
LinDolhi all02:21
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
wfioHas anyone experienced Ubuntu Software center font completely washing out and no longer visible in Ubuntu Gnome (14.10)?Just did a fresh install and I can no longer see the font in the Software Center -- it's really annoying05:53
darkxstwfio, yes its probably an issue with the GNOME theme05:54
wfioOh you think so? I had to turn on high-control in Accessibility just to be able to see it05:55
wfioBlowing my eyes out now ha05:55
wfioI didn't have this problem when I did Ubuntu and then installed Gnome overtop of it -- but I decided to try a straight up Ubuntu Gnome install and it went wozzy05:56
wfioAny recommendations?05:57
darkxstwfio, we are probably dumping USC this cycle ;)06:00
wfioWhat's that?06:03
wfioSorry I'm new to this world06:03
darkxstUbuntu Software Center06:03
darkxstno, http://imgur.com/B8mj9Lb06:03
darkxstthen we will eventually switch to gnome software but that might be a couple of cycles away06:03
wfioHow long is a cycle?06:04
darkxst6 months06:04
wfioi love the gnome vibe06:05
x00eHello ppl20:18
x00equick question: is there any way i can display in message tray other info besides notifications? I`m thinking about some ls-sensors output and stuff like that. maybe some cup info, etc.20:20
eliaspsHi x00e20:20
eliaspsI believe that you would have to tweak this extension to do that: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/9/systemmonitor/ but this requires coding skills20:21
eliaspsThere is also this, which is awesome, but it is for the panel, not the message tray area: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/120/system-monitor/20:22
x00etried both of them :)20:23
x00esystem-monitor looks nice, but I cant figure how I can display more than one temp / fan RPM20:24
x00ealso, it would have been nice something more un-intrusive. hence the message tray. quick enough to be shown with a key shortcut, but otherwise not getting in the way20:25
x00ewell .. thanks anyway :)(20:26
eliaspsI could tweak the code of the one on the message tray to check how is it possible to display other stuff too, but I cannot do that immediately.20:27
eliaspsI mean I need time.20:27
x00eneah, that`s ok :)20:28
x00ei don't want to give you stuff to do20:28
x00ei was just asking around, just in case20:28
eliaspsNah, it's no problem, I'm interested into it after all. Stick around a couple more days on the channel. When I'm on my computer I'm also on IRC, so I'll let you know if I have any news on the extension20:31
x00ewill do :)20:31

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