
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
hatchwell after about 4 hours of docs and testing I have given in and posted my haproxy question to serverfault :)22:56
hatchrick_h_: do you have any preference for a good point and shoot for traveling?23:04
hatchgona be an xmas gift23:04
rick_h_hatch love thge sony rx100 line23:05
rick_h_its what i have my wife using23:05
hatchcan it be whiped out and take a picture faily quick?23:05
hatchor does it have to 'expand' 23:06
hatchthat one does have very high reviews though23:06
hatchmaybe more than I want to spend though23:06
rick_h_yea great but pricey. go back to the 2 or erven 1 to save a little bit23:07
hatchthey make a model for everything23:08
hatchpretty much in $50 incrememtns23:08
hatchtoo much choice!23:08
hatchthere has to be an economic lesson here somewher23:09
rick_h_the olympus pen cameras are supposed to be good too23:10
hatchsony cameras still require a 'special' usb cable?23:10
rick_h_my sony is just microusb i thought23:11
rick_h_so the rx i own and like. if anything else i'd go oly epl line23:12
hatchyeah I'm thinking $300 would be max23:12
hatchit'll probably only ever get used a few times a year23:12
hatchcell phones are too convenient :)23:13
rick_h_heh yea23:13
hatchsomehow the $300 sony gets 20x optical where the $800 one gets 2.9x23:14
hatchone of them is lying23:14
rick_h_heh well more than zoom in there23:16
hatchno website allows you to filter by 'gps' feature23:17
rick_h_http://www.dpreview.com is a good review site23:19
rick_h_tghough 300 is going to hit mostly the low end markets. 23:20
hatchit seems the ones I want are all around that $400 mark heh damn23:20
rick_h_who's it for?23:20
hatchthe mrs23:21
jrwrenhatch: the camera in the iphone6 is nice. :p23:21
hatchlol we aren't taking our phones on our trip23:21
rick_h_i've got an extra rx100 but no box and csuch23:21
rick_h_wife forgot it when we went to va23:21
rick_h_so bought the v2 while in va23:22
jrwren*mind blown*23:22
hatchyeah this cybersex one looks good23:22
hatchall the sony cybersex ones are nice23:22
hatchahh the reviews on these ones look good 23:23
hatchdoes panos23:23
rick_h_well let me know. i can ship it up and you can check it out if you want23:23
hatchno GPS unfortunately23:23
hatchthanks but I don't want to worry about it23:23
hatchI'd rather have my own stuff wrecked/stolen23:23
rick_h_if you ndon't like bring it in jan to sprint23:24
rick_h_just sitting in a drawer since last fall23:24
hatchthat thing is like $500 :) I'll definitely get stolen 23:24
hatchI'm not that lucky23:24
rick_h_but yea all good23:24
rick_h_heh i'm not worried. it's my fancy camera i worry about23:25
rick_h_offer stands, will trade camera for sprint dinner :)23:26
hatchthat might work on the new-guy but not this-guy :P23:26
hatchhmm can you still search flikr by camera?23:28
hatchah there it23:28
hatchheh rx100 is popular23:28
rick_h_i've done some search by lens feature23:29
hatchyeah this tx30 seems to get decent reviews and would probably be good for my activities as well ;)23:35
hatch(actually cheape rlocally than on amazon)23:37
hatchhmm the dp review of this camera isn't so good23:49

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