
=== Waffl3x_ is now known as Waffl3x
Waffl3xap0c: disaster!00:20
ap0cWaffl3x: What?00:29
ap0cWaffl3x: Disaster?00:29
Waffl3xap0c: my moniter (tv) is giving me weird options00:37
Waffl3xon linux that is00:37
ap0cscreenshot - upload to imgur?00:42
ap0cif you press print scrn KSnapshot takes a pic and pops up normally in kubuntu00:42
Waffl3xwill do00:42
Waffl3xits being stupid00:47
Waffl3xhttp://imgur.com/vSBIiEC ap0c00:48
Waffl3xap0c: http://imgur.com/IKgXpa4,QM1e7tL00:50
ap0cWaffl3x: Looks like HDTV resolutions for 1080i and 480i if your TV uses those00:51
ap0cscreen resolutions00:53
ap0cwhat about them?  what's the weird option00:53
Waffl3xno 60hz00:53
Waffl3xthe tv supports 60hz00:53
Waffl3xap0c: what do you think?00:56
ap0cI really don't know , maybe google or a forum post would help ^00:56
ap0cI am just using a laptop / default laptop monitor right now00:56
smaudetnobody willing to help?02:36
ap0csmaudet, why are you scared to upgrade to 14.04 LTS?02:50
smaudetap0c: because I think the drivers will all blow up02:51
smaudetthis is an older machine circa 2009/10, I don't think the package maintainers have a good understanding of this hardware02:51
smaudetsince as I said nearly everytime I update it tries to install the wrong wifi drivers02:52
smaudetMy guess is that if I update it will install those wrong wifi drivers, and my ethernet (which is currently not working) will also be unavailable02:52
smaudetthat basically makes it junk for me.02:52
smaudetand its not fun to sideload wifi drivers on a 'clean' system that has no build stuff installed02:53
smaudetits a nightmare, actually, I've done it once and it took me half a day02:53
ap0cyou do know that drivers are all handled by the kernel?02:53
smaudetAnd that's part of the problem, I don't think my drivers are compatible with the newer kernels02:53
smaudetI'm on 3.202:53
smaudetlast lts I check is on 3.1702:54
ap0cI'm on 3.13.0-40-generic on 14.04.1 LTS02:54
smaudet14.04.3 I think is what I checked02:54
smaudetjust ran an install on a newer machine I just built02:54
smaudetbut no way I'm installing 14.04.x on here02:55
smaudettoo new and I'm 100% it will just break02:55
smaudetrather if I could figure out my problem, maybe I have a chance at using 14.0402:55
smaudetbut for now that chance is zero02:55
smaudetso I'd appreciate help02:55
ap0cyou could always try a live image on a USB or CD to see if it's compatible with your hardware02:56
ap0cI have a laptop from 2010 and it works fine02:56
smaudetyeah, but the wifi?02:56
smaudetwhat chipset do you have02:56
smaudetI've got b4302:56
smaudetI mean I expect the usb/keyboard/mouse and vga will still work, but I've got no chance in hell that the network will work at all for 14.0402:58
smaudetspecifically I have BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller02:58
ap0chow do I find out what chipset I'm using?03:01
ap0cit worked out of the box for me and I never checked03:01
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codencrazyCan you change the ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v copy/paste in Konsole to be ctrl-c and ctrl-v?04:39
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JohnFromGrahamjust switched from xubuntu.  how in kde do i add a launcher for firefox and dolphin? THANKS05:52
JohnFromGrahamas in bottom toolbar launcher.05:52
archetechtry dragin it  like osx  ?05:54
JohnFromGrahamyes will work but pins as big icon and a launcher keeps it small i think05:55
archetechad widgets>app launcher05:59
JohnFromGraham"quick launch" add got it :)06:04
Bomberhey, what good tools are there for editing word documents? I've tried libreoffice and kingsoft. libre gives some formatting issues and kingsoft is having encoding issues.08:16
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nesciusI am trying to connect my bluetooth headset with kubuntu 14.10, it pairs alright, but never finishes actually connecting to the headphones, is there something I need to do prior this? like allow something on pulseaudio side?13:00
BluesKaj_Howdy folks13:02
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dmoyneHello! Qui peut me dire comment faire pour être ENFIN en AZERTY au moment du logging d'ouverture de session kde14:22
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krytarik!fr | dmoyne14:23
ubottudmoyne: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:23
dmoyneok no problems I need help to solve the recurent bug about the keyboard setting prior opening a kde session with AZERTY setting14:26
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JunkHunkhello I am trying to install this on kubuntu: http://algorithmicbotany.org/virtual_laboratory/linuxinstall.php14:46
JunkHunkbut when I follow the readme steps and finally test installation with this command, I get an error: http://algorithmicbotany.org/virtual_laboratory/linuxinstall.php14:46
JunkHunkhang on I ll post the readme14:47
JunkHunkoh mybad14:51
JunkHunkRequired installed software: g++, make, Qt414:51
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JunkHunkhello again15:04
JunkHunkI installed g++ but the error persists15:04
JunkHunk$ vlab-splash15:05
JunkHunkvlab-splash: error while loading shared libraries: libQt3Support.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:05
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JunkHunkthe file is located here: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt3Support.so.415:10
JunkHunkI need to make the program find it15:11
JunkHunkwhen I first run the setup I got this error: ./bin/setup.sh: 169: ./bin/setup.sh: preproc.sh: not found15:19
JunkHunk/bin/ln: fail to create symbolic link «/home/ivan/vlab-4.0/bin/awkped»: the file already exists15:19
JunkHunkERROR: Failed to sym-link awkped.15:19
JunkHunkhow do I symlink awkped????15:21
JunkHunkwell I did this: $ sudo ln -sv /usr/local/vlab-4.4.0/bin/awkped ~/vlab-4.0/bin/awkped15:30
JunkHunkbut...it told me the file already exists, I deleted it and run it again but...I still cant run the application15:31
JunkHunkany ideas?15:31
JunkHunkthis program really rocks15:31
JunkHunkif any of you like modelling...the ipad program is the best tree modelling software I ve ever found15:32
JunkHunkI bet the linux version is worth it too15:33
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JunkHunkwhere can I manage startup applications?19:36
devinJunkHunk: Menu> System Settings > Startup & Shutdown19:40
devinFrom there you llikely want "Service Manager"19:40
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JunkHunkdevin and why I cant find there skype?19:43
JunkHunkdevin it always start at login19:43
SlanderUn momento amigo.19:44
SlanderWhile I'm here, does anyone know of a way to move an open application between Activites?19:45
JunkHunkif only I knew what activities are for19:49
SlanderThey are like differnt desktops, you can have different widgets and programs open.19:50
JunkHunkyou named it I already have multiple desktops I dont need activities19:50
JunkHunkit looks twisty to me19:52
krytarikSlander: See here: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=9842919:53
SlanderJunkHunk: I'm installing Skype, I needed to anyway.19:54
JunkHunkwell..I think I see the point of activities..19:55
JunkHunka kind of keeping applications bound to desktops...perhaps?19:56
SlanderI felt the same way at first. But then I made a "System Managemet" activity with terminals and system info widgets.19:56
JunkHunkoh wise..19:56
JunkHunkso now I am the user...now the administrator19:57
JunkHunkneat idea in this madness19:57
SlanderxD I'm new to KDE aswell. Theres a lot going on.19:58
citizenjust saying hi...20:00
JunkHunkI think I ll try to get that activity for my kubuntu20:01
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Slanderbrb gotta restrt20:10
SlanderJunkHunk: The only thing I'm seeing is the "check for updates at startup" option in the skype menu.20:31
JunkHunkin my kubuntu it is the first window I see20:33
JunkHunkit always startup at login20:33
SlanderJust a sec, I've gotta send some emails and I'll restart gain.20:35
JunkHunkin the system settings spot you pointed out...I can see dropbox under autostart but not skype20:37
krytarikJunkHunk: Maybe it's this, then: http://askubuntu.com/a/46128120:38
SlanderAh, right. KDE remembers what is open.20:39
JunkHunkkrytarik,  you nailed man!20:40
* Slander high 5s20:40
JunkHunk 1 down vote20:41
JunkHunkIn Kubuntu 14.04, the problem was solved by going to Startup and Shutdown, then Session Management and checking Start with an empty session and Apply.20:41
SlanderI'd totally check that too, if my wireless card didn't suck so hard.20:43
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SlanderHas anyone ever played 0 AD?20:45
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josuedhgI'm looking for C linux user projects20:56
josuedhgdoes somebody knows something about it?20:57
SlanderI can't believe I nearly paid for a windows program that does less than Kontact.21:01
josuedhgwhy would you have to pay it?21:05
SlanderIt's a commercial software21:06
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Josh^does anyone else have issues of Chromium freezing the whole system?21:40
Josh^it keeps happening to me and I have to click ctrl+alt+F3 to get to a console screen and then ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to my desktop21:40
Josh^that fixes it every time but it's rather annoying21:41
soeenope, but Chromium sometimes stops to respond for me, have to minimize it and maximize that it works again21:43
soeebut im on plasma 5, so this might be also related to not full activities support or somethinf21:43
SlanderIt does the same to me on Plasma 4, soee21:50
parsnipWhat type of terminal is Konsole? Is it xterm or... ?21:54
larsiviyesterday I updated my 14.04 for the first time in a little while on my dell xps 13 dev edition (the original one) and now the touchpad is pretty much unusable22:12
larsivianyone seen something similar?22:12
larsivithe touchpad settings seems to confirm that there is something with the config (a conflict or whatever), but I wasn't able to actually see any obvious differences22:13
larsivifor example it appears that it triggers scrolling when it shouldn't (one finger)22:15
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