
* ochosi just upgraded to gtk3.14 from ubuntu-desktop's testing PPA on vivid07:32
elfyochosi is flying along on the crest of a wave this cycle :)07:34
ochosiyalla, that isn't all looking right07:35
ochosii mean, it *could* be worse07:35
ochosibut there are a few things that are messed up07:35
ochosibluesabre: i guess you have to push an update to catfish for 3.14... http://i.imgur.com/cVg72ci.png07:36
ochosishould be simple though in this case07:36
ochosibluesabre: ok, i take it back. in fact i have to update greybird, nothing you have to do for catfish, that's all good07:46
elfyyou want me to upgrade gtk as well to double check your updates?07:47
elfyif so - point me at the ppa :)07:47
ochosielfy: will do. for now i can just tell you that a lot of stuff looks broken :)07:51
ochosithing is, i'm waiting for satya to finish the SASS port of Numix for gtk3.1407:52
ochosithen i'll port Greybird based on that07:52
elfyochosi: that's ok - I don't mind that too much - looks all the better when the fix comes :D07:52
ochosiso trying to fix small issues now is a waste of time07:52
ochosijust looking what general issues we might be having07:52
elfyok - well how about you let me know when it should be better and I'll do it then 07:53
ochosiyup, that's better :)07:55
ochosialready found the first bug i can fix though07:55
elfyochosi: here's an odd one - I move window controls to the left, calc keeps the close on the right 07:59
ochosinot really odd, it's CSD08:00
ochosi(client-side decorations)08:01
ochosithere is no way we can change that other than by hardcoding it in the theme08:01
ochosiwhich is why it's on the right, like the xubuntu default08:01
elfyok - thanks08:03
ochosiUnit193: didn't you have a replacement suggestion for gnome-calculator?08:05
ochosioh right08:06
ochosiwe could install galculator08:07
ochosiapart from the ugly app-icon it sets, it looks quite alright08:08
ochosiand it has a menubar and traditional window borders08:08
Unit193Hah, that's the one I just looked at. :P08:08
ochosiwell it says mate on the packaging, so it should be alright08:09
ochosido we have many other apps with CSD?08:09
ochosi(simple-scan is already being fixed)08:10
Unit193And some of those can look to MATE alternatives.08:10
ochosihmm, file-roller08:10
Unit193Hmm, GTK#?08:11
ochosiwhat're you asking?08:11
elfyhi Unit193 08:11
Unit193!info graphmonkey08:12
ubottugraphmonkey (source: graphmonkey): a GTK#-based graphing calculator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-3 (utopic), package size 42 kB, installed size 117 kB08:12
Unit193elfy: Howdy, too.08:12
ochosithat's too complex anyway08:12
ochosii guess it's gtk+c#08:12
ochosibut i dunno08:12
bluesabreelfy, ochosi, there is a way to fix that10:45
bluesabreochosi, can you investigate adding this to the xfwm settings?10:47
bluesabrebasically, the layout for GtkHeaderBars is: <left-side of header>:<right-side of header>10:49
bluesabreelfy: ^ Settings > Settings Editor, "xsettings" -> "DecorationLayout"11:20
elfybluesabre: ack13:17
ochosielfy: my intelligent hiding patch was reviewed today, so i hope it'll be pushed in the next days and then we'll soon have it in the PPA. have you noticed any other oddities with intelligent hiding so far?13:36
ochosibtw, file-roller is supposed to get the headerbar removed13:38
elfyochosi: no - not seen anything else I would call odd at all 14:38
elfyas soon as I see the upgrade I'll set it to hide again and check it works for me as well as you :)14:39
ochosiyup, i'll let you know when it lands 14:39
elfythanks :)14:39
elfyochosi: as soon as that's landed perhaps we could look at running a call for corner tiling - unless you want to leave it a while 14:40
ochosiyeah, actually i discovered one or two issues myself already that i would want to resolve first14:41
elfyI know that a few that test for us - also test buntu wide - and there should be a call for alpha 1 this week 14:41
elfyochosi: ok - when you're ready give me a shout then :)14:41
ochosiyeah, not sure how much time i'll have before christmas to figure this out14:41
elfyok - well a2 is week commencing 19th January 14:42
elfyso try and remember I'd not want extra in for that week14:42
sidijust  FYI there's a Xub user on the xfce user ML who complains about recurrent Thunar crashes17:13
sidiit'd be a great idea to give him/her some instructions on running a Thunar that writes a coredump or that logs TRACE() calls to a file we can retrieve17:14
ochosiafaik thunar is one of the most frequent crashers in xubuntu17:29
ochosii think ali1234 looked into that a bit17:29
ochosisidi: ^17:29
sidiochosi, i did run a debug version too but mine crashes rarely17:30
sidiprimarily because i dont use file managers much17:30
ochosisidi: here's the follow-up discussion of thunar... https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2014-November/030918.html17:37
sidiochosi, oh right17:44
ochosiso yeah, those things don't go unnoticed, but i guess so far nobody has found the culprit17:45
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bluesabreI'll keep the file-roller headerbar if it means there are not two menubars23:36
Unit193I'd take two menus over none.23:40
* bluesabre aims to patch in a third menu for good measure23:43
bluesabrehow's it going Unit193?23:43
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ochosibluesabre: yeah, but actually it's just their patches being borked23:51
ochosii talked to larsu today23:51
ochosialso the issue with gnome-calculator will likely be resolved23:52
ochosiright now it checks for !unity instead of for ==gnome23:52
bluesabreochosi: cool23:55
bluesabrewill probably patch lls tonight and package up ll for vivid23:55
ochosiif they don't fix it in time we gotta poke them23:55
ochosiwow, that'd be quick23:55
ochosidon't you wanna just patch xfpm instead?23:56
ochosito me it sounds like a nicer investment23:56
ochosialthough if we want to keep *maximum modularity* then yes, fine, keep lls around23:56
ochosito me the original idea of lls though was being a crutch for 14.04 and ll not having a proper settings interface23:57
bluesabreochosi: true, was just going to do lls quickly since it is a quick to fix thing23:57
ochosiactually now people can easily change their setting via dconf-editor etc23:57
bluesabrebut maybe thats just lazy of me :)23:57
ochosiadding another tab for xfpm is just as easy though23:57
ochosisince you already know how to handle gsettings in c, the rest is a piece of cake, no?23:58
ochosialthough yeah, we need a runtime-check for light-locker again23:58
ochosibut with dbus, that should be more reliable now, no?23:58
ochosiand less PID-y23:59

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