
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest18674
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
redarsikaвсем привет04:11
redarsikaесть кто знает русский04:11
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
Beginneri'm trying to kubuntu from a bootable pen but it never starts10:04
Beginneri'm trying to run kubuntu from a bootable pen but it never starts10:06
Beginneri click on "try kubuntu" and that's all10:06
Beginnerit never starts10:06
Beginnercan anyone help me?10:07
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
andy123Beginner: what happens?11:27
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest5618
BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:52
BluesKaj_Hi Fernando___14:10
Fernando___hi BluesKaj_14:10
Fernando___I have a problem with plasma/dolphin14:10
Fernando___can you help me?14:10
BluesKaj_Fernando___, state your issue, and we'll try to help14:11
Fernando___sometimes Plasma crashes when I move a file to another directory14:13
Fernando___also and when I move a file to trash14:13
BluesKaj_plasma 4 or 5?14:13
Fernando___I'm using kubuntu 14.0414:14
BluesKaj_ok, have you updated and upgraded lately?14:14
Fernando___yes, about once a week, but this problem occurs since I installed kubuntu14:14
Fernando___maybe 3 or 4 months ago14:15
Fernando___no update fixed it,14:15
Fernando___the worst thing is that I do the same thing several times and sometimes it crashes14:16
Fernando___sometimes it don't14:16
BluesKaj_did you install kubuntu directly or did you add kde after installing ubuntu first?14:16
Fernando___it's a fresh install14:17
Fernando___I installed it, and after that I copied my docs,music, pictures, etc from my backup14:17
BluesKaj_Fernando___, oh then you added your old /homre/user directory which contains config files for some apps and desktop I reckon14:19
BluesKaj_Fernando___, or did you just add the old folders from the /home/user dir?14:21
Fernando___BluesKaj_: not exactly. when I installed kubuntu, I made new partitions for "/" and "/home"14:22
Fernando___after the installation was finished, I copied my files from another hard disk14:22
BluesKaj_Fernando___, ok that's wise, but which files did you copy?14:23
Fernando___the hdd where kubuntu is installed was formatted before14:23
Fernando___BluesKaj_: BluesKaj_, I just copied my old ".mozilla" and ".thunderbird" folders to my home, and some non-sysytem files, like music to my Music folder , documents to my Documents folder, etc.14:26
Fernando___I used Linux Mint with Mate previously, but no old configuration or system files remains14:27
BluesKaj_Fernando___, if there were no dot files/hidden files or links from the old install besides mozilla and thunderbird, which shouldn't be causing plasma problems . then I have no idea what it could be,14:37
Fernando___BluesKaj_: ok, I even reported the crash when I had the 1st crash, back in may or june. no solution yet :(  , I also spent lots of time googling with no solution.14:42
Fernando___I hoped it was a common failure, but I saw some reports like this in kde.org , and all of them are still open14:43
Fernando___BluesKaj_: thank you anyway14:44
BluesKaj_Fernando___, do you have the kubuntu backports enabled in your soures.list . I was wondering if your kde version may be out of date14:44
BluesKaj_err sources.list14:46
=== matt_ is now known as Guest58952
Fernando___BluesKaj_: yes, I have backports enabled as I can see it in Muon, where is sources.list ?14:54
BluesKaj_Fernando___, /etc/apt/sources.list in krunner/run command14:57
BluesKaj_Fernando___, muon looks at the sources'list for it's sources, they are supposed to be the same14:59
BluesKaj_errr sources.list15:00
BluesKaj_and have you run sudo ap-get dist-upgrade after doing a regular upgrade, lately?15:01
BluesKaj_correction : sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:02
Fernando___Ok, wait a minute pls15:03
Fernando___BluesKaj_: yes, they are enabled!15:06
Fernando___but I didn't upgraded to 14.10, I still having 14.0415:07
BluesKaj_dist-upgrade upgrades your desktop and realted files, not the OS15:08
Fernando___BluesKaj_: oh, ok! I will try it15:09
Fernando___thank you15:09
BluesKaj_do-release-upgrade upgrades the sytem to the next OS release15:09
Fernando___I ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade but no packets were added15:12
Fernando___BluesKaj_: thank you for your help, I must go now15:13
Fernando___I will come back here later or maybe tomorrow15:14
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=== brokep_ is now known as mlvmhn
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
Akela_hi, could anyone tell me why PTP/MTP is not working anymore with S4 ? i end up with "could not claim device"17:09
=== nadpatfat is now known as foormea
foormeahi. i've got a problem with kubuntu's network manager. i'm currently connected to a wifi network. i wanna configure a manual wired connection, so i create one. after i've created, it's not showing in the list of available connection19:00
foormeai'm just really confused, how to get my wired network up via the network manager?19:00
tlotrIs you ethernet cable connected to the LAN port on your system?19:01
foormeabut that shouldn't stop network manager to connect to it anyway...19:01
tlotrOnce you open manage connections do you see Wired Connection 119:01
foormeayeah or whichever connection i've created19:02
tlotrSo does it show connected over there19:02
tlotrwhat about ifconfig19:03
tlotrDoes ifconfig shows eth0?19:03
foormeainterface not up19:03
foormeawell, up but not configured19:03
tlotrThen it's not connected properly19:03
foormeano shit19:04
foormeadid you understand my question?19:04
foormeaknetworkmanager is not showing wired connections in the list of available connections to connect to19:04
tlotrYou eth0 is not getting an IP address through DHCP?19:04
foormeaon 2 different laptops19:04
foormeanothing to do with dhcp19:05
tlotrSo no wired connections are showing up19:05
tlotrIs the lan port enabled through BIOS?19:06
foormea... if the interface exists and is up, then obviously, yes19:06
tlotrwhat about ifconfig command19:06
foormeathe answer's not gonna change from 2mn ago19:06
foormeathe interface is up but not configured19:07
tlotrYou wired connection should show as eth0 in ifconfig19:07
foormeai could configure it manually19:07
foormeabut that won't make knetworkmanager work like it should19:07
tlotrI am not really getting what exactly the problem is19:07
foormeathe problem is: knetworkmanager is not showing anything else than wifi networks in "available connections"19:08
foormeaand knetworkmanager is not letting me bring up any wired connection19:08
tlotrI don't really use Wireless so I don't really know. I use a wired connection and for me in Network Manager > under Wired > it shows Wired Connection 1 and shows the status as connected19:09
foormeaok, got it to work19:09
foormeastupid knetworkmanager will only let me connect to a wired connection if there's a cable plugged to another running equipment19:10
foormeabut anyway19:10
tlotrYes that is correct19:10
tlotrUnless and untill the lan port recieves the connection it doesn't get activated19:10
tlotrI thought your wired was connected to a router or something19:11
foormeano, i'm installing a pcengines alix and i'm configuring a local pxe boot to install debian on it19:11
reborn7_hey there?21:53
mhajii210hi guys. i was wondering if there is a way to turn off numlock led and Mode F led on my usb logitech media keyboard after Kubuntu shuts down.22:13
dfzxhhow stable is the plama 5 tech preview these days?22:19
soee_dfzxh: not sure about tech preview but in 15.04 it works perfect for me :)22:24
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest83778
dfzxhsoee_: i see, thank you22:29
keithzg_For me it's perfectly stable in 14.10 as long as I restart sddm upon boot, heh22:32
keithzg_I also just finally got around to reporting my one other "major" issue with it, which is https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341858 (purely cosmetic)22:34
ubottuKDE bug 341858 in Look & Feel package "Bad sizing of text and some icons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:34
soee_well sddm is a big problem atm22:41
soee_but you can switch to lightdm and no issue :)22:41
keithzg_No issue, they say :P22:47
keithzg_Got nothing but a blank screen when I tried that. Had to switch back to SDDM to have it work at all22:48
keithzg_But yeah, SDDM is definitely a bit wonky at the moment.22:54
smaudethello, would anyone be willing to help me with wifi drivers? I keep on pulling updates and every single time it knocks out my wifi drivers. I think its a bunch of problems to do with kernel, hard drive space, old wifi drivers, and something being done wrong (perhaps) with the repos.23:10
=== alket_ is now known as alket
smaudetdid anyone see what I sent?23:20
smaudetseems like I'm also facing some connectivity issues23:20
smaudetreposting as I'm not sure it sent:23:31
smaudethello, would anyone be willing to help me with wifi drivers? I keep on pulling updates and every single time it knocks out my wifi drivers. I think its a bunch of problems to do with kernel, hard drive space, old wifi drivers, and something being done wrong (perhaps) with the repos.23:31
smaudetThere may be something that could be patched and added back to kubuntu too, because it seems every device I load kubuntu on lately can't recognize the wifi drivers. Fedora works fine, so someone is doing something wrong (and its not me)23:31
smaudetkubuntu 12.04 (I'm scared to upgrade, I don't think anything will work if I do), 64 bit, using b43 drivers23:31

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