edit, I think people here are sick09:48
White_Catany suggestions to me?09:49
White_Catmotaka2 must be the flu09:49
dupingpinghow to convert xpixmap from 16 bit to 32 bit?09:49
dupingpingwho knows it?09:49
White_Catnot me :(09:50
White_Catgoogle suggests this09:50
motaka2White_Cat: do you know of a solution ?09:50
CarogaWhite_Cat, whats up ?09:51
White_CatI am fairly new to linux so I am not exactly a good person to answer questions but let me look never the less09:51
dupingpingoh, that's incorrect solution.09:51
iLogicmotaka2: what's the question?09:51
dupingpingthank you but, that's incorrect.09:52
White_CatCaroga the ISS :D But really I am trying to figure out forwarding port 80 to 806909:52
White_CatI achieve this with sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069 | sudo iptables-save09:52
White_Catmotaka2 I too cant see your quesiton in my buffer09:52
White_CatCaroga but it stops working on reboot09:53
CarogaWhite_Cat, you must make that rule persistent09:53
motaka2iLogic: Ubuntu was working , It suggested me several updates. and then asked me to restart. I restarted and now in grub oage when I select ubutu it reboots and return back to grub page09:53
White_CatI also use the ironically named ufw09:53
White_CatCaroga yeah but how?09:53
CarogaWhite_Cat, there are three how to described on the following page. Choose wisely, young padawan, and you shall have the iptables on your side: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup09:54
White_Catyeah I tried that page09:54
White_CatI wasnt able to figure out a solution09:54
Carogaawh, there goes my yedi sensei status...09:54
Carogawhat did you tried White_Cat ?09:54
White_Catjedi is like yedi :p09:54
White_Catseveral things09:54
White_Catmainly trying network manager09:55
White_Catwhich didnt get me far09:55
White_CatI think ufw overwrites whatever I do09:55
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White_Catit has its own set of rules09:55
White_CatI need to edit those rules maybe09:55
White_CatI really do not know09:55
iLogicmotaka2: that sounds terrifying09:56
CarogaWhite_Cat, have you tried the iptables-persistent package09:56
nani_where am @ damn ;>09:56
White_CatCaroga nope09:56
White_CatI imagine its under apt-get ?09:57
iLogicmotaka2: have you tried something like this? http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/776643-how-to-rescue-a-non-booting-grub-2-on-linux/09:57
White_CatSee, I have good imagination :p09:57
motaka2iLogic: now I wonder how pressing e on grub page can help me. I know how to use vim or emacs, what I dont know is what should I modify09:57
CarogaWhite_Cat, then you shall address me as a jedi!09:57
CarogaWhite_Cat, what you could do is create your iptables configuration, copy it, and autoload it using iptables-persistent09:57
motaka2iLogic: What is written there is out of my knowledge09:58
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motaka2iLogic: previous version get me untill the desktop page but I cant run programs10:00
CarogaDebian ftw!10:00
White_Catoi this is the ubuntu channel ;)10:00
* mdoge hides10:01
* Caroga goes brutal on mdoge 10:01
White_CatCaroga is there a way to rerun the izard thing during install10:01
White_CatI want toupdate what it saved10:01
White_Catwould iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 be that?10:01
CarogaWhite_Cat, what wizad u mean ?10:01
Carogathat's saving the current ruleset yes10:02
White_Catit asked if I wanted the current rules to be saved10:02
White_Catah perfect10:02
White_Catpermission denieed10:02
White_Cateven with sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v410:03
Carogasudo su10:03
Carogathen perform the command again10:03
White_Catas root? ok10:03
White_Catroot is woot :(10:03
White_CatCaroga thanks that did the trick :)10:06
MaltahlHi i have some trouble finding infomation on making a "automated script" for when i want to reinstall a new distro. The script must be able to: add ppa sources, apply and then refresh sources and then install the apps i want VLC, skype, Chrome etc. Could i get directed to material needed to make it or could someone please show me how ?10:06
CarogaWhite_Cat, great!:D10:06
CarogaMaltahl, easiest way to create such scripts would be something like Ansible.10:07
MrChrisor just a bash script...10:07
Maltahli was more think a bash script as MrChris said10:07
CarogaDo you even know Ansible ?10:08
CarogaOke, ill explain.10:08
CarogaBash == Crap10:08
CarogaAnsible == ftw x 1000010:08
CarogaEverything you just said, it already knows how to do.10:08
MaltahlBut i want to know how to do it the old way....10:08
CarogaAh, you didnt said that ;)10:09
CarogaOke, well, when does this script has to kick in ?10:09
Maltahli will start the script myself.10:09
MaltahlBut i just want it to do some commands for me so i can run it and then go grab a coffee and watch a show while it installs all the software i want :)10:10
MrChrisThat's the point of a script...10:10
MrChrisor automation in general10:10
CarogaYeah, what you want to do is create some set of files that together forms your installation script10:11
CarogaLike 1 file which would contain all the packages you want it to install.10:11
Carogathe other file gets it's content and runs that trough apt-get10:11
MaltahlI dont mind it downloads10:11
Maltahli have very fast internet10:11
Carogait should always watch out for stderr and out10:11
CarogaMaltahl, isnt this a good starter point for you? http://bennuttall.com/bash-batch-install-basics/10:12
MrChrisShame the gihub link is dead https://github.com/bennuttall/bash-batch-install-basics10:12
CarogaMrChris, https://github.com/jctrl/bash-batch-install-basics/blob/master/installs.sh10:13
Carogamaster minds10:13
Carogaas if it was ment to do that10:13
MrChrisAnyway, Good luck with your script Maltahl10:13
Maltahli was more thinking stuff like: sudo su ; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio  ;sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install obs-studio ; etc more sources and install scripts10:14
MrChrisMaltahl, that script is doing just that10:14
CarogaMaltahl, yeah good luck buddy. Most of it is just research, applying what you've learned and failing. Then redo it, and eventually you get there.10:14
tahr161581So, ubuntu10:15
Carogasounds weird but that's actually the process in learning.10:15
MrChrisMaltahl, https://github.com/jctrl/bash-batch-install-basics/blob/master/installs.sh#L2110:15
MrChrisapt-get install $app10:15
bergelmiris it possible to extend the default sshd config without editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config? i only want to add something but don't want to maintain it.10:15
Maltahlso i just devided the apps with a comma or ?10:15
EriC^^use a space between them10:16
MrChrisbergelmir what are you trying to add10:16
bergelmirMrChris: I want to add an ENV variable to AcceptEnv.10:17
MrChrisbergelmir, don't think you can without adding it to sshd_config10:19
MrChrisbased on my 1mins of research10:19
Carogacouldnt he create a sshd config for only his user?10:20
Carogasomething like ~/.ssh/sshd_config ?10:20
motaka2Ubuntu was working , It suggested me several updates. and then asked me to restart. I restarted and now in grub oage when I select ubutu it reboots and return back to grub page10:20
Carogamotaka2, that sux. You should probably try booting using your livecd and debug the problem.10:21
EriC^^motaka2: try a different kernel10:21
Carogaor that.10:21
MrChrisCaroga, I think you're thinking of SSH not SSHD10:21
EriC^^( advanced > select an old kernel )10:21
MrChriswhich you can use a user based config10:21
bergelmirMrChris: hmm, i think i can use sed and modify the file instead of adding the whole config into my repository10:21
motaka2Caroga: EriC^^ I dont know what or how to edit or debug10:21
MrChrisbergelmir, Sure you could do that10:22
Carogamotaka2, hold on10:22
motaka2Caroga: thx10:22
Carogamotaka2, http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd10:22
EriC^^motaka2: when grub comes, select advanced, then select an old kernel you have10:22
Carogamotaka2, follow EriC^^'s comment first10:22
Carogaif you are able to login using another kernel then you should do that.10:23
thoriei found this i can use for copy-paste on my macbook: http://askubuntu.com/questions/130393/how-to-configure-the-touchpad-middle-click10:24
motaka2EriC^^: If by grub you mean when my system is showing OS list. I am there but II dont know where to select advanced10:24
EriC^^it should be under the first entry10:24
bergelmirMrChris: thanks :)10:24
MrChrisbergelmir, for what :P10:25
bergelmirMrChris :)10:26
Carogamotaka2, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_ZHS9rYL2Lg/UG4ZDAr_-9I/AAAAAAAAFzU/yfKqJwaw7-o/s1600/ubuntu1210-grubbootmenu.jpg10:26
motaka2EriC^^: no I have Ubuntu which goes to desktop but does not work and I have Ubuntu recovery and previous versions and two memory test10:26
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EriC^^motaka2: select a previous version10:26
EriC^^motaka2: you mean previous kernels right?10:26
Carogaprobably does yeah10:27
motaka2Caroga: I dont have the second line10:27
Carogamotaka2, do you have anything saying "recovery mode" behind it ?10:27
Carogaor previous versions ?10:27
motaka2EriC^^: The exact topic is "Previous linux versions"10:27
Carogaanything with the words recovery or previous10:27
johncarperHello, this question might be abit offtopic but leaving SATA power cables from a ATX psu for example unconnected in a pc case might cause troubles?10:27
johncarperor is this no problem at all10:28
Carogayes that!10:28
EriC^^motaka2: ok, press on that10:28
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motaka2Caroga: the scond one hhas recover mode10:28
motaka2EriC^^: I did10:28
MrChrisjohncarper, No that's not going to cause any problems10:28
johncarperOk, thank you Chris :)10:28
MrChrisUnless something small and metal goes into the cable and it bursts into flames10:29
motaka2EriC^^: a long list of previous versions10:29
torelulzHi. I'm struggling with lightdm to let me choose a default user-session for autologin. no matter what i put in the config, the greeter seems to request the ubuntu-session, instad of kodi. any ideas?10:29
EriC^^motaka2: select the most recent previous version10:29
johncarperI don't think that will happen when my pc is running :)10:29
torelulzhttp://pastebin.com/dNGcGH8z - the config10:30
motaka2EriC^^: I have done this. It goes to desktop but it shows me several errors about monitor detections and thunderbird doesnt work10:30
b100sare there way to change settings for terminal tab switcher?10:34
b100snow it happens when i press ctrl+alt+page_down10:34
b100sbut it goes back instead forward as i expect10:34
motaka2EriC^^: The most recent version works properly10:37
motaka2Is there anything I should do ?10:37
Mesmer_Hi there, anyone here?10:38
motaka2Caroga: Are you there?10:39
Mesmer_I am :) I'm looking for advice on apache thrift10:39
japrohow would one go about figuring out freezing issues so far i don't have much to go on other than it seems to happen while typing something (but not in any specific program)10:39
MrChrisjapro, it could be hardware related10:39
japroi can still reisub out and it runs windows fine. which doesn-t rule out hw issues but doesn't suggest it either i guess10:40
japroi guess just studying syslogs for 'oddities'?10:41
linuxyogiHi, is it possible to have ausio out of both the onboard sound and USB sound card simultaneously ?10:43
VivekanandI have a question. Assuming my ubuntu has around 2 GB of free ram and it still performs slowly, what should I mostly be checking ? Hardware itself or are there any os level stuff that can be tweaked or checked ?10:44
eXistenZNLinstall htop and check what cpu load bar colors you see. Blue = disk green = cpu10:45
eXistenZNLand see the memory usage10:45
VivekanandeXistenZNL:  I am trying it now, gimme a min10:45
eXistenZNLVivekanand, see http://www.deonsworld.co.za/2012/12/20/understanding-and-using-htop-monitor-system-resources/ on how to read / use it10:46
eXistenZNLi find it a very friendly top replacement10:47
eXistenZNLand oops i said blue = disk its grey10:47
vroomfondelwhat is the right way to find out the associations of devices in  /dev with the physical devices connected? E.g. how do I determine which one is my SD-card reader?10:49
sheerHey. I've never used Linux before. I can see Ubuntu is more user friendly but I'm wondering if I could get by with a solid distro like Debian (Yes, I know nothing about Linux). Thanks for your time.10:50
orlockvroomfondel: in the olden days we used to check dmesg and look at the /proc filesystem10:51
vroomfondelorlock: df seems to give reasonable hints, no?10:55
EriC^^vroomfondel: sudo parted -l , check the drive's name10:58
VivekanandeXistenZNL: the tool looks very useful, I am checking things one by one11:02
VivekanandDo you have anything specific that I have to look for ?11:02
TheTrainee_hi@ll; i like to know if there is any similar program like "hwinfo" for linux .... a tool that collect all information rich in detail about the system?? (e.g.-pic: http://www.hwinfo.com/img/HWiNFO64_2.png)11:07
cfhowlettTheTrainee_, cli command lshw11:08
cfhowlett!ops | whatte spam via PM  <whatte> show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/11:08
L0tt0Problem with updates.. Not enough room in /boot... ???11:09
cfhowlettL0tt0, delete old kernels11:09
L0tt0what old kernals?11:10
cfhowlettL0tt0, the kernels in /boot11:10
DJonesMorning all11:10
L0tt0There are several image files and other things there, can I delete anything that is old?11:10
cfhowlettL0tt0, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/removing-old-kernels11:10
TheTrainee_cfhowlett, is there no more powerfull on gui??11:11
L0tt0ok, I'll go there... just tics me off is all. thank you11:11
cfhowlettTheTrainee_, I'm more of a CLI guy for that kind of task ... sorry.11:11
cfhowlettL0tt0, by design, kernels do not remove themselves.  safety measure.11:11
scalpois there any issue installing ubuntu with a ssd hd?11:13
Tm_Tscalpo: not that I know of11:13
L0tt0the thing is, there is plenty of HD space,, so don't know why /boot is too small11:13
cfhowlettL0tt0, standard /boot is about 100 mb.11:13
necronoalguien  por  ahi???11:15
scalpoTm_T, lot of guys using linux already shift to ssd i guess?11:15
cfhowlett!es | necrono11:15
ubottunecrono: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:15
Tm_Tscalpo: sure11:15
L0tt0Yes, it says I have to create at least 61 meg to make room.... I thought Ubuntu was ready for pri\me time, but after reading the page at the link, I am not sio sure11:15
scalpotrying to find a good ssd hd for my asus f55v11:16
cfhowlettL0tt0, dude.  it's KERNELS.  do you really want them to auto-delete?  if you find it distasteful to do this minimal level of system maintenance, perhaps a less demanding OS would suit you better ... Just sayin'11:16
Tm_TL0tt0: it depends how you share your disk, my bet is ~99 % of ubuntu users doesn't have separate /boot11:16
Tm_Tcfhowlett: please11:17
Tm_TL0tt0: also, by default (at least in Ubuntu desktop editions) do remove old packages when they get obsolete11:17
Tm_Tor at least hint to users to remove them11:17
L0tt0well, evidently my mistake was letting Ubuntu install set the HD up11:18
Tm_TL0tt0: AFAIK default desktop partition is having everything in one11:18
L0tt0perhaps my mistake was letting Ubuntu install set the HD up11:18
necronookm  thats  for  sure111:18
L0tt0sorry for the dup11:18
L0tt0the page is not auto scrolling...11:19
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
MaltahlCan anyone check if i have messed this script up ? http://pastebin.com/1AiS92bY11:26
EriC^^Maltahl: use quotes on your variables, apt-get install "$apps" , ..."$i"11:31
EriC^^Maltahl: you're missing a sudo on the last install command11:31
EriC^^Maltahl: btw why don't you run the script as root?11:33
Maltahlcan i define that in the script ?11:33
MaltahlEriC^^ can i define that in the script ?11:34
EriC^^you have to run the script as root sudo -c 'bash /path/to/script'11:35
MaltahlAhh okay no problem with that11:35
MaltahlEriC^^ is the wget of google chrome signing key for downloading google chrome and installing it alright ?11:36
EriC^^Maltahl: looks like there is a command below it that does nothing11:38
MaltahlYeah i thought so too :S11:38
EriC^^Maltahl: if you want to define it in the script ( running as root ) you can use if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Please run as root"; exit 1; fi11:39
MaltahlEriC^^ Ahh thanks! :D11:40
Fuser_people someone can help me? when i start pc i see grub boot in Basich line , i dont see the normal boot loader with all my system to load11:41
EriC^^Fuser_: you see grub> ?11:41
Fuser_grub is in basich line11:41
mariannehi guys... running 14.04 .... trying to watch hbogo and it's telling me I have too many sessions streaming and I need to end one to be able to watch. so I rebooted the PC and the router, still getting the same message. I probably need to end the process, but I have no idea what it would be called...help11:42
MaltahlEriC^^ does this look better ? http://pastebin.com/YY18HHkq11:42
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Fuser_I see grub in sense , when the pc is booting , grub start but is in Basich line , like terminal , it's not the boot loader graphic how shows all my Operative System.11:43
Maltahlmarianne: ps ax  | grep INSERTNAMEOFAPP11:44
Maltahlmarianne: else check this out for killing processes. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/kill-process-in-linux-or-terminate-a-process-in-unix-or-linux-systems/11:45
marianneMaltahl: thank you, trying now11:46
SJrCan someone think of a standard C++ program that ships with ubuntu?11:46
Fuser_i have re-installed ubuntu with the live-cd and grub is Terminal basic line mode. Then using a live version of ubuntu from cd-live i've re-installed grub with the ubuntu guide, and nothing changed.11:47
MaltahlSJr: Mono ?11:47
SJrMaltahl, hmmmm something that would be installed. I noticed that there is no /usr/lib32/libstdc++ on this machine. I guess I want to know what package provides i.11:47
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EriC^^Maltahl: holy &$*#11:49
EriC^^Maltahl: i didn't mean that, sorry11:49
EriC^^i meant the variable app, have it as "$app"11:49
Maltahlwhat happened EriC^^ ?11:49
EriC^^sudo apt-get install "$app" -y11:49
EriC^^Maltahl: use sed to remove the "11:50
EriC^^sed -i 's/"//g' /path/to/script11:50
Maltahli have scratch (elementary OS )11:50
mr_louHelp! :-(  Annoying small screen resolution after update.  Found some help on stackoverflow, that said to re-install ubuntu-desktop, but I can't. It gives me an error. Ubuntu Software Center tries to fix stuff, but gives this error: http://pastebin.com/EBFQXpNa11:50
mr_louI can't invert colours either, as I usually can.11:51
EriC^^Maltahl: it doesn't matter sed should be there11:51
marianneMaltahl: ok, i was able to find the browsers and kill the process, but when I reopen I'm still getting the same message11:52
Maltahlmarianne: Hmm then it could be someone else is using the service (its HBO streaming right or did i totally miss the point?)11:53
MaltahlEriC^^ how did you want the variable app to look like exactly ?11:53
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TheTrainee_cfhwolett, thx .... so far. :)11:53
MaltahlEriC^^ nvm im slow today11:54
marianneMaltahl: no that's what it is...11:54
Maltahlmarianne: Then i would recommend to login on the website instead, you should be able to "disconnect" other users.11:55
marianneMaltahl: ok going to try that11:56
MaltahlPlex, Netflix have same feature11:56
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk
FormicMy graphics card won't stop idling in the mid 70s and I'm trying to figure out how to build radeontop from source to figure out why, please help me.12:03
mr_louAny way to reinstall the whole system with a command?12:03
mr_louOr do I have to get a CD?12:03
dragosfuck =yea12:03
dragosfuck yea12:03
* mr_lou can't get things working again after update.12:03
dragosnobody chat with me im so sad12:04
dragoshelp me with my ubuntu12:04
scalpoyou can chat with fragos :)12:04
FormicMy problem feels a lot more urgent than it actually is because of my fan going crazy.12:04
FormicJust did a check with sensors.12:04
Formic72 C... while doing nothing important.12:04
dragosi have a problem with ubuntu12:05
MaltahlFormic: Desktop or Laptop ?12:05
FormicDesktop, Radeon open source drivers.12:05
unopastedragos you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted12:05
FormicI switched to them because of some trouble with my applications on the proprietary ones.12:05
MaltahlThat is expected by the Open Source Drivers.12:05
Formic70 still seems pretty high to idle at.12:06
FormicBut my question is, how can I add the libdrm PPA so I can build radeontop?12:06
cfhowlett!guidelines | dragos no profanity, no trolling12:06
ubottudragos no profanity, no trolling: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:06
Fuser_This morning grub decided to dont work. when i started pc grub says was in error, then i re-installed ubuntu with cd-live, nothing changed, but the grub is not in error but it start in basic line, like terminal12:06
Fuser_ with the test versione of a cd-live i tried to re-install grub with the guide on ubuntu site , but nothing12:06
Fuser_ when i start pc grub start in basich line and i really dont know how to do, after reinstall of ubuntu nothing changed... i have windows 7 in a partition and ubuntu in another one12:06
FormicHave you tried running a grub rescue disc?12:07
linuxmintAny help on a GRUB rescue? I tried a faulty HDD, and now the Ubuntu won't load.12:07
MaltahlFormic: Yeah agian that is expected by Open Source Drivers as they are not made by AMD12:07
Fuser_where can i download the .iso to write in cd?12:07
cfhowlettlinuxmint, faulty HDD needs to be fixed first, yes?12:08
linuxmintcfhowlett: if it can be fixed, then yes.12:08
linuxmintcfhowlett: I removed the faulty HDD, so now working HDDs are in, but still boots to GRUB rescue, rather than Ubuntu.12:09
cfhowlettlinuxmint, you changed the HDD and reinstalled to the new HDD?12:09
FormicThere is a specific disc for fixing GRUB issues that you can burn.12:09
linuxmintYes, the faulty HDD wasn't even an OS, just a store for files.12:11
cfhowlettlinuxmint, so where exactly is your ubuntu installed?12:11
linuxmintcfhowlett: I replace the faulty storage HDD with a working HDD, but now the 1st HDD with OS doesn't boot.12:11
linuxmintcfhowlett: on HDD1.12:12
cfhowlett!grub2 | linuxmint, reinstall grub should (hopefully) fix or see the grub rescue disc that formic referred to12:12
ubottulinuxmint, reinstall grub should (hopefully) fix or see the grub rescue disc that formic referred to: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:12
Fuser_now i test with a grub disk12:14
YamakasYcan't we run a centos mirror on Ubuntu ? we can run a Ubuntu mirror on centos12:14
theendisnearlinuxmint: after a failed boot, grub will boot into Recovery mode without user intervention12:14
linuxmintcfhowlett: I tried this, but grub rescue> insmod normal, gave error: unknpwn filesystem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1QpN9IWSoc12:15
cfhowlettYamakasY, dont' see why not but ask #ubuntu-server12:15
cfhowlettlinuxmint, I can't see YT = great chinese firewall12:15
linuxminttheendisnear: funny, as the faulty HDD2 wasn't the HDD1 OS for boot.12:15
linuxmintcfhowlett: YT?12:15
linuxmintcfhowlett: oh, you're in China, that's a pity, YT is great.12:16
cfhowlettlinuxmint, y - tube                       and grub looks for a specific storage device address.  changing the address without updating grub means you're gonna have a bad time.12:16
linuxmintcfhowlett: how do you update GRUB when the computer won't boot, let alone Internet access?12:17
cfhowlettlinuxmint, read the wiki: all instructions are there for reinstalling grub12:17
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:17
YamakasYcfhowlett: because that channel is not that much anymore and mirrors are used for clients too ;)12:19
b100shi there!12:25
b100sfound some bug. Ubuntu 14.04. When get connected by bluetooth with headset wifi connection works bad. There is no disconnection, but much slowly and more glitches. page loads soo slow.12:26
b100swhat can be?12:26
Ben65b100s: not necessarily a bug. bluetooth and wifi work on the same frequency12:26
b100swow. Ben65 what can i do?12:27
b100show can improve or fix my trouble?12:27
b100sare there bluetooth settings for change chanel?12:27
b100scos wifi router settings i cant change12:28
Ben65b100s: not a whole lot you can do12:28
b100sBen65, what do you mean? there are no way to change situation?12:30
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linuxmintI'm stuck in GRUB rescue, can't get out?12:34
linuxmintI try boot, but error: Unknown command 'boot'12:37
cfhowlettlinuxmint, reinstall ubuntu?12:38
linuxmintcfhowlett: might have to...again12:38
steve_fihey, does the ubuntu installer log to /var/log/kern.log or somewhere else?12:39
san_./name aaron12:40
cfhowlettsan_, check your channel12:40
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b00b00i installed vsftpd and when i try to create and configure /etc/vsftpd.conf, i get error, and its not running, only without that conf file, any idea why? or any idea for alternatives for that conf/where is the running one if it is?12:48
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BluesKaj'Morning all13:19
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gansteedBluesKaj: i am in the evening, :D13:25
Josesordohi all, there is another channel for ubuntu-mate or is this one?13:27
cfhowlettJosesordo, should be listed on their site - not supported here yet13:27
ObrienDaveJosesordo, #ubuntu-mate13:31
BluesKajgansteed, how nice for you :)13:31
gansteed: )13:32
JosesordoObrienDave, Thanks mate13:34
jobsThere  is anybody know how ubuntu14.04 update gnome to gnome3.14?13:38
JosesordoShould I stay with recommended drivers or install ATI propietary one?13:40
cart_manHey how can I set my Lubuntu/Ubuntu to NEVER go to sleep or shutdown my screen? X and GUI seems to break into pieces and just never recoveres when I resume... Changing the settings in ANY GUI app does not work13:42
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jobsyou can open the setting,then choice power13:44
jobsthere are some settings for it.13:46
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
GerowenAny particular reason I wouldn't be able to create desktop shortcuts in 14.04?13:50
EriC^^Gerowen: how are you creating them?13:50
GerowenThere's no context menu option, and when I try dragging something out of the menu to the desktop I get "Error While Copying, The specified location is not supported"13:50
kristofersI have an unbootable disk, and i was wondering i could retrieve the data on it13:51
EriC^^kristofers: boot a live usb and mount it13:51
kristofersit's a cloud service13:51
kristofersbut i can assign the disk to any machine i want13:51
kristofersthe problem is when i list the disk on the machine i added the disk to13:51
solsTiCeJosesordo: it depends on yur need. you canperfectly stay with the open source one. if you really top-notch 3D acceleration, then install the ATI one13:52
EriC^^Gerowen: i dont follow13:52
kristofersi see it, but i can't mount it13:52
kristofersi don't see a volume group name13:52
kristofersactually if i mount it i get the vm-linuz file13:52
kristofersi see the grub file13:52
GerowenEriC^^: When I right click the desktop area, there's no context menu to create a desktop shortcut.  If I try to just drag an application shortcut from the Unity menu to the desktop, I get an error that states the location is not supported.13:53
kristoferswhen i mount vdb1 on a folder, i see system.map config initrd, vmlinuz abi generic files13:53
RickyB98hello everyone :-) i'm trying to set up a mail server on my ubuntu 13.10 server. i installed postfix and configured stuff like aliases, domains, etc. but when i do sudo postfix start, it says: postfix/postfix-script: fatal: mail system startup failed < now i know this is not enough at all, but can't find further logs. any hint?13:53
EriC^^kristofers: that sounds like a /boot partition13:53
kristofersok vdb213:53
kristofersi get incorrect metadata area header checksum on /dev/vdb2 at offset13:53
EriC^^Gerowen: ok, type nautilus /usr/share/applications13:53
EriC^^Gerowen: drag to desktop13:54
GerowenEriC^^: That works.13:54
kristofersWhat else can i do ?13:54
GerowenEriC^^: I seem to remember there being a way to add the context menu option back, or am I just crazy?13:54
kristofersi've tried everything i can find on google13:54
fr0stkristofers,  parted /dev/vdb13:55
fr0stkristofers,  then type command print13:55
EriC^^Gerowen: maybe it was an older ubuntu release?13:55
fr0stkristofers,  what do you see?13:56
kristofersboot ext213:56
kristofersext 4 lvm13:56
GerowenEric^^: Perhaps, thanks for helping me out, :-)13:56
EriC^^Gerowen: there might be a ppa or a package that does that.13:56
JosesordosolsTiCe, ah ok. Well, I wish the 3D acceleration.. xD13:56
fr0stkristofers,  your second partition is LVM13:56
GerowenI've got a little python script I wrote that generates .desktop files, but it's a bit messier than just right clicking the desktop and clicking "Create Shortcut"13:57
kristoferscan i access the data on that lvm partition ?13:57
kristofersis there a way for me to move that partition elsewhere13:58
fr0stkristofers,  yes just a minute13:58
fr0stkristofers,  exit parted13:59
fr0stkristofers,  in conlose type pvscan13:59
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kristofersPV /dev/vdb2           lvm214:00
kristoferswhile on the /dev/vda2 i see VG ubuntu lvm214:00
kristofersthe vdb2 isn't in a VG14:00
fr0stAfter that run vgscan to scan disks for volume groups.14:00
Carogalvm !!14:01
kristofersi get incorrect metadata area header checksum on /dev/vdb2 at offset 409614:01
CarogaI remember back in the days, I joined this channel for a crash course on LVM.14:01
CarogaIt was around 6 weeks ago...how time fly  xD14:01
kristofers@fr0st did you catch that ?14:02
fr0stit is bad14:02
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kristoferswhat does that mean14:03
fr0stvgdisplay -v14:03
kristoferscan't see anything regarding vdb14:04
kristofersi only see vdb2 when doing pvscan14:04
kristofersif i run pvscan , i see total 2 : in use 1, in no VG 114:05
=== Ynnaf is now known as otyugh
Josesordowhat is the command to see the linux version and the x86 or 64bits in the terminal?14:07
EriC^^Josesordo: uname -a14:07
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JosesordoEriC^^, thanks :D14:09
EriC^^Josesordo: np :D14:09
JosesordoHow to execute or install a .deb file in ubuntu?14:13
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fidel_Josesordo: ŷou can install local files using dpkg - but ask yourself if really needed (bypassing apt)14:15
introomhi. OT here. but is there any channel about computer network?14:16
introom#network only has like 100+ ppl.14:16
Josesordofidel_, well I wan to install a ATI driver...14:16
PCatineanWhat is the best way to install lamp on ubuntu 14.10?14:16
Pici!lamp | PCatinean14:17
ubottuPCatinean: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.14:17
PCatineanok thanks14:18
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Aishyanyone can help?/14:25
zermannoHi, i am stuck at the grub cli, how can i go back to the menu?14:27
HrishiHow to fix webp MIME in Ubuntu? Recognizes as audio/x-riff instead of image/webp...14:29
bynariezermanno, cant you just reboot?14:30
Aishywhen i run this command "make install" i got this error14:31
Aishycan any one help??14:31
ikoniaAishy: what are you trying to build ?14:31
HrishiAishy: What error did you get?14:31
PiciAishy: What error?  what are you installing?14:31
Aishyim trying to compile and install the kernel14:32
CAZAMEAca va Pici14:32
ikoniaAishy: why ? what is the problem with the ubuntu kernel ?14:32
AishyCONFIG_X86_X32 enabled but no binutils support14:32
ikoniabinutils is not the kernel14:32
ikoniaAishy: what exactly are you trying to do14:33
Aishythen whats the problem??14:34
ikoniaAishy: what exactly are you trying to do14:34
Aishywhy i cant run this command successfuly14:34
ikoniaAishy: what exactly are you trying to do14:34
Aishyikonia : im trying to install the kernel14:35
ikoniawhat is wrong with the ubuntu lernel14:35
SeveasAishy: it's installed by default, otherwise your system will not boot :-)14:35
phinxyso "7za e" unpacks alright14:36
phinxybut all folders are in root now14:36
Seveasthat's why you '7za l' first to see if the archive has a nice root folder or is crappy like this :)14:37
Aishyi want to change kernel version and trying to install 3.3 kernel14:37
ikoniaAishy: why ?14:37
ikoniaAishy: what is wrong with the ubuntu kernel ?14:37
phinxyi was wondering why it asked to me replace a file when i unpacked14:37
ikoniaAishy: what version of ubuntu are you running ?14:37
phinxy4 hours of trying to figure out what was wrong with my server HAHA im so happy14:38
SeveasAishy: 3.3 is ancient by now, don't do that.14:38
ikoniaAishy: what is the problem you want to solve/fix ?14:38
Aishyikonia: u can say its my requirement to compile and install 3.3 kernel version14:40
ikoniaAishy: why ?14:41
ikoniaAishy: what is wrong with the kernel supplied by ubuntu14:41
Aishyikonia: can you tell me why this error occur14:41
ikoniaAishy: what is wrong with the kernel supplied by ubuntu14:41
Aishyikonia: nothing is wrong but i want to learn this method how to compile and install different kernel versions14:43
ikoniayou are trying to build a kernel that is not recommended for your version of ubuntu14:43
ikonialearn the basics first14:43
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Aishyikonia: but we can shift on downwards kernel version?? then why this problem occur?14:45
=== Christmas_Jesus is now known as ikonia
MasterPieceWhen I press the Ctrl+Alt, the window minimized quickly ! How can I fix it? This is not the first time that this problem occurs , previously I fix it with removeing .* files in my Home foler14:46
ikoniaAishy: lets step back, did you manage to actually compile the kernel into a compressed image14:46
ikoniaok - then why are you doing make install14:46
Aishyi was compile the kernel by this command "make" and it run successful but when im trying to install i stuck14:48
ikoniait's not that simple14:48
ikoniayou appear to be sprinting before crawling14:49
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SeveasChristian_ikonia: sprinting in the womb I'd say :)14:50
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fictional_wizardSeveas: concure14:50
=== fictional_wizard is now known as ikonia
PeanutAishy: if you insist on compiling/installing your own kernel, the best way would be to build a kernel package (.deb) and then install that package. That would take care of updating grub, installing modules etc.14:51
SeveasAishy: I appreciate you want to learn about compiling kernels, but (1) don't downgrade to an ancient version, (2) read some documentation to see what you should install to create new kernel and (3) this is not an #ubuntu problem :)14:52
PeanutAishy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel14:52
rberg_make-kpkg makes that part of it fairly easy14:52
PeanutAishy: and make sure you backup all your important data first. :-)14:52
ikoniathats not really a good starting poing if you are not comfortable with the basics14:52
MasterPieceWhen I press the Ctrl+Alt, the window minimized quickly ! How can I fix it? This is not the first time that this problem occurs , previously I fix it with removeing .* files in my Home foler14:54
PCatineanHow does one force sysclient commands on startup?14:55
SeveasMasterPiece: you've probably (accidently?) set that as a shortcut. Go to the keyboard shortcut settings to remove it.14:55
SeveasPCatinean: what is 'sysclient'?14:55
MasterPieceSeveas, No No, I do NOT touch any settings in shortcuts14:56
PCatineanSome commands you can issue to edit your input control like the touchpad14:56
SeveasMasterPiece: check them anyway :)14:56
PCatineanI need it to make the edge areas of my touchpad dead so I don't move the cursor around accidentaly14:56
smartin__I have ubuntu 14.04 and I had atop installed, it was filling up my /run directory with a /run/atop/atop.acct file of 1.2GB. I uninstalled and purged atop and the 1.2GB /run/atop/atop.acct file is gone. However /run has not regained that disk space yet. I have ran a du-sh and nothing else it taking up the disk space. How can I get /run to recognize the file deletion? I checked “lsof” and there is no entry for the file deleted.14:56
mozaHello. I just put in my new graphic card, and am struggling to get back to 16:9 with a high enough resolution. Any pointers to tutorials would be appreciated while i also do my own research! I'm installing a geforce GTX 750 on Ubuntu 14.4 and am using Gnome-Fallback14:57
MasterPieceSeveas, the minimize short cut, set to "Ctrl+Alt+0"14:57
SeveasPCatinean: pretty sure that's synclient, not sysclient. Anyway, you probably want those at login time. Type 'startup' in the dash and pick the 'startup application' thing.14:57
MasterPiecethe problem exist yet, My windows minimized when I press "Ctrl+Alt" ;)14:58
Seveassmartin__: check with lsof who's keeping it open14:58
smartin__lsof shows no output for the atop file that was deleted.14:58
livecd_hello can u tell me where i can find themes for kwin on my disc?14:58
PCatineanand I have 3 lines, should I append them with && ?14:58
livecd_i installed kwin in xubuntu, now i want to erease default themes14:58
Seveassmartin__: then reboot, /run is on a tmpfs, so it'll be cleared by a reboot :)14:59
smartin__anything I can do besides reboot?14:59
SeveasPCatinean: not sure if the startup applications thing recognizes that. Just make a shellscript out of the 3 commands and add that :)14:59
MasterPieceThe problem exist yet, My windows minimized when I press "Ctrl+Alt" ;)15:00
Seveashi lyz15:00
SeveasMasterPiece: hmm, looks like you have a ghost in your computer that presses 0. Call Bill Murray :)15:01
lyzcan   you   speak  chinese?15:01
Seveaslyz: not me but #ubuntu-cn can15:01
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:01
bynariewhat is the latest kernel supported in 14.10??15:01
livecd_hello can u tell me where i can find themes for kwin on my disc?i installed kwin in xubuntu, now i want to erease default themes15:01
Seveasbynarie: 3.16.0-25-generic15:01
bynarieSeveas, ok.. so 3.17 is not a supported kernel correct?15:01
Seveasbynarie: correct.15:02
bynarieok thank you15:02
Seveasthe latest one is actually 3.16.0-28, I hadn't upgraded in a while :)15:03
MasterPieceSeveas, :D How can I get rid of this problem man? :D15:03
bynarieoh ok15:03
SeveasMasterPiece: if I had an idea, I'd tell you.15:04
MasterPieceSeveas, May I'll be able to find the bug if you tell me where is the shortcut logs :)15:05
livecd_hello can u tell me where i can find themes for kwin on my disc?i installed kwin in xubuntu, now i want to erease default themes15:05
SeveasMasterPiece: I don't think there are logs for shortcut presses15:06
MasterPieceSeveas, Yeah, I think so15:06
SeveasMasterPiece: can you pastebin the output of this: gsettings list-recursively | grep org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings15:07
marcelinoHello, every time I start my Ubuntu, I notice the error message of a program error, when I click in details the prograns are: apport-gtk-root, how to fix this?15:08
MasterPieceSeveas, yes, Of Course :)15:08
Seveasmarcelino: pastebin the full error please.15:09
Seveasapport is the application collecting the errors, likely not the application that caused it :)15:10
MasterPieceSeveas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9476861/15:10
SeveasMasterPiece: org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings minimize ['<Primary><Alt>KP_0']15:11
Seveasthat's not ctrl+alt+0. I've never seen this '15:11
bynarielol Seveas my software updater just popped up and told me about a kernel update.. haha15:11
Seveasthat's not ctrl+alt+0. I've never seen this '<Primary>' thing before15:11
MasterPieceSeveas, Yeah, I'm as you !!15:12
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SeveasMasterPiece: just for giggles, try setting it to something completely different, like shift+alt+g or something and see if the problem goes away15:12
MasterPieceSeveas, ok, I think it is a good Idea to design a reset key for the shortcuts in new ubuntu version15:14
SeveasMasterPiece: I think this woudl reset things: gsettings reset-recursovely org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings15:15
MasterPieceSeveas, I set the alt-shift-g for the minimize, but now! When I press Ctrl-Alt, the windows maximizes ! hehe :D! Whats happened to me! :D15:16
Seveasthough I never tried it and it may reset more than you think15:16
SeveasMasterPiece: call GhostBusters, seriously :)15:16
MasterPieceSeveas, ha haaa :)) :D15:17
MasterPieceSeveas, that reset cmd, doesn't worked to me15:18
Seveasthat's a pity.15:18
MasterPiecethe Ctrl-Alt Maximizes windows yet :D Where is this shitty ghost?! :D15:18
SeveasMasterPiece: just pray it's not slimer :)15:18
b-stringhas anyone had an issue with evolution-ews connecting to their company office365? "downloading new messages for offline mode" repeats and even overlaps forever... i want my mapi back :-(15:19
MasterPieceSeveas, I'm going to read more about gsettings and org.gnome.desktop.wm ;)15:20
dfoscoDoes anyone know how to map my '4' key to display '$' - then when I press shift+4 it will display '4'?15:20
PCatineanIs Steam working well on Ubuntu using wine? if so why is the native steam app available if the wine one works better?15:21
MasterPieceSeveas, How can I register this bug? :D15:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:21
bynariePCatinean, from my experience, and IMO, the steam app for native linux doesnt run very smooth15:22
bynarieive never tried it with wine15:22
PCatineanbynarie, that's what I've heard and noticed myself, how about performance under wine?15:22
bynariePCatinean, yea i dont know about wine.. what game are you trying to run??15:22
PCatineanDota2 would be one that works natively under linux, but it had a bad framerate, now I got a update on the nvidia drivers and seems to be running better15:23
Seveasdfosco: why on earth would you do that to yourself? :)15:23
PCatineanbut severly under performance15:23
PCatineanMaybe I should use the proprietary untested drivers of Nvidia, idk15:23
Seveasdfosco: the first answer on https://askubuntu.com/questions/325272/permanent-xmodmap-in-ubuntu-13-04/347382 will help15:23
dfoscoSeveas, I'm a php programmer :o15:23
Seveasdfosco: oh dear. My condoleances :)15:24
bynariePCatinean, i was playing an OLD game, CS 1.615:24
bynarieand my box is pretty high end15:24
PCatineanbynarie, available on steam?15:24
bynarieand getting like 30-40 fps15:24
b-stringare you using the binary nvda drivers or nouveau15:25
PCatineanI have no idea, maybe you can help out b-string since I have 0 experience with graphics card drivers in ubuntu15:25
b-stringI'm not sertain, but I'm pretty sure the default ones in ubuntu are the opensource nouveau drivers. try with the nvidia binary drivers.15:27
bynariePCatinean, goto the additional drivers section15:27
bynarieand use the nvidia binary driver15:27
PCatineanhmm doubt I have that15:27
* PCatinean checks15:27
bynariei think it comes with ubuntu15:28
bynarieatleast mine did15:28
PCatineanAh yes that's the one I'm using but I have two options15:28
PCatineanThe proprietary tested and untested15:28
PCatineanAnd I went with the tested one15:28
PCatineanGot an update just today, seems to be running better now15:28
PCatineanit's same version number as the other though15:28
bynarieok well run "nvidia-settings"15:28
bynarietell me what you see15:28
PCatineanApplication profiles15:29
PCatineanNvidia settings Configuration15:29
PCatineanand very limited options15:29
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bynarieuh huh.. thats the problem15:29
bynariethe driver isnt working15:29
PCatineanEnable Tooltip display status bar slider text entries show really quit dialog and that's it15:29
PCatineanhow can you tell? :O15:29
PCatineanit says it's in use and shows green...15:29
PCatineanor is it because of bumblebee?15:29
bynarieif the driver was loaded properly you should have all kinds of options15:29
bynariehold on..15:30
PCatineanMight be bumblebee here that's causing the issue15:30
bynariePCatinean, http://thomascomputerrepair.com/images/nvidia-settings.png15:30
bynariesee that image ^^15:30
PCatineanha, got it :D15:30
PCatineanExpected something like that in the normal video card settings15:30
PCatineannot here on mine though15:30
dfoscoSeveas, I updated /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us and restarted xorg but it had no effect, here is my updated file: http://pastebin.com/nqP5RypX15:32
heath_PCatinean, did u check that link?15:32
heath_PCatinean, this is bynarie.. sorry.. my BNC went down15:32
PCatineanah ok, yeah saw the link I know that's how it's supposed to look15:33
PCatineannot sure why my options are so limited, maybe it's because of bumblebee15:33
heath_i have bumblebee too, but mine was all of those options15:33
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PCatineanhmmm strange15:34
bynariein the left column you have like 2/3 options right?15:34
PCatineanwith the names i mentioned so very limited15:34
bynarieyep... then something is definitely not configed properly15:35
bynariedo you use the "nomodeset" boot option?15:35
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PCatineanbynarie, i did not set something like that explicitly15:36
bynarieok then its ok15:36
b-string lsmod |grep 'nouv\|nvi'15:36
bynariehm.. i dont know what the prob is15:36
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b-stringmy running theory is that you have the wrong kernel module loaded. the command above15:38
inter03Hello my friends15:41
jobs How long do you use ubuntu?15:44
b-stringmy employer changed from exchange exchange to office365 "the cloud" (fancy sound effects).... Now i'm stuck trying to get mail from evolution-ews instead of evolution-mapi. Ews is all sorts of messed up :-(15:44
PCatineanb-string, lsmod |grep 'nouv\|nvi' return nothing15:53
inter03inter onemad15:54
inter03inter one madafakas!!!!!!!!!! .l.l15:54
OerHeksDo you have an Ubuntu support question, inter03 ?15:55
alexaguys, I have seen some website for practicing and learning BASH. It's like some server and you're supposed to read README and use the commands so you pass the level. Do you know how do I find that kind of sites again?16:01
genericumis there a manual howto use gentoo/bsd ebuild on ubuntu ? or perhaps even a dpkg ?16:02
cpinedgood morning.  I have a bizarre issue with VPN connections using the network manager.  I clicked on a VPN connection and nothing happens, I'm expecting a dialog box to open but it does not.  I have Ubuntu 14.04.  The same VPN connections shown under network manager on a different laptop works as expected.  Same Ubuntu installation.16:03
farhad2161what is the best free server monitioring dashboard?16:04
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Candice23  http://j.mp/Rh9YfS16:04
MMukherjeefarhad2161: I'll support Webmin16:05
PlasmastarDJones is a No :(16:05
farhad2161MMukherjee: i want just monitor, not administrating16:06
MMukherjeewell, I don't know then16:06
farhad2161MMukherjee: something like monit16:06
somsipfarhad2161: you can look at zabbix16:06
cpinedAny ideas?  I went as far as re-install the OS multiple times, same results.16:07
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farhad2161somsip: zabbix is cool,tnx16:11
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somsipfarhad2161: np16:16
somsip!test | lasers16:16
ubottulasers: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )16:16
somsiplasers: not for you - soz16:16
alienbloggerHP Pavilion 15 e019TX - http://www.flipkart.com/hp-pavilion-15-e019tx-laptop-3rd-gen-ci3-4gb-500gb-win8-2gb-graph/p/itmdnpzzjftesnuh  Hardware details available here16:21
alienbloggerwould anyone help me out if running ubuntu on my machine would be advisable16:22
OerHeks!ot | inter0316:23
ubottuinter03: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:23
OerHeksaliensbrah, looks oke, you might need the UEFI manual16:24
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:24
aliensbrahlol why do I need that16:24
aliensbrahoh you meant for alienblogger, but he left16:25
OerHeksaliensbrah, i guess that machine has not the old bios, but the newer UEFI bios inside16:26
aliensbrahOerHeks, the guy who asked the question left, I'm a different alien :P16:26
OerHeksoops :-D16:26
OerHeksyou aliens are look-a-like16:26
mozaok. I seem to have lost my virtual consoles, so it's a bit harder to install drivers that require to not use X... The final goal is to have a bigger resolution and better handling of the graphics by my new graphics cards (Geforce gtx 750) on ubuntu 14.04 gnome flashback16:29
=== jan is now known as Guest2061
mozaMaybe the easier question is : how do i install nvidia drivers on ubuntu 14.04 :)16:30
theadminmoza: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current16:30
OerHeksmoza, you need the nvidia 334.21 driver for that 75016:31
genericumcan sb help me with a more general issue ? what exactly is the ramdrive for .. last time i insmoded my sata drivers onto that ?16:31
mozatheadmin : i already did that16:32
OerHeksmoza, i would use the xorg edgers ppa > https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:32
mozaOerHeks : ok. I got from the NVidia website something with 340. something but can't install it because "X is running"16:33
mozabut, ok, i'll try the packaged method, that's probably easier.16:33
EvilRoeymoza:  have you tried installing through the NVidia PPA?16:33
EvilRoeymoza:  this does not require you to exit X16:33
mozaOh, they have a PPA?16:33
EvilRoeyyes they sure do16:33
mozaok, then i need to locate that :) thanks16:34
EvilRoeyask... one sec16:34
mozaThis one : http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntu-x-swat16:34
EvilRoeymoza:  ask vivid in #nvidia, it's his ppa16:34
EvilRoeymoza:  not swat16:34
ablest1980is 14.10 lts?16:36
OerHeksdon't use xswat, it has only the 331 driver, but see yourself .https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ubuntu/x-updates16:36
mozaablest1980 : no16:36
mozaIt's only every two years16:36
mozaso  12.04, 14.04 etc.16:37
OerHeksEvilRoey, wrong to suggest vivid drier for utopic16:37
mozaNext will be 16.0416:37
EvilRoeymoza:  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/xorg-edgers16:37
EvilRoeythis ^16:37
mozaSo, we have x-swat, xorg-edgers and nvidia.16:37
cfhowlett!LTS | ablest1980,16:37
ubottuablest1980,: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)16:37
mozaI like stability (keeping LTS and so on)16:37
EvilRoeyI see.  Well Edgers gives you the beta drivers16:38
mozaProbably not my thing.16:38
ablest1980i got 14.04 lts16:38
EvilRoeywhich I needed since the stable ones didn't support my then-new geforce 750 ti16:38
EvilRoeyablest1980:  ah16:38
EvilRoeymoza:  aye, gotcha16:38
mozaWhat's the difference between x-swat and nvidia? Why don't you recommend swat EvilRoey ?16:38
EvilRoeythat I don't know16:38
EvilRoeyI don't know what x-swat is16:38
EvilRoeythough I should know it it is.16:39
EvilRoeyMy bad.16:39
mozaNo problem, it's just that i've seen it mentionned several times now, in several tutorials, so x-swat seemed like a reasonable option16:39
VespianI'm using Ubuntu 14.10 and wlan0 is no longer appearing in iwconfig or ifconfig. 'sudo lshw -c net' shows that I have both a Broadcom Network Controller and a RealTek Ethernet Controller. Anyone know how I can get wlan0 back?16:39
mozabut if there is an official supported nvidia ppa...16:39
pbxone of the small things i miss after switching from osx is the ability to command-click on the title bar of a document window and see where it is.  is there anything that adds a similar feature to ubuntu?  14.04 and unity FWIW16:40
Vespianmoza: The nvidia ppa that people use typically is xorg-edgers and implement it with Mesa.16:41
mozaok, i'll try the swat for now. I can always switch to xorg edgers or the nvidia one later on if i want the beta. Thanks a lot for your advice EvilRoey and OerHeks16:41
mozaok Vespian, that's good to know.16:41
EvilRoeyaye moza, good luck!!16:42
VespianI'm using Ubuntu 14.10 and wlan0 is no longer appearing in iwconfig or ifconfig. 'sudo lshw -c net' shows that I have both a Broadcom Network Controller and a RealTek Ethernet Controller. Anyone know how I can get wlan0 back?16:42
daftykinsVespian: can you get online with a cable to share a pastebin or tell us what model of broadcom?16:43
daftykins!broadcom | Vespian16:43
ubottuVespian: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:43
Vespiandaftykins: I am already online here with a wired connection. I'm on the computer with the issue(s).16:44
Vespiandaftykins: My network card is RealTek though.16:44
Lauxleyso i tried to install the most recent nvidia drivers and now ubuntu won't boot, i have this old bootable CD and i wonder if i can use somehow to charge the backup xorg.conf16:44
daftykinsVespian: "lspci | pastebinit"16:45
superteeceHi, is there anything out there that has taken the spot once filled by Ubuntu-Builder?16:45
Vespiandaftykins: RealTek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller16:45
Vespiandaftykins: Broadcom BCM43225 802.11b/g/n16:45
cfhowlettsuperteece, don't remember that one - it was a developer package I'm guessing16:46
superteeceIt was a tool to roll your own distro from Ubuntu16:46
Vespiandaftykins: http://pastebin.com/yKD9EExm16:46
daftykinsVespian: yeah realtek is wired. broadcom wireless ;) follow the above guide - you probably just want to select system settings on the left, then software and sources, then go to the last tab which is additional hardware/drivers - see if it's offering you a broadcom driver16:47
cfhowlett!mini | superteece16:47
ubottusuperteece: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:47
Vespiandaftykins: Ah. I thought it was the other way around that RealTek was the wireless one.16:47
daftykinsVespian: :) 802.11 is the wireless IEEE standard \o/16:48
Vespiandaftykins: Because Network Controller refers to wired connection where as Ethernet Controller can be either wired or wireless.16:48
Vespiandaftykins: Right... durr.16:48
Vespiandaftykins: So which guide is it that I am to follow? Ahah (BTW: I got into this mess trying to get BlueTooth to work... trying to connect my smart watch to my laptop)16:49
superteececfhowlett, ubottu I'm looking for a tool to convert my current installation with all its tweaks and installs to an img or iso to be able to redeploy with ease.16:50
QuiQuiHi. I've installed OpenJDK-7-RE, but I am unable to launch a .jar file. Running from the terminal, I get the error: Unable to access jarfile16:51
QuiQuiI've marked the file as executable.16:51
QuiQuiHow can I get the .jar file to run?16:51
EriC^^java -something .jar16:51
cfhowlettsuperteece, ah!  right.  remastersys used to be the go to tool but no more ...16:51
daftykinsVespian: hey that wasnt part of the original story! can you pastebin a "ifconfig -a" ?16:51
QuiQuiIs something the name of the jar file, EriC^^?16:51
superteececfhowlett, yup16:52
EriC^^QuiQui: no it's an option i forgot, which after googling is -jar16:52
EriC^^QuiQui: so it's java -jar filename.jar16:52
Vespiandaftykins: http://pastebin.com/XDsvVz6c16:53
Vespiandaftykins:Well, half the issue is getting wlan0 back. Ahah16:53
daftykinsVespian: yeah, wasn't sure if you meant you didn't have the interface or didn't see anything in NM... anyway the guide is pretty specific when you look for your model :)16:53
daftykinsVespian: but look in the additional hardware/drivers place i mentioned16:53
Vespiandaftykins: Yeah I did that already and it only has one driver listed which is a proprietary driver.16:54
Vespiandaftykins: I'm going through the guide right now.16:54
daftykinsand is it the broadcom one?16:54
daftykinsVespian: maybe it's best you share what you did with bluetooth 0o16:54
Vespiandaftykins: Yeah.16:54
Vespiandaftykins: Well I installed BlueWho and Blues16:55
Vespiandaftykins: And when I did a makefile and make on backports-3.18-rc1-1 is when I found my wlan0 gone.16:56
daftykinsVespian: alright, problem #1 that's an unsupported kernel16:56
daftykinsso that's gonna be outside of the sphere of influence here16:56
daftykinstry booting a supported 3.16 and see if it comes back16:57
Vespiandaftykins: Unsupported? It came right from linux-foundation.16:57
daftykinsi'm afraid that makes it even less of an ubuntu problem16:57
Vespiandaftykins: So I should get backports-3.16?16:58
daftykinswhy are you saying backports at all?16:58
VespianBecause it is a file that a guide suggested to get and install to get Bluetooth to work.16:58
daftykins"ls /l /boot" and "uname -r" please?16:59
daftykins"ls -l /boot"16:59
cfhowlett!cloning | superteece, never done it myself but I do believe you are talking about "cloning"16:59
ubottusuperteece, never done it myself but I do believe you are talking about "cloning": To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate16:59
daftykinsthat's what daftykins gets for typing with a croissant in one hand16:59
cfhowlettdaftykins, better a croissant ...17:00
Vespiandaftykins: http://pastebin.com/keqGBeMz17:00
QuiQuiEriC^^, I now get the following error: "the tools property directory is not set, please make sure you are executing android"17:00
QuiQuiandroid appears to be a source file of some kind located one level up, in the tools directory. How do I run this?17:00
daftykinsVespian: hrmm well whichever other kernel you put on, you're not booted into it17:01
superteececfhowlett, thanks, I'll check it out17:01
Vespiandaftykins: I didn't put on another kernel. :S17:01
daftykinsoh so just this backports driver package 0o17:02
daftykinsVespian: probably best to undo the earlier steps and see if it comes back first17:02
Vespiandaftykins: http://drvbp1.linux-foundation.org/~mcgrof/rel-html/backports/17:02
Vespiandaftykins: Okay... how do I undo this backport?17:02
daftykinsVespian: oh nasty you installed that :/ yeah no idea17:03
Parad0xxRhi, I was trying to free up diskspace and now my system only boots to the root prompt, at least I think that's what its called.17:06
EriC^^Parad0xxR: to grub> ?17:06
Vespiandaftykins: But oddly enough, when I do 'dpkg --list > DPKG-Output' I see the following in it: http://pastebin.com/XCY7GCMv17:06
cfhowlettParad0xxR, how exactly did you "free" it17:06
Vespiandaftykins: I don't see anything else as far as linux-* goes.17:06
Parad0xxRI ran ubuntu tweak17:06
Parad0xxRthen rebooted17:07
Parad0xxRnow I get the command line upon reboot17:07
daftykinssounds like a successful tweak!17:07
Parad0xxRnot a good one tho17:07
Vespiandaftykins: Actually, that's a lie... there's also a linux-sound-base but that's irrelevant to this.17:07
Parad0xxRI booted to XP so I could get here17:07
cfhowlett!info tweak17:07
ubottutweak (source: tweak): Efficient text-mode hex editor. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.01-8 (utopic), package size 45 kB, installed size 148 kB17:07
EriC^^Parad0xxR: do you have a live usb?17:07
cfhowlett!info ubuntu-tweak17:08
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in utopic17:08
Parad0xxRI have the CD17:08
EriC^^!info unity-tweak17:08
ubottuPackage unity-tweak does not exist in utopic17:08
Parad0xxRthat has 12.04 LTS on it17:08
etzerdhello all17:08
cfhowlett3rd party tool.  there's a reason it's not in repos ....17:08
EriC^^Parad0xxR: boot that and come back here17:08
daftykinsVespian: try "dpkg -l | grep bcwm"17:08
EriC^^cfhowlett: we probably got the name wrong17:09
EriC^^!find tweak17:09
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gnome-tweak-tool, tweak, unity-tweak-tool17:09
ouiiHello - my screen display is stretched (such that circular shapes would appear to be oval). Is this just a resolution issue - or might drivers be missing ? xrandr gives http://pastebin.com/zKtEMArX. Thanks!17:09
Parad0xxRdo I need to select anything when it boots? I forget what its gonna do17:09
EriC^^cfhowlett: i think it might have a free space option that deleted his kernel or something17:09
Vespiandaftykins: No output.17:09
diphtherialhey, is it alright to ask questions about ubuntu with the new 3.18 kernel? i ask because it introduced driver support for my laptop's trackpad, which was previously just treated as a generic mouse17:09
EriC^^Parad0xxR: try ubuntu17:09
cfhowletteric___, it's still PPA ... has been for years17:09
diphtherial(it still is, even though the driver support is there, which was going to be my question, i.e. how to change it from mouse emulation mode to proper trackpad mode)17:09
EriC^^cfhowlett: no it's not, isn't it unity-tweak-tool ?17:10
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daftykinsVespian: ok i'm really out of ideas on how to proceed. you could try reinstalling the broadcom item from the additional-drivers/hardware prog, which i would've expected to be bcmwl-kernel-source17:10
eric___cfhowlett: other eric?17:10
cfhowletteric___, ?? don't know if that's equivalent to ubuntu-tweak ... I don't do unity17:10
EriC^^!info unity-tweak-tool17:10
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 325 kB, installed size 2550 kB17:10
cfhowletteric___, right.  sorry17:10
EriC^^cfhowlett: oh ok, i see what you mean17:10
EriC^^cfhowlett: yeah could be a ppa17:11
etzerdI'm using a Lenovo ideacentre with windows 8.1. I tried every distro out there from LinuxMint, Zorin, Suse, Fedora all of them cannot identified that I have windows 8 install in the computer. Only Ubuntu identified windows 8 and asked to install side by side with it.17:11
cfhowlettEriC^^, rigth... not the same as ubuntu tweak.  probably should clarify what he "fixed" his system with.17:11
Vespiandaftykins: "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'wl': Invalid argument" when I do 'sudo modprobe wl'17:11
OerHeksetzerd, great isn't it?17:12
daftykinsVespian: keep reading is all i can say!17:12
valiumcan someone remote my laptop and upgrade gnome 3 please17:12
Parad0xxRk, found my cd17:12
daftykinsetzerd: are you sure you've been booting the Linux distros as EFI and not legacy?17:12
etzerdOerHeks: yes, this is great.17:12
cfhowlettvalium,  why can't you do that yourself?17:13
valiumi don't know man17:13
valiumthat's why i need someone pro to do it17:13
PaRaD0xR2k, on my laptop while the cd boots17:13
cfhowlettvalium, you don't know why you can't?  this fails the smell test.17:14
etzerdEFI and legacy. I try both of them none of those distros were able to identifie windows 8 on the computer. only Ubuntu.17:14
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: k17:14
Vespiandaftykins: Additional Drivers has the following selected "Using Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source from bcmwl-kernel-source (proprietary)".17:14
valiumi can't even log as su17:14
daftykinsetzerd: so umm, what's the problem? :P17:14
valiumim fcked17:14
daftykinsetzerd: this is ubuntu support and ubuntu worked? :D17:14
valiumplease someone17:15
cfhowlettvalium, if you can't use sudo then you also can't authorize remote access17:15
etzerdand guess what? After I install ubuntu side by side with windows 8 then every other distros now identifie windows 8 and ubuntu after I install ubuntu.17:15
daftykinsVespian: aaah i typo'd, so "bcmwl" - "dpkg -l | grep -i bcm" ?17:15
PaRaD0xR2k, booted up EriC^^17:15
daftykinsetzerd: so, still waiting for a support question...17:15
=== crazybotsmoker is now known as bestzdneirf
diphtherialok, here's an easier question: my fiance's new laptop has a pretty insane screen resolution, something like 3000x200017:15
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok17:15
daftykinsdiphtherial: that was more of a statement17:16
diphtherialas a result, everything is tiny. i bumped up the scaling factor in the settings, which mostly helped, but there are still some UI elements that remain tiny17:16
PaRaD0xR2this is 12.04 LTS btw17:16
Vespiandaftykins: http://pastebin.com/3dCG5cUm17:16
diphtherialdaftykins: i'm getting there17:16
EriC^^type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:16
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ^^ and paste here17:16
mark999I have a repo set up. is there a way to cause machines to automatically _install_ (as opposed to upgrade) any packages found in that repo?17:16
=== google-hacker is now known as bynarie
etzerdmy question is why those distros weren't able to identify the os when all of them base on ubuntu?17:16
diphtherialso, scrollbars are still miniscule; how can i fix that across the board? or should i just switch to a lower resolution and tell her to cope with the fuzziness?17:16
PaRaD0xR2wait, only thing I can do now is try or install?17:16
EriC^^etzerd: what do you mean by identify? in parted ? or you mean when you boot?17:16
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah, press try17:17
daftykinsVespian: purge reinstall it, might help17:17
etzerdwhen I boot from the DVD17:17
daftykinsetzerd: sorry we only support ubuntu here so no idea. find the channels for those distros and ask them17:17
squintyetzerd:  besides which this channel also has it's share of "the installer can't find my windows" issue too.  it's not only other distro's.  :P17:19
Vespiandaftykins: I did 'sudo apt-get purge --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source'17:19
daftykinsVespian: sounds good to me, full reboot after of course17:19
etzerddaftykins: I agree with you because since ubuntu is the only distro that were able to install side by side with windows and that's what I used. I was wonder the reason why the other distros weren't able to install side by side as ubuntu does.17:19
PaRaD0xR2I have 2 physical drives in the box17:19
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt17:20
Vespiandaftykins: Alright. I'll BRB. I'll unplug wired connection before restarting to ensure that there's no potential glitch of wireless enablind.17:20
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: then type sudo chroot /mnt17:20
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: then type uname -a , then type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999917:20
daftykinsetzerd: yeah, the problem is *they* do things differently so we can't know17:20
PaRaD0xR2chroot: failed to run command /bin/bash no such file or directory17:21
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: did you type sudo mount .... ?17:21
ZOPCan anyone point me in the right direction for getting a crash dump out of apport without building a package?  We've a local internal app that needs to be debugged and I'd rather not just go remove apport from the system...but FWICT thats the only option (packaging it at this point is NOT an option)17:21
PaRaD0xR2that returned nothing, just a new prompt17:21
PaRaD0xR2but the chroot errored17:22
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type find /mnt -maxdepth 2 | nc termbin.com 999917:22
EriC^^sudo find ...17:23
ZOPor cat /proc/mounts17:23
etzerdalso, I remember I used to install ubuntu through windows and were able to uninstall from windows as well. but since windows 8 this option is no longer work. that was the best option ever because ubuntu was install into windows just like any other application. why they remove such a great option?17:23
xanguaetzerd: that was the worse option ever17:23
daftykinsetzerd: WUBI is the devil and should never be considered.17:23
PaRaD0xR2find: '..." no such file or directory17:23
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: that looks like your home dir17:23
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: i meant add sudo to the command, sudo find /mnt ........17:24
PaRaD0xR2o, find /mnt/lost+found permission denied also17:24
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: anyways, it looks like that's not your installation, just /home17:24
daftykinsetzerd: because anyone coming in to have it fixed, has no chance of being guided through 1)booting liveCD 2) mounting their NTFS disk 3) mounting their disk image - all prior to even finding out what went wrong.17:24
squintyetzerd:  lol   fighting a losing battle here... might want to try starting a similar converstation in #ubuntu-offtopic   :)17:24
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok17:25
etzerdok guys, thanks to all of you for answering my questions. ubuntu for life.17:25
Vespiandirtykins: No dice.17:25
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo umount /mnt17:25
PaRaD0xR2k, done17:25
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt17:25
Vespiandirtykins: There is no wlan0 showing in iwconfig or ifconfig.17:25
etzerdanother question.17:25
daftykinsVespian: i'll have you know i'm clean :(17:26
Vespiandaftykins: My bad.17:26
etzerdis ubuntu will ever change the Unity desktop?17:26
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo /dev/sda6 /mnt/home17:26
Vespiandaftykins: Sorry about that. Ahah17:26
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: then type sudo chroot /mnt17:26
Vespiandaftykins: But any idea on how to get wlan0 to come back? :S17:26
PaRaD0xR2sudo: /dev/sda6: command not found17:27
daftykinsVespian: given the stuff you ran... nope17:27
PaRaD0xR2o, sudo mount ...17:27
etzerdI don't know, for some reason I don't like it. I end up using KDE because the Unity is not17:27
PaRaD0xR2sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/home17:27
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: crap sorry17:27
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah17:28
daftykinsetzerd: kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and other spins with e.g. MATE desktop exist, so there's no point discussing what's default. there are options.17:28
PaRaD0xR2now I have a # prompt17:28
Vespiandaftykins: I even tried pressing the hardware enabling of wi-fi and it won't enable.17:28
PaRaD0xR2and not the ~$ like before17:28
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, type uname -a17:28
RocketeerSo you're root17:28
Vespiandaftykins: It's showing orange, it should be showing blue.17:28
Vespiandaftykins: Does this give you any ideas?17:29
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 999917:29
PaRaD0xR2Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-29-generic blah blah17:29
RocketeerRhythmbox recognises most of my songs but is missing a few17:29
squintyVespian:  have you tried booting from a previous kernel via the grub boot menu?17:29
RocketeerI already tried quitting and restarting17:30
AbuQatadahi,  is this Islamic State channel?17:30
daftykinsVespian: no driver present, that's all.17:30
Vespiandaftykins: But there is... how can that be?17:30
daftykinssquinty: Vespian i kinda hinted at that earlier but didn't persist, worth a go.17:30
daftykinsVespian: it's installed, doesn't mean it's loaded.17:30
Vespiandaftykins: Okay, how do I check if it's loaded?17:30
AbuQatadasorry I'm ignored maybe cuz I didn't say17:31
etzerddaftykins: if I understand you very well, you mean after install ubuntu I should be able to install all these distros you just said by going to the terminal and use the command "sudo apt-get install ...."?17:31
AbuQatadaSalam Alaikum17:31
RocketeerAbuQatada: Ubuntu means human kindness and it's also the name of a free computer operating system, so no17:31
daftykinsVespian: just try the other kernel first, i don't have the patience for that :P17:31
daftykinsetzerd: you can both download ISOs of each one, as well as change desktop after installing ubuntu.17:31
Vespiandaftykins: Okay, how do I load an older kernel?17:31
AbuQatadaone of my brothers told me there's channel on irc if I want to learn some things about......17:31
sbtechcomanyone know the right channel for maas and juju/openstack discussions?17:31
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: thanks for your help, hopefully we can get this fixed ;)17:32
PaRaD0xR2now what?17:32
Vespiandaftykins: I'm not a Linux guru here. Ahah But I know a fair bit.17:32
AbuQatadaIslamic State irc channel17:32
daftykins!alis | sbtechcom this is not a freenode directory17:32
ubottusbtechcom this is not a freenode directory: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:32
AbuQatadaI don't use irc it's my first time17:32
AbuQatadaand don't know how to find that channel17:32
daftykinsVespian: hold left shift just before the hard disk is about to be read from, pick 'advanced options' and choose the older one17:32
squintyAbuQatada:  piss off17:32
daftykinsAbuQatada: type "/join #freenode" and ask in there.17:32
AbuQatadawhy are you being rude?17:32
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type exit17:32
Vespiandaftykins: Alright. BRB.17:33
AbuQatadanobody can help me17:33
RocketeerAbuQatada: Not sure if you're trolling, but this is not the IS chanel. To join a chanel, type /# and then the name of the channel you want to join17:33
bynarieAbuQatada, check out searchirc.com - they have a lot of listings17:33
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:33
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type the above17:33
RocketeerAbuQutada: This should help: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html17:34
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:34
PaRaD0xR2as you typed it?17:34
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: then type sudo chroot /mnt17:34
AbuQatadaI typed it17:34
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah word for word17:34
PaRaD0xR2gimme a sec17:34
etzerddaftykins: which way is best? install each distro seperately and choose with desktop to use at log in or install ubuntu and install those desktop through the terminal?17:34
RocketeerAbuQuatada: No spaces17:34
daftykinsetzerd: if you know you want to use KDE you install kubuntu, it's pretty simple17:34
jhutchinsetzerd: One install with multiple DEs.17:35
PaRaD0xR2k, done17:35
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt17:35
AbuQatadanothing grrrrrrrr Allah help me17:35
RocketeerAbuQuatada: Type / join # islamicstate without the spaces17:35
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda17:36
etzerdjhutchins: you mean I can do one install with multiple DEs? or one install and install the other DEs thereafter?17:36
RocketeerAbuQuatada: It's ISIS not ISAS17:36
PaRaD0xR2grub is not currently installed17:36
RocketeerThat was odd17:36
daftykinsRocketeer: you responding to a troll? yeah i thought so17:37
AbuQatadaISIS? here in Saudi it's ISAS17:37
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok great17:37
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo apt-get install grub-pc17:37
Rocketeerdaftykins: Yes I'm responding to the troll17:37
cfhowlettAbuQatada, it's off topic for this channel17:37
AbuQatadaOK SORRY17:37
cfhowlett!ot | AbuQatada17:37
ubottuAbuQatada: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:37
PaRaD0xR2not sure that worked17:38
AbuQatadawhat's Ubuntu?17:38
PaRaD0xR2unable to resolve host ubuntu17:38
=== bestzdneirf is now known as crazybotsmoker
cfhowlett!ubuntu | AbuQatada17:38
ubottuAbuQatada: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:38
Vespiandaftykins: Okay. I fellback to previous kernel and wi-fi is working but my UI (Cinnamon) won't load because it's an older kernel.17:38
AbuQatadadoes it have anything to do with Islam?17:38
PaRaD0xR2 grub-pc is already the newest version17:38
cfhowlettAbuQatada, no17:38
Vespiandaftykins: So we know it isn't driver issues.17:38
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-pc17:38
valiumLXLE is the worst thing i ever installed on my laptop17:38
AbuQatadaso why do people bother17:38
etzerdjhutchins: you mean I can do one install with multiple DEs? or one install and install the other DEs thereafter?17:38
bynarieyea valium i dont like lxle either.. or lxde17:39
PaRaD0xR2k, think its working17:39
daftykinsVespian: no that doesn't prove that at all17:39
valiumfunny thing is,after installing lxle , i cannot boot my usb stick with ubuntu inside17:39
PaRaD0xR2stuff scrolling by17:39
PaRaD0xR2k, all done17:39
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, you wanna clean up boot?17:39
PaRaD0xR2umm, what do you mean?17:40
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: remove old kernels that take space17:40
RocketeerAnybody know how to get rhythmbox to recognise my music?17:40
RocketeerIt has most of it it's just missing a few songs17:40
PaRaD0xR2I need to my desktop back is the main thing, but if I can free up some space, all the better17:40
Vespiandaftykins: Okay, then why would it work in a previous kernel but not the current kernel?17:41
daftykinsVespian: oh my bad, i misread17:41
EriC^^Rocketeer: you mean it doesn't crash every other song? :P17:41
RocketeerThe songs it's missing will play in videos won't show up in rythmbox17:41
RocketeerAnd no it doesn't usually crash17:41
PaRaD0xR2now what?17:41
RocketeerI've tried banshee but never really liked it17:41
Vespiandaftykins: Any ideas as to how to get it to work in the current kernel?17:41
PaRaD0xR2I use Rhythmbox17:41
daftykinsVespian: 1) your modifications broke the current kernel 2) the old kernel works 3) i don't know what to do about the newer one, maybe purge reinstall the newer kernel.17:41
cfhowlettAbuQatada, please ask your ubuntu support questions.  otherwise find a channel more suited to your interests.17:42
Vespiandaftykins: Alright.17:42
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, 1 sec17:42
daftykinsVespian: you don't need to lead me from one question to another :P i don't throw something out there immediately because i'm thinking.17:43
* squinty tried thinking once and nearly died from the effort :P17:43
Bashing-ometzerd: The answer is YES, One may install any 'buntu and on may install also any other DE desired ( and choose at the login screen which session to run) OR dsk space permitting install the complete distribution as stand alone.17:43
Vespiandaftykins: So 'sudo apt-get purge --reinstall linux-*-3.16.0-24' should do it?17:43
daftykinsno need for wildcards17:44
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 999917:44
Vespiandaftykins: I'm currently in 3.16.0-2317:44
Vespiandaftykins: But there's 4 different packages for it...17:44
Vespiandaftykins: headers, headers generic, image, and image-extra17:45
daftykinsVespian: hah. you've not used ubuntu much have you? "linux-image-3.16.0-23-generic" should do17:45
daftykinsor whatever the latest number was17:45
EriC^^Rocketeer: PaRaD0xR2 i used/love rhythmbox but it crashes very often, i switched to gmusicbrowser17:45
Vespiandaftykins: For about a week. I'd say I'm catching on quite quickly. Ahah Prior to this I just had amateur fiddling experience in Slackware several years ago.17:45
etzerdBashing-om, can you please tell me how? because when I install from the DVD I didn't see any option to install all of the DEs17:45
cfhowlettetzerd, sudo apt-get install kde-plasma xfce4 lxde gnome-desktop17:46
PaRaD0xR2hmm, if I get my system back up, I'll check it out ;)17:46
PaRaD0xR2--> EriC^^17:46
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.*17:47
lnostdaluh, so why does my mac address change on each reboot? .. so many annoying changes all the time ...year after year x)17:47
daftykinslnostdal: VM?17:47
RocketeerSorry lost internet if anybody had a solution17:47
lnostdaldaftykins, nope17:47
etzerdok thanks cfhowlett. but should I install one distro before I can used "sudo apt-get"?17:47
cfhowlettbecause you set it to randomize the MAC?17:47
lnostdalthis is a fresh install of ubuntu server17:47
daftykinslnostdal: maybe your hardware has somehow messed up and so the kernel choose one every run. force specify one via /etc/network/interfaces17:48
EriC^^daftykins: cfhowlett can you take a look at http://termbin.com/xgx6 ? is it safe to remove the pae kernels?17:48
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: did I lose anything in all of this?17:48
Vespiandaftykins: Okay...  Ctrl + Alt + T won't open Terminal, /bin/bash won't open, and Super isn't opening any kind of menu.17:48
Bashing-ometzerd: That is true. Install the distribution you desire, and once installed then "apt-get install XXXX-desktop " ( where XXXX is the version ) of alternate Desktop Environments.17:48
PaRaD0xR2not sure what I did17:48
daftykinsEriC^^: yep looks like the trusty HWE is on so they're all PAE these days, :)17:48
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: no just removing old kernels, you can reinstall the kernel if it's required17:48
lnostdaldaftykins, ok, can try that17:48
PaRaD0xR2I meant, from what I did before17:48
cfhowlettEriC^^, I wouldn't.17:49
PaRaD0xR2k, it's all done17:49
cfhowlettEriC^^, I believe that's the one that will boot when all else fails17:49
daftykinsVespian: test a guest session17:49
etzerdthank you all for your advice. I will be back later17:49
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-pae17:49
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
Vespiandaftykins: I disabled guest and remote logins. I just got an idea though... I'll alt+F1 and login with root and execute it.17:50
PaRaD0xR2k, that's running17:50
daftykinsVespian: if you have a password for root, you're doing ubuntu very *very* wrong :)17:50
daftykinsVespian: also for the love of Tux don't even think about using startx17:51
Vespiandaftykins: root is su.17:51
daftykinsVespian: if you're using "sudo su" that is also wrong17:51
lnostdal*grrr* .. so much time wasted on this ..    this feels like 1998 and debian sound problems17:51
PaRaD0xR2k, done17:51
Vespiandaftykins: Ahah I did that once already. I ended up having to do 'sudo apt-get purge --reinstall xorg'17:51
daftykinsit gives me such motivation to help others when they type 'grr'17:51
Vespiandaftykins: Won't learn if I don't experience it first hand. Ahah17:51
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.8.*17:52
daftykinsyou did what O_O17:52
daftykinsVespian: i don't even use desktop so i'm going to have to be hands off now.17:52
eric___Question: my cube animation is like a piece of paper; two sided. I have 4 desktop spaces. How do I make cube, a cube?17:52
PaRaD0xR2it said warning, removing running kernel image!17:52
Vespiandaftykins: Never heard of anyone ever doing sudo su.... that sounds VERY redundant and wrong. Ahah17:53
PaRaD0xR2hope that was right17:53
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: it's ok, i guess that's the live cd's kernel17:53
PaRaD0xR2k, next?17:53
jhutchinsVespian: It's a common administrative tool when certain users have access to root but do not have the root password.17:53
Stary2001sudo -i17:53
jhutchinsVespian: Or a mere convenience so they don't have to type it.17:53
* Stary2001 cries17:53
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{32..37}-generic17:54
compdocanyone with zfs? Just reinstalled and updated, etc ubuntu server 14.01, but I get this now: apt-get dist-upgrade   ...The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:  dkms17:54
PaRaD0xR2wow, says that'll free 888 MB17:54
PaRaD0xR2running now17:55
valiumcan someone remote my laptop and upgrade it to the latest17:55
PaRaD0xR2so EriC^^: after we're done here, I'll have my desktop back?17:55
PaRaD0xR2with noting negative as a result?17:56
PaRaD0xR2just some wasted time in my day? :)17:56
PaRaD0xR2k, done17:56
bubbasaureseric___, Not really used as often but look at this. http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/install-ccsm-enable-desktop-cube-ubuntu-14-04/17:56
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, type exit17:56
Vespiandaftykins: I did 'sudo apt-get purge --reinstall linux-image-3.16.0-24-generic'17:56
digitsmI have a question about using a keyboard and mouse for 2 ubuntu systems17:56
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah nothing negative should happen, i think17:57
digitsmI have a PC and a laptop17:57
Vespiandaftykins: 203MB later... Ahah17:57
PaRaD0xR2now what?17:57
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type ls -l /mnt/boot | nc termbin.com 999917:57
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: to see if the pae kernel is there17:57
digitsmBoth my pc and my laptop use Ubuntu 14.0417:57
cfhowlettdigitsm, put it all on ONE LINE.17:57
digitsmI want to be able to use my laptop's keyboard and mouse for my desktop17:57
daftykinsVespian: err, i thought you'd done that already hence all the desktop quirks17:58
digitsmis it possible?17:58
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, type sudo reboot17:58
PaRaD0xR2wait, take out the cd?17:58
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: reboot then take it out17:58
digitsmI want to be able to use my laptop's keyboard and mouse for my desktop. Is it possible?17:58
Vespiandaftykins: No. The desktop quirks are because Cinnamon isn't functioning on the old kernel.17:58
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k0nichiwatinyproxy didnt seem to be working for me on ubuntu 14.0417:59
daftykinsVespian: ok, not much point hassling me with issues partway through a process17:59
Vespiandaftykins: Going to restart.17:59
PaRaD0xR2let the cd fully boot up?17:59
PaRaD0xR2before removing?17:59
k0nichiwathis was on an amazon cloud server17:59
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo reboot, and boot into your installation as usual17:59
k0nichiwaitnyproxy just keep spawning mor end more processes17:59
k0nichiwaanyone use tinyproxy ???17:59
eric___bubbasaures: my cube is only picking up 2 desktops17:59
PaRaD0xR2rebooting, cd still in17:59
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: remove the cd18:00
PaRaD0xR2it closd the drive18:00
PaRaD0xR2before I could take it out18:00
PaRaD0xR2keeps closing it18:00
PaRaD0xR2can't take it out fast enough ;)18:01
PaRaD0xR2I suppose let it finish, then remove and reboot again?18:01
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah or sudo poweroff18:03
EriC^^and remove it when the pc starts18:03
PaRaD0xR2k, rebooting18:03
PaRaD0xR2k, booting..18:04
PaRaD0xR2crossing fingers18:04
EriC^^did you cramp them?18:04
PaRaD0xR2parad0x-Optiplex-745 login:18:04
EriC^^you get a tty?18:04
EriC^^well i can tell you one thing18:05
EriC^^you didn't have grub installed18:05
EriC^^so it's booting the kernel now18:05
PaRaD0xR2grub booted18:05
PaRaD0xR2I selected Linux blah blah blah18:05
EriC^^whatever else you "cleaned" yesterday, well you still have to fix18:05
Vespiandaftykins: Okay. The newest kernel uninstalled, but for some odd reason it says that package doesn't exist for install. I did a sudo apt-get update to ensure and still no dice.18:05
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: start with sudo apt-get install lightdm18:05
PaRaD0xR2wait, boot up the cd again?18:06
PaRaD0xR2or login here18:06
daftykinsVespian: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:06
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: no18:06
EriC^^login here18:06
Vespiandaftykins: 0 upgraded.18:06
PaRaD0xR2lightdm is already newest18:06
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm18:07
daftykinsVespian: ah well, i'm out of ideas as mentioned.18:07
Vespiandaftykins: 3.16.0-23 is what I'm currently in, I removed 3.16.0-24 and it won't reinstall that.18:07
daftykinsVespian: lol, yes i don't need it spelling out :P18:08
PaRaD0xR2k, done18:08
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: sudo service lightdm restart18:08
PaRaD0xR2blank screen18:09
PaRaD0xR2with a small blinking _18:09
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok press ctrl+alt+f118:09
PaRaD0xR2should this take long?18:09
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: no18:09
PaRaD0xR2stop: Unknown instance:18:10
PaRaD0xR2lightdm start/running, process 238118:10
PaRaD0xR2and then the prompt18:10
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: what does uname -a return?18:10
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: or just uname -r18:10
Vespiandaftykins: Just wanted to make it clear is all. Ahah18:11
PaRaD0xR2that was the first option on grub18:11
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: you have a custom kernel?18:11
EriC^^you're on 14.04lts?18:11
PaRaD0xR2just whatever ubuntu updated when it prompted me18:11
PaRaD0xR2no, 12.04 lts18:11
daftykins12.04 with the trusty kernel, (hardware enablement stack) EriC^^ :)18:12
EriC^^ah i see18:12
latteranewbie question alert: what's the best way to set up wifi via command-line? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo are pretty dated18:12
Vespiandaftykins: I'm going to install it via .deb at http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/amd64/linux-image-3.16.0-24-generic/download18:12
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: are you using unity?18:12
PaRaD0xR2umm...I think so?18:12
PaRaD0xR2yes, afaik18:13
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PaRaD0xR2google images look like mine18:13
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: did you used to have a launcher on the left? and a dash?18:13
sebastian_I have the following problem, I have a cisco router, I set it up when i had windows on my laptop, i no longer have the cd and I need to change the password as i think someone is using my wifi18:13
cfhowlettsebastian_, contact cisco for a reset18:14
Mikiuiuiragazzi sto usando una live per testare se l`hdd sia integro e facendo lo smart test in disk mi appare self-test failed18:14
EriC^^ok, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop xorg18:14
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ^^18:14
cfhowlett!es | Mikiuiui18:14
ubottuMikiuiui: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:14
Mikiuiuii-m testing hdd18:15
daftykinssebastian_: "this is an ubuntu problem because i'm using ubuntu" ? :D18:15
Mikiuiuiin disk when i do smart test it appear self-test failed18:15
Mikiuiuithe hdd is broken_18:15
cfhowlettMikiuiui, yes18:15
PaRaD0xR2k, done18:15
daftykinsMikiuiui: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"18:16
Mikiuiuireally? o.O18:16
Mikiuiuii`m using live cd18:16
PaRaD0xR2now try the service lightdm line again?18:16
daftykinsMikiuiui: yep nothing wrong with running my commands from live session.18:16
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah18:16
daftykinsMikiuiui: "sudo apt-get update" first, though18:16
PaRaD0xR2same issue18:16
PaRaD0xR2blinking _18:16
Mikiuiuicommndnot found apt-get18:17
Mikiuiuii`m using fedora18:17
daftykinslattera: best way? throw it away and buy a cable. second best way? mess around with alternative CLI network managers or WPA supplicant configs.18:17
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, can you explain further what you removed yesterday?18:17
Mikiuiuisorry pls help me18:17
PaRaD0xR2well, it was this morning18:17
daftykinsMikiuiui: no, this is an #ubuntu support channel - either boot an ubuntu live session or go ask in a fedora channel.18:17
cfhowlettMikiuiui, not an iubuntu issue.  ask #fedora. not supported here.18:17
PaRaD0xR2I manually deleted some files, which I thought were old kernel files18:17
PaRaD0xR2then I ran Ubuntu Tweak18:18
Mikiuiuiwait i start ubuntu18:18
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: which files?18:18
Bashing-omEriC^^: PaRaD0xR2 :: Graphics module not loaded ?18:18
PaRaD0xR2which pre-selected a bunch of stuff, calling it cruft18:18
PaRaD0xR2Bashing-om: when I boot, I get tty18:18
PaRaD0xR2not Unity18:18
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: Bashing-om try to reinstall the vga package, or try another kernel maybe18:18
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type lshw -C video | grep driver and paste here18:19
fannohi all, can anyone tell me why on the nvidia-settings it is only showing one screen  (my external monitor it is not showing the build in screen)18:19
cfhowlettPaRaD0xR2, reminder = ubuntu tweak is NOT an official ubuntu product, not in the ubuntu repos and not supported by ubuntu.  as with all PPA, you break it, you fix it.18:19
daftykinsEriC^^: is it worth pastebin'ing a xorg log?18:19
fannoas shown here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors#Setup18:19
EriC^^daftykins: sure18:19
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: One will get the TTY IF GUI is not loadable, might see what is -> sudo lshw -C display <- . Just as a quick check .18:20
daftykinsmind you someone on 12.04 the other day said there was no pastebinit package 0o18:20
PaRaD0xR2warning you should run as super user18:20
EriC^^daftykins: odd18:20
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: that's ok18:20
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k0nichiwaanyone use tinyproxy /?18:21
PaRaD0xR2cfhowlett: yeha, I know now, I should have come here first :(18:21
PaRaD0xR2hoping I'm not screwed18:21
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type dpkg -l | grep xorg-server | nc termbin.com 999918:22
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: EriC^^ :: does not appear to be a graphic's issue, huh .18:22
EriC^^Bashing-om: maybe he needs to reinstall it?18:22
streulmafancontrol on a Mac for Ubuntu is a pain :(18:22
PaRaD0xR2it says use netcat18:23
PaRaD0xR2didn't give me a url18:23
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999918:23
daftykinsstreulma: yeah, should've bought a non-experimental system for use with Ubuntu :(18:24
PaRaD0xR2Use NETCAT.18:24
MyGentooIsBrokenhello guys, i have a noob question18:25
raubHow do I download, say https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-34.0.5-SSL&os=win&lang=en-US using curl or wget?18:25
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:25
cfhowlettraub wget that url18:26
Mikuiuiuinow i'm in ubuntu18:26
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit18:26
Mikuiuiuihow to view if the hdd is damaged?18:26
PaRaD0xR2you are trying to send an empty document, exiting18:26
Mikuiuiuii run the disk test and it appeared test failed!18:26
daftykinsMikuiuiui: you already told us you were running fedora :P18:27
compdocMikuiuiui, smartctl -a /dev/sda, or whatever18:27
MyGentooIsBrokenI made a bash-script with one line "cat filefoo >> filebar && rm filefoo", then i did chmod 777 scriptfoo.sh18:27
MyGentooIsBrokenbut i can't run it18:27
MoPacHello. I'm currently runnning Ubuntu with some free space on my drive that I'm considering a Windows install on. I'm wondering, though, if there are any special considerations for doing this because my system is LUKS with LVM.18:27
MyGentooIsBrokeni get the message "bash: scriptfoo.sh: command not found18:27
MoPacIs it still as simple as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ? I don't want to screw up my volume header or LVM partition table18:27
Justushow can I remove apport from my ubuntu server? it's gobbeling up crash reports and might even cause freezes for all I know18:27
daftykinsMikiuiui: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"18:28
Mikuiuiuismartcl command not found18:28
MyGentooIsBrokensomeone, please?18:28
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: type chmod +x script.sh18:28
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: ./script.sh18:28
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: Check your syntax/spelling, that file should exist -> ls -al /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53534 Dec 11 09:04 /var/log/Xorg.0.log .18:28
daftykinsMikuiuiui: you typo'd18:28
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, i already did chmod 777 script.sh (that includes +x)18:29
daftykinsdalekusa: either ask a question of ubuntu support or leave, please.18:29
dalekusaI updated my NVidia graphics drivers18:29
daftykinsdalekusa: on ONE line18:29
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: ah sorry18:29
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: how are you running the script?18:29
dalekusaEssentially, I updated my NVidia drivers, and now my computer is all but unusable18:29
daftykinsdalekusa: sounds like you used a manual website driver download \o/18:30
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, well i just type the name in bash18:30
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dalekusaNo, this was through the automatic Ubuntu updater18:30
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, scriptfoo.sh18:30
daftykinsdalekusa: alright so what've you got? TTYs work?18:30
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: you have to use ./ so it searches the current directory18:31
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: ./script.sh18:31
PaRaD0xR2checking, looks right to me18:31
Mikuiuiuidon't install the pasteinit18:31
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, ahhh i get it. ofc i dont have an alias for the script18:31
daftykinsMikuiuiui: alright, "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" then pastebin it manually.18:32
dalekusaI can unlock my keychain, but then it yields to a black screen with just my pointer18:32
PaRaD0xR2I cd /var18:32
PaRaD0xR2cd /log18:32
daftykinsMikuiuiui: you only have one hard disk, yes?18:32
PaRaD0xR2no such file or directory18:32
Mikuiuiuibut many partition18:32
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: it's not a matter of alias, it's cause it only searches your $PATH18:32
daftykinsMikuiuiui: that's fine18:32
raubcfhowlett: But when i download using wget it saves it as something like index.html?product=firefox-34.0.5-SSL instead of the proper filename18:33
Mikuiuiuii'minstalling smartmontools18:33
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PaRaD0xR2getting worried i'm screwed18:33
raubIs there something that will get the right filename? -O expects you to provide said filename, which means you know it18:33
jr_Hey guys. I upgraded ubuntu (included some new kernel) and my system broken. Wouldn't boot. I think somethign may have gone wrong with the install. Anyway, I need to remove the most recent kernel and upgrade again from there. Should I manually remove it, or will sudo apt-get upgrade suffice?18:33
PaRaD0xR2am I? :)18:33
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: Blows me away, what could have happened to the Xorg file ...Maybe reboot and see if that files now gets created ??18:33
PaRaD0xR2what to check next?18:33
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try dpkg -l | grep xorg-server | pastebinit18:33
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: also type cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit18:34
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, thanks it worked! Yeah what i meant is, can't i make the script accessible from anywhere. As in i only type "script.sh" from any directory and it will execute? like it does with every program?18:35
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: wait18:35
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type dmesg | pastebinit18:35
cfhowlettraub, of course.  that's the WINDOWS version, not the linux version.18:35
EriC^^instead of /var/log/syslog18:35
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: yes, you can add it to your $PATH18:35
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, where is the location of your script????18:35
dalekusadaftykins: What is a TTY?18:35
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: if you have a ~/bin and have it there, ubuntu will load it into your $PATH when you login18:36
daftykinsdalekusa: ah there you are. ctrl+alt+F1 for a command line login.18:36
Mikuiuiuihey guys look this http://pastebin.com/NedRL9da18:36
dalekusahold while starting up?18:36
EriC^^MyGentooIsBroken: if you want to put it somewhere else you have to add it to ~/.profile18:36
MyGentooIsBrokenEriC^^, nice i kind of get it. thanks for enlighting me.18:36
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, make a /bin folder in your home directory, move your script there, then edit .bashrc and add PATH=$PATH:~/bin enter export PATH18:37
jwashanyone here familiar with freerdp18:37
daftykinsMikuiuiui: looking now18:37
PaRaD0xR2is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/947901518:37
PaRaD0xR2took laptop downstairs18:37
jr_Hey guys. I upgraded ubuntu (included some new kernel) and my system broken. Wouldn't boot. I think somethign may have gone wrong with the install. Anyway, I need to remove the most recent kernel and upgrade again from there. Should I manually remove it, or will sudo apt-get upgrade suffice?18:37
dalekusadaftykins: I can't do it by holding those keys during startup18:37
mozaEvilRoey and OerHeks : I finally found how to install the driver downloaded from nvidia : the recovery mode gives an option to start from consoleand then be able to kill X from there. I needed to kill the gdm service (because i'm using gnome-flashback) and then i installed it, with the 32-bit compatibility, and now i can play portal on steam. (my initial goal). Thank you a lot :D18:37
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: Look'n at http://paste.ubuntu.com/9479015 .18:37
dalekusathere we go18:37
daftykinsdalekusa: no you press them after boot, it's not a startup sequence18:38
daftykinsMikuiuiui: there is one bad sector, you need to backup your data then ideally wipe the drive totally to check if it won't get worse18:38
dalekusayeah, just realised that before you mentioned that18:38
* dalekusa logged it18:38
Mikuiuiuii don't want to backp18:38
PaRaD0xR2that was after a reboot btw18:38
Mikuiuiuiwhat can i do'?18:39
daftykinsMikuiuiui: lol, you can't just say 'no' to my comment. you have to, because something is going bad. you have no choice.18:39
EvilRoeymoza:  ah wonderful18:39
EvilRoeymoza:  portal is native on linux now?18:39
dfdfwhat's a cheap bluetooth dongle?18:39
mozaSteam is native on linux, and portal within steam :) So yeah!18:40
dalekusaI did install a few bits of Python packages to help install a bitcoin client18:40
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EvilRoeymoza:  ah, yes I know that Steam is, but Portal is out and buyable for linux?18:40
mozaEven portal 2 i think, but i will first just enjoy the first one18:40
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: ?18:40
bynariedfdf, bluetooth dongle is a usb device that will add bluetooth to your computer if its not built in18:40
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, it does not work, do i need to enter the shell again or something to refresh the settings?18:40
dalekusaand I remember that when I tried to install Wine, that it said that I had to uninstall the NVidia drivers18:40
Mikuiuiuiformat all18:40
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, yes close bash and re-open18:40
daftykinsdalekusa: i'm not interested in what you ate for breakfast last Tuesday, we're talking about an nvidia driver quirk you said :P18:40
EvilRoeymoza:  wow, enat!!18:41
dalekusathat is it18:41
mozaEvilRoey : yes, i bought it a while ago and only was missing the graphics card. So definitely yes18:41
daftykinsdalekusa: alright so you're logged into a TTY yes?18:41
EvilRoeyok great :)18:41
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, now it works. will this break something? or effect other programs?18:41
Mikuiuiuiho to do?18:41
dfdfbynarie: ubuntu cannot find what is in my laptop. i dont know how to proceed. i need bluetooth to develop my hobby project (micropython RC/bluetooth car)18:41
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, no your good18:41
daftykinsdalekusa: what's your card? ("lspci")18:41
bynariecheck out your ~/.profile , see if it has a statement checking for a /bin directory in your home directory.. if so you can remove the path statement i gave you in the .bashrc file18:42
dalekusaGeForce 6150SE18:42
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, alright. but i guess i don't quite understand it then. why does it only affect this one program?18:42
KarizoWhy does Richard Stallman and every Linux guru, speaks of Ubuntu with hatred?18:42
daftykinsdalekusa: does that system connect wirelessly or wired?18:43
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dalekusaconnect to the internet?18:43
daftykinsKarizo: you're welcome to ask about that in #ubuntu-offtopic but THIS is *NOT* the place.18:43
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, i don't have a ~/.profile18:43
ScrivenerIf Ubuntu always (with every installation I have ever done) eventually complains about not enough space in /boot with the default configuration, why doesn't it do anything on its own to clean that up so the user doesn't have to deal with it?18:43
daftykinsdalekusa: good stuff "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"18:43
ScrivenerI can't imagine general users would know what to do, or would understand why they are being made to do it instead of the OS taking care of it.18:43
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, look at your path variable... it includes folders like /bin /sbin /usr/bin etc... when you install programs they go into that folder18:44
ScrivenerCleaning up old images and things18:44
daftykinsScrivener: because clean installs don't make a separate /boot and haven't done for years. if you have one it's part of your own legacy install. also, sudo apt-get autoremove *DOES* now remove older kernels.18:44
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: you still there?18:44
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, if you download a script, its probably in the Downloads folder, so when you run bash, it doesnt know to look in Downloads for exec files18:44
Scrivenerdaftykins, does the GUI software updater do this? I thought we didn't want to require users to touch the command line.18:44
daftykinsScrivener: try it out, a completely clean install to a blank disk will not create a /boot18:44
daftykinsScrivener: well you skipped over my answer at the start there, so you need to read that first :)18:45
Scrivenerdaftykins, is 14.04 considered legacy?18:45
daftykinsScrivener: i've done plenty of 14.04 installs where there's no separate /boot - i'm afraid you've got it wrong18:45
Scrivenerdaftykins, I'm totally cool myself with taking care of the issue. I run Arch, I'm used to all kinds of things.18:45
dalekusa14.04 is an LTS release18:45
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, my "$PATH" outputs: "bash: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin: No such file or directory"18:45
Scrivenerdaftykins, but all of my 14.04 installations do it, on every machine. This one on which I just got the message was a completely blank disk that never had anything else installed on it.18:46
daftykinsScrivener: when i say legacy, i mean you might've upgraded through a bunch of installs which can't repartition18:46
ScrivenerEvery installation I've done has had this happen at some point18:46
daftykinsScrivener: i'm highly dubious of this claim.18:46
Scrivenerdaftykins, say what?18:46
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, i get that. will it look from left to right?18:46
bynarieit looks in all of them18:46
Mikuiuiuihttp://www.pasteall.org/pic/81115 sda2 is damaged?18:46
dalekusadaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/947913618:46
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, like what happens if there is more than one with the same name?18:46
Scrivenerdaftykins, I always install fresh, from the 64-bit image provided by Canonical, installed from a USB drive18:46
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, actually i have no idea... thats a good question18:47
daftykinsScrivener: that's nice, but i do too and i have a system right here with no /boot - so i can't explain yours having a different result.18:47
bynariebut i would assume left to right18:47
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, so first hit will be executed18:47
daftykinsMikuiuiui: check it from Windows.18:47
Scrivenerdaftykins, that's very strange. I do not touch the default partitioning or anything during setup. I take all defaults except including encryption.18:47
Mikuiuiuidon't start18:47
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, i would ASSUME, but dont know how it works for sure18:47
daftykinsScrivener: oh you encrypt? heh that's where it is then.18:48
Scrivenerdaftykins, wait, that's probably it18:48
Mikuiuiuiblue screen of death xD18:48
Scrivener /boot can't be encrypted18:48
daftykinsMikuiuiui: ##windows for you18:48
MyGentooIsBrokenbynarie, alright. thanks for the talk18:48
ScrivenerBut that being so, why doesn't the software updater clean up old images? :-/ Still rather sad.18:48
ScrivenerNot a problem for me.18:48
ScrivenerI just was wondering.18:48
bynarieMyGentooIsBroken, welcome!18:48
ScrivenerI use apt-get anyway18:48
daftykinsdalekusa: oh deary me. you have nomodeset in your kernel boot parameters.18:48
bynarieScrivener, i use ubuntu-tweak to cleanup junk files18:49
dalekusaAs Doc McStuffins might say, we have a diagnosis!18:49
Mikuiuiuican i format all?18:49
Scrivenerbynarie, but the software updater should take care of this by default. A user shouldn't have to seek their own solution to deal with old images.18:49
ScrivenerA non-power-user that is18:49
ScrivenerOne that doesn't want to touch the terminal18:49
daftykinsdalekusa: also it's using the VESA driver as there's no nvidia one present, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-304" then reboot18:49
daftykinsMikuiuiui: after you backup.18:50
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: Bashing-om?18:50
dalekusanot upgraded18:50
Mikuiuiuii don't want to backup18:50
dalekusaall are the latest files18:50
bynarieScrivener, are you talking about kernels?18:50
Mikuiuiuii don't have important files18:50
Mikuiuiuii can delete all18:50
Scrivenerbynarie, yeah18:50
daftykinsMikuiuiui: ok i'd advise you first thoroughly erase that disk to make sure it's still safe to use. this will take hours though, are you ready?18:51
bynarieScrivener, most people might not want to get rid of an old kernel... its usually recommended to keep a couple for backup.. i know i do18:51
daftykinsScrivener: yeah i think i read something about encrypted setups creating a really tiny /boot by default - there was some bug report. i have to laugh at encryption though because there are too many that come in here having broken it :D18:51
Mikuiuiuii'm ready to gooo18:51
Scrivenerbynarie, but it gets full after a few kernel upgrades, as it happens :P18:51
Scrivenerdaftykins, broken their encryption? O.o18:51
Mikuiuiuifrom gpart18:52
daftykinsScrivener: their installs.18:52
bynariewell not sure then... there should be a setting for how many you want to keep.. thatd be nice18:52
ScrivenerHow... how do you break an ubuntu install? x]18:52
Mikuiuiuifrom gparted i delete all the partition18:52
ScrivenerIt's probably the easiest one.18:52
daftykinsMikuiuiui: ok can you run in a terminal "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M" (this will erase _everything_ on that disk!18:52
ScrivenerCheck the box, run along18:52
daftykinsMikuiuiui: err actually wait18:52
daftykinsMikuiuiui: if you want to fix Windows you'll need a disc to reinstall it from18:53
Mikuiuiuibut when i try to install18:53
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dalekusadaftykins: it did nothing18:53
Mikuiuiuiit appear the blue screen18:53
daftykinsdalekusa: as in, not even install the package? help me out here...18:53
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: I am mistified " vboxdrv: module verification failed: signature and/or  required key missing - tainting kernel " Is this a Virtual Machine ? // And the desk top is not starting " init: lightdm main process (1163) terminated with status 1 " Where I think 'status 1' is an error condition.18:53
Mikuiuiuii think that it depending from this sector damaged18:53
daftykinsMikuiuiui: you should probably memtest18:53
dalekusaIt said all the files in the package were already installed and updated18:54
Mikuiuiui1 pass18:54
Mikuiuiuii think it's the hdd18:54
Mikuiuiuithe problem18:54
daftykinsMikuiuiui: hmm 1 pass isn't really enough but ok, maybe setup is trying to read the hard disk yeah. ok, well if you're sure you don't want the recovery partition on the laptop, you can run my above command to completely wipe the hard disk18:54
bynarieMikuiuiui, sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | less18:54
daftykinsbynarie: we've been there already actually thanks. 1 pending sector.18:54
bynarieoh ok18:54
daftykinsi'm suggesting a full zero fill to remap any troublesome sectors before a reinstall18:55
PaRaD0xR2Bashing-om: yes, I have virtualbox installed18:56
bynariedaftykins, if you did that, wouldnt you have to run it from a live CD because the partition is already mounted, or are we talking about a non-mounted partition?18:56
dalekusadaftykins: what should I do now?18:56
Mikuiuiuii try with the recovery partition ok'18:56
daftykinsdalekusa: boot without nomodeset18:57
daftykinsMikuiuiui: sure18:57
dalekusahow do I do that18:57
Mikuiuiuihow to do lol18:57
PaRaD0xR2hrm not even getting tty now :(18:57
Mikuiuiuiwhen it start there is press f* to recovery18:57
Mikuiuiuitry this?18:57
bynariedaftykins, if you did that, wouldnt you have to run it from a live CD because the partition is already mounted, or are we talking about a non-mounted partition?18:58
bynariewoops sorry... wrong thing18:58
daftykinsbynarie: user was in a live session, lol.18:58
Bashing-omPaRaD0xR2: Sorry, but I know nothing about how a VM operates . EriC^^ ??18:58
bynariedalekusa, when the boot menu pops up hit 'e', and find nomodeset by 'quiet splash', just remove 'nomodeset'18:58
daftykinsbynarie: i must say it's fun confirming my every decision18:58
bynariedaftykins, yea lol18:58
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^ must be busy18:58
dalekusawhen is the boot menu?18:58
PaRaD0xR2haven't seen him say anything in a while18:58
daftykinsbynarie: alright you saved me typing that, i shall let you off!18:58
daftykinsdalekusa: at... boot...18:59
daftykinsdalekusa: although you won't see it by default, hold left shift at boot time.18:59
marek_hello, is it possible to install ubuntu from freebsd. I have a laptop with no cddrive and cant boot from usb19:00
dalekusaI just saw it go to the GRUB19:00
jan__can anybody help me with the installing from Lazarus1.2.6 in Ubuntu ?19:00
dalekusaand I didn't see any sort of menu19:00
dalekusafor that19:00
bynariejan__, you need to download the packages from the website... dont install from apt or software-center19:01
daftykinsdalekusa: you hold left shift just before the system is about to read from the hard disk to boot.19:01
bynariejan__, are u getting errors about missing files or something?19:01
jan__i have installed like this, but he can not found the compiler pad ..19:01
dalekusaok I am in the setparams section19:02
dalekusawhat should I do now?19:02
jan__bynarie : you can switch to channel Lazarus ?19:02
daftykinsdalekusa: follow the earlier instructions.19:02
daftykinsdalekusa: you know how to scroll, yeah?19:02
lokote_jonesIs there a specific IRC channel for help in finding hardware specifically for Ubuntu installation? I am looking for an intel 5200 mitx motherboard/processor combo but having a heck of time finding what I want.19:03
dalekusaremoved nomodeset and hit f1019:03
dalekusanothing's changed19:05
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noahMy touchpad isn't working19:06
dalekusadaftykins: did what you said, and nothing changed19:07
daftykinsdalekusa: yeah that's a shame19:07
daftykinsdalekusa: TTY still accessible?19:07
noahanyone here?19:07
dalekusayes indeed19:07
RyviusHelp, I'm having video tearing with SMplayer. Can't find any Vsync options in Compiz. Running an AMD card. What can I do?19:07
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: hey man you still there?19:07
daftykinsdalekusa: login and run "sudo service lightdm restart"19:07
dalekusawhat exactly is that command?19:08
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: sorry im back19:08
daftykinsdalekusa: restart the GUI.19:08
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: any progress?19:08
PaRaD0xR2its getting worse ;)19:08
EriC^^'s see if we can make it even worse then :P19:09
PaRaD0xR2suppose a full reinstall would be best huh19:09
dalekusastill nothing19:09
PaRaD0xR2or you have other ideas before that?19:09
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: nah19:09
daftykinsdalekusa: another "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?19:09
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: did you try to boot into another kernel?19:09
Bashing-omEriC^^: PaRaD0xR2 I bailed out on this one, I know nothjing of VMs, and we have a kernel panic, and lightdm not startign .19:09
PaRaD0xR2ok, I had booted into xp to check email19:10
PaRaD0xR2I'll have to reboot, what ya want me to try?19:10
PaRaD0xR2at grub19:10
EriC^^Bashing-om: i see, PaRaD0xR2 this ubuntu is running in a virtualbox?19:10
daftykinsyour use of XP makes me such a sad panda19:10
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: or you have virtualbox installed?19:10
jan__can somebody help my with the install from Lazarus on Ubuntu ?19:10
PaRaD0xR2xp and 12.04 dual boot19:10
OerHeksdalekusa, you need the 173 driver for that old GeForce 6150SE, but it is removed from this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ubuntu/x-updates19:10
dalekusadaftykins http://paste.ubuntu.com/947925819:10
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, try a different kernel other than 4319:10
PaRaD0xR2I run xp in a virtualbox in 12.04 ;)19:11
noahjan__: what do you mean?19:11
PaRaD0xR2while also having a full xp install side by side on the drive19:11
EriC^^maybe -40 or the pae one i dont know19:11
jan__you can swtich to the channel Lazarus ?  ( noah )19:11
dalekusaOerHeks: What are you trying to say?19:11
OerHeksPaRaD0xR2, xp AND ubuntu? on a SATA hdd ?19:11
noahjan__: don't know what that means. sorry.19:11
daftykinsOerHeks / EriC^^ is purge --reinstall a valid thing? 0o19:12
OerHeksdalekusa, there is no driver available for that old card, use the standard nouveau driver.19:12
bubbasauresjan__, Never used it but, http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_release_version_for_Ubuntu19:12
EriC^^daftykins: first time i've seen it19:12
jan__it is difficult19:12
daftykinsOerHeks: oh is it really that bad? hmm my bad then, didn't think 304 would've ditched 6000s D:19:12
dalekusajust one problem: I used it, and I can't get the full resolution (1600x900) of my monitor19:13
noahbubbasaures: can you help me with a touchpad issue?19:13
daftykinsdalekusa: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:13
daftykinsEriC^^: thanks :)19:13
Jake_Is it a problem to ask noobish quiestions?19:13
EriC^^daftykins: :)19:13
PaRaD0xR2OerHeks: yes19:13
daftykinsJake_: not given how many we get!19:13
daftykinsJake_: as long as it's in detail on one line19:13
daftykins(and about ubuntu)19:13
noahEriC^^: can you help me with a touchpad problem?19:13
bubbasauresnoah, We help if we know, asking others randomly for help is not supported here19:13
PaRaD0xR2k, trying 3919:14
noahbubbasaures: sorry19:14
Jake_Well, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a flash drive19:14
noahI have a touchpad problem19:14
dalekusadaftykins: done19:14
Jake_And I can't seem to figure out how to install directly on the flashdrive19:14
OerHeksPaRaD0xR2, make sure your in your bios, that the controller is set to AHCI, not IDE compatable, then ubuntu will boot. but then xp won't boot anymore, but that is oke, XP is dead anyway19:14
daftykinsJake_: as in truly keep the entire thing on there, or just put it on there to install from?19:14
daftykinsdalekusa: reboot19:14
bubbasauresJake_, use a usb loader or dd it19:14
PaRaD0xR2boots...see Ubuntu center of screen...19:14
daftykinsdalekusa: be sure to remove nomodeset at boot time again19:14
PaRaD0xR2then, monitor going to sleep19:14
jan__<bubbasaures : I've tried, but is not working19:15
bubbasauresjan__, Than detail the problem.19:15
rberg_noah: I would start by verifying the touch pad is not disabled by a hotkey19:15
Jake_I downloaded it already, but now I need to install the the drive but I can only select my HDD and SSD19:15
jan__you can swith to the channel lazarus ?19:15
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: no tty?19:15
noahrberg_: did that.19:15
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try the pae one19:15
dalekusapressed ctrl-x this time19:16
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: wait pres ctrl+alt+f119:16
dalekusaboot screen19:16
daftykinsJake_: i'm concerned you might've run WUBI... if so kill that thing with fire19:16
dalekusaand boom19:16
daftykinsJake_: if you want to install ubuntu alongside, say, Windows... (is that what you're using right now?)19:16
noahrberg_: how it happened was I was tring to refresh a page with CTRL-F5 and accidentally hit CTRL-(F1-F4 I don't know which one)19:16
dalekusaI see my background, but no UI19:17
jan__hello bubbasaures ?19:17
Jake_Yes I'm on windows, but I don't want to install ubuntu on anything other than my flash drive only19:17
PaRaD0xR2nope, no tty19:17
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, give the pae one a shot19:17
dalekusabetter, but not finished19:17
daftykinsdalekusa: same "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" :)19:17
PaRaD0xR2yeah, ctl alt 1 is a no go, monitor shut off19:18
noahrberg_: the computer froze so I held pressed the power button and used the arrow keys to select "Restart" and pressed enter19:18
rberg_noah: did you switch back to X on F7 ?19:18
dalekusadaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/947934319:19
noahrberg_: what do you mean? Anyway kubuntu says "no touchpad found"19:19
PaRaD0xR2k, didn't wait for it to finish, just kept trying to get a tty19:19
PaRaD0xR2got one19:19
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:19
PaRaD0xR2at tty now19:19
Jake_Yes I'm on windows, but I don't want to install ubuntu on anything other than my flash drive only19:19
daftykinsdalekusa: this is standard ubuntu with unity yeah?19:19
MasterPiecewhere is the ubutto ?!19:19
PaRaD0xR2was afraid it'd shut off again19:19
bubbasauresjan__, All I can do is show you the link, I have never used installed it.19:19
PaRaD0xR2this is a pae19:19
dfdfBLUETOOTH dongle for ubuntu, TIPS?19:19
daftykinsJake_: download universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com - enable persistence if you want it to keep changes.19:20
MasterPieceok, Thanks ubuttu19:20
daftykinsdalekusa: ok, logout and try the guest session, see if it all comes up normally19:20
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: I'm back19:20
Jake_I did that, but now I need it installed dafty19:20
dalekusahow do I get to guest19:20
Jake_Im only "trying" ubuntu19:20
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: wb19:20
PaRaD0xR2at tty119:20
daftykinsJake_: with persistence is not the same as trying, are you sure you did that part too?19:21
Jake_Yes this is part of an assignment I have to install it and make it persistent19:21
jan__<bubbasaures : ok, thanks19:21
pmpopeNeed help recovering a 14.04 OS that swallowed my video without permission19:21
Jake_On my desktop in ubuntu on the flashdrive it says install ubuntu19:21
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: pastebin dpkg -l | grep xorg-server19:22
Jake_I try to select my flashdrive but its not listed19:22
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: sorry, dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg19:22
daftykinsJake_: when you created this flash drive, did you do so *with persistence* ? :) allocating an area of space on it to save changes?19:22
daftykinsJake_: you can't overwrite something you're booted from :)19:22
PaRaD0xR2no output19:22
dalekusadaftykins: how do I log out?19:23
PaRaD0xR2a bunch of stuff :)19:23
daftykinsdalekusa: try ctrl+alt+del19:23
Jake_Agh I did allocate space but.. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong I guess?19:23
PaRaD0xR2now what?19:23
Jake_Do you know of any detailed guides to help me out?19:23
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dalekusaoh, and the resolution is horrible now19:24
PaRaD0xR2EriC^^: what am I looking for?19:24
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dalekusadaftykins what is going on?19:25
daftykinsJake_: 1) i already told you what to use on Windows to create a flash drive with persistence 2) you can't fix your drive right now from booted from the drive19:26
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: something like xserver-xorg-video-radeon19:26
PaRaD0xR2yeah, I see that?19:26
daftykinsdalekusa: sadly my crystal ball is unavailable today, has the full desktop appeared in the guest account?19:26
Jake_Alright thanks for at least clearing some things up.19:26
EriC^^ok type sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-radeon19:26
dalekusaI went to tty19:26
dalekusaMy computer is set to go to my main account automatically19:27
PaRaD0xR2use that?19:27
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok19:27
PaRaD0xR2one sec19:27
noahdid not mean to do that19:28
PaRaD0xR2unable to locate package19:28
darkelfjuggaloi need to install a tar.xz package.... remind me how, please19:28
PaRaD0xR2typo ;)19:28
PaRaD0xR2I typed viceo19:29
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video-all19:29
PaRaD0xR2k, fixed my typo19:29
PaRaD0xR2still do that now?19:29
zackiv31is there a way to auto unlock my ssh-key(s) on login on xubuntu 14.04 ?19:29
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah19:29
PaRaD0xR2did the --reinstall nit19:29
mjaykdarkelfjuggalo: first thing to do is extract and see whats inside19:29
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: it's ok that 's fine19:29
dalekusadaftykins: let's go back to the top here: I have my main account set to automatically log in at boot. How do I get to guest?19:29
EriC^^dalekusa: modify lightdm 's user.conf19:30
daftykinsdalekusa: oh my word. you could've said that :/19:30
awknullkernel update again?19:30
dalekusaI tried a few minutes ago19:30
EriC^^sorry, lightdm.conf19:30
daftykinsdalekusa: yeah not at the beginning though :( ok - follow EriC^^ please19:30
darkelfjuggalodirect extract? everytime i try to extract out of command line nothing works19:30
EriC^^dalekusa: type sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and remove your username from autologin=19:31
PaRaD0xR2wait, after the reinstall line...19:31
awknullWhy going from 3.13.0-41 to 3.13.0-43 in 1 day?19:32
PaRaD0xR2still do  dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video-all19:32
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: yeah19:32
mjaykwhy do packages get held back19:32
dalekusaI see four lines19:32
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PaRaD0xR2what was that supposed to do?19:32
EriC^^mjayk: cause you need to install /remove other packages to satisfy dependencies19:33
mjaykEriC^^: how do i resolve the deps ?19:33
EriC^^mjayk: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:33
dalekusareplace everything in autologin-user after equals with "false", EriC^^ ?19:33
PaRaD0xR2xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-trusty 1:7.7+1ubuntu8~precise1 X.Org X server19:33
mjaykEriC^^: will that actually dist upgrade me ?19:33
EriC^^dalekusa: what do you mean by everything?19:33
dalekusathe username19:33
EriC^^daedeloth: just remove your username and keep it autologin=19:34
EriC^^dont type false19:34
PaRaD0xR2thank you so much for trying here EriC^^: hopefully we'll get it19:34
PaRaD0xR2now what?19:34
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo service lightdm restart19:35
dalekusahow do I get out?19:35
EriC^^ctrl+o to save ctrl+x to exit19:35
PaRaD0xR2could not write bytes: broken pipe19:36
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo service lightdm start19:36
PaRaD0xR2I had been seeing that for a long time, never seemed to cause an issue19:36
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | pastebinit19:37
EriC^^dalekusa: sudo service lightdm restart19:37
dalekusatoo late19:37
PaRaD0xR2sending an empty document19:38
PaRaD0xR2permission denied : exiting19:38
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: that's odd19:38
EriC^^you have no xorg or lightdm logs19:38
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ah, add sudo to cat19:38
EriC^^sudo cat ...19:38
dalekusagot to login screen19:39
dalekusalogging in as guest19:39
dalekusaand it worked19:39
daftykinsdalekusa: alright so switch to TTY again, login, type "sudo mv ~/.config ~/.configold" and then reboot, your account should work now (albeit be reset)19:40
dalekusaI don't see my mouse pointer now19:41
daftykinsmouse turned off? ;)19:41
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log | pastebinit19:41
dalekusaI think my computer just froze19:41
dalekusaclock still reads 1:39PM19:41
dalekusanow 1:4119:41
dalekusajust went to command line19:42
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type ls -ld /etc/X1119:42
dalekusaand blank screen19:42
PaRaD0xR21 line19:43
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: the dir is there?19:43
EriC^^drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Dec  2 00:34 X1119:43
EriC^^like that?19:43
dalekusaI tried to install two different bitcoin wallets today19:43
PaRaD0xR2drwxr-xr-(and more) 10 root root 4096 dec 11 11:45 /etc/x11 (in blue)19:43
dalekusaone (seemingly) failed, the other works19:44
joel___Does anyone have experience with macchanger?19:44
paradisebunnyhey, what's a good & simple program to encrypt a folder now that truecrypt is gone19:44
sand3rhi what desktop does lubuntu use?19:44
daftykinsdalekusa: and ctrl+alt+F2?19:44
DJonessand3r: As far as I'm aware, lxde19:44
sand3rparadisebunny: truecrypt gone huh?? you sure?:S19:44
sand3rDJones: thanks19:45
daftykinsdalekusa: now, this whole time you've been using about 6+ messages where you could've been patient and typed a sentence. can you work on that please?19:45
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg19:45
PaRaD0xR2I can go to /etc then cd /X11 yes19:45
EriC^^!find X19:45
ubottuFound: alsa-utils, apt-xapian-index, auctex, binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu, binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf, binutils-powerpc-linux-gnu, binutils-powerpc64le-linux-gnu, bsd-mailx, busybox-initramfs, busybox-static (and 6395 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=X&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all19:45
DJones!lubuntu | sand3r19:45
ubottusand3r: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:45
EriC^^!find ^X19:45
sand3rubottu: yep thanks19:45
daftykinsdalekusa: alright, i'm out of ideas19:45
EriC^^!find x1119:46
ubottuFound: dbus-x11, freerdp-x11, groff, gsfonts-x11, libegl1-mesa, libqt5x11extras5, libqt5x11extras5-dev, libx11-6, libx11-6-dbg, libx11-data (and 92 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=x11&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all19:46
dalekusaI still have my Trusty DVD19:46
dalekusabut I have several files on there19:46
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type ls -ld /etc/X11/X19:46
dalekusathe computer19:46
EriC^^!find Xorg19:47
ubottuFound: libxorg-gtest-data, libxorg-gtest-dev, libxorg-gtest-doc, xorg, xorg-dev, xorg-docs, xorg-docs-core, xorg-sgml-doctools, xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-core (and 66 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=Xorg&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all19:47
PaRaD0xR2no such file19:47
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: type ls -ld /usr/bin/Xorg19:47
MasterPieceSeveas, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsettings-desktop-schemas/+bug/140164619:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1401646 in gsettings-desktop-schemas (Ubuntu) "Shortcuts bug ( When press the "Ctrl + Alt", window Minimized )" [Undecided,New]19:47
chris_____Afternoon, I am having a problem and need some assistance. I am running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS with the default boot-up as the command line mode. When I open the GUI, however, I am unable to modify the networks (add or delete known network connections). it gives me "(32) insufficient privileges".. Any help?19:47
PaRaD0xR2k, that worked19:47
daftykinschris_____: how are you starting X?19:48
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg19:48
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: then try ls -ld /etc/X11/X19:48
PaRaD0xR2k, working19:49
PaRaD0xR21 sec19:49
chris_____by using the command startx19:49
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: X is just a symlink to /usr/bin/Xorg i wonder why it's missing though19:49
PaRaD0xR2waiting on it19:49
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daftykinschris_____: that's where you're going wrong. "sudo service lightdm start".19:49
PaRaD0xR2k, done19:50
PaRaD0xR2the last ls line returns 1 line now19:50
dalekusadaftykins: What should I do now?19:50
PaRaD0xR2next? :)19:50
PaRaD0xR2that has to be good news19:51
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: ok, great19:51
EriC^^PaRaD0xR2: try sudo service lightdm restart19:51
noahjoel___: no but I don't think you need it.19:51
daftykinsdalekusa: i'm out of ideas.19:52
dalekusaWell, what now?19:52
PaRaD0xR2I think19:52
daftykinsdalekusa: address the channel with how things are now19:52
PaRaD0xxRI owe you EriC^^ :)19:53
PaRaD0xxRsystem problem detected pops up still tho19:53
PaRaD0xxRbut I'm back ;)19:53
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: that's great :019:53
PaRaD0xxRyou're the best! :)19:53
EriC^^* :)19:53
PaRaD0xxRmy virtualbox disappeared tho19:53
Osenpai_anyone installed openstack using canonical repo?19:53
PaRaD0xxRbut, progress ;)19:54
PaRaD0xxRyou around here often EriC^^?19:54
nighthacksHi, what's the name of Ubuntu default Graphical app for archiving(compression) i want to install it on OS X ?19:54
PaRaD0xxR3.2 GB free on / now19:54
PaRaD0xxRwas down to 150 Mg this morning hehe19:54
bynariePaRaD0xxR, you can clear the system problem dialogs with "sudo rm /var/crash/*"19:55
dalekusaMy computer can now work just fine, but since I installed two different bitcoin wallets (one failed attempt at installing Electrum and a successful attempt with MultiBit) and now it is freezing up not too long after startup.19:55
PaRaD0xxRshould I check to see what the problem was/is?19:55
PaRaD0xxRor just ignore it?19:55
PaRaD0xxRand call it a day? :)19:55
dalekusaEDIT: It can now *display* just fine19:55
bynariethats up that you.. i personally say the hell with it and clear em.. PaRaD0xxR19:55
daftykins!pm | chris_____19:55
ubottuchris_____: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:55
PaRaD0xxRso....after all that...what had I done that messed it all up?19:56
daftykinschris_____: surprisingly enough, if you take my command and run "stop" instead of start that'll return you to CLI only :)19:56
PaRaD0xxRfrom what you had me do19:56
joel___noah: I'd like to randomize my mac19:56
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: grub and the x server were removed19:56
bynarienighthacks, file-roller is one of them19:56
daftykinsjoel___: up to no good with wifi eh? :P19:56
PaRaD0xxRso there shouldn't be any side effects from that?19:56
noahjoel___: yeah, I don't think you need a seperate utility for it. What flavor of Ubuntu are you on?19:56
PaRaD0xxRnot sure what happened to my VirtualBox icon19:57
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: no, i dont think so19:57
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: type apt-cache policy virtualbox19:57
dalekusadaftykins: any mind joggers there?19:57
joel___I followed the instructions on help.ubuntu.com and the mac hasn't changed19:57
PaRaD0xxRhmmm...found it in dash19:58
joel___noah:I followed the instructions on help.ubuntu.com and the mac hasn't changed19:58
PaRaD0xxRbut wouldn't load my VM, complained about 3D accelleration not working19:58
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: ok, cool19:58
chris_____Thanks a lot! is it possible to rename the command to something simpler (i.e. startop / stopop)?19:58
PaRaD0xxRso disabled it, works now...I think19:58
noahjoel___: Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Lubuntu19:59
bynariechris_____, aliases19:59
PaRaD0xxRthank you so much EriC^^19:59
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: no problem19:59
joel___noah: sorry, Ubuntu19:59
PaRaD0xxRjust in time too, almost time to go pick up my kid from school19:59
PaRaD0xxRsaved my birthday ;)19:59
noahHmmm... don't know19:59
PaRaD0xxRwas having a horrible one til now20:00
noahjoel___: Hmmm... don't know. sorry20:00
daftykinsdalekusa: sorry i gave up for real, i need to eat now.20:00
k0nichiwaanyone use tinyproxy ?20:00
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: :)20:00
k0nichiwahm i think it coudl be cuz i dont have the ssl ports enabled20:00
dalekusaany other ways to get help?20:00
bynariechris_____, make a .bash_aliases file in home dir..use the format of  alias newcommand='oldcommand'.. for example... alias aptinstall='sudo apt-get install'20:00
joel___noah: there is a page titled "AnonymizingNetworkMACAddresses20:00
noahjoel___: what part is not working20:02
bynariechris_____, did u get it figured out?20:02
PaRaD0xxRafraid to reboot20:02
chris_____I sure did!20:02
chris_____that's all my questions, so thanks for the help! Have a great afternoon!20:02
bynariek good20:02
PaRaD0xxRshould be ok tho right?20:02
dalekusaI'll be back later20:02
PaRaD0xxRwhat option do I choose at grub now?20:03
PaRaD0xxRshould it matter?20:03
joel___noah: I don' t know, but when I type ifconfig, the mac is the same20:03
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: happy birthday man20:03
PaRaD0xxRthanks to you ;)20:03
PaRaD0xxRshould I pick the pae again?20:03
PaRaD0xxRor whatever the top line is, or should it matter20:03
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: i think the 43 you were using20:03
PaRaD0xxRnext time I need to reboot20:03
EriC^^daftykins: would know better.. daftykins ?20:03
joel___noah: maybe it's changing the ethernet mac and not the wifi adapter20:04
EriC^^daftykins: should he use the 3.13.0-43 kernel or the older -pae kernel?20:04
paradisebunnyhey, is there some cross platform encryption software that i can use to encrypt a folder? (eg put it on a usb stick, and open it on e.g. a mac?) is truecrypt still viable?20:04
slyrusargh... once again I can log in with xfce, but ubuntu/unity freezes on login.20:04
daftykinsEriC^^: mmm depends if the full trusty HWE is present, i believe there's a status command, one sec20:05
slyruswhere should I check for logs for info on why unity is failing to launch properly?20:05
noahjoel___: did you do every command?20:05
daftykinsEriC^^: PaRaD0xxR - "hwe-support-status --verbose"20:05
EriC^^daftykins: ok thanks :)20:06
joel___noah: No, just followed the instructions on that web page I mentioned20:06
PaRaD0xxRuntil 201720:06
PaRaD0xxRit says20:06
noahjoel___: did you run every command on the page?20:06
PaRaD0xxRyour HWE is supported until April 201720:06
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joel___noah: yep. created the script and made it executable. I was thinking maybe it doesn't work in Ubuntu 14.0420:07
EriC^^daftykins: what do you think?20:08
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noahjoel___: sorry I can't help you20:08
daftykinsEriC^^: PaRaD0xxR hrmm i've been channel hopping a bit so not quite following along, how far have you got?20:08
joel___noah: thanks for trying20:09
EriC^^daftykins: it logged in, but we need to know if it's better to use the pae kernel or the -43 kernel as both are there in grub20:10
daftykinsEriC^^: ah are they both 3.13 ?20:10
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EriC^^nope the -pae was way older20:11
EriC^^3.2 or something20:11
daftykinsEriC^^: ah ok, the 3.2 of the base 12.04 install then yeah. i'd go with the 3.13 as the trusty HWE is on - maybe confirm the relevant packages are on since there was X trouble - some info here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/493541/hardware-enablement-stack-hwe-out-of-support20:11
EriC^^daftykins: ok thanks :)20:12
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daftykinsas the HWE is kernel + xorg etc20:12
daftykinsanytime sir :)20:12
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: ?20:15
sgen_My sound doesnt work after updating to 14.04.1 how can I fix this?20:16
elichai2i have uefi, and i'm trying to install ubuntu. and it's not working20:17
elichai2(i use 3 partitions, 1. `/`. 2. `swap`. 3. `/boot/efi`. and when the install is done i reboot and the bios dosen't recognize Ubuntu)20:18
fwaokdais ubuntu server essentially ubuntu desktop without the gui and comes with some server type configurations / packages already installed?20:18
elichai2*just for the record, I had ubuntu on my HDD but i removed the boot and i'm trying now to install on my new SSD20:18
guest-5Jmi1Lquelqu'un parle francais?20:18
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: you there?20:18
daftykinselichai2: /boot/efi you mounted as the existing EFI boot partition yes? not a new one.20:19
EriC^^!fr | guest-5Jmi1L20:19
ubottuguest-5Jmi1L: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:19
elichai2daftykins: what do you mean?20:19
EriC^^elichai2: hey dude20:19
elichai2EriC^^: hey :)20:20
daftykinselichai2: was there one already or is this a clean install?20:20
elichai2(BTW, the installer fail to identify wifi connection)20:20
elichai2daftykins: clean install20:21
slyrusany chance of getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1285444 reopened? seems like my same problem (or symptoms at least)20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1285444 in Ubuntu "Login Successful, Desktop Never Loads" [Undecided,Expired]20:21
elichai2(i do have another ubuntu on the second drive, but no /boot/efi partition)20:21
daftykinselichai2: desktop? did you move the SSD to be disk #1 and adjust boot order in BIOS?20:22
daftykinselichai2: i'd also install with the other disk disconnected so it doesn't 'know about it'20:22
elichai2daftykins: desktop, and no, the SSD is disk #2 (sdb)20:22
PaRaD0xxRhad to pick up my kid20:22
elichai2daftykins: amm, it's a bit of a problem because it's a laptop :)20:22
PaRaD0xxRsorry EriC^^20:22
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: np20:22
daftykinselichai2: err is one disk in an optical caddy or something?20:23
ternarybithaving a hard time getting firefox/chrome to use USB audio. followed most first-page google results, no dice. set alsa-base.conf to favor USB audio devices, and aplay plays sound thru USB. but no matter what I try I can't get firefox or chrome to use USB audio, thoughts?20:23
elichai2daftykins: (after the install i'll want to move the files from my HDD)20:23
EriC^^elichai2: are you talking about what we did earlier?20:23
ternarybitUbuntu 14.04 if that helps20:23
elichai2daftykins: optical?20:23
elichai2EriC^^: yep20:23
EriC^^elichai2: same ssd?20:23
elichai2EriC^^: i gave up about copying manually20:23
EriC^^oh ok20:24
daftykinsah i'll let you guys resume if it's an ongoing one :)20:24
PaRaD0xxRso go with the 43 then?20:24
PaRaD0xxRwhich I think is the default?20:24
elichai2daftykins: i'm now trying to let the installer make the partitions for me, let's see how it'll go20:24
elichai2daftykins: it's not an ongoing one :)20:24
EriC^^daftykins: yeah :)20:24
daftykinselichai2: i'd pull the other disk, you want the SSD to think it's the only really20:24
elichai2i just asked about something related earlier20:24
PaRaD0xxRafraid to try rebooting anymore today and mess up my day birthday again20:24
daftykinsah ok20:24
PaRaD0xxRbut you think the 43?20:24
daftykinsi've got to go cook now though elichai2 so see how you get on20:25
elichai2daftykins: last try, and then i'll open my laptop and pull the other one :)20:25
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: yeah use the 4320:25
PaRaD0xxRok, that shold be the default choice anyways no?20:26
PaRaD0xxRat the top, when ya boot up20:26
PaRaD0xxRif ya don't change it20:26
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: yeah20:26
EriC^^you can type uname -a when you boot to check which kernel it is using20:27
PaRaD0xxRthanks again EriC^^ and daftykins and Bashing-om...et al20:27
PaRaD0xxRit's using the pae ;)20:28
PaRaD0xxRwell, now, anyways20:28
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: right now yes20:28
EriC^^yeah :)20:28
PaRaD0xxRo, but the 43 should work too?20:28
PaRaD0xxRnow that X is back20:28
PaRaD0xxRwhy didn't it work before? didn't I try that first?20:28
EriC^^PaRaD0xxR: 43 worked 40 didn't20:29
elichai2rebooting now :)20:30
latterahow do make wpa_applicant+dhclient start up at boot?20:31
latterahow do I.... rather20:31
haidorahow to make my virtual machine sees my usb stick??20:31
haidoraplease any solution??20:32
DJoneshaidora: I don't know the answer, but you might want to think about giving details, which VM are you useing, which version of ubuntu is it running under etc20:36
squintyhaidora: if you are using virtualbox, might want to try asking in the #vbox channel.  also see the details for Extension pack which needs to be installed for usb support.  https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads20:36
haidoraok thanks20:36
EriC^^haidora: you could make the usb a raw disk image and add it as a hdd in virtualbox20:37
EriC^^never tried it but i think it should work20:38
EriC^^haidora: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk20:39
EriC^^haidora: by make the usb a raw disk image, i dont mean the usb will be modified, it's just a file that represents the usb20:39
haidoraok thanks very much dude20:40
KamuelaHow can I disable the automounting of a drive on startup?21:01
EriC^^Kamuela: if it's in the fstab add noauto21:03
KamuelaEriC^^: how to check whether or not it's in the fstab?21:03
EriC^^cat /etc/fstab21:03
EriC^^Kamuela: do you see its mountpoint there?21:05
OerHeksall internal drives should be listed21:06
KamuelaEriC^^: i do. is this simply a plaintext file?21:10
ctffreaki've been looking at problems in the bandit section, http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ look at this, here levels 13 to 27 seem to based on networking. though i have a basic knowledge on SSHing and stuffs (say), i dont have a clear idea on where to study from.. someone please do look at the link and help me out..21:11
EriC^^Kamuela: yeah, add noauto to the options, like defaults,noauto21:11
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KamuelaEriC^^: the option "locale" does what to the disk?21:15
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baegleHow would I go about getting the default /etc/bluetooth/main.conf back? It appears I have modified it but I don'21:18
baegleI don't remember doing it. Can I use dpkg-reconfigure bluez or will that not work?21:19
KamuelaI'm going to see if this worked. I'll be right back.21:19
FairmanI want to get an FTP Server (hardware) running ubuntu. what are the recommended technical specs for this server?21:19
daftykinsFairman: 500MHz, 256MB RAM, 10GB disk21:23
KamuelaEriC^^: worked flawlessly. thank you so much21:23
stukdevHi guys, today a notebook with ubuntu with encrypt fs don't run! i get a busybox shell O_o what can i do to understand the problem?21:25
bekksstukdev: Tell us the error you get then.21:25
bynariehey daftykins, how can i have my computer lock when the monitor turns off after x amount of time of inactivity?21:26
stukdevbekks: no desktop only busybox21:26
bekksstukdev: Tell us the error you get then.21:26
daftykinsbynarie: sorry i don't use desktop at all21:26
bynarieoh ok21:26
stukdevbekks: dmesg|grep error says end_request: I/O error, dev sda,error sector 307175844, EXT4-fs (dm-1): error loading journal21:27
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest76643
bekksstukdev: So you should ru a live cd and check your filesystems using fsck -f21:28
stukdevbekks: can i use recovery mode for do this?21:28
bekksstukdev: No.21:28
Guest76643bekks: isn't the filesystem in ro during recovery?21:29
bekksGuest76643: Even if it is in ro, the journal cannot be loaded, which has to be fixed.21:30
stukdevbekks: ok i'm starting the live21:31
afflictoI'm trying to create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications but it's not updating, here's the .desktop file: http://laravel.io/bin/okx2221:31
* afflicto for some random reason it now suddenly works =S21:31
Guest76643afflicto: is it set to +x ?21:32
afflictoGuest76643: yeah21:32
Guest76643afflicto: oh ok, nevermind then :)21:32
afflictoGuest76643: hehe. I have no idea what happened, it suddenly decided to work. except for the icon though.21:33
Hacking_Is_Not_AANyone know where I can card UBUNTU RDP ?21:34
stukdevbekks: ok i have the live on21:35
stukdevbekks: how can i use the command fsck -f on that disk? ps: its encrypted21:35
stukdevbekks: i see the disck with a locked in desktop21:36
bekksstukdev: Manually decrypt it, then run fsck -f on the decrypted fs.21:36
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stukdevbekks: ok decript is easy, now how can i understand what /dev is the fs decripted?21:37
bekksstukdev: I dont know which device you decrypted - I am not using encryption.21:38
Guest76643stukdev: from the size in lsblk21:38
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stukdevok running fsck -f /dev/sd5 says fsck.crypto_LUKS not found21:39
Guest76643stukdev: is there a /dev/mapper or something in lsblk?21:40
stukdevGuest76643: /dev/mapper? no21:41
stukdevGuest76643:  there are /dev/sda/sda5/luks-8888morenumber /dev/sda/sda5/ubuntu--vg-root and /dev/sda/sd5/ubuntu-vg-swap_121:42
Guest76643stukdev: try /dev/sda/sda5/ubuntu--vg-root21:43
Guest76643see if it works21:43
elichai2I have Samsung 830 EVO SSD, and Guest76643 and UEFI, and i'm trying to install ubuntu and my laptop dosen't recognize it21:44
elichai2any idea?21:44
stukdevGuest76643: not a directory while trying to open /dev/sda/sda5/ubuntu--vg-root21:45
Guest76643elichai2: was it a gpt that's now msdos?21:45
elichai2Guest76643: brand new SSD21:45
Guest76643stukdev: try to mount it21:45
elichai2and it's GPT21:45
elichai2i'm now trying to install ubuntu on legacy mode21:46
stukdevGuest76643: if i click Open on hd on desktop nothing change...dmesg says error loading jurnal21:46
Guest76643elichai2: type gdisk -l /dev/sdX21:47
elichai2Guest76643: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.8  Partition table scan:   MBR: protective   BSD: not present   APM: not present   GPT: present  Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT. Disk /dev/sda: 234441648 sectors, 111.8 GiB Logical sector size: 512 bytes Disk identifier (GUID): CCBB48BE-1C1B-4B54-BB8F-07A5E6FCFF01 Partition table holds up to 128 entries First usable sector is 34, last usa21:47
elichai2Guest76643: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480851/21:47
Guest76643stukdev: oh ok, sorry21:48
elichai2(the name column is empty, the `a` was accidently)21:48
Guest76643stukdev: so when you typed fsck -f /dev/.... it said not a file?21:48
stukdevGuest76643: yes21:48
Guest76643is it mounted right now?21:49
Guest76643type df21:49
stukdevno i can't mount21:49
stukdeverror journal21:49
elichai2Guest76643: ?21:49
Guest76643elichai2: everything looks fine21:51
elichai2Guest76643: it's a good idea to try install on legacy?21:51
Guest76643elichai2: it doesn't show up in the installer?21:51
elichai2Guest76643: it does show up in the installer21:51
elichai2and the installer succeed21:51
elichai2but it's not showing up when i boot my laptop21:51
Guest76643elichai2: it's the only hdd ?21:52
elichai2Guest76643: yes21:52
elichai2(i removed my other HDD)21:52
Guest76643ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt21:52
elichai2Guest76643: ok21:53
Guest76643elichai2: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done21:53
elichai2Guest76643: ?21:54
elichai2and `sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi`?21:54
Guest76643elichai2: hmm21:54
Guest76643elichai2: good point, but why isn't it a fat32?21:55
Guest76643you're using uefi?21:55
elichai2Guest76643: yes, but specific now i'm on legacy21:55
elichai2and it is fat3221:55
stukdevGuest76643: in /dev/mapper there are luks,ubuntu root and swap21:56
Guest76643elichai2: efi partitions should have the EF00 code, 8300 is for linux fs21:56
Guest76643elichai2: reboot using uefi please21:56
elichai2Guest76643: weird, i'll reboot21:56
elichai2thx for now21:57
sidahmedwhts going on21:57
stukdevGuest76643: i'm lock here21:57
pbxi launched the "Network" app three times by accident and now i have three icons in the tray. how do i get rid of the extra ones?21:58
stukdevGuest76643: is there a way to remove the /dev/mapper/lucks ecc ecc?21:58
stukdevGuest76643:  i try  dmsetup remove but fail21:58
elichai2_Guest76643: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480910/21:59
elichai2_weird, it's still 830021:59
Guest76643elichai2_: :D21:59
Guest76643elichai2_: type sudo parted -l22:00
Guest76643stukdev: hold on22:00
elichai2_Guest76643: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480913/22:00
stukdevGuest76643: k22:00
elichai2_stukdev: had a look? http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line22:00
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=== elichai2_ is now known as elichai2
stukdevyes but lock me becouse said is mount or mapped, mount no but mapped yes22:01
Guest76643elichai2_: sudo cgdisk /dev/sda > change type22:01
stukdevand i dont understand how demapper22:01
dalekusaOK I'm back22:01
elichai2Guest76643: to ef00?22:02
Guest76643elichai2: yes22:02
elichai2The kernel may be using the old partition table. Reboot to use the new partition table!22:03
Guest76643stukdev: can you type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999922:03
Guest76643elichai2: type sudo partprobe22:03
dalekusaHere is the new situation: I am now able to boot OK with use of the deleting that nomode something, but the Unity dock and menu bar are not accessable. I can kinda cheat and pull up the file browser by creating and opening a blank folder, but the title bar doesn't appear, either.22:03
elichai2Guest76643: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480929/22:03
diphtherialhey, i'm attempting to setup my laptop's function keys using the following guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopSpecialKeys22:03
elichai2Guest76643: it did nothing22:03
Guest76643elichai2: or did it?22:04
diphtherialunfortunately all of the keys i want to map seem to have the same output when i use acpi_listen to capture them; why is that?22:04
diphtherialand is there anything i can do about it?22:04
elichai2Guest76643: now to try reboot? or i need to reinstall?22:04
nieehi folks. anyone to help me please? i try to conn with (Nautilus Elementary 2.32.2) to my local server, but i see this "Could not open location 'sftp://' ---- ssh program unexpectedly exited"22:04
Guest76643elichai2: no, mount as before22:04
diphtherialstrangely some of them do work, like the keyboard dim/bright keys, even though acpi_listen has them as outputting the same code22:05
elichai2Guest76643: need that for loop again :)22:05
nieeany idea how to fix this?22:05
Guest76643elichai2: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done22:05
elichai2Guest76643: and to mount /dev/sda1? (to /mnt/boot/efi)22:05
Guest76643elichai2: yes mount it22:05
elichai2Guest76643: now what? chroot?22:06
Guest76643elichai2: yes sir22:06
elichai2Guest76643: next :)22:06
stukdevelichai2: termbin.com/e59s22:06
Guest76643elichai2: let's take a peak at the efi dir22:06
Guest76643elichai2: ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu22:07
elichai2Guest76643: looks fine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9480978/22:07
elichai2stukdev: i had something like that before22:08
elichai2stukdev: i think i used some table restoring tool22:08
purveshshahI had updated to 14.04 and enter different username while setup now how to merge previous username(home directory) and with new one ?22:08
stukdevelichai2: so what i've to do22:08
ksehello I am trying to install Gnome Shell extension on Ubuntu 12.04/Gnome but I am unable too. Click-to-play is enable in my browser and I have the "Gnome Shell Integration" plugin installed, I am not behind a proxy, is there something else to check?22:09
_war10ck_I need some help, current running precise pangolin - the sudo apt-get update is giving me an error : Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/restricted/i18n/Translation-en22:09
_war10ck_How do I sort this issue out?22:09
dalekusaI am able to boot up just fine now, but I don't see the dock or menu bar in Unity22:09
TH33can someone help me, I have 14.10 and I get this meesage everyitme on boot: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root not ready on startup...the result is my cryptswap doesn't work. I upgraded from 14.04 but o dicen22:09
dalekusaI can pull up the file browser via an empty folder, but I can't access the title bar, either22:10
elichai2stukdev: i don't remember if it's the exact same problem. and i don't remember the exact solution. but i think i used `testdisk`22:10
elichai2stukdev: i had something more like that: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/781778-how-to-fix-a-mangled-partition-table-on-linux22:10
elichai2Guest76643: so?22:10
_war10ck_guys, any help in fixing this issue : Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-security/restricted/i18n/Translation-en22:11
Guest76643elichai2: you could reinstall grub for good measure22:11
Guest76643elichai2: or maybe it was just that the efi needed the proper code22:11
Guest76643elichai2: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda22:11
Guest76643then update-grub22:11
dts|pokeballare there any video editors for ubuntu?22:11
Guest76643dts|pokeball: openshot22:11
elichai2Guest76643: now i'll try to reboot?22:11
stukdevelichai2: but for me te error is the journal22:11
elichai2stukdev: so idk. sorry, but you can try testdisk. it's a decent tool22:12
Guest76643elichai2: up to you, type exit then reboot22:12
pbx_war10ck_, what command did you run?  what is the other output? what are you trying to do? etc.22:12
elichai2Guest76643: thanks you! i'll be back if it wont work :P22:12
Guest76643stukdev: did the vg-root entry get added after you decrypted?22:12
_war10ck_pbx: I ran sudo apt-get update22:12
stukdevGuest76643: what u mean added?22:13
diphtherialwhat does it mean if acpi_listen outputs PNP0C14:00 000000ff 00000000 ?22:13
TH33can someone help me, I have 14.10 and I get this meesage everyitme on boot: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root not ready on startup...the result is my cryptswap doesn't work. I upgraded from 14.04 but no dice.22:13
pbx_war10ck_, and that's the only failure? the URL resolves for me and the content looks ok.  repeatable?22:13
TH33I tried this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/1310058/comments/322:14
jr_I have an lRAID md superblock I setup for some hard drives. I had to reinstall the os but the hard drives and the collective data are still intact22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310058 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs-setup-swap hints after reboot" [High,Confirmed]22:14
jr_is there a way I can create a new lvm superblock to recover this?22:14
TH33and this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1301383/comments/622:14
_war10ck_pbx: Let me show you the paste22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953875 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1301383 Encrypted swap no longer mounted at bootup" [High,Triaged]22:14
Guest76643stukdev: type df | grep /dev/mapper22:14
TH33it didn't help22:14
Guest76643stukdev: type df | grep /dev/mapper | nc termbin.com 999922:14
pbx_war10ck_, FWIW here's what i see from that URL  http://dpaste.com/1H6HHHW#wrap22:15
TH33any ideas?22:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:15
stukdevGuest76643: now i restar and the /dev/mapper is clear22:15
Guest76643stukdev: ok22:15
jr_TH33: !patience22:15
jr_why can I do that?22:15
stukdevGuest76643: i'm trying http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line its ok?22:15
_war10ck_pbx: This is what I am getting after the Ign and Hit : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481063/22:16
pbx_war10ck_, what happens if you run the command i dpasted?22:16
Guest76643stukdev: ok22:16
_war10ck_pbx: and my sources list is http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481073/22:16
diphtherialis it ok to upgrade to kernel v3.18?22:16
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_war10ck_pbx: I will check that22:16
diphtheriali did so in the hopes that it'd fix my touchpad, but it didn't, and now i fear i've cast off on a boat from which there will be no return voyage22:17
Prezidenthow to run a gui program from terminal and run it still even if i close terminal?22:18
Prezidentprogram% or something?22:18
Prezidentdont remember :X22:18
stukdevGuest76643: mount get unknow filesystem LVM2_member22:18
_war10ck_Prezident: run with an &22:18
Prezidentthanks you22:19
_war10ck_pbx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481086/ is the response of your command22:19
Guest76643Prezident: then type exit to close the terminal ( don't close it with the x button )22:19
elichai2Guest76643: hey :\22:19
Guest76643elichai2: what's up22:19
elichai2(BTW, why you don't have a name of your own?)22:19
elichai2didn't worked :\22:20
elichai2any other ideas? or i'll try legacy?22:20
Guest76643cause i can't identify from here22:20
=== Guest76643 is now known as EriC^
elichai2ohh, it's you?! LOOOOOOL22:21
EriC^elichai2: did you reinstall grub earlier?22:21
EriC^elichai2: haha yeah :D22:21
elichai2as you said22:21
=== EriC^ is now known as Guest76103
pbx_war10ck_, don't know then, sorry. the resource is reachable, so it's an apt problem22:21
elichai2so change to EriC^^^22:21
elichai2or something like that22:22
=== Guest76103 is now known as EriC_
_war10ck_pbx: hmm, okay - let's see - got an idea22:22
elichai2EriC_: so, any ideas why my laptop can't recognize the boot-ueif?22:22
elichai2(it does see the SSD in the BIOS settings)22:22
EriC_elichai2: try efibootmgr -v22:23
elichai2the weird thing, is that i had Ubuntu with almost the exact same settings on my HDD22:23
elichai2EriC_: on the chrooted?22:23
EriC_anywhere really22:24
dalekusaI can't get Unity's taskbar and dock to appear!22:24
elichai2just a sec, installing22:24
medecauGood evening. I have installed logstash on Ubuntu 14.10 server and it registered as a service. Not sure how to completely disable it as a service. I whish to control LS through supervisord.22:24
elichai2EriC_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481218/22:24
daftykinsmedecau: #ubuntu-server might help22:25
EriC_elichai2: ok, we need to make an ubuntu entry22:25
elichai2EriC_: how?22:25
medecauthanks daftykins22:25
dalekusadaftykins: The freezing problem is fixed (for the most part) but Unity's taskbar and dock are missing when I start up22:26
EriC_elichai2: hold on22:26
daftykinsdalekusa: cool, i still don't use desktop so i haven't learned anything since i cooked chicken22:26
TH33so, can anyone help me now?22:27
stukdev:( i always get a error loading journal22:27
EriC_elichai2: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sdb22:27
=== zombiefox is now known as Fuchs
* daftykins scrolls up22:27
daftykinsTH33: encryption? nmope22:28
EriC_elichai2: oops22:28
EriC_elichai2: sda not sdb22:28
elichai2(sdb=flash drive. sda=SSD)22:28
elichai2EriC_: now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481264/22:29
EriC_stukdev: did you decrypt it and then run the fsck -f on the /dev/mapper that showed up in parted -l ?22:29
PrezidentHow can i get mouse2 button work as mouse3 instead?22:29
Prezidentso rightclick menu i wanna get when i use scroll click instead22:29
EriC_elichai2: looks good22:29
purveshshahCan someone help me? I had upgraded to 14.04 and enter different username while installation, now how to merge previous username(home directory) with new one ?22:29
elichai2EriC_: BTW, i runed it on the bootable machine. not the chrooted22:29
stukdevEriC_: hehe yes is what i'm doing now and its run...22:29
elichai2EriC_: so to retry rebooting?22:29
EriC_elichai2: yeah :)22:30
TH33daftykins: why not?22:30
elichai2EriC_: brb :)22:30
TH33nobody here uses encryption?22:30
PrezidentI do.22:30
PrezidentFor irc + sys22:30
stukdevEriC_: no i got /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: recovering journal and after Errror reading block 1333blabla ignore error<y>? what i reply?22:30
TH33Prezident: for encrypting entire disk22:31
EriC_stukdev: bekks can be of more assistance22:31
rberg_TH33 if you wait longer does the device become available?22:31
TH33rberg: no22:31
dalekusadaftykins: what do you mean by you still don't use desktop?22:31
TH33swap never gets mounted22:31
daftykinsTH33: i can't help you with something i've never used.22:31
daftykinsdalekusa: i do not use ubuntu desktop.22:32
stukdevbekks: about fscl i get Error reading block #3838number (attempt to read block from fs resulted in short read) ignore error<y>? what i reply?22:32
ScrivenerAaaand just installed ubuntu on our data analyst's desktop at work22:32
ScrivenerHe's thrilled22:32
dalekusawho would help best?22:32
rainbowdash--what use more memory gnome 3 or unity?22:32
rberg_I have a encryped VG but I never had that issue22:32
ScrivenerVagrant (in git-bash on windows) has made his life easier22:32
ScrivenerNow being natively in Linux will make it even easier still22:32
rainbowdash--what use more memory gnome 3 or unity?22:32
bekksstukdev: you should not ignore filesystem errors, but I strongly suggest having a working backup before proceeding.22:32
stukdevbekks: no backuo here :D22:32
stukdevbekks: ignore or not? what is to "safety" ?22:33
bekksstukdev: I just said that you should not ignore filesystem errors. :)22:33
stukdevbekks: ok but if i ignore maybe the fsck don't write anything :)22:33
elichai2EriC_: :(22:34
bekksstukdev: and if you dont ignore it, your filesystem may get repaired.22:34
stukdevbekks: so reply y and prey? :D22:34
stukdevemm n*22:34
bekksstukdev: "you should not ignore filesystem errors".22:35
stukdevbekks: reply no, and prey the fs do the miracle22:35
EriC_elichai2: when you boot what's happening?22:35
stukdevbekks: ok, i'm trying...3....2...1..ahah22:35
elichai2saying something like "no bootable device recognized, insert device and press any key"22:36
elichai2but in the BIOS i do see the SSD22:36
elichai2(but not in the EFI sector)22:36
EriC_elichai2: hmm?22:36
EriC_elichai2: what's in the efi sector?22:36
elichai2now? nothing22:36
EriC_and before the hdd was there?22:37
rainbowdash--sudo rm -rf EriC_22:37
elichai2the ubuntu usb22:37
stukdevbekks:f** error i got fsck.ext4 Input/output error while recovering ext3 journal of /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ****FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIES***** Wasrining: filesystem still has errores***22:37
EriC_rainbowdash--: shred -uvz rainbowdash--22:37
Ben65stukdev: sounds like a dead/dying drive22:37
bekksstukdev: Sounds like a dead drive then.22:38
=== Ben65 is now known as Ben64
stukdevits open!22:38
stukdevits open! *_*22:38
EriC_elichai2: i think the ssd should show up in the efi for it to boot22:38
elichai2EriC_: but it dosen't :\22:39
stukdevbekks: but i cant see more becouse have different privileges, its a good idea reboot? :D22:39
bekksstukdev: No. You should investigate the state of your drive using smartctl before.22:40
EriC_elichai2: what's your end goal22:40
EriC_elichai2: are you going to use the hdd and ssd together?22:40
elichai2EriC_: yes22:41
elichai2the main system on the ssd22:41
elichai2and some of the home dirs on the HHD22:41
elichai2(movies, music, etc.)22:41
elichai2EriC_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481394/22:41
elichai2dmesg if it can help :\ http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481408/22:42
stukdevbekks: installed smartclt but what command i've to use?22:43
EriC_elichai2: the efi entry disappeared :O22:43
elichai2EriC_: :O22:43
elichai2let's try readding it in chroot22:43
elichai2maybe it will help22:43
bekksstukdev: you installed smartctl on the live cd?22:43
EriC_elichai2: if you want try to press esc when the pc boots you should get something that takes you to boot options where you can select efi entries or browse the efi partition for .efi files22:43
stukdevbekks: yes22:43
EriC_elichai2: ok22:43
EriC_why not22:44
bekksstukdev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools22:44
elichai2EriC_: what do you mean? i have F2 - BIOS settings. F12 - Bootable devices22:44
elichai2EriC_: i need the for loop again :X22:44
EriC_elichai2: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done22:45
elichai2EriC_: now i need the command to add that entry22:45
EriC_try to list them see what you get22:46
EriC_elichai2: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda22:46
elichai2EriC_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481446/22:46
EriC_elichai2: are you using secureboot ?22:46
elichai2EriC_: idk22:46
EriC_elichai2: sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 1 -d /dev/sda22:47
elichai2EriC_: both of them?22:47
EriC_shimx64.efi is for secure boot, i think it works if it's enabled or not though22:47
elichai2(already runned the first one)22:47
EriC_elichai2: yeah22:47
elichai2EriC_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481456/22:48
stukdevbekks: the short test complete without error22:48
bekksstukdev: So run the long test.22:49
stukdevbekks: i haven't time! XD its about 3h22:49
bekksstukdev: And?22:49
EriC_elichai2: looks good22:50
elichai2EriC_: "1eb5533b-d31d-40d4-a714-0276067c1cda" suppose to be the UUID of /dev/sda3?!22:50
stukdevbekks: and ok i assume the risk to reboot22:50
elichai2(in the efibootmgr log)22:50
dalekusaOK I tried to use the compiz manager to re-enable Unity, but now it is stuck at a broken pipe error, which appeared before, but soon went to the login screen22:50
bekksstukdev: It is your hdd, and it is you who wants to know wether the drive is dying or not :)22:50
EriC_elichai2: no it's something else, guid or something i forgot22:51
dalekusastarting ubuntu normally22:51
EriC_elichai2: if it doesn't work try the boot devices and see if you can manually load shimx64.efi or grubx64.efi22:51
elichai2EriC_: wait, how can i see the files?22:52
dalekusammkay, now the login screen loads, but in the wrong resolution22:52
elichai2(from the boot)22:52
stukdevbekks: mmm whats sound strange is the offline keyword22:52
EriC_elichai2: if you find a boot manager it might say From file...22:52
elichai2(and yes, it's the GUID of /dev/sda1 /dev/sda1: UUID="DD28-18C1" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="1eb5533b-d31d-40d4-a714-0276067c1cda" )22:52
EriC_press that and it should load the efi partition22:53
elichai2my bios should have built in option to manully boot from file?22:53
EriC_i think so22:53
EriC_mine does, i think they all do22:53
EriC_most even have efi prompts22:53
EriC_*some even have efi prompts22:54
elichai2EriC_: not in GRUB22:54
elichai2ok, i'll try. brb22:54
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dalekusaand it didn't work22:56
stukdevbekks: ok works! thanks u all guys!23:00
dalekusaCompiz says the Unity plugin is running, but the launcher and menu bar aren't appearing23:00
EriC_dalekusa: try mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.old23:01
dalekusaok, now what23:02
EriC_daedeloth: try to login23:02
EriC_dalekusa: no need23:02
EriC_sudo service lightdm restart23:02
daedeloth(not me)23:02
dalekusadidn't see any changes23:02
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dalekusaremoving nomodeset again, to see if it is better or worse23:03
EriC_daedeloth: sorry!23:03
EriC_dalekusa: the launcher still doesn't appear?23:04
dalekusaI am booting now23:04
dalekusaat login screen23:04
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daedelothEriC_, no problem :)23:05
dalekusaEriC_: still no launcher23:06
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fluvvellI've got a machine that won't detect the 2560x1600 from within the displays setting gui - it only shows 1280x800, but EDID reports two modes and Xorg.0.log seems to find the higher res also. The majority of suggestions on the web still don't seem definitive.23:06
EriC_dalekusa: try mv ~/.cache ~/.cache.old23:06
EriC_dalekusa: no need to reboot, sudo service lightdm restart23:06
fluvvellMonitor is a 30" Samsung, and has worked before upgrade to 14.0423:07
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=== trent- is now known as tr3nton
daftykinsfluvvell: graphics card type? driver?23:09
dalekusastill nothing23:09
fluvvelldaftykins, intel, driver intel23:10
EriC_dalekusa: ok, well i dont know what else you could try23:10
EriC_dalekusa: you could create a new user and copy the files if you want23:10
dalekusaoh, great23:11
EriC_how big is your home dir? type df -sh /home/...23:11
daftykinsfluvvell: and what's the Xorg log?23:11
EriC_dalekusa: sorry, du -sh /home/..23:12
dalekusait appears in guest mode23:12
dalekusaand my computer freezes again23:12
daftykinsit seemed like an antique, so that might not be a surprise, dalekusa23:12
daftykinsthe graphics card was, anyway23:12
dalekusaso you are saying that my graphics card is toast23:13
fluvvelldaftykins:  we upgraded motherboard at the same time and went from nvidia on a card to intel in the motherboard, new i5.   http://pastebin.com/QHgA0Srq23:13
julius3I'm trying to connect to a network wirelessly23:14
EriC_dalekusa: are you in the tty now?23:14
julius3I've been able to connect to other networks with this machine before, and I've been able to connect wirelessly to this network with other machines, but not this one23:15
julius3I can connect just fine to it via ethernet, so it's a wifi problem23:15
dalekusawell, when I entered guest, Unity appeared fine, but then my computer immediately hung.23:15
daftykinsfluvvell: on-die graphics then ok, when you say new i5 do you mean that was an upgrade, or?23:15
julius3it's a pretty standard home network with WPA23:15
fluvvelldaftykins: new motherboard, yes upgraded if you like.23:16
daftykinsfluvvell: upgrade on the part of the CPU though? or was that the same beforehand?23:16
EriC_elichai22: hey any luck?23:16
daftykinsjulius3: rebooted it i take it?23:16
=== elichai22 is now known as elichai2
dalekusaEriC_: see above23:16
elichai2EriC_ nope23:17
EriC_dalekusa: ok, how big is your home dir?23:17
elichai2But I did got into  "grub minimal bash"23:17
elichai2What can I do from here?23:17
EriC_elichai2: how did you get that?23:17
fluvvelldaftykins, we took an existing install, put the hard drives into new motherboard-cpu-ram, ran upgrades from 10.04 to 14.04. All went fine except for graphics resolution.23:17
elichai2(I'm writing from my phone now)23:17
elichai2EriC_ from the bookable usb23:18
daftykinsfluvvell: ah so you have a fleet of these?23:18
daftykinsfluvvell: ignore me, misread :D23:18
fluvvelldaftykins: :-)23:18
EriC_elichai2: the live usb??23:18
daftykinsfluvvell: were there any PPAs on this install either before or now?23:18
EriC_elichai2: oh wow..23:19
fluvvelldaftykins, good question.  I'll check23:19
elichai2Why? Lol23:19
elichai2The live USB got GRUB23:19
EriC_it's disintegrating23:19
elichai2But I don't know how to use grub minimal bash23:19
dalekusaEriC_: Well, what if I make a new user, and unity appears in full, but causes the computer to freeze like it did when I entered guest.23:20
fluvvelldaftykins, perhaps before when we had nvidia card onboard, now only mythbuntu repo ppas.23:20
EriC_dalekusa: well then you fix the other problem23:20
EriC_dalekusa: type sudo adduser and add a new user23:20
dalekusathen my computer will be a brick23:20
elichai2EriC_, so you can help me with that?23:20
daftykinsfluvvell: is that checking both sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?23:20
EriC_elichai2: i guess, hold on23:21
daftykinsfluvvell: also, is there an /etc/X11/xorg.conf in existence at all?23:21
dalekusaEriC_: I see now...23:22
fluvvelldaftykins: grep ppa /etc/apt/* -R23:22
dalekusaWe can fix that problem, but also focus on the freezing issue in tty23:22
dalekusawhy am I such a dummy sometimes23:22
fluvvelldaftykins: no current xorg.conf - have been trying with a 10-monitor.conf, which I took back out.23:23
fluvvelldaftykins: what do you make of the line at 224.089 that seems to imply 0.0 refresh rate?23:24
dalekusahhow do I get out of info?23:24
daftykinsfluvvell: now 'upgrade' has always been a dirty word for me in the IT industry, have you considered booting live media of 14.04.1 and 14.10 to see if the behaviour changes?23:24
EriC_dalekusa: try pressing enter23:25
dalekusaq is alright23:25
dalekusahow exactly do I go about adding this new user?23:26
daftykins < EriC_> dalekusa: type sudo adduser and add a new user23:26
QuixxHow well are Qualcomm 'Killer' branded network cards supported in ubuntu? I'm looking into buying a new motherboard and a lot of them have this junk instead of something more traditional23:26
dalekusaI get "Only one or two names allowed error23:26
elichai2EriC_, so with 'ls' I can see 3 things. 1. Memtest 2. (hd0,msdos1) 3. (hd1)23:27
EriC_dalekusa: type sudo useradd <user>23:27
elichai2I can see that 1 and 2 both from the usb23:27
EriC_sorry, sudo adduser <user>23:27
EriC_elichai2: hmm23:27
daftykinsQuixx: plenty stick to a conventional intel NIC, that'd be my vote23:27
elichai2(ls'ing hd0,msdos1 show me files that are in the live usb23:27
fluvvelldaftykins: you'll  have to bear with me a bit on that, I did the upgrade here without the benefit of the 30" monitor, and the unit is now 450 km away, I'm working it by remote.23:27
dalekusaCould I rename anything if and when I complete this operation?23:28
EriC_elichai2: i think you can boot the ubuntu installation from there23:28
QuixxWell, if they play well with the Killer stuff then it'd make my choice easier. I could always get an add on card as well, but I'd prefer to use the onboard.23:28
daftykinsfluvvell: ah ok :) yep no worries, can consider that a backup plan23:28
EriC_dalekusa: how big is your home dir23:28
elichai2But when I tried 'ls (hd1) I got "error: failure reading sector 0x80 from' hd1'.23:28
marcelinoHello, have a channel here in freenode for C programming? Or I can talk about C in any linux channel?23:28
fluvvelldaftykins: yes and shipping both the box and the 30" has issues.23:28
dalekusaWhat about full name first?23:28
EriC_dalekusa: you can make a user and change the name later, and use usermod to copy the dir over etc.23:28
EriC_dalekusa: you can change it all later23:29
DrGrovAnything worth upgrading to 14.10 instead of having 14.04 LTS? Any big changes?23:29
dalekusaRoom Number?23:29
daftykinsfluvvell: one thought is that i don't think HDMI can carry 2560x1600 @ 60Hz, so a displayport cable would've been a better match on this thing23:29
EriC_dalekusa: i'd rather you backup your home dir in "/backup" and then copy it back23:29
arquebusmarcelino: ##c on freenode currently has 649 in the channel23:29
dalekusaWhat is Room Number?23:29
EriC_i've never tried usermod 's move home dir option23:29
EriC_dalekusa: Room Number?23:30
dalekusaI got that after I typed in the Full Name23:30
EriC_elichai2: hold on buddy23:30
marcelinoty arquebus23:30
elichai2Holding on :)23:31
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elichai2(it's just 1:31am here lol)23:31
dalekusanvm about that23:32
fluvvelldaftykins, think it was previously running on DVI, are they not electrically compatible?  I Think I can get it changed.23:32
EriC_elichai2: this is my ubuntu entry for reference http://paste.ubuntu.com/9481819/23:33
dalekusahow do I back up my home, EriC_ ?23:33
daftykinsfluvvell: reading into it, the best i can find is: "HDMI 1.3 increased that to 340 MHz, which allows for higher resolution (such as WQXGA, 2560×1600) across a single digital link." though no clarification of whether that's at 60Hz, so changing cable would be my simplest idea (beyond testing a newer version of ubuntu and thus a newer kernel)23:34
QuixxLooks like most are supported under 3.10 kernel and newer23:34
EriC_elichai2: if you type recordfail insmod part_gpt insmod ext2set root='.....;23:34
julius3so does anybody know/want to help?23:35
elichai2EriC_ and what's root path?  :P23:35
EriC_elichai2: linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-40-generic.efi.signed root=/dev/sda3 ro23:36
EriC_elichai2: initrd/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-40-generic23:36
EriC_elichai2: replace with your kernel23:36
daftykinsjulius3: i replied actually. i asked if you'd rebooted the router.23:36
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julius3oh sorry, I didn't see it23:37
EriC_dalekusa: sudo mkdir /backup23:37
julius3no, I haven't23:37
EriC_dalekusa: sudo rsync -av /home/<user> /backup23:37
daftykinsjulius3: that'll be step #1 then please23:37
julius3would that make sense?23:37
elichai2EriC_ but I can't access my ssd from here23:37
julius3I've connected dozens of devices to it23:37
julius3it's only this 1 that isn't working23:37
EriC_elichai2: why not23:37
daftykinsjulius3: yep, sometimes they just get stroppy.23:37
elichai2At least not with the ways I tried23:37
EriC_elichai2: that's odd23:38
julius3daftykins, I have three devices connected to it right now23:38
EriC_elichai2: you could try to put the hdd in and let the efi partition there boot the ssd installation23:38
daftykinsjulius3: all this talk is a lot more effort than a quick reboot :)23:38
EriC_elichai2: i was going to suggest that23:38
julius3daftykins, no23:39
dalekusaEriC_: next23:39
julius3I don't want to touch it, I'm not in charge of it23:39
daftykinsjulius3: ok then i'll direct you to ##networking where you can be told the same thing, possibly in a lot less polite a manner.23:39
EriC_dalekusa: are all your files in /backup ? type ls -l /backup23:39
fluvvelldaftykins: I'll get him to plug it in tonight, thanks that was one think I hadn't considered23:39
elichai2EriC_ I removed that partition, but I can try reinstall it23:39
dalekusahow do I move them23:39
ubuntuerI installed wine as root, instead of using sudo, should I uninstall and reinstall?23:39
elichai2What about trying legacy?23:39
julius3daftykins, it's this machine23:40
EriC_elichai2: it is also an option23:40
julius3daftykins, you're not even going to ask for debug output from me attempting to connect to actually figure out what's wrong?23:40
elichai2EriC_, what advantages UEFI even have?!23:40
dalekusaEriC: Dinner is ready, so I'll be right back23:40
EriC_elichai2: faster boot i think23:40
EriC_elichai2: and some other stuff i guess23:40
EriC_i forgot23:40
EriC_elichai2: it's basically the same23:40
elichai2Ohh  OK, I'll got to sleep and tomorrow I'll try legacy23:41
elichai2Thank you very muxh23:41
daftykinsjulius3: i was in here doing exactly that with a user once, went through all the detailed levels... ended being a reboot. so i'd rather start simple23:41
EriC_elichai2: ok, no problem23:41
etzerdhello all23:41
etzerdI'm back23:41
julius3daftykins, I'm sorry but I can't reboot it23:41
julius3it'll probably reset all the settings and piss off my roommates23:42
julius3and it's in my roommate's room and I'm not going in there23:42
daftykinsjulius3: from a reboot? aka power off and on? sorry that's rubbish.23:42
daftykinscontact them.23:42
jak3000sudo make install  show me these error: "sudo: make: command not found"  wich package need install?23:42
julius3daftykins, there was a power outage once and it was reset23:42
EriC_jak3000: what are you trying to install?23:43
julius3it's a cheap router that probably has no persistent memory other than whatever rom it's all running off23:43
EriC_!info noip-updater23:43
ubottuPackage noip-updater does not exist in utopic23:43
daftykinsjulius3: that is also rubbish :) i hope you're not a CS student23:43
jak3000EriC_: http://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client-on-ubuntu/23:43
etzerdI was able to make a new installation of ubuntu running side by side with windows. I also able to install all the DEs in one shot. I always surprise how I like lxde. it is a very good looking DE.23:43
EriC_!find noip23:43
ubottuFile noip found in dyndns, openvas-plugins-dfsg23:43
cortexman_I'm unable to upgrade because there is supposedly no space yet, but all of my partitions have plenty of space. https://gist.github.com/brianmingus/987e2753ab5f85b8d50623:43
cortexman_*no space left23:44
EriC_jak3000: sudo apt-get install make23:44
julius3daftykins, it's absolutely true, when it lost power it reset23:44
julius3if I reboot, it'll probably reset again23:44
jak3000EriC_ thanks23:44
EriC_jak3000: you probably need build-essential23:44
daftykinsjulius3: nope sorry. in all my years of networking that's the tallest tale :)23:44
julius3daftykins, I'm not experienced with ubuntu and have no idea how to debug its network manager, right now when I try to connect it keeps popping up with the password prompt over and over, so I'm guessing it's an authentication problem23:45
daftykinsjulius3: pastebin the logs that support this - however this can still be a problem that a reboot fixes, so you're just wasting both of our time really.23:46
julius3daftykins, I don't know where the log files are stored23:46
ubuntuerI installed wine as root, should I uninstall and reinstall?23:46
daftykinsjulius3: /var/log/ - try running "dmesg | tail" and so on23:46
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.23:47
julius3it's a basic guess because the connection fails right away23:47
daftykinsnope wrong log.23:47
daftykinsi do find it lovely when people believe me :(23:48
EriC_ubuntuer: you mean you did sudo -i then apt-get install wine?23:48
UTLHey, all! So, in order to put Ubuntu Touch on my SD card through Ubuntu Desktop, I'm having to use the terminal command fsck to try to diagnose and fix problems because Ubuntu is having problems writing to it (even though under Windows 7, it works just fine). If fsck doesn't work, what else can I use?23:51
daftykins!touch | UTL23:51
ubottuUTL: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:51
ubuntuerEriC_ no, I had to do sudo su before because I had to rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock then I forgot to exit23:52
dalekusaEriC_: I'm back23:52
dalekusaHow do I create the backup?23:52
UTLI've already asked under #ubuntu-touch. I didn't get a response.23:52
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EriC_dalekusa: wb23:53
compdocdalekusa, backintime is a decent program23:53
daftykinsUTL: i see, well that's its' channel. "dmesg | tail" to share some errors perhaps. (via pastebin not pasting in here)23:53
k1l!patience | UTL23:53
ubottuUTL: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:53
EriC_dalekusa: did you type sudo mkdir /backup ?23:53
k1lUTL: waiting 30 seconds is not waiting on irc.23:54
dalekusacompdoc: thanks, but I am having a ton of issues with unity23:54
dalekusaEriC_: Yes23:54
EriC_dalekusa: sudo rsync -av /home/<user> /backup23:54
dalekusacompdoc: This is to facilitate a user move23:54
* UTL gets the point. Maybe he IS being a little too hasty! He realizes now that he should be a little more patient.23:55
EriC_ubuntuer: it's perfectly fine, you can't install anything without privileges anyways23:55
k1lUTL: and "working on windows" doesnt mean working 100% at all. windows is sometimes not telling you that its just making stupid errors on the sdcard but pretending everything is all fine.23:55
UTLOkay, thanks! I'll keep in touch... Ubuntu Touch, that is!23:56
ubuntuerEriC_ thanks for answering I'm just worried about the ownership of files that's all23:56
dalekusaI better hope all this doesn't fill my 500 GB hard drive full23:56
dalekusa(it isn't halfway full yet23:56
daftykinsubuntuer: hopefully you're not using "sudo su" though23:57
EriC_dalekusa: that's why i asked you about the size of your home dir23:58
EriC_dalekusa: du -sh /home/<user>23:58
dalekusaWill there be three copies in the end23:58
ubuntuerdaftykins yes I did23:58
dalekusaI already started the backup23:58
daftykinsubuntuer: don't :) "sudo su -" or "sudo -i" etc23:59
EriC_dalekusa: hold on23:59
EriC_dalekusa: press ctrl+c23:59
geniidaftykins: sudo -i is the preferred method23:59
UTLUmmm.... ubottu? What is "pastebin"?23:59

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