
rosaecaeruleaeplasma widget wifi, where do I find it? or, how do I activate it?00:13
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: you mean, kde plasma?00:15
rosaecaeruleaeholstein, i dont know,00:15
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: i would try #kubuntu or a kde channel. not sure about how to use those in xfce00:15
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: http://askubuntu.com/questions/490289/how-do-i-run-kde-widgets-in-xfce is relevant00:16
holsteinrosaecaeruleae: i suggest *not* using them in xfce.. though, you certainly can00:16
ParaboxWhats up fellas?04:19
gruntzHi. I have problem with tray icons - my dropbox icon is not this system default one: https://i.imgur.com/RuhSzId.png - it worked day or two ago11:09
brainwashgruntz: take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/561448/dropbox-3-0-3-ignoring-local-themes-icons11:12
gruntzbrainwash: thanks11:14
gruntzI have xfce4-session 4.11.0-1ubuntu111:14
gruntzfor sure11:14
gruntzwill try other workarounds11:14
gruntzcopying icons to ~/.dropbox seems lame to me11:14
brainwashwhy? at least it seems to be a valid fix11:16
gruntzbrainwash: and unfortunately, I don't see any dropbox's icons in /usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/16/11:20
brainwashmaybe it's located in elementary-xfce-dark11:21
brainwashwell, I cannot check right now11:21
bluesabregruntz, brainwash ^11:22
gruntzokay, thanks11:23
gruntzI copied it and now it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/cptwHcV.png11:23
gruntz"Thanks @DKBose -- I've already done that (copied over the right icons) -- but I'd like it to use the local theme to avoid the white background, too"11:24
gruntz^ from askubuntu11:24
brainwashmaybe you need to run "qtconfig-qt4" and change the gui style to GTK11:25
brainwashhowever, the new dropbox might be a qt5 app11:26
gruntzI did this11:26
gruntzit uses qt111:26
gruntzerr qt511:26
brainwashso, maybe someone in the qt channel knows how to fix this11:28
brainwashor dropbox11:28
ravi_can we run android apps in xubuntu?13:52
ravi_is there any emulator13:52
GrinchCubetheres is13:53
ravi_thanks GrinchCube14:04
ravi_let me check the link14:04
ravi_thanks GrinchCube, It is very helpful14:28
GrinchCubenext time remember you can google your question before asking here too :)14:28
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mesaboogie1hey I've got flash videos on youtube etc, but get nothing on facebook videos20:13
mesaboogie1have you heard of this?20:13
mesaboogie1I can't find it on google20:13
bekks"get nothing"?20:13
mesaboogie1can't play the videos20:13
mallHello Xubuntu20:24
mallI want to install Xubuntu 14.04 on a PowerPC G420:24
malland I wonder if I can do this using the regular xubuntu .iso20:25
mesaboogie1how can I just install the "last" version of firefox - that worked?20:25
mallor if I am forced to do a netboot/mini20:25
mesaboogie1it's with this new 34 version20:25
mallmesaboogie1 your firefox does not work ?20:26
mesaboogie1it's updated to v.34 and now things aren't working20:26
mallwhat things20:26
mesaboogie1(I don't know what version I had but it was fine)20:27
mesaboogie1can't play facebook videos20:27
mallis that all ?20:28
mesaboogie1yeah that and it's slower20:28
mallwhat you want is to downgrade a package20:29
mallas I understand it20:30
malltry following http://www.howtogeek.com/117929/how-to-downgrade-packages-on-ubuntu/20:30
mallit is for ubuntu20:30
mallbut synaptic is available on xubuntu aswell20:30
mallor at least I got it, do you ?20:30
mesaboogie1I do now20:30
mallBut, mesaboogie1, I would check plugins first20:31
mallas in disabling all plugins20:31
mallif any20:32
mesaboogie1yeah and playing the facebook video html5?20:32
mallI do not know about that20:34
mallI am confused if that was a question or not, jeje20:34
mallis the link I gave you useful ?20:34
xanguafacebook has html5 player¿20:34
mesaboogie1ugh I'm hoping20:35
mesaboogie1it's flash to be certain20:35
xanguaso flash is not working fine¿ not firefox20:41
xanguaI have seen several issues with flash recently on #ubuntu about sites telling it is not up to date20:42
xubuntu42wWhat xub will work well w/ my 256M ram old P4 Latitude ?20:47
holsteini use the flash in chrome.. the most recent currently provided for linux20:47
holsteinxubuntu42w: i would run something without x on that machine.. but, you can try xubuntu.. i would install with the mini iso regardless..20:47
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:47
xubuntu42wchrome means google. must have x.20:48
holsteinxubuntu42w: that wasnt for you, that was about adobe only providing current linux for chrome, which can be used in chromium and hacked into firefox20:48
xubuntu42wWhat version will not have crippling fancy grapphics junk?20:48
holsteinxubuntu42w: if you want x, go for it.. try a light option.. i would add just lxde from the mini 14.04 iso, and set on that20:49
holsteinxubuntu42w: *none* of linux have any of that20:49
holsteinxubuntu42w: now, if you hardware is either too "legacy" or doesnt support linux well, then, it may do those things..20:49
xubuntu42whuh? no linux has kde4 etc etc "fusion" etc. ?20:49
holsteinxubuntu42w: on machines i have of that era, i either get rid of them, since, i can typically find "better" hardware for free, or i run no x.. if you want x, you will accept compromise20:50
holsteinxubuntu42w: no linux has "croppling fancy graphic junk", only desktops that you can choose not to use20:50
holsteinlxde, as i stated, would be where i would start..20:50
xubuntu42wI want old-style X, without fancy effects.20:50
holsteinxubuntu42w: go for it. nothing will prevent that.. try lxde added to the mini iso20:51
xubuntu42wI can use 14.10, and don't have to go back back back?20:52
holsteinxubuntu42w: i suggested, and *still* suggest 14.04, since, you are not going to get "better" support for that hardware going forward,a nd certainly no "better" performance. nothing about 14.10 vs 14.04 is "better" for older hardware.. and 14.04 is lts20:52
holsteinso, i would get 14.04 installed that, and *not* move.. since, you will not benefit from going forward on that hardware..20:53
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Thar) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://release.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyThar/ReleaseNotes20:53
xubuntu42wSo, 14.04 rather than 12.x or 13.x etc. ?20:53
holsteinyou can enjoy support for 14.04 in xubuntu for 3 years..20:53
holsteinxubuntu42w: thats what i have suggested.. 14.04, yes, and not 12.04 or 13.0420:54
holsteinxubuntu42w: 12.04 is the last LTS, and is not supported in xubuntu any longer.. 13.04 was a normal release.. also, not supported any longer20:54
holsteinxubuntu42w: thus, i suggested the current LTS>. 14.04..20:54
xubuntu42wThank You, holstein. I guess I'll try that.20:54
xubuntu42wme again. holstein or other kind person: SSL negotiation fails when I try to go to the minimal-install page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD , even if I try it w/ http instead of https21:04
holsteinxubuntu42w: its working here, i just downloaded it, after you stated your issue with it21:05
holsteinyou can try wget in the terminal.. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso21:05
holsteinwget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso21:05
xubuntu42wtrying . . .21:06
holsteinas they say in the force.. there is no try only do21:07
xubuntu615hello, does anyone know how to quickly activate one-finger-scrolling on a synaptic touchpad? it worked out of the box in 12.04 and is gone in 14.04.121:11
xubuntu42wThe force is fictional. Anyhoo, Thank You -- the wget worked. I'm rusty. How do I run this/boot into the .iso ?21:11
xubuntu42wholstein, most of my clue-sticks have molded from disuse.21:15
xubuntu42wNow I have the Trusty mini.iso, but I don't recall how to utilize it -- I have to burn a CD?21:17
xubuntu34wsumthin happened on my end. Same guy that holstein helped before. How do I use the mini.iso I got?21:23
xubuntu34wNow have mini's for trusty and precise. Someone -- how do I use them ?21:28
koegsyou can put them on a usb-stick21:28
xubuntu34wMy P4 256M Dell Latitude doesn't seem to want to boot from usb.21:29
xubuntu34wCan I somehow boot them from my existing Kubuntu 8.04?21:30
koegswell, why not use a cd then?21:31
xubuntu34wI don't have a CD with me. I am at library w/ no internet at home.21:32
koegsnot sure if this works: http://askubuntu.com/questions/340156/install-ubuntu-from-iso-image-directly-from-hard-disk-of-a-system-running-linux21:34
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xubuntu34wkoegs, I am following link instructions. However, I need to use gksudo to edit a grub file, and do not have gksu, and could not apt-get install it or anything for 8.04 .21:43
xubuntu34wI assume a regular sudo gedit would not work.21:45
koegshm, 8.04, im not sure if grub1 kann boot isos21:46
koegsbut you can upgrade 8.04 to 14.0421:46
xangua8.04 to 10,04, to 12,04, to 14.0421:47
xanguaclean install would be faster21:48
koegsbut without live-cd, no usb-stick and only one hard drive, it is hard21:48
xubuntu34wISTR that it can, but I don't recall how. All this is an attempt to get something like 14.04 for my old laptop w/ only 256M ram. Already tried a dist ugrade from 8.04 -- no go.21:49
xubuntu34wIf I use the instructions from koegs's link, with regular sudo, any chance it would work?21:51
xubuntu34wI sure wish the distros could be gentler on us impoverished old-iron people.21:53
xubuntu34wI have a usb-stick but my laptop seemingly will not boot into one.21:54
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xubuntu34wI guess I can take the bus back home, get a CD, come back to library, burn it, and boot, and install --- if all goes well. sigh.21:55
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AgAucouldn't you just copy the iso to the usb... then burn the disk at home and install?21:56
xubuntu34wAgAu, I _guess_, but isn't the install going to want to pull in some more files?22:03
AgAuyou don't have to22:03
AgAuthe updates and optional shit can be downloaded later22:04
xubuntu34wAgAu, so the install and the result will not be in a bizarre state, except for not having the updates and optional shit?22:05
AgAuno it'll just be a base install22:06
AgAuthe internet connection is just needed if you want to install the 3rd party components and updates22:06
AgAuall which can be installed later22:06
xubuntu34wDo you think that 12.04, also still LTS for now, would be no more likely to work with my old iron than 14.04 ?22:07
AgAui'd try 14.04 first22:08
xubuntu34wI got both mini.iso's.22:08
xubuntu34wnicer/newer but less conservative ??22:09
AgAuwhy use an old unsupported version if the latest works?22:09
xubuntu34wAgAu/SilverGold, Thank You a ton ! I will try this .22:10
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AgAugood luck22:11
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xubuntu34w12.04 is LTS and supported until next April. Couldn't I upgrade to 14.04 by then ?22:11
xubuntu34wAnyhow, thanks again, AgAu !!!22:12
xubuntu34wSomewhat off-topic: is lubuntu dead? Some of their links break.22:15
holsteinxubuntu34w: you will *not* be getting a more compatible version of linux for that os by getting new distros22:15
holstein14.04 is what i suggest..22:15
xubuntu34wI wasn't considering _new_ distros, but the older 12.04, since it is still supported until April. I have its mini AND the 14.04 mini.22:18
holstein14.04 is supported, as i, and the link i gave indicates, for 3 years xubuntu. and the "core" repos and kernel get patched for 522:18
holsteinso, mini 14.04 iso + sudo apt-get install lxde.. supported til april 2019..22:19
holsteinfor me, if i go through a bunch of hassle on that hardware, which i would, i would not want to do it again22:19
holsteinthis would be the *very* last thing i do with that machine, besides give it away, run no x, no gui, or put more ram in it..which i wouldnt want to pay for22:20
holsteinxubuntu34w: these days, you can find p4's laying about, or dual core machines, with nice specs.. cheap/free22:21
xubuntu34wAlthough I use the command line for many things, I do want a gui, and have no $ for a newer box. I have two of these P4 laptops and a P4 desktop, and can't use the desktop at the library.22:23
holsteinxubuntu34w: well, as i stated, "newer" hardware can be "free".. and, im not saying *you* dont need a gui.. im saying, thats the "best" use of that equipment22:24
xubuntu34wWouldn't dist-upgrading this coming April from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS be pretty simple?22:24
holsteinxubuntu34w: why would you do that?22:24
holsteinxubuntu34w: 14.04 *is* out..22:24
holsteinjust install 14.04 now. no need to wait and "dist-upgrade"22:25
holsteini wouldnt *ever* dist-upgrade on that hardare.. i would install 14.04, and ride it out.22:25
xubuntu34wBeing 2 years younger, wouldn't the 14.04 be more demanding of my old box? This is my only concern.22:26
holsteinxubuntu34w: it'll be as demanding now as it would be next april, or whatever you were saying..22:26
holsteinxubuntu34w: no doubt, that hardware is going to havfe a challenging time doing *anything* "modern".. what would i do? as i said, install 14.04 and use it til the hardware dies, or 2019 comes..22:27
xubuntu34wNot: install 12.04, get " all the support for it I'll ever need before april", and ride that out? I'm just asking.22:28
holsteinxubuntu34w: do what you like, friend22:29
holsteinxubuntu34w: again, i can only state what i would do, which i have above a few times.. you want 12.04, go for it22:30
xubuntu34wI guess I'll do the 14.04, but if it is slow as dog-shit on my heap of a box, then I'll try the 12.04. THANK YOU.22:30
holsteinxubuntu34w: i would *still* install from the mini, or alternate text installer, and install lxde, not "lubuntu" or "xubuntu"22:30
xubuntu34wWill for sure !22:30
holsteinthen, i would have the core 12.04 support til 2017.. which is *only* for the server AFAIK22:31
holstein!langauge | xubuntu34w22:31
xubuntu34wmini plus lxde for sure.22:31
ubottuxubuntu34w: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:31
xubuntu34wOops, the system did not like the feline fecal reference.22:31
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone22:32
holsteinxubuntu34w: i actually was the one who was bringing it to your attention22:32
xubuntu34wok. Thanks for all your help.22:32
holsteinso, to recap. you get server support for 12.04 for 5 years..22:33
holsteinthe repos will be up.. i mean, if thats all i could do, i *still* would put that machine in the street, and just get another one. but, i know where to look for cheap/free low spec hardware22:33
xubuntu34wLink for _very_ cheap or free low spec hardware? I am retired, and my total income is 741 a month. I am even too old to supplement by selling plasma.22:35
holsteinxubuntu34w: link?22:35
holsteinxubuntu34w: i dont have a link for it, friend.. "shipping" is out of the question22:35
xubuntu34wWhere do I find dirtcheap boxes?22:35
xubuntu34wKnow anyone in Chattanooga w/ such things?22:36
holsteinxubuntu34w: i have no idea where you find them.. all i can say is where *i* find them.. charty shops.. bartering in trade for work.. companies going out of business dumpsters.. the street on trash day22:36
holsteinxubuntu34w: i know there are charity shops, and schools up there.. and computer shops.22:36
xubuntu34wAll my present machines, and almost all in the past, have come from thrift stores, or at most from pawn shops. not seeing any trash day machines here.22:38
holsteinxubuntu34w: cool22:39
holsteinxubuntu34w: i have about 6 machines here, that i actually dont use, that, if you are near asheville, i will literally give you one, and all of them i got for free, and are higher specs than that22:39
xubuntu34wThis laptop cost me $15 but I had to spend more than that to get a power adapter for it.22:40
xubuntu34wholstein, how about I megabus someday soon to Asheville  for one or more of those?22:41
holsteinmaybe consider something with a better "value" like a desktop machine.. or look for cheap/used ram, or just try something on it..22:41
holsteinxubuntu34w: ?22:41
holsteinxubuntu34w: i said *one* of them..22:41
xubuntu34wok. one.22:41
holsteinxubuntu34w: i didnt promise you could have multiple machines..22:41
holsteinplus, the amount of $$ you spend getting here and back would be a waste.. for this hardware..22:42
xubuntu34wgot that ONE. Does me busing to Asheville for one of them have any potential?22:42
holsteinxubuntu34w: if you have a free ride, sure.. if you spend $20, to me, its not worth it22:42
holsteinanyways., this is OT, and i am on the IRC around the clock and you are welcome to PM me and wait for a response..22:43
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:43
holsteincheers and good luck, regardless..22:43
xubuntu34wMy other cheapest option I know of would be to spend $100 in a local pawn shop.22:43
knomeholstein, fwiw, core support is the same length regardless how you install22:44
holsteinxubuntu34w: pawnshops are not a good option.. you need to get one *before* someone spends labor hours on it.. we have a local goodwill like that, where, you can get a desktop (which is a better value) for cheap22:44
xubuntu34wI have no internet at home. A laptop I can use via network at the library.22:45
holsteinxubuntu34w: sure, but, that, again, is a compromise22:46
xubuntu34wOur goodwills and such tend to have no computers. Our pawnshops tend to use no labor on them.22:46
holsteinyou get a better value on a desktop.. since the parts are more interchangable.. .more likely to find parts in a sale bin22:46
holsteinxubuntu34w: for the record.. *dont* buy a computer from a pawnshop22:46
holsteinxubuntu34w: you would do better on craigslist with a chromebook..22:47
holsteinor, a new one of those.. they are quite reasonable..22:47
xubuntu34wholstein, please define reasonable.22:47
holsteinxubuntu34w: you just need to think outside the box, a bit, and get creative.. *or* spend some money22:47
xubuntu34wcan.not. spend."some".money can spend: verylittlemoney.22:48
holsteinxubuntu34w: *new* haswell hardware, with 2gb's or ram.. 10 hour battery.. under $200 US.. i dont thing anyone would consider that unreasonable22:48
holsteinxubuntu34w: sure, i get that, friend.. from when you stated it before.. its just that, it doesnt equate with your needs..22:48
xubuntu34wNot unreasonable to those that can spend the $200. Out of the question for me.22:48
holsteinxubuntu34w: sure, but you spent likely $50 on what is currently not fitting your needs..22:49
xubuntu34wI would feel extravagant spending $100.22:49
holsteinxubuntu34w: and, i see those used for more like a $10022:49
holsteinxubuntu34w: i got 3 netbooks off craigslist for $40.. *all* of them for $40022:50
holsteinyou get a deal like that, and sell a few, and *actually* make money on the deal... get paid to have better hardware..22:50
holsteinthats what i mean by thinking outside the box..22:50
xubuntu34wWhat I usually run could almost run on an XT22:53
xubuntu34wThe new machine treadmill is planned obsolescence. Boo hiss on it.   Over and, for now, out .23:01
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