[01:21] daftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (victorvectors) [01:21] victorvectors called the ops in #ubuntu (daftykins isn't an op why is he on a power trip) [01:22] victorvectors aka cholby is in #ubuntu being stupid [01:23] and nvm someone got him [03:03] In ubottu, Zebra111 said: this is a test [03:21] daftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (choki) [03:28] handled ^ [04:01] can you do something about this troll sunni? [09:20] cat .xchat2/xchatlogs/Freenode-#ubuntu.log | grep "Dec 1[3-4] 2014" | grep copec | grep "Excess Flood" | wc -l [09:20] 108 [10:39] In ubottu, ximing__ said: newbie to irc, is registering means that I should got a account and password some where? or even my email account is needed? [14:14] hello, some spammer in #ubuntu [14:15] huerte~picassoo@ [15:01] he is gone now [22:07] Ben64 called the ops in #ubuntu ()