
Noskcajbluesabre, Can we sync xfce4-notes-plugin?01:57
ochosiUnit193: this is what happens here when opening 4 terms consecutively: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-12-14-040343.php03:04
Unit193Heh, weird terminals. :P03:04
Unit193But yeah, that's what's supposed to.  Mine all just follow the first two now. :P03:04
ochosiwell not sure what's up with that03:05
ochosiyou're sure it's related to corner tiling?03:05
ochosilike, could you post a before/after of opening 4 terms?03:06
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ochosimorning everyone10:55
ochosibluesabre: gah, i guess we have to fix xdg-screensaver. for resuming the screensaver it runs "xset s default > /dev/null" instead of restoring the previous value, so we always end up with "600" afterwards (that's the bug elfy discovered)11:11
bluesabregood morning everyone11:48
knomehello bluesabre 11:49
bluesabrehey knome11:49
ochosimorning guys11:50
knomehye ochosi 11:50
ochosi(and gals, in case there are any lurking)11:50
knomebtw, https://www.fsf.org/news/fsf-commences-review-of-high-priority-free-software-projects-list-your-input-is-needed11:51
Unit193Aka, "the dead list"?11:51
knomeeh :P11:51
elfymorning all 11:51
knomehey Unit193, elfy 11:51
ochosiweird, bluesabre says "morning" and suddenly everyone pops up...11:52
* ochosi is wondering what he did wrong11:52
Unit193ochosi: At least I read it.11:52
bluesabremust mean I have a todo list11:52
knomeochosi, maybe your morning was too early ;)11:54
ochosibluesabre: i'm not sure what to do about xdg-screensaver btw, i mean yeah, we could patch it to get the current value and save it to a temp file or something, but it's gonna be ugly and might introduce depends on stuff like sed11:54
bluesabreits because it wasn't a "good" morning11:54
ochosicrap, yeah, now i see it :)11:55
bluesabreochosi: yeah, that's going to be the way to go11:55
ochosiwell thanks for teaching me a lesson11:55
ochosihow many media-players really use xdg-screensaver?11:55
bluesabrejust drop a xdg-screensaver.tmp in ~/.cache11:56
ochosiyeah, prolly11:56
elfyochosi: lol 11:56
Unit193bluesabre: This isn't a good morning either, he was more accurate.11:57
knomebeing too accurate often doesn't get you any friends11:57
bluesabreUnit193: I was trying to help folks forget about the pains of this morning11:57
ochosirrrrright, bluesabre, savior of the pain-ridden11:58
* ochosi totally buys it11:58
elfyochosi: needs to set up xubuntu-softy for bluesabre 11:59
knomewell there has to be people with pain since ochosi uses the whip so often11:59
bluesabreI think its probably safe to remove the xfce-4.6 migration code from the notes-plugin now, eh?11:59
ochosielfy: huhu12:00
bluesabrewe've had two LTSs since it was added12:00
ochosiwow, that really is still there?12:00
knomei'd join -softy with bluesabre 12:00
ochosibluesabre: yeah, drop it12:00
knomeit's so great to have a person with upload rights to our own packages who is available often... thanks bluesabre!12:01
Unit193I can't join -softy.12:01
ochosierr, i meant: knome: +10012:02
ochosielfy: btw, i fixed that window shading bug with intelligent hiding12:08
bluesabreochosi: nice, what did you end up doing to fix it?12:09
elfycool - I still haven't seen that here though12:09
elfybluesabre: I sent him my desktop :D12:09
ochosielfy: it's attached to the bugreport you submitted upstream for review12:10
ochosibluesabre: used libwnck to query the active window's state, and if shaded, added an xlib call to check the size of the window frame12:10
ochosiyeah, i'm surprised it works :p12:11
ochosithat XGetWindowProperty call still looks like black magic to me tbh12:11
knomewhat was it about libwnck ofourdan said?12:12
ochosihe doesn't want it as a (optional) depend for xfwm412:13
knomebut panel is ok?12:13
ochosiwhich is understandable though12:13
elfyochosi: sorry - confused - was sonfusing shading/rolling up with your thing that you see12:13
knomeokay, good12:13
ochosielfy: you mean with the corner tiling bug?12:13
ochosioh wow, spooky...12:13
elfyI'm on song now :D12:13
ochosithe very moment i mentioned "corner tiling" in here, i received an email by cedric about it12:14
elfyha ha ha 12:14
elfyochosi: as soon as the fix arrives here I'll check it out :)12:15
ochosiyeah, i know it works, but i want olivier to review it12:18
ochosihe seems to one with the most profound X knowledge12:18
ochosibluesabre: what do you have on your menu today? anything i should join in?12:19
bluesabreochosi, syncing the notes plugin, then something for a bit (not sure yet), and heading back to Louisville for more hunting today12:20
ochosiah righty12:20
bluesabrewe think we finally found a place we like, going to hopefully make a decision today12:20
ochosistill the apartment12:20
* ochosi knocks on wood12:20
ochosiso the "something" could be greeter or whatever i guess?12:21
ochosisaw you did some merges there btw, thanks a bunch12:21
Unit193Guess I need to sub xnox to the merge.12:22
bluesabreUnit193: which merge?12:22
ochosii was wondering why you didn't ask for his review too12:22
bluesabreochosi: yeah, probably12:22
ochosiubiquity panel12:22
bluesabrethink I was tagged on that12:22
elfybluesabre: what's going on with the black screen at try/install business ? 12:22
* elfy has missed what's been going on there12:23
bluesabreelfy: I think we're going to stop using xfdesktop and switch to feh to fix that issue at try/install12:23
Unit193elfy: http://paste.openstack.org/show/EMBITDOrfqns9GAt4E0v/ would technically fix it. :P12:23
bluesabreor that12:23
elfyUnit193: thanks .... 12:23
elfybluesabre: thanks for a reply that makes sense to me :D12:24
Unit193bluesabre: Well, we'd actually either start using feh or start using xfdesktop. :P12:24
ochosiyup, what he said ^12:24
bluesabreNoskcaj: Synced the notes plugin12:31
ochosibtw, if you're not gonna need i might try myself some cairo+xlib drawing (trying to replace that oldschool frame xfwm4 draws when moving/resizing windows with something more appealing)12:33
ochosibut i can also look into the greeter stuff with you, if that's what you wanna look at next12:33
bluesabreno need, I should be able to handle the merges12:35
ochosiok cool12:35
ochosibluesabre: btw, s/easy-in-out/ease-in-out/13:16
ochosiwe should rename that before merging ;)13:17
brainwashali1234: can you explain this glitch http://media.cdn.ubuntu-de.org/forum/attachments/20/49/7202928-out-4.ogx ?14:11
brainwashit's supposed to be Xubuntu14:11
ochosijust tell the guy/gal to disable showing the window content on resizing ;)14:13
brainwashtoo easy14:15
brainwashbut I'll suggest it14:15
brainwashit looks like a libreoffice/driver specific problem14:16
ochosifrom my pov it could be anything from the graphics driver not doing the redraws or LO itself14:16
ochosiso there's not that much you can do about that if it's that14:16
brainwashindeed, but maybe ali1234 knows something about this :)14:17
ali1234i would guess that wiwndow is not supposed to be resized14:32
ali1234so it does not handle the resize event14:33
ali1234and doesn't redraw itself if it happens14:33
brainwashali1234: something like resizing a window beyond its max size?14:34
brainwashthe max size of the content I mean14:35
brainwashochosi, ali1234: problem solved by installing libreoffice-gtk15:21
drcpleia2: Again, http://netrunner-mag.com/best-xfce-distro-of-2014/15:46
pleia2drc: nice, thanks17:59
drcyou still want them here if/when I see them?18:00
pleia2drc: yes please :)18:00
pleia2"Xubuntu is all about Xubuntu. It’s focused, and over the years, this has helped transform it from a hack into a fine swan, gliding above the Open Source Lake."18:00
pleia2go us18:00
drcDone and Done.18:00
drcYou do know what's gong to happen if you slack off for release...red meat time :)18:06

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