
webpigeon_webPLAIN or  ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE00:00
diddledanthe original author of blowfish says to use twofish in preference00:03
diddledanmind you that's from 200700:03
diddledanthere's also threefish00:03
daftykinswebpigeon_web: yeah that latter one looks like hell for irssi though00:06
diddledanPLAIN ftw00:09
diddledanPLAIN over a non-ssl connection is unbeatable00:09
webpigeon_weberm.... okkaay00:10
daftykinsdiddledan: you'll confuse all the active and awake newbies...00:33
lubotu3DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:33
ali1234i think i need to make template classes to do what i want to do ...00:35
ali1234g++ errors when you use smart pointers are really unhelpful01:05
mapphi all04:12
* zmoylan-pi has heard critturs outside but doesn't think they were of the daytime variety04:18
mapphi daftykins / zmoylan-pi  :)04:19
mappwatching new homeland ep..sundays are great for tv..brooklyn nine nine and homeland04:19
daftykinsi'm still debating dropping £75 on the bluray set of The Sopranos04:20
zmoylan-piyou could drop hints for christmas or add it to a wishlist site04:22
mappsopranos was cool04:23
mappu seen it before?04:23
daftykinsyeah :)04:28
daftykinswatched it as a kid on TV late night04:28
mappi rarely rewatch stuff heh04:31
daftykinsfor such a masterpiece, HD and good sound is a worthy one :)04:32
mapphomeland was good05:06
mappsleep time for me:)06:00
daftykinsg'night o/06:00
daftykinsi best be off too06:01
daftykinswhere's my late night posse!?06:01
mappzmoylan pinged out06:02
mappah no hes here06:02
mappmust be asleep alreadt06:02
MooDoomorning all08:03
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
DJonesfoobarry: Did you end up enjoying death becomes her :)08:52
foobarrythen she started watching 'what women wnat;08:53
foobarryand i ended up watching too :(08:53
foobarryand i ended up watching too :(ns08:53
foobarrythen at bedtime i had to record the last 10 mi08:53
foobarryugh baby typing too08:53
DJonesHah, my wife is driving me mad watching christmas movies and christmas concerts, I'm sure they all have the same plot, music and characters08:54
foobarrythe worst are romcoms08:55
foobarrymore formulaic than a maths exam08:56
DJonesfoobarry: Yup, they're the one she watches, either that or person A has a hard life & the movie is about how it changes, normally a kid with dodgy parents sent to live with grandparents/aunt/foster & turns into a nightmare child before coming good and reconciling with previous dodgy parents now made good08:58
DJonesOh, thats the plot of Annie08:58
foobarrygirl likes guy, guy gets with wrong girl, girl decides to travel the worl instead/marry wrong man, man drives to airport/wedding at last minute to get with right girl. the end09:07
DJonesfoobarry: Bridget Jones09:09
bashrca concise review09:10
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foobarryalso pride and prejudice, 50 last dates, 50 bridesmaids, 50 wrong dresses09:10
foobarrythe wedding planner09:13
foobarrythe wedding singer09:13
foobarrymy laptop can only handle 5 chrome tabs before 1 of them dies09:13
foobarryneed to move to the newer laptop soon09:14
foobarryno time to transfer data09:14
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:23
foobarrymy son woke me at 5.40am to tell me his fingernails were too long. (they weren't)09:52
foobarryneedless to say i didn't sleep after09:52
Laneybecause you were wracked with worry about the length of the nails?09:54
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday and happy Cat Herders Day! :-D10:00
nigelbSo, project manager's day?10:02
JamesTaitnigelb, or parents' day. ;)10:06
JamesTaitOr crazy cat people's day!10:07
* JamesTait qualifies regardless.10:07
NET||abuseI went completely mad over the weekend and ordered a odroid-c1 from lilliputdirect.com10:09
NET||abusediplo: so you wanted me to let you know if I got one.. well, expecting it to arrive this week.10:09
diploAh top man, how much did you pay ? if you don't mind me asking. And let me know your thoughts once you have it in hand10:10
NET||abusebit more than the $34 it's supposed to be, but you just can't get them anywhere else10:11
diploThat inclusive of carriage ?10:12
NET||abusei think it was10:12
NET||abusehmm, must check teh receipt10:12
NET||abusenope, appologies $40 inclusive of postage10:13
NET||abuse£40  wrong currency key10:14
Laneymister EPC is here with his clipboard10:15
Laneywant to get me some of https://energy-saving-home-improvement-fund.service.gov.uk/10:15
foobarrymy rasta electrician is here10:16
davmor2JamesTait: Community, community, community is the cat herders battle cry right?10:18
JamesTaitdavmor2, something like that, I think. :)10:20
diploThanks NET||abuse, may make an order after Xmas10:25
NET||abuseyeh, just hoping they manage to ship mine by christmas10:25
NET||abusewe'll see10:25
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:43
popey\o/ holiday10:46
popeyno more work till 201510:46
bigcalmAnd yet you're on IRC10:46
popeysending my "I'm off on holiday" mail ☻10:47
popeyand doing /nick popey|vacation , on work irc ☻10:47
foobarryand reporting bugs..10:47
davmor2popey: I don't believe you :P10:48
davmor2popey: I think you'll be sat there tinkering on an Ubuntu Laptop and with an Ubuntu phone for the whole holiday filing bugs against all the core apps and adding patches cause you're not in meetings all day :P10:50
davmor2popey: When you making a minecraft app for the phone anyway?10:51
popeyhaha, maybe10:52
popeybut today I'm going afk with my daughter... ttfn10:52
foobarryanyone had experience of selling on gumtree?10:54
Seeker`_popey: damn you :P11:22
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
MooDoohello all11:24
davmor2MooDoo: morning me owld mucka11:27
MooDoodavmor2: ayup :D11:28
davmor2man this channel goes quiet without a popey to pick on ;)12:34
zmoylan-pia fake popey account...12:34
MooDooit's christmas, everyone is working hard to get rid of their workload so they can party on!12:37
zmoylan-piend of the year jobs that get piled on don't help12:37
BigRedSwell, the other people you work with who are also trying to get shot of stuff before Christmas12:40
davmor2MooDoo: no I don't believe that for one second, we just don't stop being busy :)12:42
diddledanoh dear. sydney has a terrorist thing going on12:43
MooDoodiddledan: they have for a while now....12:46
diddledanMooDoo, yeah, I just woke up :-p12:46
zmoylan-piover 12 hours now12:46
MooDoodiddledan: you on lates or something?12:50
diddledanMooDoo, nah, just weird sleep pattern :-p12:51
=== awilkins is now known as plopey
plopeyNot sure I can emulate popey13:31
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zmoylan-pijust use his tweets for 2-3 weeks back as comments :-)13:31
shaunosurely it can't be too difficult to get an elvis impersonator in here?13:32
zmoylan-piuh huh huh13:32
plopeyI've connected a #RaspberryPi to a container delivery truck. Cool.13:32
shaunoI think they've got you beat; sending 2 to the ISS; http://www.raspberrypi.org/astro-pi/13:35
* zmoylan-pi wonders if anyone ever did connect a zx80 to a nuclear power station... :-)13:36
davmor2plopey: so now that Linux Outlaws is no more what happens to oggcamp the world needs to know14:20
plopey#BlackFriday chaos in Britain as Tesco runs out of good sandwiches by 13:0214:20
marxjohnsonOggcamp's existance isn't linked to the continuation of a podcast, only to the willingness of people to organise it14:21
zmoylan-pinot over yet, isn't last show recorded tonight?14:21
marxjohnsonand if you're one of those people, pitch in! http://saloon.sixgun.org/c/oggcamp14:22
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2marxjohnson: it was meant as a joke for plopey the fake popey to give him something funny to say ;)  If I thought for one second that the camp depended on a podcast rather than people I would of been really depressed :)14:24
marxjohnsonThis a the problem with having oggcamp highlights sent to my phone - lack of context :)14:25
davmor2marxjohnson: hahaha14:25
davmor2marxjohnson: I think the big advantage of the podcast is that it spreads the news to a bigger audience that would be hit by an email once in a while14:28
marxjohnsondavmor2: True, fortunatley we've got lots of podcasters in the OggCamp community to help us spread the word14:29
foobarryagh forgot to renew my library book :(14:49
zmoylan-pihow much are libray fines these days?14:50
foobarry8p per day per book14:51
foobarryonly 3 week loan rather than 4 week in the old days14:51
diddledanI think it should be extrusion, rather than extortion - extrusion sounds more funner14:52
zmoylan-pidid they 3d print the book?14:52
* diddledan hides from shauno 14:53
diddledangrr.. chillywilly14:54
zmoylan-pithe ice pop14:54
bigcalmIs there a way I could put a button on my desktop (or launcher) that would switch audio output between 2 devices? Needed as it would be quicker/simpler than going though various things so that I can take a skype call through my headset when I've just been listening to music on my soundbar14:56
eji have question.14:59
* bigcalm waits for the question15:09
diddledanbigcalm, he gone15:10
diddledan[15:01:56] * ej has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:10
bigcalmdiddledan: yes, hence my waiting15:10
diddledanoic. irony15:10
shaunodiddledan: woosh.15:11
* popey returns15:11
diddledanindiegogo has introduced begging as a service15:13
* plopey runs for the hills15:16
shaunosubtle as a sledgehammer15:18
davmor2popey: hey dude good day?15:27
bigcalmKids on holiday already?15:27
* popey registers plopey.com15:27
popeyyeah, broke up on thursday15:27
* bigcalm waits for xmas eve to get here for holiday to happen15:28
diddledannow is plopey pronounced like plop or pope?15:28
davmor2popey: is phopey or popey-phoney gone aswel?15:28
davmor2diddledan: he was pretending to be popey so pl-opey15:29
popeyYou guys.15:29
davmor2popey: we missed you channel was quiet :)15:29
* diddledan turns popey's first P 180 degrees15:30
popeywas looking at car stereos today15:31
popeyneed to get one for wifey for xmas15:31
* awilkins turns the d's in diddledan 180 degrees15:31
awilkinsWell, the first one and the last one15:31
popeybut her car has one of these huge bays, so bought a thing that goes in the slot to make it a normal size slot15:31
popeynow need to figure out what stereo to get15:32
popeyone that does bluetooth & usb would be good15:32
popeythey all seem to do that15:32
popeybut most look like a gaudy mess15:32
diddledanmust. resist. comment. about. size. of. slot.15:32
popeyyeah yeah15:32
davmor2popey: take a trip to Halfords don't buy it from there but it will give you a good idea of how it plays and features15:33
diddledanusb would be nifty. unless she has an ipwn15:33
popeyyeah, thats where i was15:33
popeythey're all much the same15:33
popeyalso would be useful if it could integrate with the steering wheel controls15:33
popeybet they don't15:33
davmor2popey: did you expect them to be vastly different?15:33
popeyi expected them not to all look identical15:34
davmor2popey: buy one from the manufacturer15:34
popeymanufacturer of?15:34
popeycould be an option15:35
davmor2popey: the car15:35
popeynah, not giving them any of my money15:35
diddledanthey all have the boy racer's boom box styling15:35
popeynever buying a vauxhall ever again15:35
popeyyeah, they do15:35
popeyand tiny buttons15:35
DJonespopey: I think a lot of aftermarket car radio/cd's just need an adapter to use the steering wheel controls15:36
popeymight pop to a proper car stereo shop15:36
popeylike Paula Marks if it still exists15:36
DJonespopey: http://cartech.about.com/od/Car-Audio/a/Steering-Wheel-Audio-Control-Adapters.htm15:37
foobarrywhy do kids love frozen ? there are far better films15:37
popeyyeah, my kids love it too15:38
diddledanfoobarry, because let it go15:38
popeysam knows all the songs15:38
foobarrylet it go sounds likea eurovision entry15:38
foobarry*exactly* like one15:38
diddledanI like adele dazeem tho15:38
popeyDJones: thanks, standards! Multiple standards!15:39
foobarryosn is asking to watch michael buble now15:40
davmor2foobarry: because they are kids and love filme like that till the next one comes along it was the same with the lion King15:40
DJonesHeh, I looked at changing my stereo in my last car, but gave up because it was going to be a pain in the arse getting the right adapter for a citroen15:40
popeyyeah, this is why I went to halfords, they fit it for you15:40
popeyI haven't done this since 1994 ☻15:40
foobarryi know as much about cars as other people know about computers15:40
popey(and don't want to)15:41
foobarrythe analogy is installing an OS15:41
diddledanfoobarry, do it right the first time and you'll never have to do it again?15:41
foobarryor choosing a printer15:41
diddledanfoobarry, or is it a case of "just shove linux on it"15:42
diddledanI remember my first forey into linux before I understood what a kernel was. I decided to recompile the kernel to get sound. I didn't get sound.15:43
diddledanthis was suse in circa 199815:43
* awilkins recompiled the kernel to get TV card support15:44
diddledanI think the big thing that I missed when I was doing it, was to actually put the compiled kernel someplace useful and actually boot it15:44
DJonesdiddledan: I had similar experiences on slackware in about 1995, after making a mess of the kernel so many times, I installed Ubuntu 6.0615:45
diddledanbut mrproper sounded awesome15:45
foobarryi'm just taking the engine out to get the stereo working darling15:46
diddledanfoobarry, don't forget to decoke the pistons15:46
diddledanfoobarry, it might be worth a rebore too15:47
* diddledan pretends he's a blokey bloke bloke and knows what he's talking about15:47
shaunoI used to write my kernel out to floppies.  made foul-ups so much easier to deal with :)15:49
diddledanmy next ransom note is going to look the business: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/BlackCasper15:49
DJonesThats the font isohunt should have used for their announcement of oldpiratebay.org rather than the one they used15:51
shaunoI wonder if you can still do that.  the default root device used to be whatever was in use when it was built, so if you built your own it'd boot with no args15:55
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=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]21:46
popeyis it?21:50
daftykins'tis a bit21:51
diddledandaftykins, yeah, that's irked me for some time now22:46
diddledandaftykins, I'm in the same boat as a lot of those commenters in managing remote systems22:46
daftykinsis your experience the same, that sudo service networking restart fails too?22:46
diddledanyup, it just flat out breaks22:47
daftykinsso there's basically nothing good beyond full reboot otherwise :(22:47
daftykinswell, assuming ifup+down fails22:47
diddledanifdown && ifup <-- oh ffs, I forgot to background it like stephane said in a random comment half way down the random bug report that makes it "official". now I have to go catch the train to reading and get into the datacentre to hit the reboob button!?!22:48
daftykinsdiddledan: family.22:50
diddledanapparently you need gymnastic fingers to restart networking now22:50
diddledan(ifdown -a --exclude=lo && ifup -a --exclude=lo) &22:51
diddledanhtf am I supposed to remember that?!22:51
diddledanf == fred. for fred's sake and how the fred.22:52
diddledanor maybe "how's that, fred?"22:52
daftykinsnice save :)22:56
daftykinsmade me laugh that22:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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