
KilosMaaz: where are they04:56
MaazKilos: they are already washed04:56
Kiloshi Squirm and others04:56
Kiloslo nuvolari 04:56
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy 05:58
theblazehen_Hi kilos ThatGraemeGuy 06:31
Kiloshi theblazehen_ 06:34
theblazehen_Oh I got an underscore :(06:34
=== theblazehen_ is now known as theblazehen
Kilosthats better06:35
Kilosi dont like those things and freenode puts them in by default06:36
Kiloschange mine to -06:36
theblazehenThought it was your client?06:37
Kilosoh maybe but they all do the same thing06:40
Kilosmaybe its a standard way of default settings in all the clients06:41
Kiloswhat next06:42
Kilosohi superfly 07:55
superflyhi Kilos09:30
Kiloshi nlsthzn  you been scarce hey12:10
nlsthznOS issues... sucks when the most stable OS I seem to have on this desktop is Windows 7 >.<12:11
Kilos14.04 kubuntu man12:11
nlsthznno worries, if it works it works :)12:11
Kilosi can even break it12:11
nlsthznI have had enough of linux for now12:12
Kilosi got the prettiest kde here now12:12
nlsthznI use it on my lappy as it works well there but not on this desktop for some time12:12
Kilosno matter, you are here thats all that counts12:13
Kilostomorrow night big night12:13
Kilossomeone must G+ it12:14
Kiloswe got a pile of testimonials now nlsthzn have you seen12:14
Kiloswaiting for fly and pro then we good i think12:15
nlsthznnot checked recently 12:15
nlsthzngood to hear12:15
Kilosif we not accepted ill go to win7 as well12:15
Kilosgo look man12:15
Kiloshearing is not efficient12:16
Kilosin one ears and straight through and out the other12:16
Kilosand some peeps have vacuums between ears so whatever goes in gets sucked into a black hole12:18
Kiloslook my pretty12:24
Kilosnot the sea but close enough12:24
Kiloshi drussell wat maak julle engelse?12:27
drussellKilos: hehehehehe how you doing? :oD12:27
Kiloshaha im good ty12:28
Kilosdoing as i please12:28
nlsthznwill check soon 12:33
Kilosfirst kde i havent lost that little desktop window14:19
Kilosgraeme got connection probs it seems16:42
KilosMaaz: seen inetpro 17:21
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 3 days, 22 hours, 48 minutes and 31 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2014-12-11 10:32:45 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2014-12-10 11:11:30 PST17:21
Kilosai! is he on holiday agaaaaiiin17:21
Symmetrialo all17:58
Symmetriaanyone awake?17:58
* ThatGraemeGuy raises hand18:06
Symmetriado me a favour18:07
Symmetriabrowse there and tell me what it says to you18:07
Symmetria(its test code I wrote)18:07
ThatGraemeGuyYour network IP is:18:07
ThatGraemeGuyMake the locals proud.18:07
Symmetriawhat browser were you in?18:07
Symmetriainteresting, it works on windows machines 18:08
Symmetria(on a windows machine that will show you your INTERNAL ip)18:08
ThatGraemeGuyfirefox does, but then redirects my browser to /index.php18:08
Symmetriawhats your internal ip?
Symmetriayeah the redirect was something else I was testing18:09
ThatGraemeGuywait chrome is doing it18:10
SymmetriaDate: Monday 15th of December 2014 09:09:52 PM18:10
SymmetriaReported local IPs:
SymmetriaReported Remote Address:
ThatGraemeGuyya thats me18:10
Symmetriaperfect :)18:10
SymmetriaI needed a way to find someones internal ip 18:10
Symmetriaseems that works18:11
Kiloshi cocooncrash_ you been dragging tail for quite a while now18:44
Kiloshows things there?18:44
Kiloshi Tonberry 18:49
KilosMaaz: announce Re-verification tomorrow night guys. Meet here anytime from 21.00 and go as group to #ubuntu-meeting just before 22.0019:14
MaazHear ye, hear ye! Re-verification tomorrow night guys. Meet here anytime from 21.00 and go as group to #ubuntu-meeting just before 22.0019:14
theblazehenoh, yay...19:15
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:38
Kilossee ya tomorrow19:38
captineevening all20:09

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