
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
tvansteenburghrsynnest: ping02:47
rsynnesttvansteenburgh: hey!02:54
rsynnestwas the github outdated?02:54
tvansteenburghhey, see my email?02:54
tvansteenburghyeah, updating now...02:54
rsynnestawesome, thanks man02:55
tvansteenburghrsynnest: my pleasure! just pushed the changes if you wanna have another go02:56
rsynnesttvansteenburgh: no luck :/03:14
rsynnestwould running in a python virtualenv have any effect on the charm?03:14
rsynnestlike maybe python dependencies aren't accessible?03:16
tvansteenburghrsynnest: same traceback?03:19
rsynnestnot sure, I'll check. It did fail on install hook03:21
tvansteenburghrsynnest: if it's the same, while you're in debug hooks, try running `add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js`, since that appears to be where it failed the first time03:28
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
rsynnest add-apt-repository: command not found03:41
rsynnestboth software-properties-common and python-software-properties are installed03:41
tvansteenburghapt-get install apt-file -y03:45
tvansteenburghapt-file search add-apt-repository03:45
rsynnestdope, i forgot the debug-hook runs on the unit's machine03:47
rsynnesti have add-apt-repo local but not on the machine03:47
rsynnestthat did the trick03:50
rsynnestthanks for the help!03:51
tvansteenburghso what did you have to do?03:51
tvansteenburghinstall add-apt-repo?03:51
rsynnestjust installed software-properties-common to the meteor machine03:51
tvansteenburghokay, cool, i'll get the charm updated03:52
tvansteenburghthanks for helping make the charm better rsynnest!03:53
rsynnestnp, thanks for being so responsive03:54
rsynnesterrr hang on03:54
rsynnestnext hook is failing lol03:54
tvansteenburghk, paste me a trace when you have it03:55
rsynnesthow did you know it was the add-apt that was causing the issue?03:55
tvansteenburghsaw it in your traceback in the email03:55
tvansteenburghhrm, did you run the install hook again after installing those deps?03:57
rsynnestim still in the same debug-hook shell03:58
tvansteenburgh`which mrt`03:58
tvansteenburghrsynnest: what's the output of `which mrt`04:02
rsynnestoh, it returns nothing04:02
rsynnestwasn't sure if that was you thinking you were in termie :)04:03
tvansteenburghi'm not sure how install succeeded if we don't have that04:05
rsynnestahhhh sorry04:11
rsynnesti re-ran install and it does fail at the end, i missed it04:11
rsynnestUnusable architecture: armv7l04:11
rsynnestMeteor only supports i686 and x86_64 for now.04:11
tvansteenburghbummer :)04:12
rsynnestwell, if anyone asks now you know04:12
rsynnestsorry for the wild goose chase :P04:13
tvansteenburghnp at all, it was helpful04:13
tvansteenburghhope you stick around juju anyway!04:14
rsynnestwelp, time to go bug the meteor folks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)04:14
tvansteenburghtime for me to call it a night, cya around rsynnest04:15
rsynnestpeace man, thanks again for the help04:15
tvansteenburghyou bet!04:15
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Saviqhey all, I seem to have my mysql unit stuck in "installed" (and now in "dying" after trying to destroy it), what could I do to debug?09:18
Saviqforced the machine out, trying again09:20
Saviqso yeah mysql permanently gets into "installed" state for me09:28
Saviqoh now it ran!09:28
Saviqok /me shuts up09:28
=== beuno_ is now known as beuni
=== beuni is now known as beuno
jcastrohey everyone, we're a video game: http://www.jujuandpeyo.com/14:25
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
lazyPowerCongrats tvansteenburgh on your first charm promulgation since becoming a ~charmer!15:53
lazyPowermay the users of meteor rejoyce in happyness as you have delivered their nectar15:53
lazyPowermbruzek, marcoceppi_, dpb1, niedbalski ^ :)15:54
mbruzekcheers tvansteenburgh15:55
niedbalskitvansteenburgh, congrats!15:55
josecongratulations, tvansteenburgh!16:04
lazyPoweroo sorry about the miss jose ;D i thought you were at uni16:05
joselazyPower: told ya, I'm on vacation until April16:06
ejatjose : have u finish the limesurvey charm test ?16:10
joseejat: I'm poking on some critical stuff right now, but I did take a peek yesterday. looks like it's more than just that dependency, but I'll see what I can do16:10
ejatok thanks :)16:12
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
josemarcoceppi_: hey, your seafile tests will depend on a fix that I'm pushing for review now17:45
josemarcoceppi_: also, the revq is not deleting some of the old closed/deleted MPs/charms17:48
=== lukebennett_ is now known as lukebennett
thebozzHey guys, we're trying to install Juju + Openstack on top of MAAS. The auto-install fails with this error log: http://pastebin.com/EWAwCEuN ... what could be wrong? We can SSH into our nodes.18:39
aisraelsebas5384: what platform are you using sshuttle on?19:06
sebas5384aisrael: using redir or iptables because sshuttle is too slow :(19:08
aisraelsebas5384: I have a workaround for sshuttle, but I've only tested it with OS X/Vagrant19:09
thebozzHey guys, we're trying to install OpenStack on top of MAAS using the ubuntu tutorial (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack).  We're currently on step 4, but it keeps failing with this error: http://pastebin.com/EWAwCEuN20:11
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
lazyPowerthebozz: interesting - seems like possibly the keys didn't make during the bootstrap - have you retried teh provisioning? and is it consistent?20:38
thebozzlazyPower: we haven't reprovisioned. Yes, the error is constant. Should we try with a reprovision?20:39
lazyPowerthebozz: i would give that a go and see if its intermittant failure, or if there are larger issues at play here.20:39
thebozzlazyPower: wait, you mean the SSH keys you configure on MAAS? We can connect to each node using SSH using the ubuntu user, so if that's what you meant then it's working fine.20:40
lazyPowerthebozz: thats what i was referring to20:40
thebozzHmmm. Then the keys are fine. What else could cause this? What user does juju try to connect to the nodes as?20:41
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
lazyPowerthebozz: the ubuntu user21:10
thebozzlazyPower: so the login itself shouldn't be an issue either. I'm completely stumped with this one.21:11
lazyPowerthis is troublesome to me, as juju loads its own set of ssh keys with maas that it then uses to connect to the nodes.21:11
lazyPowerthebozz: i'm not 100% familiar with the new 'autopilot' installer however21:11
lazyPowerteh last time I did this, it was still a mostly manual process until you got to juju being bootstrapped.21:12
lazyPowerthebozz: I would recommend pinging in #maas as well, someone may have some insight as to what the problem might be - but i beleive its after hours for them, quite a few of them are UK based.21:12
thebozzStill worth a try, though. Thanks!21:12
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== skay is now known as afk
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dannfis there some kind of 2 minute timeout during an install hook - e.g. between lines of stdout? i have a git clone that always fails around then, but if i juju ssh in, i can clone just fine23:28

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