
greg-grick_h_: wait, what was the surgery for?00:09
rick_h_greg shoulder. torn labrum01:08
cmaloneyYeah, I'm at work when greg-g is here01:38
cmaloneyrick_h_: Did the surgery go well?01:38
=== snap-l is now known as cmaloney
cmaloneyrick_h_: How are you feeling?12:33
rick_h_bit rough and tumble but alive for now12:34
rick_h_one of those "I use my shoulder for that too?" things12:35
cmaloneyYeah, I'm sure you're being surprised. :)12:35
rick_h_so rude awakening on just how many small things pull on it12:35
cmaloneyIncluding sleeping12:35
rick_h_yea guess I'll be sleeping in my recliner for the next month12:36
rick_h_but sitting down/getting up12:36
rick_h_shifting in  a chair12:36
cmaloneyYeah, it's a major muscle group12:37
rick_h_also explains why I could get it to 'always hurt' when 'doing nothing'12:38
cmaloneybut I'm glad you're feeling better12:39
rick_h_long road ahead12:39
cmaloneyOr at least are on the road to feeling better12:39
rick_h_loving this cooling machine though :12:39
cmaloneyagain, if you need anything (even if it's another ceiling to look at) let us know.12:40
rick_h_:) will do12:40
rick_h_ty much12:40
cmaloneywaldo323_: http://s3hh.wordpress.com/2014/12/12/where-does-lxd-fit-in/14:26
brousch_mrgoodcat: You will forfeit our current DGS game tomorrow15:40
DrDaemonEyerick_h_: I'm about ready to go out and party... finals are done for me tonight18:35
DrDaemonEyeAlready broke WCC's blackboard once18:35
rick_h_umm yay?18:36
DrDaemonEyeNot so much yay.  It sucks and I almost failed one final because it crashed half way through uploading some code18:36
cmaloneyI hate it when I change something and something else that should be unrelated breaks.18:42
DrDaemonEyeheh, yep.18:44
cmaloneyOf course I also hate it when the error that is affected by my change is buried several layers in a stack trace. ;)18:45
DrDaemonEyeI was taking the intro to java class at the community college... ended up being a waste of time.18:47
brousch_So much hate18:47
DrDaemonEyebrousch_: not a fan either of java?18:47
brousch_I was commenting on cmaloney's hatred of so many things18:47
brousch_I've been doing some normal Android dev. It's not that bad, except the toolchain keeps breaking18:48
brousch_A project I started a couple months ago now has gradle errors18:49
DrDaemonEyeAhh.  I just got into android dev. stuff last night.  Keeping to the command line when working on it18:49
brousch_I've used Kivy for it for many years18:49
DrDaemonEyenice.  :)18:50
brousch_I thought learning the Java way would help me understand Intents and such better18:50
DrDaemonEyeWas it of help?18:50
brousch_So far all I've learned is that the regular android tools break as often as our Kivy tools do18:50
DrDaemonEyeheh.  And java tends to suck cpu for me when working in the GUI.18:50
brousch_The speed of Android Studio is kind of painful18:51
DrDaemonEyethat it is18:51
cmaloneyjcastro: http://www.rush.com/12-months-of-rush-14-albums-from-mercury-era-for-release-in-2015/18:56

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