
slangasekbdmurray: done00:15
slangasekinfinity, bdmurray: so rbasak asked for input on bug #1396210; I'm on the fence about it and looking for second opinions00:16
ubot2bug 1396210 in mysql-5.6 (Ubuntu) "Backporting the mysql_no_login plugin to 5.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139621000:16
slangasekthe change itself seems reasonably low00:16
slangasekand mysql has an MRE already, so in theory as long as it's tested it shouldn't really cause problems with our existing SRU policy00:16
* infinity looks.00:16
infinityslangasek: I'm +1 for backporting, building, and packaging.  As noted, it still needs to be explicitly enabled and leveraged by the DBA.00:19
slangasekinfinity: ok.  Can you put a comment to that effect on the bug?00:19
infinityslangasek: And if RH is cool with it too, we're not on the hook as the only distro supporting it.00:19
* infinity does some copy/waste.00:20
bdmurrayslangasek: thanks00:20
infinityslangasek: Honestly, I'm just so happy with the good faith effort here on upstream's part when it comes to sticking to their policy and asking the distros before breaking it, that I'm willing to give them some leeway on backporting a useful but inert-by-default feature.00:23
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