
explodingmangoI guess PPAs tend to have RSS feeds, but that tells you about updates to the entire PPA instead of just the 2 or 3 packages you installed from the list00:00
explodingmangooops, *got a question00:00
daftykinsexplodingmango: no, just bookmark the page maybe00:00
explodingmangohm, dang. oh well00:01
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Loshkiexplodingmango: what happens if you "pin" it? Do you still get notifications?00:26
Starcraftmazteri have a friend with a HD that was encrypted using the ubuntu installer, and it isnt booting due to some hardware changes to the computer00:36
Starcraftmazterhow can he recover his encrypted data?00:36
user1hi all, does xubuntu update itself automatically00:36
EriC^^Starcraftmazter: he can boot a live usb and decrypt the partition manually00:38
Starcraftmazterwhat tool can decrypt it?00:38
EriC^^Starcraftmazter: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line00:38
NegativeFlareuser1: no00:41
basketballlllhow can i download the video from http://portal.stretchinternet.com/fpuadmin/full.htm?eventId=190009&streamType=video00:43
NegativeFlarebasketballlll: I'm not sure this is Ubuntu related.00:43
daftykinsthat is not an ubuntu question00:43
daftykinsbasketballlll: you can't just use this channel as your "how to do every single thing with a computer" resource00:43
basketballllldo u know of a channel00:44
SchrodingersScatmaybe #wget ?00:44
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SachiruQuery: Does anyone know of a way to convert an existing 14.04 Lubuntu/Ubuntu installation so that it resides on an LVM volume instead of directly on the disk?00:48
user1on mint 17 u had a shield saying checking for updates and then green tick. is there anything like that on ubuntu00:49
daftykinsyes the update manager which pops up when there are updates00:49
NegativeFlareBut Ubuntu still doesn't update on its own.00:49
daftykinsthat's a good thing00:50
daftykinsalthough i think you're wrong, i've seen auto updated mechanisms00:50
LoshkiSachiru: apart from the obvious? Create an LVM volume and and copy the data to it?00:50
user1ok cheers00:51
SachiruLoshki: It's root00:51
SachiruRoot partition, boot partition, etc to LVM00:51
user1hey daft xbuntu slighly laggy. i guess its me lappy tho00:52
LoshkiNegativeFlare: I thought the update manager wakes up periodically, if you configure it right. And there's always cron I suppose. Some updates require manual interaction.00:52
LoshkiSachiru: do it all from a live CD...00:52
NegativeFlareLoshki: it does by default. It only wakes up and tells you have updates available. And to my knowledge it doesn't update packages automatically.00:53
NegativeFlareNow as for me, I've disabled update manager completely. I find it rather annoying.00:53
LoshkiNegativeFlare: that manual interaction thing again...00:53
NegativeFlareLoshki: What about it? I'm confused.00:53
daftykinsyeah what's the issue?00:53
NegativeFlareI know some packages require user input.00:53
NegativeFlarepackage updates*00:54
user1would the weather in the corner cause xbuntu go laggy00:54
LoshkiNegativeFlare: I'm saying you can't always upgrade unattended, because some packages require user input00:54
NegativeFlareLoshki: Oh, I knew that already.00:55
kostkonuser1, nah00:55
user1whas the browser choice for linux users00:56
daftykinsone that works00:56
NegativeFlareuser1: That differs between users00:56
user1usally i use firefox00:56
SchrodingersScat!info links2 | user100:56
Loshkiuser1: chromium, firefox, opera...00:56
ubottuuser1: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (utopic), package size 1834 kB, installed size 3007 kB00:56
NegativeFlareI'm happy with chrome, since they have a 64bit build of it out now for Linux.00:57
Guest67819What are the default permission granted to directories in /home/USER?00:57
user1is chrome faster on linux then ff00:57
daftykinswith that nasty SiS graphics of yours, you won't see any benefits :)00:58
Guest67819I had to chmod all Pictures and Music to 777 to transfer them. I want to change them back once the transfer is done00:58
Ben64Guest67819: 755 most likely00:58
NegativeFlareuser1: Depends on the system.00:58
Loshkiuser1: about the same. I've found chrome sound/flash buggy, irritating but not fatal.00:58
Guest67819Ben64, thanks! I am backing them up to an external HD, so when I complete my re-install, I can do chmod to 755?00:58
Ben64Guest67819: you should never ever have to chmod to 777, you definitely don't need to do that to transfer files. you're doing it wrong00:58
user1ok cool this ubuntu running sweet tho00:59
Guest67819Ben64, doing a regular drag +drop kept telling me I didn't have permissions. Rsync was skipping the same files, cp -rpv was not giving me the same file size00:59
Guest67819even with sudo enforced.01:00
user1can i give the xbuntu bit of colour everything grey01:00
Ben64Guest67819: you shouldn't have to use sudo to copy to an external drive. you should have checked permissions on the exact files causing you problems instead of chmodding everything01:01
NegativeFlare!themes | user101:01
ubottuuser1: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:01
Guest67819Ben64, but if I chmod everything back, I should be OK, right? It appears that 80% of subdirectories under Music, Documents, and Pictures were not copying correctly. You're talking look at 100+ subdirectories, plus their files.01:02
user1thank u do all themes work on xbuntu01:02
HexagonHello just_jon01:03
NegativeFlareuser1: Xubuntu* And the themes for Ubuntu aren't compatible with Ubuntu, there's a difference in the environment.01:03
Ben64Guest67819: or look at one to see what the actual problem is, instead of fishing with dynamite01:03
NegativeFlarejust_jon: Keyboard problems?01:03
NegativeFlareblah, Excuse me. I can't type today xD01:03
Guest67819Ben64, touche. How do I check one specific directory?01:04
user1can i get themes for xbuntu then01:04
Ben64Guest67819: ls -l01:04
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NegativeFlareuser1: xfce-look.org01:04
NegativeFlareuser1: xfce4-look.org01:04
user1thank u01:05
user1thanks mate01:05
Guest67819Ben64, drwx------  is what I see for the blocked ones. drwxr-xr-x and -rw-r--r-- appear to copy OK01:06
Guest67819Ben64, obviously, i don't know what I'm looking at, I just know 777 is giving me exact copies which is what I need.01:07
Ben64!permissions | Guest6781901:08
ubottuGuest67819: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:08
Guest67819Ben64, thanks. Also, does my plan of just 777 now and then 755 later not work?01:09
Guest67819Its really only me using this computer, so permissions aren't terrifically of concern, but I would like to do it right.01:09
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Ben64Guest67819: because its wrong. also, what directories are drwx------ and who is the owner?01:09
jade_ is there a good way to host a website from my computer to a cloud server that can feed it to the web?01:10
Guest67819Ben64, owner should be my regular user, and they're just different directories, not anything different than the one next to them. They're not special or copied from somewhere else or anything. Most music was ripped straight from CD, and the documents were all created on Linux, using LibreOffice (no no sudo, etc)01:10
Ben64Guest67819: the ls -l command tells you this information.01:11
Guest67819Ben64, right. You want to know the exact directory names?01:11
Ben64no.. the owner01:11
retroisprestoIdleOne: go to hell01:12
Guest67819Ben64, not sure. I'll brb01:12
user1whats gtk 2.x01:12
Angeles4fourubuntu won't boot after an nvidia drive rupdate.  here is my analysis of my dmesg and what i've tried to fix my broken package tool: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2256774&p=13187409#post1318740901:15
user1erm after download a theme how do i install it thanks01:16
applepiSo, something has my entire system initialization running twice on boot..  I tried to track it down what the second thing was by temporarily moving /etc/rc.local and see what complains,01:16
applepiEr, sorry, I moved /etc/init.d/rcS01:17
applepiAnyway, I'm getting '/proc/self/fd/9: 28: /proc/self/fd/9: /etc/init.d/rcS: not found' twice..01:17
applepiDoes anyone know why this might be happening or what this process is?01:18
InFlameshello, i have a gigabyte p35w v2 and am having trouble with my sound, i've been able to do some weird combintions of muting via function keys and unmuting via menu option, can someone tell me how i can determine my sound card?01:20
Bashing-omuser1: https://wiki.xfce.org/start?id=howto/install_new_themes .01:21
Ricky15can someone help please01:21
user1hi bashing how u been and thank u01:21
bubbasauresRicky15, Have you checked the sum of the iso?01:22
Ricky15bubbasaures: how do I do that?01:23
bubbasaures!md5sum | Ricky1501:23
ubottuRicky15: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:23
Ricky15bubbasaures: yes01:23
Ricky15bubbasaures: & of the cd , yes01:23
Bashing-omRicky15: MBR partiitioning, and hitting the 4 partition limit ? .. look -> sudo fdisk -lu <- from a liveDVD(USB) .01:23
batbirdhave there been any exposed ubuntu 0-days lately?01:24
batbirdSeems so.01:24
Ricky15Bashing-om: sorry ?01:24
bubbasaureshow do I do that to I did that, very strange01:24
Bashing-omuser1: Doing well, just struggeling right on along.01:24
k1lbatbird: ?01:24
Ricky15kk I'll do that now01:24
user1i cant work out the theme thing01:24
Bashing-omRicky15: Depending on the partitioning schecme there is a 4 partition limit on the hard drive due to the ability to adress more in the partition table. Checj and see how/what partitions you presently have .01:26
batbirdk1l: I run nothing but stuff I've gotten via apt-get install (no 3rd part sources). Suddenly my computer crashed, and a process with a random number as its name is crawling the net for emails.01:26
user1an anyone work this out   Extract the theme in ~/.themes    System wide installation in ${sysprefix}/share/themes01:27
k1lbatbird: ubuntu is not responible for your configuration and use of the system :/01:27
Guest67819Ben64, I'm not sure I understand the question. I never created any file as root. Only as the user found in the directory /home/Jackson01:28
Guest67819So user Jackson created them all01:28
batbirdk1l: I know. I mean, I'm a regular Ubuntu user, but got exploited somehow. I'm paranoid as you can see (using tor).01:28
Ben64Guest67819: yes that would be the assumption, however since you had problems copying a directory set as 700, which would supposedly give your user full control over it, i'm not so sure01:29
Guest67819Ben64, drwx------  5 1000 1000      4096 Dec  8 21:21 Money01:29
Guest67819Ben64, drwxr-xr-x  2 1000 1000      4096 Apr  3  2013 Online_Purchases01:30
Guest67819there are 2 examples, one I can't touch, the other I can.01:30
Ben64Guest67819: 1000? did you do "ls -l" or some other command01:30
Guest67819Ben64, that's ls -l01:31
Ben64Guest67819: then that isn't owned by your user01:31
Ben64Guest67819: what is the output of "id"01:31
Guest67819Ben64, it is also interesting that a lot of directories are set to drwxr-xr-x  but most files are -rw-r--r--01:31
Ben64yep that is normal01:32
Ben64755 for directories, 644 for files. directories need the executable bit set to work properly01:32
Guest67819Ben64, uid=999(qwerty) gid=999(qwerty) groups=999(qwerty),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),107(lpadmin),115(sambashare)01:32
Guest67819Ben64, but I'm also looking at the partition from a live CD01:32
applepishould I perhaps try removing upstart and have it only using systemd or something maybe?01:32
Ben64Guest67819: why  is your user 999 and named qwerty?01:32
Guest67819Ben64, like I said, I'm currently running in live CD01:33
Ben64Guest67819: not an ubuntu one...01:33
Guest67819LXLE, some sort of Lubuntu derivitave01:34
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Ben64Guest67819:  nothing but ubuntu is supported here, and if you want to be able to browse directories you don't own, make sure you have them set to 75501:34
Guest67819Ben64, sorry. I thought it could cover *buntu derivatives as well. I know it's not the right way, but what should I re-set everything to after I do 777? 755?01:35
Ben64Guest67819: again, DON'T do 77701:36
Guest67819Ben64, well, it's too late on other directories!! Is there a way to undo that?01:36
Ben64pretty sure i explained that a few times too... <Ben64> 755 for directories, 644 for files. directories need the executable bit set to work properly01:36
rickuhey, what was the command to check my partation spaces again Bashing-om ?01:37
Guest67819Ben64, OK, thanks. I don't know how to do that without doing each directory / file individually.01:37
k1lricku: sudo fdisk -l01:38
rickuk1l: what does this mean ? http://fpaste.org/159716/07549141/01:40
k1lricku: you got already 4 primary partitions on the 1TB drive. so you cant make there any more partitions01:41
ChristopherSHello. I can't seem to enter normal Android on my device, however the bootloader is still intact. I am trying to install Ubuntu touch and I can't enter normal mode, but when I use ubuntu-device-flash it says: free space on /cache/recovery is file Could someone help?01:41
Guest67819Ben64, I really appreciate your help! I think you'll help me get all this copied and straightened out. What is the downside to doing 777 to everything?01:41
D3V! ut01:41
ubottuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k401:41
D3Vno no no01:41
k1l!touch | ChristopherS01:42
ubottuChristopherS: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch01:42
rickukil: how can I remove partitions ? I just dont want to take out windows 7 everything else can go01:42
rickusquinty: you there?01:44
Bashing-omricku: What you might do: 1 of those primary Windows partitions might be a recovery partition, copy it off to a DVD, and make that partition up as "extended" and install ubuntu into that extended partition .01:47
applepiokay, i'm lost.  i have no idea how to debug this.  does anyone have ANY ideas?01:48
rickuBashing-om: how do I know which one is a windows partition?01:48
D3Vshould show ntfs ricku01:48
rickuntfs? D3V01:49
rickuwhats that01:49
D3Vfor partition type01:49
D3Vnvm im thinking of something else01:50
EriC^^ricku: the filesystem will be ntfs most likely01:52
Bashing-omricku: "id' 7 os Windows in MBR scheme and NTFS says this is a windows partition. Your Windows' disk utility may give ya some help as to what partition you may copy off to reuse for ubuntu.01:52
EriC^^ricku: can you paste sudo parted -l ?01:52
HexagonGuest67819 use chmod -R01:53
rickuEriC^^: http://fpaste.org/159718/18608456/01:54
rickuEriC^^: I downloaded this program called gparted, I see windows7, system reserved, recovery and data wich should I remove ?01:55
EriC^^ricku: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt01:55
rickuEriC^^: nothing happend?01:56
EriC^^ricku: i think /dev/sda4 is the recovery partition, you'll gain 10gb by deleting it, but you wont be able to boot into recovery anymore01:56
noebashing-om here?01:57
rickuEriC^^: my original problem is that I coulden't install ubuntu 14.04 and no-one can figure out why01:57
EriC^^ricku: you'll have to use the windows "make recovery disks and wipe it" option to make disks01:57
EriC^^ricku: ls -l /mnt01:57
EriC^^ricku: what do you mean? when you install what happens01:57
ricku7imag001.GHS 7imag002.GHS 7image.GHO System Volume Information01:58
daftykinsi spy norton ghost image files01:58
rickuricku: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225677601:58
rickuEriC^^: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225677601:59
k1lricku: you cant install ubuntu because windows blocks all 4 possible primary partitions.01:59
noeI installed ubuntu on a brand new computer and I think I'm having issues with my graphics card (750 ti). I only get a purple screen when I boot the computer. Spent some time here yesterday and bashing-om suggested I check the md5sum of my .iso and check the disk for errors (I think). How does one check a live usb for errors?02:00
Bashing-omuser1: This will be of help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=377397&highlight=gtkrc+tutorial .02:00
daftykins!nomodeset | noe tried this one?02:00
ubottunoe tried this one?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:00
rickuKil: ok, out of those 4 which should I remove ?02:00
noeyeah, tried that many times. to no avail02:00
k1lricku: i dont know whats in them.02:00
daftykinsnoe: what OS did you make the flash drive with?02:01
noeBashing-om: do you remember helping me yesterday02:01
noeWindows 702:01
daftykinsnoe: what program?02:01
daftykinsnoe: have you hashed the ISO yet to check it was ok?02:01
EriC^^ricku: paste ls -l /mnt if you want02:02
EriC^^that's the contents of /dev/sda402:02
EriC^^ricku: do you have a C: and D: in windows, both 500gb?02:02
noemade it with pendrive linux. Yes, checked md5sum, all was well there02:02
Bashing-omnoe: Yes, I recall .. Awaiting that the .iso file is known good, and "check disks for defects" has been done.02:03
daftykinsnoe: which ISO did you grab?02:03
rickuEriC^^: http://fpaste.org/159724/14186090/02:03
noehow does one check disk for defects?02:03
rickuEriC^^: I don't know02:03
daftykinsnoe: boot menu option02:04
rickuEriC^^: I don't know02:04
EriC^^ricku: ok, boot into windows and check if you have a C: and D: each 500gb02:04
daftykinsnoe: here's an alternative strategy i've seen work well, if you have a motherboard with the video outputs from the on-die intel, pull out your graphics card and install with that first then boot up after.02:05
EriC^^ricku: i don't know what those .GHO files are in the last partition02:05
Bashing-omnoe: Boot the liveDVD(USB), as soon as the bios screen clears depress and hold the right shift key -> language screen; escape key to accept the default -> boot options screen. One of the options here is " check disk for defects" .02:05
daftykinsEriC^^: norton ghost partition clone images :)02:05
EriC^^ah i see02:05
EriC^^ricku: any idea about them?02:08
EriC^^ricku: maybe you can copy them to C: or D: and then resize the partition and install ubuntu there02:08
rickuEriC^^:  I don't know man02:08
rickuEriC^^:  I have no idea about how to do this stuff, in the past I just put the disc in press install and it worked -_-02:09
noeI'm just getting the grub menu02:09
EriC^^i wonder how those files got there02:09
noenevermind...just not paying attention. I found it02:11
EriC^^do you have any norton recovery/cloning software?02:11
rickuim so tired of this lol , i'm just going to destroy random partitions and try to make this work im getting a new computer soon anyway02:11
daftykinsricku EriC^^ - i'd suggest booting into Windows and sharing a screenshot of the 'Computer' view followed by as you say, moving the files off the last partition02:11
rickuyeah I had nortan anti virus02:11
daftykinsnorton anti-virus is not norton ghost02:11
daftykinsricku: boot to Windows come back here and share a screenshot online of diskmgmt.msc02:11
Bashing-omnoe: Reset in bios to boot the usb as 1st boot priority, boot the liveUSB .02:12
rickusorry man im sick of this been at it for hours..bye & thanks for all the help02:12
noeI found "check disk for defects" and hit enter. Just a black screen now. Does this take a while?02:13
daftykinsat it for hours and don't even know your partition layout02:13
Bashing-omnoe: It will take a few minutes . maybe like 10 on a good hardware .02:14
noeok, thanks02:15
Bashing-omnoe: A totally black screen ? One should see what files are being checked as the check progresses !02:21
johnb003_anyone know if I can recieve cec commands sent from my tv over the hdmi signal?02:21
noeBashing-om: yeah, totally black02:21
noeBashing-om: can I check it on my windows machine somehow?02:22
Bashing-omnoe: That is not a good sign. Bad burn OR no avail graphics driver ? Now, how to tell . Can you boot to terminal in the liveUSB ? At that boot options screen -> F6  key for boot options. There is presented a boot options parameter line in a pop up. remove "quiet splash" and replace with "text" with out the quotes. enter key to  continue the boot process.02:26
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Bashing-omnoe: Nother thought, will that liveUSB boot on the machine you are using now ?02:28
noeBashing-om: which version of live usb should I boot to? with UEFI or without?....I assume it will boot on this machine but I'm using it to get help from you02:29
daftykinswhy did we abandon my graphics card removing idea exactly?02:29
Bashing-omnoe: ^^ Yeah .. because I have a servier case of tunnel vision ?02:30
noeBashing-om: huh?02:31
daftykinsnoe: read my line?02:31
noeOh, I must've missed that.02:32
Bashing-omnoe: daftykins had earlier suggested that we disable the PCIE card in bios and boot from the onboard grahics chip - if possible .02:32
daftykinsjust pull the card physically if you're comfortable with that, way easier than messing around with settings02:32
noewell, I'm down for whatever. I have no idea how to fix this so you guys tell me what to do02:32
daftykinsalright, power off, pull the graphics card, connect your screen up to the onboard outputs and fire it up for install02:33
noepull card?02:33
daftykinsyeah i've said it 4 times now, what's confusing about that? :)02:33
noeI apologize. will do, gimme a minute02:34
sgo11hi, I want to disable hplip-systray.desktop which is in /etc/xdg/autostart. What I do is to create ~/.config/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop and then add 'Hidden=true' to the end of the file. but it doesn't work. any ideas? thanks.02:40
Guest67819Ben64, I really appreciate your help! I think you'll help me get all this copied and straightened out. What is the downside to doing 777 to everything?02:47
Dastanbro, how to make "send to bluetooth device" when we right click on file? Cz mine is not appear like that? im using linux mint 17.102:49
xangua!mint | Dastan02:51
ubottuDastan: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:51
Dastanokay bro02:51
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daftykinsDastan: you're on IRC, not on the street.02:52
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noeSo, no onboard graphics. I could probably find an old graphics card02:56
daftykinsnoe: it is an intel i3/i5/i7 type system yeah?02:56
daftykinsnoe: also you said you installed - so does that mean the live session boots up perfectly happily?02:57
noeAMD|8-CORE FX-8350 4.0G 8M...I wouldn't say perfectly happily. had to change a setting in bios to make it go02:59
daftykinsnoe: reinstall disabling updates from online, it should boot then. once up, you can try installing a proper nvidia driver before updating for the first time03:00
noeok, I'll give that a shot. Anything I should do prior to reinstalling?03:03
daftykinsnope just nuke that sucker from orbit03:03
daftykinsand be sure to disable updates during install03:03
ElephantPunchYou can install updates after the installation. It saves time and possibly bandwidth.03:05
OerHeksit doesn't save time, as updates are downloaded while copying data from media03:06
ElephantPunchOerHerks, if to03:07
ElephantPunchIf your installing updates after installation you can be doing something on the same machine while you wait03:07
noedaftykins: thanks03:07
daftykinsno problemo03:08
ICantLinuxHopefully this is the right place to ask...has anybody else experienced odd window offset problems with Chromium processes (eg. Chrome) on 14.10?03:08
ICantLinuxVisual: http://i.imgur.com/CSxGVdy.png03:08
RedPenguinhey all03:12
xmetali have seen that (in other distros too) ... usually just minimizing and "re-maximizing" "fixes the issue03:12
xmetal^ ICantLinux03:13
RedPenguinIn Ubuntu 14.04, is there any way to stop, MouseKeys from ceasing to function until you turn them back off and on, when you have to unplug/plug back in a USB keyboard?03:13
ICantLinuxI've tried that method, but with no success. Only closing a window while still maximized and restarting works.03:14
ICantLinuxAnd even then, that's only until I attempt to maximize again.03:14
xmetalodd .. that method works for me (min than max)03:15
ICantLinuxHave a hunch it's a graphics driver problem. Could it be my GPU and fglrx messing around?03:17
lolcatIs there a safe way to install the gpu?03:17
daftykinsICantLinux: what card?03:18
ICantLinuxr9 280x.03:19
daftykinslolcat: no trolling ty :P03:19
lolcatdaftykins: What?03:19
lolcatOften when I try it just ends up breaking X1103:19
daftykinslolcat: installing a graphics card isn't an OS question03:19
daftykinslolcat: you might want to share more details then03:19
Bashing-omICantLinux: What graphics card, and is a driver loaded ? pastebin the output -> sudo lshw -C display <- .03:19
ICantLinuxBashing-om: fglrx (14.201, IIRC) with an r9 280x.03:21
daftykinslolcat: do you mean you are trying to update graphics driver?03:22
ICantLinuxBashing-om: and here's the paste: http://pastebin.com/yQDNUE6m03:22
lolcatdaftykins: No03:23
lolcatI am trying to install it03:23
lolcatI need the real driver, not the open-source version. I like games.03:24
daftykinslolcat: ok so what card do you have?03:24
Bashing-omICantLinux: look'n at your http://pastebin.com/yQDNUE6m .03:24
Bashing-omICantLinux: Looks good to me . Might try from Additional Drivers utility and see what other drivers are availabale .03:27
daftykinslolcat: graphics card type? (run "lspci" in a terminal and find the line) what've you tried, driver wise?03:27
ICantLinuxBashing-om: That's the thing. Everything else is perfectly functional, and the installed driver is most certainly the Ubuntu-specific fglrx one.03:28
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Chuck_Norris!es | Santiago03:28
ubottuSantiago: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:28
ICantLinuxBut Chrom(ium) still freaks out.03:28
Exequielcomo estan?03:28
Bashing-omICantLinux: A real stretch here, but as it is only effected in chromium, (re-)install chromium, see if there is a change ?03:30
ICantLinuxBashing-om: Already tried, unfortunately. Not only does this affect Chrome, but also ANYTHING based off of Chromium. Atom (the editor) also has this issue :(03:32
daftykins!find hwe precise03:32
ubottuFound: mythweather, mythweb, linux-hwe-generic, linux-image-hwe-generic03:32
daftykins!info linux-hwe-generic precise03:32
ubottulinux-hwe-generic (source: linux-meta): Depends on the generic hardware enablement kernel image and headers.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB03:32
Chuck_NorrisICantLinux:  dmesg -k --level=err,warn03:33
ICantLinuxChuck_Norris: Nothing out of the ordinary. (+ | grep fglrx). Will try updating the driver via AMD's site.03:35
Chuck_NorrisICantLinux: i am havin segfault in chromium, and i can see those segfaul in dmesg -.-  mostly when loadin youtube video or going at chrome store, i just only use Firefox :p03:38
ICantLinuxChuck_Norris: Also a FireFox user, but other apps use Chromium, so there's no escape :P03:39
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Chuck_NorrisICantLinux: did you modified "Override software rendering" in  chrome://flags ?03:46
ICantLinuxI have not, no.03:46
Chuck_NorrisICantLinux: i did't and i think that could be the reason for may chrome's blue screens :P if you want try enabling or disablig that option, it will use your GPU or not03:48
gr1zzly_be4rhas anyone experienced locking after installing on an oldish (~2005) dell xps pc?03:55
reisiolocking when03:55
dts|pokeballGr1zzly, yes03:55
dts|pokeball** gr1zzly_be4r03:56
gr1zzly_be4rimmediately after logging in03:56
gr1zzly_be4rit just shows that there's system error and i can't click anything on the sidebar03:56
gr1zzly_be4rI looked at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/453954/gpu-lockup-during-trusty-tahr-14-04-installation03:56
gr1zzly_be4rbut i can't access the menu that they're talking about03:56
R13oseHow do I take a screenshot of a  whole page that has scrolling on this?03:58
reisioR13ose: hrmm?04:00
gr1zzly_be4ris there anything that i can do to fix the locking?04:01
reisiothere's probably something04:01
R13osereisio: If I have a website page that you need to scroll down to see more elements on that page.  How do I take a screenshot of all the elements on the website page?04:01
gr1zzly_be4ri think that i need to install a driver for my GPU, but how can i do that if i can't even log in?04:02
reisioR13ose: ah04:02
reisiowhat was the name of that apppp04:03
reisioR13ose: wkhtmltopdf04:04
reisioor a dozen other things04:04
reisiobut why take a screenshot when you can just save it04:04
daftykinsgr1zzly_be4r: what graphics card?04:05
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: A couple of ways, a) through grub's recovery kernel (console); b) boot to terminal from grub ( edit the kernel boot parameters ) .04:05
gr1zzly_be4rone sec04:05
R13osereisio: to show someone who is not near their desktop04:05
gr1zzly_be4ri can install stuff from grub?04:06
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: no, the idea is to boot the OS through grub's recovery console ( advanced options) or boot to a terminal from grub .04:07
gr1zzly_be4roh and then install the driver from that terminal04:08
reisioR13ose: mmm04:08
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: Yup, but see daftykins' request to know what card you have installed .04:09
Paraboxanyone run xubuntu in oracle?04:11
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daftykinsParabox: you mean virtualbox? be a bit more specific...04:17
noedaftykins: I seems to be working! Thank you very much for your help. Just had to "nuke it from space". Whodathought?04:17
Paraboxyea sorry04:18
daftykinsnoe: well now, that was just step #1... so you've reached the desktop post install, but you might need to do some other things too04:18
daftykinsnoe: as if i'm right, updating right now might cause your install to do what the last one did (unless you've run updates in the meantime?)04:18
noeI'm sure. But it's not just a f***ing purple screen anymore04:19
noeHaven't run any updates04:19
daftykinsnoe: hehe, ok click the system settings ikon with the little cog on the left, then run the 'software and sources' part that the window that opens has, then switch to the additional drivers/hardware tab at the far right and see if it offers you anything04:20
gr1zzly_be4rATI Radeon X600 SE04:20
gr1zzly_be4rthat's the graphics card i have04:20
daftykinsgr1zzly_be4r: ah, bad luck there i don't think that's supported by anything other than the default driver it will be using already.04:20
Bashing-omnoe: daftykins Still, we do not have a driver for the 750 ti card in our repository .04:21
noedaftykins: sofware & updates?04:21
gr1zzly_be4rso if it's not working now it's not going to work at all?04:21
daftykinsnoe: yep that one04:22
daftykinsBashing-om: good stuff, i'm eating pasta i just made so i was just going to check the easy route first :)04:22
daftykinsi did vaguely consider it was one of the unsupported cards04:22
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: daftykins Is not that an old ATI card that AMD no longer supports ( ATI Radeon X600 SE ) ??04:23
noedaftykins: "No additional drivers available" but I did the first two steps from here a bit ago: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/03/install-nvidia-driver-334-21-ubuntu-linux/04:24
Bashing-omdaftykins: I doing my chocolate ice cream (pasifier ) !  All these graphics issues .. !04:24
daftykinsnoe: yep that guide looks good :)04:24
daftykinsBashing-om: ooh that sounds good :) mmm, Q4'14 will go down as bad graphics times i think04:26
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noeIt seems to be working now. I don't understand what the rest of the steps (3+) will do for me. Is the rest necessary? why?04:26
daftykinsgr1zzly_be4r: getting another card would likely be a lot easier04:26
daftykinsgr1zzly_be4r: though without reading logs we can't be 100% sure your problem is graphics related04:27
gr1zzly_be4ris there a way that I could get those for you?04:27
daftykinsnoe: yeah get that nvidia driver installed, i think updates might brick your system otherwise04:27
R13osereisio: I found an add-on for firefox that does this04:28
noedaftykins: doing steps 1 and 2 didn't install an nvidia driver?04:29
daftykinsnoe: oh yeah i misread it the first time i saw that... did you reboot and run nvidia-settings since? i don't think nvidia-319 supports your card 0o04:29
reisioR13ose: gj04:30
daftykinsnoe: how's it looking?04:35
noerebooted (a couple of times to be sure). run nvidia-settings?04:36
daftykinsyeah, it's the program to confirm things are working04:37
daftykinsnoe: it also wouldn't hurt to fire up a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" so i can take a glance at what driver is in use and working04:37
noedaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/952417804:41
daftykinsnoe: looks good, as per line 90 it's using the nvidia-331 driver04:42
daftykinsBashing-om: hrmm looks like the 331 likes the 750Ti after all04:42
daftykinsnoe: if you're feeling brave you could upgrade now ;)04:43
daftykinsabhi_cdot: do that somewhere else please.04:43
noeI'm feeling mighty brave,the wife might want some attention though...Eh, I'll go for it04:44
daftykinscfhowlett: o/04:44
Bashing-omdaftykins: Yeah ! I was looking .. I see no fault . Nvidia do something ? as I was under the impression we needed version 334.xx or later .04:47
daftykinsBashing-om: mmm no idea here, maybe it's the point of 319-updates having updates of some kind 0o04:50
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Bashing-omdaftykins: If it ain't broke, do not fix it !04:51
gr1zzly_be4rok so i can get to a grub command shell as root but i cant do anything because its a readonly terminal04:53
gr1zzly_be4ram i at the wrong termina?l04:55
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: Doing good, again a couple of ways to r/w for the file system. a) choose enabale networking option. b) in the root shell, terminal command -> mount -o remount rw / <- .04:56
=== paulus68_ is now known as paulus68
agent_whiteSo. I have no experience at all with tuning TCP but am looking to check it out.  Is sysctl the main place to go pretty much?04:58
viejotrenHi, I'm using ubuntu 14.10 and I have a problem with a package, it's gimp, it seems it has broken dependences, so I can't install it, I checked my repos and everything it's ok, in fact, the gimp is on the repos, so I google this situation but there is enough useful info, anyone has an idea?04:59
inceptiontry to update and upgrade your system before installing anythong04:59
inceptiontry to update and upgrade your system before installing anything04:59
agent_whiteviejotren: Pastie your exact error output as well. So we can see exactly what you mean.05:00
viejotreninception: I did it, still the same05:00
viejotrenagent_white: just 1 minute05:00
gr1zzly_be4rturns out that it's a different graphics card05:01
gr1zzly_be4rnvidia g7205:02
gr1zzly_be4rwhich i think is supported05:02
viejotrenagent_white: http://snag.gy/9sqPN.jpg05:03
agent_whiteviejotren: Held packages?05:05
agent_whiteviejotren: Find them this way `dpkg --get-selections | grep hold`05:06
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: to see the card and releated driver ( if loaded) terminal command -> sudo lshw -C display <- . look in "config" line for a loaded driver .05:07
viejotrenagent_white: nothing, after type the command you write, I got nothing on terminal05:08
agent_whiteviejotren: http://askubuntu.com/questions/164587/how-can-you-unhold-remove-a-hold-on-a-package05:09
viejotrenagent_white: thank you, I'll check it05:09
agent_whiteviejotren: Try that out. Otherwise, if you're looking for the 'quickest' way, generally aptitude will resolve those issues for you, unlike apt-get.05:09
viejotrenagent_white: got it, I'll let you know in a couple of minutes, thank you05:10
gr1zzly_be4rthe only thing that shows in the "config" line is "latency=0"05:10
agent_whiteNo problem!05:10
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: Well, then ... no driver is loaded . Need to find out what it will take to load a driver of some sort .05:11
gr1zzly_be4rright. well i tried just updating the package manager with just an apt-get update and it's failing05:12
gr1zzly_be4rso i don't know how i'd even install a driver05:12
sexyboyhow do i make an upstart script run last?05:13
sexyboyafter all other scripts ran05:13
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: If you are at the recovery console, and have not "enabled Networking" then of course the package manager will fail as no internet . - I work best from an actual terminal ( edit the kernels boot line in grub ) . We will woek through this . But past my time here and getting sleepy .05:15
sexyboyactually the script does not run at all but works with inictl invoked manually05:15
sexyboyanything i should know about making an upstart job run during boot?05:16
sexyboyor maybe there is another channel i should go to and discuss this05:16
viejotrenagent_white: I found the problem is with gcc-base version, utopic unicorn uses 4.9.2 and it's required 4.9.1, I guess downgrade gcc-base is not a valid option right?05:17
agent_whiteviejotren: Oh wow... have you just simply updated your system yet?05:17
viejotrenagent_white: yes my system is up to date, more details about I found: http://snag.gy/9YM5K.jpg05:19
gr1zzly_be4rcan i just enable networking from the recovery command prompt?05:19
LazuratusAnyone know if it's possible to exclude specific files (like desktop.ini for example) when using a cifs share with autofs?05:20
agent_whiteviejotren: Looks like the 7th action is best bet. (the other packages aren't installed, so they don't matter)05:20
viejotrenagent_white: ok, I'll try it, just 1 minute05:21
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viejotrenagent_white: it does not work, more details: http://pbrd.co/1xjwSGE05:26
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: yeah, best I recall is to "exit' the root terminal, and that takes you back to the options screen, here choose "enable networking" and once more select "root terminal" .05:27
gr1zzly_be4ri got it working05:28
gr1zzly_be4rwith an ifconfig eth0 up05:28
gr1zzly_be4rso now if i run that lshw -C display i should see something else right05:28
agent_whiteviejotren: What did you enter to get that prompt?05:29
agent_white`apt-get install gimp` ?05:29
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: Possible, but doubtful .. We need to KNOW the card then consider the options to install a driver .05:30
viejotrenagent_white: when it says: "accept this solution?..." I typed 705:30
agent_whiteviejotren: OHHH woops!05:30
agent_whiteHit Y instead05:30
agent_whitehaha I missed that.05:30
gr1zzly_be4rit's a nvidia card05:30
gr1zzly_be4ri installed an apt-get nvidia-current05:30
viejotrenagent_white: using apt-get I got the held broken packages, and the screenshot is using aptityude05:31
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: Maybe good .. IF that card is still supported by Nvidia .05:31
gr1zzly_be4rlets fucking hope so05:31
agent_whiteviejotren: Alright. When the prompt comes back up, hit "7" then "Y"05:32
daftykinsgr1zzly_be4r: lol nvidia now? don't use that language in here please.05:32
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: To seee what the grahics card(s) is -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga <- .05:33
viejotrenagent_white: done, but it did not work, the same result as the previous screenshot05:33
gr1zzly_be4rwell it's not locking anymore but it's saying that there are internal problems05:34
gr1zzly_be4ryeah the VGA controller is a NVIDIA Corp G7205:35
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: driver did not install ? see above to know what card we are dealing with .05:35
gr1zzly_be4rthe driver installed is nvidia05:35
gr1zzly_be4ri think it's actually working now though.05:36
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: A reboot sometimes works wonders .05:37
gr1zzly_be4rIt's not locking, and I'm in the regular desktop.05:37
gr1zzly_be4rlooks like it definitely did for me05:38
agent_whiteviejotren: `sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoclean`05:38
agent_whiteThen try `sudo apt-get install gimp`05:38
Bashing-om!yay | gr1zzly_be4r05:39
ubottugr1zzly_be4r: Glad you made it! :-)05:39
viejotrenagent_white: same result (held broken packages)05:39
gr1zzly_be4rthank you for the help!05:40
epyxthank you for Ubuntu guys05:40
agent_whiteviejotren: Pastie the output for me please :)05:40
agent_whiteviejotren: pastie.org05:40
Bashing-omgr1zzly_be4r: :) m you done all the work .05:40
viejotrenagent_white: http://pastie.org/978102205:43
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agent_whiteviejotren: that some required packages have not yet been created05:45
agent_whiteviejotren: http://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies-after-adding-a-ppa05:45
hey_joei dont really know where to ask this...05:46
noedaftykins: so i've updated. It gave me a crash report: "Sorry, a problem occurred while installing software. Package: nvidia-331-updates" What does this mean?05:46
noeit seems to be working though05:47
hey_joebut im trying to run a minimal server config on a small RAM box.... i have PHP nginx configured in lieu of Apache2. is that the better low memory setup?05:47
hey_joenginx at least vs apache205:47
daftykinsnoe: no idea there i'm afraid, you restarted already then? since the updates installed05:48
hey_joei really just want a jquery type framework like angular, a DB (i know mysql well, familiar with postgres), and SSL...05:48
hey_joeand php05:48
noeyes, restarted & got that error with lots of "details" below05:49
daftykinshey_joe: how low are we talking?05:49
viejotrenagent_white: got it, I have to work tomorrow, it's all for me today, thanks for all your help and time, I'll let you know in next hours05:51
adiphow are you ubuntu hahaha05:59
adipcak pie06:01
daftykinswell i'm glad that fine exchange is over06:02
noedaftykins: well, I don't know what that meant but all seems to be well. Did the steps from that ubuntuhandbook link again just to be safe and restarted. Seems to be good. Bedtime, though. Thanks a lot for all your help.06:03
uciaskiraadip mana06:04
uciaskiraadip asem e06:05
adipuci edan06:05
=== theterminator is now known as terminator----
daftykinsnoe: any time :) have a good week o/06:05
terminator----I use debian linux so I'm totally clueless here. My friends safari is crashing with osx. Where is the crashlog? I'm in crashreporter. Can I find it in /var/logs?06:06
daftykinsterminator----: what makes you think this is a mac support channel?06:06
adiphelp me06:06
daftykinsadip: you have to ask a question first.06:07
terminator----oh crap I joined the wrong channel06:07
terminator----my irc client auto joined this06:07
uciaskirahow can  help06:07
adipterminator what06:07
akiva-thinkpadhey I have a .sh file; how do I change it so when I double click on it in nautilus, that it executes it as a program rather than trying to open it with an application?06:08
adiphey I have a .sh file; how do I change it so when I double click on it in nautilus, that it executes it as a program rather than trying to open it with an application?whatttttttttttt06:08
akiva-thinkpadadip, erm; yah i know06:09
uciaskirawhat your distro linux you use06:09
akiva-thinkpadwhat I mean is how to get it to use sh to open it?06:09
epyxrun it in a terminal06:09
uciaskiracan you speak indonesia06:09
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India06:09
akiva-thinkpaduciaskira, ubuntu06:09
daftykinsoops wrong one06:10
adipjawatimur gue06:10
akiva-thinkpaduciaskira, no; I want to do it from nautilus, not from a terminal06:10
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:10
akiva-thinkpadthat double clicking just opens it.06:10
epyxbut it's a shell script :P06:10
adipakiva girls or boys06:10
daftykinsuciaskira adip #ubuntu-id06:10
uciaskiraasem semrawut kabeh,,,,..06:10
akiva-thinkpadadip, what?06:10
daftykinsakiva-thinkpad: ignore these two they're trolling06:11
uciaskirayes me use ubuntu06:11
akiva-thinkpaddaftykins, lol thanks06:11
epyxI'm not trolling :/06:11
adipyour countries?06:11
akiva-thinkpad!ot | adip06:11
ubottuadip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:11
daftykinsepyx: you're not one of the two i was referring to :P06:11
uciaskiraadip you grazy06:11
epyxdaftykins, roger :)06:11
adipuciaskira stupid06:11
daftykinsuciaskira adip either ask an ubuntu support question or LEAVE please.06:11
akiva-thinkpad!ops | adip06:11
ubottuadip: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:11
* phunyguy glances up06:12
cfhowlettadip, uciaskira insults are not needed or allowed.  stop now.06:12
phunyguyadip, please adhere to the guidelines.06:12
epyxadip, good job, you set the alarms off!06:12
phunyguyno need for the peanut gallery, either.06:12
cfhowlettepyx, let's *not* feed them ...06:12
uciaskirasorry gyus,,, me test xchat,,, sorry gyus,,, because me use ubuntu modifikasi,,, how are you all06:13
adipubuntu iam bacbox06:13
epyxI hate to see them starve :<06:13
cfhowlettadip, backbox is not supported here.  sorry.06:13
akiva-thinkpadanyways for some reason I was under the impression that shell scripts could be executed in Nautilus through double clicking;06:13
adip:) im happy all06:13
cfhowlett!backbox | adip06:13
epyxakiva-thinkpad, maybe, but what happens is they open up in a terminal anyway afaik06:13
daftykinsnah that behaviour has gotten confused i think06:14
adipiam no smart speking in englsh06:14
makarais there a snappy channel?06:14
adipiam no smart speking in english06:14
akiva-thinkpadepyx, hmmm, actually thats a good idea... I'll see if gnome terminal will work.06:14
daftykinsadip: then join #ubuntu-id please06:14
adipakiva makara apyx how are you06:14
epyxtry right click it, --> rights --> allow executable as a program (or something)06:14
epyxI have that option06:14
cfhowlettadip, you use backbox.  we can't help you.  sorry.06:14
makaraadip: I don't speak English well06:15
epyxakiva-thinkpad, poorly translated by me btw ;)06:15
Soundlogic|MobilHello! I'm using a ubuntu flash drive due to hard drive problems. However, my laptop's wifi seems to be having trouble. Lshw -C network shows my wifi adapter as unclaimed.06:15
akiva-thinkpadepyx, hmmm there is an option for "Run Software"; doesnt' work though06:15
daftykinsSoundlogic|Mobil: would it not be more important to check the hard disk first than get the thing online? :)06:15
Soundlogic|MobilI have my stuff off the hard disk, and I will look into its problems later. Mostly I want a not tiny phone with wifi.06:16
epyxakiva-thinkpad, http://imgur.com/ioye08K06:16
adiphelp me im06:17
cfhowlettadip, stop it.06:17
phunyguyadip: stop that06:17
uciaskirahelp me please,,,,,,,i have problem,,, my batre laptop low,,,,06:17
epyxput it in the oven06:17
daftykinsphunyguy: uciaskira is doing the same thing, could they get a +q?06:17
daftykinsit's not a real query.06:17
cfhowlettepyx, bad and destructive advice!! you KNOW better!  knock it off06:18
akiva-thinkpadI have banned for less :P Though I deserved it.06:18
cfhowlettphunyguy, add epyx to that -q please06:18
epyxcfhowlett, what is?06:18
* phunyguy glances at backlog06:18
epyxto mark it as executable? :/06:18
Soundlogic|MobilThe ability to put stuff on flash drives without finding another computer each time and not having to type on this tiny keyboard would be very nice.06:18
phunyguyepyx: you need to stick to support please.  Stop being silly, this is not the place.06:18
daftykinsSoundlogic|Mobil: so you're missing a driver, what wireless adapter is it?06:19
Soundlogic|Mobil"Bcm4352 802.11ac wireless network adapter"06:20
daftykinscan you plug the system in with wired networking to install a driver?06:21
daftykinsyou're going to have a hell of a time trying to get that thing online without06:21
Soundlogic|MobilHm. I shall have to search for a port and cable.06:21
cfhowlettSoundlogic|Mobil, you're booted from ubuntu USB?  which version of ubuntu?06:22
Soundlogic|MobilHow do I check?06:22
daftykinscat /etc/issue06:22
Soundlogic|Mobil14.4.1 lts06:22
cfhowlettSoundlogic|Mobil, no online access needed.  you can dpkg -i the files directly from the USB06:23
Soundlogic|MobilWhich files?06:23
daftykinsah my mistake ^ keep hearing about this being an option but don't know anything about it personally06:23
daftykinsinstalling the broadcom driver.06:23
cfhowlettSoundlogic|Mobil, file manager >> filesysystem > pool >06:23
cfhowlettfilesystem > cdrom06:24
cfhowlett> pool > main > d> dkms > sudo dpkg -i dkms.DEB06:24
cfhowlettpool > restricted > b > bcmwl > sudo dpkg -i bcml-kernel-source.DEB06:25
cfhowlettnote: DKMS must be done first06:25
Soundlogic|MobilFirst the first?06:25
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Soundlogic|Mobil"error processing archive"-I think I remembered where an Ethernet cable is though. Maybe.06:27
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cfhowlettdaftykins, sudo dpkg -i     main > d > dkms.deb    and  restricted > b > bcmwl > bcmwl-kernel-source.deb      works for most broadcom chipsets06:28
daftykinscfhowlett: *nod* i just wasn't aware packages are usable on disc now :)06:29
cfhowlettdaftykins, they've always been there, just had to dig through some obscure documentation to find the correct pathway06:29
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TekkBuzzdip_kush04:  Hey'07:09
lolcatShould I used updates or the other one?07:22
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ararobhmmm.... CDemu doesn't unmount my iso's right. It "unmounts" the iso, but when i go in the file manager, i can still see the mount point, and there's an eject button next to it07:39
ararobi click on it and the mount point dissappears07:39
explodingmangoOkay, I just learned about apt pinning and changing the priority of repositories. I also learned that setting a repository's priority to -10 will keep it from installing anything, even if it has a newer version available. My question:  Is there any way to get a list of all packages which *would* be upgraded if only they weren't being blocked by the priority being -10?07:39
bubbasauresthat's roulette under you're not understanding why07:42
HelenaKittyOkay so...07:54
HelenaKittyMy RTC is broken. How do I get NTP to sync the software clock?07:54
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da_didiHelenaKitty: you need to install ntpdate08:00
HelenaKittyda_didi, Is that all?08:01
da_didiand then you need to execute ntpdate :)08:01
da_didie.g. - depending where you live - ntpdate -b 0.de.pool.ntp.org08:02
da_didias root or with sudo08:02
HelenaKittyda_didi, I need this per restart08:03
HelenaKittyI can't keep executing this!08:03
da_didiHelenaKitty: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/NTP.html08:03
HelenaKittyDidn't update08:04
da_didithere is hint how to get the update each day (with the cron.daily)08:04
Ben64uh, pretty sure once ntp is installed, it runs as a service08:04
HelenaKittyda_didi, Except the ntpdate command didn't update my software clock08:05
hateballBen64: ntpdate can run independent of the ntpd tho08:08
eXistenZNLhateball it blocks the socket so you need to stop ntpd in order to run ntpdate08:08
eXistenZNLbut other than that, yeah08:08
hateballeXistenZNL: Yes, I'm just saying you don't have to have ntpd running :)08:09
afidegnumhow do I find my default gateway from ubuntu?08:09
Ben64hateball: its easier than running ntpdate all the time08:09
afidegnumI did ifconfig -a08:09
hateballBen64: Yes08:09
Ben64afidegnum: type "route"08:09
afidegnumok, thanks08:09
HelenaKittyI do "this computer is annoying me"08:09
HelenaKittyIt thinks it's in the year 215108:10
Ben64replace battery / replace motherboard08:10
hateballIf the drift is huge you may need to manually set a time before making it exact with ntpdate08:10
afidegnumwhat about the dns server?08:10
afidegnumcan I type hte router's default dns server or it has to be another one?08:11
Ben64afidegnum: what are you trying to accomplish08:11
hateballafidegnum: "nm-tool" will show info08:11
afidegnumI am trying to configure my ubuntu PC to have a static IP address08:11
Ben64afidegnum: so open up the network connections tool and set a static ip there?08:12
afidegnumyes, that's waht I am trying to achieve08:13
Ben64yes, then do that08:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:15
jnhghyHi, I have troubles with chromium on ubuntu 14.04, if I visit youtube all my computer crashes (just freezes and I can't do anything) what it's not working: ctrl+alt+F2, ctrl+alt+del mouse doesn't move anymore keyboard doesn't seem to do anything all I can do is reboot, any idea how can I troubleshoot08:30
Difianzporco pid08:33
DevAntoineUnder 14.04 with XFCE, every time I reboot I have to set chromium as my default browser. What's happening?08:33
Difianzpadre pio was here08:42
ErC1is Ubuntu can infected by virus ? anyone using antivirus for their Ubuntu ?08:49
hateball!virus | ErC108:49
ubottuErC1: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:49
DJonesErC1: Generally no, but as it gets more popular there's always a risk08:49
ErC1Oh okay. Thank you for explaining08:50
DevAntoineI'm using the awesome synapse as my quick launcher. It's awesome but I have a lot of graphical bugs under ubuntu (under Mint + Mate). And I don't know how to take a sreenshort of it since it cannot be run using another software08:53
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:54
john__can anyone hear me?08:59
DJonesjohn__: The channel can see what your typing09:00
eXistenZNLi cant09:00
eXistenZNLi can oly see what ikonia types09:00
john__just installed xchat, never used irc before, thought I would have to make an acct09:00
ikoniajohn__: you're fine, but you can make a freenode account if you want09:00
eXistenZNLjohn__ you can, google on nickserv09:00
ikonia!register | john__09:00
ubottujohn__: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:00
andyfiedjohn__: actually, hexchat is recommended these days. xchat is no longer maintained09:01
DJonesjohn__: For some channels, you do need to register a nick & login in otherwise you won't get access, most of the ubuntu channels don't need that though09:01
john__good to know, going to install that now, brb09:02
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john__just installed hexchat, this is nicer too09:03
john__thanks for the tip09:03
john__love this interface, i love how clean everything is with linux09:04
andyfiedjohn__: i really like hexchat :)09:04
ErC1I used smuxi before09:04
john__hey I had a question though, i downloaded a .tar.gz for pycharm (couldn't find it in the package manager), and I'm wondering where I should unpack it to. I know there's more than one place to install software on linux, but I want to be able to boot it from terminal like all my other software09:05
ikoniajohn__ you can unpack it whereever you feel best09:06
zobristhow to know who r using my wifi09:06
ikoniajohn__: you can run it from a terminal by typing the full path to it, or putting it in your $PATH environment variable09:06
john__like typing 'chromium-browser' boots google chrome, i want to be able to type 'pycharm' and have pycharm boot up09:06
ikoniajohn__: ubuntu also defaults to the bin directory in your home directory, so if you put it there you wouldn't have to do anything else09:06
zobristhow to know who r on the same wifi as me09:06
ikoniazobrist: look on the router, not really an ubuntu issue09:07
john__could i get the full path to the bin directory? isn't there more than one09:07
cfhowlettzobrist, put a decent password on your router = YOU are using it.  no one else09:07
ararobzobrist: log in to your router, and check09:07
ikoniajohn__: in your home directory09:07
zobristno no no09:07
john__in my home directory i see desktop, documents, etc.09:07
zobristi want to know who r using wifi  which i am also using09:07
ikoniajohn__: right, if you create a bin directory that will automatically be in your path09:08
ikoniazobrist: look on the router09:08
ikoniazobrist: this isn't an ubuntu issue09:08
zobristafter finding the router then what09:08
ikoniazobrist: it's not an ubuntu issue09:08
AxtonIs this channel also for ubuntu server Q?09:08
john__srry i'm not getting you, so I should create a bin folder in my home directory and put it there?09:08
ikoniazobrist: talk to the people who maintain the network09:08
ikoniajohn__: yes09:08
john__pretty new to linux09:08
cfhowlettzobrist, read your router documentation.  not an ubuntu issue.09:08
ikoniaAxton: yes, and #ubuntu-server for specific help09:08
Axtonikonia: Thx;-)09:09
john__wouldn't that already exist if that's where software is installed though?09:09
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DevAntoineUnder 14.04 with XFCE, every time I reboot I have to set chromium as my default browser. What's happening?09:09
ikoniajohn__: thats not where software is installed, thats where you can install your personal software09:10
john__actually nvm, it's different in terminal. when I cd /home in the terminal and ls all i see is 'john'09:10
cfhowlettDevAntoine you probably told firefox to verify that it's the default browser each time09:10
john__so i should type mkdir bin09:10
john__from /home09:11
ikoniajohn__: no, thats not your home directory09:11
ikoniajohn__: your home directory is /home/john09:11
john__oh ok that makes more sense09:12
explodingmangoI'm messing around with /etc/apt/preferences to set priority for my repositories. Can anyone tell me why "Package: **" is matching all the packages in a repository yet "Package: *" isn't, even though the latter is the official example given in `man apt_preferences`?09:12
ararobI'm trying to access about:config in epiphany, but the about:config wont load, it's just a white blank page09:12
DevAntoinecfhowlett: well, I don't even launch firefox oO09:12
zobristhow to run windows software in ubuntu09:12
cfhowlettDevAntoine, yes but if you trigger a browser launch, firefox thinks you want ff.09:12
john__i think there's a program called wine that allows you to do it09:12
DJones!wine | zobrist But not all will run and what does run may not be fully working,09:13
ubottuzobrist But not all will run and what does run may not be fully working,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:13
john__but i've also heard it's difficult to get working09:13
ararobjohn__:not terribly difficult09:13
ararobdepends if your program is well supported09:13
john__i wanted to be able to play wc3 on ubuntu, and it looked like there were all sorts of bugs09:13
DJonesjohn__: This might be a better way of installing pycharm http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/06/install-pycharm-3-4-ubuntu-14-04/ It adds a repository and installs using the ubuntu package manager which will make it easier to update/remove in future09:14
john__really if i could play wc3 on ubuntu i wouldn't even have to dual boot09:14
cfhowlett!wine | zobrist,09:14
ubottuzobrist,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:14
john__only reason i still use windows09:14
andyfiedwine is not too bad, for a lot of games especially you can use PlayOnLinux which is a front end for it with decent set up scripts09:14
andyfiedjohn__: check this out http://www.gamersonlinux.com/forum/threads/warcraft-iii-guide.398/09:15
john__oh what, playonlinux supports warcraft 3, says 'this installer has been approved by the team'09:15
ararobjohn__: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3126 , it should work "okay"09:15
ararobnot perfect though09:15
john__hell yeah dude, thank you so much, can't believe i didn't get on irc sooner09:15
andyfiedplayonlinux is pretty useful09:16
john__i can live without the cutscenes haha, been playing warcraft 3 for 12 years09:16
ararobiirc, wc3 and wine have been friends for a long while, battle.net fucks things up though from time to time with their updates09:17
DevAntoinecfhowlett: that's not that, I've launched firefox and the option to check if it's the default browser isn't checked09:17
MortezaEHi. I'm in a trouble with 14.14 window managment system.09:17
MortezaE Alt+Tab switches between windows but none of them get focused!09:17
MortezaE* 14.0409:18
ararobAnyone have problems withi CDemu not unmounting iso's cleanly?09:18
ararobi mean the mount point is still there, and if i mount another iso on the same virtual device, the mount point gets some weirdo garbled text, looks like chinese :)09:19
cfhowlettDevAntoine, sorry.  pretty sure you've got conflicting browser settings on FF/chrome.  dig deep.09:20
silviu_does anyone know if Ubuntu Touch has somethign akin to this09:23
silviu_adb shell screenrecord09:23
cfhowlett!touch | silviu_,09:23
ubottusilviu_,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:23
MortezaEHow could i move some window to another workspace by a terminal command ?09:26
MortezaEI think wmctrl has not such option09:26
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john__where would you guys recommend installing oracles jdk? pycharm requires it09:29
ikoniajohn__: are you sure it needs oracle jdk and not just a jdk/java?09:29
wassulrusis there a program that auto completes a paragraph?09:30
=== Lauxley is now known as Guest39668
DevAntoineI'm using synapase and have bad graphicals bugs since I'm under ubuntu and xfce: http://imgur.com/yzTqYJK It was running like a charm under mate + mate. Any idea?09:31
john__I think so. when i 'sh pycharm.sh' (it comes with a shell script for installation), I get 'no JDK found. please validate either pycharm_jdk, jdk_home, or java_home environemnt variable points to a valid jdk installation09:31
john__doesn't ubuntu come with openjdk though?09:32
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auscompgeekjohn__: not out of the box09:38
auscompgeekopenjdk is in the repos09:38
MortezaEAnybody had experienced my problem with 14.04 window manager?09:39
tnkhanhMortezaE: what is the problem?09:39
john__yea just figured that out, got openjdk installed and it's working fine09:39
tnkhanhHi I want to uninstall Qt09:41
tnkhanhhow to get rid of libraries in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu09:41
ikoniatnkhanh: you where told this yesterday09:42
ikoniais there a reason you are still asking this09:42
ikoniathis is the 3rd time you've had this explained to you and you keep asking09:42
tnkhanhikonia: ah thanks its you :D09:42
MasterPieceMortezaE, You R not a good questioner! I answered you on #ubuntu-ir09:42
ikoniatnkhanh: what is the problem ?09:42
MortezaEMasterPiece, :|09:42
tnkhanhikonia: I tried to search for qt in the software center but found nothing09:43
ikoniatnkhanh: then there are no QT packages on your system09:43
ararobjohn__: hah, i just saw i can get wc3+ frozen throne for just 10 Euros including shipping :)09:43
tnkhanhikonia: but I still see qt libraries in /usr/lib09:43
ikoniatnkhanh: which ones ?09:43
MortezaEtnkhanh, i can't focus on none of open window due to an onknown problem!! in happens one time per a month :))09:43
MasterPiecetnkhanh, Check you sources.list file, then apt-get update && apt-cache search qt09:44
auscompgeekMortezaE: I don't think you've mentioned which wm you're using09:44
MortezaEauscompgeek, I'm on ubuntu  14.04 with default config :)09:45
MortezaEmetacity i think09:45
MortezaEALt+Tab switches between windows but they dont accept focus!09:46
tnkhanhikonia: I found these in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9526653/09:48
BlasterWhat's directory.d mean?09:48
tnkhanhikonia: I will try MasterPiece's suggestion next :D09:49
explodingmangoHi, I'm messing around with /etc/apt/preferences, and trying to assign Pin-Priority: -10 to all packages from a given repository. Can anyone tell me why "Packages: *" won't match all packages in the repository, while "Packages: ?*" is successful in doing so?09:49
EriC^^MortezaE: try alt+tab then alt+~09:49
EriC^^MortezaE: btw ubuntu uses compiz now09:49
explodingmangoFor what it's worth, the official documentation `man apt_preferences` says Packages: * should work...09:49
auscompgeekMortezaE: there's many default configs...09:50
ikoniatnkhanh: that won't show you what's installed09:50
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MortezaEEriC^^, i never heard about it before. what does it do?  it works for some window but not for others09:52
tnkhanhikonia: hm yeah. I saw it so I think qt is still in my computer :s09:52
dash_I seem to have lost my unity side- and topbar for my personal account, making it hard to start appliations. I created a new account, and here things work. Any ideas to how I can restore the functionality for my account?09:52
MortezaEEriC^^, you right. it's compiz. socking compiz...09:52
EriC^^MortezaE: if you have multiple windows of the same program open it will focus and let you switch between them09:52
tnkhanhikonia: I'm sure I uninstalled some via software center09:53
MortezaEok thank you man09:53
funktHi there! Does anyone here have any knowledge of how I can make the thumbnails bigger when I am using the file browser?09:56
funktThey are just so small when selecting a file09:57
cfhowlettfunkt, ctrl - mouse wheel scrolls the size09:58
WAHABI have a PRoblem Regarding WPS Spreadsheet09:59
ikoniaWps ?09:59
funktThank you It doesn't when selecting a file thats what I meant to say09:59
WAHABanybody can help me09:59
WAHAB I am a user for Ubuntu WPS Spreadsheet, i have a problem that i cannot find help in offline & online regarding auto correct & auto fill option.  For Example : If i write AW then Spreadsheet automatically fill my name as ABDUL WAHAB.  I Hope you can understand & please advise us urgently.09:59
funktIf I say decide to insert an image into a document it comes up with the file browser09:59
ikoniaWAHAB: apologies, what's WPS ?09:59
funktthe images are so tiny09:59
funktis there anyway of changing the size?10:00
cfhowlettWAHAB, ask wps for support - not an ubuntu program10:00
WAHABWPS Is a builtin Software are as like MS Office Excel10:00
ikoniaI've never heard of WPS10:00
cfhowlettWAHAB, wps is published by Kingsoft ... NOT ubuntu10:00
ikoniais wps word perfect ?10:00
zambawhere do i choose which locales to generate?10:01
cfhowlettikonia, china clone of ms office.  actually pretty functional10:01
funktfor example10:01
WAHABWould you please advise us WPS Help Line Email Etc ?10:01
cfhowlettikonia, nope not at all.10:01
ikoniacfhowlett: thanks, never heard of it10:01
cfhowlettWAHAB, wps-community.org10:01
WAHABlet me check and thanks10:02
cfhowlettikonia, default office suite in China10:02
nisseniI'm using imagick and would like to disable some font's that are included in the system, is there an xml-file to edit for this?10:04
funkthttp://pasteboard.co/2s4nRqse.png < Anybody know how I can increase the thumbnail size in the file browser?10:05
funktWhen inserting an image.10:05
cfhowlettfunkt, ctrl key + mouse whell10:05
funktThat would work but it does not work on the file browser10:06
funktit wont scroll in on selecting an image to insert into something10:06
funktsay for example inserting an image into a document it opens a window for you to view the image you wish to insert10:07
funktthis is so small10:07
funktI would love to have a larger version so i can see what I am inserting10:07
funktctrl + wheel does not seem to work when opening the window10:08
=== tekkbuzz is now known as Guest26042
dash_How do I debug errors with Unity? It works on a new test account, but not on my main account. No launcher, no dash, no top menu bar.10:22
EriC^^dash_: try to rename the ~/.config10:22
mascot66991does anyone here knows how should i clone via ssh ??10:24
ikoniaclone what ?10:24
mascot66991a bitbucket repo which i have write access to but is not mine10:25
mascot66991i have created both the public and private key10:25
ikoniaisn't it just a git repo ?10:25
dash_EriC^^: Thanks a lot. That seems to work!10:26
mascot66991so just git clone <address to repo> wil do ??10:26
ikoniaif it's just a standard git repo, which it should be, sure10:26
mascot66991ahh okay10:27
mascot66991it said that you wont need a password each time if you use ssh cloning so i was trying it10:27
mascot66991how do they verify with my public key ??10:28
ikoniawho said they are ?10:28
ikoniayou'll have to contact the repo owner to see how they have setup auth10:28
ikonia(or permissions)10:28
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mascot66991the repo owner gave me a write level access10:29
naturaloghi. any HDD backup tool for ubuntu that *works*? with auto scheduling and encryption?10:29
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:29
naturalogthanks, but they doesnt work... as you all know!10:30
mascot66991I was reading this https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Set+up+SSH+for+Git10:30
javnutmy scheduled tasks aren't launching and it makes me sad10:30
javnuthow can I get them to start launching?10:31
Priceynaturalog: I'd make those two separate tasks... choose a way to encrypt your data on your backup system, then find a way to schedule backups that get sent there.10:37
Guest70352i downloaded ubuntu - gnome 14.04.1 and install on my usb flash and after installing on usb   boot from usb10:40
Guest70352but i can not login to ubuntu-gnome in live boot10:41
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naturalogPricey, thanks. so you speak about backuping the whole disk image? so incremental backup would be a problem, right?10:43
Guest70352 i can not login to ubuntu-gnome in live boot10:43
Guest70352why ?10:43
cfhowlettGuest70352, USB size?10:44
Priceynaturalog: Not really, do whatever you fancy. Full image or diffs or anything.10:47
Priceynaturalog: But I reckon you'll have a better time if you think about this as two separate problems to be solved separately. backup programs don't care about encrypting the data, you can just store their output in an encrypted volume?10:48
ag4ve_how do i get the installer to boot on a uefi board?10:52
cfhowlett!uefi | ag4ve_10:52
ubottuag4ve_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:52
PaulePanterHi. How do I sign in into Launchpad with my OpenID account?10:54
BaNzounetHey guys, what apt-get install -f does ?10:56
ag4ve_cfhowlett: thanks (i think) hadn't tried to just do live mode10:56
Guest70352cfhowlett    8 Gb10:56
SeveasBaNzounet: it fixes things10:56
SeveasBaNzounet: the apt-get manpage actually explains this pretty well :)10:57
PaulePanterBaNzounet: man apt-get10:57
PaulePanterBaNzounet: -f, --fix-broken10:57
Guest70352 can you help me to install ubuntu-gnome on my system ?10:58
naturalogPricey, thanks again, you're ofc right. its just i have an external hdd, and wanted to have encrypted tar files there of backup, and also use this hdd for other uses10:58
cfhowlettGuest70352, get the actual ubuntu-gnome .iso.  make a USB.  boot USB and install10:58
naturalogwith other machines10:58
BaNzounetPaulePanter: Seveas Thanks I'll rtfm :D10:58
EriC^^Guest70352: do you have ubuntu right now?10:59
Guest70352yes   ubuntu 14.0410:59
EriC^^Guest70352: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop10:59
naturalogPricey, ofc doing it manually or even requiring to insert the password each time, will make the backup not to happen when you actually need it :)11:00
naturalogtttt im considering installing tahoe-lafs11:00
xh有 中国的吗11:02
cfhowlett!cn | xh,11:02
ubottuxh,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:02
Guest70352the iso that i downloaded is : ubuntu-gnome-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso11:03
Guest70352my cpu is :   intel pentium dual core   (x86 -64 )11:04
Guest70352RAM : 1.5 GB11:04
cfhowlettGuest70352, 1.5?  pretty low especially for gnome!  lubuntu or xubuntu likely better choices.  gnome and unity are ram hungry11:05
EriC^^Guest70352: is ubuntu already installed?11:06
Guest70352but ubuntu-gnome says minimum ram is 1 Gb11:06
EriC^^Guest70352: it should already be ubuntu-gnome then11:06
EriC^^( if you used that iso )11:06
Guest70352i already installed ubuntu 14.0411:07
EriC^^Guest70352: you don't need to download an iso to add/change the desktop environment to gnome or anything else11:07
EriC^^Guest70352: which iso did you use?11:07
gruntzHi. I have problem with tray icons - my dropbox icon is not this system default one: https://i.imgur.com/RuhSzId.png - it worked day or two ago11:09
Guest70352EriC^^    ubuntu-gnome 14.04.111:09
EriC^^Guest70352: ok11:09
cfhowlettgruntz, please don't crosspost11:09
yellabs-r2heloo all11:10
yellabs-r2with bash , i can echo 'sometext' >> into.txt file , is there a way to echo it to lets say line 10 ?11:11
yellabs-r2any tips are welcome ( ubuntu bash )11:11
ash`yellabs-r2: I imagine this is more for #bash?11:13
yellabs-r2maybe yes.. ;)11:14
Priceynaturalog: There exist solutions to encrypt to a public key, which can't be decrypted without the privat ekey.11:14
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naturalogPricey, nice idea11:19
sennndoes ubuntu contain selinux?11:24
daniel555does ubuntu has Transmission embedded?11:28
MortezaEHi. i'm noticed that Indicator applet has been quited due to an unknown problem(maybe low memory) and i can't switch keyboard language. which daemon should i restart?11:29
k1ldaniel555: yes11:29
daniel555but dosent have irc client embedded?11:30
k1ldaniel555: no, just a Instant-messenger. but you can install xchat/hexchat or other clients from the official ubuntu repo11:33
sennndoes ubuntu really contain SElinux?11:37
IdleOnesennn: apt-cache search selinux11:38
k1lsennn: you have the answer. what is your real issue? what ubuntu are you runnin exactly?11:38
IdleOnesennn: to see if you have it installed do apt-cache policy selinux11:38
HZunhow stable is the non-lts kernel in ubuntu 14.04 compared to the lts upstream kernels?11:47
EriC^^HZun: you mean 14.10 ?11:48
javnutI have a shell script which is supposed to launch every 6 minutes11:48
javnutand in my system monitor, I see it's running, but it's clearly not because it doesn't open the windows which it would when I double click it11:49
k1lHZun: ubuntu supports the kernel from 14.04 for 5 years. that is stable11:49
EriC^^javnut: is it a cronjob?11:50
javnutEriC^^: yeah11:50
EriC^^*/6 * * * * ?11:50
k1ljavnut: what is this script about and should it open a window?11:50
enry23ciao a tutti11:51
ubottuenry23: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:51
javnutk1l: yes, it basically opens up genymotion11:51
HZunk1l, that depends how great the support is. how does canonical/ubuntu support compares to the upstream lts kernel support?11:51
EriC^^javnut: it won't open a gui unless you do DISPLAY=:0 <program>11:51
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guig33ksomeone can say to me what is the version of fglrx driver on ubuntu 14.10 ? and does it the last same version of the amd website ?11:51
javnutEriC^^: it's a shell script which opens up genymotion11:51
javnutnot an actual GUI11:52
EriC^^javnut: but genymotion is a gui?11:52
k1lHZun: i dont get what are you pointing at exactly. ubuntu supports the kernel and backports patches if needed.11:52
javnutEriC^^: yes, and another similar shell script which I have works fine11:52
k1lguig33k: packages.ubuntu.com11:52
javnutit does exactly the same thing basically11:52
EriC^^javnut: it doesn't matter, do export DISPLAY=:0 script.sh11:53
javnutfor the command?11:53
k1lguig33k: and now, the amd website got a newer version in most times, but its not better to run a newer version. the ubuntu one is made working  with ubuntu and that is better than a newer version that doesnt run at all :)11:53
javnut"do export DISPLAY=:0 script.sh"?11:53
k1lguig33k: or the automatic updates and situations when you get a kernel update. that is all better on ubuntu driver11:54
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
HZunk1l, i just needed some clarification as to what ubuntu support means. but thanks11:54
guig33kk1l: on packages.ubuntu.com you cannot see the version11:54
k1lguig33k: sure11:54
guig33kfglrx-updates (2:14.201-0ubuntu2) [restricted]11:54
EriC^^javnut: try DISPLAY=:0 script.sh11:54
guig33kbut it not say me which version of the amd driver it is11:54
javnutEriC^^: ok, I'll see what happens in a minute11:55
guig33kk1l: yes but i play a native game on linux and someone say to me the bug which make black screen in the game has been correct by the last amd driver11:55
k1lguig33k: what version is on amd website?11:55
EriC^^javnut: or DISPLAY=:0 bash /path/to/script.sh11:55
k1lguig33k: its version: 14.201 in utopic11:56
guig33kk1l: 14.12 and it s dated of 09/12/201411:56
secrettriangleHi, I'm having issues booting up after the latest update... getting warnings in Xorg.0.log for /dev/dri/card011:56
guig33kk1l: when the last will be add to ubuntu ?11:57
javnutEriC^^: the DISPLAY /path/to/script.sh didn't work11:57
secrettriangleI tried deleting xorg.conf but now it won't login11:57
EriC^^javnut: i think you need to add bash11:57
secrettriangle(though lightdm does start)11:57
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k1l!away > Joshua^Dunamis11:58
ubottuJoshua^Dunamis, please see my private message11:58
javnutEriC^^: that didn't work either, and I'm not following the logic here11:58
javnutthe script WAS working11:58
javnutI have another similar script which does almost the same thing, and that launched 30 minutes ago11:58
guig33kk1l: where do you have see it s 14.201 ?11:58
EriC^^javnut: it should work11:59
EriC^^javnut: in crontab?11:59
javnutEriC^^: yes11:59
EriC^^does the script set the display?11:59
javnutsee, my other script just launched12:00
EriC^^javnut: is it launching a gui?12:00
javnutEriC^^: yes12:00
EriC^^javnut: can you upload the scripts?12:02
javnutEriC^^: let me try something first12:02
EriC^^javnut: ok12:02
javnutEriC^^: I just removed the script12:04
javnutand readded the same thing12:04
EriC^^javnut: if you could upload stuff it would be better12:04
javnutEriC^^: no, I mean it's working now12:05
EriC^^that doesn't make sense12:05
javnutall I did was remove the cron job12:05
javnutand readded it12:05
EriC^^maybe your computer is moody12:05
EriC^^who knows12:05
guig33ksomeone can help me when i start teamspeak binary i have this message : This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb".12:05
javnutthe only thing I did12:05
javnutwas change the name of the script, then I changed it back12:05
javnutand it stopped working12:06
guig33ksomeone can help me when i start teamspeak binary i have this message : This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb".12:08
=== Electron is now known as Guest23097
agent_whiteguig33k: `apt-get install libx11-xcb1`12:10
agent_whiteThat way you install the X11 implementation of the XCB plugin.12:11
agent_whitehttp://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linux-requirements.html -- for additional dependencies that Qt may require.12:11
=== Borisd is now known as Namevac
secrettriangleMy /home is mounting is read-only, any thoughts?12:17
EriC^^secrettriangle: fsck it12:17
k1lsecrettriangle: see dmesg, maybe its hardware failing12:18
javnutEriC^^: for some reason when I change the lines of the file12:18
guig33kagent_white: i have found i will needed to start it by the runscript12:18
javnutit stops working12:18
guig33kit s work now12:18
secrettriangleOK will do12:18
agent_whiteguig33k: Good deal :)12:18
agent_whiteThanks for the update12:18
ggherdovHi, I'm on ubuntu 14.04. Since this morning I cannot get to my desktop environment anymore: I input my password, it is accepted, the form disappear and nothing more happens.12:19
ggherdovAny hint on how can I solve this / keyword to google ?12:19
ggherdovGuest23097: gnome fallback.12:21
agent_whiteggherdov: Did you recently update to 14.04?12:21
ggherdovagent_white: nope, I did the upgrade about 6 months ago.12:22
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agent_whiteggherdov: What DE do you have? Unity?12:22
ggherdovagent_white: I use the fallback mode for gnome, i.e. gnome 2-ish.12:22
agent_whiteggherdov: Do you have `unity-2d` installed?12:23
secrettriangleSo here's what happening12:23
secrettriangleI can get to lightdm fine but as soon as I type my password and click login the whole thing freezes and I have to REISUB12:24
Ben64ggherdov: ls -l ~/.Xauthority12:24
secrettriangleI can't even get to a VT12:24
ggherdovagent_white: wait, i'll do CTRL+ALT+F1 and check12:24
ggherdovBen64: checking12:24
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Listen in on ggherdov's issue, sounds similar.12:24
ggherdovagent_white: unity-2d installed.12:24
* secrettriangle has half a mind to install hackintosh and be done with it12:25
ggherdovBen64: what with the .Xauthority file ? I have three of them. One ~/.Xauthority, and two other with some suffixes (like IDs).12:26
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Hang in there :) Always worth the learning experience.12:26
agent_whiteggherdov: .Xresources / .Xauthority / .Xdefaults ?12:26
agent_whiteThat's normal.12:27
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Can you access a TTY after login?12:27
agent_whitesecrettriangle: ctrl+alt+f112:27
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Then do `startx`12:27
secrettriangleNo, I can't12:27
ggherdovagent_white: no, ~/.Xauthority , ~/.Xauthority.FOO , ~/.Xauthority.BAR12:28
secrettriangleCtrl+Alt+F1 does nothing but freeze the mouse12:28
agent_whitesecrettriangle: So you have a black screen but your mouse is visible and movable?12:28
OerHeksstartx is so old, we use 'service lightdm start' now12:28
agent_whiteggherdov: Odd, did you make those? Sound like backup files.12:28
secrettriangleagent_white: no, I get lightdm but can't login12:29
agent_whiteOerHeks: Oh lawd. I was using xinit until recently ;P12:29
glcheethamsecrettriangle: can you please describe your problem again? I just joined halfway through but at a glance it may be a problem with your ~/.Xauthority, make sure the permissions of that file are right OR rename it to ~/.Xauthority.old as a backup and X will generate a new one12:30
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Hm? So you can see the usual lightdm, but when you enter your password, screen goes black but your cursor is still there?12:30
Ben64ggherdov: well what is the output of the command i suggested12:31
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Pastie.org your `/var/log/lightdm` if you can as well.12:31
ggherdovBen64: copypaste isn't possible. I can tell you: the file exists, last modification 15 minutes ago, permission 600 , I am the owner, size is 157 bytes... what other meaningful info you look for ?12:33
Ben64ggherdov: why isn't it possible? you just typed more characters than the ls command would have outputted12:33
cia_my name is jay12:34
OerHeksInteliBlentav, so you want us to click that?12:36
agent_whiteggherdov: Remove it, as well as those other ".Xauthority.{FOO,BAR}" etc files12:36
OerHeks!ot | InteliBlentav12:36
ggherdovagent_white: ok12:36
ubottuInteliBlentav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:36
InteliBlentavcheck it OerHeks12:36
InteliBlentavthen talk :)12:36
Ben64InteliBlentav: it is not on topic here12:36
agent_whiteInteliBlentav: Just a heads up in the future, some #ubuntu folks like the discussion to stay purely about helptopics.12:38
InteliBlentavty agent_white but no need for kick12:38
agent_whiteInteliBlentav: Oh! Didn't know you were kicked. I disable those IRC messages. :P12:38
Ben64the topic here is strictly adhered to, and for good reason. theres a perfectly fine #ubuntu-offtopic channel for offtopic stuff. use that12:39
agent_whitesecrettriangle: Have you removed your .Xauthority file as well?12:39
InteliBlentavbut why kick lol12:39
Ben64ask in #ubuntu-ops12:39
agent_whiteInteliBlentav: Like I said, some folks REALLY don't like offtopic messages.12:39
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:39
agent_whiteJust go with it.12:39
glcheethamI'm experiencing a strange issue with my DNS resolution, every ~4 hours of use, my computer will start refusing to resolve addresses, with chromium hanging on "resolving host..." then running "sudo service network-manager restart" fixes it. Any suggestions?12:40
k1lif anyone got any questions regarding the channel guidelines feel free to join #ubuntu-ops and ask there. please keep this channel support only. thanks12:40
j0hnsm1thim getting a prompt for "unlock default keyring" in the greeter when i startup my pc. i was trying to get a usb 3g dongle to unlock automatically on login. how do i remove the prompt and/or the default keyring? i've tried deleteing everything in ~/.local/keyrings/* and removing the login keyring from seahorse, but no luck.12:44
j0hnsm1thoh im running 14.04 with all the updates.12:45
fidel__j0hnsm1th: i think setting an empty keyring password might do the trick12:47
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gordonjcpin 14.10 is there a way to make Bluetooth not try to set a random PIN for pairing?12:50
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Are you able to get into your desktop?12:50
j0hnsm1thagent_white, im not using auto login, the prompt displays during the greeter12:53
j0hnsm1thfidel__, i think you've got the right idea, but when i shutdown/restart it prompts me again, and oddly the password is back to the original, ie not empty password12:54
zotis there a way to use iptables to kill an existing/established tcp connection?12:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551950 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "gnome-bluetooth cannot use pin = 1234" [Medium,Triaged]12:54
gordonjcp^ this is exactly what I'm running up against12:54
gordonjcpI guess bluetooth just isn't supported then?12:55
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Set the keyring passsword to your user password instead of a blank one12:56
j0hnsm1thagent_white, thats what its set to currently12:58
agent_whiteOh, you didn't set it to a blank password?12:58
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j0hnsm1thi did, but when i shutdown/restart, its back to user password12:58
j0hnsm1thagent_white, fidel__ , what files is the application seahorse operating on, can't i just remove all of those to get rid of the keyring so its stops prompting me?13:00
jrtappersIs all the UEFI Boot data stored on the HDD?13:01
jrtappersIf there were any responces could they be repeated plz, I lost connection13:03
j0hnsm1thjrtappers, i was here the whole time, no responses... sorry :(13:04
jrtappersDon't worry13:04
jrtappersJust changing to an SSD, and couldn't remember if the disk holds all of the UEFI data, want to have a fallback if it goes wrong13:04
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: http://askubuntu.com/questions/867/how-can-i-stop-being-prompted-to-unlock-the-default-keyring-on-boot/224777#22477713:05
jrtappersAnd if I can move the HDD to the CD port on laptop, or if that will make it point at the SSD instead of the HDD for the old records13:05
agent_whiteCheck the third answer down.13:05
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j0hnsm1thagent_white, i've tried those exact steps and it keeps resetting to my user password. my case is slightly different in that im getting the keyring prompt at the greeter, not after i login.13:11
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agent_whiteHuh... before selecting a user?13:12
MortezaEHi. suddenly indicator applet quited and i can't change language. Alt+Tab does't work. What to do?13:12
j0hnsm1thagent_white, yup! :)13:12
MortezaE* ALt+Shift i mean13:12
j0hnsm1thagent_white, during the greeter!13:12
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: `rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring`13:13
agent_whiteOr did you already remove that and reboot?13:13
j0hnsm1thi removed /.local/share/keyring/* , but after reboot those files are back there13:13
agent_whiteAlso check ~/.local/share/keyrings/ for "login.keyring"13:13
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Alrighty, check inside .gnome213:13
j0hnsm1ththeres only ~/.gnome2/accels directory13:14
j0hnsm1thagent_white, i was trying to automatically unlock a usb 3g dongle, and i created the keyring during the greeter screen, maybe i need to look for the greeter user's keyrings?13:14
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: How did you create it inthe first place?13:15
j0hnsm1thagent_white, during the greeter screen there was an option to "automatically unlock this device" so i clicked it and created keyring through there, on the greeter screen13:15
j0hnsm1thso we are editing my users keyrings, but maybe its a keyring for the user that runs the greeter, im guessing?13:17
tekkhi guys, anyone know if the Broadcom NIC in the Late 2012 Mac Mini is natively supported in Ubuntu 14.04 yet? or whether it still requires patching?13:18
Sonderbladetekk: what kernel module is it using?13:19
tekklet me just double check (i can’t ermember)13:21
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Is the device still plugged in?13:21
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Check inside Network Manager to see if Mobile Broadband is in there.13:22
j0hnsm1thagent_white, yeah device is plugged in whole time13:22
j0hnsm1thagent_white, during all my tests i've left it unlocked13:23
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Ah alrighty! Yeah check inside Network Manager for it.13:23
tekkNeXtreme iirc13:24
j0hnsm1thagent_white, system tools > preferences > network connections? not seeing anything in there about automatic unlock or keyrings?13:24
tekkvia the tg3 driver13:24
tekk13.xx had tg3, but not the correct hardware device id's13:25
tekk1686 is the id13:25
tekkmodinfo tg3 | grep 1686      returns “pci:v000014E4d00001686sv*sd*bc*sc*i*” for me on a Ubuntu 14.04 VM i have… which is hopeful… but i wanted to double check13:25
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Network Connection -> Mobile Broadband13:26
j0hnsm1thagent_white, what am i looking for there? i dont see anything about keyring or automatic unlock?13:27
nenadhey guys. Any kubuntu users here? I'm looking for a well supported, stable and easy to use distro. So i'm wondering, is kubuntu a stable project or more of a pet-project of few devs? thanks!13:27
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Is the connection listed in there?13:27
agent_whitej0hnsm1th: Edit the connection, look for the box for "available to all users"13:28
ikonianenad: big strong team making it , stable13:28
nenadikonia: thanks. and is 14.04 also supported for 5 years?13:28
explosivenenad: yes13:29
ikonianenad: LTS = LTS for all13:30
tekkalso, whislt i’m here, does anyone know any status of the USB 3.0 support on Ubuntu on Mac Mini?13:30
tekkis it still unstable?13:31
ikoniatekk: should be the same as any other USB 313:31
ikoniait's an intel chipset13:31
nenadthanks. and what about muon software center? is it stable, or is it better to use something along the lines of synaptic etc.?13:31
ikonianenad: its stable13:31
j0hnsm1thagent_white, ok i ticked it for "available to all users", still no effect. my keyring password at greeter keeps resetting to user password after i set it to blank13:32
=== anonymous_linux is now known as AriftheLinuxer
DarkAceZis there a way to get a written list of everything I've installed on this system? I'm asking because I'd like to copy that list and paste/install it all on another13:46
DarkAceZor is that not recommended?13:46
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate13:47
DarkAceZthanks, I'll give it a look13:47
ravi_I am new to ubuntu13:50
ravi_can we run android apps in ubuntu?13:51
j0hnsm1thfidel__, i found it, in /var/lib/lightdm/.local/keyrings/13:51
j0hnsm1thfidel__, once removed no more prompt in the greeter :)13:51
fidel__j0hnsm1th: nice ;=)13:51
phre4kis it possible to create a CD with some pre-installed additional packages, activated repos and changed configuration easily?13:51
fidel__ravi_: no - at least not out of the box. take a look on ARChon if you really need something like that.13:53
ravi_thanks fidel13:53
fidel__ravi_: but in general its a different ballgame ;)13:54
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as J^D_is_coming_so
ravi_how to ARChon? it is not in sofware centre13:55
ravi_how to get ARChon?13:55
ravi_sorry, i do not get you13:56
ravi_I am not good in English13:56
fidel__its not a core function. the only thing i found for that is a hack based on chrome13:57
ravi_OK, so then I first need to install chrome13:58
ravi_is there any difference between chrome and chromium?13:58
ravi_because i found chromium in software centre13:58
ravi_not chrom13:58
ravi_thanks fidel, Let me look at the link13:59
phre4kis there a preseeding gui or a simple tutorial for preseeding Xubuntu?14:02
=== nuke__ is now known as nuke1989
kraftbHi ! Can someone help me with my kernel chaos?14:10
remugientis there any video-editing software for Ubuntu?14:10
kraftbI have a ton of different linux-image-bla packages installed and my /boot is already out of disk space14:10
k1l_kraftb: remove the old kernel packages you dont need anymore14:10
kraftbbefore my upgrade to trusty I always had to "rm *-3.13.0-INDEX*" the old kernel before an apt-get upgrade could work properly14:11
kraftbk1l_: How do I find them all? :)14:11
k1l_kraftb: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image14:11
phre4kkraftb: don't remove them via rm but via aptitude / apt-get remove14:12
phre4kremugient: search in the software center. There's for example OpenShot14:12
kraftbdpkg -l lists all packages. Not just installed ones.14:12
kraftbAnd "-L" doesn't allow a pattern14:12
k1l_kraftb: well, then pipe again through a grep for ii14:13
k1l_kraftb: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep ii"14:13
remugientphre4k, I don't want to use a shotglass to open my anus.  that's dangerous.  haven't you seen one guy one jar?14:13
phre4kremugient: http://alternativeto.net/software/openshot/?platform=linux14:13
phre4kremugient: what?14:13
phre4kwtf was wrong with this guy?14:14
k1l_some come just in here for ranting and flaming. dont mind them trolls14:15
kraftbok. Using cut and xargs did the trick14:15
kraftbIts now removing some 3.8 kernels also14:15
kraftblooks my ssd is spoiled with ancient kernel :)14:15
zebra111what kernel did you originally have kraftb?14:16
kraftbI don't know exactly. Just the default generic image of the old LTS14:16
amadews Hy all14:16
kraftbNow I upgraded to the new LTS and had problems because I created /boot so small intially14:17
eric_Hi.   Since some updates last week (including plymouth and xfce4settings), when I reboot, I don't get a graphical environment.   I have to switch to the first text console (ctrl-alt-f1), login and do "startx" to get going.  Any ideas?14:17
SuperEddy!ops | waaaa14:17
kraftbIts an old mistake. Ten years ago you didn't need hundreds of MB for /boot because just the kernel was there.14:17
kraftbNowadays (in ubuntu times) theres the boot image, a lot of modules for grub. etc.14:18
amadewsone ask to all any one have a lenovo T530  if yes have the bios file for him in rom extension ?14:18
kraftbI guess I will make /boot half a GB from now on.14:18
kraftbBut then having encrypted partitions doesn't make sense again :/14:18
k1l_you need a seperate /boot at all?14:18
kraftbMy /root is on an encrypted partitions (using cryptsetup) and / and swap are in an lvm14:19
kraftbI had a separated boot back then to make the whole stuff easier. If I would have assigned enough space this would also be the case. But now I have a lot of problem because of the tiny /boot partition14:20
user1353excuse me.where i can found folders location of not use file?(such as junk file, temp, etc..).thx.14:20
kraftb(It's 128 MB)14:20
pbxuser1353, what is your goal?14:20
CatKilleruser1353: /tmp is a thing14:20
zebra111user1353 usually /tmp but some of the files may still be in use by running programs14:20
gH05thow do i disable apache server from starting up at boot.14:21
browncoatI'm trying to have my .Xmodmap executed on login/startup but it won't work. It works when I run it manually.14:21
zebra111gH05t http://askubuntu.com/questions/170640/how-to-disable-apache2-server-from-auto-starting-upon-boot-up14:21
kraftbSo. Now all the unnecessary kernel packages are purged.14:23
user1353pbx, because my free space of /home increased . i want to delete unknown files.14:23
kraftbWhich kernel image should I use for Trusty?14:23
zebra111user1353 if you want to free up some space, you may consider removing unused packages with apt-get autoremove14:23
kraftbor a manual remove :)14:23
user1353pbx, and i must know which the files can be delete without give system crash.14:23
pbxuser1353, the primary temp dirs are all outside of /home.14:24
kraftbI found quite a bunch of packages I never used14:24
zebra111kraftb yes :)14:24
kraftbBTW: Where is a list of installed packages14:24
CatKilleruser1353: you might benefit from running "du -hs ~/"14:24
user1353CatKiller, thx. but i need other folders14:24
zebra111I thought it was apt-get list but I'm not sure14:24
CatKillerand then drilling down to see what is taking so much space14:24
kraftbOk. Maybe just dpkg -l | grep ii14:24
user1353zebra111, ok .thx. i will try use that command.14:25
kraftbBut I remember from debian times that there was a list somewhere in /var/lib/apt14:25
pbxuser1353, you can get a list of big files in /home like this: find /home -size +10M -ls14:25
k1l_kraftb: what about the linux-image-generic?14:25
eric_user1353, have you cleaned up the apt cache??   Usually "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoclean" will free up some space.14:25
kraftbk1l_: Is this the default?14:26
kraftbI saw some linux-image-trusty14:26
pbxuser1353, wait, what do you mean by "free space of /home increased"?14:26
k1l_kraftb: that is a metapackage which links to the default14:26
user1353pbx, thx will try it14:26
draven33i need some help  with compiz in ubuntu 14.04 , everyting works exept in 3dcube 3d windws are creating another cube  it's off center14:27
user1353pbx, * that i mean /home and anothers14:27
user1353CatKiller, i wiil try.14:28
ccapndaveHeyho - has anyone used SANE with an HP scanner?14:28
draven33any setting with alighmet with the cube ?14:28
ccapndaveI'm finding that it works fine with the flatbed, but if I use --source ADF all of a sudden the resolution goes right down14:28
zebra111ccapndave my hp printer's auto document feed's max resolution is lower than the max resolution of the flatbed14:29
zebra111not sure about your model though14:30
user1353CatKiller,"du -hs ~/" command , it is danger?, i have try but i canceled with ctrl+c because when i try, my harddisk led hardwork.i'm sorry. what is that?14:30
ccapndavezebra111: I don't think so - I've used it on Windows/OSX and it does high res through ADF14:30
user1353CatKiller,* work hard14:30
zebra111user1353 no, it is not danger.14:30
CatKilleruser1353: yes it's analyzing the drive14:30
ccapndavezebra111: Anyway, these are super super low res, like one level of zoom makes it all pixelated14:30
eric_user1353, du command just reads and totals usage. Nothing dangerous14:30
ccapndavescanimage --mode Gray --resolution 300 --format=tiff --batch --source ADF14:31
ccapndaveThat looks ok, right?14:31
eric_ccapndave, what HP scanner do you have?14:31
zebra111maybe try --resolution 60014:31
ccapndaveeric_: Its an Officejet Pro 8600 all in one thingy14:31
ccapndavezebra111: It seems that changed the resolution has no effect14:31
ccapndavezebra111: I'm just going to double check that :)14:31
eric_Most HP scanners with document feeders have lower resolution for the feeder than for the flatbed.14:32
eric_The reason for the lower resolution is the scanner head stays fixed, and the document feeder moves the document past it, so the movement is less precise14:32
ccapndaveeric_: This is crazy low though14:32
ccapndaveeric_: I'm sure its not intended functionality from the scanner14:32
user1353CatKiller, ok . when i try "du" (without parametre) .the process is fast. but when i use "du  -hs ~/" it is slow.ok try again.14:32
user1353eric_,ok thx. i still try.14:33
eric_OK.  It shouldn't be that much different.  Which scanner are you using?14:33
eric_what model?14:33
ccapndaveeric_: HP Officejet Pro 860014:33
zebra111ccapndave did you check the document resolution with a program like gimp?14:33
ccapndavezebra111: I'll have a look in Photoshop14:33
user1353CatKiller, *ok i will try again14:34
CatKilleruser1353: It goes at the same speed, "-s" means "summary" so that it doesn't print every single file14:34
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ccapndavezebra111 eric_: So I used "scanimage --mode Gray --resolution 600 --format=tiff --batch --source ADF", but in Photoshop it shows the resolution is 7514:34
ccapndaveWith resolution 633x105014:35
zebra111ccapndave maybe try scanning it in color14:36
ccapndavezebra111: Ok14:36
draven33hey guys any setting to put 3d windows back on the cube in compiz ?14:36
leeyaawhen does ubuntu run daily logrotate?14:36
user1353CatKiller, ok.thx. still processing..14:36
Seveasleeyaa: approximately 06:2514:37
leeyaaSeveas: why approximately14:37
user1353CatKiller, .process is finish. i get info just 2 column. size and path.14:38
Seveasthe cron.daily run starts at 06:25, but logrotate isn't the first one in the list14:38
Seveasand if you use anacron, things are different still14:38
leeyaaah i see14:38
leeyaano i use crontab, default configuration for ubuntu 14.0414:38
ccapndaveIn color it goes completely bonkers - vertical striped lines of different colours over the whole page14:38
leeyaai get it, thanks14:38
zebra111ccapndave that's weird; does color work on your windows computer?14:39
ccapndavezebra111: Yes, everything works normally on Windows and OSX14:39
user1353CatKiller, thx14:39
ccapndavezebra111: And it works normally from the flatbed with SANE14:39
ejshould i use a vpn?14:40
ejif im just at home14:41
leeyaabtw, can i setup logrotate to name rotated log files this way error.log-2014-12-04.gz instead of this way error.log-20141204.gz14:41
ccapndavezebra111: Ah - actually color is wrong in the flatbed too14:42
ejvpn or no?14:42
zebra111ccapndave try scanimage --test14:42
user1353zebra111, apt-get autoremove can i manually remove?14:44
ccapndavezebra111: https://gist.github.com/ccapndave/268c62955e9ae00a68a114:44
zebra111user1353 apt-get autoremove will remove all unused packages14:44
user1353zebra111, ,ok .thx14:45
zebra111ccapndave something looks wrong; I'm not sure how to fix it though14:47
ccapndavezebra111: I don't really have much idea what any of that stuff means14:47
user1353zebra111, i will check first size before process and after process.for compare.thx14:48
zebra111ccapndave there might be a hp-scan driver; i'll check14:48
MasterPieceSeveas, Hi, The canonical answer received :) ( About Landscape and proprietary )14:48
zebra111user1353 it'll tell you how much it will remove at the beginning of the process14:48
ccapndavezebra111: Thanks :)  I've already installed hplip14:48
ccapndavezebra111: Not sure if thats a driver or what14:49
MasterPieceSeveas, The canonical say's : "Landscape itself is actually the only proprietary tool that we have. It does have API access and is the best tool for managing Ubuntu at scale.14:49
MasterPieceThere is lots of free help and tools online and we suggest that you visit14:49
zebra111ccapndave yeah that's the driver14:49
user1353zebra111, ok sir., thx .14:49
MasterPieceSeveas, be lucky :)14:49
ccapndavezebra111: I have a Debian wheezy machine hanging around too - I'll try on that too just in case14:49
zebra111ccapndave when you downloaded the driver, did you select the right distro, version and printer type/model?14:50
ccapndavezebra111: I just did sudo apt-get install hplip14:50
ccapndavezebra111: Then hp-setup, and it detected the printer14:50
user1353eric_, thx.about clean and autoclean, i have save in notes. but now , first i try use autoremove.thx14:50
javnutwhy is this firing every second?14:51
ccapndavezebra111: Same in Debian wheezy14:51
Seveasjavnut: echo $RANDOM just before it. Does it always print 1?14:52
zebra111ccapndave is the color wrong in the flatbed on windows or linux?14:52
ccapndavezebra111: Only Linux14:53
javnutSeveas: good idea, I'll try it14:53
zebra111Yeah I'm not sure :( ccapndave14:53
ccapndavezebra111: Ah well, thanks a lot for trying anyway14:54
ccapndavezebra111: I'll keep on fiddling14:54
OerHeksccapndave, in linux + photoshop?14:54
ccapndaveOerHeks: With scanimage directly on the command line14:54
draven33need some help with compiz in 14.04  i activatewd dual loghin compoz and metacity an can't align the 3d windows on the cube they form outside the cube14:55
zebra111ccapndave try using aquire image in photoshpo on linux14:55
ccapndavezebra111: I haven't got Photoshop on linux14:55
ccapndavezebra111: I actually only have a command line14:56
ccapndavezebra111: Is there another non-GUI tool I could have a go with to help debug?14:56
zebra111try scanimage -L (to get all devices)14:57
ccapndavedevice `hpaio:/net/Officejet_Pro_8600?zc=HP843497ABD140' is a Hewlett-Packard Officejet_Pro_8600 all-in-one14:57
eric_I had a question way back, and I never saw an answer.  Since some updates last week (including plymouth and xfce4settings), when I reboot, I don't get a graphical environment.   I have to switch to the first text console (ctrl-alt-f1), login and do "startx" to get going.  Any ideas?14:57
zebra111ccapndave that looks right. I think something is wrong with the driver, maybe try getting it from http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install_wizard/index.html14:58
ccapndavezebra111: Ok, I'll have a go and let you know14:58
draven33hey anyone can help with my compiz isue?15:00
j0hnsm1thdraven33, dont ask to ask question, just ask your question :)15:01
zebra111eric_ try http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/62722/start-x-after-automatic-login15:01
ejwhat firewall gui do u recomend ?/15:02
draven333d windows missplaced in cube efect on ubuntu 14.04  forms paralel to the cube , it's any setting to put them where they should be ?15:03
OerHeks!info gufw15:03
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.10.1-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 697 kB, installed size 2899 kB15:03
zebra111draven33 I'll look into it15:04
ejis it userfriendly for noobs15:04
OerHeksej, sure, you will find it in systemsettings, enable it, and you are safe15:05
draven33thanks in advance  it is frustrating and i hate missaligment  on compiz15:05
ejthanks much..15:05
ejis it safe to be admin all the time?15:07
eric_One thing I notice is that the user that is set for auto-login is showing "cannot connect to brltty at :0" in the .xsession-errors file, and "init: dbus pre-start process (1454) terminated with status 2"15:07
zebra111draven33 maybe try http://askubuntu.com/questions/86977/how-to-correctly-enable-desktop-cube-in-unity-3d15:07
k1l_ej: no, dont be root all the time15:07
Gagnosticxorg runs as root15:07
BluesKaj_Hey folks15:08
k1l_Gagnostic: but its started by the lightdm. the user doesnt need to fiddel there15:08
ej im also having a prob.. when i run something i dissapers?15:08
k1l_ej: ?15:08
zebra111ej could you expand on that?15:08
ejlike  i just ran gufw nothing happend15:09
k1l_ej: what do you want to do at all?15:09
ejim on xfce lubuntu if that matters15:09
cfhowlettej, normal behavior.15:09
ejok so gfuw is working?15:09
ejno settings?15:10
cfhowlettej more reading, less IRC.    man ufw will explain15:10
ejim having a hard time finding info15:10
Gagnosticim safe im running zone alarm in wine15:10
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ejokk less chat ..ty15:11
k1l_ej: all ports on ubuntu are closed by default until a program "opens" them. so watch out for programs that listen to the ports.15:11
k1l_Gagnostic: stop that15:11
ejwhat gui to monitor15:11
cfhowlettej, sudo ufw -status will tell you a little bit15:11
cfhowlettej, monitor ... what?15:11
Gagnosticthat would be netstat /b15:11
ejok...thanks guys ...ill..15:11
anonymous_e cineva roman15:12
k1l_!ro | anonymous_15:12
ubottuanonymous_: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro15:12
cfhowlettej, in a terminal: man COMMAND gives you a lot of info.  for example: man ufw gives you a bunch of info.  try it sometime!15:13
cfhowlettanonymous_, language.  clean.  always.15:13
anonymous_sunt romani pe aici15:13
hemlisdpkg-buildpackage -b15:13
hemlissays not found15:14
hemliswhy ?15:14
k1l_anonymous_: english only in here. thanks15:14
anonymous_da eu nu stiu cei cu chestia asta in care am intrat15:14
anonymous_ma poate ajuta cineva15:14
Gagnosticwhats the equivalent command on ubuntu for netstat /b ?15:14
zebra111Gagnostic *maybe* ifconfig but I'm not 100% sure15:14
k1l_anonymous_: #ubuntu-ro15:15
anonymous_draven33 stii mai multe despre anonymous os putem vb pe mess15:15
Gagnosticifconfig hahaha15:15
zebra111I'm not sure sorry15:15
Gagnosticthats ipconfig15:15
anonymous_adica ano?15:16
draven33anonymous_ private ca astia nu stiu romana15:16
javnutSeveas: yeah, it fires every second15:16
k1l_!ro | draven33 anonymous_15:16
ubottudraven33 anonymous_: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro15:16
Gagnosticwhats the equivalent command on ubuntu for netstat /b ?15:18
Gagnosticmust be launch time15:19
Seveasjavnut: so echo $RANDOM always prints '1'?15:19
javnutSeveas: no, I just put sleep random and then the echo15:20
Seveasjavnut: that's not what I asked...15:20
zebra111javnut try typing echo $RANDOM a few times and attach the output15:20
javnutSeveas: I know, but I didn't echo it out15:20
SchrodingersScatalso, you didn't call $RANDOM you called RANDOM15:21
SchrodingersScator do $(()) negate that somehow?15:21
SeveasSchrodingersScat: that still works inside $((15:21
javnutSchrodingersScat: I believe it's supposed to15:21
Seveasjavnut: so please do what I asked. Add an echo $RANDOM inside that loop.15:22
SchrodingersScatyep, seems to15:22
javnutSeveas: ok15:22
SchrodingersScatcould store the $RANDOM% and check it15:23
SeveasSchrodingersScat: I actually have a different hunch, but don't want to accuse javnut of doing something stupid before I have evidence :-)15:24
EriC^^javnut: not sure if this is the reason why15:24
EriC^^but you have that random in a while loop15:24
EriC^^that probably runs 200,000,000 times per sec or something, so its bound to hit "1"15:24
SchrodingersScatbut it should sleep longer than one at least once15:24
SeveasEriC^^: it doesn't if you sleep for the right amount of seconds :-)15:25
SchrodingersScatworks as expected on my machine15:26
javnutSeveas: it returns nothing15:26
Seveasjavnut: that explains then.15:27
EriC^^nevermind, i think it has to wait for the first sleep to finish to do another15:27
Seveasyou've probably set RANDOM to a specific value, once you do that, it loses all special properties15:27
javnutSeveas: I haven't, not in the script15:27
EriC^^Seveas: not really RANDOM=0; then echo $RANDOM still works15:27
SeveasEriC^^: try unset RANDOM15:27
zebra111try RANDOM=43938475 then echo $RANDOM15:27
EriC^^yeah it returns 015:28
EriC^^if you unset it15:28
Seveasbut yes, I was wrong with saying 'setting to specific value', only unsetting triggers this15:28
Seveasjavnut: also, $RANDOM is a bashism, running the script with /bin/sh or with #!/bin/sh as shbang won't work.15:29
javnutSeveas: I'm running it with gnome-terminal -e15:29
Seveaswell, don't.15:29
zebra111javnut is it on a server or a desktop?15:30
javnutSeveas: but what if I want to see the output?15:30
Seveasthat uses system() I think, which uses /bin/sh15:30
Seveasjavnut: run it with bash15:30
Seveasin a running terminal15:30
javnutSeveas: nope, I need to start it without a terminal15:30
javnutcan I do gnome-terminal -e bash /path/to/script.sh?15:31
EriC^^javnut: you're running it in cron?15:31
Seveasjavnut: just use #!/bin/bash as shbang15:31
javnutEriC^^: yeah15:31
javnutSeveas: yeah, I have it15:31
Seveasthen how are you starting it?15:32
javnutSeveas: cron15:32
Seveasthen how are you starting it with cron?15:33
Seveaswhat command are you running?15:33
javnutSeveas: scheduled tasks15:33
EriC^^you can use gnome-termial -e "/bin/bash -c '/path/to/script.sh'"15:33
zebra111javnut what command is being run in cron?15:33
EriC^^javnut: if you want to keep the terminal open after it exits you can use  gnome-termial -e "/bin/bash -c '/path/to/script.sh'; exec bash"15:34
EriC^^sorry, gnome-terminal -e "/bin/bash -c '/path/to/script.sh; exec bash'"15:35
javnutzebra111: gnome-terminal -e /path/to/script.sh15:35
javnutEriC^^: I don't want the terminal to "stay open"15:36
javnutI just want it to open, which it doesn't15:36
javnutnot unless I put gnome-terminal15:36
EriC^^javnut: yeah15:36
EriC^^what for?15:36
ravigehlotAfter I have exported a value into a variable like (X11_LIBS), do I need to run anything else on the system to have it take effect?15:43
hakHello I am trying to find phrase in file with grep -R but looks like my regular expressions is not working. I am trying to search for ['s'] this phrase with this regex \[\'s\'\] but no luck. Could you please help me?15:43
javnutEriC^^: seems to have worked15:44
zebra111hak do you want to return lines matching the the letter s?15:44
EriC^^hak: you want to search for "   's'    " ?15:44
hakzebra111: yes, I used 'grep -R "phrase" /path to search for different phrases15:45
zebra111hak try grep s /path15:45
hakEriC^^: no also with [] eg.: "       ['s']          "15:45
freeroutehi, I'm on 12.04 and I was wondering how I could disable the cupsd service so that it wouldn't start up the next time I rebooted my machine.15:46
hakLooking for this $_GET['s']15:47
freerouteI remember reading conflicting reports on the net but I figured I'd come here to ask people who actually know stuff about Ubuntu15:47
zebra111hak so "$_GET['s']" (in quotes)?15:47
zebra111if yes then try grep "$_GET['s']" /path15:48
EriC^^grep \\[\'s\'] file15:48
OerHeksfreeroute, echo "manual" > /etc/init/cups.override   >>> answer #1 http://askubuntu.com/questions/451883/not-able-to-disable-the-cups-service-using-boot-up-manager15:50
NamevacHi folks, I was wondering if it was possible to add some action/code to execute just after specific apt package update is applied. I already have googled it and found that we can apply our own scripts right after apt-get upgrade, but it would get launched for anything but just the specific program update I want :x15:50
NamevacHave you more information to give me about that? :)15:51
Namevac(if not, I guess I'll focus on inotify)15:52
freerouteOerHeks: thanks, I assumed it would be something using the 'service' command or 'update rc.d' - so do I have to manually adjust config files of each different service to tell it not to start at boot/login?15:54
KrapulatHello, I have problem between two servers. From server A I can’t ping to server B, but from server B I CAN ping to server A. From any other server, I can ping to both. Both servers haven’t any rules in iptables. What can be?15:54
OerHeksfreeroute, yes.15:54
cfhowlett!server | Krapulat server gurus might have that answer15:55
ubottuKrapulat server gurus might have that answer: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:55
compdocKrapulat, you manually set the ip addresses?15:55
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freerouteOerHeks: thx, IMHO I hope this process will improve in the future.15:57
Krapulatcamako: The servers are physically far. If I do “ping IP-A” from server B, it lost all the packets. From any other server, if I do “ping IP-A” it works well. So the issue is between Server A and B.15:57
quatroxDoes anybody know if there exist any howto for creating click packages for C libraries?15:58
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compdocKrapulat, far meaning in different buildings or cities?15:59
Krapulatcompdoc: Countries.15:59
compdocKrapulat, using a vpn?15:59
Krapulatcompdoc: yes15:59
compdoclikely firewall rules16:00
Krapulatcompdoc: “iptables -L” doesn’t show anything strange16:01
applepiDoes anyone know why on ubuntu 14.04 core, the init scripts all run twice?16:03
redpandahello. i am trying to run lubuntu-desktop on Xnest. when i run lxde i use DISPLAY=:1 lxsession. but there is no lubuntu-session. which is the launcher?16:03
Joshunwhy does installing gnome shell break the applications dash's ability to install software16:03
Krapulatcompdoc: is there any other files to check out? The server has two public IP, and it only happens to one of them. It might be a rule from postfix?16:04
compdoccant really say. being so far apart makes it pretty complex16:04
jwashhi evereyone i added the wine repo, but I'm getting an error, can someone please help me work it out? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9530057/16:10
tewardjwash: did you do `sudo apt-get update` first, to make sure to get the updated list of dependencies and package versions and such?16:11
jwashI did that16:11
jwashhere is the complete chain of events http://paste.ubuntu.com/9530078/16:12
tewardjwash: are you on saucy or something?16:12
tewardjwash: yeah, you're on Saucy, which is end of life, that may be one of the problems...16:13
teward!saucy | jwash16:13
ubottujwash: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy16:13
redpandahello. i am trying to run lubuntu-desktop on Xnest. when i run lxde i use DISPLAY=:1 lxsession. but there is no lubuntu-session. which is the launcher?16:13
kazdaxweb pages are taking alot more longer to open in mozilla16:17
kazdaxsome wont open16:17
kazdaxi tried google .com and its takint forever to open16:17
kazdaxbut other sites like craiglist open quickly16:18
tewardkazdax: sounds like an internet routing problem perhaps, but nothing really that we can fix here, if some sites work fast and others work slow16:18
kazdaxin my vm for ubuntu16:19
kazdaxit dosnt work properly16:19
kazdaxbut my host OS works just fine16:19
kazdaxin my host OS i type google16:19
kazdaxand it opens right there and then16:19
kazdaxi try it on my ubuntu mozzla16:19
kazdaxit dosnt16:19
Josesordohi all16:23
sergejо чём тут говорят?16:23
gabecan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu to detect my external drive, it no longer shows up on the sidebar16:23
JosesordoI want to install a good linux distro for a old 512MB RAM laptop.. what is best? Lubuntu or Puppy linux?16:23
cfhowlett!ru | sergej16:23
ubottusergej: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:23
sergejjoin #ubuntu-кг16:24
sergejjoin #ubuntu-кг16:24
cfhowlettJosesordo, "best"?  how would we know what's "best" for you?  but lubuntu should run on that device. here's a thought.  buy it, boot it and test it yourself.16:25
sergejjoin #ubuntu-ru16:25
cfhowlettsergej, >>> /join #ubuntu-r16:25
cfhowlettsergej, >>> /join #ubuntu-ru16:25
Josesordo"cfhowlett, you are right.. not the best.. its the most suitable for me xD16:26
kazdaxso know why on my host OS google works ..but not on my ubuntu vm ?16:27
HZunare there any differences between the minimal ubuntu installer and the netboot ubuntu installer? and if so, what are they?16:29
OerHekskazdax, maybe your VM needs more memory, hard to say like this16:29
kazdaxits already has 2 gigs16:29
Namevacmaybe you could try to do some tests like : route just to show if you could reach the default gateway.16:29
Saleemhow do i configure network share folder from windows server to ubuntu 12.04 client16:29
NamevacJust to know, what is your VM network configuration?16:30
kazdaxyou eman try a ping ?16:30
Saleemtell me anyone16:30
kazdaxit used to work on NAT16:30
kazdaxbut then it stopped working on NAT and i changed it to bridge connection16:30
Namevacno, try to show your route table just to know if the default gateway to reach the outside of your VM network is correctly set16:31
kazdaxmaybe ill try to change it back to NAT and see if it solves the problem16:31
kazdaxyea but other sites open16:31
kazdaxexcept for google and a few others i tried16:31
Saleemhow to access network resoucres16:31
Saleemhow to access network resources in ubuntu 12.04 from windows server16:32
kazdaxso how would i get the route table ..if it matters16:32
Namevacstrange. Dis you tried some traceroute to google?16:32
kazdaxi could try that16:32
Namevac@vm # route -n16:32
Namevac@vm # traceroute google.com16:33
kazdaxokay i dont have tracesroute installed16:34
Saleemwhats the procedure steps16:34
kazdaxhmm i cant seem to install traceroute16:35
kazdaxbecause it says connecting and isnt downloading anything16:35
mountainhermithow do i get ubuntu to detect my SD card again? it stopped do it16:35
Namevackazdax, apt-get install traceroute doesnt work?16:36
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kazdaxwell thats wha ti did ..but its stuck at zero percent16:36
Namevacso you may have a network related problem :p16:37
kazdaxill try activating NAT16:37
kazdaxusing NAT instead of bridged16:37
kazdaxdont know if it helps16:37
Namevac(btw, I don't know what is your VM manager)16:37
Saleemhow to access network resources using ubuntu 12.04 from window server16:38
kazdax_okay its working now16:39
kazdax_i changed the configuring to NAT16:39
kazdax_but the NAT will stop working and i have to shift it to bridged16:39
mountainhermitguess im in the wrong channell16:39
kazdax_because this has happened before16:39
Saleemhow to do tell me anyone16:39
BluesKaj_mountainhermit, try rebooting with the card plugged in16:41
mountainhermitive done it numerous times, no luck16:41
BluesKaj_mountainhermit, or run mount to see if it's listed16:41
mountainhermitlight flashes like its detecting it but it never does16:42
daftykinsmountainhermit: "dmesg | tail" after plugging it in, in a pastebin please16:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:42
mountainhermitokay, it shows the card when i bring up "drive" command, but how do I access it?16:49
BluesKaj_mountainhermit, rub sudo fdisk -l  to find the /dev/sdX, X being the card designation16:52
BluesKaj_err run16:52
BluesKaj_sudo fdisk -l  ..simple enough16:53
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mountainhermitI found it, but how do i get it to show up in the sidebar to access it?16:58
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BluesKaj_mountainhermit, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdX, whatever letter X was given17:01
aLeSDhi all17:05
aLeSDis it possible to set schroot to mount the realt /opt into the schroot ?17:05
zebra111is there an advantage to having seperate /tmp, /home and /boot partitions?17:06
mountainhermittried it as: mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1     as it is listed as sdb1 was that correct? because it says "only root can do that"17:06
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bubbasaureszebra111, temp and boot not needed, a separate home some like.17:07
daftykinsmountainhermit: you can't mount as a user17:08
BluesKaj_mountainhermit, ok use sudo ,  i should have mentioned that17:09
cfhowlettzebra111, I've read no convincing argument to support such configurations17:09
daftykinsmountainhermit: can you paste "dmesg | tail" as asked?17:09
mountainhermitin terminal window?17:09
isantopbubbasaures: You should keep /home together with / now. Ubiquity will allow you to reinstall/upgrade from the install disk without formatting. That preserves /home.17:09
BluesKaj_Nodas, yes17:09
BluesKaj_oops mountainhermit, yes17:09
mountainhermitcommand not found17:10
bubbasauresisantop, That is an opinion and one ubuntu does not officially advise, err and tell a noob not a experienced user and regular helper here17:10
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BluesKaj_I have to go perhaps someone else can help mountainhermit...seems he needs it17:11
mountainhermitokay got that in17:11
isantopbubbasaures: In the installer, it will ask if you want to "Reinstall Ubuntu XX.xx" or "Upgrade Ubuntu XX.xx to YY.yy". That's what that option does.17:12
phre4kI just shut down my system and it takes ages with a black screen. How do I get to a console? C-A-D, C-A-F1-F7 and similar didn't work17:13
bubbasauresisantop, Why are you talking to me, I asked no question, this is not chat help those that ask for help.17:13
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bubbasauresphre4k, To a console from? your bad shutdown?17:14
phre4kbubbasaures: yes17:15
phre4kdid a hard reset now.17:15
bubbasauresphre4k, Probably not one from the shutdown, reisub would be the most I do17:15
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key17:15
bubbasauresphre4k, Sounds like graphic issues, not something I'm best help in17:16
phre4kbubbasaures: well, I now rebooted and got to a black screen again. May be not a shutdown but a startup issue...17:18
phre4kI'll look in the Xorg.0.log17:18
bubbasauresphre4k, Try a nomodeset or failsafe X boot and look at the graphics, or at wht you have done you have not mentioned.17:18
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phre4kbubbasaures: disabled legacy option ROM in the UEFI, I hope this solves it17:19
RahulANMayer, hii17:19
MayerHi rahul17:19
phre4kbubbasaures: cold booting works, only warm booting doesnt17:19
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bubbasauresphre4k, Ah, no idea, really the info so far in all of it UEFI is the only key info so far.17:20
phre4know warm booting works, too. Was an UEFI misconfig, ty anyway17:21
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phre4kI installed with the GUI installer, why doesn't dpkg-get-selections get the installer options?17:42
daftykinsprobably something along the lines of not being booted into the install yet17:43
phre4kand can I use pam-auth-update to add pam_mkhomedir.so or do I have to do it manually.17:43
phre4kdaftykins: well, I booted into the installed system already.17:43
daftykinsoh not heard of that command before btw17:44
daftykinsi know of "dpkg --get-selections > file"17:44
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anna64good afternoon17:48
compdocgood morning17:49
anna64as you can see l'm just as my name says name and age living in Toronto Ontario Canada anyone else like me here17:51
cfhowlettanna64, this isn't a social channel.  ask  your ubuntu support questions17:52
daftykinsanna64: that's nice but this is an ubuntu support channel, not a chat channel17:52
anna64great then how do l get to a chat location then ?17:53
k1l_!ot | anna6417:54
ubottuanna64: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:54
bubbasauresanna64, There were some Canadians hanging in the chat #ubuntu-offtopic long ago17:54
anna64ok thanks for all your help ....... l think .17:54
bash___Hey. All is there a wat to cat info from a log file from a given time frame say Dec 2nd from 4pm - 6pm?17:55
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )17:56
EriC^^bash___: what do you mean?17:59
EriC^^hello vic17:59
zebra111I think bash___ wants to get all lines from the log file from a certain time range17:59
EriC^^yeah but what's the format of the time stamp18:00
cfhowlettbash___, more file | grep timestamp range         ??18:00
vici am having some problems with monodevelo18:01
bash___EriC^^: I mean. I want to cat or tail or sed a log to see what happened between 4 and 6 pm on Dec. 2nd.18:01
viccan anyone help me?18:01
EriC^^bash___: ok what's the timestamp look like?18:01
bash___Dec 15 16:00:00.00018:02
cfhowlettvic, monodevelo no doubt provides their own direct support18:02
OerHeksvic, ask your real question and find out?18:02
EriC^^bash___: grep "Dec 15 16:00:00.000.*18:00" /path/to/log18:03
bash___thanks EriC^^18:03
EriC^^bash___: grep "Dec 15 16:00:00.000.*Dec 15 18:00" /path/to/log18:04
EriC^^that would be better18:04
zebra111Is booting ubuntu from a usb-stick on a mac with full disk encryption unsupported?18:04
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daftykinszebra111: using on a mac to start with is a bit experimental :P18:06
daftykinsregardless of what people will tell you18:06
zebra111daftykins True (I'm using a vm right now, but it's a bit slow)18:07
daftykinszebra111: what virt tech?18:07
cfhowlett!mac | zebra11118:08
ubottuzebra111: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:08
daftykinsyou won't find anything about FDE there methinks18:08
daftykinsi actually added a page of an old model the other day, i installed trusty on a macbook late 2007 :D18:09
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jwashthe upgrade to 14.xx seemed to solve the situation18:12
daftykinsjwash: great! er... what situation? :D18:13
daftykinsodd to hear of an upgrade fixing something rather than breaking something for a change18:13
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thoriecan someone help me fix my screen? it goes blank when i unplug the AC18:18
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zebra111It's a laptop, right thorie?18:18
thoriezebra111: yea18:19
zebra111thorie do you know if your battery is working correctly?18:19
thorieyeah the battery should be fine, holds a charge well18:19
zebra111Does the screen turn black or are you still able to use the computer?18:20
prizrakwelcome /server irc.karakonjul.com18:20
thoriezebra111: i think just the screen goes maximum dimness... if i plug it back in, everything is still there (although my network gets disconnected for some reason too)18:21
zebra111try http://askubuntu.com/questions/18967/monitor-turns-off-when-i-unplug-from-ac-power-how-do-i-stop-this thorie18:22
thoriezebra111: and my music keeps playing18:22
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thoriezebra111: you're the man!!! thanks :)18:24
zebra111no problem thorie18:24
daftykinszebra111: you are a fine google substitute18:25
zebra111daftykins yes18:25
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zebra111I feel kinda bad but then again it does hep18:25
bynarieeverytime i open a link outside of firefox, for example, IRC, it opens firefox and asks me to make it the default browser, even tho it is.. any ideas how to fix?18:27
bynarieive used the sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser method, still asks to make it default18:28
zebra111bynarie does firefox prompt you (with a gui) to make it the default browser?18:31
leggHello, thought I'd try this.  First time in IRC for about 15 years18:32
bynariezebra111, yes but i think i got it figured out.. i just unticked the "prompt for default" on the firefox settings tab18:32
nick07i'm not able to get into my samba shared harddisk which is server by a sitecom x7 router.18:34
daftykinsnick07: via what method?18:34
nick07the share name is /hd/ and i see it in the network, but i cannot open the folder18:34
nick07ehm method, what do you mean exactly?18:35
daftykinsok so you're using nautilus18:35
daftykinsgraphically trying to look at it18:35
nick07yes nautlius18:36
daftykinsnick07: what i would do is install smbclient and try a test connect from the terminal18:36
nick07ok, let me see18:36
nick07one moment18:36
daftykins"smbclient //mypc/myshare"18:36
nick07smbcient isn't samab itslef right, because i have samba installed also on ubuntu18:37
nick07sorry typo18:37
cagrijostany of you guys here programmed in libusb from ubuntu?18:37
daftykinsseparate packages18:37
nick07ok i look in to the software manager18:37
Nick_ZWGHow can I add extra mirrors to apt-get from the command line?18:38
daftykinsNick_ZWG: with 'add-apt-repository'18:38
EriC^^Nick_ZWG: ppa?18:38
nick07yes is installed18:39
daftykinsnick07: so try "smbclient //router IP/sharename"18:39
ubottufoca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:39
sudhey, i am getting a problem while upgrading from ubuntu 13.04 to a higher version... can anybody tell me what is going wrong?18:41
nick07iĺl get tree connect failed: NT code 0x0006000218:41
EriC^^!eolupgrades | sud18:41
ubottusud: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:41
daftykinssud: really, it'd make a lot more sense to just backup and clean install.18:42
daftykinsnick07: does your router page mention anything about login requierd?18:43
daftykins*required - e.g. username + pass?18:43
OerHeks 13.04 >13.10> 14.04 i would go for a fresh install18:43
nick07yes i have, in the usb settings, it set on samba share and has a login (admin) and pass18:43
fwaokdawhat is my /usr/bin/local/ directory for?18:43
daftykinsnick07: ok try "smbclient //router IP/share -U username"18:44
daftykinsit should prompt for a password18:44
sudoh.. ok.. i think i will go for a fresh install...18:44
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kazdax_i hate my iphone ...i like the andriod one thou18:45
kazdax_the iphone has a better sleeky outer shell18:45
daftykinskazdax_: smartphones are off topic here.18:45
nick07i'll get the same error as before18:45
kazdax_ahh k18:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:45
kazdax_is there a room for andriod ?18:46
daftykinsnick07: take a look at the logs in /var/log for some more details possibly18:46
daftykinskazdax_: possibly *drumroll*... ##android ?18:46
PiciIts actually #android18:46
cfhowlettdaftykins, that's crazy talk!18:46
daftykinscfhowlett: there's me and living dangerously on freenode again18:47
notmorpheusis chmod -R o-rwx . safe or am i forgetting something18:47
EriC^^notmorpheus: what do you mean safe18:48
EriC^^ah ok18:48
notmorpheusi changed umask and adduer.conf so that others perms would be disabled18:48
notmorpheusi am wanting to lock down what's already on the box heh18:48
rypervenchenotmorpheus: Yeah, that would work.18:49
nick07i don' see anything weird in there18:49
nick07a log named log.%m18:49
daftykinsnick07: what version of ubuntu is this?18:49
notmorpheusrypervenche: thanks18:49
nick07uhm, there is a ls command right18:50
nick07ehm a command to see the version18:50
daftykins"cat /etc/issue"18:51
daftykinsor "lsb_release -a"18:51
nick07ow sorry18:51
rypervenchenotmorpheus: Personally, I like to use the find command to give all of my files and directories specific permissions, but yeah. chmod will get it done :)18:51
notmorpheusrypervenche: true true18:51
notmorpheusrypervenche: i just wanted to make sure i wasn't forgetting something since most folders are r-x under / in Ubuntu18:52
notmorpheusfor other i mean18:52
EriC^^notmorpheus: you're doing that on your home dir right?18:52
notmorpheusi wanted to do it -R from root18:52
EriC^^oh my18:52
EriC^^what for?18:52
nick07it is 14.1018:53
rypervenchenotmorpheus: The only reasons you would need permissions on other is if you need others to be able to see the things in there. Often you would need execute on directories if you're using is as a web server document root.18:53
rypervenchenotmorpheus: Doooooon't do that. Only do it in your home directories.18:53
notmorpheusrypervenche: ok, will stick to dirs under /home18:53
notmorpheusit makes sense under home. don't want a cracked account to be able to see other people's home contents18:54
notmorpheusbut i suppose for anything outside of there it doesn't make sense18:54
rypervenchenotmorpheus: Yep. I always make my home dirs 700.18:54
notmorpheuswouldn't o-rwx keep someone on a cracked account from viewing system configuration files etc though?18:55
notmorpheussince they can't switch to root and also can't read as other (files owned by root:root)18:55
rypervenchenotmorpheus: It would, but it would also keep some services from being able to view them.18:56
notmorpheustruth. ok. good enough then :-)18:56
EriC^^!info tripwire | notmorpheus you might find this useful18:56
ubottunotmorpheus you might find this useful: tripwire (source: tripwire): file and directory integrity checker. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 1296 kB, installed size 9122 kB18:56
nick07weird is, i can see the harddisk as a folder in network, but i cannot click it18:57
daftykinsnick07: yeah, did you try and install some samba packages on your machine before trying to do this then?18:58
nick07i already had samba installed18:58
nick07is that a problem?18:59
daftykinsnot sure, there's just not much point unless you're sharing too18:59
nick07so you say, uninstall samba18:59
daftykinsoh... what file system is on the disk? maybe it's not supported by the router19:00
compdocI install samba just for the machine to participate on a windows network19:00
daftykinsthat's nice but not particularly relevant here19:00
nick07see this image, it's the same as my settings: https://www.gebruikershandleiding.com/bestanden1/567242/bg28.png19:01
daftykinsnick07: except with a password entered?19:02
nick07yes, i entered a password, but i always shows blank19:02
daftykinsnick07: i can only suggest making sure you click apply, then try rebooting the router and ubuntu machine to see if anything changes19:03
daftykinsotherwise i suspect your disk isn't set up right, as i don't think smbclient failing is a good sign19:03
cromagUSB ubuntu install issue: Are there any specific "rules" on how to create an ubuntu usb drive ? - i have tried 2 different USB sticks but i get the same error on both. I checked the md5 sum to be sure it was not the ISO. I am using the universal USB installer. http://i57.tinypic.com/mic2eo.jpg is the error i get(can this be a bios issue ?)19:04
nick07so i go to network i see workgroup and click on it, i see smbserver (then url changes to smb://smbserver/ and then nothing19:04
nick07O this issue is a problem for months now, i did a reboot, firmware update other ubuntu's ect already19:04
daftykinsnick07: firmware update on the router? have you factory reset it since?19:05
nick07some people said that i might be a harddisk root problem19:05
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daftykinsnick07: i would confirm from a windows computer if you can. i have a feeling it's not working for other OSs19:05
nick07yes factory reset yesterday19:05
daftykinscromag: hmm looks interesting, 'sde' - lots of hard disks in that computer?19:06
nick07mm, no windows... :(19:06
cromagdaftykins: 3 ssd disks19:06
cromagwell 2..19:06
daftykinscromag: is there some kind of memory card reader connected?19:06
daftykinsthat might account for drives from sda to sde19:06
nick07but maybe dumb question, but isn't a samba share great to use on linux and should i work perfectly?19:07
cromagdaftykins: there is, thats where i placed the USB stick, both for writing and reading19:07
daftykinscromag: oh good lord, pull that sucker out and connect the drive to the motherboard USB instead. preferably USB 2.0 -19:07
cromagthis is connected to some USB on the back.19:08
cromagi'll give it a go either way - i'll get back to you :)19:08
daftykinsnick07: yeah, but then we can't really trust silly router implementations19:08
diamondsyo, how do I get a service to not run on boot?19:09
diamondstried: sudo update-rc.d mongod disable19:09
nick07could the problem lay in formatting the drive IN linux to fat32?19:10
diamondsgot this: http://hastebin.com/raw/aqotutasus19:10
daftykinsnick07: what does the router manual say it needs to be?19:10
diamondsassuming I don't wish to "LSBize" the script, is there a manual way to disable it that will allow me to start it manually if desired?19:10
diamondsstepping away from computer for a moment so TIA19:10
nick07fat 32/ntfs19:11
daftykinsnick07: what's in the router logs too? anything samba related on that end>?19:11
daftykinsit's definitely worth a go connecting the drive to the computer and nuking it properly to see if it makes a difference19:11
cromagdaftykins: i might need to ask differently. My goal is actually yo install Ubuntu ON the USB drive. So i have 2 sticks, one to install from, and one to install to. Is there any more "correct" way to achieve this ?19:12
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daftykinsoh :( why on earth do you want to do that?19:12
cromagi really don't want to boot the live USB evertime..19:13
daftykinscromag: so these two SSDs you don't want to install to them at all? 0o19:13
cromag(ubuntu on the go)19:13
nick07If i hang the usb ssd drive on the laptop, the only one that has read and write acces is the owner(me)19:13
daftykinsso use Universal USB Installer to add some persistence to the drive - is that what you did?19:13
nick07group and other is set to none19:13
nick07could that be an issue?19:14
daftykinsyou can't have permissions on FAT19:14
cromagdaftykins: i have not added persistence to it, as i thought the solution with the other USB stick would be better, as i can only set 4gb in the installer.19:14
cromagand the stick is 16..19:14
cromagcause of fat maybe..19:15
=== Guest76817 is now known as ararob
ponyofdeathanyone know why partman stops at No volume groups found when I am not using lvm? trying to preseed a box19:15
daftykinscromag: better way would be to boot from DVD then install to the one drive with the actual SSDs/HDDs in the system disconnected19:15
daftykinscromag: well no you can't install to FAT, you'd need to nuke the drive and create ext4 partitions. you'd need to create no swap with a flash drive too, else you'll kill it19:16
nick07so group and others set to none is defenatly not the problem?19:16
ararobcan i get 2x MSAA (antialiasing) from the MESA intel driver ?19:16
daftykinsnick07: plug the drive into the computer and run a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"19:16
JavaJosh#daftykins #linuxgrandwizard19:18
cromagdaftykins: that was my initial idea (the dvd/cd version) and i just now found my stack of writeable stuff... I'll give that a go instead.19:18
happyraver1958is anybody here familiar with DNS (BIND9)?  I had a contact before but doesn't seem to be online right now19:18
nick07If you don't mind i will try that tommorrow, my dad had closed the connection which i had through teamviewer19:18
nick07excuse for that19:19
diamondsnm found it: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting19:19
daftykinsJavaJosh: ;)19:19
nick07may i ask what you would try to do?19:19
cromagwow my dvddrive spins... im impressed19:19
daftykinsnick07: see what partitions are on the disk, nuke it and start again (if it's blank)19:19
daftykinscromag: \o/ exciting times :)19:20
nick07ok, thank you, I will try to come back soon.. thanks for your time19:20
daftykinsnick07: no problem :) cya19:20
cromagdaftykins: oh yes, and rare times :) - i am sure i have not used it for burning over 2 years maybe..19:20
happyraver1958DNS anyone?19:20
daftykins!details | happyraver195819:21
ubottuhappyraver1958: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:21
happyraver1958Details are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2255175&p=13187916#post1318791619:21
happyraver1958nobody has answered to that and I had another contact test this for me, but he/she doesn't seem to be online right now19:21
happyraver1958issue is, my DNS server won't respond when using views under certain conditions, including reverse lookup19:22
daftykinshappyraver1958: #ubuntu-server or use !alis to find a more relevant channel like maybe one for BIND19:22
happyraver1958let's give that a try, thanks!19:22
grawolibiefirst time user19:30
Demon_JesterHey guys how can I tell which grep version I have? I tried grep --version and -v is for something else.19:30
daftykinsgrawolibie: ok, welcome to the support channel. questions only in here19:30
norbygrep -V19:31
daftykins /join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything else19:31
grawolibiewhat topics in ubuntu can i ask here?19:31
norbyor grep --version19:31
Demon_Jestergrep --version doesnt work for me though19:31
daftykinsgrawolibie: ones relating to support, "how do i..." "i have a problem with..."19:31
grawolibienoob question, but i just downloaded virtualbox and would like to run windows xp on it. I do not have a bootable CD so how do i go about it?19:32
Demon_Jestergrawolibie ISO file19:32
daftykinsgrawolibie: note the virtualbox also have their own channel, #vbox i believe19:33
momomoIs it possible to get a list of most recent installed packages so I can revert it back?19:38
daftykinsyou can't really downgrade19:38
daftykinsthere's an apt history.log file though i believe19:38
akkadis there a way to see the version of the available upgrade of a given package? I can see oracle-java7-installer want's to update, but it does not provide a version19:39
k1l_momomo: you can see in the apt history in /var/log19:39
daftykinsakkad: that's 'cause it's more of a downloader, consult oracle19:39
k1l_akkad: apt-cache policy19:40
akkadI guess dryrun will have to suffice19:40
daftykinsif you're unwilling to research your own tasks, yes.19:40
raschyAnyone know how I can access files on an Ubuntu parttion from a live USB? I've borked my DE and want to try to save my files.19:40
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akkadI've "researched" my own tasks. trust me no one comes here without having exhausted other resources I assure you19:41
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bubbasauresraschy, boot live and click on partition in home, you sure it's not fixable?19:41
daftykinsakkad: lol, you've not been here long.19:42
raschybubbasaures, it tells me something along the lines of it not being accessable19:42
Oberdaftykins: one does not have to be hre long to know this channel :P19:42
momomok1l_, thanks :)19:42
daftykinsraschy: can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" from your live session19:43
daftykinsOber: they do to see just how few people search before asking19:43
raschyyea sure lemme boot into it19:43
bubbasauresraschy, When, where....details are important.19:43
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raschy_bubbasaures, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/9532155/19:46
bubbasauresraschy_, You want to direct that at daftykins19:47
daftykinsoh my that's messy as all... *cough*19:48
raschy_indeed it is19:48
daftykinsraschy_: "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda10 /mnt" work?19:49
earnThisi have two nic's on the same network on configured with dhcp the other static but on the interface with dhcp can reach the internet, is this a ip conflict issue?19:50
daftykinsearnThis: depends if you tried to give both NICs the same IP19:50
daftykinsare they both connected to the same network? if so, why?19:50
raschy_comand seems to have worked19:50
daftykinsraschy_: "ls /mnt"19:51
daftykinsshould see your usual / contents19:51
earnThisdaftykins: well i know they don't have the same IP right now but I think the static IP might fall in the range of DHCP IP's19:51
raschy_yep seems to be all there19:51
daftykinsearnThis: yeah that's a bad move. why would you have TWO connections to the same network? :P19:52
daftykinsraschy_: cool, backing up to that 1TB WD my passport is it?19:52
daftykinsas it's NTFS that won't maintain permissions19:52
daftykinsso you may have some fun there19:52
daftykinsbut copy and paste, then restore, then chmod + chown will put that right19:52
earnThisdaftykins: I working with a lab network and its my only way out to the internet19:53
daftykinsearnThis: ok but you should use a different subnet for the second NIC and enable IP forwarding.19:53
daftykinsor just bridge19:54
earnThisdaftykins: is there a way to quickly show what my dhcp range is so i can know not to statically set IP's in there?19:55
daftykinsyeah, on your router web admin.19:55
daftykinsyou can't know the DHCP scope externally19:55
g_x_chatshey, im trying to run windows xp on virtual box19:58
earnThisdaftykins: interesting.  back to what you said before about ip forwarding/ different subnet -- wouldnt changing my subnet take me off my lad network?19:58
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daftykinsg_x_chats: welcome back. as mentioned before, #vbox19:58
g_x_chatsive downloaded the iso file, and tried to run it on virtualbox, but it kept saying "fatal error, bootable media not found19:59
g_x_chatscan someone guide me through installing windows xp19:59
daftykinsearnThis: what kinda stuff are you running exactly?19:59
k1l_g_x_chats: you need to choose it inside the vbox settings as startmedia19:59
daftykinsg_x_chats: no. join the #vbox channel or ##windows like i said19:59
g_x_chatsoh ok20:00
earnThisdaftykins: hardware ? or what am I trying to do overall?20:00
daftykinsearnThis: what's going on with the lab?20:00
earnThisdaftykins: openstack on two isilon hardware nodes with dell switch20:01
g_x_chatssorry im back, but how do i join the vbox channel? im 100% new to this whole thing20:02
daftykins"/join #vbox"20:02
earnThisdaftykins: thats the goal atleast20:02
flexusg_x_chats: your winxp image might not be bootable as a sidenote20:03
flexusg_x_chats: try to rewrite it20:03
daftykinsg_x_chats: so why does it have to be behind your machine? only got the one network cable? :D20:03
flexusg_x_chats: and check bootorder after you generated the basic machine20:05
mixxithey guys20:07
mixxiti wondered if you might know whether or not ubuntu does network management differently to debian20:08
mixxiti added a second nic and went to network interfaces but i am not sure if this is being managed by something else20:08
mixxitcommand line only install20:08
daftykinsserver, then?20:08
mixxitits 14.04.1 lts20:08
daftykinsyeah but - you installed from the server ISO yes?20:09
mixxitmaybe its been a while ago :)20:09
mixxithow can i check20:09
daftykinsdisk usage would be a clue :>20:09
mixxit 19213004   10601620   7612372  59% /20:09
daftykins"df -h" is always nicer20:10
daftykinsanywho, i would have to say that serious servers would be manually configured in /etc/network/interfaces20:10
mixxit11g used20:10
mixxitbut i have installed a lot of crap over the months20:10
daftykinswell if it's got no X it's probably server20:10
mixxitok its desktop i think20:11
mixxitwell its the generic kernel anyway20:11
daftykinsthey use the same kernel these days20:11
daftykinsif it had X, "sudo service lightdm start" would fire it up, then network-manager would handle the connections20:12
mixxityou were right20:12
mixxit# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 14.04 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release amd64 (20140416.2)]/ trusty main restricted20:12
mixxitso do i just go and edit interfaces as normal?20:12
daftykinsthough restarting 'networking' doesn't really work these days so you'd be best confirming things by doing a full reboot20:13
* azaz is away: Я занят20:13
daftykinsas odd as it sounds, given we're talking Linux here20:13
mixxitwow i didnt even have to ifup it brought it up instantly after adding it to the interfaces file20:13
k1l_!away > azaz20:13
ubottuazaz, please see my private message20:13
mixxitalthough strange i can't ifdown eth120:13
mixxitsays interface eth1 not configured20:13
bekksAn interface not configured cant be unconfigured.20:14
mixxitso what brought it up i wonder20:14
bekksBringing an interface up without configuring it isnt a problem :)20:15
mixxittop line is me adding it to interfaces20:15
daftykins*shrug* just configure interfaces and reboot20:16
daftykinsthen enjoy20:16
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HZunwhat is the difference between the generic linux kernels and the signed linux kernels?20:30
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daftykinsHZun: EFI secure boot ones probably20:31
HZundaftykins, hmm ok.20:34
stdarowhat is the status of CVE-2014-0096? its been out since may and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-0096.html indicates no patch for tomcat 7 in 12.0420:35
ubottujava/org/apache/catalina/servlets/DefaultServlet.java in the default servlet in Apache Tomcat before 6.0.40, 7.x before 7.0.53, and 8.x before 8.0.4 does not properly restrict XSLT stylesheets, which allows remote attackers to bypass security-manager restrictions and read arbitrary files via a crafted web application that provides an XML external entity declaration in conjuncti... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0096)20:35
lionrougehi !20:36
lionrougeadter updating 14.04 to 14.10 my unity has broken20:37
k1l_stdaro: did you file a bug?20:37
lionrougei can login in graphical mode and i see desktop icons and can start programs with them20:37
lionrougebut i see no panels of Unity DE20:37
lionrougeand all windows have no titlebar20:37
lionrougehow can i fix it ?20:38
Picistdaro: you might want to peek in #ubuntu-security and ask about it.20:38
daftykinslionrouge: test if the guest session works fine20:38
lionrougedaftykins: ok20:38
lionrougedaftykins: the guest session works !20:39
daftykinslionrouge: ok, temporarily "mv ~/.gconf .gconfold" and log out, then back in to see if it works20:39
daftykins(this is on your user of course)20:40
daftykinsah no that probably won't work20:40
daftykinslionrouge: if that doesn't, try "mv ~/.config/dconf ~/.config/dconfold" then logout + in20:40
* curiousx is so heppy cuz he learned some CSS and now he use "stylish addon" and modifies webpages as he wants to see them: http://i.imgur.com/RhLNTtK.png20:42
daftykins!ot | curiousx no thanks20:42
ubottucuriousx no thanks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:42
lionrougedaftykins: the latter helped !20:43
daftykinsall done or still not quite right?20:43
lionrougedaftykins: thank you a lot !20:43
daftykinsno problemo20:43
EriC^^!cookie | daftykins20:43
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:43
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daftykinsmmm a cookie sounds like a great idea right baout now20:44
daftykinsabout too20:44
chaospsychexhi, I just purchased a laptop today and I'm disliking windows 8. whats the easiest way to install ubuntu ? i've enabled "legacy" booting in the UEFI settings and disabled secureBOOT. Will I run into problems re-sizing the win8 partition ?20:44
daftykinschaospsychex: neither of those steps were necessary20:45
EriC^^chaospsychex: if you want to keep windows you can use uefi with ubuntu20:45
chaospsychexEriC^^: why would I need to use UEFI to keep windows ?20:45
chaospsychexis there some kind of UEFI container partition on the hdd ?20:46
EriC^^chaospsychex: why would you want to remove uefi?20:46
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EriC^^chaospsychex: there's the efi partition, yes20:46
daftykinsyou have to install ubuntu as EFI to dualboot with windows 820:46
chaospsychexEriC^^: I want to resize the windows partition and install ubuntu20:46
chaospsychexdaftykins: as efi ? what does that mean20:47
EriC^^chaospsychex: ok, enable uefi and boot a live usb, use gparted to resize windows20:47
EriC^^as efi means install it in efi mode20:47
chaospsychexEriC^^: i didn't disable it. i just enabled legacy booting and disabled secureboot20:48
daftykinsundo those changes, boot win8, resize the partition to make space, reboot, boot ubuntu as EFI, install20:48
ararobanyone know how to open about:config in epiphany? i just get a blank white page :?20:49
EriC^^ararob: why are you using epiphany?20:49
chaospsychexdaftykins: what? how can I resize the mounted windows partition from within windows ???? i want to use gparted to resize it20:49
chaospsychexat installation20:49
daftykinschaospsychex: diskmgmt.msc - go check it out :)20:50
daftykinschaospsychex: no point using 3rd party utils to do something that can be done natively.20:50
ararobEriC^^, because flash in chrome/chromium was thrashing my cpu, i disabled it, html5 video seemed to work better, but then, video pages were still crashing. Epiphany is rock stable20:51
HZunis the only purpose of UEFI secure boot, to harden the system form "physical hackers sitting at your pc"?20:51
daftykinsHZun: malware affecting the bootloader20:52
xanguaararob: well gnome core apps are all about simplicity, what exactly do you want to "configure"¿20:52
HZundaftykins, hmm ok. in practice, is it worth the effort?20:53
ararobxangua, change keyword url, ie search engine20:53
ararobi can't find any config files in /usr/share, not much in the docs about it either20:53
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daftykinsHZun: it's what we've got, if Linux is your sole OS - you can install EFI or legacy, depends on your hardware20:54
daftykinsEFI has benefits20:54
EriC^^ararob: ok, cool i've used it and i didn't have much luck with it20:55
xanguadoesn't epiphany now uses duckduckgo¿20:55
ararobit kinda sucks20:55
HZunok thanks alot20:55
ararob"Unfortunately Epiphany uses Google as default search engine"20:56
xanguawell if you want to use google or bing, you can just a !bang to use them, !g for google, !b for bing ararob20:56
xangua!gi to search in google images, !bi to search in bing images20:57
ubottuxangua: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
xanguaooh sorry Ubbotu20:57
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ararobxangua, thanks, it worked.21:04
ararob"EFI Boot Stub makes it possible to boot a Linux kernel image without the use of a conventional UEFI boot loader. By masquerading itself as a PE/COFF image and appearing to the firmware as a UEFI application, an x86 kernel image with EFI Boot Stub enabled can be directly loaded and executed by a UEFI firmware. Such kernel images can still be loaded and run by BIOS-based boot loaders; thus, EFI Boot Stub allows a single kernel image to work in any21:10
ararob boot environment"21:10
ararobthat's pretty cool21:11
OerHeksararob, sccording to 'our' manual, x86 and UEFI can be a hassle, besides the question if all hardware is supported in 32 bit.21:12
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:12
grennich_I think this may be a hardware issues but, anybody know why my server will just all of a sudden stop accepting all connection.  The server will still be on and I will have to manually reboot it to fix it. But after maybe 2 weeks or so the computer will not allow any connections to it, all current ssh connections are frozen, will not even accept pings.21:14
papamooseis this the proper channel to ask about the proper way to restart network interfaces. /etc/init.d/networking restart used to work. service network restart fails and ifup/ifdown works 50% of the time.21:17
GuyThatNeedsHelpcan someone help me fix my repository list? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9532976/21:20
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: whats wrong?21:21
GuyThatNeedsHelpgives me errors when i try n update21:21
k1l_please pastebin a "sudo apt-get update"21:21
daftykinswe need to see errors to fix things :P21:22
alesanhello how do I partition and format an external disk that I want to share with window systems?21:23
xanguayou should fix the error before they appear daftykins21:23
alesanI think I should use FAT, right?21:23
daftykinsxangua: one day, i will21:23
bekksalesan: Just use NTFS.21:23
OerHeksalesan, fat32 or ntfs21:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpReading package lists... Error!21:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 497A0F381F69189621:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 358EC4CAB2D7707521:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 52BB8185076361AC21:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A6804EA8EAE0D85C21:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D530E028F59EAE4D21:24
unopasteGuyThatNeedsHelp you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:24
alesanOerHeks, yes what "type" should the partition be?21:24
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: wow, you've been here before yet you don't know the paste rule!21:24
EriC^^alesan: msdata21:24
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: come on. you have been very oft in this channel and you know how to use pastebin.21:24
alesanEriC^^, what is the hex code I should use in fdisk?21:24
EriC^^alesan: 0700 i think21:25
GuyThatNeedsHelpk1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533007/21:25
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in a pastebin21:25
ararobgrennich_, sounds weird. does your network card still blink when you discover this "behavior",  did you check dmesg ?21:26
GuyThatNeedsHelpk1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533028/21:27
GuyThatNeedsHelpWHY DOES IT NOT WORK21:27
daftykinspapamoose: doesn't work anymore. reboot.21:27
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: no need for caps. you know the rules in here, and its not motivating the helpers if you break them all21:28
papamoosedaftykins: is there a bug report on this?21:28
OerHeksGuyThatNeedsHelp, go into softwarecenter > edit > sources and change mirror21:28
k1l_OerHeks: its the ppas that cause the error21:29
jsheldonHmm, this is a nice trick.   I use skype on ubuntu, and needed a separate instance to log in as a different user.   It turns out that you can do on the command line: skype --secondary &21:29
daftykinspapamoose: it's not considered a bug21:29
jsheldonand that will give you a new instance of skype21:29
k1l_i think your webupdate ppa manager got a button for getting that keys21:29
OerHeksk1l_, oh i see the 2nd paste now21:29
papamoosedaftykins: wut? why not?21:29
daftykinspapamoose: *shrug* never looked into it. if you find a bug let me know21:29
rberg_GuyThatNeedsHelp it looks like those are ppas, if you add the ppa with 'apt-add-repository' it will automatically add those keys that you are missing, or you could search a keyserver for those missing keys21:30
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: "Try to import all missing GPG keys" in advanced options in your ppa-amanger21:30
papamoosedaftykins: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/130101521:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]21:31
guntbertpapamoose: daftykins: no need to reboot,     sudo ifdown eth0;sudo ifup eth0    will do21:31
grennich_ararob: Yeah i should next time. dmesg good idea. Anything in particular to grep for in dmesg off the top of your head?21:31
daftykinsi've seen proof that doesn't work for most too, guntbert21:32
papamooseguntbert: this doesn't work all the time.21:32
guntbertpapamoose: you just showed the bug report, didn't know that, thx21:32
PetazzHow can I turn on power saving mode when my charger is connected?21:32
ararobgrennich_, well, anything related to iptables, or your network device i suppose. It sounds like your network driver/device could be failing...but who knows could be any number of things.21:33
Authentic :D21:33
earnThisanyone have any experience installing openstack directly to and ubuntu install on physical servers?21:33
PetazzMy laptop is nice and quiet when it runs on battery. How can I keep that?21:33
papamoosedaftykins: guntbert: this doc is littered with ifdown, ifup: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html21:34
Authenticanyone have any knowledge of irc bots?21:34
Authentichaving some issues assigning eggdrop as a bot on my server21:35
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tonyg_does anyone have experience installing ubuntu server on newer dell servers? i have a poweredge 320 and can't get it to boot off usb21:35
grennich_ararob: yeah i think it's a hardware issue ok thanks21:36
EriC^^ Authentic: try ##eggdrop21:36
ararobgrennich_, np21:36
tewardAuthentic: you have to run the bot, typically, per the instructions for use.  I run supybots instead of eggdrop, though.  Try ##eggdrop for eggdrop specific support.21:36
guntbertpapamoose: well that should have been a warning for me - they are talking about ifconfig all the time too - which is deprecated for sevral years now21:36
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GuyThatNeedsHelp:( when i do sudo apt-get install vim i get an ERROR.. Reading package lists... Error! E: Read error - read (5: Input/output error) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.21:40
MrSavageGuyThatNeedsHelp: try sudo apt-get update21:40
rap424tonyg_: Did you set up the BIOS to boot from USB?21:40
tewardGuyThatNeedsHelp: sudo apt-get update21:40
tewardGuyThatNeedsHelp: rhn that command first, then try to install21:40
zebra111GuyThatNeedsHelp does it occur with just installing vim or any other package?21:41
papamooseguntbert: daftykins: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/1301015/comments/33 # TL;DR is to edit the init script to actually do the work.21:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]21:41
daftykinspapamoose: yep just reading that now :) pretty horrified that it's going ignored, i thought that was another reason to this drama but i see it's just turning into an argument that's falling on deaf ears :(21:42
GuyThatNeedsHelpany packages it does thatr21:42
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: what did you do?21:42
MrSavageAnd this is why ubuntu needs a backup restore feature21:43
GuyThatNeedsHelpi was HACKED21:43
MrSavageFor fuckups like this lol21:43
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: so what did you do before all this? "nothing" is not the right answer21:43
papamoosedaftykins: I dont mind them changing to upstart or $init_system, or some new way... it just maddening that the new way doesn't work.21:43
daftykinsMrSavage: that language is not acceptable here. you should know this by now.21:43
MrSavagesorry, it's a habit21:43
daftykinsyou best fix it else you'll have to be shown the door21:44
zebra111GuyThatNeedsHelp http://askubuntu.com/questions/13065/how-do-i-fix-the-gpg-error-no-pubkey21:44
tonyg_rap424: yes. it shows the usb drive there as bootable media in the bios boot menu, but when i select it, it simply says no operating system is currently installed21:44
k1l_zebra111: yes, that is what i told him to do. he already used the y-ppa-manager21:44
rap424tonyg_: How did you create the image on the USB?21:45
zebra111What about sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 8BAF9A6F then sudo apt-get update?21:45
OerHekstonyg_, maybe you need to set it in 2 places, boot device priority and hdd priority ?21:45
k1l_zebra111: i am more curious what did lead to this situation.21:45
OerHekson my machine the usb appears under hdd too21:45
tonyg_using the ubuntu startup disk creator with an ubuntu 14.04 server iso21:46
rberg_zebra111 I think you will then need to add the key with 'apt-key add'21:47
zebra111rberg_ yeah I just quoted the instructions from the link so I'm not sure :(21:47
k1l_the last to error lines show a wrong dpkg status.21:48
GuyThatNeedsHelpzebralll: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9533233/21:48
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: you already have the y-ppa-manager. you installed all the ppas with that21:49
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: dont just blindly type commands into the terminal. this is the reason your system is messed up all the time.21:49
zebra111what about sudo apt-get install --fix-missing guythatneedshelp21:49
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: as i said before: lauch the ppy-manager and press the button i told you21:50
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: so give feedback if it worked or not.21:52
GuyThatNeedsHelpno ppy-manger = command not found. y-ppa-manager = command not found21:53
GuyThatNeedsHelpk1l_ Y21:53
zebra111what did sudo apt-get install --fix-missing give guythatneedshelp?21:54
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zebra111try http://askubuntu.com/questions/410045/the-package-lists-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-or-opened guythatneedshelp21:55
k1l_GuyThatNeedsHelp: "sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bad"21:55
k1l_"sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status"  then again "sudo apt-get update"21:56
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daftykinssame link i just found zebra111 +121:56
daftykinsand may i state for the record it was google result #121:56
zebra111Haha :)21:56
daftykinswho was it earlier that said all our users research heavily before asking? *whistle*21:57
zebra111You did daftykins21:58
daftykinser no.21:59
zebra111oh users research oops nevermind21:59
zebra111How did it go guythatneedshelp?22:03
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GuyThatNeedsHelp$ sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bad -  mv: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/dpkg/status’: No such file or directory  -  WetDog@green:~$ sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status  -  cp: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/dpkg/status-old’: No such file or directory22:05
GuyThatNeedsHelpzebrealll WHY22:05
zebra111Just hold on22:05
zebra111Quoting the link try this (for starters): ls -l /var/backups/dpkg.status.*22:06
zebra111post result22:06
k1l_hardware failure in dmesg?22:06
GuyThatNeedsHelpis there a command to re-install ubuntu22:07
GuyThatNeedsHelpwithout using a usb n stuff22:07
zebra111Not to my knowledge guythatneedshelp22:07
zebra111don't give up yet22:07
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curiousxGuyThatNeedsHelp: wget -O - https://www.dropbox.com/s/e00gqronjt3w3q2/gpg.sh | bash22:10
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zebra111you mean https://www.dropbox.com/s/e00gqronjt3w3q2/gpg.sh?dl=1 curiousx22:11
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zebra111otherwise you're just going to get an html page22:11
Chuck_Norrisi forget sudo -.-22:16
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:16
Finetundrahello, i'm having an issue where audio takes several minutes to  start after the system goes into sleep22:25
Finetundradoes anyone have any ideas22:27
zebra111I don't think the system can play audio while it's hibernating finetundra22:28
daftykinsdon't sleep? :)22:29
voozeIf i want to run a cronjob as another user, like sudo -H -u anotheruser should I put that in: sudo crontab -e or just crontab -e?22:29
daftykinssleep != hibernate22:29
Finetundrazebra111, i guess i worded that badly. the audio takes several minutes to come up after coming out of sleep/suspend22:30
zebra111daftykins what's the difference?22:30
Finetundradaftykins, its a laptop so i kinda want it to while the lid's closed so as not to waste battery22:30
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daftykinsmmm good luck with that22:31
Finetundrai'm figuring on just reinstalling.22:31
zebra111Try caffiene for linux finetundra (maybe)22:33
FuchsErr ...22:33
Fuchsthen you have to tell whatever desktop you are running to only lock the screen and not put it in sleep or hibernation when closing the lid22:34
Fuchsbecause in neither states you can have it play music22:34
Finetundrathat would help on a desktop however as i said i'm on a laptop22:34
daftykinstest a live session first, i wouldn't reinstall just for that22:34
Finetundradaftykins, already have, live sessions work fine.22:35
godbod Hi Alix22:35
daftykinso rly22:35
Finetundrayep, was running one yesterday22:35
daftykinswell those'd differ on kernels of course22:36
daftykinsbut i dunno22:36
Finetundratrue. i also just updated. could that be a part of it?22:36
daftykinsworth a test!22:37
Finetundraok then. i'll be back22:37
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godbod hi22:40
ponyofdeathanyone know why preseed is hangs if the partman-auto/expert_recpipe string only has a single root partition without swap?22:43
daftykinsrecipe? recpipe?22:43
zebra111ponyofdeath when the ram is full and there is no swap, it is impossible to create new memory22:43
zebra111unless a program gives up its memory of course22:44
godbod Hello all22:44
daftykinszebra111: you can't just reply to people with a generic secondary school level of IT education :|22:44
zebra111Sorry :(. How should I respond in the future daftykins?22:45
daftykinsif you don't know the topic, don't22:46
Finetundraso kernel ending in 39 works fine for audio however i'm still greeted with an error and there are various other issues22:46
epyxwhat is the name of the calculator used in vanilla Ubuntu?22:48
Goldwingdaftykins : c'mon, give him some credit, he is trying to help, and not everyone is a full grown linux guru22:48
daftykinsi'm not advanced either, but you're just wasting someones time if you don't know the topic22:48
zebra111What daftykins is saying is true22:48
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xanguaepyx: gnome calculator22:48
zebra111I wouldn't want someone to just sorta-ish-not-really help me22:48
ponyofdeathzebra111: yeah but when you are doing lots of vm's22:49
epyxxangua, thanks22:49
godbod hello22:49
ponyofdeathzebra111: i dont want the underlying storage to get taken down because vm's start swapping22:49
Goldwingaight, i stand corrected22:49
Finetundrai am also constantly getting the report error pop-up22:49
zebra111ponyofdeath Sorry, I'm not sure :(. Maybe someone else might be able to assist you22:49
ponyofdeathzebra111: thanks22:50
epyxis there a way to search for packages with apt-get?22:50
daftykinsepyx: "apt-cache search <string>"22:50
Goldwingapt-cache search22:50
epyxthanks :)22:51
epyxand one more!22:51
epyxis it safe to delete the program central?22:51
daftykins!info central22:51
ubottuPackage central does not exist in utopic22:51
epyxubuntu software center22:51
squintyepyx:  if you type just   apt-get  in a terminal all options are displayed22:51
daftykinswhy would you?22:51
epyxI don't like it22:51
epyxif I need graphical I use synaptic22:51
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squintyepyx:  same for apt-cache, fwiw22:52
k1l_yes, you can delete the software center22:52
daftykinsis the USC threatening your family, or telling your kids off? do you need the disk space?22:52
epyxLOL :D22:52
epyxwell not really22:52
epyxbut I don't see the point of having it there if it's not used22:52
daftykinsthese are the thoughts i go through when i consider removing a single package22:52
Lunariois it possible to see all cronjobs being carried out in a shell?22:53
Lunarioi mean literally seeing them being executed22:54
enycLunario: hrrm not tat I'm aware of yut you may or may not know the output of crons gets sent in the local mail to the user ronunnig them22:54
explosiveLunario: just for testing you could run it in a gnome-terminal22:55
enycLunario: also, you could setup logging-wrapper within the script  etc etc.. ??   nt rreally clear what you are doing in what circumstance etc etc22:55
Lunariowell, i want to make a cronjob for regurarly miroring a website (with wget). And I would like to have a terminal open all the time (with screen or sth. like that) in which I can see whenever wget is mirroring the website22:56
epyxare canonical making a profit yet on the Ubuntu project?22:58
k1l_epyx: no. but we focus on technical support in here. #ubuntu-offtopic for the chatter22:59
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totemepyx: join #ubuntu-women if you a girl23:05
epyxtotem, LOL!23:08
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alesanbekks, I used NTFS for this external hdd but it's ABSOLUTELY slow23:18
alesanless than one MB per second when writing23:18
alesanin FAT32 it was MUCH faster, but I have files that are too big for FAT3223:19
alesansome files are more than 30GB23:19
bekksalesan: then there is nothing you can do about it, unfortunately.23:19
alesanabout how slow it is?23:19
alesanbut why is it so slow?23:19
daftykinsalesan: what about exFAT?23:20
alesandaftykins, what about it23:20
daftykinsi don't know your original question but you said file size limit of FAT and slow NTFS, so why not exFAT? :P23:21
alesanisn't exfat also a user space driver?23:21
alesanI'd assume it is as slow as NTFS for that reason...?23:21
daftykinsdon't know what you're up to23:22
alesanI need to copy some big files to a external hard disk, to be used on windows also23:23
daftykinsget a better disk23:23
Chuck_Norrisalesan: mount that external hd as noatime -.-23:24
alesandaftykins, why? in FAT mode is very fast23:24
alesanChuck_Norris, but I am just writing few files23:25
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Chuck_Norrisnoatime will improve permormance, idk how much faster will be, but...23:26
EriC^^it will only improve reading time23:27
EriC^^alesan: does FAT have a 4g limit for files?23:27
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alesanEriC^^, exactly, that is why I canno tuse it23:30
MrSavageHi all, I'm wondering how I should change my default file manager?23:42
MrSavageI want to make it so that my firefox uses a different file manager and my recycle bin changes to the file manager too23:42
MrSavageis the best way to do this is use a different or customized window manager?23:43
MrSavageBecause I tried making nemo as my default file manager before and it was very hackish and firefox would not change to the different file manager23:43
EriC^^MrSavage: maybe if you dpkg-reconfigure nemo it will set it23:44
EriC^^it's a long shot23:44
MrSavageEriC^^, what does that command do?23:45
EriC^^it reconfigures the installed package23:46
MrSavageEriC^^, and you think it will fix firefox?23:46
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MrSavageEriC^^, it didn't work23:47
EriC^^it's a very long shot, cause i think it runs when you install nemo anyways23:47
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epyxhow do I reset an iPod Shuffle using Ubuntu (if it's even possible)23:49
MrSavageEriC^^, it didn't work btw23:50
MrSavagewhen i clicked recycle bin23:50
daftykinsyou'd have to log out and in for a change surely23:50
MrSavagebrb then23:51
wiwahello everyone23:51
Chuck_NorrisMrSavage: xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search   source:  https://sites.google.com/site/installationubuntu/tweaking-ubuntu/change-default-filemanager23:51
MrSavageWhy do people like dolphin it seems kind of bad23:59

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