
=== WalterN is now known as tiwake
bkerensawxl: I could do one in the summer at some point if its Mozilla focused :)22:33
wxlbkerensa: would love it. pick a first tuesday and give me a topic.22:33
wxlbkerensa: did i tell you lars came and told us all about socorro?22:34
bkerensawxl: June 2nd: Firefox Dev Edition on Ubuntu? :)22:35
wxlbkerensa: sounds quite possible. i'm sure we know how to install it. :) what about showing it's true value in development. you could start by hacking the euglug.org website and make it something that doesn't suck XD22:35
bkerensawxl: oh the Larsalope is a mystic creature22:36
wxlbkerensa: no kidding! i like that guy!!22:37
bkerensawxl: yeah that was the plan :) show why its awesome22:37
bkerensawxl: https://twitter.com/2braids/status/54137959241443328222:37
bkerensathe Larsalope22:37
wxli know i saw XD22:37
bkerensaMystic Oregon Creature :)22:37
wxli thought i favorited that22:37
wxli'll push it through the ranks and confirm with you later, bkerensa22:38
bkerensawxl: cool and I can see about Mozilla buying lunch or dinner22:39
wxlneat bkerensa :) we don't usually even have so much as snacks so that would be super great22:39
wxlbkerensa: might be interested to talk about contributing to mozilla, too. e.g. how we might make firefox dev even better :)22:40
wxlokie dokie, i'll let you know. thanks very much!!!22:40
bkerensasgclark: when are you doing a Ubuntu Hour in Hillsboro/Portland?22:41
wxlyeah, sgclark! when? :)22:41
sgclarkwhen I get have breathing room22:41
* wxl is >> almost there << with regards to having a global jam set up22:41
bkerensaMm its been so long since a Oregon Global Jam22:41
sgclarkI took on a project much larger than I can swallow22:42
wxlbkerensa: did you see in the backlog sgclark may do a talk for us, too? well, when she's not drowning.22:42
wxlbkerensa: let it go. :)22:42
sgclarkso I hope to be able to breath soon22:42
bkerensasgclark: well if you ever want to do one at Mozilla's office let me or bkero know and I'm sure we can sort it out22:43
bkerensabkero: so what is the protip for install Ubuntu Server on the minis without Keyboard/Mouse?22:44
bkerensaI just had to order a USB keyboard today because I realized I couldn't do an install without a keyboard22:44
bkerensawxl: also you know if we ever get colo space slangasek has the LoCo's server22:45
bkerobkerensa: a preseed file I would suppose22:45
bkerobkerensa: there's a wireless keyboard/mouse in my cube that you're welcome to take and use22:45
bkeroYou might have to hunt for the pieces a bit :)22:45
bkeroThere's a USB receiver so they should be transparent to the system22:45
bkerensabkero:  ah I got them coming tomorrow morning Amazon Prime but just was wondering if I had missed something22:46
bkerensabkero: looking into preseeding now22:46
bkerensabkero:  now if I can figure out a good way to have one power source for four minis22:47
bkerobkerensa: Good luck. They're not just simple power sources.22:47
bkeroNot simple DC consumers, they have multiple DC voltages.22:47
sgclarkok thank you, most of the current work I am doing involves continuous integration, aka docker/jenkins etc22:48
wxlbkerensa: naw, haven't looked into it yet. i'm almost feeling like i should.22:49
bkerensabkero: So I saw mrz did something early on in the DC to get the minis to use one supply but it looked like some janky electrical work that could burn down a a house :)22:49
bkerensabkero: https://blog.mozilla.org/mrz/2007/11/05/how-do-you-rack-50-mac-minis-and-use-only-one-power-cord/22:50
bkeroIf I had a few days I could probably figure something out22:53
bkerensabkero: so one interesting thing is Portland is looking at adding electric bike charging stations22:54
bkerobkerensa: Portland office or Portland city?22:54
bkeroElectric bikes don't have a standardized charging plug/format22:54
bkerensabkero: City of Portland... I am on a innovation advisory panel for the city and its one idea they have proposed to use innovation funds on in 201522:55
bkerensabkero: yeah idk all the moving parts but I just know its a proposal22:55
bkerobkerensa: Yes, do it.22:55
bkerobkerensa: also be sure to push forward the bikeshare agenda22:55
bkerensabkero: also everytime they talk about new software or dashboards.... I say "Can this be open source"22:55
bkeroand perhaps even an electric bikeshare agenda :322:55
bkerensathe only other technical person on the team is from Intel22:56
bkerensaotherwise its all business people22:56
bkeroDo you need some stalwart souls alongside you to push the innovation agenda?22:56
bkeroI'm sure we could conscript from among the ranks of #pdxtech.22:57
bkerensabkero: heh well its an appointed position so its not open to uninvited people22:57
bkerensatbh no idea how I got picked22:57
bkerensaI just got a call and a city director had me on their short list... yet i had no idea who they were22:58
bkerensaand despite it being an advisory panel.... The city's Chief Administrative Officer steers the conversations in certain ways22:58
bkeroThat's probably their job22:59
bkerensathere were some really common sense yet non-innovative things proposed22:59
bkerensamost city agencies have security or rangers22:59
bkerensaand someone proposed merging them to one city wide force22:59
bkerensathey had projects it would save the city a million a year22:59
bkerensaand I was thinking why is this not in the general budget23:00
bkerensaalso warehousing of old houses that are set for demolition was an interesting idea23:00
bkerensathey wanted to literally use land by the airport23:00
bkerensaand move houses there to be warehoused23:00
bkerensauntil someone could find a plot to move them too23:00
bkeroOld houess typically don't stand moving very well :/23:01
bkeroFoundations and all23:01
bkerensaalso apparently the city does not have any bureau specific or city wide way of tracking its assets23:02
bkerensaso they want software for this23:02
bkerensaso they don't lose assets23:02
bkeroIsn't there software for this alrady?23:03
bkerobkerensa: time to go rob the city of Portland. They won't know it's gone. :/23:04
bkerensabkero: I imagine there is but they also made a case that by paying someone to make new software they would be supporting new tech jobs23:05
bkeroIt would23:06
sgclarktht is nice to hear23:06
bkeroYou could make the case that 1) it exists already, 2) can still leverage the existing pdxtech community, and 3) if they were to pay someone to make it, you'd have to wait until it's done to use it23:06
bkeroI wonder what other cities are using to manage their assets23:09
bkeroDo they all have homebuilt solutions?23:10

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