
SachiruQuery: Does anyone know of a way to convert an existing 14.04 Lubuntu/Ubuntu installation so that it resides on an LVM volume instead of directly on the disk?00:48
holsteinSachiru: i would want a clone backup, regardless.. so, i would make that clone, from which i can easily restore to any location, and go from there01:09
SachiruSo... Best solution would still be to DD?01:09
SachiruThe disk?01:09
holsteinSachiru: well, what im saying is, even  if i saw a "easily convert to lvm" tool, i would want a backup.. i would want a backup since *all* drives fail.. that backup, in this case, can be a clone.. i would use clonezilla, personally.. though, that tool is using dd and other tools on the backend..01:11
JBudzterrorist situation in sydney01:47
JBudznot that its ubuntu related or anything..01:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:48
holsteinthere is also #lubuntu-offtopic for discussion01:48
sgo11hi, I want to disable hplip-systray.desktop which is in /etc/xdg/autostart. What I do is to create ~/.config/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop and then add 'Hidden=true' to the end of the file. but it doesn't work. any ideas? thanks.02:50
holsteinSachiru: i would just remove it from the startup02:51
sgo11holstein, talked to me ?02:52
holsteinSachiru: sorry..02:53
holsteinsgo11: yup ^02:53
sgo11holstein, but everytime, the package gets updated, that file will be recreated. people suggest override it in ~/.config/autostart/02:53
holsteinhow often is it updated?02:54
sgo11holstein, not often, but just want to find a perfect solution. why not "hidden=true" work?02:55
holsteinsgo11: i have no idea..02:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:55
sgo11holstein, ok. cool. :)02:55
holsteinif you feel it is.. but, i wouldnt disable the startup, i wuold just remove it from startup02:55
sgo11holstein, ok. cheers.02:55
holsteinsgo11: you can ask in #ubuntu since its not related to lubuntu or lxde02:55
holsteinsgo11: good luck.. i know little fiddly things like that can be frustrating02:56
sgo11holstein, I asked there, nobody replied. I think it's related to lxde. because it's lxde starts that app.02:56
holsteinsgo11: its not02:56
holsteinsgo11: though, you can also try the lubuntu and lxde email lists02:56
sgo11holstein, why is not lxde? who starts the app then? if .desktop contains for example OnlyShowIn=LXQt;, lxde will not start that app.02:57
holsteinsgo11: ok.. so it is then02:58
sgo11holstein, ok. :)02:58
holsteinsgo11: you still wont likely get *any* assistance from this channel, regardless02:58
holsteinsgo11: agree or disagree, you would do better with whomever makes that package02:59
sgo11holstein, ok.02:59
holsteinsgo11: my only point is, that is not lubuntu.. its just pulled in, and doesnt ship with lubuntu.. and its a small team here02:59
holsteinlxde, upstream, *might* be more informative02:59
sgo11holstein, i may try to ask there. thanks.02:59
holsteinsgo11: good luck.. and also, the bug report is a nice first step03:00
holsteinsgo11: id be glad to personally try and reproduce the issue03:00
sgo11holstein, I opened many bugs before. none of them are fixed until now. I don't bother open any bugs.03:01
holsteinsgo11: im sure you can understand why they are not..03:04
sgo11holstein, why?03:06
sgo11to me, they are all show stopper bugs.03:06
sgo11and ubuntu surprisingly release it with LTS version.03:07
holsteinsgo11: like this issue.. its HP's package, repackaged in the ubuntu repos.. and, the issue is in lxde, only used by lubuntu which has a small team,a nd that package doesnt ship with it..03:07
holsteinsgo11: you stated its not an issue in unity..03:07
sgo11this bug is not very important. but others that I opened are not.03:07
sgo11there were intel driver bugs etc... anyway.03:08
holsteinsure.. and intel is *always* welcome to address them03:08
holsteini mean, theres nothing lubuntu/ubuntu or linux is doing that prevents that03:08
sgo11^_^ ok.03:08
holsteinits challenging to try and support such a broad spectrum of hardware03:08
holsteinthe other main OS's dont support hardware like that03:09
holsteinjust imagine the "bugs" you would have if you grabbed an osx installation disc (if they still made them).. you'd be lucky if the OS booted in any way03:09
holsteinand we wouldnt refer to that as a bug, or an issue with apple03:09
holsteinits just a matter of the hardware being compatible.. and, nothing about linux prevents any hardware creators from supporting it03:10
sgo11ok. but I still get problems in ubuntu. anyway. I know what you mean. but as a user, I don't really care about the detail. I just want to have a working OS. whatever.03:11
holsteinsure. and if you were to purchase a machine from someone like system76 who *promise* and guarantee linux will work on the machine, all it will do is work, or, they make it work03:12
holsteinhere, you have what you have, and you *were* promised something, but, not linux support.. and lubuntu is a small team that takes the ubuntu repos, and releases a custom OS that is light..03:12
sgo11i don't know system76. if there is a linux OS which promises bug free, I will definitely buy it.03:12
holsteinsgo11: no, friend.. that is linux *hardware* the promises linux support03:13
holsteinno software is "bug-free".. the issue is, if you need support, getting it03:13
sgo11holstein, ok, got it. :)03:13
holsteinto expect to take a machine that you were promised windows support for, for example.. a team of experts were hired to faciliate that windows support for that machine.. and its not "bug-free". but, its supported. if you have an issue, it can likely be addressed (though, not always)03:14
holsteinto take that machine and expect linux to just work on it is really to miss where the burden is.. linux is completely open, and available for free to anyone to take and provide support for03:15
holsteinthat doesnt make it any "better".. just different.. easier to support in that way..03:15
sgo11holstein, ok, ok. understood. I just don't bother open a bug for this. unlikely, some people will take care of it from my experience. anyway. I understood what you mean. thanks. :)03:16
holsteinsgo11: sure. and let me know if you change your mind,and need me to confirm its happening here, which is one reason why bugs dont get attention03:16
holsteinif you dont get them marked as "confirmed" where, the issue happens the same for someone else..03:17
sgo11holstein, ok. thanks.03:17
remymartin9I really really like lubuntu06:08
=== Qorak is now known as Qoray
ejanybody use a vpn on there home network?14:45
tewardej: I do, but it's through my firewall appliance14:46
tewardheh he left right after i said something lol14:46
tewardej: welcome back :)14:46
ejyour firewill appliance?14:46
ejbare with me im fresh at this.14:47
tewardej: i have a very expensive firewall device on my network - a pfSense firewall appliance at the border of my network, providing PPTP, L2TP, and IPSec VPN access for me.  But that's atypical, I run my home network like an enterprise-grade buisness network14:47
ejohh i c.14:48
tewardej: i have a question for you, you asked if anyone uses a VPN on their home network - do you have a specific question about that?14:48
teward(because if I can answer it I will try to.)14:48
ejwell.. im just trying to setup spme security for home14:48
eji dont conect to work or other14:49
tewardej: ahhhh, I see.  unless you're off-site from your home and want to (securely) connect to your home network and access your things there, you likely won't need a VPN14:49
ejok... cool..14:49
ejwhat do you recomend for firewall14:49
tewardme, I need it because of work and classes - I do a lot of work from home and sometimes need to access that work off-site.  (Or in other cases, mask that i'm working in one location, and make my traffic look like it originates from my home)14:49
ejahh.. ok i totally understand what a vpn is for.14:50
tewardej: on the computer endpoints themselves (i.e. the desktops, laptops, etc.), ufw with general inbound deny rules (except for the services and ports you need to access on that system from other systems)14:50
tewardej: but note you're in an #lubuntu channel - if you have lubuntu specific questions feel free to ask, otherwise i would be happy to discuss general topics elsewhere14:51
tewardbut I have to be present at an IRC meeting in 10 minutes so I might start going unresponsive eventually14:51
ejany help would be great.14:51
ejat your convience...14:52
ejwhat did u want me to do.14:53
redpandahello. i am trying to run lubuntu-desktop on Xnest. when i run lxde i use DISPLAY=:1 lxsession. but there is no lubuntu-session. which is the launcher?16:15
testdrredpanda: in LUbuntu the desktops start is this:   /usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE16:18
redpandathanks. i am on a mint whit lubuntu as alternative DE. let me try that16:20
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:21
holsteinredpanda: they could be changing the session..16:21
redpandaOH. there that was... i ask in mint help, ubuntu... that was so easy. thanks ou so mauch16:22
redpandathank you so much*16:23
ubottuHi! I'm #lubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone16:23
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
=== genii is now known as ChristmasPresent
atfleghi having problems with a wifi card - can any give me a hand? After an upgrade I received a bios message stating go to wrieless.kernal.org/.../B43 and wifi won't work. went to page followed instructions and now no error message in bios but still no wifi22:11
=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii
wxlatfleg: `lspci | grep 14e4` give you anything? if so, what?22:12
wxlatfleg: what device id do you have?22:13
atfleglspci -vnn -d 14e4: gives me 0c:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:432b] (rev 01)22:13
atflegSubsystem: Dell Wireless 1510 Wireless-N WLAN Mini-Card [1028:000d]22:13
atflegFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1122:13
atflegMemory at f69fc000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]22:13
atflegCapabilities: <access denied>22:13
wxl!paste | atfleg22:13
ubottuatfleg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:13
wxlso it should give you something since there's a 14e4 right there :)22:14
wxlanyways have you seen this?22:14
wxl!b43 | atfleg22:14
ubottuatfleg: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:14
atflegops ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533536/22:14
wxlit's ok tl;dr atfleg :)22:15
atflegwxl: yup22:15
wxlatfleg: and you followed THOSE instructions?22:15
wxlman someone messed with this page22:16
atflegyeah, they were linked from the kernal.org. page22:16
atflegand follwoed them22:16
wxlso basically you need to install firmware-b43-installer22:16
wxlif you have that you need to remove all drivers and then load the specific one you want (b43)22:17
wxlthat should do it22:17
wxlor you can just reboot22:17
atflegusing "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer"?22:18
wxli would not suggest the sta driver if you installed that22:18
wxlnor would i suggest the b43 legacy driver22:18
wxlooops that one doesn't apply :)22:18
atfleg"firmware-b43-installer is already the newest version." how do I now remove all drivers and load b43?22:19
wxlthe sta is the proprietary one. i'm not a fan of proprietary and in all the broadcom devices i've used i've never needed it22:19
wxlatfleg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Switching_between_drivers22:19
atfleg"modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found." should I worry about that??22:20
wxlit's good that you don't have ti :)22:20
atfleggreat! getting there:)22:21
wxlfor that second part you want to do `sudo modprobe b43`22:21
wxldo NOT do the other ones22:21
wxlso you should -r (remove) ALL drivers22:21
wxland then just add the one22:21
atfleggot ya22:21
atflegdone it22:21
atflegi'll try unplugging the cable and see what happens!22:21
wxlgive it a minute or so and you should be good to go22:21
wxlthe cable to the router? :)22:22
atflegstill no wireless connection :-(22:24
wxlatfleg: are you sure there's no hardware switch?22:24
remymartin9would Lubuntu notify when it needs an update?22:25
atflegDOH :-[22:26
wxlremymartin9: i believe that by default notifications are set on. you can check it yourself. :)22:26
wxlatfleg: hey, it happens to the best of us :)22:26
holsteinremymartin9: you can open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".. "need" can be relative..22:26
wxlremymartin9: you know how to check?22:26
remymartin9yeah holstein  just said it22:26
wxlyeah well dist-upgrade suggests that it will potentially remove packages that are no longer needed22:26
remymartin9btw, i really like lubuntu, it's the best distro i've tried so far.22:26
wxlthere's a difference between that and upgrade22:26
wxl*I* usually do dist-upgrade, but just saying22:27
remymartin9yeah i'm still studying the commands22:27
wxlbrb ping pong calls22:28
atflegthanks wxl have switched and still no wifi but will reboot and hopefully that'll solve it.22:29
atfleghmmmm so still no wifi, hardware switch now switched on!  have I messed something up in terminal somehow?22:34
atflegi've ran through it again, am now getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533743/ but still no wireless connection available22:44
atflegam i missing something else daft?22:45
atfleganyway I can check my hardware is working or if it's a driver issue? On BIOS I was getting a driver missing error, but not anymore22:49
atflegthis was the error i was getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533890/ anyone any ideas?22:57
atfleghelp with wifi - output from wireless script here :    http://paste.ubuntu.com/9534231/23:36
atflegstill have no wife :-(23:36
atflegopps! no wifi23:40
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=== ChristmasPresent is now known as genii

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