
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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hatchlazyPower: mbruzek one more blocker resolved towards some ghost bundles http://fromanegg.com/post/105250564587/how-to-rewrite-and-redirect-with-haproxy15:33
mbruzekThanks hatch I will give that read!15:34
hatchmbruzek: now I have to make some big modifications to the haproxy charm but I have to formulate a plan for that yet15:34
hatchrick_h_: the gui bug in FF from adam turns out is only reproducible on his laptop 15:38
hatchso probably not a bug 15:38
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rick_h_uiteam call in 10 kankan please15:50
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
hatchrick_h_: ok finished the updates to that branch, did you want to take another look or should I just shippit?18:19
rick_h_hatch: did my stuff make sense on the dupes?18:25
rick_h_hatch: have a call atm but can look after18:25
hatchyeah it's all done now - works really well18:26
hatchI was thinking i'd pick up some smaller stuff now18:26
hatchsince the quickstart stuff has been picked up18:26
hatchI could also moved to the charm details pane but that might take longer than a day18:26
hatchrick_h_: have you had a chance to look at the PR yet? 19:40
hatchor have a preference on my next card19:40
rick_h_hatch: no still otp19:40
rick_h_looong meeting yay19:40
hatchoh haha19:40
hatchso I'll just work on a smaller card19:40
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
rick_h_hatch the ~charmers is invalid19:53
hatchhow do you mean? The id contains ~charmers19:53
hatchthis filters out the ~charmers duplicate charms and leaves the cs:precise/foo ones in the list19:54
hatchwhen the api is updated to remove those then that conditional can go away19:55
rick_h_hatch: not all are ~charmers19:57
hatchthe only other one which is duplicated is the ~juju-gui-charmers which no longer shows up in the results for some reason19:57
rick_h_cs:juju-gui-7 is the same as cs:juju-gui-charmers/juju-gui-719:57
rick_h_openstack-charmers, landscape-charmers, big-data-charmers19:58
hatchdid it show up in the list? I couldn't get a duplicate result with the new querystring19:58
rick_h_no, I just know it's incomplete logic19:58
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rick_h_if this call ends we can chat and I'll explain19:58
rick_h_my one hand isn't making this clear :)19:59
hatchright but if people can add random '*-charmers' people then by hardcoding it in the GUI will always be wrong19:59
hatchif it's always in the ~(*)charmers19:59
hatchthen we could filter off that19:59
rick_h_hatch: standup20:00
hatchwell I suppose ~([a-zA-Z\-)+charmers20:00
hatchregexr.com is an awesome tool for working on regex's20:26
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
hatchrick_h_: just about to push that fix - shal I shippit after?20:48
rick_h_hatch: yes if you have qa from jcastro 20:51
hatchoh ok ping jcastro  :)20:52
rick_h_bah jcsackett 20:53
rick_h_no poking fun of the one handed typist20:53
hatchoh lol!20:53
jcastrohatch, yp20:54
jcastroerr, yo20:54
rick_h_did jcsackett review/qa? /me is going off memory and could be wrong20:54
hatchrick_h_: kadams54-away did20:54
hatchjcastro: turns out rick had a autocomplete failure :) We don't need you any longer20:55
rick_h_hatch: oh ok then20:55
hatchunless of course you want to qa the gui :)20:55
hatchhaha 20:56
hatchkadams54-away: back yet? :)21:24
hatchwe should use this :) https://www.sqwiggle.com/21:26
hatchuiteam lf review and qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/678 thx22:12
hatchwell NOW whatamigunado22:14
sinzuihi hatch Makyo: I am seeing errors like this when I use quickstart 1.3.1 with juju 1.20.11. : 22:24
sinzuijuju-quickstart: error: unable to connect to the Juju API server on wss://ec2-54-224-222-48.compute-1.amazonaws.com:17070: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed22:24
sinzuiERROR subprocess encountered error code 122:24
sinzuiIs my configuration wrong or is Juju being bad22:25
hatchI've never actually seen that error22:25
sinzuiI know deployer can deploy the same bundle22:25
* sinzui tries quickstart from ppa22:25
hatchsinzui: does that version of quickstart work for you if you just use it for the basic functionality? setup & gui install?22:35
hatchor does it only fail when deploying the bundle22:36
sinzuihatch, the failure was at the start of the deployment. Bootstrapp completed, but we couldn't talk to the api server on joyent or aws22:36
hatchthat is very odd...22:37
hatchlet me see what version I have22:37
hatchheh you're behind :)22:37
sinzuihatch, I was using 1.20.15 and 1.5 last week with great success22:37
sinzuihatch, I was using 1.20.14 and 1.5 last week with great success22:37
sinzuiI hope .15 never exists22:37
hatchlol - so why did you downgrade your quickstart?22:38
sinzuihatch, I am doing acceptance testing for Ubuntu. It ships with the old version22:39
hatchok so the best guy to talk to about that stuff is frankban22:39
hatchmaybe best to fire him (or peeps) an email with all the details22:40
hatchor file a bug for that matter heh 22:41
hatchI know we're all pretty busy with various stuff this week :)22:41
sinzuithank you hatch22:42
sinzuiI am beginning to think I have a config error. I hope the problem is just me.22:42
hatchsorry I couldn't be of more help it's been a while since I've been in the quickstart world22:43
hatch:) 22:43

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