
MortezaEیه مشکل عجیبی پیدا کردم با ۱۴.۰۴09:32
MasterPieceMortezaE, salam09:33
MortezaEوقتی آلت و تب میزنم، پنجره‌ها عوض میشن ولی نمیشه روشون کلیک کرد09:33
MortezaEMasterPiece, :)09:33
MortezaEیعنی فوکوس رو قبول نمی‌کنن09:33
MortezaEنمیشه هیچ کاری کرد! کسی تا حالا با این مشکل مواجه شده؟09:34
MasterPieceplease give me the input of this command : $ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings09:34
MortezaEok w8 :)09:35
lubotu3For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:35
MortezaEdear MasterPiece, this is the output: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/801124509:36
MortezaEاین دومین باره که طی این چند ماه با این مشکل مواجه میشم. نمیدونم چی میشه که همچین میشه! :D09:37
MasterPiece$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-mode 'sloppy'09:39
MasterPiecethen restart your session :)09:39
MortezaEdoes restarting session mean logging off and quiting my applications, MasterPiece?!!!09:40
MortezaEso there is no need to this commands... restarting will solve my problem but i need my windows and open applications :(09:41
MortezaEok... i think somebody answered me on #ubuntu :)09:41
MortezaEتا حالا شنیدین برای کسی این مشکل پیش اومده باشه MasterPiece ؟09:44
MasterPieceMortezaE, You don't make a sense anymore to me, since you do NOT want to think about your problem.09:46
MortezaEMasterPiece, Ok friend don't get angry...09:48
MortezaEi just need a solution that save me from loosing my works!09:48
MortezaEMasterPiece, I'll do my best to ask Smart Question09:49
lubotu3Please don't spam09:50
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:50
lubotu3Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:51
MortezaEMasterPiece, I think this is one of rare times during this 8 years that i seem so foolish :(09:54
MortezaEbecause i completely mixed up09:54
MortezaEand dont know what i shoult search...09:55
MortezaE*should. i searched a lot!09:55
MasterPieceMortezaE, So if you searched a lot and you don't find the correct answer, its the time to give up your knowledge :)09:56
MasterPieceMortezaE, do you see http://askubuntu.com/questions/64605/how-do-i-set-focus-follows-mouse09:56
MasterPieceMortezaE, R U familiar with gsettings ? gconf ? and How the shortcuts works ?09:56
MasterPieceMortezaE, Google it ;)09:56
MortezaEok thanks dude09:57
MortezaEby the way i know it is not about gsettings and shortcuts. it's about the Socking Compiz10:00
disho_hi all, can you help me to download pdf link from http://peyk.sanjesh.org/pdfversion.aspx with wget in easy way (without sed or grep)12:06
disho_any suggestion?12:11
MasterPieceHaM3D, hi19:54

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