
* ochosi stabs Unit193 03:09
bluesabreso much love there03:09
* ochosi just loves stabbing people back03:09
Unit193What'd I get stabbed for?03:09
ochosigeneral purposes03:10
ochosithat, plus something else03:10
bluesabreInterested in being added to ~xubuntu-dev?03:11
* bluesabre doesn't know how to beat around the bush03:12
ochosiUnit193: yeah, i guess bluesabre is right. this ^ is it. boom.03:12
bluesabreThat was easy.03:13
ochosigood. let's go for it then03:13
ochosibluesabre: you doin' the honors?03:13
bluesabreochosi: so, I just need to add him and mail the ML?03:13
bluesabrewill do so now03:14
Unit193Thanks, folks.03:14
ochosiUnit193: welcome aboard! :) so i expect from 15.10 onwards you'll directly update the plymouth text-theme ;p03:15
bluesabrethank you, you've been doing a lot of heavy lifting lately, so we thought we'd let you do a bit more :)03:15
drcNo good deed goes unpunished03:15
ochosisee, that even brought the lurkers out03:15
ochosiUnit193: no, seriously, you've been a great help!03:16
skellatI'm not lurking...it is just that every time I show up for a community governance "Google Hangout" I wind up with even more workitems on another blueprint03:17
Unit193ochosi: Thanks, and yeah that does give me access! :D03:18
ochosiUnit193: guess i could've left that one for you for 15.04 as well..03:22
Unit193Well, except I don't know how to do the other part yet. :P03:23
bluesabrewhich part of what?03:23
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
Unit193ochosi: So, new xfwm4 right?  Doesn't seem to try and cover all blank desktop space first like older versions did.  Open four terminals and used to be they'd be in seperate places on the screen.  Now it opens two in different places, then loops back to where #1 started.21:56
ali1234it opens everything in the middle of the screen for me22:37

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