
Squirmmorning all05:47
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy inetpro Squirm nuvolari gremble and others06:48
theblazehenHi Kilos 06:59
Kilosohi theblazehen hows things07:00
theblazehenOK, and for you?07:00
Kilosslow, bad head day again it seems,07:00
Kilosdid you read logs?07:01
theblazehenNah, what happened?07:01
Kilosseems hanno wants a gui because he wants blender on all the servers07:02
Kiloshell be back tonight he said07:02
theblazehenI have some ideas, let's hope he can follow easily...07:03
Kilosreinstall again because he didnt set it for za and got broken packages from the us mirror07:03
Kiloswe managed to ssh to it, so he just needs basics to install ubuntu-desktop07:03
theblazehenI think better to just get normal ubuntu07:04
theblazehenOr xubuntu07:04
Kilosya he wants ubuntu07:04
theblazehenDunno how new stuff must be, maybe antergos07:04
Kilosi dont know why he installs server, maybe because they are servers07:05
Kilosso it should be basic tonight, just update upgrade and install ubuntu-desktop07:06
Kilosit must be at home he is doing this. dunno what he wants with so many servers07:07
Kilossome farm he says. haha. to me farms are for animals and crops07:08
SquirmHey Kilos07:27
charlgood morning08:27
charlMaaz: coffee on08:27
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:27
charlhi ThatGraemeGuy, theblazehen, Kilos 08:27
Kiloshi charl 08:27
KilosMaaz: coffee please08:28
MaazKilos: Yessir08:28
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:31
charlMaaz: danke08:37
Kiloshmm... xchat restart needed10:06
Kilosrats also have rights10:08
Kilosthey have the right to eat as much of my poisons as they like10:08
Kilossoo pretty http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2014-12-12_12_39_54-sBcJwe7h.png10:44
Kiloswill try get the background to kde too10:49
charlnice background Kilos- 11:25
charlis that gnome3 ?11:25
Kilos-its one in elementaryos11:30
Kilos-very pretty11:30
Kilos-elementary is fast11:30
charlelementary dear whatson ... :D11:30
Kilos-just had a major lunc11:30
Kilos-1/2 kg boerewors11:30
Kilos-mouth still watering for more11:31
charlraw wors ... yuck11:31
charlno man cook it first like a human11:31
Kilos-im an animal11:32
Kilos-love raw meat11:32
Kilos-you one of those that does it welllll done11:32
charlyes !11:32
Kilos-ai! shame11:32
charlwell i only eat one type of meat really and that's doner11:32
charlwell roasted on a spit like doner shoul be11:33
charlyes doner kebab11:33
Kilos-i love red meat\11:33
Kilos-can live on raw mince11:33
Kilos-thats why im stronger11:34
charlisn't it dangerous ? worms and stuff11:34
charlif the meat is from good source and well kept it *can* be eaten raw but cooking kills most parasites11:34
charlthe french eat some crazy stuff like raw meat and the germans make blood sausage but i don't touch either11:35
Kilos-comes from good butchery with their own feed lots11:35
charli don't even eat any product of a pig if i can help it11:35
Kilos-steak tartar11:36
Kilos-i dont like pig11:36
Kilos-bacon and ham ok11:36
Kilos-thewn the pig smoked outa it11:36
Kilos-you cant be O blood type hey11:37
charlno idea what blood type i am11:37
Kilos-O bloods are the original peeps that didnt have fire yet so ate everything raw11:37
charlraw plants are good, i like those11:38
charli try to eat as much fresh as i can and only cook the essentials11:38
Kilos-good fresh is better11:38
charli eat a lot of spinach and rucola raw11:38
charland of course much of fruits and nuts11:39
charli would never eat any type of meat raw though, even raw fish like in sushi i only eat on occasion11:39
charli do eat a lot of hemp products like powder and seeds, very good stuff those for me11:39
Kilos-sushi be lekker11:39
charlbut yeah everyone is different11:39
Kilos-and that wasabe stuff they serve with it11:39
charli just don't like the fishy taste in it11:39
charlyes wasabe is awesome11:40
charli love wasabe, ginger, mustard, chilli, cayenne or anything spicy11:40
charlmaking ginger tea right now in fact11:40
Kilos-if i remember right you can cure ulcers with cayenne11:41
charlcayenne is good for blood flow11:42
charlhelps to repair the vascular system11:42
charland is delicious too of course11:42
charlthat and chilli are also very anti-bacterial11:42
charlnature's natural antibiotics11:42
Kilos-do you okes have za shops there?11:43
charlsouth african shops? no idea11:43
charlnever seen or heard of one though, but never looked either11:44
Kilos-there is a tinned curry veg made by golddish that is very lekker11:44
Kilos-aus has lotsa sa shops11:44
charlyou can buy some south african seasoning from knorr though11:44
charlknorr is a german company but they have things like boboti11:45
charlbobotie is delicious11:46
Kilos-i cant remember11:46
Kilos-must have eaten it at some time11:46
charlit's yummy i can recommend it11:47
charland i'm a picky eater so... :D11:47
charles ist sehr lecker !11:48
Kilos-it was a family get together meal when granny was alive still11:48
nuvolario/ oh hi11:51
Kilos-hi nuvolari 11:51
Kilos-moenie vergeet die meet dinsdag aand ne11:51
charlhi nuvolari 11:53
* Kilos- moves to next flavour of the day13:06
Kiloshmm... 13:27
charlfriday !!15:16
charlthey're all drunk15:16
Kiloshehe hiya charl 17:37
charlgood evening :)17:37
Kilosbeen a very quiet day17:37
charlyeah friday...17:43
Kilosevening ThatGraemeGuy drussell 18:34
Kilosinetpro: testimonial18:37
Kilosyou wanna do one too superfly 18:37
superflyKilos: I'll do that18:39
Kilosty superfly 18:39
Kilosi dont know what more we can do18:42
drussellKilos: yo! Happy Friday :o)18:47
Kilosdrussell: we up for re-verification again18:57
Kilosask then to only do it with young teams18:57
Kilosthis one takes us over 10 years\18:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:33

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