
delt_15.04 is about to be released already??00:52
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ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142501:07
holsteindelt: the first 2 numbers, in this case, "15", stands for the year.. 2015.. the second, stands for the month.. so, april of 2015..01:08
holsteinim just testing 15.04, so, *if* its something that is wrong, and can be addressed, i'll see what we can do about addressing it..01:08
fwiepGood day, I am looking for help setting up the M-Audio FastTrack Ultra 8R using JACK and Ardour3.08:00
fwiepThank you.08:05
zequenceholstein: It's audio group for firewire. Has been for the past 3 years or more.08:10
zequenceCheck our /lib/udev/rules.d/60-ffado.rules08:10
zequencestochastic: ^08:11
zequencestochastic: Make sure /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf is not named /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf.disabled08:11
zequence(will be if you said "no" to realtime while installing jackd)08:11
zequenceThen, add yourself to audio group08:11
zequenceThat's all you need08:11
stochasticzequence, I said yes during installation and I'm listed as a member of audio.08:12
* stochastic checks the file anyway...08:12
zequencestochastic: Which device is this?08:13
stochasticyup, I already reviewed /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf and it looks good, rtprio at 95 and memlock unlimited.  The device is a Presonus Firepod08:13
zequencestochastic: And you did logout after adding yourself to audio group?08:14
stochastichmm, nope.08:14
zequenceok, that must be it :)08:14
stochasticthough I may have rebooted.  I'll log out and come back and test.08:14
zequenceThe groups are loaded during login08:14
stochasticyou rock zequence.  thank you.08:17
stochasticzequence, is there any reason why the installation of the audio meta doesn't add the user (or prompt for a list of users to add) to the audio group?  I'm positive I had rebooted since last install of anything.08:20
zequencestochastic: We would need a script that would ask the user which users to add to audio group. Also, using the audio group is a form of hack on Ubuntu08:21
zequenceI would like to change it something else. And I'm working on that in Debian08:21
zequenceDebian still uses audio group as default for users08:21
stochasticlovely.  I'm glad upstream will see the change.08:21
stochasticIt's a legitimate group for this purpose, and hasn't changed for years, so we ought to be allowed to adjust it.  A dpkg script would be straight-forward to write if you'd like me to dive into it for the time being (until upstream changes trickle down)?08:24
zequencestochastic: The group is used for other things, so there's a conflict08:39
zequenceIt's better to use either a different method to get realtime privilege (the more universal, the better), or use a dedicated group08:39
zequencelike "jack", or "jackuser", or something like that.08:39
holsteinzequence: yeah, he stated the user was in the audio group..15:20
holsteinotherwise, i would have suggested that..15:20
holsteinglad it seems to be resovled15:22
nbcardosoboas alguem em portugues17:46
cfhowlett!pt | nbcardoso17:46
ubottunbcardoso: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:46
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llmagei need help installing veejay, the dependencies don't seem to be there..23:19
llmageok never mind,i'll try installing dyne:bolic, guess it runs on their own distro23:41

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