
dholbachgood morning06:55
dholbachdpm, yo yo yo06:59
dholbachdpm, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1402692/+merge/244773? I'll take a look at importing the templates/translations after that07:00
dholbachdaker, thanks a lot for your help! شكرا بزاف07:02
dpmmorning dholbach, on it07:04
dholbachhey elfy07:18
dholbachdpm, you are going to need both ~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1402692 and lp:~dpm/developer-ubuntu-com/django-cms-load-translations07:20
elfymorning dholbach07:22
dpmdholbach, sorry, still on it, trying to get some translations for some pages which weren't translated at the same time07:24
dholbachright right :)07:24
dpmdholbach, tested and pushed, thanks!07:43
dholbachdpm, part 2: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1402692-part2/+merge/24482908:35
dholbachdpm, you have to export a tarball from LP08:35
dholbachthen run    manage.py import-translations ~/launchpad-export.tar.gz08:35
dholbachor wherever you saved the file08:35
dpmdholbach, the latest trunk already has a translations export, can we not use that?08:36
dholbachdpm, to me it looks like the files were put in the wrong place08:36
dholbachvs locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po08:36
dpmdholbach, yeah, that's what I meant with us having to move things around. LP supports the gettext layout, but django has a bit of a strange mixture layout08:37
dpmlet me look at the MP and comment there08:37
dpmI'd like to remove the manual step of having to request an export from Launchpad, waiting for an e-mail, fix the filenames and paths and commit08:38
dholbachlet me know if you found how to do it08:40
dholbachtheoretically there could be a "clean up" script being part of the deployment?08:40
dholbachbut with pofile autocommit we are probably always going to have both locale/de.po and locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po in the branch08:41
dholbachdpm, symlinks?08:41
dpmdholbach, yeah, perhaps08:42
dpmdholbach, I've added my suggestions on the comments. For me the main point is not to use manual launchpad exports08:53
dholbachright, understood08:53
dpmlet me know if that makes sense08:53
dholbachthat's what we used in the past and I thought here was no way around it, but I think symlinks will work just as wlel08:54
dholbachI'm working on it08:54
dpmdholbach, do you know what creates locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po?08:54
dpmrather than cleaning it up, could we stop them being created?08:55
dholbachthat's where django expects the the .po file for processing it into a .mo file08:55
dpmdholbach, so it's compilemessages that expects that location? Could we have a custom compilemessages, then?08:56
dholbachmy suggestion would be to create a management command which does everything translations-related: 1) update .pot file, 2) create symlinks from de.po to de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po, 3) run compilemessages, 4) potential cleanup08:57
dholbachthat could then be made part of the deployment charm08:57
dholbachthat way we could just let Launchpad and Django have its way08:57
dholbachdpm, what do you think? ^08:59
dpmdholbach, sounds good, but some comments:09:00
dpm- I think we should still separate it into one command to update the template (which we don't need a full build for, or deployment) and one to do the rest required for the build09:01
dholbachfull build?09:01
dpmsorry, I meant just build09:02
dholbachI'm not sure I understand... which build?09:02
dpmcompilemessages, i.e. converting .po files into .mo files09:02
dholbachhum, ok09:03
* dpm thinks again for a sec09:03
dholbachin most cases 2)-4) are going to be noops09:04
dholbachbut sure09:04
dholbachI can make it separate commands09:04
dholbachthat's no problem09:04
dholbachbrb, need another coffee09:04
dpmMy point was that if there are new messages in the app, and we want to expose them to LP, we only need to generate the .pot file, but I see your point too09:04
dpmso thinking again, your approach sounds great, it could simplify things to have a single translations command09:05
dpmthe last thing I'm not sure about are the symlinks, or whether a custom compilemessages command that moves files around is a better approach. But it's an implementation detail, I'll leave it up to you :)09:06
dholbachthe reason I chose symlinks was that there's little chance they'll get out of date, you create them once and you're done :)09:07
dholbachand the reason I thought having one translations command would make sense was that I thought, that in eg: a month of development on a branch you have changes to the code, which result in template changes, but you also often have people working on translations, so you might have to add a symlink for a new translation, or run compilemessages again because the .mo files might be out of date, so my thinking was "let's have a deal-with-09:09
dholbachtranslations" command :)09:09
dholbachbut it's easy enought to have one command re-use the other09:10
dakerdholbach: yw :)10:10
* dholbach hugs daker10:13
dholbachdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/1402692-take3/+merge/24484010:14
dholbachlet me know what you think10:14
dholbachI also added a check if a given locale has already been added to settings.LANGUAGES10:15
* dpm tests10:17
* dholbach watches the building go up in flames10:26
dpmdholbach, reviewed, left a couple of comments10:27
dholbachthank you10:28
dholbachdpm, on it10:31
dholbachdpm, updated10:40
dpmdholbach, looking10:49
* dholbach lunches11:00
dpmdholbach, ok, tested it, it seems the symlinks still need fixing11:04
dholbachdpm, oh?11:15
dholbachdpm, can you remove the file?11:15
dholbachdpm, I think it's leftover from the previous attempt11:16
dpmdholbach, ok, trying on a clean checkout11:18
dpmdholbach, approved, thanks! Would you mind pushing to the django-cms branch yourself?11:27
dholbachsure, will do11:28
dpmdholbach, while at it, could you review the other MP in pending?11:28
dholbachdpm, good work!11:37
dholbachdpm, I had to resolve a conflict in .pot (expected) and one in README.md11:38
dholbachit was just small things11:38
dholbachso I'll just go ahead and push it11:38
dpmdholbach, that'd be excellent, thanks11:38
dholbachdpm, there are a couple of imports needing review - are they still required? https://translations.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+imports11:42
dpmdholbach, ah, that's probably because we've renamed the template11:42
* dpm fixes11:43
dholbachall hail the translations overlord!11:43
dholbachis Ubuntu Mono now used in the code snippets?11:46
dholbachlooks like it11:47
dpmI think so11:52
dholbachI was just looking through the developer-ubuntu-com bugs again to see if any of them can be closed with 2.011:58
dpmnice, thanks12:19
dpmdholbach, do you have time for a quick call in 5-10 mins?12:19
* dpm belatedly hugs daker too12:19
* dpm gets something to drink12:21
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
dholbachdpm, sure12:35
dholbachdpm, will /snappy have to be copied as well? (I guess?)12:48
dpmdholbach, I think I did it already12:49
dholbachnevermind... you did - I just didn't see it in the spreadsheet12:50
dholbachjose, dpm and I had a chat and were thinking of moving the Q&A to Friday - mhall119: what do you think?13:05
mhall119dholbach: that sounds good to me13:40
josedholbach: good for me, just let me know so I can move it in the calendar15:17
dholbachmhall119, dpm: Q&A same time on Friday?15:17
dpmdholbach, sounds good15:21
dholbachjose, Friday 16 UTC then, please :)15:21
josedholbach: ack! since when?15:32
joseor just for this week?15:32
dholbachjust for this week15:32
dholbachrock on!15:35
mhall119dholbach: works for me15:36

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